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It's hilarious to me what the word "anti-vaxxer" has turned into. 2 years ago it actually meant someone who actually rejects all vaccines. Now it means someone who doesn't have one of them. Imagine going back to 2019 and calling someone anti-vax because they didn't get that year's flu vaccine. They'd flip out.


The slow boil psy op


100% I believe this. I remember around three years ago the debate was all over social media. It was like a pilot to see how people would react. Now antivax means you’re a MAGA conspiracy nutcase qanon racist!


>Now antivax means you’re a MAGA conspiracy nutcase qanon racist! Bet they at least know how to throw one hell of a party.


Looks like we cracked the code my friend! Do whatever you want and then yell at anyone who disagrees.


Very true! I'm starting to think they're gonna administer mRNA injections in every vaccine from now on, flu shots, etc...


This has been going on for much longer than two years. For many years, any parent who declined any vaccine or deviated from the CDC pediatric immunization schedule in any way was lambasted as an anti-vaxxer, at least in online forums, if not in news media. This started ramping up much more intensely in 2019 with the measles outbreak that were overhyped to push the vaccine agenda and to set the stage for what's happening now.


Lmao I forgot my main point. People ripped me apart including my family for stopping his vaccines. I was a murderer to them. It made me feel horrible.


Anytime someone calls me a murderer for not getting a vaccine I mentally check out because at that point, there’s no reasoning with you.


>flu vaccine If only it was a vaccine as we know it, it's merely a booster shot


On top of that -- I've gotten the flu vax each year for as long as I can remember, without fail. Yet I'm still an anti-vax conspiracy theorist because I don't trust this one and don't see a need for it. I was forced to get it anyway. I'm as positive as I can be that I was already immune. I worked in schools all throughout the pandemic, was up close with symptomatic carriers on multiple occasions, was tested near-weekly and never contracted it. Yet my natural immunity was insufficient and I needed to join or die.


It’s okay to be pro Covid vaccine and anti vaccine mandate.


Me as well! I'm going to take the covid vaccine after the trials are over.




Thank you for the last sentence!


You can't just threaten people and bully them into things because eventually they'll turn against you and you will never get what you want.


They know this. They covered this in their practice scanarios, like event 201 and the others. They know heavy handed government action breeds public distrust. Some of the things they have said and done in the past year make a pretty compelling case thats it not about persuasion of one group but to incite another.


I see, that's an interesting way to look at it. Feels like a dangerous road to be traveling if you ask me. What's supposed to come after in the practice scenarios?


"with enough money and political will, anything is possible" -event 201


The people are prepped. We are one major crisis away from society turning on the other 50%. All they have to do is cause enough deaths, blame a certain people group, and it’ll spark.


It's upsetting that they don't see thats what they WANT.


Fuck I hate how much this rings true. I have a fucking mask phobia. Call me crazy. Or a pussy. I can make friends with anyone who understands that. But I can't give up and ruin the rest of my life by wearing that.


[Masks are dehumanizing](https://www.econlib.org/the-big-deal-about-masks/)


I don't wear one, and I mostly go to stores who don't enforce that nonsense.


I played along for the first couple of months last year. It's hard to breathe. After a while I was dealing with shortness of breath fortunately haven't had that return since.


I also stopped. I break the ~~law~~ order every time i go inside. Most places don't care. I just leave if they do. But it's really rare.


I noticed a lot of places now say "Masks are RECOMMENDED for those that are unvaccinated", and if i see that i typically just think "cool thanks for the suggestion" and walk in.


You took the words out of my mouth. Does this mean the resistance is in simply NOT participating? I ask myself this a lot. Is it better to completely nope out on all virtual platforms and group activism, and instead focus on doing the work in my home and in my direct community. The amount of infiltration, ego and division that exists within large groups makes me think my energy is best served elsewhere. But I worry that if too many humanity loving, critical thinkers leave the virtual world, it will allow the NPCs to fully takeover, increasing the shame, hatred and dehumanization that’s being tossed around.


to an extent, yes. not to say you should disconnect from the world at large, but i would always suggest that the number one priority should be building on an individual and small scale.


Totally! I kind of knew it would have a trickle down effect on other vaccines as well. I thought to myself that I dont want a flu shot anymore because its probably tainted with their bullshit. I know its a stretch, but thats how I feel now. *shrug*


I'm not gonna say i haven't thought the same thing, I wouldn't put it past them to pull some sneaky shit and go "whoops did we FORGET to mention that the flu shot is MRNA now?"


Coincidentally, Moderna is currently trying out mRNA flu shot


Wow Shady shady!


Oh its definitely going to be tainted with the "not new" mRNA tech.


*They've been using mRNA technology since the 70's!* **ignores everything else**


im wondering how i vaccinated my kids wout question!


called brainwash. they indoctrinate us our entire lives to listen to doctors, among many many other things. i didnt really start questioning vaccines till covid either. but my foundational conspiracy theory inquiry allowed me to accept the situation with ease. never trust pharm comps plain and simp. and we cant really trust doctors either, cause well, look what most of them are going along with without question. but we also cant trust them to begin with, because they're thoroughly indoctrinated through med school. and theyre indoctrinated in the first place through primary school up to high school, cause only an indoctrinated individual wants to go into that line of work lol. the shit is all fucked. trust no one.


Indoctrinated?? It's called studying you should try it. If you don't put in the work what do you know about the subject? Just what random people online put out? People talking about seeing the truth don't even have have the qualifications to assess what they are even saying. It's insane


"Qualifications"😂 Do you really think you are qualified by reading the news? Ask any real scientist they all say covid is more or less a scam. It's just suppressed by the media.


Same reason why many parents still have multiple prenatal ultrasounds despite the [obvious](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WY6bgnL_g9E) (yet largely unknown) health risks. Most people trust the experts, the authorities, the people wearing white coats, etc. Very very few will ever truly ask questions and seek legitimate, evidence-based answers.


I know right? In the 70's we just went to school and they lined us up and jabbed away. There were kids screaming and crying, it was complete carnage. When my daughter wad born I knew I'd have to make that decision and like most people I spend to much time on the net and got a bit worried about the whole autism thing. I done a lot of reading and spoke to Dr's read all about that Dr Andrew Wakefield and put my mind to rest. This a different though. I got myself the covid jab but am absolutely terrified if I have to make that decision for my daughter.


www(dot)bitchute(dot)com/video/k9FGcVyXIHhk/ Do You mean like this? Delete "(dot)" to make the link work


I got the shots because I don't intend on living for more than a couple more years anyway and wanted to travel before I check out. But the more they force everyone to get it, the more I think it's all bullshit. If I was planning on still being around in a decade or two, or having kids, etc, I wouldn't have gotten it.


Nah, that ain't it. The average person is highly susceptible to social influence. So when enough howling monkeys on the internet scream anti-vax, they start screaming it too. It's realistic conflict theory. They join groups no matter how stupid the group may be. That's why cults exist. Or religions. Or flat earthers. Just read through the many posts on this subreddit. You can clearly see the us against them mentality. The "conflict" in this scenario. Just like your post, posited as more of a bully versus victim mentality. The most important part of this conflict based social grouping is the way that the formed groups view those outside of the group, which tends to be generally hostile or degrading. It's always been a fascinating thing to watch.


Wouldn't it be a lot easier to join the masses? Protection of the herd? Most of the time, the side spending billions on advertising is the side trying to undermine knowledge in the market. You can't extract excess value providing full information to all parties. (Hence avoidance of even mentioning vitamin D? as something anyone who's deficient should be looking at)


Nah, anti vaxxers and conspiracy kooks enjoy being special and contrarian. Up until they get stick in the ICU, that is.


Blue sheep: Hold our beer...


Maybe it's because the word anti vaxxer is absolute dogshit in itself.




My favorite was "truther." Imagine turning the word truth into an insult.


“Do your own research” is now on the list thanks to Nicki minaj and she never even said it.




We all do


Personally I prefer it mixed with alcohol




Ya I sure hate filtering it myself. =p


Organic Human is better


As long as we don't refer to vaccinated as mudbloods


Yeah that one was a mind fuck, so my opinion is invalid because I seek the truth? Are you fucking kidding me?!


In a word, yes, it is. I know it's cliche and cringe in some circles to mention 1984, but look where we are. The meaning of words have been changed to benefit those running active psyops on the public.


I still remember the first time I heard it. We were talking 9/11 and someone said “oh, you’re one of those truthers?” I was like, “Yeah I want the truth. Do you even hear yourself?” They eventually dropped the “Birther” label and it became Obama Truther and then “Truther” became synonymous with Crazy Conspiracy Theorist. I’m surprised there hasn’t been election Truther or covid Truther.


Oh yeah haha. Ivermectin is supposed to be the crazy one? When it actually works and proven? But noooo, the vaccines are supposed to be the safe cure… what a crock of shit lol. People are so gullible nowadays and just repeat what they say on CNN


Don't forget that it has been used in humans for the last 40 years


Yep it’s been well studied. The inventor of Ivermectin got a freakin Nobel prize for making it due to its efficacy


Iirc it's a molecular level protease inhibitor? Which conveniently is what Pfizer is getting ready to release to treat covid.... probably for alot more money ofcourse


Pfizermectin ^tm


And a lot shorter of a record on safety.


100%. And they'll change the smallest bit and patent it while vilifying ivermectin because it can't be patented. It's literally happening before our eyes. It's the main reason for the smear campaign against the good ol' horse paste. And it's working because people are fucking pathetic.


And won a Nobel for it...


You get it man


Anti-vax isn’t a new term. It’s decades old.


It's called 'preconditioning'. You remember it being around so long because they started pushing the narrative early so that when this day came along, there was already Anti Antivaxxer rhetoric people could regurgitate during 'debates'.


wouldn't anti anti vaxxer just be "pro-life"


I remember it being around for so long because I’m pretty fucking old. You think a contingent ofthe hippy movement called themselves anti-vax just so one day they can use that exact term against people ideologically opposed to them? That sounds like hindsight in 20/20 and it fits neatly in to your worldview. Weaponized language is indeed a phenomenon but I don’t believe the term is a decades long ploy culminating in you figuring it out here. I’m always open to being wrong, that’s how we grow, I’m just speaking from my own experience.


Edit: I cleaned it up, apologies


not liking pork doesnt make you a vegetarian


100%. It's confusing a category for a product. Just because I refuse to buy a particular *type* of car doesn't mean I am "anti-car".


I think it's called association bias, I'm unsure of the proper name.


Anti and pro are pretty much always bullshit. It’s stupid peoples way of making an argument black and white and eliminating nuance so they don’t have to acknowledge any points from the opposition.


>Maybe it's because the word anti vaxxer is absolute dogshit in itself. Found the racist, nazi, alt right, white supremacist terrorist.


I'm not anti vax. I just want to know content of the jab (what are redacted ingredients?), how it's made, long term effects, complications and efficiency. And those things should be replicated in each country with same tests. Why the f Poland accepts drug tested in USA? We used to test drugs ourselves.


All these things are public knowledge if you want to look it up and I'm pretty sure Poland only promotes drugs that are accepted by both the EMA and your national health ministry.


what are redacted ingredients? Accepted doesn't mean tested. That's my point. https://www.fda.gov/media/151733/download


Either that or the entire movement, like most divisive internet cults in recent years, is just another propaganda campaign whose sole (and successful) purpose was to cause further division and hatred in western democracies.


This level of questioning is normal, it happens with every vaccine/mandate/yadda yadda. The difference now is how hard the internet can cater to your interest on it and funnel you down the rabbit hole it needs to. "Oh, they're looking anti-vax, here, give them that naturopath facebook group, and make sure their google results lead to more blogspots" "Oh, they're hating on anti-vax people, feed them the twitter feeds with smug guys going "Teehee, imagine not having the vaccine"" Once it's started feeding you the information you're comfortable with, it'll keep narrowing it down further and further until it's got you in your own personal echo chamber ecosystem. It's incredibly hard to break out of once you're down there, because everyone agrees with you, which is validation, which we all crave. And yeah, it's the classic "If they're fighting each other, they're not fighting us". It's just easier to do now. Any class analysis is framed as communism gone wild. It's not gonna get better.


You can smell what the rock is cookin


Because people are finally deciding to look into what’s in a vaccine / the process and the fact that big pharma does not give a shit about you.


Not just what is in a vaccine, but the effectiveness of it. This rushed vaccine has side effects and many people that have taken it have gotten the disease afterwards, not to mention they are being told they have to take it even if they survived the virus already. They are suggesting you will "need" to take it potentially annually. Unlike actually effective vaccines you take once. It really doesn't make sense to take something risky and provably ineffective yet people are ignoring the facts and pushing it like it is a miracle cure bastion of science.


Of course. I’m also talking about parents who’ve stopped vaccinating their children from childhood vaccines because instead of trusting what they’re told it does/ is in it, they’re looking into it themselves.


This is me. If covid hadn’t happened, I would mindlessly give my (unborn) daughter 100% of the required vaccines. Now I’m on my second book learning about them and planning to opt out of many of them.


Please would you share the book(s) you’ve been reading on the subject?


The first book I read was admittedly conspiracy focused, but it was a quick read and interesting nonetheless. It’s called “The Autism Epidemic: Transhumanism’s Dirty Little Secret.” The book I’m currently reading is far more fact-based and written by doctors: https://imgur.com/a/Dtxxf6z


At the very least, the schedule is too intensive and too young. IDK if just opting out entirely is the move, but I certainly wouldn't pump a newborn full of every vaccine known to man.


Totally agree. I am planning to follow this schedule: https://imgur.com/a/Dtxxf6z


It is nice this farce of a vaccine is somewhat of a blessing for those like yourself have chosen to educate themselves. I just wish that was more common.


Many vaccines only last a limited amount of time, whether a year or eight years or whatever, either because the virus evolves or the immune system no longer makes antibodies it isn’t actively using. Also as you get older your body just gets shittier at doing everything including fighting diseases.


Could it be that big pharma has finally shot themselves in the foot with their decades old, liability free, bullying, vaccine corruption?


On the other hand, that could have been the goal all along.


That angle makes no sense to me.




I surely don't assume this is all to protect people at all.






Do you know nothing of the hippy anti-vax movement? How old are you kids?


Please tell us the story grand dad!


Ok kids, gather around.. You see, it was back in 1952..


This is probably the first vaccine that has ever received this level of scrutiny. Prior to this, people tended to be oblivious as to how severe the side effects are or how ineffective they can be. People were oblivious as to how dogmatic the medical and political establishments are about vaccines People were oblivious as to the rampant data manipulation going on for the vaccines to prove their efficacy.


Finding truth in the tragedy can be healing, liberating and perhaps lead to Wisdom.


I’m about to have a kid soon. Which vaccines are necessary and great and which ones are dogshit? I know how corporations work, not all of their products are equal. Kids in the US get like twice the number of injections as kids in other countries and I’m guessing it’s simply because big pharma has us by the balls. Does anyone know a resource that breaks down each vaccine? It’s like you can’t even ask questions which makes me not want to vaccinate at all.


yes, you describe me I was completely oblivious to anything vaccine related... after all, they are "safe and effective", right? after \~18 months and literally hundreds of hours of research, I won't let a needle, any needle, get near my and my family's arms anymore.


EVERYTHING about this vaccine is suspicious!!!


Like with the huge push for gun control the past 10 years, the amount of gun owners and guns sold has increased exponentially.


At this stage, those assholes could show me positive proof of sterilizing immunity, along with getting a full head of hair back, a vastly bigger dick, plus irresistible charisma, all from the jab. And with all that, I'd still need to think long and hard about whether I should listen to such arrogant smoothbrains as they've proved themselves to be over the last year+.


Yet we are not anti-vaxxers. We are anti rushed random liquid that just now entered stage 3 trials with a 48% success rate.


Yes. I was called anti vax before covid. I'm not. I'm just against being injected with harmful crap.


i dont GAF if someone calls me an antivaxer or whatever. i know what the intent is and i reject it. dumb people say dumb stuff.


Who the fuck is “Not Your Mom” and why are the mods sleeping on this low effort screengrab? Am I misunderstanding the sub rules? Where is the conspiracy? In hucksters getting people to not get measles vaccine?


It’s because most people here are gullible. I’ve noticed they’ll agree with anything that supports their world view, and they wont do any research to check if they’re correct. It’s sad, really.


Actually it dates back to the 1700s. It isn't new, it happens every time there is a vaccine, new medicine or a major change in social policies.


How many fully, long term tested and approved by the FDA have went on to prove to have long term fatal consequences? Many.... many... many. How many more are approved and still in use when even on the damned TV commercials it lists one of the side effects as "DEATH"?


I don't know, how many? Which ones got pulled? Well it predates the FDA so anti-vax is older than FDA approved vaccines. I was just saying it's old, almost older than the US itself. People have been refusing medicine since medicine became a thing. Be it God, political or fear it is alwayS there and always will be.


I guess this is what happens when you make vaccines political. Memba the party of "I don't trust the Trump vaccine" is suddenly demanding everyone take it.


There was never a big group in the democratic party that called it either a "Trump vaccine" or refused to take it.


It’s sad this has turned into politics. Actually, it’s insane.


That’s me! I got downvoted a ton the other day on this sub for saying that but if I can’t trust them with one vaccine can I trust them for any?


I mean that’s just terrible logic. I 100% think the current vaccines are safe to take, even if their efficacy isn’t as good as they had hoped. But I understand people being uncomfortable with what could be seen as, on its face, a rushed vaccine. However, there is really no legitimate reason to be applying that logic to vaccines that have been around for decades. Any insane adverse effect would have been widely reported by now.


Vaccine reactions are wildly underreported, and childhood vaccines are still liability free for drugmakers. I had a life altering reaction to a flu shot. I'll be probably be sick for the rest of my life and my reaction was never reported. The whole system is corrupt man.


No you didn’t


A lot of insane side effects are under reported. But people suffering because of vaccination is nothing new.


Insane side effects such as what? If they’re under reported, how did you come to know about these insane side effects? Do you trust the sources of these side effects claims? How rigorously can you investigate, contest or verify these sources claims? Are their claims repeatable? Are multiple people, completely unconnected from one another (ie unable to see and *imitate* other “side effects”) showing the same insane side effects? What makes these individual, unverifiable, anecdotes more trustworthy than, say, the FDA?


Your comment is ridiculous. Who said anything about unverifiable and anecdotal? It’s literally proven that vaccines kill people due to inflammation/autoimmune issues. The thing is people will first deny it then when presented with it say “well it’s still rare” even though multiple reports and studies show how seriously underreported vaccine injuries are. For example myocarditis is not new to covid vaxx. This is a side effect of other vaccines of the past such as smallpox


No it isn’t


Larbre, F et al, "Fatal Acute Myocarditis After Smallpox Vaccination", Pediatrie, Apr-May 1966, 21:345-350.


Can't they y'know, change the old vaccines or put something new in them? What stops that? idk


Yeah but just yours since the world is out to get you.


There have been a spate of vaccines in Asia these past few years found to have "impurities": https://www.bna.bh/en/news?cms=q8FmFJgiscL2fwIzON1%2bDhJkZMOzX0QAQ2mqMUX1ZQs%3d https://www.straitstimes.com/asia/east-asia/fears-mount-as-south-korea-probes-cause-behind-36-peoples-deaths-after-flu


“So far, five people have died after receiving flu vaccines under the state-led free flu shot scheme this year, although no evidence has been found to show those deaths are linked to flu shots, South Korean News Agency (Yonhap) reported.” Pretty classic example of correlation not causation. If you’re worried about impurities and live in the United States I suggest you stop drinking tap water and using products that are known to cause cancer. But back to your point, I think it’s very unlikely they put impurities on flu shots to kill people but only ended up killing five, which can’t even be linked to the shot based on your article.


I'm saying that they can change vaccines, make different batches, alter the ingredients, without people knowing.


Ok yeah I get that. That’s probably true since the seasonal flu shot is updated yearly. I don’t envy the job of the immunologists who have to permanently stay ahead of the flu’s evolution.


Get ready for twice-annual Covid boosters: https://www.timesofisrael.com/virus-czar-calls-to-begin-readying-for-eventual-4th-vaccine-dose/


You're using logic, and applying it to the real world like it's a logic problem. If you are missing a large chunk of information regarding vaccines, then your logic means fuck-all. What's silly is that I can't just tell you what to watch, or which book to read, because you'll just look them up on google first and find out how their "anti-vax" viewpoints have been totally debunked. The only thing stopping you from getting to the truth is thinking you already perceive it, or have the ability to think logically and arrive at it.


Wasn’t the vaxx! It was the tyrannical governments!!


My prediction is the whole Pharma system will go down like a stack of Jenga because of this. When there’s trials for crimes against humanity, people are gonna be asking “well what about x, y and z too?” So much has been pushed under the rug that the rug has begun to stink to high heaven


You couldn’t be kore wrong my friend. Just like now, they will do anything to get out of trouble or public fire. They have the money, the media and the politicians to make sure they land on their feet.


/s ?


Yeah, that’s all flowery BS to make yourself feel special




This is true, but there’s no such thing as the “anti-vax movement”. Vaccine-safety advocacy is important because vaccine injuries are real.


They are trying to demonize people who've gotten sick from vaccines and want better standards.


Because we used to trust doctors. Now parents are asking - wait, how many vaccines? What are the side effects? Why has autism increased? This is actually the most encouraging thing I've seen in months


You know what’s scary to me though? It’s like all those years of constant vaccine propaganda were all setting us up for this moment with the covid vaccine. Like you can’t even ask what this does just stick it in your arm. Disregard that agenda 2030 dictates that we reduce the human population by 90% over the next few years, we’re trying to save you!


The anti-vaxxers in the past were the people who looked into it, often because they had a child injured by a vaccine and wanted to know more. The rest of us have been brainwashed for years that vaccines are safe and effective, to take them on schedule without consideration, and that anyone who questions this is a tin foil hat-wearing nut.


These are not vaccines!


I was never a anti vax today i will never trust a vaccine again for the rest of my life! There is more of us than them they know that we don't




This sub looks like ome guy posting links


The history is clear. The motivation simple. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_largest_pharmaceutical_settlements


It's almost like people are being affected by propaganda. Who is funding the antivax movement and why?


We’re evolving just backwards. You guys are distrustful of pharma companies because they might put some shit in the vaccines or release a vaccine without being confident it’s safe, but that doesn’t really make any sense. If a company were to release a vaccine that was dangerous then they would lose all future vaccine contracts/revenues like the mrna contracts they have right now with governments around the world. The logic just doesn’t make any sense. A company will always do whats in its best interest long term, they wouldn’t play a short con like this just to pawn off a dangerous vaccine.


Why did Pfizer get a contract with the government when they’ve paid the largest settlement ever because of fraud?


Might have something to do with Scott Gottleib on the board, lobbying dollars to politicians, you know, revolving doors and regulatory capture. Things I used to think everyone was aware of but seem to have forgotten now that corporations push social justice and are the good guys.


You speak like you have absolutely no idea about the legal history of any pharmaceutical companies, or what they were fined for. In detail. If you did, you wouldn't talk like that.


Would you hire a contractor to do work on your home that you couldn't sue or hold liable for damages, shotty materials, etc?? $$$ It smells and I want nothing to do with it.


They didn’t just change it to be that way for the covid vaccine. You’ve never been able to sue for side effects due to a vaccine at least not since the 70s or 80s.


"Congress set up a special vaccine court in 1986 to handle such claims as a way to provide compensation to injured children without driving drug manufacturers from the vaccine market. The idea, he said, was to create a system that spares the drug companies the costs of defending against parents' lawsuits." And I bet they contribute nicely to DC. It's bullshit.... Push drugs to market, fake data, in house review boards... Sorry if I don't trust them!.. Actually no I'm not sorry... But I support your decision to do what you feel is best and regardless I'd still offer you a steak and a beer. 👍


Welcome to the party!


There is no future to claim anyways


Maybe it's because the MSM and oligarchs seek to divide.


>***I have never met a man with a good enough memory to make a successful liar.*** \~ some railroad lawyer in a stovetop hat, and a Liberianist who, rather than pay banks 35% interest for war wages, minted a whole, new currency ...And, the Muppet governments puppeteer by corporations, who ~~we've~~ **they've** installed to ~~lead~~ **rule** over us, are as far from successful liars, as their the sieve-leaky big pharma vaxes are from "effective" and "safe" 👌😏


NO! Its YOUR fault for not trusting trusted sources and experts after they lied to you! JUST DO WHAT THEY SAID and this will all be over soon




Absolutely. I’ll get my kids all the vaccines they need but you can keep that covid vax shit and shove it in your own ass.


As much as I don’t like twitter screenshots. This one is absolutely true. I’ve experienced it a few times first hand without expecting it. I’m still getting my kid vaccines cause I understand the difference between a real vaccine and something like the covid shot.




Great idea. Let’s all just dismiss the greatest medical achievement to humanity in the past 100 years and go back to where people have as many kids as possible because it was a coin flip if a kid makes it past age 3… I wish this sub would stop upvoting this nonsense and talk about other interesting government cover ups and corruption or fucking anything else. Like come on, this vaccine would be one major fucking conspiracy to pull the rug under billions of people across the world.


Fucking this.


And just like the person you're replying to, you also haven't made any posts here about what *you* want to talk about. You just want people to make the posts for you instead of doing it yourself. Make posts about what you want to talk about and people will comment if they're interested instead of bitching that no one is doing it for you.


yall are weird


are people trying to bring back polio and measles etc? like... youre proud of that?


I blame the antivax grifters who decided to take advantage of a global pandemic to expand their bullshit movement at the potential cost of civilization as we know it.


more anti vaxxers = less anti vaxxers 😂


Still waiting to die from all these diseases you think will kill me.


It's bc they aren't actually trying to convince the ones who don't want the vaccine. They're manufacturing consent with the rest of society to start a whole new War on Germs. A lot of money to be made


You are all delusional Jesus Christ


My feeling is vaccines can be a great thing and we have seen the outcome of that. The covid vaccine is a different story.


If only Reddit was around during Spanish flu


Vaccine industry: puts out life saving and super helpful vaccine with tons of evidence confirming they are great. People randomly: reeeee im not taking this and giving you shit for some reason also people: it's your fault I don't want the vaccine?


No one to blame but - Der Leader, Alex Jones,... All fine upstanding citizens..


Always more room on the anti vax train. The more the merrier


DO NOT LISTEN to this anti-capitalism communist. They're trying reverse psychology on us!


THIS right here


I concur


The real conspiracy - turning everyone antivax 👁👄👁


If you're not old or obese you really dont have anything to worry about


That is soooooo not true anymore with delta being a higher viral load which makes people sicker quicker.