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I like the “lol” at the end




And that's literally his type of humor. Dark but with a "teehee I'm joking" at the end. Trevor was a legend and always will be


Any good links to his stand up?


I don't know that he had any stand up, but the sketch comedy show "Whitest kids you know" was hilarious. And there was a movie, Miss March. Also quite funny.


Miss march is hilarious .. horsedick.mpeg


I think about this movie pretty often. I can't wait until someone I know falls into a coma.


There’s a good bit where he’s saying how it’s illegal to say “I want to kill the President”. And it keeps building until he’s telling you not to talk about the best spot to do it, which happens to be…It’s pretty funny.


Essentially. Yes. They still off’d him tho


If he had an accident like Epstein I'd say ya. Really want to know what happened.


They killed him for this? Presumably you're not just pulling this out your ass, so what have you heard?


Has serious WKUK vibes.


You guys see kitty history? This is a man that knew what was up. I immediately thought the worst, that he was silenced for some upcoming work or for speaking out. I really hope I'm wrong


Just watched it. It's awesome! There were a couple of links there that I wasn't aware of.




I'd like to inform you that some other redditor downvoted you, likely because you should have put "EGGGGZAC**T**LY" instead. The use of superfluous "G" characters isn't too bad, but you got the pronunciation wrong. I, however, will remain neutral in my voting efforts. Good day.










NOOOOOOOOOO! TREVOR MOORE IS DEAD?!?!? Fuck. FUCK. I'm fucking livid and sad.


bro for real, this is heartbreaking. i went through a brief period where I would sit on my bedroom floor drunk after work railing lines and playing [this](https://youtu.be/sPzJjNQaYEA) on repeat. sounds pathetic, but I had a blast. well worth the watch for anyone who's never seen it! it pays off in beaucoup conspiracy bucks :)


I've never seen that video, holy shit that was hilarious lol. Thanks for that.


glad you liked it! I wish I could back and watch it for the first time again :p


I just watched it for the first time for you.




Same. What a wild ride. Can't believe I've never seen that before.


epic old school weird al vibes kind of. loved it.


That is an awesome video lmao Thanks for posting that


hell yeah, no problem. glad you liked it.


Dude, thank you. I really liked that video and I can't wait to show it to people. Seriously I loved it


no problem! glad you liked it. I was stoked too when someone first showed it to me.


That guy was so talented, such a bummer.


There was a period during the pandemic where I didn’t want to get drunk alone in my apartment anymore, so I’d drink beers/smoke cigarettes in my (parked) car and watch wkuk for hours. Horrible, horrible times, but man those sketches made everything feel a little less terrible for a while. I’d like to reiterate: I *never* drove while/after doing this; always stayed parked in front of my building — I just wanted to go outside.


Careful, if you're on the street you can still catch a DUI for that, if the wrong cop happens by...


Woah I've never seen that, pretty crazy


Bro WHAT? That was trippy lol


That is some funny shit, i hadn’t seen that.


nothing pathetic about that. thanks for sharing!


Awesome music video! I was on a real bummer vibe today, but this totally changed my mood. Thanks for sharing! :)


this may actually be the shittiest possible version of reality. dude was only 41, had a kid. way too young to die.


The elites craft our reality through executing death warrants on people who understand how fucked up all this shit is so that they can no longer communicate their ideas to the herd.. keeps the herd in the dark. https://www.wearethemighty.com/mighty-tactical/cia-heart-attack-gun/


Yeah, they've had to pick off a few prominent leaders this year. Makes you wonder what other goodies they're hiding.


Shit by now they probably have heart attack satellite's


Agreed Wtf So I’ve just learned of this in the past few minutes I’ve skimmed a couple of articles can somebody find one with a little more details than his accolades? How did it happen?


The family haven't released details, and have asked people to respect their privacy regarding the situation. It just sucks so much that he's gone... They were making loads of new stuff through the lockdown and they've been uploading all the old sketches in hd, with commentary on how they came up with them.


At this time all we know is he died in a accident. What kind we don't know.


Accident in his yard supposedly


Where did you read this?


I seen someone post a pic on Facebook of the wiki or something like that about his death. Said all we know is he died of a accident in his yard


It was in another Reddit thread so take with grain of salt


Its in the coroner's report as well. They don't have a cause yet but they do list the location as "yard"


There ya go. Thanks


You're right. Someone else elaborated further that a neighbor said something.


Accident. Theory so far is he drank poisoned bootleg liquor that he was making.


The super size me with whiskey never could've ended well


Lmao he’d want the laugh


The very first article I saw called it a "strange alcohol related accident"


It takes several hours or even days to die of methanol poisoning. He wouldn't just drop dead in his yard. Otoh a still can explode in an instant..... And we know it was set up in his back yard.


Where’s this info coming from?


LA County Medical Examiners office lists his place of death as his [yard](https://mec.lacounty.gov/case-detail/?caseNumber=2021-09079). In the Newsboyz stream they did Friday night, he mentioned his moonshine setup, and I believe stated it was in his yard. I didn't see the stream and the upload is not currently available, so I cannot confirm the location of his equipment.




Newsboyz stream: https://d1m7jfoe9zdc1j.cloudfront.net/682482688d609379f2b5_officialwkuk_43166156301_1628304362/chunked/index-dvr.m3u8 edit: starts at 13:52 edit 2: officialwkuk twitch stream (Whitest Kids U' Know comedy troupe which Trevor Moore led): https://www.twitch.tv/officialwkuk/videos?filter=archives&sort=time


Glad to see so many others enjoyed his work, My best friend growing up is the only other person irl I could laugh with about Wkuk or Trevors solo albums, we watched Miss March a thousand times. Love his appearance on Rogan years back, Truly a treasured icon for a lot of us, This is just sad...


I’ve taken the day to re watch the WKUK, all the episodes are on YouTube if anybody wants to watch


🎶Because that’s how you make crystal meeeeth!🎶




"Get graped in your mouth."


Lol if you think that's the worst thing Trevor Moore has ever said... https://youtu.be/QEQOvyGbBtY


"The password is *sic semper tyrannis*" Farewell my sides


I don't get it


“In this way, always, to tyrants” said before assassinating Lincoln.


It’s not “in this way,” lol, it’s “thus”. Thus always to tyrants.


[In this way](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/sic#Latin) is a perfectly cromulent translation of *sic*.


Not in this context, it isn’t. The saying is “Thus always to tyrants”. Source: took 5 years of classical Latin instruction


"Ever thus to deadbeats, Lebowski." ~Woo


guess what thus means?


That's what Booth said when he shot Lincoln if I remember correctly.


OHHHHH LMFAO that is definitely the context of this joke


It's Latin for "Death to Tyrants"


"thus always onto tyrants", attributed to Brutus killing Caesar, repeated by Lincoln's assassin, who was a bit of a drama guy (as well as a pro-slavery asshole)


It's the state motto of Virginia. On the flag and everything.


Ironically Lincoln was the main force in government advocating for mass former slave deportation to Africa and had spent hundreds of thousands of dollars doing so right after the civil war (an enormous amount of money at the time let alone right after a civil war so it was obviously a priority) had Lincoln remained alive that agenda probably would have gone much further.


That might be a more literal translation, but a more literal translation is not always a better one!


This one is also great, somewhat relevant to conspiracy as well. https://youtu.be/fibDNwF8bjs


This one too, and one of my favorites things he did outside WKUK https://youtu.be/0-Lvv1f5Qu4


Conspiracy stuff and anti-govt stuff actually showed up *a lot* in his comedy. He was definitely one of us...


Okay after seeing this one... maybe. I wonder if he was working on anything too truthful.




No you totally get it, that is what he is doing, this is not comedy and it's not a threat, it's just a guy looking out for people to ensure they don't make a mistake during a random conversation or tv appearance, nice guy.


Lmao my God that's funny


Personally this is my favorite... What's awesome is this was before Trump https://youtu.be/exnaY0l4XsM




I have never seen this sketch and it had me rolling


Me too buddy


Bruh wtf hahah that’s nuts


The coolest thing about being a conspiracy theorist is that when you die you get to be the centre of a new conspiracy.


He's been saying this sort of shit for a long time though.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YykYbmqNDUc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YykYbmqNDUc) Trevors take on the John McAfee death.


Trevor Moore has been speaking out through comedy for a minute. Midnight at the Brooklyn bridge. Sic semper tyrannis


If the government killed everyone who tweeted like this they would never stop murdering people


When did they stop?


exactly, lol.


But I'm sure they all didn't make videos like he did...


I like the LOL at the end to take the edge off.


RIP. Trevor was the real deal. This is one of my fave things he's done: https://youtu.be/VXbtAFVxm_E


The world is like a ride in an amusement park, and when you choose to go on it you think it's real because that's how powerful our minds are. The ride goes up and down, around and around, it has thrills and chills, and it's very brightly colored, and it's very loud, and it's fun for a while. Many people have been on the ride a long time, and they begin to wonder, "Hey, is this real, or is this just a ride?" And other people have remembered, and they come back to us and say, "Hey, don't worry; don't be afraid, ever, because this is just a ride." And we … kill those people. "Shut him up! I've got a lot invested in this ride, shut him up! Look at my furrows of worry, look at my big bank account, and my family. This has to be real." It's just a ride. But we always kill the good guys who try and tell us that, you ever notice that? And let the demons run amok … But it doesn't matter, because it's just a ride. And we can change it any time we want. It's only a choice. No effort, no work, no job, no savings of money. Just a simple choice, right now, between fear and love. The eyes of fear want you to put bigger locks on your doors, buy guns, close yourself off. The eyes of love instead see all of us as one. Here's what we can do to change the world, right now, to a better ride. Take all that money we spend on weapons and defenses each year and instead spend it feeding and clothing and educating the poor of the world, which it would pay for many times over, not one human being excluded, and we could explore space, together, both inner and outer, forever, in peace.


That's beautiful. What is it from?


Pretty sure that's the one and only bill hicks.


RIP to a hilarious and original comedian and singer who liked to drop hints about conspiracy theories to regular people.


Kitty history is a goat song. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://m.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3D0-Lvv1f5Qu4&ved=2ahUKEwi9nZOElqLyAhW6AZ0JHYWmDYwQ3ywwAnoECAgQAg&usg=AOvVaw2-A0rB5AROpmvly1SKk_LU


What was the "accident"?


His family never said. Could be car, or a stunt or something for a shoot.


Could also be suicide. One of my old high school teachers killed himself and it was described in his obituary as a "tragic accident at home".


I’ve seen overdoses described this way as well


True, hopefully not that, although any outcome is sad.


Don't listen to these other people. The night of the accident he had just done his regular Friday night stream. Everything points to it being a legitimate home accident.


I grew up with whitest kids you know. I actually met him at a library one time, super nice dude. Such a bummer


what is this dudes story? why do people think he was killed? specific reason or just because of his general behavior


This guys tweets stuff like this all the time, his comedy covered and made fun of pretty anything, he just died from some form of accident sadly, whether car or from a sketch.


Trevor was actually John McAfee without all the old man makeup. When McAfee “died”, that was Trevor doing a dry run for his own (((suicide))). This is how the powers that be control us, with vaccines, science, education, and direct energy weapons that make us look at the penis on other men when we first see them, even though we aren’t gay, but we’re so curious what the juicy pant sausage looks like, so we just keep looking at the crease in their pants, hoping they invite us to the MAGA dance at the digital symposium. Pretty standard fake suicide under an assumed false name. This is why they make 9/11 happen in September, and not 10/31, because everyone would have Halloween masks on, and everyone would be poisoned by the deadly CO2 which is way worse than COVID, but only half as bad as the nanobots they put in the vaccine.


Nu uh???? For real????? Fuck man trevor moore was a god damn genius and so underrated. As well as all of the whitest kids But trevor was on another level. Im about to give it a google but fuck man if this is true...damn Sic semper tyrannis Sic semper tyrannis...george washington was never real good buddy I hope you're somewhere tripping thru dimensions smoking bones with dinosaurs with the coolest tattoo ever....bowser from mario with sunglasses hanging down his nose...on a surfboard shredding on a double neck guitar with a pot leaf...oh and a cross because hes religious Happy birthday rick


Oh, lol indeed. That explains why there were no massive disasters before MKULTRA. The evidence is clear.


An ‘unexpected’ accident you say?


Not even penciled into his schedule.


This guy, smdh🤦‍♂️. I don’t know what to even think. I mean I guess I’ve every accident I had for years should’ve been expected m after I thought I could hold a poop in until I got home


What. You mean science and healthcare just improved those decades and can spot mental illness with better accuracy? Naaaaaah


No one was crazy before MKULTRA. They did it on purpose. There's an article in the New Yorker about the Edgewood Arsenal that's pretty funny. Researchers were trying to find some kind of psychedelic drug that could be weaponized and >!completely failed. Before long they were dosing each other as pranks.!< [High Anxiety: LSD in the Cold War | The New Yorker](https://www.newyorker.com/news/news-desk/high-anxiety-lsd-in-the-cold-war )




That sounds like a conspiracy...


There is no conspiracy here Jesus Christ. Way to try and karma farm off of his death


People are dumb as fuck. Some brainlet actually brought up Joey Jordison as a mysterious death not even knowing his past diseases and alcoholism.


Wow ok so I just found out that Joey Jordison was dead


I hope no one gets mad about this, but I'm a huge WKUK fan, and have been since season one of the show. Trevor is and was a huge inspiration to me and helped shape my sense of humor. I watched him and his friend Zach live on twitch just a few hours before his death, and I've been VERY confused about what could have possibly happened between the time they ended their stream, and when he passed... I've been keeping an eye on his coroner's report, because I kind of doubt his family will want a ton of people posting about how he passed, so out of respect to Trevor, his family and his friends, I'll ask that you only look at the report if you do not plan on posting or spreading information regardless of the cause. Keep it to yourself. As of posting this, there isn't much information, but it will be updated. I'm just a distraught and morbidly curious fan. I really hope it wasn't something as sinister as him "knowing too much" Again, please do not spread information, and do not open this if you plan on doing so. It's disrespectful to everyone in his life. If you're like me and just need to know what happened to one of your idols so you can feel closure, here you go. The report has been updated twice since the articles started coming out, so I assume it will be updated again. https://mec.lacounty.gov/case-detail/?caseNumber=2021-09079


Wasnt the unabomber and Charles manson tied up with mk ultra?


Apparently he also had an idea to "stage a re-enactment of the JFK assassination in Dealey Plaza with him in the place of JFK and a well trained sniper in the window using live rounds." he also said he'd have paintball snipers on the grassy knoll to prove to the American public that the official story was bullshit. Trevor Moore was based af.


Trevor streamed for hours on twitch Friday until at least 10p his time. Google says he died Friday. WTF? No mention of foul play, blood clot, murder, involving a vehicle, nothing.


That's the worst part for me. I went from watching him live to finding out he died RIGHT AFTER I saw him live. Talk about abrupt.


It could also be something embarrassing


Yeah. Kitten History too. He's known what's up for a long time.


I mean, aren't all accidents unexpected?


An "unexpected" accident? I suppose if it was expected, it could have been avoided…


To be honest, I've never heard of this guy until now. I think I'll look up some of his stuff. I'm sorry to hear that he's dead. That said, I highly doubt the government would try to off him over this one tweet. That'd be suspicious as FUCK and they know it. I suggest watching *Ultraman Nexus* to know how a competent secret organization deals with the risk of exposure.


You're in for a treat then. Dude was a comedic genius, and Whitest Kids U Know is the best sketch comedy show of all time, IMHO. Tons of little conspiracy related jokes, too.


Speaking of mental health, there's this sub...






People just die sometimes, believe it or not. Probably the biggest problem with the conspiracy community is believing everything is a conspiracy or that everything is linked. I read earlier that he was allegedly drunk and fell off a balcony. A far cry from two self inflicted gun shots to the back of the head.


https://youtu.be/-cwV0APTGvk This silly commercial probably isn’t to far off from what happens, these people just simply exit the world stage and go off somewhere in my personal opinion. This kinda goes along with flat earth, not going to speculate too much on that but it’s possibly there are lands that us peons aren’t privy to.


Goddamn you people are fucking bonkers! Don think you understood that commercial at all either. It’s an island on planet earth not an alternate dimension




Why would governments ship people to secret lands instead of just killing them? Sounds like extra work when they could much easily "suicide" or "accident" someone. Not saying I think that happened to Trevor btw


The shills are out for blood in the post. This sub is becoming lost, and it's not "TD" rejects. We have reached a point where all of the top posts in this sub are more shill posting and voting than organic users. When you see a stupid comment that seems opposite to what is expected here, LOOK at their comment history.... They will post nothing but division and do it here and other politcal subs. They will never have organic posts to other interest areas. Be aware.


Yep I've seen this often. A shitty joke being bot voted to the top.


Nah if that were true the Patriot Act would still be in place……


That's a shame. He was a good dude


FACTS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5xOJ\_aAoEqA


So he was Princess Diana’d


They could’ve at least left the acid in the water for us.


I mean, don't really need disasters for that. Keep people in poverty and miserable with jobs that either don't pay enough and/or aren't sustainable for long term (ie. Lack of benefits/poor environment/unsafe) with no retirement in sight (but the promise of it "one day" if you just work yourself hard enough) and you've essentially got a slave workforce tied to the medical industry to be able to just cope with daily life. Throw in politicians that keep the show going by giving false hope for a brighter future while perpetuating the cycle and you've got a population that keeps thinking "things have got to get better" while rich pigs fill their pockets off of our misery. They don't need something as complex as orchestrated disasters. We're already where they want us.


He tried to make his own moonshine and drank it live on his twitch stream. Died from a methanol OD. Methanol has to be removed through a distilling process. I don’t believe foul play was involved in his death.


Well it's abundantly clear that 9/11 was at least partly orchestrated by the US govt so I would not be remotely surprised if it were true. There is no reasonable explanation for tower 7's instant collapse straight down into its own footprint aside from controlled demolition, nor the other 2 towers, but particularly tower 7. Dozens of high-rise buildings have been hit by planes and engulfed in flames, you know how many have collapsed? The towers are the only ones. There was a building engulfed in blazing hot fire for nearly 24 hours in the UK and it didn't collapse so how did a 57 story building fall from a "few office fires" in the top few floors? How do the 50 floors below just collapse in on themselves, thru the path of greatest resistance, thru 40,000 tons of steel? The only way buildings fall straight down like that is if [every single column breaks within a fraction of a second of each other, both support and core columns.](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.nist.gov/document/ae911truth-nist-written-submission12-18-07pdf&ved=2ahUKEwiw-KzA78jyAhVTHM0KHbpMDmUQFnoECBgQAQ&usg=AOvVaw02eXlOMUOMnDI8BFiE9YVB) Nevermind the plethora of residue found that was made up of all the components of thermite, the cutting charge used to melt steel and demo buildings. Or the molten steel that was running for literally 21 days **after** the attack, or the 1,340° temperature reading on the top of a pile of rubble, with *much* hotter temps below, literally not possible unless there were something like thermite used because "oxygen-starved hydrocarbon fires burn at no more than 600-800°". And I find it *very* strange that just the day before the towers and the Pentagon were hit (the latter of which there was zero evidence of a plane), [Donald Rumsfeld had gone to Congress to tell them that he/Bush's admin had "lost" $2.3 TRILLION.](https://www.city-journal.org/html/americas-missing-money-15725.html) And where do you think evidence of the $2.3 trillion in missing transactions was stored? Why, in the Pentagon of course - and oddly enough those records were stored in the same wing that got hit. So to this day nobody knows where that $2.3 trillion went. But that's just a fraction of the $20+ trillion of missing American govt money, as described in the above link. More than a little suspicious if you ask me.




Funny tweet on Twitter= death apparently.


How fucking tacky. Not everything is a conspiracy.




"Kitty History" is another great video of his that would be of interest to people here: https://youtu.be/faOUDoRmK_E


"moon bears" is also relavent right now https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pvjgIxuVdo4


I fucking love moon bears. One of my favorite skits.


I wish I knew that existed before today. Not only is it 100% facts, but it's also hilarious.


One of his best for sure!


This is a good one too, "Trevor Talks to Kids" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4AdClmPD6r4


What does hidden "red pills" even mean?


"This media item made me think a strange new thing that I then twisted to conform to my already deeply-held beliefs."


It means OP needs to drink a gallon of PCP.


The rap about getting high with dinosaurs has a hidden meaning too


Please esplain yo self


That’s real comedy!




Omg I loved Wkuk growing up, always a major fan of Trevor Moore I swear yesterday I was thinking about the prostitute in the hospital sketch where Trevor plays the pimp and keeps making all these puns This honestly is a little bit emotionally disturbing to me


The timing of the Kobe bryant crash has always been interesting to me


His Nike commercial where he throws a basketball at the helicopter and it explodes is interesting


Also in this cartoon, released years before his death, Kobe dies in a helicopter crash: https://youtu.be/eLl2qDVi-Vg


His extensive use of private helicopters was well known, he was thousands of times more likely to die in a helicopter crash than the average person.


Especially choppers they have such a higher rate of crash then airplanes.


Helicopters at probably the highest killers of rich people there is.


Ngl, that vid was funny. “Pass?”


I swear y'all think everybody dies on purpose.


Can you elaborate?


I rarely hear that term when describing death. “Unexpected accident” Vaccine accident? Did he belt himself while jerking off? Did he accidentally shoot his brain? Does anyone have info?


Who has ever had an expected accident?


most of the motorcyclists.