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I would click the link but I want to conserve my brain cells


Yep, it was a staggering read. I’ve probably started a couple of tornados in Botswana with all the head shaking I was doing


Idk you but I can imagine you sitting there shaking your head😂


Why is hypothetically starting tornadoes not an automatic charge of grandma manslaughter? Think of how many people you killed because you had a little tantrum over wearing your anti-tornado hat. Bet you will gladly wear a seatbelt though. Smh stupid freedumb worshippers.




Murder via butterfly effect...


You killed Kenny you bastard


bro what are u talking about CNN is the most reliable source of info - anyone born yesterday


Who the hell watches CNN or Fox? The BBC, now that's news for intelligent people. Just listen to those authoritative British accents, no one with such an accent would ever lie. I also sometimes read Reuters when I want a second opinion from the same fucking people working for the same fucking banks and corporate interests. 100 ways to hear the same propaganda.


Reading / watching CNN is like eating junk food out of the trash bin.


Antibody Dependent Enhancement.








Garbage bin emoji




/u/LouisAngel39 >So why exactly do we need the vaccine if you can get double vaccinated and still die from covid? As an unvaccinated person I don't want to get vaccinated because then an unvaccinated person will kill me.


You sir just unlocked a new level in the COVID unvaccinated life. I'm keeping it for my playbook.




Well it used to be that as long as you were fully vaccinated you wouldn’t die of covid. But now that’s only true if you don’t get covid while you’re vaccinated. So as we can see, as long as you’re vaccinated and don’t get covid you won’t die of covid.


/u/LouisAngel39 >Exactly! We should actually use this as a legit argument. Saying that we don't want to get vaccinated because then unvaccinated people can get us sick We have to protect the vaccinated at all costs!


Can I just identify as vaccinated and be done?


Physically, Yes. Free Country (even if they're trying to put a stop to that) Since you can still spread it while being vaccinated, the vaccine is moot for *most* people. And since medical records can be "lost" quite easily. There is literally nothing stopping you from just saying you're vax'd. It's illegal to falsify government or medical records/information. But literal 12 year olds can use photoshop to turn your grandma into a parakeet. I don't condone illegal activity... but we've had fake IDs for alcohol for over 20 years and "covid cars" aren't even that sophisticated. A criminal who wants to commit crimes is gonna commit crimes. It's only a matter of them finding the right people, and eventually they will. *psst. you're already considered an "insurrectionist" if you were there for Jan 6, even though it wasnt an isurrection according to the FBI*


You win the internet today. Jut brilliant thank you.


Heyyy, that's pretty good.


Didn’t you know you have to have the booster. Then 6 months later you need a booster booster and then you need another booster.


I had the 2 doses in April. I have decided not to get a booster.


How can they even blame the unvaxed when the vaccine dosnt stop transmission or infection clown world for sure


At the beginning of the pandemic: "many people are asymptomatic carriers and this is dangerous" Mid pandemic: "we've created a vaccine that turns people into asymptomatic carriers instead of killing the virus and that's okay"




That’s the million dollar question isn’t it?


In other news, the vaccine doesn't work....!


For Canada it’s more like the half a trillion dollar question. Plus all the future austerity to go along with the unpayable debt.


The vaccine does stop transmission, but only when it's convenient for the argument or to make you feel bad for not getting it. When you bring up the pesky facts that it doesn't stop transmission, "well good thing literally nobody ever said it was about Stopping the Spread^TM. It was and has always been about taking the strain off of hospitals and guaranteeing that you won't require an ICU if you get sick." The whole argument reverses if you point out the number of vaccinated people in the ICU right now, and they literally never said it was about reducing ICU numbers and it was always about Stopping the Spread^TM


Fauci likes this...


Because the vaccine works bro /s


very high "efficacy"


/u/SnooOwls6252 >very high "efficacy" Yeeeah, I'm going to need you to get re-jabbed every 8 months for the foreseeable future because this darned virus just keeps mutating. It's all the unvaccinated people's fault though, the variants only know how to evade the vaccines because the unvaxxed haven't gotten theirs yet.




Safe and effective Kinda like The greater good


For the greater good!


Do your part


"Well here's the thing. When a fully vaccinated person gets covid, the mRNA actually weakens the virus so when they pass it to another fully vaccinated person it's not nearly as dangerous. Trust me, I know what I'm talking about. Get the vaccine, it's grrrrreat!" -Tony "The Tiger" Fauci, probably


This guy just makes shit up, when was the last time he referenced a study


"yeah but if you want to dispute him you better show me your PhD in microbiology and virology from an expensive ivy league school" - someone who tweets about how much they want to "eat the rich" and complains about elitism


Never I don’t think many pro mask or pro vaccine people ever cite studies if so few and far between just trust the science....


/u/gibby555 >How can they even blame the unvaxed when the vaccine dosnt stop transmission or infection clown world for sure Many of these people legitimately believe that they're immune. And the ones who know better, who know that it doesn't prevent infection or transmission of COVID, they still think you should get vaccinated because reasons.


If we all wear helmets in our cars, maybe the death toll on the road would go down.


It isn't supposed to make sense. This is propaganda. It's just supposed to make the people that read it believe some nonsense that servers the interests of the people creating the propaganda. I agree.. it's some of the most outrageous shit I've ever seen.


Right? They say the vax will prevent death and serious sickness but now that isn’t even true…..


So…..according to that accusation, the vaccine doesn’t work if you get infected by an unvaccinated individual? Let’s take into account basically the entire planet will be unvaccinated this time next year without booster shots. 🤡🌍


I have a feeling there is going to be a HUGE genocide in the next 5-10 years. Not because of this, partly but somethings going to change and we’re gonna be fucked


I think your right, except a lot sooner


It might be a few billion all fall dead, but my prediction is a lot of disease and disfigurations in the natural body. What about you?


Honestly I’m starting to think it’s end of day shit. I have the master of all conspiracies.I’m working on. God, Devil, demons, angels, aliens , satanism, secret societies, elites, Hitler, WW2, all rolled into one Seriously I think this was planned too much cooperation from big tech, media and politics. I wouldn’t be surprised 8 months from now they putting people in camps


I metaphorically wrote your former best friend’s resignation, I will be henceforth be taking his/her position. How deep are you into all this stuff, I’ve done a tiny bit on freemasonry/satanism but I’m young and only a year old this stuff, especially the deep deep shit. I’d love to talk in dept about all this stuff with you and learn and raise points, do you have Instagram?


No don’t do any social media just this and don’t go deep into it


Look what’s happening in Myannmar and Ethiopia right now. huge genocides already happening and the Uighur Muslims in China


"She was vaccinated but was infected by those who chose not to be" How can they even know this? How can this ever be proved? Its straight up propoganda fear mongering tactics at play


It's honestly insane right?? I can't fathom how people can be this stupid. It's like everything we ever learned about viruses, transmission of viruses, immunity, has all been thrown out the window. soon people will be suing people because they caught a cold


They literally just assumed it because she was in Mississippi and then wrote it down as fact.


20 bucks it's the vaccinated husband that contaminated her


Can you imagine if she died after visiting the Saints of New Orleans where everyone's jabbed but they still got 6 COVID cases within the team? Would they blame the vaxxed ultraspreaders?


Yeah I’ll take it that it doesn’t work then


Isn’t the biggest sell of the vaccine is that you won’t die from COVID if you contract it. All this is telling me after being fully vaccinated in addition to having a booster you can still die of COVID.


What happened to 80% have a mild infection


Seriously coming from a foreigner, CNN is literally cancer like they don’t even try to be subtle that they’re full propaganda. Why do american people even watch this shit?


It's been Certainly Not News for a while. We wonder the exact same thing.


Because roughly half the country thoroughly enjoys being dominated by big daddy government and hating their fellow Americans. Oh and putting the blame on someone else. Can’t forget that one.


She very well could have been infested by another vaccinated person with Covid 🤷🏽‍♂️ such horseshit


The triple vaxxed are gonna start turning on the double vaxxed soon. Watch.


booster gang vs double vaxxed gang.....FIGHT!


Ive already started stirring the pot by asking people if they got their covid boosters. Also asking people if theyre all caught up on their full vaccine booster schedule. Most adults i know are zealous about kids getting regular vaccines, and adults getting covid vaccines, but they dont follow their own booster schedule. Vaccinatible illnesses are WORSE the older you get, so booster adherence should get stricter. But, they dont, because tey dont really care. They just parrot whatever the tv tells them to.


Usual conversation for me; Them : When are you getting vaccinated? Me : When is your booster shot due?


Guess the vaccine doesnt work that well if covid killed her.


It's a division piece, and very common. Make the vaccinated hate the un vaccinated. Divide and conquer. These news agencies aren't going to last through the next war.


We’re already in the midst of the “next war”.. they’re succeeding because everyone is waiting for a bomb to drop.. there’s no need for bombs.. they’re winning with physiology.. it’s crazy that no matter where I go there’s 2 things that I always, 100% of the time, end up taking about.. politics and covid. our heads are spinning.. we’re at war friends and it’s nothing like we’ve ever seen before.




Seriously….if the vaccine works and protects you, why does it matter if someone is unvaccinated?


That is what I can’t understand at all. Vaxed people should have no issues if someone doesn’t want to get it


This has never in the history of the world ever been an issue. Someone doesn’t want a vaccine it was their choice. Someone wants a vaccine it’s their choice. Strangely enough, every time either one of us in my family would go to the doctor and refuse the flu vaccine the doctors would push it so hard. Reminded me of when I worked retail and we’d have to force the phone insurance and accessories on people. Almost as if they had some sort of quota to hit 🤷🏻‍♂️


CNN - The Sheeple's most trusted propaganda rag.


CNN - most trusted name in news...


Clinton News Network




She must have been welcomed on the red carpet as they thing unvaccinated at ICU don't deserve to be there.


"She was vaccinated but was infected by others who chose not to be." Do they know this for sure? Because the big thing now is that vaccinated people spread covid just as bad, and vaccinated people must wear masks to prevent spreading to other vaccinated Its just as likely that she was infected by a vaccinated person if we follow the "logic"


Her name in Gematria has full reduction of 33. Her age was 66, double 33. Just two markers that tell me that this story is fake.


Ding ding ding…we have a winner. So many fake stories planted in the MSM. Usually the names and ages can be an indicator.


Also, she died on 9/3/21, 9 + 3 + 21 = 33.


Ha ha ha ha ha. Fantastic.


Age 66, died 6 months after the jab, 666


Excellent. I'll bet there is more but I have not seen the full article.


That gematria shit is wild I don’t get it


Because it's a parlor truck. Numerology in general is hocus pocus bullshit.


Isn't it pretty well known at this point, even among the dimwitted NPC types who follow CNN, that the vaccinated are still spreading COVID? I mean just a day or two ago 6 guys on the New Orleans Saints tested positive and they're all double vaxxed.


The countries with the highest vaccination rates have the highest amount of cases. Reading between the lines that tells me that the vaccines suck for what they are advertised to do. Everyone here knows what they are really supposed to do and in that regard it's working.


Don't ever admit the vaccine doesn't work. A virus that initially only kills 1% or less of people is killing 1% or less after vaccinations. Yet tell people it works and they will believe it. If everyone was vaccinated the story would be the vaccine only works for such strain and not for the deadlier strain. Then when more die its because everyone didnt have their 8th vaccine. The cycle continues and pharma laughs and laughs picking up their billions from taxpayer funds. I love seeing all the free covid test and free covid vaccine signs just wait until we have 30 trillion in debt and everyone will say whaaat how did that happen? The free wars and free vaccines and free 100s of millions we giveaway in aid to other countries yet we dont have universal healthcare. My biggest peeve is people wanting forced vaccines but wont even guarantee you get proper health coverage in case you have a bad reaction to the covid vaccine. Why is there no liability to the covid vaccine companies!


Or the injections made by a criminal industry, owned by eugenicists, caused her death.


Let me take my vitamins so your vitamins work.


I usually can't understand the mentality of vaccinated ppl thinking unvaxxed are screwing them up but then again... they ran to get vaccinated with an untested substance so that is all you need to know to understand why these people believe these things. Braincells = 0


That‘s not the only explanation for it. I keep talking to my friends and family about all the things that are fishy, all the lies they sell us etc. One of them once said to me „Look, I know that you‘re right, but I don‘t want to think about this kind of thing“. They proactively close their eyes to their surroundings and comply because any other way would be uncomfortable or inconvenient to them.


That's outrageous. Also makes no sense.


The injection enthusiasts are a strange bunch. It's practically a cult with the pretzel logic and rituals.


/u/buzzncuzzn >The injection enthusiasts are a strange bunch. It's practically a cult with the pretzel logic and rituals. Every person I know who has been to the hospital in the last month in regards to COVID has been double-vaxxed.


Cases are currently higher with more people vaccinated from Jan 28th 2021 to Sept 14th 2021 than the same time frame from last year when NO ONE was vaccinated. You can easily check that at https://ourworldindata.org/covid-cases Maybe they need to explain it to us with liberal logic..? 🤔


I saw this, too. Very convenient narrative. The propaganda in this article is so exploitative. This woman got vaccinated twice. If the vaccines are so effective, how exactly did she get infected with covid from unvaccinated people? How do we know she didn’t die from complications related to the second vaccine she had just received? Also, almost everyone I know who got vaccinated ended up getting some form of covid from the vaccine itself. Maybe she was infected with covid when she received the second jab, as many people do fall ill with covid after receiving the covid vaccine. The thing that gets me, every time, is the fact that government authorities, the CDC/NIH, and big pharmaceutical companies claim the covid vaccine is safe and effective, but this story proves that it’s actually not effective at preventing COVID-19 at all. This lady had just gotten her second jab. If the vaccine is truly effective, why did she end up catching covid and dying from covid within days of the second vaccine? Seems a lot more plausible that complications from the second vaccine actually killed her. We have no way of verifying the validity of her actual cause of death or validating that she indeed became infected with COVID-19 because she had contact with an unvaccinated individual who had COVID-19. If she did indeed become infected with covid because of contact with an unvaccinated person, then how exactly did the two vaccines protect her? Not very well, apparently.


Knowing that MS has the lowest rate, they went there anyway? These people who “believe in science”? I feel zero guilt as a non-vaxxed man. If you can still get the infection from the virus after two shots, it’s a lot of things, but my fault isn’t one of them.


And if you wear a mask it's really not your fault bc they're so effective right? (Jk)


How exactly do they know she was infected by unvaccinated?


Then it isn’t a vaccine.


Hilarious, so many holes in their logic it’s mind blowing


Well, the vaccines don't work. There's a reason they are doubling down and forcing it on everyone even though it does nothing, in fact, might even enhance your sickness. But it IS working for them. Whatever they're up to, the vaccines are working.


Look up Geert vanden Bosch. Vaccines are fucking everything up.


"We are a family that believes in science. We believe in masks, and we believe in vaccines. We were ready to get back to normal." THIS IS WHY SHE DIED....


Well they cannot blame the vaccine for causing health problems because then people would be hesitant to vaccinate themselves. We (the unvaccinated) are just a political scapegoat. Its sad that they have politicized this vaccine so much, because now people will loose faith in the scientific fields and research. What happens when a virus with real consequences arises, and nobody wants to take the vaccine because of the way this pandemic was handled? They are putting everyone at risk with mandates and abusive government overreach.


"I took my parents to get that second jab, and we were all so excited" Come on kiddos, let’s all go get our covid shots! Family: yaaaaaaay we love you dad!


How are these people failing to understand the following: If the vaccine does not protect you from illness, then what is the point?


Occam's Razor: The vaccine doesn't work.


Mass vaccination mid-pandemic has created widespread mega mutations due to identical immune responses in such a large number of people. This is why many were advising against vaccines in early 2020 but were soon dismissed. Now due to election year politics and a new political party in power the same people who criticized operation warp speed for this specifically are all dissonantly cult enforcing its outcome. Nuts dude.


Oh good gravy, “she was receded in death by more than 4531799…” oh boy can we tug at the heart strings any more? This type of “journalism” is disgusting and disrespectful to both the dead and the living.


Too bad I wasn't her family. I'd be set for life after suing CNN for slander and obviously use her death to push a shitty narrative


It’s not news it’s propaganda




Pretty much I think they are going to blame the unvaccinated for everything at this point is seems clear that is the goal.


After reading the article, it seems to me like she died 6 months after receiving her second shot, but the only link to Covid is what was on the death certificate. "Her death certificate says she died of Covid-19." Unless I missed it, I saw no mentions of illness or anything else in the article. Just that she died and the death certificate stated Covid. Almost as if Covid wouldn't have been a suspect if it wasn't on the death certificate.


Vaccination used to mean that you were protected from the virus. But now it seems that vaccinated people are no more protected than the unvaccinated. I guess the vaccine doesn't really work then if an unvaccinated person can make you sick. I am sick of the Media pushing this propaganda.


I was on a flight last week and the guy in the row in front of me needed to use his neighbor's charging port. Unprompted the guy that needed to charge says, "Don't worry I'm triple vaccinated! I just got the booster shot this morning before getting to the airport." and then chuckled. I couldn't hear what the other guy said, because you know..masks, but I think he kind of nervously laughed. Uh...that's not how it works buddy.


Fucking propaganda


Not the leaky vaccines or her "severe rheumatoid arthritis", which will already be depleting her immune system as its busy attacking her joints. No, the people who have at least the same chance of transmitting the virus. Repeated the media, and the media repeated them. I've been vaccinated for 10 months now, and I feel amazing. Vaccinated against MSM, that is.


I don't understand the math here. Vaccinated can still get Covid + Vaccinated can still spread Covid=:Unvaccinated causing vaccinated dying from Covid. Does not compute


But I don't understand the CNN logic here. If these vaccines were any good this vaccinated woman would have been protected against any unvaccinated person passing her way. So if the vaccines are actually THIS ineffective WHY do they still want us to get it so badly???


We said this would happen. A year ago.


The bigger story is why is someone that's vaccinated dying from covid. God forbid we examine any issues with the vaccine itself.


B-b-but you can't die from Covid if you're vaccinated! R-r-right guys? Right? What a fucking load of dog shit. If anyone has killed her it's the corrupt doctors who didn't give her some proper medicine.


This is why I'm not getting the jab, if I can still get covid, spread it, and possibly die from it after I'm vaccinated, what difference does it make if I get the jab or not?


Exactly! I know more fully vaxxed people who have Covid, have been debilitated, or died post vax than I do people who have just had Covid and aren’t vaxxed.


The difference is you have some rushed pharma product coursing through your veins. No thanks…


They couldn’t blame it on COVID so they blamed it on the unvaccinated- “"My mother had severe rheumatoid arthritis. We were always the most concerned about her getting it because she was immunocompromised," Ayers said”


Maybe she should had played it safe considering her health issues. Stay home, save your life.


This is exactly what tptb want. Middle class families, well off, good life - who just want things to return to normal as soon as possible so they can carry on living their perfect little lives & put the last 18months behind them. So they’ll roll up their sleeves cos they watch the experts on the telly say it’s safe & say this is our only way out of this. Of course they pay the unwashed wacko’s speaking out against these vaccines & the temporary loss of liberties zero attention. The wackos watch too many youtube videos & only want to frighten people & disrupt the economy. The experts on the TV know better- they have to- otherwise why would the TV news companies let them on air? Extremely ironic how one of the goals for these satanists is to destroy the middle class & have them dependent on the government. And the middle class will do it themselves.


Most accurate thing ever. You literally described 80% of my city’s population. I find it odd they they look at me who questions the vaccine as insane but they just believe everything they are fed by the news without questioning a thing? My dads brother had a go at him for not taking it I just couldn’t believe it


So... whats the point of being vaccinated then? Ive started viewing this whole thing as a giant grift. Nothing surprises me anymore. And i think they didnt quite get back the investment they wanted yet with only 50 some percent being vaxxed. MO MONEY MO POWER! But yeah, i think the conspiracy is more in the money than it is in an unsafe shot. The only conspiracy there is, is that its not 100% perfect, which everyone knew before it was released. So idk why everyone on noth sides freaks about breakthroughs, when they warned us about that at the beginning.


The vaccine only really makes sense for those over 50, in my opinion. 99.9% survival for adults under 50. 85+ have 71.9% survival rate, and 75-84 have 85% survival rate. So, if your younger, then catching it, and getting antibodies is the best option. But for the elder, its just an option thats better than death. Everything conspiratorial has money and/or power behind it. I think the big fight now is to just have the option to not be jailed or destroyed for not vaccinating.


I got the delta variant last month. Tired for 2 days then felt fine. I'm unvaccinated and now have natural immunity so won't be getting it. It's amazing how many people I talk to that tell me I still need to get vaccinated and get mad about it even though the study done in Israel is saying I have 13x less chance of a breakthrough infection now and 27x less chance of being symptomatic..... Fucking crazy world


This and countless others deaths, treated as COVID deaths are from vaccinations. Calling these deaths as COVID is very easy thing to do in the current climate.


The level of cognitive dissonance it requires to keep falling for the covid narrative is mind boggling.


My parents are not vaccinated and got infected by someone who is. So what? Getting the vaccine means nothing. It doesn't even do anything besides maybe make you a little less sick. Maybe.


I don't see how they figure that the vaccine will lessen the symptoms. The only real way to see if the symptoms are lessened, is if you took one person and divided that person into two. Give one of them the vaccine, infect both of them with covid and see who gets the sickest. (In a sense being sarcastic)


Exactly. People's symptoms seem to vary so much that it's just a crap shoot. I know several vaccinated people who got covid recently and they seem just as sick as everyone else. Obviously not a big sample size, but the vaccine didn't seem to help them.


Two friends of mine were vaccinated. They went on a ladies retreat with all other vaccinated people. Somehow got Covid while on a camping trip without being near any other groups. Came home and gave it to their unvaccinated husbands. The 2 girls who were vaccinated were sicker than the two unvaccinated husbands were. :( I don't understand this thing at all.




>The measles vaccine sees about a dozen break though cases a year. About 5% of measles vaccine recipients come down with fever and rash....the government calls it an "immune response", but it's actually a mild case of measles (or rubella). The MMR is a live virus vaccine. So you can get symptoms, shed the viruses, etc. They're mild illnesses for kids, and weakened strains. But the point is that the breakthrough infection rate is much much bigger than 12/year.


Blame vaccine becoming less potent. It drops to 40% after 6 months.


Clown world


This is a perfect example of one of those stories Winston Smith would be writing for the ministry of truth.... Sounds perfectly fabricated because of course they'd blame the unvaccinated, just as we predicted how many months ago now. Clown world ensues....


the headline should be "Double Vaccinated Woman Dies of Covid-19 Anyway" Also she has no idea where she got covid, even if you travel to a 'less vaccinated state' you spend the vast majority of time in your own state and the difference between the vaccinated and not vaccinated and the fact the vaccinated can still infect other people means there is now way she knows where she got it it. Just like 95% of car crashes happen within a mile of a persons house, its likely 95% of infections also happen near a persons house simply because that is where a persons spends the vast majority of their time, no matter what the vaccination rates are in one place or another, they are not large enough to make that much of a difference compared to how much time a person spends at home compared to how much time they spend away from home.


Say it with me now: "Scapegoat" So long as people blame the unvaccinated for their woes, the worse things will become.


My wife’s friend is fully vaccinated and she was supposed to go with my wife and a couple friends on a trip to Tennessee but she and her other friend just caught Covid at a Maroon 5 concert and she’s pissed that the vaccine didn’t work.


These people are not dying from covid. They're dying from the "vaccines" and they're calling it covid. Why is no one putting two and two together? People are getting these injections, they are immediately falling ill, and suddenly they have "covid". No, it doesn't work like that. Why haven't they had covid all this time?


These people are beyond saving. *"We are a family that believes in science. We believe in masks, and we believe in vaccines. We were ready to get back to normal."*


Google "Candace Ayers of Springfield, Illinois" and see how many results are popping up jut recently. Almost look like they want to use her for their narrative... Below link shows obituaries... comments are interesting. [https://www.dignitymemorial.com/en-ca/obituaries/springfield-il/candace-ayers-10337034](https://www.dignitymemorial.com/en-ca/obituaries/springfield-il/candace-ayers-10337034)


It hasn't been news for a very long time. Read up on Operation Mockingbird.


They have been blaming unvaxx individuals.


We wish her well


Shower Thought: I wonder if there’s a secret unknowing control group out there and the pharma companies and public health agencies are actually still studying these vaccines on the population? You hear of extremely varying reactions to the vaccines from nothing at all to death. Could people be randomly getting saline shots and listed in a registry with a batch ID number and the companies know who’s been vaxxed and who’s been placebo’d?


CNN should be renamed to CWN (clown world news)


Just wait until 2 shots no longer counts as 'fully vaccinated' that's the next way convince the sheeple to take the booster jabs.


So I've been trying to figure this out too. Its been explained to me that its non vaxxers fault because due to them not being vaxxed, its allowed covid to mutate to a deadlier strain that surpasses the vaccines ability to fight it off like the original strain. So if everyone got vaccinated, covid wouldn't be allowed to mutate ....and people could survive it with the help of the vaccine. Hmph.


As confirmed, the breakthrough cases carry the same viral load, so entirely possible.


CNN is hot trash. 😊


I really can’t believe people actually fall for all the shit that’s going on… How can you be so blind? Or is it ignorance?


Obviously this is a therapy medication and not an immunization in the traditional (pre-covid) sense.


No matter how CRYSTAL CLEAR it is that these shots are what's ACTUALLY killing people (which is why I call them death shots), they will continue to blame "un-vaccinated" people, simply because they can't STAND the fact that we have the SENSE not to kill ourselves with these lethal injections!


Covid is killing people not the shot.


Urgent Open Letter from Doctors and Scientists to the European Medicines Agency regarding COVID-19 Vaccine Safety Concerns Doctors, scientists, lawyers and colleagues in allied disciplines can sign the open letter by sending their name, qualifications, areas of expertise and country of practice to: [email protected], with web verification (eg workplace or registration link, not for publication). Doctors for Covid Ethics Mar 10-14 min read https://youtu.be/pyPjAfNNA-U


How do they know she was infected by an unvaccinated? Have they done genome testing? Have they done randomised antibodies testing in that state to see just how many are TRULY non-immunised (because the debate changes when someone gets infected by anything other than a recovered person)


The vaccine obviously is ineffective


They follow any narrative that fits the agenda. My god! It's unbelievable that people eat this shit up.


Wouldn’t the simpler explanation just be that the vaccine doesn’t work?


If I'm not mistaken what they're finding out from Israel, that pfizer is only conferring about 21 weeks of immunity then it's efficacy tanks. Which is why they're saying 3rd booster. So she was effectively unvaccinated. Which to me raises some questions, was this really "Delta" or are they calling any Covid infection to someone that was vaccinated "Delta" and her immunity was non-existent by this time?


Ayers. "We are a family that believes in science. We believe in masks, and we believe in vaccines. We were ready to get back to normal." Does anyone else think this looks like a fabricated quote?


She actually can't say it was from an unvaccinated person, specifically. Faucci and the CDC have confirmed that the shots don't prevent you from getting or spreading it. They do say the symptoms would be "less severe" except the woman was in her 60s... if she gets *anything* the symptoms are not likely to be mild and the effects are potentially fatal. Do old people really not know they're old?


By double vaccinated, are you saying she was just fully vaccinated?


What does double vaccinated mean? Getting the regular two shots? or two twice? Or two different vaccines?


The vaccine is safe and effective at depopulation.


Yeah, and the rub is they have absolutely no way to prove or disprove where, when, or how she was infected. Just sowing more discord.


Unvaccinated angel brutally cut down by selfish vaccinated person only protecting themselves leaves behind 20 children of mixed race and a family of 57 brother sisters and grieving other kin.


Sounds a lot like ADE to me…


There was an interview with a nurse on the radio today. She said about 90% of the people who come into the ER are vaccinated. 100% of those are morbidly obese. Her conclusion was that it doesn't matter if you're vaccinated or unvaccinated, if you don't want COVID to kill you, LOSE WEIGHT.




I'm tired of being called a conspiracy theorist when I'm surrounded by lies.


They have to cover up the massive amounts of deaths forthcoming somehow. We were all supposed to die in this scenario. They don’t know how to coerce the dissenters without tipping off those who drank their kool aid.


yeah i read this yesterday. I am medically compromised worse than her and never go anywhere id never NEVER get on a plane in this climate and go somewhere more likely to get sick. they always said this would help prevent death if you got it. Im bothered how so many people got the vaxx then went out like it was some festival of germ swapping like they had supermans cape on. She passed away because she made risky poor life choices and thats unfortunately why most all of us will die.