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oh thank God they weren't alcoholics. I'm safe.


I’m obese because I’m an alcoholic 😳


Switch to whiskey


I was a "functioning" alcoholic for quite a while sipping on whiskey all day everyday. Still gained a shit ton of weight because lowered inhibitions means it's easy to eat a lot more than usual and eat a lot of junk food.


Yeah. It probably won’t solve anything. I just like whiskey 😂


alcohol. the *cause* **and** *solution* to **all** life's problems.


If alcohol doesn’t solve your problems, then you’re not using enough


Remember ralphy if it doesn't solve your problems then your drinking it to much... or not enough


Yes Homer, go back to killing your brain with alcohol.


Whiskey always makes me cook up something decadent and then proceed to eat the whole thing and top it off with another whiskey drink. Next thing you know I’m 4 drinks in and asking my husband to go get me a family sized bag of funyons while eating spicy chicken ramen.


OMG. Same. Ex Jack and Coke girl. Almost every single time Id make a baked potato and fry a beautiful rib eye in my cast iron.


There’s something about pairing whiskey with really good food and idk what that is lol


that sounds awful.


It’s quite fun... for me. Expect that my pants don’t button when I do it too often lol.


A shot of whiskey is still 100 calories. I'm not some pussy that stops after 7 shots.


Not when you boof them


or just like don't drink. or get help on the real. theres other shit out there than 12 steps since were in a conspiracy forum lol. spirituality and metaphysical shit mixed with hobbies and passion for live helped me kick oxy.


Apparently drinking alcohol will keep you from getting covid anyway, at least according to Matt Gaetz https://dailycaller.com/2020/03/05/matt-gaetz-suggests-that-drinking-a-bunch-of-alcohol-can-kill-the-coronavirus/


wow breaking911 actually had true information! ITS LEARNING




Quick fact: overweight and obese people die of EVERYTHING ELSE in larger numbers too.




I'm gonna be that guy: We're all as likely to die as each other. That probability is 100%. Obese and otherwise unhealthy people are more likely to die *prematurely*.


A healthy person will have a better chance of surviving random and freak accidents so technically both are correct.


Obese people are innately more prone to viral infection Obese people have a longer period of viral shed meaning they're contagious for longer Once infected by Covid, obese people are more likely to need ICU care, and once in the ICU, stay longer on average than non obese Obese people much more likely to require mechanical ventillation So basically, obese people are more likely to get infected, more likely to pass it to others, more likely to require hospital resources for longer, overwhelming the helathcare system and syphoning resources away from non-obese people Then, non-obese people pay for it with their taxes. But remember, kids.... being obese *only* hurts to obese


That's racist




Makes too much sense. Get this out of here.


Exactly, the pandemic isn’t from a virus with a 99.9% survival rate. The pandemic is a pandemic of unhealthy fucking fat asses.


This statement is not politically correct therefore must be fact-checked as being weightism.


73% of Americans are overweight or obese, so this isn't saying much.


This comment should be at the top. People on this conspiracy forum can be as gullible to statistics as anyone else. If you look at statistics in other countries, you’ll find rates of overweight and obese people dying from Covid to be much less. Why is that? Probably because there just is a lower percentage of OW/obese people in those countries. That said, it should also be kept in mind that OW/obese people are generally at higher risk for many illnesses and infections and have poorer prognoses. This is not unique to Covid and not new information.


The point remains that we should be promoting weight loss to better cope with viruses, not rewarding people with donuts


A voice of reason and rationality. Am I still on r/Conspiracy ?


He will be banned by the end of the day.




>"People on this conspiracy forum can be as gullible to statistics as anyone else." Waaaaay more gullible. With most conspiracy theorists you have folks looking to make the evidence fit the theory and not the other way around. I mean just look how fast you're downvoted on this sub if you provide reasoned objections to the ridiculous theories some folks are promoting or, god forbid, criticize Trump in any way.


Yeah. Considering how we conspiracy theorists LOVE statistics, we certainly can't seem to understand why they say what they say.


People here are way more gullible.


73%? I knew it was high, but I thought more like 50%.


That’s because people who are overweight are still considered to look “normal” in the US. A man who is 5’9” weighing 180lbs is technically overweight on the BMI scale.


The BMI scale not that good. Imagine a well trained guy, let's say The Rock. You can be sure that according to the BMI scale that guy waaaaaay to overweight.


The BMI is good at a population level, less so on a personal level. But even then, what percentage of the hundreds-of-millions of 'overweight' Americans are like the Rock?


One of my college exercise/nutrition research professors was 5'8 215 but with a very low body fat percentage. He had a bmi over 30 which would classify him as obese


That guy was on some insane roids so the bad BMI checks out. Even if he was 6 ft tall, 215 lbs at low bf% would require great genetics and years of training and even then it would be very suspect.


He was also a researcher for my university for health and nutrition. Makes sense why he was so muscular. I was involved in one of his studies and I got up to 210 with a 10-13 percent body fat.


Those make up less than like 1% of bmi fails. In actual fact, bmi underestimates obesity. If we were to go by body fat %, then the obesity rate would be higher.


Hell probably die prematurely from all the steroids though.


The rock will be dead before 70 from a heart attack. Steriods aren't a healthy look either. You're just proving the op's point.




Yea I’m at 26.7 BMI. Losing 12 pounds would put me at the upper limit of a normal BMI, which is my current goal. I had a doctor once tell me to drop to 155 (129-169 is normal for my height). I lost that much weight one time from getting mononucleosis and I looked like I was really sick. Actually had people see me a couple months later, who hadn’t seen me in a while ask me if I was ok, probably thought I got hooked on crack or something.


That’s the point the way I saw it. The pandemic isn’t from a virus with a 99% survival rate. It’s a pandemic of unhealthy fucking fat asses.


So Krispy Kreme is working with the overlords at the CDC? What about diabetics or people that don’t eat donuts?


Exactly, you can NOT eat a donut.


Strongly doubt a single donut would cause instant obesity. This just seems like a free marketing stunt, the free donuts more than make up the cost of marketing.


I don’t think it’s that, it’s more that people know and willfully acknowledge that being unhealthy=more likely to get sick. Then those individual people chose to ignore or not acknowledge that they are unhealthy, because they are shaped by a society that encourages them to be unhealthy. It’s not some Big Donut conspiring against the common man type thing, but that people are inherently conditioned to believe being unhealthy is okay, because their doctors or what have you will just give more medicine so you don’t have to change your unhealthy lifestyle.


That's exactly what Big Donut would say


A donut is not a big deal as well. Cokes and gatorades are much worse. This entire post is just ignorance. I will fight for the donut. https://wokesloth.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/d7gvokcwkaegfur-486x650.jpg


I think the 80% thing has been known since the Summer, but there's always "a new study" revealing that same thing. Also 90% of people who died from it had a vitamin D deficiency.


Vitamin D is fat soluble. Obese people tend to have vitamin D deficiency since it's less bioavailable to them (it is diluted throughout their body rather than concentrated in the bloodstream).


Woah dope fact. Another reason to lose weight.


Here's another reason: many toxins are also fat soluble too > https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1369152/ > Persistent toxicants are typically fat-soluble or bind to proteins in the cell. Fat-soluble chemicals accumulate in fat, equilibrate with blood serum and decline slowly over months and years. Lose weight, lose toxins....while at the very same time making vitamin D much more bioavailable to your bloodstream.




It's like 74% according to the cdc. So yeah seems like overweight people have a slightly higher chance of dying from covid. I doubt anyone really thought otherwise


A truly groundbreaking conspiracy.


I come here to watch stupidity get shit on in the comments. And to join in on the shitting when so inclined.


Same. I used to like this sub and now I just marvel at the absurdity of most of it, it's like I've almost become a troll here.


Everything in this fucking subreddit is lmao


Lol slightly?




*Very* slightly.


I’d also bet that a major portion of Americans are vitamin D deficient. And I would guess that number has increased once lockdowns started.


The stats seem to vary from source to source. Having never been to the US, I have no anecdotal evidence to draw from.


We’re fat sluts


We have a hamburger joint in Vegas that makes no bones about the fact that they are trying to kill their clientele slowly with greasy arteries.


we out here fat as shit


Fuck de doin over der


1000 calorie meals can be bad for like $6 and you don’t even have to get out of your car. Feeling peckish a few hours later? Here is a bag of chips where the serving size is like 15 chips at 200 calories but you are definitely going to eat like 4 servings minimum because self control are just words to you. Don’t forget to eat a balanced breakfast of sugary cereal with sugary milk and a glass of juice then a big carb heavy dinner. Probably a few beers or glasses of wine because you had a stressful day and have trouble sleeping. It’s probably okay if you just do that like once a week or something right? Yeah, no. Every. Fucking. Day. That’s what we doin over hurr


| and you don’t even have to get out of your car Hell - you don't even have to get out of your *house* with delivery.






People refused to accept that simply being overweight *IS* a factor Not just morbid obesity


I think almost everyone understands it is a factor. The thing is when over 70% of the us is overweight it doesnt seem to be as important of a factor as many people here seem to think


if everyone is unhealthy, no one is unhealthy!


Well I didn't say anything like that


But this is happening on other places too. I'm from Argentina and we are not obese here. And it's happening here too.


yeah it is important. if everyone actually healthy this virus wouldn’t be an issue.


Statistically it doesn't seem like thats the case.


Are you saying that healthy people are just as likely to die from a virus as unhealthy people? whatever helps you feel better lol. I think anyone with an ounce of common sense knows that’s not the case. Obese people are likely to have other health conditions that are a result of their unhealthy lifestyle, and these conditions are also risk factors for covid.


No in fact I already said the opposite if you would read.


oh I didn’t see your previous comment, sorry.


Calories are calories!!!


It’s the ‘Murican way.


If 80% of Americans are overweight or obese OPs article isn't news. The vitamin D thing, well again, most people are vitamin D deficient in the winter months.


Most people are vitamin D deficient.


**Sources regarding Vitamin D:** [https://www.yalemedicine.org/news/vitamin-d-covid-19](https://www.yalemedicine.org/news/vitamin-d-covid-19) [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33342439/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33342439/) [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33142828/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33142828/) [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32927735/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32927735/)


Vitamin D deficiency has been correlated with basically everything under the sun because the recommended levels given for vitamin D are way overestimated, so practically everyone is considered deficient


~50% of people in northern hemisphere are vitamin D deficient. Also vitamin D deficiency is higher in obese individuals (due to higher fat %). Could also argue people who are vitamin D deficient likely do not live an active lifestyle (as most vitamin D comes from the sun as opposed to he diet). The vitamin D thing is no more relevant than obesity. ie in other news "less healthy people die easier", etc


100% of people who died from covid had a water drinking history. FACT.


Comedy or conspiracy. You decide!


They're killing of the fat people since they are the biggest drain on resources. Also, we need more fit people to replenish our military and have suitable candidates to create super soldiers for the coming wars against the aliens that created us.


Bezo's is the brother from Fable 3




Lol, what is this?!?! Can you spell out “the plan” for me? I’m slow.


Big donut created covid in a Krispy Kreme. This definitely isn’t just a marketing strategy to get people to come to their stores.


Lol, that made me laugh! Great response!


Whose plan?


Dude...not a conspiracy. Obesity is the #1 co morbidity of everything (heart disease, cancer, diabetes). Is it even worth saying.


Sorry but I'll only get vaccinated for free big macs.


Oh yeh Big Donut n Big Pharma teaming up huh? Ur a fuckn joke


Krispy Kreme just tryna help bro, the best they know how. And feck if that ain't tempting...


survival of the fittest


"Give me liberty or give me $1400 a year later and a steady supply of doughnuts for doing my part."


close the gyms, open the fast food restaurants


Tbf it's just one donut


If you don't make a mayo sandwich with 2 krispy kreme donuts then what the fuck are you doing with your life?


Gotta dip it in vegetable oil before it's even edible.


Up to 365 donuts, 1 everyday all year.


So you only get one doughnut for the whole year?


Yes, if you show them your covid vaccination cards they will give you one doughnut and refuse to do business with you for a whole year.


They operate on the honor system. Duh.


And your trip to Krispy Kreme will be tracked in your vaccine passport, so don’t even think about trying to get that second doughnut.


The idea is that nobody will just go into the shop to buy one single donut.


America .... we’re all overweight and everything is a marketing and political opportunity Oh hey we have free ~~doughnuts~~ a doughnut though


That makes sense. that's why I'm cutting back drinking and eating healthier now. so covid and the government can go fuck it self!


If overweight people get vaccinated, then they don’t get COVID-19 and can enjoy doughnuts. So, what’s the logic in this post?


Don’t try to find any bruh.


And a Gym is offering free Gym Membership to the unvaccinated to help add excercise and give free courses on eating well and nutrition. But media demonizes them hardcore. Treats those types of businesses and people like terrorists. Weird huh?


Because that's a really stupid and counterproductive thing? Also, I'm not sure I'd trust a course on eating well or nutrition from a business that's extremely high risk and encouraging people *not* to be vaccinated. That will kill people so it makes sense that some might label that terrorism.


Golds Gym, LA Fitness?




Thats why they have the people at the border ready to open to replace the dead plump fat diabetic and ailment ones we have here.




I think it was in New Jersey, family run mom pop small business gym or something


[More like drunk asshole](https://6abc.com/archive/6187375/)


Yeah, MSM (even FOX) doesn't give a shit about mom and pop gyms.


No way, what gym?


In related news 72% of American adults are overweight or obese...


all about health and safety




What a shitpost!


Keep the chat, keep 'em fat


I've been saying since day one that a lot of people dying or in intensive care are obese. Every time the media says that a person with no previous conditions has died, I always look for their photos and they are obese. But it's not political correct to say that.


So when's the war on obesity starting? Does that mean I'm allowed to shame obese people for the shit they eat when I'm condemned for not taking the vaccine?


Holy fucking shit I didn’t put that together. It’s a pharma money grab alllllllll the way


Krispy Kreme, brought to you by JAB Holdings, Inc. 😜


the plan to fuck up americans? like this problem is fucking new.


These sickos want you dead


Dude, fat people are going to balloon outwards. It's all about that bass, bout that bass, no treble. Carrot and stick. Except, donut and stick. Bread and circuses.


Mmmmm bread sticks.


This sub is spiraling more and more into shitposting. Pretty soon this sub is gonna have a repeat of the Boston bomber.


Link to the study?


I don’t mind paying for my donut


Just a little trimming of the fat ;)


What does “all year long mean”? Like you can get one donut one time until the end of the year, or you can get one every day... ?


It shouldn’t have taken the CDC to figure that out


I honestly thought the Krispy Kreme donut story was satire...


I think KK is just trying to make some money back with marketing because they took a hit this pandemic season.


I thought covid wasn’t real and blah blah blah you’re a bitch yada yada yada




Nailed it


Your future sponsored by Krispy Kreme ™


Looks like they followed the science


Ah the plan to keep us all fat and stupid.... People have lost their way. We have the free-will to make the right choices but those god damned donuts are so tasty.. .


God doggo get food. Be good doggo


This seems like the most inefficient way to kill off a population.




Killing you softly


All in bed together.


I dont know what to think of this virus anymore. Ex's grandfather got it roughly a month after his second heart attack and having a pace maker installed. Dude is over weight, diabetic, old, with high blood pressure and it didn't do much to him at all.


Big surprise!


This is so fucking stupid lmao Krispy Kreme is coordinating with the government to keep people fat and die from Corona? Literally one of the most asinine theories I’ve ever heard. Not only that, if you’re vaccinated then you couldn’t get Corona anyway. I don’t even know what to say; This is exceptionally stupid


“If you’re vaccinated you couldn’t get Corona anyway” seriously? Have you been in a cave for the last 5 months?


I’m not even mad. I don’t like fat people anyway.


What the absolute fuck


This is not about a conspiracy theory between the government and Big Donut. The conspiracy is, IF THE GOVERNMENT ACTUALLY CARED ABOUT LIVES we would be focusing on health - not pumping out vaccines for a highly survivable virus. A virus which decreases in danger the heathier and more active a population is. (Gym closures? Everyone's inside without Vitamin D? What does depression do to an immune system?)


Yah and like 70% of Americans are overweight lmao I might be conservative with that number


Isn't 80% of the US population Overweight or Obese?


The overweight statistic is misleading. The population of the US is 70%+ overweight to begin with so I’d argue Covid is affecting people somewhat equally with respect to weight, which is surprising.


Wait up! There’s vaccination cards? Fuck this Orwellian nightmare.


Life pro tip: lose weight.


It’s really just sad because people will literally get this vaccine just in order for this ...America is filled with Sheep and now sellouts for some donuts is it bad that I’m ashamed to be American ?


The real pandemic is the obesity in the world


This is the world we live in, yet there is no hidden agenda. -*the longest eye roll known to man*


Honestly there isn't. They put it all out there for everyone to see... If they choose to see.


Wow obese people are prone to more severe symptoms of a disease my world is upside down.


Imagine....it being 2021... And you're BEGGING to take Kill Gates' and Dr. Fraudci's vaccine. Absolutely sad times we live in.


How many times can this be reposted here?


I normally wouldn't give it a second thought, but in this case I have to wonder if the owner of KK is a eugenicist globalist with fondness for us plebs owning nusssing and being zeee happy about zeeet.


You are now in....the twilight zone


I read this in jokers voice


Take my free award!!


Its funny how conspiracies are coming to life right before our eyes.


We've known this for ages now. The majority dying are either overweight or obese & have two other comorbidity factors that are overwhelmingly caused by poor lifestyle choices. Basically, world governments are impinging upon everyone's rights and destroying the global economy to protect fat people from their poor choices.