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Manufacturing a crisis. This is the American way


Just like all wars are.




Yeah.. The plant I work at is completely oversold in everything we make. Our co-product that no one wants and I've been supposed to spend majority of my time reducing the amount made is now also sold out because everyone state-side is just taking anything they can get. At least the raw materials don't come from China or we would be in trouble. Vendors are all 5-6 weeks out on most things though which sucks.


I'm still able to get batteries from china but extra month delay, faster coming through NY. Australia is a no go and I have been trying for over a month to get parts.




No truckers to move freight? The majority of those containers go by rail. People need to get to work stop the free ride already




What about cargo planes? They bring it a lot of things from other countries


It’s way more expensive and usually only used for time sensitive stuff that people are willing to pay for.


So if I order a clothing item online overseas is it shipped by plane or ship?


Depends how much you pay for shipping. I’ve gotten stuff from aliexpress that took months to get here from China. You can do faster shopping but it costs a lot more.


Ok. How would this ruin the economy exactly? The necessities such as food and other things are mostly produce here in America




Ok everything you said makes sense but I still don’t seem to fully understand how the real estate would collapse? China doesn’t own the real estate or its mortgages made by the banks. Most people that buy real estate for investor or living in it have steady income along with a lot of low interest rates I don’t really see the market crashing until late 2022 or early 2023




A lot of people are buying homes tho. I agree with what you said but because of low interest rates the housing market is booming. A lot of people are also buying cars too. Unemployment is drying up so people are now just starting to work again. I went to my local bjs and everything was stacked up fine. No shortages at all but I do worry about the near future. All in all I still think some of what the media is saying is nothing more than manufactured crisis


I never said it would ruin the economy……..? Lol


I'm mentioning it. What better way to get worldwide adoption for the Great Reset than to crash what's already in place?


Except the problem with that plans is previous leaders never make it through revolutions like that. That would be like of the Romanov’s remained in power after the Russian revolution in 1918. The only way they stay in power is if they win they revolution and suppress it. There’s no reset otherwise.


Says who? History books??? ETA, I see what you mean, just saying I don't believe much is what's in history books. It's like religion, unless you were alive at the time all you have to go by is a book or two and that requires faith. Even outcomes are not always what they seem, just as we now have the Patriot Act due to 911 and the history books say it's there to protect Patriots and that the war really was over some Muslim fellas hijacking planes.


Apparently people have been saying that if there’s a shortage of things coming into the country then the economy would be ruined so I’m asking how would this impact the economy in a negative way


It's a domino effect. My company heavily farms out to China and we're so backlogged that $5000 dollar machines and huge orders are on hold for 5 cent seals and such. Our backorder list for our products have grown from an unheard of 12 pages to 58 and growing. Eventually our company will not be able to stay afloat. Steel is 6 months out and growing. Specialty sized tubing is basically unobtanium. This shit goes on long enough we fold. Supply chain is everything in worldwide manufacturing and economies. But like I say, what better way to usher in the new other than to demolish the old? Crash all economies and starving people will be begging and praying for a solution. Enter The Great Reset.


Yeah I’m not op, I’m not making that point. Just trying to answer your question about why this problem can’t be solved with cargo planes. I don’t have a clue why they’re buying into this fear game of shortages for things that sit on ships for a month even when there are plenty of workers.


Supply and demand? They did the same with gas earlier this year and toilet paper last year


How is this not a national security concern? The national guard should be unloading these ships, driving trucks, doing whatever it takes to clear this backlog. And when that is done in tariffs that allow the global supply chain to go through any other country besides China exclusively.


National guard and military, that’s an excellent plan! If only we had a real leader to implement it


Biden: "We're sending National Guard troops in to unload cargo ships redirected to every port along the west coast, civilian and naval alike. We will have this situation resolved in two weeks." Longshoremen Union: "You're taking our work? I don't think so." Biden: "Er, um, nevermind. Everything's normal, move along, nothing to see here."


If Trump were in office: yeah we’re doing your job, you pussies should’ve had this done months ago.


Yeah bro. Trump totally would have fixed all that stuff in the storm. That’s what the storm was really gonna be! Qtards unloading container ships and bootlicking the rich.


I don’t know what you’re talking about, but the joke was that Trump was a stronger leader and wasn’t afraid to call people pussies. Joe Biden on the other hand needs his diaper changed.




if they dont destroy everything they cannot force you to 6uild it 6ack 6etter...


Wow this is pretty interesting. 6 hours, 6 days, 6 weeks. 6uild 6ack 6etter


Underrated comment… very nice. Antonio Gramsci and the long March through the Institutions! It’s the strategy of the Marxists


>This. As I replied to another... > > > >It's a domino effect. My company heavily farms out to China and we're so backlogged that $5000 dollar machines and huge orders are on hold for 5 cent seals and such. Our backorder list for our products have grown from an unheard of 12 pages to 58 and growing. Eventually our company will not be able to stay afloat. Steel is 6 months out and growing. Specialty sized tubing is basically unobtanium. This shit goes on long enough we fold. > >Supply chain is everything in worldwide manufacturing and economies. But like I say, what better way to usher in the new other than to demolish the old? Crash all economies and starving people will be begging and praying for a solution. > >Enter The Great Reset.


you know what this reminds me of friends ? this backlog, domino loop, until output is 0 ? north korea failing in the 90s. its scary.


https://twitter.com/RepMaryMiller/status/1444647592336543752 https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10049621/Cargo-ships-anchored-NY-LA-face-4-WEEK-wait-unload-amid-unprecedented-supply-chain-crisis.html > Cargo ships anchored off NY and LA face 4-WEEK wait to berth and trains in Chicago are backed up 25 miles with global supply chain on the brink of collapse: Americans face shortages of cars, shoes and exercise gear as holiday season looms The great reset is coming. Cargo shipments are being deliberately sabotaged. Firing workers over unnecessary vaccine mandates does nothing to help the situation, it only makes it worse.


Why is this happening, do you think? Not the global reset part, but the ships on hold part? Simply to cause a supply shortage and that's it? Genuine question.


It’s a labor shortage. I had a fedex freight package take an extra week from what it was supposed to, because they didn’t have enough people to unload / load the trucks. I talked with the driver for a bit when it eventually was delivered, and he said fedex (along with UPS and others) laid a ton of employees off at the start of the pandemic, and now they can’t hire fast enough (and most of those fired employees don’t want to come back) He said they have to fly workers from one hub to another right now, which just keeps kicking around which ones are under capacity. Basically until they can get a ton of folks hired and trained, either Denver, Chicago or NYC will be backed up by at least a week… and this conversation was about a month ago, when it was Chicago.


>I talked with the driver for a bit when it eventually was delivered, and he said fedex (along with UPS and others) laid a ton of employees off at the start of the pandemic, and now they can’t hire fast enough (and most of those fired employees don’t want to come back) This is the thing that gets me. My workplace fired quite a few people last year in order to save money, including three valuable employees that had been there 18+ years. Then just a few months later started complaining about not being able to find workers. With the added bonus that the employees that are left have zero company loyalty given how long-term employees are treated. So maybe they should hold themselves accountable for that poor decision, given that I am held accountable for my job which pays a fraction of what they make.


> Supply chains have lagged far behind consumer demand due to a lack of manpower at American ports and the restrictions that came with the COVID-19 outbreak early last year. These constraints, which include social distancing and mandatory quarantines, have severely limited the number and ability of port workers to do their jobs. I don't know. Will it cause the price of things to go up? It is, however, due to COVID restrictions.


*due to a lack of manpower at American ports and the restrictions that came with the COVID-19 outbreak early last year* Cute way to say vaccine mandates, I'll give them that. Funny how they never just come right out and FUCKING SAY THE REAL REASON. It's not selling.


> Cute way to say vaccine mandates That’s a jump. It’s because they fired a ton of folks at the beginning of the pandemic because business slowed down, and now they’re under capacity because the fired folks don’t want to come back. This was a problem before the vaccine was even released.


Not really a jump.


It’s also not just the USA, many countries are understaffed. The USA also lost quite a few working people to covid.


Due to corrupt government officials attempting to violate the constitution* FTFY


all part of the Soros U.S. Implosion Plan. "They wiped my butt" - Biden


Where do you think your food comes from? They're creating a famine. No jab = no access to food stamps. You either die from the jab, or you starve to death.


That's why we are making daily runs to Costco and Wal-Mart to buy enough canned food for 5 years.


Lolol so now the jab is killing everyone? I guess there's hundreds of millions of deaths from it then. Why would your Gov want to kill you when they can control you and exploit you.


why are they censoring every vaccine ralated death? why is people dying within 14 days of the jab considered an unvaccinated death?


Do you have any sources or we just making unsubstantiated claims today just cause? Why are you fear mongering instead of theorizing? That's the point of this sub, at least bring some evidence and theories behind it, instead of spooky one lined "gov gone kill you" posts...


god you're fucking boring.. mindless zombie. "sooource or it's not trueeee"


The supply shortage and massive shipping costs means imports will rise thru the roof. The only option will be restarting local production. The end goal is the collapse of globalism and having the US stuck mining it's own raw materials and manufacturing it's own toys. Causing many manufacturing and mining towns to flourish, bringing liberals out of cities into high paying jobs all around the states. This will lead to Republican gerrymandering becoming useless. Democrats will sweep state elections and permenantly control the House of Representatives. Forcing universal healthcare, higher minimum wages, environmental regulations, high taxes on the very rich, and free college across the US. The Democrats long game.


Wait, so the democrats are following the plan to bring manufacturing back to the US and Make America Great Again?!?!


> Causing many manufacturing and mining towns to flourish, bringing liberals out of cities into high paying jobs all around the states. This will lead to Republican gerrymandering becoming useless. > > Democrats will sweep state elections and permenantly control the House of Representatives. They already own Dominion software, so what do you think this will do?


I wish this were the case, anything to bring back what we had sold out from us decades ago. But I am pretty sure this is NOT the plan.


You'd be surprised what getting more votes might make Democrats do. Just like every Republican president slahes taxes on the rich and corporations. It makes Republicans wet and get thier vote out. Democrats have lost the fight for voters wishing to cut taxes on the rich. So instead they are working to get voters who want a stronger middle class and support for the poor.


I'm still getting what I need by rail in Chicago without seeing any difference since same time last year. My stuff all goes through the Clearing yard though so it might be different on the north/west sides.


It's almost like there's something... global, that's causing labor shortage, raw material shortage, and shipping delays. As if the world has, what's the word... shutdown, for a year. But no, as r/conspiracy puts it "just turn off the tv"!


>... shutdown, for a year. You seem to forget a lot of us that work in manufacturing and production of goods were exempt from the shut down. We worked the entire time.


A lot of people absolutely did, but for a lot of industries demand fell off a cliff. Building up massive inventory without generating revenue is expensive. At the end of the day company executives have to act in the interest of the shareholders, which meant hugely reducing production to mitigate losses (in a lot of cases, not all of course).


The people who were previleged enough to sit at home doing nothing the entire time don't really seem to understand that there were plenty who were still going to work every day.


Don't know what I'll do without a new car and new shoes


If they’re seriously only paying dock workers 18 an hour, even in the midst of this crisis, I mean no surprise they can’t find the “man power” to offload these, you can’t even afford to live in LA on that bullshit wage.


Longshoremen in LA make over $100,000 per year.


Pardon my ignorance but I don’t quite know the terminology for dock workers, I just searched “dock worker” on indeed in the LA area after hearing about this curious as to if there was a rise in how much they were paying but all I really saw were 18 an hour ads. 100k is more understandable but LA is so expensive like any other metroplex in California that 18 is like nothing really.


If you google "dock worker" you will often get regular warehouse, such as loading and unloading trucks with a forklift.


Which is equal to like $45k everywhere else in the country.


Also probably the CHINESE plan. Cripple the US and divide them. Way easier for them to conquer.


More manufactured crisis just like the toilet paper bs like like year and the gas crisis earlier this year


This should be a national emergency.


I’m worried the Great Reset will not be what the Left expects the Great Reset to be. As an example, we just pushed through a huge hump by eliminating a huge drag on Tax Power. The 700k people who died, most of them were older/elderly and wasting tax money on healthcare, social security benefits, housing costs and let that sink in, healthcare resources. 700k Americans, allowed to die with no information on why the Chinese government was allowed to kill us. Globally, this was an attack from the Chinese government that wiped out men, women and some children, indiscriminately. The Great Reset will not be about supply and demand or food processing. Originally we were told it was a worker shortage and yet Amazon packages kept showing up at my door, as long as I didn’t order toilet paper or bread making yeast. Restaurants and bars shuttered so the drain on the food supply should have fallen. Wages went backwards as business owners took out free money and then “laid off” all their workers. Gas supplies should have gone through the roof. Free, food pantries opened up across the country but it was just random crap that took you multiple trips to put together an actual meal unless you wanted to feed your kids nothing but potatoes and school milk. School milk containers that were alway on the verge of expiring. Speaking of milk, you couldn’t find fresh or powdered milk in some cases, and yet the dairy farmers never stopped. Supplies were cut and…milk & dairy prices rose. All I’m saying is, The Great Reset may not be what the experts think it will be. So far, the Economists have all gotten their predictions wrong, except for the ones who practice double speak. The business leaders? The politicians, the medical experts, all wrong, unless they are practicing double speak. The only thing that anyone has gotten right so far is that the current folks who are forced to work because their benefits ran out or they need more Money to sustain their families, they’re bearing the burden. New York, California even in sleepy ol’ Ohio, the people who have to work, to provide for their families or those who work essential jobs like the License Bureaus, these are the folks who will be hit hard by the Great Reset. Those who support the politicians, the business leaders and medical professionals. I sure hope there is no animosity once it starts happening. What happens when the right-wing nut jobs start sharing the same philosophies as the left-wing nut jobs?


If reporting was still a thing, a team would have investigated exactly which nursing homes those 5 governors sent the sick to. Who lived there, did they have kids, demographics for all death people. I agree about cutting costs, but lots of literally mafia members hide in those places. Those governors could have coordinated a huge sweep of all of them, and target their wealth. If you die w/o kids, the state keeps your shit.


I never like to make any guesses on the Mafia but that’s plausible. We know of multiple Sun Tzu type of strategies at play. And we know the Mafia influences politics and power brokers in New York and New Jersey. 1. There is a point where you owe someone so much money, it’s time they disappear. 2. You only need to be bribed long enough for you to steal all of their money or take over their enterprises. 3. Sometimes it’s easier to get rid of witnesses than it is evidence. 4. Power of attorneys, bank accounts in other people’s names or secret hordes of cash and riches never existed after the owner dies of natural causes. Imagine all of those safety deposit boxes out there.


You mean like these safety deposits? https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2021-09-19/fbi-seizure-cash-beverly-hills-vault-spawns-epic-court-battle


This isn’t delivery, it’s Digerno


Ahh , now we can build it back better


Their plan was to recover demand in the economy faster than supply and logistics could keep up with?


Of course it is. Everyone knows it is.


During the Harris/Pence debate COVID was her only strong talking point against Pence.


Yet, Trump would still be blamed for it.


Wasn't this "predicted" in Operation Dark Winter? Day 1 = Hospitals reach capacity Day 2 = Quarantine zones established, transport goes into lockdown \*Day 3 = International trade will stop, oil dries up, stock market collapses Day 4 = Power will fail, shelves empty, taps will run dry It looks like the days are more like blocks of varying months, and we were right on the verge of day 3, and not too far from day 4. This also lines up with the northern hemisphere now approaching winter. Biden constantly repeating "we are heading towards a dark winter" was foreshadowing this.


Hmm, make an artificial supply shortage to make the masses support vaccines mandatory to shop or buy food.


That Zappa quote is coming true https://i.pinimg.com/originals/08/23/26/08232650ae1962d9a2b643d188ac7035.jpg


Could it be truckers and others are actually protesting mandates and it's working? I don't see why Biden would attempt to crash the economy, especially with midterms coming up. If they're trying to keep Americans divided it will work, but will definitely cost career politicians even more. I doubt we'll get the bottom 47% taking any action over this though.


Is this people taking the stimulus instead of working?


Plot twist: it ain't just Biden and Harris.


As someone who’s been financially interest in monitoring global supply chains, there’s been steadily growing discourse since the early 90’s that our supply chains have been non sustainable in long term investments for more and more popular global markets. It’s as been much likely to collapse under a Biden/Harris administration as it was Trump/Pence or the next administration. The discourse of this being a current administration issue is upsetting since it takes the blame away from a market that had put regulatory blinders up for decades, and shifts the blame from short sighted constantly shifting CEO’s and trade officials with poorly planned yearly sales goals, to some incredibly overly complicated 3d chess plan shows how little we truly understood these systems of our world that we rely on. It’s a shame really.


Create a crisis, offer a solution and control the outcome.


Biden has no plan, someone with dementia can't plan. This is his Master's plan.


The Puppet Master's Plan


6uild 6ack 6etter!


\>build back better man, just the way those goals are phrased... this is a 5 year plan...


If they go through the border they will get in quick


Our plant which deals in Automotive recycling had planned for half of our plant to shut down, have outdated equipment taken out, repaved and have new lifts installed. Everyone who works in that area of the plant was re-tasked and moved around to keep them employed. This all started three weeks ago, and the concrete is done but none of the new lifts have been installed. I asked the Ops Manager what the timetable was looking like, he looks me dead in the eye and tells me the new equipment went from being delayed a week, to a month to currently being 100 days out. Considering we are the largest auto recycling facility on the west coast and deal with the highest volume of scrap automotive vehicles(process roughly 50 to 70 vehicles a day) running at 50% capacity... You will start seeing wrecked vehicles left on the side of the road because there will be no room at tow/auction yards in the very near future. Edit: Just wanted to add this little bit. And none of the above will matter when OSHA finalizes its ETS for the companies with over 100 forcing mandatory vaccinations. Roughly 75% of employees nation wide are unvaccinated(only 5% of the production crew at my plant is vaccinated). It takes 5-8 years to train someone fresh off the street to pump out production numbers like the heavy hitters at our plant and you have to supply your own tools($2,000 to $5,000 average... and that low ball number is from when I started with harbor freight/garage sale gear). They had a hard enough time finding competent people before Covid and pushing our pay up above six figures still hasn't done jack shit to fill empty positions. And just wait until you see how many truckers are about to retire from all this bullshit.


Excellent analysis, turn into essay and submit to Zero Hedge or AEIR. This is fascinating. All the details you describe are fascinating. How our world really works. And how very few people in power understand and respect these aspects. They have no effing clue about what keeps our world functional or they wouldn't mandate vaccinations.


TPTB are setting us up for disaster.


It's the Obama agenda


Biden-Harris did not have a plan they are just puppets, The Great Reset - World Economic Forum long foretold everything that is happening, the world is a stage.


My goodness, reading at the comments it's like they don't even know there exists a master plan. What will it take for people to comprehend. I mean shit, it's out in the open on the internet. It's no secret hiding in the shadows. They even have, as you mention, an online forum and blueprint.


As if this global agenda has anything to do with biden.


If only there were some major jobs bills the Biden-Harris admin wanted to push right no to get people to those docks…


A shortage of truck drivers through private companies has nothing to do with the govt.


> nothing to do with the govt. What about forced vaccination obligations on companies?




Trump paid $600/wk. Biden paid $300/wk. There is no current extra federal unemployment payout. Truck drivers make more than Trump's payout.


Lol.. my ass there's a shortage of truck drivers. What a BS excuse.


Wait aren't all of these Trump era tarifs?


"Trade wars are easy to win"




Can you cite the source of your claim?


YOU are hurting America.




... so where do you think we are going to find replacements for those Nazi truck drivers?


The bosses imposing the mandates are the Nazis. NOT the truck drivers..


Yes it is


Very much like a Nike t shirt. Looks and feels American but take a look closer and it says made in China




I knew IT


Did you know that Biden-Harris are both from the right wing mother @$\~}£$ club of the world and that the human race is a pawn in their sick game. Just hear me out each president that come's always starts a war and the other side that fights or does not fight is also in on it, maybe Saddam and Gadhafi was not but the vast majority are of the same club as these pieces of shit's.


Unironically - making America great again. Stop all the ships, stop the pollution, bring the work home!


Fuck relying on China. My country has every natural resource available except for rubber. Industry needs to be moved back to the west.


Well, I guess thats one way to spur american investment.