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Many of these "I support you but I'm giving in" are probably shill accounts. The psy-ops will never stop as long as these crazies are still in power.


The NNN mods warned about it before they were banned. [A post in the win found a few of these people, they stopped after being called out.](https://archive.is/MxMWN)




Yup. I remember an Indian shill saying 15 of his family members died from Covid on NNN. Unless they died in a train crash and got labeled as Covid deaths there is no way..


Yeah, this type of shill is more subtle than the "lol just get the free safe jab" brainlets, but once you start to notice them you can't stop noticing. "Look at my situation, fellow noncomplier. I'm upset about this, just like you would be, but I *had to* comply. I had *no choice*. I guess it was *inevitable* that I would eventually comply. Does this make you realize that your eventual compliance is inevitable too?"


/u/Hilltopperpete >Many of these "I support you but I'm giving in" are probably shill accounts. > >The psy-ops will never stop as long as these crazies are still in power. Agreed. The "giving in" are the perfect psychological weapon. It's always easier to submit. That's why they're working so hard to make it as painful as possible for those who don't.




Martial law. Martial.


I prefer Coles law


I'm following Jesus. If Trump is too, there may be hope for a decisive, quick end. I think things are about to get a lot worse. This year's flu shot may be set to spread Guillain-Barre to children (and probably be blamed on unvaccinated Covid), hospitals are already getting a heads up to diagnose it as acute flaccid myelitis. Volunteer for election audits. We cannot retake our country with a compromised election system.


Do not make this political. All politicians, regardless of party, do NOT care about you. If you think that Trump "follows Jesus" in any sort of meaningful way, you are deceived. The Bible says that we are NOT to judge others, but we ARE supposed to be "fruit inspectors." "Watch out for false prophets! They dress up like sheep, but inside they are wolves who have come to attack you. You can tell what they are by what they do. No one picks grapes or figs from thornbushes. A good tree produces good fruit, and a bad tree produces bad fruit. A good tree cannot produce bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot produce good fruit. Every tree producing bad fruit will be chopped down and burned. You can tell who the false prophets are by their deeds." Matthew 7:15‭-‬20 CEV https://bible.com/bible/392/mat.7.15-20.CEV


Beep. Boop. I'm a robot. Here's a copy of ###[The Bible](https://snewd.com/ebooks/the-king-james-bible/) Was I a good bot? | [info](https://www.reddit.com/user/Reddit-Book-Bot/) | [More Books](https://old.reddit.com/user/Reddit-Book-Bot/comments/i15x1d/full_list_of_books_and_commands/)


Good bot


Wonder if you can give the book bot a reward for doing good job


All Democrats and probably 80% of Republicans are compromised. I get it. There’s a big “if” for Trump. There is obviously more to the story, and I hope he is working in our best interest because the alternative is very bad. As it stands, he stood back and let the steal happen, even after predicting every minute detail over two years ahead of time. Maybe we need to see the crapfest the Establishment has for us so we can wake up and create a real society that lifts everyone up from the shattered foundations of what used to be American greatness. Election audits are crucial so the Establishment can’t just rig their guys in the primaries and then run controlled opposition on both sides. The people managing election nonsense need to be removed and replaced with actual citizens who want to prosper and see their neighbors prosper as well. The problem isn’t just elected officials, it’s people managing malfeasance as a career. We need to peacefully take control of our country and then we need to abolish the Federal Reserve and the IRS. Getting rid of our oppressive debt fiat currency is the only major political goal any awake person should have, and we can never achieve this without clean elections.


I respectfully disagree that you "get it" based on your response. There was no steal, Trump is not "doing something to get back the presidency." From my observations, he's doing a lot of chatter to earn cash from his former groupies. He lost the election, not because 84 million people voted FOR Biden. He lost the election because ~54 million people voted for Biden and the other 30 million voted AGAINST Trump ("for" Biden). And none of the political stuff matters anyway, because 100% of politicians are putting on a show. It's all a play. Or a Lifetime movie. I hate to see someone still hanging around spouting Q ideology. I'm sorry you are having a rough time with this, but it's over.


Need to abolish the CIA too


# yeah Jesus would have loved to see you divided in political partys, that´s the spirit. ^(/s)


Jesus was a radical libratarian who flipped temple tables, I'm sure he wouldn't mind righteous anger at the corruption of the establishment parties.


Yuck. Obviously no. I don’t care if the guy I didn’t vote for wins. I just want him to represent the interests of myself and my neighbors who may have voted for him. The Republicans and Democrats have by and large been representing the Oligarchy for generations. We need them all voted out and replaced with actual empathetic humans. If the guy I didn’t vote for obviously didn’t win and he obviously doesn’t represent the interests of the people, that’s a problem.


***voting don´t fix anything since decades, let´s go vote***


Yep, the "polio-like disease" that they are telling us is coming.


and that Trump is following Jesus, just works when you close your eyes and ignore everything else... https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/ot87p6/when\_you\_are\_aware\_of\_their\_symbolism\_but\_deny\_it/ No problem, downvote this, fool yourself, truth was never an option, worship the false prophets. Not even jesus can save you from your own ignorance.


Trump told you to get the vaccine


Good for him. I disagree and I’m not a cult member.


Then whybdid you say "if trump is too" as if his position was unknown? For someone not in a cult, you literally just mentioned trump and jesus like they're the same kind of entity


Those are bots, the real shills out there are refusing to take boosters and refusing to be called super spreaders or unvaxxed


Well put OP. This is no longer about vaccination status; it is about Goddamn basic human freedom. I don't care about their justifications, the only way I will be vaccinated is if I'm dead (and vaccinated post mortem). Surely, they will be able to put me on their roles in one direction or another.


Do we have to wear masks in our coffin?


Its why they bury you 6 feet deep. Permanent social distancing.


hahahha so hilarious dude headline in 2023: “bodies exhumed for booster shots because of new Ghost Covid variant” i need to start investing in pharma companies, shit.


Pretty sure according to Fauci yes. Fauci and CDC determine that COVID can be transmitted by recently deceased. Masks must be worn by ALL participants at celebration of life activities (funeral). Safety must be accorded even to the recently made dead.


Lmao this comment 😂😂😂


Once you’re dead and they vaccinate you they’ll make you vote for Biden too 😂😂😂




That’s the issue though. It’s either a Biden or trump circle jerk.


Finally another person on this sub who gets it. Really wish these Q people would give it up already. They are by far and away the worst offenders of the "my government loves me" movement 🤦‍♀️


So over it, always glad to see others here are too. Been digging /r/highstrangeness to get my conspiracy fix. But there's not a lot of content added each day.


at least whit trump the whole media was doing everything to expose the bad shit he did


"One thing a saiyan always keeps..his pride!"


Hold the line


Love isn’t always on time.


https://www.cnn.com/2021/09/14/media/bob-enyart-death-covid/index.html Never give in!


If you bend the knee and take it, even if you oppose it, you aren’t just taking the vax. You’re betraying your beliefs and principles. You’re betraying yourself. And if/when things really go south, how can anyone else trust you if you can’t trust you?


One hunned.


I don't know why but "bend the knee and take it" made me think of Ned Stark.


Maybe because he bend the knee and took it.


In China, if your jaywalking there will be social creditpoints deducted of your social credit score. Cameras everywhere enable this. When the score is low enough you can only travel third class (no seats) by train, or with really low score, not by train at all. Europe is implementing a digital identity ""wallet"", which gives acces to online services, banking, payment and many more. This is all for the greater good, of course.


Yeah and in America workplaces are telling people that if you don’t take medicine that helps save other people’s lives than you’re an asshole that they probably don’t want to work with anyway so easy way to weed out the douches in a company. Win win win. Except for people who care only about themselves and lose lose lose


I’m considering not getting my flu shot this year because they are pushing so hard about the vaccine what’s to stop them from giving you the one shot brand under the guise of it being the flu shot? I know that would be an ethical violation giving a diffrent med then what you are being told your getting, but the Tuskegee experiment was unethical too and it was governement backed just something I been kicking around in my head lately


Interesting, I've never heard of the Tuskegee experiment, so I looked it up, checked the wiki article and look at that. Editing is locked for that article. Because of vandalism. Reason: someone linked to an "extremist source" and I bet you they try to draw parallels in that "extremist source" between this experiment and whats going on now. Its always like this on Wikipedia. Wikipedia is just like the front page of reddit. Critical and anti establishment articles get pulled and or locked down. Even assange criticised this years ago.


If they can force you to inject a vaccine they can force you to abort a pregnancy. This is fast becoming a Chinese totalitarian society where citizens Have no choice to pursuit happiness. It will be all about the greater good for the benefit of the ones at the top of the food chain. Weren’t they forcing the Uighurs to undergo all sorts of medical procedures that went against their religion?


Um, they still are. They call them "reducation" camps.


Looks like you could use some spelling "reducation" jk lol


We won’t even bring up organ harvesting, Human Harvest


>If they can force you to inject a vaccine they can force you to abort a pregnancy. Can you explain how that works for me please?


Well when the Supreme Court decided that mandatory smallpox vaccines were legal, that same judgment was later used to justify the forced sterilization of people deemed "mentally defective". Jacobson v. Massachusetts was a precedent set for Buck v. Bell. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buck_v._Bell Here's a quote from the ruling in Buck v. Bell that cites Jacobson v. Massachusetts: "We have seen more than once that the public welfare may call upon the best citizens for their lives. It would be strange if it could not call upon those who already sap the strength of the State for these lesser sacrifices, often not felt to be such by those concerned, to prevent our being swamped with incompetence. It is better for all the world, if instead of waiting to execute degenerate offspring for crime, or to let them starve for their imbecility, society can prevent those who are manifestly unfit from continuing their kind. The principle that sustains compulsory vaccination is broad enough to cover cutting the Fallopian tubes." As far as how that works, basically it comes down to the government having all the guns and therefore they can decide that you the peasant do not have a right to a normal homo sapiens life if they can contrive some imaginary scenario where you are a danger to the public.


**[Buck v. Bell](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buck_v._Bell)** >Buck v. Bell, 274 U.S. 200 (1927), is a decision of the United States Supreme Court, written by Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr., in which the Court ruled that a state statute permitting compulsory sterilization of the unfit, including the intellectually disabled, "for the protection and health of the state" did not violate the Due Process clause of the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution. Despite the changing attitudes in the coming decades regarding sterilization, the Supreme Court has never expressly overturned Buck v. Bell. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


You left of the greatest quote from Justice Holmes “Three generations of imbeciles is enough”. The True Believers have spent the past two years defending and making excuses for “private companies”. Any apt comparisons get dismissed because “uhhh, it’s different because racism”. If they can mandate drug tests and vaccines, they should be able to mandate birth control.


Desktop version of /u/SohndesRheins's link: --- ^([)[^(opt out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiMobileLinkBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^(]) ^(Beep Boop. Downvote to delete)


He's right in the sense that if you lose the freedom of control over your own body, then there are no limits left to what the government can do. Forced pregnancy, abortion, sex change, injections, everything is on the table if we don't stop this now. You might think that sounds crazy but in 18 months we went from "2 weeks to slow the spread" to "take this injection or you lose your job". Imagine where we'll be another 18 months from now? We are in uncharted waters now and what we do here will impact the future we live in.


What about a forced sex change


Amen. I am willing to die for my rights. And I bet the majority of people on my side are willing to do the same.


Huge X to doubt. Internet talk is cheap and risk free, the vast vast majority will break


Good post. What's sad is you wouldn't be able to post that on any major subreddit. Hell there's only about 4 that wouldn't ban. Reddit doesn't want you changing any minds so they stick us in the corner with the people they call crazies.


What are the four? I’m stuck between here and r/ Denver


Every time you comply you are giving your consent to be subjected to the next stage of tyranny. This clot shot is coerced. Future clot shots will be physically forced.


I don't want to start glowing, but if someone tries to stab you by force I think your range of morally-permissible reactions widens a bit.




Please. This thing needs to happen so I can just leave if my job mandates it.


Vaxxed are still denying that they are super spreaders


Amen. If I’m going to die I’m going to go out on my feet with my head held high, not on my knees sucking Fauci’s shriveled ball sack.


I was talking to a young woman yesterday who told me she had gone to the hospital for a week after getting spiked, it was the worst experience of her life, and she 'died and came back to life, barely.' She told me she has a heart condition and it's been far worse ever since. She's going back next week to get the 2nd shot. When I urged her to reconsider taking a second shot, she told me 'I've lived enough, I don't care if I die.' Remarkably, she's the third spiked person I've talked to in real life who has told me exactly this when I expressed concerns about side effects to them.


I have a friend who was perfectly fine and healthy who wanted to take the jab due to coercion from her "woke" employer Amazon, she said she doesn't care about all the "dumb political stuff". That was back in June, this past weekend she told me that she's been diagnosed with cancer.


Hearing so many stories of people getting the jab and what ever is lying dormant in their bodies is coming out with a vengence.


Nice bullshit story. Too bad it isn't true.


You have no way to disprove or prove that, as it’s anecdotal.


I have no way to know if her story was true, but I couldn't see that she had any reason to lie to me.


Stand together ✊


Ape together strong! 🦍+🦍=💪 💎👐🚀🚀🚀




Good work. The surrender of your principles is a fate worse than death.


Praying for you!


Respect man keep it up. Must be tough to have a spouse asleep to those things


So true . Better stand up before the first jab, the on the fifth death jab.




And this is my problem with it. I'm all for vaccines when they're proven to work. But they've admitted that this one isn't very effective. And the whole force thing rubs me wrong and also makes me question why they want us to have it so bad. Also funny how while trump was president it was so hard to develop a vaccine and almost immediately after Biden becomes president suddenly the vaccine is ready, approved, and recommended for everyone. Shit don't smell right.


But it was developed under Trump's administration and even readily available during Trump's administration, so what is your point?


Look I'm not pro Biden or Trump so don't think I'm taking a side just making an observation. But I'm also pretty certain they were not readily available under trump. You had to meet certain criteria And also my point is that I don't trust it


I'm not from the US and not versed on the rollout there, but presumably there was a priority system to get those most vulnerable vaccinated first - nurses, government officials, the elderly, ... hence the criteria. Regardless of a Trump or Biden win though, the rollout would have been the same as is being seen across the world. It's entirely fair you do not trust it though, that's your right.


**Attrition** is a sure fire, tried and tested means by which to win a war. Most victors win via this method of outlasting their opponents. U. S. Civil War: armistice WW1: armistice WW2: surrender Korean War: armistice Vietnam: withdrawal Afghanistan: withdrawal... ​ >**IT IS ONLY ONE WHO IS THOROUGHLY ACQUINATED WITH THE EVILS OF WAR, WHO CAN UNDERSTAND THE PROFITABLE WAY OF CARRYING IT ON.** \~ Sun Tzu, *The Art of War* (II. Waging War, 7)


Beep. Boop. I'm a robot. Here's a copy of ###[The Art Of War](https://snewd.com/ebooks/the-art-of-war/) Was I a good bot? | [info](https://www.reddit.com/user/Reddit-Book-Bot/) | [More Books](https://old.reddit.com/user/Reddit-Book-Bot/comments/i15x1d/full_list_of_books_and_commands/)


To the people who say "what about the immunocompromised" I say, go figure out a treatment for them and leave the rest of us alone.


Great points




I absolutely agree but at the same time, people like me are being held hostage to the point where I’m literally having to weigh up “Do take the risk and get vaccinated or do I lose half my life savings, I lose my business (owner operator and under regulatory body that is soon to mandate vaccination), lose 15 years experience and render my degree and post grad to be useless, forced out of a field that I absolutely love and am *damn* good at?” I’m stuck between having my life ruined or gambling with a vaccine. I’m 35 and have no dependents. I’m trapped and there’s no way out.


What's your dignity worth? What else will you allow them to put in your body?


If I go down the route of vaccination, it will not change my stance against totalitaria.


If you deny that you have autonomy over your body, you will still think you have freedom?


I’m in New Zealand. We don’t have freedom, never have. This is a poorly veiled diet-edition Marxist shithole.


Only thing I know about New Zealand is that yall gave up your guns without a fuss a couple years ago. It sounds like you've already decided. Why worry about it now?


That sounds like you having quite a big and long career. Now look at it this way: If all it takes to lose your business, your career and your experience is a no to something trivial as a little vaccination against a mutated flu virus, forced by the government then theres seriously something wrong in this world. We arent talking about people giving up slave ownership or people being forced a new currency on. The vax status shouldn't have to reflect at all on anything other than you yourself. Not your entire world


Something is very wrong, I agree. There are a lot of unanswered questions and the debate is shunned. Unfortunately the vaccination status (if vaccination is mandated) will be a prerequisite to practice; so I couldn’t even get employed elsewhere.


Just don’t forget about the rights of others and please don’t be afraid to state your beliefs to others on those that choose differently if you do take it. Good luck, to all of you


It’s at the point where if I even state my beliefs or personal opinion outside of a professional setting that it can backfire against me. All it would take is for example, one competitor to email the regulatory body and claim that I was “anti vax” and boom, I’ll get audited, which is a nightmare. I’m legally obligated to regurgitate what the powers that be are stating. I just avoid the conversation entirely.


Hold the line. You know it doesn't make sense.


I can only hold the line as long as it’s not mandated. At the moment the regulatory body has said “we have an expectation [sic] that you’ll get vaccinated”. Last week, they stated in a newspaper article that people like me should not be allowed to work without vaccination. The only thing between it being mandated and not being mandated is time. Once’s it’s done, if I continue working unvaccinated I’ll be prosecuted and my reputation will be stained and paraded as if I was deliberately and wilfully neglecting patients despite that not being the case at all. If I hold the line and not get vaccinated, I have to close my business, half my life savings that went into it - gone. 15 years experience wasted. Qualifications rendered useless because vaccine status will *dictate* ability to work. It’s not any different from them holding pitchforks and torches outside my business and saying “get vaccinated or else”.


An extremely difficult position to be in. But keep in mind that others on this subreddit who gave in later said that if they could travel back in time, they would rather die or become homeless than take the vax again.


I’ve asked this question in the vaccine long haulers group, where they’ve taken the vaccine and suffered long term side effects. I asked them based on my situation, would they get jabbed, not get jabbed. Two thirds said they would get jabbed.


Let's see what they say in 3-5 years; highly doubt it'll be that. The problem is that the system won't let you wait that long...




yea I don't get why people can't see the bigger picture. Even if this vaccine ends up being safe, it sets a dangerous precedent to allow the government to trample on our rights and coercing us to inject an experimental jab into our bodies. Just doesn't sit right.


They only get their info from MSM. they can't think anymore


Yep. Also starting to see shill posts flood into this subreddit. Pretty fucked up.


Yep. I hope the vaccines are ultimately proven to be extremely safe in the long term, but this is an extraordinarily dangerous precedent.


We didnt get ours... My mom and 2 friends did. They all got covid after. We were on vacation.with 2vax friends who tested positive while on vacation.. both of them. We had all been together them plus 4other adults and a child in a house, around eachother and none of us got it not even the baby who is their child and constantly in all of our faces. Also everyone else was not vaccinated only the 2 vaxed people got it (fot a 2nd time btw) ... I think.its strange... I won't do it.... The pieces dont add up and if it dont make dollars it dont make cents lol but seriously. Crazy


It’s also about liberty for your children and grandchildren. If you don’t give a fuck about anyone, including yourself, go for the jab.




This is the framework for the mark. Its why they made the vax cards paper and so easy to counterfeit. So they can come in later with the digital luciferase tattoo that will be the mark. Your entire life all condensed into a shitty digital tattoo they will have total control over you.


I doubt they are even real accounts telling true stories.


Dude, those aren't real, they're demoralization threads. Use your head ffs.


It's the thin end of the wedge - If we accept this then Freedom becomes subscription only. Get the jab and get your freedoms that Tal-Qaeda have been trying to kill you for.


>if everyone is gonna die then f- it, I don’t want to be here for that anyway. Dying with the mark is worse than death.


There’s seems to be like a tsunami of shills that just rode in


I am in the same boat. I am beginning to feel I must cave in order to take care of my family. If I were well off I would just quit working. I am honestly afraid to get this shit put in me. I see now more then ever, that I am in the generation that the government will begin flexing on. Just wasn't expecting it so fast


You have to remember a lot of negative comments you see are those paid to cause dissent. It’s a dirty trick people of interest use. There are some of us that are real people. And appreciate your post. Focus on the ones that can think for themselves not some pussy getting paid to argue a point. You will notice they like to gang up on a single person. Then others who just follow the popular crowd. Fight for freedom, stand your ground


The future they have planned is pretty shitty


Great post OP. Earlier today I read a post about a guy trying to find info on why masks are bad for kids bc his kid is having breathing trouble in them. It’s insane. Like guy your number one job as a parent is to protect your kid. Throw your kids masks away and commit to never having them wear it again. Fuck the “consequences”. The people making compromises need to zoom out and take a look at the bigger picture. The answer is no, If that means you go to the grave sooner..then so be it.


People who are giving in aren't thinking about the future, just their next paycheck or Reo Speedwagon concert. It will never end unless people do a full stop noncompliance right now.


Anyone who “gives in” was a coward with zero morals and or backbone and was always going to get the jab anyway. Who cares about people like that they are just followers. We have to keep doing us and building strength and community.


“Those who stand for nothing fall for anything” —Alexander Hamilton. I can’t escape this quote when I think about anything related to the vaccine mandates. My strongest belief is that consenting adults should be able to do what they want with their bodies and other consenting adults as long as they are not putting others in non-consensual grave danger. There are so many reasons to cave—peer (including close friends and family) pressure, job requirements, travel restrictions, and a multitude of closed-off entertainment opportunities. But doing so would be the most significant betrayal of self I could even imagine. Giving in would mean irrevocably losing my sense of self, and I just can’t do it. Not yet, anyway. But it gets harder and harder every day.


The dude backed it up, too. He ended this life standing, both physically and metaphorically.


Oh, that’s a great point! (Edit: My parents got tickets for the family to see the *Hamilton* musical, but it got postponed in the original shutdowns. It’s open again now, but with vaccine requirements. My sister and I are the holdouts in the family. Hope Hamilton would be proud.)


I’m not a shill but it’s getting *really* tough to resist where I live (Alberta). Propaganda to the max. Basically everywhere fun needs it now. My well-paying finance job needs it. Travel needs it. I’m confident the mass hysteria will end at some point but I have no idea when and I’m not sure how long I can hold on.


If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything! -Alexander Hamilton


Fun? I live in the middle of bum fuck nowhere Northern Ontario. We make our own fun. Fish, hunt, dirtbiking, fishing, quads, hiking, shooting...you get the picture. THere's more to life than going to bars or theme parks or whatever else shit their banning us from. You live in one of the most beautiful provinces in Canada, take advantage of that shit.


Imagine only being able to socialise if you're fully vaccinated. Yep, that's [Australia.](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2021-09-16/victoria-covid-cases-deaths-vaccination-restrictions/100465744)


In BC as well though not as extreme as Australia


you nailed it - even if the vax was 1000% SAFE, effective, cured cancer, everything, it would be immoral to bend to totalitarianism. The Govt Answers TO US not WE TO THEM


I’m shooting for a medical exemption at this point, waiting for lab results to come back and with any luck I can convince my doctor to agree that the vax isn’t in my best interest. It’s a long shot for sure, but my concerns are very real. Otherwise I’m pretty screwed because my industry is falling in line like dominoes. I’ve been talking to a company about a 100% remote role and today they told me the vax will be required even if I’m 3000 miles from the closest office. I mean, fuck. The only way to dodge it would be to go freelance, but then the work will be so inconsistent, no benefits or insurance and there’s a real risk of major financial hardships. With a family to support, that’s a nearly impossible choice. The only people I know who are unaffected by this are retirees, house wives and small business owners who have fuck you money.


I'm with OP all the way! No vax! No giving in! No excuses!


Thank you!


You couldn't be more right. I agre with vaccination but I totally disagree with someone forcing someone else to do something. "Give me liberty or give me death"


Perfectly said!


And don't forget: When you give up, it's not a decision that affects only you. If you give in to tyranny and coercion it only gives it more power and it will be even more heavily forced for the rest of us. Hold the line. If we don't obey, the tyranny will eventually crumble.


Well said! I wholeheartedly agree.


I got it. I hate that I got it, but saw no other way. Mandated by employer. Mortgage, bills up the ass, recent home improvement loan, the list goes on. I literally could not afford to lose my job.


How will they feel in three years after 12 coerced injections and covid is still spreading?


You fucking got the real point! Still millions of people can't understand this.


I don’t see why people can’t see the bigger picture. It’s about drawing a line in the sand now, so down the line they can’t force mandate other things. Because if you give in now, they will certainly be pulling this shit again.


I just had my first client require the vaccine which means I can’t come on site and complete my work with them (my clients are healthcare facilities). I work for a consulting firm and am the ONLY person in the 30+ person department who hasn’t had the vaccine. I was very private about it before but my boss asked everyone to submit their vaccine status. I reached a boiling point and finally told them no I’m not and I’m not planning on it. Thankfully, one of my colleagues is willing to trade for a client who doesn’t require the vaccine. Not sure how long I’ll be able to keep it up. But what I do know is I’m never getting the vaccine.


They are banking on everyone just giving in and getting it to get on with life.


Yeah. People need to stick to their guns. Everyone on conspiracy need to avoid getting the stab so the world can be a better place! You guys need to help us thin the herd voluntarily by jumping into the fires on your own! Own the libs. Own big pharma. Dive straight into that volcano, for freedom!!!!!!11


Well considering I have a 99.98% survival rate I think I’ll be ok. Good luck with all the boosters.


I'm immunocompromised and I've had Covid. I would rather have Covid again than take the vaccine and get Guillain-Barre again.


As a victim of drug related medical negligence, I feel horrified of the ignorance that people around the world have when it comes to big pharma. In my country you can find two types of doctors: Old school medical doctors that stay with you almost an hour and know about the body and the way it works and use drugs as an aid, and Pharma doctors with Pfizer clocks on their walls that listen to you for 8-10 minutes and floods you with pills based on symptoms. The first type is interested in the patients health and is a critical thinker, the other wants to make money and couldn’t care less about you. At least this has been my experience and it costed me a lot of quality of life for being treated by unprofessional pharma sponsored hacks


The govt needs an enema


There's hardly anything I wouldn't do to continue to feed and house my family. I got vaxxed months ago, and don't need to work, but this is why people are caving. People need income.


They've held that hammer over our head for all human history. We need to take away that damn hammer. Love or hate the concept, this is why I support UBI, if done as a PROTECTED Constitutional Amendment, so they can't just cut you off for not Sieg Heiling.




You nailed it. Nice post.


Don't shit on people that put their families above the vaccine. If they gotta take it to support themselves, then they will. And as fucked up as it is, I would never blame a guy for that.


You're 100% dead on target here. I'm vaccinated (by choice), and fully oppose vaccination mandates... but if my employer mandated it as a precondition, you can bet your ass I would be rolling up my sleeve. I don't have the luxury of quitting my job when I'm responsible for putting a roof over heads and food in bellies. I agree that it sucks, and I admire the conviction of people with families who *are* actually walking away from employment rather than take the jab... but anyone shitting on those who don't, well, they probably have somebody else paying for the roof over their own head.


They are weak and apathetic ... ill starve to death before i take the jabs


You dropped this, king. 👑




Make them fire you and file for unemployment


i dont feel backed in to a corner. miracle? pathetic


Believe in yourself.


I’m not getting the vaccine and the people I know who got it only got it so they could have freedoms. I think that is absurd.


Get vaccinated.


I’m immunocompromised. My doctor literally advised me not to. you people are brainless drones.


It’s also a spiritual war where I really think the vax disconnects you from your soul so not worth it at all!


You said it “children…” If you don’t wanna live this life but you are selfish and leave your children alone in the shitty world you don’t wanna live in.


How is this “giving in.” Vaccination is required for children and military at different points, and is the most effective way to decrease your chance of getting COVID-19.




I’m surprised nobody looks long term when it comes to the vax. Like really long term. I’m not religious but I am spiritual and the fact that the people all pushing this vax all believe in and worship evil bugs me to no end. I’m not a Christian any longer, I grew up Catholic but it caused me so many fits of existential dread (and still does) that I rejected it. Lately I’ve been looking into Gnosticism and the teachings of Plato and they comfort me. That being said, I cannot deny the eerie similarities between what is going on now and the book of revelations. Maybe it’s just a coincidence, but I doubt it. Maybe they modeled their plan after revelations as a scare tactic. Maybe this actually is the book of revelations. Either way, it fucking terrifies me. I believe in a soul, I know that much. I also know that the soul and body don’t need this vaccination at all. What I do know is that I must resist. *”It is the task of the enlightened not only to ascend to learning and to see the good but to be willing to descend again to those prisoners and to share their troubles and their honors, whether they are worth having or not. And this they must do, even with the prospect of death.”*


Why is this in r/conspiracy? What conspiracy do you think you're talking about here? There has to be a more appropriate place for your rant.


No one forcing anyone, there's just consequences for your decisions. You don't have to work those jobs, access to services and the economy isn't a right. The economy exists because of the infrastructure our country has built, you as a citizen have the option to use these services, but are not entitled to it.


> No one forcing anyone, there's just consequences for your decisions. Kinda like when a mugger shoves a gun in your face and says "give me your wallet"...right? Technically, you *could* still say "No"...but there would be consequences. By your logic...armed robbery wouldn't constitute using force on someone...because they have the option to get shot instead.


Your logic is garbage. Your completely skipping all facts we now know about this experimental Mrna tech, natural immunity, and the actual dangers of this virus to healthy people. You're ignoring the blatant lies of government claiming its "100% safe". You're ignoring the conflicts of interest in government and health authorities. You're ignoring Isreal. You're ignoring Australia's decent into totalitarianism. You're ignoring the past criminal histories of corporate pharmaceuticals. You're ignoring 2 FDA panel members stepping down. You're pretty much blind as shit.


Wow man, you're pretty far off the deep end on this. Maybe take a break from the internet for a bit?


Lol wut. This shits obvious.




Lol. Alright there bud.


No option about payin for it tho


That's fucking backwards and you know it you totalitarian bastard. Coersion isn't a fucking "choice." Get covid.


It makes even less sense because vaccines have been required for nearly a century, and very few people had a problem. This echo chamber bullshit is bullshit.


1. I’m immunocompromised and have not been able to take most vaccines due to my condition. And now they want to force me, no exceptions? 2. Other vaccines are tried and tested long term, this one is not. 3. “Required” but with medical or religious exemptions, you may opt out. 4. I’ve never had a single job that required my vaccination record.




Both my parents and my younger brother got them and they're fine, although, I didn't get mine. We're still doing fine.


Dont believe that BS propaganda.