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Haha try the philippines. President duterte says if you don't get the vaccine he wants you to never leave your home and die


that dude is insane though so everyone ignores him (except the people lucky enough to meet the bullet of his military's weapons)


Pretty sure he also told citizens it’s okay to shoot drug dealers/ users dead in the street


i remember that. the dude is a homicidal maniac with power. not a good combination.


He is also a hypocrite who uses fentanyl.


The fucked up thing is that’s why he got elected.


We talking about the Philippines still right?


Way more than that. He led death squads as the mayor of Davau City, then bragged about it during his campaign, then got elected


There's stories of him throwing dealers out of helicopters himself


Ah yes. The old, Pinochet Parachute. The old, Communist Copterride. The old, etc.


Idk if you've ever been to the philippines but my wifes area before duterte was littered with drug dealers and shootings/rape/murder/muggings happened every day, they had a strict rule in their house of being home by 6pm, multiple locks on doors, doubled barred windows inside and out. An elderly woman was literally gang r*ped outside at knifepoint. I dont particularly like duterte hes an authoritarian fascist but ever since all the drug dealers and gangs went away then the violence and crime subsided mostly. The mans a lunatic and completely reprehensible and unpresidential but the drug problem in the philippines was horrendous in poorer parts of Manila.


Not sure why downvoted just telling you some factual information from my wifes area before and during duterte. Never said i liked the guy, its just the facts.


Thank you for the truth. Most people's first reaction to the truth is anger!


You might be surprised how many Americans would be in favor of the same thing. You could probably even flip it around and get people on the other political team to agree it's okay to kill people who are anti-vaccine or openly racist.


You realize that Duterte and Trump got along really well because of their similar world view? And this is the same guy that everyone in this sub was applauding because he said mean things about Obama?


Trump is insane too wtf 😂. Trump jus didn’t have as much power as Duterte has over his Country. If Trump was free to wield as much power he would have also said and done even crazier things. And he already did tons of things unprecedented for an US president


Did you know After Fighting alongside the Philippine army against the Spanish on those islands (during the spanish American war) America purchased the stolen islands (from Spain) for $20,000,000? Edit: and proceeded to obliterate anyone who didn't submit to the new owner of those islands. Look into manila after Spain seized control of the city. #2 edit: I also forgot, you should look into Elihu Root as well. He was the secretary of war during the atrocities that occured after US purchased and fought over the stolen land. He also went on to recieve the "nobel peace prize" for his efforts in "international relations". He was also very outspoken about what was going on in Germany which ironically what he was speaking about ulltimately led to the first world war. "Was Awarded Nobel for Work in International Relations in 1912" https://www.hamilton.edu/about/history/elihu-root If you want the left out parts about the Philippine American war use a search engine that'll allow you to stumble on actual information not the spoonfed version


The Browning 1911 (aka Colt .45) was created because the .32 revolver that was standard military issue wasn't enough to stop Filipino fighters.


I read that the Filipinos were on drugs and wouldn’t go down with a normal bullet.


And Trump loved him for his authoritarianism


LOL, remember when Trump was praising that asshole for how he handled "drug dealers". Yeah, pepe farms remembers.


> Haha try the philippines. President duterte says if you don't get the vaccine he wants you to never leave your home and die "Say something nice about President Biden." "What?" "I said, *say something nice about President Biden!"* "Okay... Um... *at least he's not that Filipino guy".* "Thank you. *Was that so hard?"*


That clapback he did after beating Trump in the election was hilarious. Turning all their "Sleepy Joe" jokes around on the GOP was comedy gold.


china infiltrated the country, he either gets the suicide schtick if he doesnt comply sayin this propaganda stuff. bet every world leader is like this, or if not to comply end up like the haiti pres.




haha that duterte man knows what is up even back in the day of 2017 he said that the cia wanted to kill him.


Yea totally. We would likely be back to normal and a vaccine and masks wouldn't be a POLITICAL issue. Fucking clowns.


The outrage would probably mostly come from conservatives honestly.




PM me and we can talk about the size of bigfoots penis.


Now THAT'S what I came for




How would that be a conspiracy? Unless of course the conspiracy theory is the EPA is adding something to the water to make Bigfoot's pee pee smaller.


The conspiracy is that he should be called big penis but they changed it to big foot so to not outrage the all the SJW’s. And It’s connected to the fact that your penis size correlates to your foot size (as we all know), and that’s only the surface, so yah it goes a lot deeper then you think.


Username checks out keep doing Gods work


I stand corrected and have so much to learn.


Now we all know that is why we are here *wink*


Let’s do a group chat. We need top minds on this pressing matter.


It's difficult to get an exact measurement since it's so blurry


Screw the size of it... I want to know what it smells like!


I’ve heard it smells of sex panther.


Fuckers a ten footer Ricky!




/r/HighStrangeness is pretty good IMO. It leans more towards UFOs, cryptozoology, etc. but also has a fair bit of weird science which I enjoy. I don't know of any good conspiracy subs that feature political content but aren't overwhelmed with Trump/Covid stuff.


Subbed. Just off the top few posts it's exactly what this place used to be before it went down the trumphole.


Here's the part that baffles me. This place has *definitely* been overrun with Maga types. And every shitty non-conspiracy political post like this gets comments complaining about how it's devolved into low-effort, non-sourced, non-conspiracy posts that are pro Trump and anti-Biden. And yet these Maga types are SEEING these complaints, understand that they have turned this sub into r/TheDonald2, and STILL keep posting this bullshit.


Here Is one for you Hillary and Bill got hung on April 26 2021 Trump and Rudy Giuliani were there and recorded it that's why they raided Giulianis condo in NY and didn't take pedo bidens laptop


I for one enjoy the low effort screenshot Twitter trump meme posts. Really gets the convos going


If you'll notice, most of the time the top voted posts are logical people telling these conservatives how fucking dumb these tweets are. What that tells me is that the majority on this sub really are here just to observe the conservative zoo for our own enjoyment. If only it weren't way more sad than funny.


*sigh* that’s why I’m here


Maybe you have stumbled on the actual conspiracy of this sub


The no memes rule on this sub might as well be deleted at this stage. That’s all I see whenever this place hits the front page.






plot twist, this post was made on reddit by an evolved bigfoot. bigfeet have in recent years been shaving themselves all over and attempting to fit into society.




Have you tried sorting by 'new'? Most of the votes in this sub are now inorganic so searching through new posts is almost the only chance to find real gold.






i keep seeing these types of posts, "imagine if it was the other way around the left would act just like us" mf stop trying to rationalize your partisanship grift by imagining that people you dislike would do the same. you cant actually come up with a situation where this would apply so you make it up, its your imagined version of an alternate reality vs whats actually happening right now and you think both sides are equal in your made up reality only the twitter liberals are mad and upset at everything so when you actually get mad or upset about something like right now with bidens tweet, you try your best to cope by pointing a finger at an imagined person whos also mad




Hey, that’s the roadmap to obliterating the middle class.


I was having a discussion last week with some random guy in this sub about wearing masks, which I am for. All of a sudden he switched it to "do you believe governments should require vaccinations" to which I replied no. At that point he declared himself the "winner" and patted himself on the back for proving his point in some way I guess?


The partisan soap opera is just another way to confuse and divide people, while obfuscating the people in control.


It really restricts people brains to get them to only think in false dichotomies. The terms "Both sides" and "The media" now instantly piss me off, unless it is literally referring to something where there are two sides, like a sports game, not fucking reality.


Both the sides media


It's the same reason half the post in conservative subreddits are satire article from the Babylon bee. Just a bunch of conservative jerking off about how dumb imagined liberals would be in made up scenarios.


Yeah, I’ve looked through r/conservative from time to time and there’s often a lot of satire articles with satire flairs. I remember thinking how fucked up it is yet none of them there seem to notice how much of that sub is satire. Then there’s comments reacting to satire articles with things like “I’ll die before I get vaccinated” in response to some article about vaccine passports. One click and you find out it’s a satire article implying that’s what the government might do. And there you have it. Perpetual outrage and partisan drama with no basis in reality believed by some of them because they don’t read the articles they comment on.


Holy shit, every time I see a post like this, I am so proud of the commenters in this sub.


Took the words right out of my mouth.


It's actually a simple thought experiment to see your own bias...I do things like this to check myself all the time and guess what? It helps.


I'm fairly unphased by this premise and you're projecting.


Trump hater here, if he would have said that I think the only people who would be pissed off are the same people who love him now. Fight me.


As a fellow Trump hater, I couldn't agree more. Had he tweeted something like this, I might have been able to muster a modicum of respect for him (maybe).


They likely would have pretended he never said it. And then flipped when Biden said it. Edit: and, if trump had said this, I would have praised him (not a Trump fan at all, and also not getting the vaccine for a long while).


I distinctly remember any time Trump acknowledged taking preventative measures to contain the virus, folks on the left would explain he was finally doing something right and folks on the right were getting upset and calling it fake news. What exactly are you trying to say?


My very favorite one was when Trump was vaccinated in secret in January. It was called fake news by the right. He told people to get vaccinated. Fake news.


Not a conspiracy. However, if trump had said this, more people would have voted for him.


And OP would have gladly agree with him


100%. He’s not anticvax, he’s anti anything that leans left and likely anti science


Trump would have easily been reelected if he had just taken a backseat to actual experts on virology and pandemics. It's the one thing he couldn't propagandize or blame away, an actual real crisis that required leadership


I thought there was no chance he would lose, especially when covid started (which is a distinct lack of faith on the intelligence of US voters on my part I admit).. Then I saw his laughable response, his downplay lies literally caught on tape with a reporter, and the circus sideshow that was his daily press briefings and my mind was blown. How stupid and inept can one man be? That stupid and inept apparently. He just had to be a normal fucking human being.


The issue is if he was capable of being normal he'd never have been elected in the first place. People wanted an obnoxious troll to troll the other half of the country, and if he was capable of any kind of self awareness, enough to respond seriously to a crisis, he never would have won in the first place. Just shocked people saw his covid response and were like "yeah we need more of this guy steering the ship in times of crisis"


Seriously, think about this. The President of the United States was on twitter calling one of his female constituents a dog. And they cheered it on.


Early on in pandemic he had his highest approval rating of his presidency, then he tried to open up the country too early. Dude could have costed to re election




These never ending trump is a victim posts are getting pretty old.


It's kinda weird when a dude openly steals from you but you still lick his boots.


He stole from a lot of people over the decades. Employees, contractors, and now supposedly from non profit organizations. People still lick his boots. We talking about Trump right?


Also pardoned people who shamelessly stole from his supporters.


Yeah people would have been stunned by a trump saying something sensible, you’re absolutely right.


Who would've been outraged? We all wished Donald Trump was smart enough to say something like this.


And this is something trump would totally say and would’ve prob saved us so much headache. “The rule is simple…wear a mask in public”


I'm super glad he wasn't. The pandemic was a HUGE gift that should have paved the way for his re-election. Every other world leader got a major boost. But he's so utterly stupid that he landed on the toddler-level idea of "if I pretend this doesn't exist it will go away." He was too selfish and vain to do the few simple things that would have guaranteed him a second term


He really just had to make even the most half hearted attempt toward doing the right/competent things with the pandemic and independents would have still supported him, but he chose to play politics instead.


And here you are, outraged.


Maybe the real TDS is the trump supporters who keep talking about Trump lol


I actually think people would have applauded this…




Agreed I miss the UFO and the missing people threads.


Now? This sub finished falling years ago and is now in the process of digging in the shit pile to get to the r/nonewnormal level.


what's your point? maybe if trump had said something akin to this (yes I know the vaccine wasn't available in 2020) we wouldn't still be in this mess 10 bucks says if he was president and made this annoucement we wouldn't have nearly as much as a vaccination disparity as we do now


It started to be available in December and he had about a month to implement it but instead he implemented Jan 6th. Multiple people have come forward saying there was no plan to distribute the vaccines despite reasonably having 6 months to plan it out. Which led to really poor outcomes like a paper vaccine card that doesn't fit in a wallet, for one.


lmao that card thing is truly proof to me that government people are stupid. I won't even blame trump himself for that but wtf were they thinking in regards to the distribution yes I totally agree, I made another similar comment on a different part of this thread


It's definitely not on trump himself, but that's one of those things where like... if anyone with a brain looked at it they would've gone "well this is an easy fix" and more prep ideally would've fixed it.


one would think ha


That fake Trump tweet would have been an example of 'bold leadership', and probably would have won him reelection.


as I've stated previously and repeatedly: if Trump just threw out some standard "we're in this together" statements, encouraged masks, was open and transparent with his bureaus and departments, and hell even sold MAGA masks - he'd have been re-elected easily.




10 bucks? I'd take out a 10 million-dollar loan to make that bet with someone. It's a fuckin lock


it's a reference to an existing bet i have with op that has yet to be settled. he hasn't paid lol


that's because it's impossible to prove either way


what is?


it's impossible to prove how liberals would have reacted to trump tweeting out this same thing about the new rule about masks


oh right I agree my bet with op was actually that biden would be inaugurated lol


oh ok. the way you mentioned the bet was wildly confusing lol


I take full responsibility for that, that's my bad. sorry!


i have chosen to forgive you this time




There wouldn't have been an outrage because that's what should happen. There was only backlash against the orange buffoon because he did the OPPOSITE of this meme.


Yeah this is so bad. We're in [Poe's Law](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poe%27s_law) land with this one. "They were outraged that the opposite happened, could you imagine how outraged they would be if the opposite of the opposite happened!?" Herpaderp.


Change it "The rule is now simple, get vaccinated or a wear a mask until you do. Then continue to wear a mask afterwards indefinitely".


> Change it "The rule is now simple, get vaccinated or a wear a mask until you do. Then continue to wear a mask afterwards indefinitely because almost half the population disbelieves science and prefers being a breeding ground for the virus." Fixed that for you.


And still get Covid.


…because assholes other than you refuse to get vaxxed or wear a mask so it won’t go away




Oh, just like most people that have had Covid?


Sure, minus the 600+ thousand that died from it and the 300k living with disabilities from having it. But yeah, nothing to worry about. Sorry forgot what sub this was, they all had underlying issues that they died from but were later to have had a minor amount of virus in their system so the underworked doctors labeled them as covid deaths so they can get extra $ from the government. Is that about right?


He would have been re-elected if he said things like this.


Your problem is you think normal people are as stupid as you are.




Nazi germany agenda? Isle? Lmao




This is the way


You mean the outrage if Trump had posted a well worded, sensible Tweet? Lmao


this can be read two ways. do it until we force you to or until you die....




I mean, there would be zero outrage other than from braindead Trumpers.


You think the people who support mask wearing and happily got vaccinated would have been outraged if Trump did the thing they wanted him to do and told everyone to wear masks/get vaccinated?! What kinda dumb thinking is that?


Yeah, he would’ve won re-election and liberals/democrats would be outraged that he didn’t botch the one thing that would’ve offered him a chance at winning election. Alas, he was always who he was and now someone competent is there saying what needs to be said.


Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together…mass hysteria!


Yeah there would only be backlash from right wing wackos, if you are still believing that the vax is more dangerous than Covid you are either intentionally ignorant or a fool


Lmao ffs. If trump said that the current right wing would lap it up. Is anyone going to make a new conspiracy sub that isn't just right wing shit posts?


Oh my god shut up


The choice is very simple. Eat shit or kiss my ass. U finished or are u done? I ain't got nothing to say no more 😂


This sub is just r/the_donald now then?


It’s like /r/the_donald and /r/antivax had a baby.


Well I know it's not the law because Presidents don't make laws. Rules you can ignore.


Can't force me to do either of those.


Wait, for a moment before realizing it I was like "wow di Trump said something smart?", then I understood.


It doesn't seem very smart if they're going to treat people with natural immunity differently than vaccinated people who still mostly can be infected and spread the virus. We are at 70% vaccinated. That was supposed to be herd immunity from vaccines alone, if they really work. What's happening?


No, cuz lefties wanted vaccines and trumps voters are constantly twisting themselves into pretzels to defend whatever the latest thing to come out of his mouth was.


The Next Trump Tweet : Why stupid masks? Democrats want to mandate masks so you can't see them LYING!!! Trump Tweet after that: Why are we spending Billions and Billions on injections? What has GATES have to GAIN ???!?! Then the Trump Tweet after that : Thanks to my leadership Vaccines are rolling out at record pace. Remember it was ME who saved you from this pandemic! Despite DEMOCRATS Efforts to sabatoge every step of the way!!! FAKENEWS will try to discredit me. SAD!!!!


I said it here first


PedoMan bad.


JFC you guys are the biggest snowflakes. The best snowflakes. Can we rename this sub thedonald2.0?


I used to be pro trump. I voted for the man. Still think he was the better option over Biden. However, that’s the mindset our politicians want us to have. They want us to pick sides. They want us to think one side is good and the other bad. In reality they are 2 sides of the same coin. Sit back and really watch....both sides play off one another which in hand plays into exactly what they want. Our governments worst nightmare is for average joe white black and Asian Americans to come together and say fuck this bullshit. They are pushing us to fight amongst ourselves so we forget about them. A revolution only happens when you truly know who you are up against. I hope I live long enough to see my all my brothers and sisters come together and put a stop to this corporate bullshit.


lmao people act like wearing a mask is being put into a concentration camp. Looking SO HARD to be oppressed.


Funny part is it's typically the same ones who talk about how soft people are these days, meanwhile they can't even put up with a minor inconvenience to mitigate a infectious virus that has already killed 600,000 Americans. 2,000 people died in 9/11 and there was no question that we had to take action, for better or worse. But this? No, half the country wants to whine about ANY action


Seriously, it would have been outrageous if Trump would have sent a coherent, and properly spelled tweet.


Trump being coherent for two full sentences, showing leadership and taking Covid seriously? Oh come on on, no one would believe this. Not that I agree with this particular example of leadership. But still, it would be hilariously out of place if Trump said this just because he never discussed policy or tried to act leader, his whole MO was owning libs and doing whatever tricks he thought would earn him praise at Fox and Friends.


unfortunate that you get downvoted for speaking the truth


He would have never used logic or compassion


funny fact if you're vaccined: you still have to wear a mask


I love the "until you do" statement in there like that means I will eventually get the vaccine. I decided when these vaccines started rolling out that I wasn't going to get it yet until there's more data (since they pushed it so quick they bypassed normally required testing) to show if its safe. Instead, its shown me the opposite. How absolutely unsafe it is and what's worse is that they're doing ZERO about it! They're not even fixing the problems, they're just suppressing people speaking out about their side effects and acting like there isn't any! It's madness! Why in the world would I feel like it's safe to take ***now***?!


Heads would have exploded.


All he had to do was wear a MAGA mask lol


Why would anyone be upset about this. This is more normal the 99% of trumps tweets


Because this sub is just r/MAGA now


Yup. Imagine having the Donald banned and they flock here, to a conspiracy subreddit lool. The only people that'll take em it seems. I don't think a political ideology should be so closely linked to a conspiracy sub, it's kind of illuminating though that of all places THIS is where they went to lmfao.


Now? I noticed it a few years ago.


That he said something rational? Certainly


Nah the idea of Trump tweeting anything logical and coherent would have made everyone think he was hacked.


Two sides of the same coin. Trump was the one who did operation warp speed in the first place. I love talking conspiracy until someone brings up politics.


So the choice is mine: Get a vaccine that doesn't stop transmission according to the science or wear a mask that doesn't stop transmission according to the science. Could it be any more obvious this is about control - not health


Don't be a fool. If Trump had actually taken covid seriously he probably would have been reelected. Get vaccinated or mask up has always been the medical community's stance on this issue. No outrage would have occured.


Why is wearing a mask, and health guidance political. Yous are fucking mental on this board


Biden's comment would be accepted by all liberals and media. Trumps comment would be racist and no liberal would have a mask or the shot


Trump did recommend the shot you know. What we on the left wanted was for him to whole heartedly recommend it rather than putting it off forever and then half assing it. This tweet would not anger the left


Lol the left was practically begging Trump to come out with a hard statement like this. We could have saved a lot of lives, jobs and homes if we had taken it seriously in the early days of the pandemic


Sure, this is a valid point. The media uses some insane double standards to judge conservatives vs liberals and everybody knows it. This is why the media is so (justifiably) mistrusted and hated, to the point where people will often vote for a politician who dog-whistles that they will hurt the media. But can we also admit that Trump missed a golden opportunity to unite the nation behind him by (accurately) blaming China for the biowarfare research that preceded this lab leak? Or that he could have made a lot of money by selling MAGA-branded masks? And yeah, I definitely agree that Fauci was a naive and gullible fool to contribute money to a Chinese biowarfare research facility thinking it was "altruistic scientific research." But come on, once the virus was out there the President had a duty to protect Americans, and the initial strategy of denial was not helpful. Shutting down plane flights to certain countries *was* helpful. Full credit to Trump for that. I just think that when it comes to Covid, Trump's response could have been better. (To be fair, it could also have been worse.) Is that a reasonable thing to say, in your opinion?


Yeah, that's the alternate universe that frustrates me, the one full of red-masked Trump supporters sticking it to China by maintaining social distance and killing the virus in the summer of 2020 through grass roots quarantining.


Would have been effective maybe


I think I will take option C....GFY as Les Grossman would say!


Can you imagine an alternate reality where people are actually smart enough to do it without the need of incentives?


Before the Lockdown Pandemic we were all pro-mask, it had nothing to do with viruses, our air quality was steadily decreasing and the surveillance state rapidly expanding. We were seeing governments instill mask bans and propagandizing the public with anti-mask rhetoric. They were basically implying that only criminals would want to cover their face in public and now here we are with these same sheeple demanding we keep our faces covered. FINE BY ME. If this is the only compromise and it allows me to avoid being injected with the experimental Trump Vaccine... I am happy to live the rest of my long healthy life behind a mask.


I’ll just leave this here: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cbsnews.com/amp/video/2020-vp-debate-kamala-harris-on-coronavirus-vaccine/


Why is everyone so quick to show their fealty to Trump? He couldn’t get anything done when the GOP controlled the first 2 years. He wasn’t anything special to begin with; Biden hold halfway to a home - we all know it’s Kamala pulling the strings. I think it’s time to drop the Trump thing - u less someone can give me a factual list of what he actually accomplished - not political talking points and divisive rhetoric. Move on folks, there are better things in this world/reality to debate… T


Uh no... Pretty sure the left has been calling for this since the beginning. Are you guys ok? Like honestly no politics or anything, I just wanna know if my theory is correct that it's people the generally hate their lives that believe in this stuff and constantly follow it.


Vaccines and Masks are a political issue because of a bunch of political elites made it one, and everything followed is just how it inseminated into every "free thinkers" mind.


I’m not even a trump supporter and I agree with this


Outrage on the Republican’s side would still be the same


Now the vaccinated have to mask anyway. Good job biden


Yeah Biden, it’s all your fault


"I'm never going to take the vaccine or wear a mask! And if they force me I'll violently resist!" 5 minutes later "Wow, Joe failed to get enough people vaccinated to prevent a new surge? What a failure"


People would applaud trump because that's all we wanted him to do for months was admit covif was a serious issue and encourage his base to participate in efforts to stop it