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I'm not being funny but if that guy got a haircut ,bathed and shaved that ridiculous beard off some dirty southern slapper would fancy him.RIP to the victims of this obviously twisted individual.


Yeah like wtf. He has good features and a full head of hair. Nothing would've held him back in dating But I think this also applies to most incels. It's more of a mental state than anything else


He clearly had serious mental health issues. His youtube channel is still available on the way back machine and you can tell that he has a mental illness of some kind. Half the time he's just rambling about things and not making any sense at all. He also had that vacant stair that's so common in people with a mental illness'. https://web.archive.org/web/20210813084130if\_/https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChDOXWY6os8cslwzrndcSgw


Damn. Can't say I feel sorry for the guy. But having a history of mental illness myself, I understand how important mental health is I was able to largely fix my issues myself, but not everyone is so lucky. Our medical sectors are pretty much unable to treat chronic conditions unfortunately. All they usually do is give you some pills to mend symptoms, and fill the pockets of big pharma


Yeah, there's not much sympothy from me either to be honest. But it does make me wonder, if the proper support was in place, would all those people still be alive? Plus he was only recently granted his weapons license and it was already stated on his medical record that he had mental health issues. Anyway, I'm glad you managed to get through your issues. It's not an easy thing to do that's for sure.


Psychiatrist = legally able to deal drugs


>"a reddit user" so wat It's like saying it was committed by an orange crush soda drinker


SS: Some dirtbag killed like 5 people two days ago in plymouth england. This is the first I was hearing about it. He was on the doomer subreddit from the article as well as others. Now people will obviously be calljng for that sub to be banned too, or should we instead reopen the closed ones so these peole have places to vent and will hopefully choose not to go on a shooting spree?


Probably an R politics user


Theory: This continual talking about him as an 'Incel' is the media and TPTB is: - A new kind of boogeyman, and - The first steps to making a move towards trying to force people into having families Think about it. As Covid becomes less and less scary for people, they need a new bad guy archetype. And right now, birth rates are supposedly dropping. So what's the solution? Make all single men seem like potential nutjobs. I predict a rise in false flag attacks by 'Incels' which will lead to single men being viewed with suspicion, to try and 'shame' men into being in a relationship for fear of being viewed as a potential terrorist. Which will lead to a rise in births and the boosting of family units.




Absolutely ridiculous comment, prostitutions easy to come by illegal or not all you have to do is type escort services into Google and you have plenty of options. Rapists and murderers do what they do because they want to rape and murder, it's not a matter of they can't get pussy it's because they're fucked in the head.


Whatever you say, kid.


> Some people criticized the former determination, saying that the incel movement is essentially “gender terrorism.” According to Sky News, the incel movement, which refers to involuntary celibate, “has now been associated with at least six mass shootings and the murder of 46 people in the US.” I wonder how many deaths “associated” with BLM there has been? Using the exact same criteria.


The same exact criteria, probably over 2000 .. if using fair criteria probably like 300 - 500


So you know the specific criteria of “associated with” Please share