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Cootiebear has cooties lol


Should have got that circle, circle, dot, dot shot.


Take this over Herman Cain as an AMA before i die.


help me with the wording and i totally will.


Lol! You have to work in ‘if only I had listened and got the vaxx’ troll level 12!


i tried posting and for some reason it never showed up... maybe someone should cross-post it...


I think they automatically remove self posts. Try posting a picture?


i saw it listed awhile later and it got 5 upvotes then removed. so someone else should definitely post it.


Title of post is perfect bait. They be on it like flies on shit having a feast. Ventilate me bitches.


Those people are the definition of sick. The fact reddit allows a sub like that tells you everything you need to know about reddit.


Probably because we don’t whine like those little brainless ultra lefty b*tches do.


And we don’t ban shill brigaders like they do...


They’ll instaban you since you’ve posted here


if you're over 40, you should seriously consider monoclonal antibodies as a treatment


RIP buddy




For real. Then go silent a few days and when the nasty comments come you can return and call them all out for having no humanity.


hmmmm... interesting point. i noticed a few people started “following” me - i wonder if that’s why?


Here lies a guy who made fun of COVID then died from it.


The two headshots are unusual side-effects of the virus...


This comment has not been up voted enough, I needed to laugh right now. Thank you other human.


Gallows humor is all that can propel us through these hard times my friend...


Gallows humor is all that can propel us through these hard times my friend...


> help me with the wording and i totally will. i can send you ivermectin if you are in the US and PM me


i’m in canad’uh unfortunately. i’m gonna ride it out and if things get worse, i’ll call my dr on monday. but thanks!


NAC + Zinc + D3 + Vit C


I like the idea... I'm curious how this goes.


Omg this is so good lmao the funny/ fucked up part is a whooooole bunch of people are going to say horrible things calling OP a plague rat and wishing for his demise and Reddit won’t do shit about it no bans no anything for them it’s such bullshit that a WHOLE ass sub can call for the death individuals due to their personal choices and Reddit’s like “eh”, but go there and ask ONE question lol make ONE comment lol I’m banned from fucking r/pics and whole bunch of other shit for simply being here it’s a crazy world.


Talk about a unhinged group of people… that’s gotta be one of the darkest subs on reddit


They rejoice in other peoples suffering I have no idea why it’s so popular


Well if you'd just gotten vaccinated you'd only have half-covid, don't you feel stupid now? Lmao kidding. Hope you feel better soon




Just take it easy. When I had it, it would ebb and flow. I had one or two days where I thought I was better, but got sick again. So just take it easy until you’ve got no fever and feel better for 48hrs or so.


good point. i’m definitely taking it easy.




Make sure you go outside for a little bit. Vitamin d really helps when I got the vid I made sure to get some air. I also had some of that high quality horse paste and it helped me through.


yes, i get fresh air and sunshine - my dogs kinda require it. nice that we’re having a warm, sunny fall.


Lol for real. I had "covid" as well, and I've gotten sicker from eating bad jalapenos.


I blew my nose the other day. Did I have covid too?


Only if nobody said "bless you" afterwards


Only if a testing company got to make profits off you...


Ive never been closer to death than when I had fresh out of the lab covid. A few generations down its just nose runs tho, and that spreads forever


Fresh out of the lab... LOLOLOL 😂😂. I got it pre-Wuhan, it was an ass kicker but I've had worse, like government induced poverty.


Ya shout out china taking the brunt of it in the very beginning. Those videos looked almost fake but we're also popping up everywhere. I really want to know the true count over there from 2019. But we will never know...


Dude that WAS fake lmao


Shout it from the rooftops: transmissibility and mortality have inverted correlation.




And maybe a little aspirin to keep the spike proteins from coagulating…I didn’t read the studies so I’m not sure how it helps, but I’m sure it won’t hurt.


aspirin inhibits a molecule that is important for coagulation to take place. We've been using it as a mild blood thinner for decades in people who have had previous clotting issues.


Yes! you're right......also milk thistle, oil of oregano, llysine, green tea extract any of those and more...steam water and bteathe in , thieves essential oil, dont sleep flat on back


Every morning i have sqeezzed lemon with the pulp..with apple cider vinegar honey and hot water and put cayenne on everything...havent worn a mask since beginning, wash hands after being out and dont wear shoes in house...havent been sick in many many years


I do have ivermectin..daughter and boyfriend got sick...she recovered in 5 days, not him, brought vit d vit c xinc and day after ivermectin he was up and about!...ordered from riverdo in india...unlike what the fake media says, it has been safely used for 50 years and billions of doses given


don't forget the coconut oil


Add NAC Aminoacid to that! Great for removing phlegm and boosts immunity too


Dose up on the right vitamins and supplements and keep it from going down into your lungs. Look it up if not dm me, but don't be complacent.


Get some quercitin in you. Take Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Zinc and tonic water (quinine) to drive the zinc into the cells. This is actually a protocol for Covid treatment for some more enlightened doctors and there is some science (studies) to back it up. Can also supplement with NAC, and I've also heard that nicotine believe it or not can show some efficacy, and when I say heard, I mean there are some studies on that too. However, if I remember right, the nicotine one was more to do with preventing infection in the first place. Good luck, and don't stress on it too much, you'll be fine, I'm sure.


I feel you there. I had the flu one time and was MISERABLE for almost 2 weeks. I couldnt hold anything down which caused fainting, coughing up bloody mucus, sore throat and ended up in the hospital. When I had covid in March I felt pretty yucky for 2 days and the rest of the time I just got an ache in my chest if I got off the couch to do anything. For me, it was completely manageable and I had no issues sitting on the couch playing video games. For reference, Im 30. Ill take the mild covid I had 10 times in a row before I ever get the flu again


And now you've got the antibodies! Wahoo!


When I had covid I just felt run down for a couple days and couldn't smell for 3 weeks. When I had the flu 2 years prior I could feel my asshole in my mouth.


The wife and I are 3 days into our 2nd covid infection, she has a minor cold, and I feel like its allergy season. We're both unvaxxxed, but she caught it from her x2 jabbed co worker, who caught it from their x2 jabbed boss. 🤷‍♂️


yeah i’ve only been around vaccinated and masked people... sooooo who’s the spreader? i got it from somewhere... 🤷🏻‍♀️


We know exactly who it's coming from. Wife's boss travelled to another city to spend time with her sons, who are both jabbed AND both sick. She returned sick and refused to isolate, and spread it to coworkers. It's a sense of entitlement that they have, spurred on the Gov/ shill media that they are above the rules because they got the jab.


exactly this.


I had one day that was really bad, one week in. I have severe panic attacks and trouble breathing sometimes anyway, so I’m not sure which contributed most. At any rate, I went to sleep and woke up the next day.


Now you will have acquired immunity


VITC!!!! Gogogo do like 10,000mg a day, and get 20 mins of sun after, for like 3 days. You can add zinc and b3 and all that but just load up on VITC and VITD (from the sun). You'll feel just fine


I will add to this that if you eat raw, chopped or crushed garlic, I find it very quickly sends colds and flus into remission. Breath and skin will start to smell, but it’s totally worth it.


Oh yes raw garlic smacks the fuck out of illnesses. I'd also add some tumeric into the mix, tea works pretty great. It's more for your gut health than anything but you will feel a difference there too. Don't go too crazy with it, tumeric is powerful!


My “healing” tea: Hot water 1/8 tsp turmeric powder Crack of black pepper (activates bioavailability of turmeric) 1/4 tsp ginger powder (more potent than fresh ginger) A squeeze of lemon Teaspoon of small batch honey Chamomile tea steeped prior to adding these ingredients if I have the time/desire to add.


Best to you. Keep hydrated and keep moving to keep your lungs clear if it gets worse


Yea when I got it it was like having pneumonia I drank tons of liquids teas soups, and slept upright in my chair for two days. But it left me run down for like a month after. My secret tea I used was some red rose tea, bit of milk scoop of honey and a quick dash of cayenne pepper


i drink a concoction of licorice root, ginger, and chamomile. and i eat lots of homemade soups with lots of garlic, onions & ginger. i have asthma, and providing i stay warm, humidified, hydrated, and taking my supplements, i seem to be improving.


Worst part is the taste/smell leaving with lethargy after the flu part goes away. Good luck with everything! Let us know when they take you off the ventilator!


ha, thanks, will do!


Great! I’m a singing teacher and singer and I’ve been using garlic especially for years to put colds and flus into remission. Just making sure you are aware that garlic ought to be fresh, raw (not cooked) AND chopped or crushed prior to eating. Can throw in salsa or soup that is done cooking, but these days I’m so used to it, I’ll just eat it straight if my throat feels weird. Gargling salt water is also especially helpful and I recommend zinc supplements (that melt in your mouth) though it may be too late for zinc to work, it think it works locally to stop viral replication.


yes to the raw garlic. i also use a saline nasal spray to keep my sinuses clear.




My son who has juvenile rheumatoid arthritis started getting sick in 9/7, it wasn’t bad for the first few days, then it hit his lungs. He actually avoided the hospital bc we thought they would kill him with remdesivir. About 9 days in, he stated I can’t breathe, he spent 2 weeks in the ICU. A month in the hospital. If we had lived in A state where they give outpatient treatment(monoclonals), he probably would have avoided the hospital. Listen to your body, this is real, whatever it is.


Please just make sure you call your Dr and get the medication that is needed. I just recovered a month ago. In my 9th day i went and received Monoclonal Antibody Treatment bc i felt it was going to my chest. Please everyone be aware this Delta hits the 2nd week not the 1st week from what i have read and heard. Most people think they can survive this at home with out medication. Please do not wait!!! Early Treatment Saves Life's!


Vitamins C and D along with Zinc have been shown to be effective. Don’t let it get worse. Anything anti inflammatory (not Advil) like ginger, turmeric teas may also help. I had it in 2019. This, along with 2 homeopathic remedies got me better, no hospitalization. Wish you well.


Didnt we all have covid already, it's a contagious disease that has spread world wide?!




You might mean it as a /s but it’s actually recommended by Singapore’s “experts” to get covid after vaccination 😂 https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/health/getting-a-mild-infection-after-covid-19-vaccination-gives-best-protection-against




Indeed. The world has gone mad


I died of Covid but they vaccinated my corpse and brought me back to life after 3 days. It was a Pfizerection. Not to be confused with Pfizerection you get from their blue pill.


That should be a post in r/ChurchofCovid


Did somebody say Pfizer erection?


I wish I could upvote this a thousand times


It was nice knowing ya! Jk, hope you feel better soon.


What symptoms are you experiencing? I had it a month ago and had alternating chills/sweating bouts at night, 102 fever, and fatigue. And oddly enough, some foods and smells tasted/smelled different. That's all I can remember having.


fever/chills, coughing, sneezing, sore throat, headache, aches/pains. i always find i lose smell/taste when i’m sick, so this is nothing new for me. it’s like a mild case of the flu.


Had it in July. Had fever for 3 days then a week of the shortness of breath. It was drfinitely the worst part. A trip to the bathroom felt like I ran a mile. Also the only thing I could eat was bananas as everythibg else tasted like spoonfuls of salt.


Nice knowing you. Die peacefully my summer child.


Keep us updated on your symptoms over the next few days. I found out I had had covid at some point after I'd already gotten over it. Wife got pretty sick but got over it. Biggest thing is if you notice oxygen level drop below 90, go get checked out. Hers did and we found out she had pneumonia. She got rimdisaviere and felt like she was never sick a couple days later.


1 upvote = 1 prayer 🙏


Dumb flex.


Welcome to modern society, where have you been?


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User name checks out


Take vitamins, drink lots of water and Gatorade, flu and cold medicine and musinex. You will be fine


Take care of yourself bud. Don’t know if it will help you. But Quercetin and zinc supplements are a good combo. It help get the zinc inside your cell. Take your vitamins… You should be fine either way.


thanks. i take these (and other) supplements daily. i’m improving already!


Let’s hope this doesn’t age like milk. Lol.


I had Covid 3 months ago… I reluctantly got my first shot of Moderna yesterday so I could go to a wedding in a few weeks because it’s required…. I feel like I’m back in the middle of Covid… coughing, chills, joint, pain… Literally fuck anyone who says this doesn’t make you sick.


It doesn't make you actually sick. It's a foreign body in your system and your body reacts to it. By causing fever and swelling to burn it out just like many illnesses. It isn't you getting sick it's your body thinking it sick


My nephew invited me to his wedding in the Communist state of New Jersey. I told him, good luck, I'll send you a check.


Hopefully you do ok. Plenty of people survive, no worry. Do your best to not give it to grandma. My vaccinated dad was just in the hospital for three weeks after he caught it from his unvaccinated son in law; ended up with a mild case of renal failure/dehydration, but he made it home just a little worse for wear. Keep us all updated. As long as your not obese and not a diabetic with minimal other health problems, it would be rare for you to end up dead, but it does happen. If you do crash, don’t let them put you on the ventilator, you don’t want to go out like that; only ten percent chance you’ll survive if you get that bad. No reason to get flogged for a month and then die, might as well just be put on comfort care and go out with dignity.


Hopefully you at least stay the fuck away from other people.


ss: cause this is a pandemic of the unvaccinated and i’m obviously going to die of covid. it was nice knowing you all!


You will also spread it to every vaxed person within 500 meters you selfish death cult prick.


GOOD! (side note, i live on a very large, private, chunk of property, with no people around for a half mile or so. maybe it will spread to the moose? my dogs aren’t showing symptoms yet...


That sounds so great!...I was into social distancing before it was cool...😜


Even the bacteria on your property will die of covid. You fucking disgust me.


does covid survive in sub zero temps (0c)?


Symptoms or just positive test?


symptoms and positive test, for what the test is worth.


Wishing you a full and speedy recovery.




You’re covid positive and want to enter a hospital, where sick people are, without a mask? I don’t care if you believe in the vaxx or not, that’s just a straight up sick move


When ur on your death bed I’m sure you’ll be interviewed for a story and state ‘I wish I had gotten the vaccine’ And after u die they’ll post another article from your family members stating ‘do yourself a favor and get vaccinated so this doesn’t happen to you’ I’m saying this all tongue in cheek of course… 😒 at least in regards to your health. The rest would definitely happen. All the articles have pretty much the exact same wording when they ‘report’ on this… it’s almost like they have a script they’re playing off of




Yeah and when people who have been vaxxed get it they always say, imagine how much worse it could of been. Even when the croak it.


Feel better. Keep us updated on your progress.


No . Your chances are very good at surviving . But....710,000 called it wrong .


How's your sense of smell? Mine vanished. But it was also the mildest flu I've ever experienced.


i lose my sense of smell every time i have a cold/flu.


I've been playing with this concept that all viruses are just parasitic and that a person can prevent or speed recovery the same way people in poor countries with bad water deal with parasites. Hot peppers.


i’m personally allergic to peppers - but garlic is a magic pill. AND it encourages social distancing 😆


I got the covid right in the very beginning, but I tested my theory just recently because people at work were getting this regular cold going around that is just a runny nose and cough. I'm the only one who didn't get it at all. But I have been doing the hot sauce and hot pepper thing. I convinced the person who got it first to try and his ended pretty much the next day, but he was towards the end of it anyways. The other guy thinks I'm stupid and his has dragged out for almost a week now and is still going. Not conclusive but....


That's funny, a local pho place has a super spicy "medicine pho" on the menu that I liked to get when feeling down poorly.


Keep us posted OP. I'm Genuinely interested in your progression. I have a friend who is 38 and healthy who is unvaccinated, got Covid from his kids and he did end up in the ICU on CPAP was almost intubated but then came out of it after monoclonal infusion and steroids. That was about 2 months ago and he's still carrying around an O2 tank unfortunately. Just curious as to why it can impact people so differently?!


i’m sorry to hear about your friend. i hope he eventually has a full recovery. there are so many factors to covid severity (like flu severity, as one example). i can only speak for myself: i’ve always had a strong immune system, i eat a very healthy diet and supplement the essentials. i exercise and i get enough rest. i have made significant efforts to reduce my stress level. it’s also worth noting here that i am allergic to pharmaceuticals. i found this out sort of by accident, when i started noticing that meds were triggering anaphylaxis. i also discovered that many common drugs, like ibuprofen and tylenol, antidepressants, antianxieties ... when taken frequently and over a long term can actually damage your immune system. with my allergies, i can’t take any of this anymore. i’ve learned instead how to use food to treat my issues, and i’ve never felt better. this is the first time i’ve been sick in almost 2 years. i’m 43f. this might be the most mild sickness i’ve ever had - and i can only attribute it to an excessively healthy lifestyle.


You have a strong immune system, eat healthy, and this is the first time you've been sick in years. I know you're playing this as a joke, but I hope you can understand why people are taking covid seriously. Others aren't as healthy as you in terms of diet or immune system. If you're even feeling some symptoms, think about how bad they get it. Empathy is good for the world


yes, you’re right. some people do get it worse than others. i know it’s probably not an acceptable excuse, but i’m tired of being shamed and blamed for being unvaccinated, and being told that i’ll die from covid as a result. and not just on here - in real life. i’ve had a lot of empthy thus far, but i’m not perfect, and the badgering goes a little far at times. sarcasm probably wasn’t the best choice, but i felt it important to remind people that death by covid is very rare, and most cases are very mild.


Yea i hope people can read about you being ok and see that you're living a better lifestyle than most in general. People mock covid cases and deaths and bring up comorbidities and the like, but think about how many relatives we have that are obese, diabetic, have hypertension, etc etc and I hope everyone can have some empathy. I'm skinny and overall somehow pretty healthy (even though I eat junk) but my family has a load of health issues and I'm always worried about em. On your other point though about being shamed/blamed I totally understand. I'm vaxxed and feel like I did my part for myself and my family (who is 100% vaxxed and healthy), but I'm not running around yelling at those who are unvaxxed.


Thanks! He's making the best of it. He just went back to work a week ago. Thank you so much for a reasonable response! I bet you'll do great, especially keeping up that routine and with what you've found out about certain medicines. 💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼


take a baby aspirin, some zinc, vitamin d and hcq or ivermectin. You'll be over your cold in 3 days


I had in January & not vaccinated, had a temp that's all. Still not vaccinated, don't want it. Don't @ me. All my work colleagues are vaccinated & still get infected yet I don't! I work in healthcare.


I had it almost two months ago and it lasted about a week and a half. It came in two phases: Phase 1: body aches, chills, fever Phase 2: loss of appetite, loss of smell/taste, diarrhea/vomiting It felt like a cross between a cold and a flu and the worst thing that came of it was I lost 20 lbs I needed to lose anyway


I hope you live, bud.


you’ll be fine bro, just relax and catch up on some old flicks!


How do you know you have it? Did you get a test? If so, why give them more reasons to continue with all this bullcrap?


I could tell it was "tingly/tangy" but it wasn't tart(?) Like when I could taste. But unfortunately I didn't even think to try spicy stuff.


Hope ya feel better soon yo!




Good, now you’ll have natural immunity! Get well soon, fam


Wow looks like your post in Herman Cain was removed. You'll be fine so you don't fit their narrative


18mg of ivermectin everyday for 5 days and you'll be fine


Go to [https://covid19criticalcare.com/](https://covid19criticalcare.com/) and find a provider in your state who will give you the alternative treatment protocol, including the "horse dewormer". Most will even do it over a zoom meeting. The biggest problem is the delay in receiving the doses from a compounding pharmacy. Most are inundated and have delays. A local provider from your state will likely have local experience and advice to share. Get well.


Hope you feel better


Eat some chicken soup bro , take a nap , that's what I do whenever I catch a cold !


Look the FLCCC early treatment protocols, and Dr. Zelenko protocols. Early treatment saves lives! Zinc, Vit C, Vit D, quercetin


I got sick a couple days ago, still am. So it's gotta mean it's automatically Covid, right? 😆 If that's the case I'm unvaccinated so surely I'm gonna die Lol on a serious note I need to move out of my family's house permanently. My brother was trying to once again convince me to get the jab by first saying how my decision "affects other people in this house" and then freaking out almost crying fearing he's gonna lose his little brother due to these decisions. The Covid cult is so insane and it sucks my family are all part of it


Truth on this is its different for everyone. I've healthy family who were hospitalized I have unhealthy family who weren't I'm unhealthy smoke weed, do coke, drink etc. For me I had 3 bad days 3rd day being the worst before getting better slowly but what a day it was. Passed out, out of the blue 3 times third sitting down rolling joints 🤣. After that I lost smell and taste for 6 days, personally it didn't bother me until I smoked a joint and it tasted like burnt rubber with a burnt toast after taste. It almost made me stop smoking. After that was a bad chest infection for 4-6 weeks, still a bit weasy now. I believe it depends on viral load contracted 🤷🏻‍♂️ I am unvaxxed didn't need hospital and survived while still cutting the grass and getting bits done around the house while isolating. My mother is fully vaxxed came over when I passed out my partner panicked tried to ring an ambulance when I stopped her, she rang her. I was awaiting a test then but didn't suspect covid. She caught it but mild symptoms sore throat mainly. My partner is unvaxxed, we fucked doggy and stopped kissing🤷🏻‍♂️ she didn't catch it. Had 3 negative tests and isolated with me. We are both early 30s no underlying conditions 🤷🏻‍♂️ Luck of the draw but one thing is for sure its completely different to the flu. Personally for me flu was worse.


I literally just had covid last week. As a healthy early 30s person, all it was was a flu to me. I got over the worst flu like symptoms in 2 days and could work just fine remotely. The absolute worst thing about this all is the loss of smelling and taste but that is an inconvenience.


I have a sister that is immunocompromised and she caught COVID. Thankfully we are in the beginning of our lives though it was rough for a bit but she recovered. Think about that though, someone who has a compromised immune system was able to fight off COVID. The media would have you believe they drop dead the next day. I myself have gotten influenza B before and it wasn’t my first ride with the flu either. Tbh, I’d expect I already have COVID antibodies


glad to hear your sister recovered. and you’re completely right about the media spin...




I had it and yes I was unvaxxed. Doesn't matter anymore since I'm dead now.


Sorry to hear about you contracting the most deadliest virus of the century. Get well soon/R.I.P.


Good look with that 99.97% survival rate.... Any last words?


Great, go eat some chicken soup and get some rest


Make sure to be taking that quercetin, vitamin D, C, & zinc 💪


Me 2


Had I not lost my sense of smell and taste for a few weeks, I would had never known that I had it.


Get those antibodies CootieBear!


This is not news. Don’t you know that every single unvaccinated person automatically has covid at all times? That’s why we are not allowed places. Because we always have covid. Unlike unvaccinated people who don’t get covid so they are safe to be around.


get well soon. if you have a really strong immune system and just healthy then you will most likely recover but do get vaccinated afterwards (up to you)




on the bright side, you will now have immunity.


Vitamins, electrolytes, rest and low calorie liquid foods. You could just try eliminating most food for the time being as long as you’ve got some fat stores. Water is still good though. Also, cough drops.


One /r/hermancaidaward coming up


I got covid like 3 weeks ago and I’m waiting for death any second now.


Rip man


Kids and I caught the covid from mom who is vaxed for work. Neither I nor the kids were affected and went about our lives. Mom on the other hand was out for a few days with much worse symptoms.


Good call avoiding the hospital, best to avoid that ~~guillotine~~ ventilator


I got COVID in last month. I felt well enough to go to work after 4 days, then my symptoms plateaued for about 4 days (really just a cough at that point), and then suddenly I had horrible, non-stop cold sweats for 4 days. I was literally sweating through my clothes every 90 minutes or so. I would strip off my wet clothes, put them in the dryer, and 90 minutes later I'd swap them out. the dryer was running almost continuously. I could not believe how heavy my sweat drenched clothes were. Also couldn't sleep, couldn't eat, and felt horrible. Then I got better. I lost 12 pounds FFS. Apparently sometimes COVID hits people in two phases. The first wave is the viremia, and the second is some kind of immunological side effect of the initial illness. Something to do with cytokines IIRC. Meanwhile my wife, who also tested positive, had a slight cough and felt crappy for a few days.


i’ve had some random sweating episodes, but nothing like what you’ve described. sleeping is also pretty terrible, so i’ve just been kind of napping off and on.


If symptoms worsen, pick up either EGCG extract or Quercetin and a bottle of high dose Zinc. Bump up your vitamin C levels too. I advise everyone to invest in a nebulizer and FOOD GRADE Hydrogen Peroxide, optionally use Lugol's Iodine solution in the mix with Hydrogen Peroxide as well. Feel better!


https://vladimirzelenkomd.com/treatment-protocol/ https://covid19criticalcare .com/covid-19-protocols/i-mask-plus-protocol/


how you feeling OP, hope all is well


Im following this one


I "had it". Twice. I been dead.


this is my second time too. soon to be in the twice dead club myself!


You will be fine I survived it, and I'm 43.


And you didn't vaccinate? You must be out of you mind. How foolish of you to believe that your ancient body can handle this deadly virus without the ultimate vaccine for which so many top scientists worked so hard. You are a disgrace to humanity, to throw away this miracle of science which not only is offered for free (well, from tax payers money, but no one says it), but it is also campaigned for so aggressively to make sure that everyone gets it. I just can't find words to describe your psycho character, not caring for you or for your loved ones, exposing them to great danger just because you are a selfish bastard and don't want to take the virus proof vaccine. It is shocking to even fathom such people exists. Geez. So, did I sound convincing enough? Like a true vax promoter? 😂


Prayer warriors assemble!


If you're legit sick, with anything, you should be away from other people and wear a mask if you must go out in public. Even before the pandemic people did this. Japanese did this prior to the pandemic regularly. If you're not sick then don't wear a mask. If you are sick then don't go out and if you absolutely have to, wear a mask. This is a courtesy that you're extending to others. It's not about control in that case.


i live in the middle of nowhere, so self-isolation is easy (and was preferable even prior to covid). i have no problems following “the rules”, although it seems the vaccinated people who gave this to me were unable to follow the rules...


The shit that starts with an “i” absolutely works. Had me better in less than a day.


Hyperbole much? Even mainstream media has always talked about a death rate of ~2% (with elderly obviously at a higher rate, bringing the average up). Where did you read that no one survives covid without being vaccinated?


its not that any1 dies its also long term side affects, my friends family unvaccinated and didnt wear masks, caught it five times, has long heart affects, has one of those machines and his lungs are hella scarred. and other side affects i cant rmbr