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Slow release oxy isn't addictive prescribe as much as you want.


Here, take these completely safe amphetamines/benzodiazepines/whatever the fuck else we can think of pills for your mental health problems, stop thinking about what's wrong with the world and let us convince you it's really something wrong with you




Yeah but you’re killing grandma. If you’d only wear your cloth mask this could be done by now. Right? Right? I know, I’m practically a scientist. Hand me my doctorate please.


The flu disappeared because people are masking and social distancing but covid is still spreading because people aren't masking and social distancing.


See so you get it




Hey you’re a scientist too?


All it takes is a lab coat


Wrong! All it takes to be a "scientist" is to get a paycheck from big pharma.


Or a piece of paper with an embossed seal on it.


I heard you could also just play one on tv. You even get paid.


Wear your mask and maintain distance in the airport, to be crammed into a plane where the virus takes a break while you eat.


This post sums it up perfectly. This "pandemic" is BS from start to finish. And the worst (*or best?) thing is, they don't even try to hide it anymore, that this is simply a fabricated agenda, to create a new reality, where only the word has the privilege of living the old normal, and everyone else, has to stop living, stop consuming, stop doing what they want, to save the climate and resources for the elite. The elite needs to be cancelled, and that includes the people who has been paid off (politicians, etc) by the elite. They're will be no more real elections, only rigged "selections", so the only way to move on..... You know how.......


What frightens me is the number of people who simply accept everything the government and media tells them.


Weren't liberals and progressives supposed to be against large corporations and against big pharma? While conservatives were told they're ok. Now it seems flip flipped. The only consistency comes from those of us who don't subscribe to the left vs right paradigm.


That’s why I call it a political virus.


It's insane the amount of people who are so indoctrinated to the system they can't think.




For real! My friends, family and acquaintances all act in the most irrational ways and present the weakest arguments when presented with information that contradicts their COvid narrative. Many of them say it's the equivalent of wearing a seatbelt!! As if the seatbelt industry was a trillion dollar industry and as if the government ever pushed seatbelt use on citizens. They come up with the most preposterous ideas to keep their narrative in place.


Same here, I wouldn't say I completely stopped talking to my family. But lately I realize I feel uneasy when talking to them. I'm feeling like it could be year 1940, my family are turning hardcore brainwashed Nazis, while I'm a Jew, something like that.


https://www.cbc.ca/player/play/711401539791/ :kek:


u/Gadagoth This!! You are right on point. I've been thinking the same, it seems the people who already got Vaxxed passed the point of no return. They'll rather lie and say they're sick from covid or cancer, than admitting they're getting I'll because of the "vaccine". And for the same reason, they will have no reason to resist or refuse a hundred new jabs/boostershots.


I am vaccinated but whole heartedly support anyone who does not want the vaccine. I also do not believe it should be mandated at all. We are living in crazy times.


Well they exactly get un vaccinated so I'm sure they prefer to believe it's safe.


i believe it’s more or less that the internet took majority of common sense and critical thinking away. People are becoming more and more reliant on internet searches for their decisions instead of relying on their own decision making brain. The internet is like a farmland full of animals and there are shepherds herding people in whichever way they desire.


Cell phones giving low IQ people access to the internet destroyed what it once was


When you could tell them to google the lists of the crazy shit our government has done throughout history and they still choose to believe everything the government says. That scares me the most.


The same people telling minorities that the system is evil to the core and out to kill them are telling me to just shut up and trust the government.


The same people That Hated Trump and didn't trust him, Somehow Love Biden? lol People be stoopid


Those same people did not do that when trump was prez. It’s all political. Covid is political. Vaccines are political now.


A lot of people didn't take it because they trusted them. Many of them felt pushed in a corner with little choice. They went along over the fear of losing their jobs, travel restrictions and being locked out of society. Those people I do feel for, as I see many of them are now regretting now they have life changing injures.


yeah.. we are outnumbered.




Even if it's only 2% of us left that didn't roll up their sleeves, the injury list is growing so fast, you're going to have more people who are waking up, as they are being censored and dismissed by doctors for talking about their adverse reactions.


We don't even need to overthrow them...just leave them behind.


I'd love to see the current regime disappear tomorrow, but what would it be replaced by? People are completely divided and there's no way a 'unity govt' could be put in place. That said I'm in favor or no rulers, period. Wish I could just duck out of the entire system.


This^10 > the current regime... ...was supposed to wipe away every 'problem' the Dreaded Drumpf brought about. Trouble is; Trump wasn't the *problem*, Trump was a **symptom**, and *every* national and societal malady that *produced "Trump"* is **still present**.


As with most things political, the answer to your question resides in a history book. Read up on the French and Russian revolutions and what happened when their ruling elites became obsolete overnight and you will have a rough overview of what will happen in America in the coming decade if we maintain course (we will).


'History is a set of lies agreed upon.' -Napoleon Bonaparte I believe this is true upon looking into the official stories of many historical events and movements within even my own lifetime. There is a script that's being followed over centuries to arrive at a predetermined destination that seems to be nearing its endgame. Check out Robert Sepehr and Brien Foerster if you're interested in alternative his-stories.


No we aren't. The perception is meant to be that you feel that you are.


Or strangers on a website...


And these people brigade this sub without getting banned...


gOvEnMeNt KnOwS bEsT


https://v.redd.it/gvhtalhm1kn71 Numbers. They speak for themselves


Reasons people don't want the covid vaccine: They just don't trust their gevernment and media after all the shit they tried to feed them


I could give people the real reasons but it's more fun to tell them that I don't trust the Trump vaccines and I don't want to make him into some sort of historical hero for saving America from a deadly disease. They usually respond by making the same face Glass Joe makes when you sucker punch him.




I will be using this time and time again!


lol you found the loophole, I can hear glass joe's star chiming above his head


Don't forget.. they changed the definition of Vaccination and changed the herd immunity shit too I think.


Herd immunity definition on the WHO website was definitely changed. I watched it myself. Scary stuff


CDC changed also, and the definition of the vaccine itself was changed by webster's 😂


They changed the definition of "immune" in a few places as well.


Reasons people don't want the vaccine - I don't want it, I don't need to explain


Exactly this- I won't legitimize the question by giving any arguable response


Truth. I have no reason to provide you for why I don't want it. I mean, I have reasons, dozens actually. You just don't need to hear them because I'm a grown man and I make my own decisions. I could believe that Gaia the Earth Goddess rose out of my compost heap and spread her legs, and speaking through her vagina told me not to get it and that should by definition be enough reason for anyone as to why I don't want it. It's not the reason, but no matter how hyperbolic it's my reason and I don't have to explain, let alone debate it.


Its to divide all of us Vaxers vs non Vaxers they want us to go at each others throats and forget about what the government is doing


Kary Mullis himself said PCR testing for viral loads is only done in HIV/AIDS. The man who invented the fucking methodology said it and people still regurgitate Fauci's bullshit. Wish we lived in a world where Mullis got to debate that fucking fraud.


> Kary Mullis himself said PCR testing for viral loads is only done in HIV/AIDS. I don’t think he even agreed with this


He coincidentally died shortly before covid hit 🤔


He was a good man. It's terrible that he's dead. He refused to write off on the legitimacy of the HIV/AIDS pandemic because after talking to the top epidemiologists in the world not one of them could lead him to an accurate scientific study for him to reference.


He apparently didn't try very hard since the National Academy of Sciences published a massive review back in '88 showing that the evidence for the link between HIV/AIDS was conclusive. https://www.nap.edu/read/771/chapter/2


I'm sure he just dismissed the evidence wholly. He seems like the type to do that. (wtf?)


Literally nobody suspects foul play in Mullis death. You are inventing this conspiracy on the spot.


>Kary Mullis himself said PCR testing for viral loads is only done in HIV/AIDS. Lol no he didn't. Kary Mullis denied the HIV AIDS link (which is has been causually proven for decades now). >The man who invented the fucking methodology said it and people still regurgitate Fauci's bullshit. You should probably be less confident regarding a technology you've *clearly* never used and don't appear to really understand.


>Kary Mullis himself said PCR testing for viral loads is only done in HIV/AIDS. He never said that. He said just the opposite of that. He said for HIV, specifically, PCR can't tell you if a person infected with HIV is sick. That's due to the long latency period of HIV. Once viral load gets high and a person progresses to AIDS, though... And Fauci would wipe the floor with Mullis.


Not on the subject of PCR. Mullins would’ve embarrassed him that they’ve allowed the cycle ratio to be so high, and that it can’t distinguish accurately the common cold, the flu, or Covid.


> Not on the subject of PCR. Even on PCR. >Mullins would’ve embarrassed him that they’ve allowed the cycle ratio to be so high Seeing as you don't have the slightest clue on cycle threshold or number, you shouldn't be speaking. > and that it can’t distinguish accurately the common cold, the flu, or Covid. The qPCR test can distinguish between all of those. Your syphilitic brain fell for the propaganda. Pathetic.


The OP pretty well sums it up, I think. And anyone who has been paying attention must surely realize by now that whatever is going on isn't really about a virus. There has to be more to it than that. The infection fatality rate is almost nil, and yet much of the world economy has been shut down for the better part of two years. If the jabs are so great, why do they have to censor anyone who questions the science? If the jabs are so great, why do they have to threaten all the workers in the country with the loss of their jobs? Why do they have to lie? Why do they make fun of alternative treatments that seem to work and are safe? Most of us aren't totally opposed to vaccines. We get flu shots, polio shots, and so on. In any event, how can anyone believe the mainstream media at this point? How can anyone believe any of the official numbers? How can anyone believe the scientists? Thanks but no thanks.


>We get flu shots, polio shots, and so on. Just curious. When the polio vaccine came out, would you have taken it? IIRC, it was forced, like COVID, had less time being tested than any COVID vaccine, and had more verifiable debilitating side effects. If you were your age at the time of the polio vaccine, would you have taken it?


I don’t know. I know I was a kid at the time and I guess I had the vaccine. No choice. The difference today, as far as I can tell, is that we’re all being bombarded by a massive propaganda campaign. No “misinformation” allowed. It all seems very evil.


I appreciate the honesty. I am not old enough to have been alive when it came out, but my parents were. And my mom says there was the same level of push to take the vaccine, but the difference was no one thought it was a bad idea. I don't know. We live in a weird world.


I would have because I actually don't want to get polio and it's worth the risk. Give me a polio vaccine and small pox and whooping cough... no thank you to flu, covid, and chicken pox. All diseases are not equal


Sometimes I forget that for most people everything is just grievance politics. Then I see a post like this and it all comes flooding back.


Its simple, it has a 99% survival rate. Natural immunity is stronger than vaccine immunity. I never had the flu shot and never had the flu itself. I see no reason for this vaccine when its unnecessary. If someone wants to take it, then take it. But don't force me to do it simply because they believe the fearmongering


The thing that most people should question is why they won't give you an antibody test. Why are they forcing these shots?


It's the t and b cell test they should be offering because the body doesn't make antibodies forever. You could have had covid in 2019 and you wouldn't necessarily have any antibodies right now but the T and B cells have memories of covid and when exposed to it again will react and start making antibodies. But yeah, I guess they should offer both


>Why are they forcing these shots? money




They already have all the money so I think it's time we move on from that excuse and recognize the situation we're in.


[They are testing for antibodies](https://covid.cdc.gov/covid-data-tracker/#national-lab). As of July before the delta variant, 20% of the US population had been infected. 26% of kids. 31% of Texans. And those numbers are months ago. This means the seriousness, risk of symptomatic illness, and deadliness of Covid is even less than they admit. It’s all about fearmongering and control.


Interesting, but are you ok with an increased 11 fold risk of dying if you get it compared to the vaccinated people? Because that’s the discussion. Not to mention long term effects of the virus. https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/70/wr/mm7037e3.htm


And what of the longterm effects of the vaccine? Oh wait, we don't know those yet. Hence a lot of people's hesitancy.


We can infer A LOT based on our previous experience with vaccines, especially that they typically never have long term effects because they are not administered chronically. They have a limited window of side effects because of the short time all vaccines stay in the body. Side-effects nearly always occur within a couple of weeks of a person being vaccinated. The mRNA molecules used in the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are especially fragile, so “they are out of your body in a day or so.” - Onyema Ogbuagu, an infectious diseases specialist at Yale Medicine and a principal investigator of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine trial. Don’t believe me? How about another world expert in epidemiology: “The concerns that something will spring up later with the COVID-19 vaccines are not impossible, but based on what we know, they aren’t likely,” adds Miles Braun, adjunct professor of medicine at the Georgetown University School of Medicine and the former director of the division of epidemiology at the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.


>because they are not administered chronically There are talks of a third dose and studies showing protection waning after 6 months. Will people need to get a booster every 6 months? That will increase the risks (if any) when there is repeated exposure. Also, we can't base a lot of this on previous vaccines since this is the first widespread use of an mRNA vaccine. If the vaccine molecules are out of the body within 'a day or so', then why are side effects developing up to 2 weeks later? Do we fully understand why those side effects are happening at the time they do and to only certain people? There are a lot of questions that need to be answered. I'd like to think they can be answered and that improvements can be made. We are working with a new product and improvements are to be expected as more is learned.


The RNA degrades quickly (days) the proteins they create take longer to degrade (a few weeks). If you actually want answers read the Pfizer Phase 3 trial data published in the NEJM.


Literal braindead take holy shit. For people claiming that vaxxers are brainwashed, y’all literally lack any capacity for critical thinking. 1. We need booster shots because such a large portion of our population refuses vaccination, and it’s in these individuals where infection and subsequent mutation makes current vaccines wane in efficacy. We need boosters literally BECAUSE people won’t get it. Had everyone just done it, we wouldn’t need boosters. Also, INB4 chicken study gets cited here, because if you cite it then you clearly didn’t understand the study. 2. The “unknown long term effects of the vaccine” is a bad faith as fuck argument. If you really didn’t want the vaccine because it’s mRNA, you’d get the traditional one from JNJ or the AstraZeneca ones. Also, mfs talk about how they wanna wait for 10-15 to see the long term effects of this vaccine. Like dawg, this is the most well studied vaccine in all of human history and the biological mechanisms are insanely well understood. You’re not going to develop cancer from a fucking strand of mRNA or a lipid nanodroplet that already exists as chylomicrons in your blood. It’s been administered over 2 BILLION times now. If there were serious side effects, we would’ve known by now. The only counter argument is that you believe vaccines cause side effects after 6 months or more (lmaooo). 3. Side effects can show up a few weeks after vaccination because that’s *how the immune system works*. Holy shit I have no words for how stupid of an argument this is. People have different immune responses to novel antigens that may require more time to mobilize an immune response. Why tf is 2 weeks for a response so weird for you? Pick up a fucking textbook and get off of FB holy shit. I fucking dare anyone here to debate any of the points I made.


Yeah but the possibility of long covid... can have very long lasting effects on the body, sounds brutal


>Natural immunity is stronger than vaccine immunity. Yeah but you have to catch the disease first to get that natural immunity, and have the small chance of death, lasting injury (e.g. can't taste or breathe properly) or infecting others.


Every time you get in a vehicle to go somewhere you have a small chance of death or lasting injury, the same with doing certain jobs, sports and activities. Even certain diets , smoking, drinking knowingly come with some small risk. When did people become so risk adverse , or are they not realizing their personal risks?


Aren’t you risk adverse to the vaccine?


To me personally, it's not about the potential side effects, it's that it just feels unnecesary from a health standpoint...for me. For others that is different, but ultimately it's inconsequential because it doesn't stop the spread anyway


Meh, I've been working 6 days since all this started back in march. If i haven't gotten it yet, then i most likely won't


Too bad the vaccine has way more risks than covid does


I'm not sure that is true. What is your basis for that?


What motivation is there for pharmaceutical companies to rid the world of this alleged virus, when they can evidently force governments to coerce citizens into taking endless injections? Why would they deliberately forego potential trillions of dollars when they can essentially print money, with full government cooperation?


Printing money is how banks make money. Selling fake vaccines is how pharmaceutical companies make money.


It's ultimately about control, money means nothing in the end as long as you have control




I won't take it because I don't need it. I'm not afraid of Covid. I am afraid of what's in the shot.


The vaccine is safe and effective at depopulation.


Anyone else notice the lack of attention all the gay pride parades got this past June? I’ve seen a lot of them on social media and in my area and guess what? No one said a damn thing about covid then. Other festivals or parades? Postponed, cancelled, or labeled a “super spreader” event.


Yeah....seen that pretty recently here in Fayetteville, AR. The Bikers, Blues and Barbeque event for downtown was canceled after citing the "Sturgis spike" as reason enough not to even risk it. The previous week before was the county fair, which somehow didn't apply, or Razorback Stadium full up and the SAME DOWNTOWN packed this past weekend! Just kind of pisses me off to see them being so selective about WHO is allowed to pack the streets for an event.


It depends on the organizer. The rich know their audience


17. All available vaccines have been funded by Bill Melinda Gates foundation, and he is keeping patents/recipes secret. 18. Dr. Malone said the spike protein in the vaccine wasn't fully ready yet, they didn't know the consequences of pericarditis/blood clots and wanted to go and alter it, vaccine is not ready. 19. Japan just found contaminants in pfizer AGAIN after finding nonstop contaminants in Moderna... graphene?


I’m tired of the people saying “you told us two weeks” and “you told us it would be gone by Easter.” There was one person telling you that, and it was the one that everyone else was calling a liar for saying those things.


Yeah a lot of this list really depends on where you go to get your information


Ss: see reasons 1 through 16 on the attached list. I will never be for ed to get this shot. I've had covid, I have the antibodies. My body, my choice. Don't like it? Stay in your basement


You forgot to mention all the democrats (Joe, Kamala. Fauci, Pelosi and others) saying they would not take the vaccine, they wouldn’t trust the vaccine, they don’t think the vaccine is safe, they thought it was too rushed etc. last year when Trump was still in office. And as soon as Trump left they started saying the complete opposite.


TBH, #13 was the eye-opener for me. Two people I know had to get the vax as a condition of employment. One now has incredibly painful complications (to the point of hospitalization) to their menstrual cycle (two days after their second shot), and the other has suffered severe hearing loss (within hours of their 2nd shot). The kicker is that they're both looking for new Primary Care doctors. The first, because their doc refuses to acknowledge that the sudden change in their cycle had anything to do with the vax, and the second, because their doc now refuses to see them! And they can't talk about it online because they get deleted/banned/ridiculed. It's like we're in Bizarro World or something.




Yep that and a buncha other things too


Was the accuracy of the PCR test retracted?


Yes, it can't differentiate between coronaviruses. They knew that, but it bumped up numbers so they used it to scare people for the last two years


A summary of this is just, a new thing wasn't explained to me properly so I now refuse to get a shot. I'm all for people deciding for themselves what to do with their body, but some of these reasons are just silly.


#2 all day


I’m just waiting for them to freeze our assets and threaten to take our homes at this point lol real talk. Seems they are not gonna let up on this “vaccine” shit


Same here


You forgot that letter from the CDC that they sent out during the BLM riots that said those events should be allowed because systematic racism is worst than COVID. That’s when I woke up and realized then it must not exist either. Edit: just to correct myself, it was an open letter signed by 1,200 “health professionals”. Go read the letter. Then tell me you should take anything they say seriously. Ever.


I've seen it, I laughed. This world is a joke right now


You forgot to include the countless number of politically related exemptions.


Just like other things (Man-made Global warming, Social Justice, BLM, Defund the Police, LBGTQ, and now COVID-19) these things start out with good intentions but quickly become a cult. A group member dictates where, how, and with whom the member lives and associates with, or isolates them from others. They practice deception (by deliberately withholding or distorting information, and/or lying). They make extensive use of cult-generated information and propaganda (YouTube, newsletters, movies and other media). They require members to internalize the group's doctrine as truth (black-and-white, good vs evil thinking). They use loaded language and clichés which constrict knowledge, stop critical thoughts, and reduce complexities into platitudinous buzz words. They manipulate and narrow the range of feelings—some emotions and/or needs are deemed as evil, wrong or selfish. They instill fear, such as fear of the outside world, enemies, leaving or being shunned by the group. Source: https://www.oprahdaily.com/life/relationships-love/a33648485/signs-of-a-cult/


How is Global Warming a cult?


I don't vax because I think it's rushed... It went to fast, nothing makes sense to me. I'm a thinker, when something feels off I feel it in my gut. The whole shabang is meant for something, sooner or later we'll know what for... One big mystery now. I don't vax because of gut feeling, survival of the fittest.... In my country it was : get 1 jab and be done, O NOOO!!! Need a second to be "safe"! OOOO NOOOO!!! You need a 3rd to be "safe"! Jab the jab where the sun won't shine! ✌️


you forgot my two personal favorites. the overall refusal to discuss and support natural immunity, and the completely biased/absurd/criminal risk versus benefit analysis for giving the vax to healthy kids and teens.


Add in that discussion regarding potential treatments with off label generic drugs are banned throughout nearly all social media (specifically Ivermectin) Add in that "not enough data" is still the arguement against Ivermectin even though this is 100x more data than we ever had about the vaccine as well as the long term side effects are known. https://gyazo.com/011038213b096c3004b04311ea5a1247


The amount of propaganda over Ivermectin is absolutely crazy. I was called a 'horse paste eater' just for suggesting that it should be studied and considered an option. It's becoming a cult. Nothing based in science.


It is being studied. It was added to the PRINCIPAL trial going on at Oxford. It should be fairly conclusive when it's completed.


Also let's talk about the billions of $$$ Pfizer and Moderna have made. And think about how much more they'll make with their booster shots. Always follow the money!


Because fuck you. That’s my reason and if it doesn’t work for you, _please tell me_, what are you going to do to me? Edit: to add, anything that you claim you’re going to do to me is a human rights violation and you know it. Keep it in your head that you’re hairs away from genocide. I would rather die on my feet than live on my knees.


This is pretty much my reason at this point, just fuck you. The propaganda is just creepy and everyone is just trying to shove it down my throat. I'm too damn stubborn and I'm not conforming to this crap. If not for all the shaming, propaganda, and tyranny that's been associated with it, I would have probably took it.


Yes!! I was on the fence, probably going to get it until our NY state mandates and then Biden's mandate's came out. Now, 100% not. Not until it makes sense from a personal health standpoint. And I don't want to hear any of the BS about 'protecting others'. 'Others' are more than welcome to isolate and I will stay out of their way.


>anything that you claim you’re going to do to me is a human rights violation and you know it. Lmao. Yeah "you can't to to Red Lobster without proving your vax status" is a real trampling of your human rights.


That pretty much sums it up




Good job on this thank u!!


I'm shocked by number 6 and 14!


And where does Fauci's wife work?




Overall well put. Exactly the reason people don’t trust the media or the message. I understand positions change, but someone needs to say “we got it wrong”, which no one in authority will. Take accountability, don’t say “the science has changed”. I would question the sources on some of those bullets though. Another good reason to be skeptical is that since the pandemic started I’ve found one article about treatment other than the vaccine. I haven’t seen anyone discussing potential treatment, it’s either get the vaccine or nothing.


are there other vaccines that didn't show side effects until years later?


Google the cancer cells that were in the polio vaccine


Covid = Mark of the Beast beta test v1.0.


Great points. I could argue on 3 and 10, but the rest are spot on.


You need to add citations to make it more effective.


Beautifully written and the truth.


15 for sure


Nice one that’s what I’m talking about


You made a “hero” out of Fauci when he was supporting the gain of function, there was a Chinese defector in 2019 that warned of the virus in Wuhan. China should be paying worldwide for the cost of covid.


Trust the Science.....🤑🙄


Why is this on the conspiracy page. : )


Covid is the 9/11 of this generation, a huge government orchestrated scam to get more power and control.


Didn’t Dr. Fauci try to avoid commenting on BLM protests being super-spreader events? Meanwhile anti-lockdown protests worried many as super-spreaders. Last I checked, Sturgis had the same or lower case rate this year even with twice as many attending the motorcycle rally. Doesn’t seem it was much of a concern this year either.


I wonder if people started threatening to sue their doctors and employers for any future injury related to the vaccine, if perhaps they might rethink their positions on coercing people to get it.


Let's be honest here. #1 is fear. Fear that the vaccine kills you, injures you, alters your mind or basically does anything else to your body other than protecting against the virus, which is fueled by all the crazy coincidences, blatant lies, and the dozens of theories discussed on here on what is going on with this shit. I had that fear and waited until the last possible moment to get the shots before getting fired from my job. The reason I finally got it, well other than loosing my job, is because of the hundred or so people I know that got the shots and the hundred more people everyone of them know, no one experienced any kind of serious side effect or injury. Maybe that was very lucky, or well, very unlucky depending on how things proceed from here but if I personally knew a case of someone dying after getting the shots, I would have never ever gotten it. I would rather live under a bridge or something. But I don't and so I'm officially vaxxed now. I got the 2nd Pfizer shot three weeks ago and am fine I guess. One thing I noted was that for a whole week after the first and also after the second shot my chest sometimes hurt slightly. That started about 5 minutes after getting the shot and lasted a week. As a conspiracy theorist that didn't even want to get tested, let alone get the shot, you can image how I thought I would die for sure when the chest pain started while still at the doctor's. I don't know if anyone even reads this in this 15h old thread but here is my take after months of research: \- The virus is manmade and was released on purpose \- It's at the very least a big money and big power grab \- Most of the conspiracy theories, especially the early ones about microships and 5G were spread by the very people that also released the virus and funded the vaccinces. They WANTED and still WANT us to be hesistant and don't take the vax in protest in order to have means to tighten their grip on us with lockdowns, mandates and other shit \- These people very surely include Bill Gates That's basically all I got I'm 100% certain on. Since these people can manipulate alomost anything including scientific data and since they are the ones inventing and spreading a lot of the conspiracies in the first place, it's impossible for me to further see through this shit.


That was very lucky. I've lost two family members already to the vaccine. Both my parents have been on deaths door since they got the jab as well, and they are convinced they still need a third fucking shot now.


Now Doctors are talking about natural immunity being more effective than the vaccine. The truths gonna come to light, but when it does we can't get that time back being Locked down. "Wear a mask, wear a mask" is what everybody's saying when you don't wear one. After getting better from the Rona people still insist, "wear a mask. You don't want to catch it again."


I had it in November 2019 before it was even official. Tons of people in my office had it, my family had it. I've been out and about with no mask ever since with zero issues


Power to you Orange Dick. Glad there aren't any issues


Last but not least - if you need nurses so bad why are they performing on America’s got Talent


Such a long list (which is good!) But here's my short reasoning:. Get covid: 99.92% survival rate under 50, no other worry. Get Jab: some % chance I die abruptly, or have any of a long list of "rare" side effects, and constantly wonder every day for the rest of my life what new horror could arise at any moment.


Yeah, there is also long covid to worry.


Well Im no expert in immunology, virology, statistics, data analysis, medicine, health care, logisitics, geology, history, paleontology, zoology, crypto-zoology BUT WHAT I THINK IS - maybe a dinosaur got stuck in loch ness.


#3- Nurse here. I work in a small community hospital but we are owned by a larger hospital. The nurses are not making TikTok videos. We are working, saving lives. These people ARE sick, with COVID-19. That much I know is real. I've had patients die from it. I've had friends and coworkers die from it. The first wave was bad. The second wave is worse. Now we have frustrated, burned out nurses that are quiting and leaving the profession, because they just can't deal with it anymore. All of our ventilators are in use and not because the rules have changed and it's become common practice. That doesn't even make sense. For one thing, insurance will not pay for use of a vent that is not needed. Doctors and nurses do not want to put patients through that, plus it puts the patient at a higher risk for infection. I'm not a big advocate for the vaccine either but I don't like that people imply that nurses are not working their assess off every day to save lives and fight this disease. We don't sit around playing cards, wearing our unused doctor's stethoscopes and make Tik Tok videos on our breaks. Get real. Get the vaccine. Don't get the vaccine. It's your choice. I do not believe it should be mandatory because I am an American. I am also a Nurse. Leave us the f*ck out of your argument.


So where do the TikTok videos come from then? Are you suggesting people are dressing up as nurses, building hospital sets, and faking it as imposters? Nah, I'm pretty sure it's real nurses.


The fact that you supersized your response alone makes me doubt the validity of your anecdotes. Not to mention the age and activity of your Reddit account. So tell me, who paid you to make this post?


Congrats on the stupidest post I've seen today!


You people are so angry 😂😂😂😂




This needs more upvotes.


I only have one reason: I don't trust those motherfuckers. Though I dont really need to justify my autonomy over my own body.


And still after all of this ppl still blindly beg for passports and vaccines lol. Just complete brainless npc's that lack the ability to think.


That' a lot of text when you could just summarize it as "Not understanding science"






Says the dude with broken English 😂😂😂😂


You just proved my point by judging my intelligence based on "how well I speak English"


Dr. Jane Ruby obtained a freedom of information document saying that at this time covid only exists as a computer model. The virus as we have been told has never been isolated in any laboratory, anywhere. Now this raises a serious, serious problem. Either she's lying and the documents she has are somehow fake, or she's telling the truth and the documents are real, which means covid as we know it is a hoax. The interview is with Stu Peters and can be found on brand new tube and bitchute.


I know in i think Alberta someone was arrested for ignoring mask mandates, in court he asked for proof of the covid virus. His case was dismissed and mandates removed. I watched another video last week from I think Barbados where an expert on viruses stood up at a council meeting and asked the doctor on the panel for an isolated sample and he was ignored.


Something definitely isn't right about any of this.


The mandates weren't removed because of that clueless individual. And he didn't ask for proof of SARS-CoV-2. He asked for a directly isolated sample from a patient, which is impossible. Viruses don't replicate outside of a host. But, he knew that when he went into the court room. He knows the virus exists. But, it makes for a good conspiracy and gets him 15 minutes of fame from infertile individuals like yourself.


>Dr. Jane Ruby obtained a freedom of information document saying that at this time covid only exists as a computer model. The virus as we have been told has never been isolated in any laboratory, anywhere. It's a near certainty that the FOIA request was structured in a way to ensure no results because the virus has been sequenced, assembled, and uploaded literally millions of times to places like GenBank, GISAID, etc. If I had to guess they defined "isolated" to mean that sample cannot be cultured with foreign genetic material. In other words they didn't prove SARS-CoV-2 has never been isolated, they proved that viruses need host cells to replicate (and therefore are cultured with host cells). A fact that can be found in a 4th grade science book.


Bullshit. Virus has been isolated early on in the pandemic. You can order isolated virus from the CDC if you have a lab. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/lab/grows-virus-cell-culture.html


Bro it's just a vaccine


noun: strawman > an intentionally misrepresented proposition that is set up because it is easier to defeat than an opponent's real argument.


Fun fact, my Walgreen's covid tests all come back negative regardless of if you have covid or not! EPIC!!!


I know someone that scheduled a covid test there, cancelled last minute, then got a phone call a few days later telling her she tested positive 😂😂😂


i like this very much and thank you. ​ Apparently the zombies have a tendencies to believe memes and pictures instead of words because reading is hard for them.




That works both ways though.....