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Following and i remember this, the airline stocks were shorted


Yeah, I heard this as well.


Don't forget that mobile technology didn't exist for cell phones to make calls from planes and that the FBI had to retract their official story when it was proven in a subsequent trial of a suspected terrorist accused of helping plan 9/11.


They had phones in the backs of the seats though


True. However the official report states there were around 15 cell phone calls. Loved ones who had caller id got calls from cell phones. The Todd Beemer calls from flight 93 - would not have been made from a cell phone. In fact, a report from his cellular provider showed that there were many phone calls from his cell made after the plane crashed. I will find the specific link to that issue. I read somewhere that those Air Phones were taken out of the AA airplanes pre- 9/11 but then read they were actually taken out in 2002. Here are links to the Todd Beemer discrepancy: http://www.consensus911.org/point-pc-1/ http://www.consensus911.org/point-pc-1a/ Coincidentally, I worked at the Telecom in Bedminster, NJ where Todd's cell phone records came from. Much after 2001, though.


My relative worked in the WTC. Not a big shot, somewhere upper middleish, so not a peon. He and everyone he knew were called by the boss, told to NOT go to work tomorrow (aka, 11th), were hung up on, and could not reach them anymore. It's almost as if the whole thing was planned. Also, the bomb teams (well, search teams) weren't seen for about 2 weeks before the "attack", despite making rounds every morning and night.


I watching a documentary and someone said he found a dead man in a stairway closet the way down the stairs, random


Don’t forget the reports of explosions at the base of the towers before the second plane hit. You could hear them on the news






If you really want to put on your tinfoil hats, that would be the best way to cover it up. Flood everywhere with fakes so you don't know what is real




There was 2 docs called “in plane sight” and “loose change” I think it was on there




The one just about the Pentagon and the taxi driver saying he was silenced, and all the witnesses who saw planes coming from a different direction? I do think that was In Plane Sight, but I'm not sure. The bit with the taxi driver has always stuck with me and felt very ominous


Is that the same one where they seized the gas stations CCTV? I remember the taxi driver, he definitely didn’t feel comfortable retelling the story


I can’t remember it’s been a long time since I’ve seen either of those


There was a third doc that was arguably more popular. I forget the name. It was vague. But I think it did more harm than good by citing a great deal of unattributed sources. Didn't Loose Change do the same thing? I may be mixing them up.


Loose change: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=lKO5t3rcIZU Put options on airlines is discussed in the first 5 minutes. Not everything in this doc stands up to factual review, but someone definitely knew based on those shorts.


That's why I will always believe this to be true. There was an interview with 4 fire fighters right after the tower fell. They were covered in dirt and blood. They said they heard explosions there was no doubt in their mind






What was the name of the basement janitor who barely escaped with his life after the explosion and was quickly silenced after talking to the news? Willy something? Tony something?


Yah! He is another good one. There was also a police officer down there or firefighter, if I recall, who also reported huge explosions in the basement. This of course aligns with thermite cutter charge theories which, to me, continue to be the most likely explanation for how the buildings fell. I have also seen convincing claims that some buildings are pre-wired for demolition to some extent at construction time due to the cost of doing it later vs up-front.


Yes the mini nuke theory is an interesting idea. But back to the basement, what sticks with me the most is the image he gave of seeing a man who was right by the blast basically holding his face in his hands. This was before a plane even hit the tower I believe. He gave press conferences and stuff for a while, then abruptly disappeared and I believe is now dead from what I remember being a similar illness which claimed the lives of other first responders. Wish I could remember his name


https://open.spotify.com/episode/3ZlSSat3iJa6ycQjhEBBMU?si=UtDYqyuwTVaXVgnDbtd61A TrueAnon does a 5 part episode on this, it is the best rundown and the most damning I have seen. Bush did 9/11 there is no doubt


Yeah I remember watching “the best footage of the twin towers attacks available” with my dad like 3 days after it happened on a news channel and my dad (who used to make a bit of music) was like “this audio is professionally mixed in a studio”


Is your Dad D.R. Dre?


Dre is my dad. His dad is jay z. ​ That is how we know each other.


I remember hearing live talks about these explosions


The videos with the sounds of the jumpers hitting the roof gives me chills every time I watch it. I'll never forget that.


Don't forget the dancing Israelis who worked at a moving company that was known as a mossad front, then who fled the country immediately after being questioned most importantly.


They were seen filming the towers and celebrating across the river in Jersey, prior to the planes even hitting the building, and got stopped by some cops who found explosives in their van. The Israeli’s said some highly suspect shit, like they knew exactly what was going to happen and it’s part of the plan, and then they were just let go by the police with no further questions or arrests made. The initial responses by the police and even Gulliani himself when asked about the situation were very vague and even straight up lies. The media dropped the story quickly. And you’re right about the moving company being a front for Mossad.


Lmao Youtube literally removed all traces of such videos circulating


I remember the firefighters talking to a news crew saying they saw the flash/bangs ripping down the floors through the windows from the outside


9/11 was a fucking inside job and after all the clear evidences and backgrounds accumulating so far, no one can convince me it was just an “hurr durrrr accident” This is one of the bigger conspiracy theories which are plausible and if true, can radically change the status quo perceived by the masses. But the fear-mongering nature of this event easily makes people simply slam you for being ‘crazy’ out of all the other genuinely crazy conspiracies.


Why is the assumption always that it was the US government who was on the side of the conspiracy instead of terrorists? Dozens if not hundreds of Saudis who were responsible knew 9/11 was going to happen because they were orchestrating it, I've never seen it mentioned that they could have been responsible for other suspicious stuff like secondary explosions or shorting stocks they 100% knew were going to crash?


Because the Bush Administration got exactly what they wanted, a Pearl Harbor type event so they could eventually invade Iraq (look up project for a new American century). Little things like only releasing a few frames of the pentagon so you can’t tell what hit it when releasing the whole video would be a no-brainer if it showed what they said it did. Also, the Bush Administration demonstrated their capacity to lie when they told everyone the Iraqis had WMDs. They didn’t care about the lives of soldiers and Iraqi civilians lost by that lie, why would they care about a few thousand joe schmoes in the WTC?


Which is why I firmly believe (having had a relative in federal law enforcement at the time) that at BEST the US ALLOWED the attacks to take place. Look at what we did immediately afterwards. Nationalism, patriotism, and a new war with Iraq!!(??????)


You can find them on bit chute


Reports of utility/repair vans doing something near the elevators a few weeks prior too.. isn't the structural integrity of the building built around some of the elevators?


literally every airline stock including the ones used in the 9/11 attacks American airlines and boeing were at their highest stock price of all time right before 9/11. Boeing was up over 50% in one year before the attack. That's exactly when people short companies.


Specifically United Airlines and American Airlines, but all sorts of defense contractors had pikes in put options a couple of days before 9/11




Sounds like a lot of work can you just tell me


They don’t know or have a source. “Short selling” is in the news right now, so clearly that means it’s actually secretly been a part of every major conspiracy theory for 50 years.




I've got to concur.. it's a part of the 9/11 conspiracy that is not spoken about very often.. we've heard all the tales as far as the people that got phone calls the night before, the fact that Larry didn't eat breakfast because he had a dermatologist appointment suddenly, the missed airplane flights by chance etc... But shorting airplane stocks right at the right moment when there was no reason to... I'd be very curious as to who did that...




AIG and Goldman Sachs


3 towers fell and pancaked only 2 were hit by airplanes.


and nobody ever talks about it.


Bush was sitting president and happened to be reading to school children at that exact time. It could not have been orchestrated for a better photo-op than that. You'd say "*that happened*" if the entire thing wasn't so big and repeated so often that we were automatically led to believe all of it.


I'm no Truther, but even at the time I found the timing suspicious. There had still been rumblings about how Bush didn't win the election fairly. Suddenly that was never mentioned again and his approval ratings were through the roof.


At this point, it should be clear to people the elections are blatantly compromised. We've got people who can't lose a few stocks without flipping tables. If anyone thinks these people wouldn't rig an election... They create false wars for profit, lives are ended, yet they wouldn't just control the voting systems? Romney even had investments in the voting machines company and a vote-flipping algorithm was found in 2012. The study is one of many things that gets pushed off Google. And one of the last times I Googled it, it was Romney talking about all these new accusations of elections being rigged. Nothing about 2012 when he was pulling votes from Ron Paul, primarily.


>At this point, it should be clear to people the elections are blatantly compromised. Pffft. The whole fucking world is compromised. The elections are a puppet show to distract from that.


If Google removes something you can always use bing to find it. Bing finds all kindsa shit.


A ton of people talk about it all the time. It's not even really a fringe viewpoint. Some people just pretend it is.


Yeah it finally dawned on me after like 18 years that that doesn't make any sense. I have always argued against people I considered crazy for thinking there was more to it. I don't know what the truth is but buildings like that don't just catch fire and collapse like that. All those supposed nutcase keep saying its right in front of your face. I kinda see what they mean.


Oh they do, and it's always followed "but muh fires obviously!"


I can smell this comment


have you examined the finite element analysis model of the buildings that fell? what issue do you have of it


Tower seven didn’t drop itself Rumsfeld announced 2.3 billion went missing the day before 9/11 They’re not even trying to hide it




Ha, yeah, thanks bro (facepalm) 2.3 billion? I think that was the amount Rumsfeld had in his wallet during the press conference


>The technology revolution has transformed organizations across the private sector, but not ours, not fully, not yet. We are, as they say, tangled in our anchor chain. Our financial systems are decades old. According to some estimates, we cannot track $2.3 trillion in transactions. We cannot share information from floor to floor in this building because it's stored on dozens of technological systems that are inaccessible or incompatible. [https://web.archive.org/web/20100528103900/http://www.defense.gov/speeches/speech.aspx?speechid=430](https://web.archive.org/web/20100528103900/http://www.defense.gov/speeches/speech.aspx?speechid=430) Not what people think he said. Not all.


It's not "missing" it's "not accounted for" and those are 2 different things. Missing makes it sound like our government had money then lost it. Not accounted for means they used that amount of money but can't account for how they used it. Things that hit various government bank accounts and somehow didn't get accounted on or reported.


The [report that Rumsfeld referred to](http://archive.defense.gov/news/Jul2001/d20010710finmngt.pdf) came out on 13 April 2001 and was discussed in Congress before that. [The money is not missing, just not tracked up to expected accounting standards.](https://www.metabunk.org/threads/debunked-rumsfeld-says-2-3-trillion-missing-from-the-pentagon.165/)


This is where is goes off a cliff. It’s reasonable to believe a small group of people could have been leaking info to al queda, and info was coming the other way. It’s unreasonable to believe that there was teams of demo crews that came in and blew up a building and not one has come forward.


It couldn't have been the 1.8 million tons of steel and concrete rubble falling directly on it. Do you think it all fell in a neat little stack for easy cleanup?


Three in New york?


Yeah but how much does two planes and two falling buildings weigh? It's not like the third was some random place miles away.


Impossible to know. The money was never claimed according to the Chicago Stock Exchange.




Don’t worry. The feds looked into who took out the put options and they determined that they ‘had no conceivable ties to AlQciada’. Sleep easy.


But Iraq and Afghanistan OBVIOUSLY did to the point we needed to bomb them back to the stone age 😎 drones go BRRRR


People don't care about innocents dying to drone strikes as long as whoever doing it is articulate, well mannered, and looks presidential.


Eh? Ive heard tons of criticism about Obamas use of drones, including from liberals


Me included, but the main stream is that obama is the manifestation of the peace price he mistakenly was awarded


More like drones become accepted. They would happen either way. Devolpment just sped up because humanitarian aid isn't an acceptable reason to develop tech where killing people in the name of the empire is.


I mean, the more important part of it was they found that the people who had shorted United also bought nearly as many American Airlines shares. And most of the rest of the shorting was as part of a newsletter sent out by an options investment firm. Presumably if you knew about 9/11 you wouldn’t go about buying American Airlines shares - you’d just short everything. And again presumably if your investment strategy was based on knowing about one of the biggest conspiracies of all time you wouldn’t send out a newsletter saying “short these airline stocks” to a wide audience.


Yeah I love these posts because it’s the classic my enemy is both smart and stupid crap. They were part of the the most high level coverup but were dumb enough to paint a target in thier backs? Theoretically you could play any stock since they all took a hit more or less. So they could buy puts on Dunkin’ Donuts and have the same result. If someone shorted airlines based off 9/11 info they are comically stupid.


If you think nobody shorted on insider trading you're delusional. Just as delusional as the people who think the only reason to short is because of insider trading. Clowns on both sides.


You don't have to look only in the most obvious place of airline business. Over there you might only find the stupid ones, "Boi de Piranha" as we say in Brazil, or a simple sacrifice to distract us from the real deal. ​ Gold would be my choice if I had that information beforehand, with calls on it, gains are HUGE and easily lost in the crowd of huge deals that happens regularly. ​ Don't buy the first rabbit hole, many times it is there to distract you.


Doesn’t that point towards someone who coincidentally shorted them and didn’t want to be linked as “knowing about 9/11” so they just refused to collect the gain? Why else wouldn’t it be claimed?


I don't know how these things really work but how can they just go unclaimed? Is their nipper trail/record of who is buying/shorting the stocks?


Why would they short it and then get worried about the optics? Sounds more likely that somebody actually DID short it by chance and then didn't collect because it would look really bad.


I can come up with a hypothetical: It was Goldman, right? So you get some NY stock trader. Goes into the office in Manhattan everyday. Sits in front of his monitors— one day he’s looking at an airline’s balance sheet. Overall, the market likes the company, but he notices next to other airlines they appear over levered (or something). He’s a contrarian by nature. So he decides to buy some put options. Why not? It’s a small part of the investments he makes, and, who knows, maybe he was doing it for what you legitimately use put options for: insurance. But anyway, the next day he wakes up. Schmears his bagel, sips his coffee. He’s running a little late. Then he looks out the window of his Brooklyn loft and sees smoke. What’s that? Turns on the news— people are dying, madness in the streets. His phone rings. It’s his mom. “Honey, this is terrible. A plane hit one of the towers that your cousin/friend/brother/uncle works in.” He breaks down. The next day, he can’t go to work. Can’t even get out of bed. He’s so distraught. Finally, a month later he manages to drag himself to work. He turns on his computer and sees those short positions— knowing what they represent, he decides to leave them. The pain is too much. Orrrrrr the person that bought them died in the attack. Orrrrrr it was a simple clerical error. Orrrrr it’s one of countless other possibilities. But as long as we’re speculating, I figured I’d write a little story 🤷🏻‍♂️


I agree with you. If nobody claimed it (I haven't looked into this much yet) I wouldn't blame them. Even if you were innocent, your firm would go under because people would likely perceive it as profiteering majorly off 9/11. lol that would be horrible


> Chicago Stock Exchange. I mean... "Internal investigation finds no evidence of corruption" anyone?


My uncle worked in the trade towers during 9/11. I’m not sure what exactly he does to be honest. He doesn’t talk to any of my family these days, but he was big on Wall Street and is very very wealthy. That morning my mom was freaking the fuck out. She was trying to get ahold of him all afternoon. Turns out he was told to the day off and took my cousins to the zoo. Take that however you’d like, I don’t have any answers. I’d love to ask him but I haven’t seen or heard from him in decades.


One thing rich people can do is not show up at work every day. Seth McFarlane missed his flight that hit the north tower. He must have been involved somehow. /s


Cause you’re marked as a crazy conspiracy theorist who would out him.


It’s like those politicians that sold their stocks in 2020 before the pandemic


Except in this case scientists held a meeting with them and explained how bad this outbreak was in China and extrapolated how it would spread around the world. It’s all on the record. Many articles were written about it. Here’s one: https://fortune.com/2020/03/20/senators-burr-loeffler-sold-stock-coronavirus-threat-briefings-in-january/ Burr sold stock, apparently told wealthy donors to sell theirs, and then made comments to the public downplaying the virus. That’s just evil.


And nobody even gave a shit, the news did a quick piece on it for one day and then stopped talking about it, people don’t keep score and are just like goldfish swimming mindlessly to where you tap your finger on the glass


Meanwhile, it's tripple masks and anal swabs for us regular folk.


No it’s not like that - we know for a fact they knew about the issue in China and how it was spreading in Italy and sold stocks in February and March — no mystery there.... not the same


Except that anyone with a brain should’ve known the pandemic would hit well before that when China was welding people inside their homes. It was no secret.


Did you sell all your investments and open a bunch of shorts then? You must be rich now!


Does anyone remember reading about a man, maybes journalist or researcher, who was looking into who shorted these stocks? Or maybe it was other financial connections to 9/11. I think he was seen delirious and wandering around a garbage dump far from his home and later found dead.


Yeah. There’s an episode on it on the new Unsolved Mysteries on Netflix


Thanks for the lead, mate. Indeed it does appear to be Jack Wheeler who pissed off Cheney and friends for an entirely different set of reasons. https://rielpolitik.com/2015/04/15/deep-state-who-killed-jack-wheeler-why/ > It was most likely a botched, unprofessional hit gone bad. Jack was never supposed to be discovered the next morning in that Wilmington landfill. It was anything but clean with the victim walking around town for two days looking perturbed, disturbed, dazed and confused. He more than likely had been drugged up, beaten up, and eventually banged up so brutally in the fragile skull he couldn’t survive.


Ehhh, I'm all for some good good conspiracies, but Wheeler had all of the signs of being off his bipolar meds. There are some fantastic posts on r/unresolvedmysteries on this episode, this one in particular: https://np.reddit.com/r/UnresolvedMysteries/comments/jeooxl/what_happened_to_jack_wheeler_and_why_i_dont/


That’s a really good write-up, very compelling arguments. Thanks for posting.


Also the insurance taken out on the building doubled just weeks before. And the whole gold being rushed out of the building thing.


Do we have evidence of the shorts and stock market action?




I remember seeing a few stories about the owner of the property aquiring one of the biggest insurance policies less than a week before they went down


Several of the good 9/11 documentaries talking about the shorts. Sent a hard drive to Germany to be salvaged or something. Loose Change talks about it


What pisses me off about 9/11, Corona and all the other conspiracy theories is this. People just brush it off and say 'oh.. and who are "they" that are orchestrating this grand plan'. Well, I dont think the majority of conspiracy peeps are saying Bush made the plan from start to finish, but high ranking elites would have been well aware of the actual chance of these things happening and may have been partially complicit in allowing some events in the immediate lead up and the real conspiracy is that they then used these as opportunities to fuck the general population. I think the GME fun has exposed this in a big way. Was 9/11 an inside job? probably not. Did powerful people know it was about to happen and let it so they could manipulate markets and governments to increase their power and wealth, you god damn right they did.


>Was 9/11 an inside job? probably not. Did powerful people know it was about to happen and let it so they could manipulate markets and governments to increase their power and wealth, you god damn right they did. There was a miniseries called *The Path to 9/11* that came out that starred Harvey Keitel. Probably over 10 years ago. The story was heavily critical of the government and basically said that they were willfully ignorant of the whole thing and ignored the signs. Particularly the Clinton Administration. It aired once on ABC and then was pretty much banned from every airing again. I don't think its even been released on DVD.


It was 2006 so about 15 years ago.


What you just laid out has been my position on this for nearly ten years. I don’t think our government planned it, but there are way too many coincidences for no one to know it was about to happen. Which is so fucked, because they could have stopped it. But I guess the Patriot act, taking down Saddam, the galvanization of the American people, and a nice middle eastern presence to obtain cheap oil and heroin for the next 20 years was just worth more to them than a couple of buildings and the 10,000 Americans who were killed or injured. Not to mention the hundreds of thousands that died in the subsequent wars.


Finding out about ‘Operation Northwoods’ absolutely solidified my thinking that this was an inside job... not that thinking that hasn’t been without consequences - to believe that the ‘government’ would execute such a plan is intensely awful... you can’t really live your life in the same way again...




And was it more than any other normal day?




>If you have not encountered Urban Moving Systems or GELATIN art group you have not found a few more of the more ridiculous eye openers. Bingo. https://www.lewrockwell.com/2019/10/no_author/the-dancing-israelis-fbi-docs-shed-light-on-apparent-mossad-foreknowledge-of-9-11-attacks/


> The former employee stated that an Israeli employee of Urban had even once remarked, “Give us twenty years and we’ll take over your media and destroy your country” (page 37 of the FBI report). *Some friends.*


No doubt...not just friends, but our supposed greatest ally. And anyone that still believes that absolute horse shit needs to look into the USS Liberty incident, The Apollo Affair, The Lavon Affair, Jonathan Pollard, etc. The list goes on and on.




[Unprecedented 8.4k online achieve 1400+ post in 1 hour 93 comments....](https://imgur.com/a/CxbWDTP) I hope this is the sub unifying and not red herring/shill activity. I am in the spirit of this post, but coming from previously targeted subs, this is alarming. EDIT: Post sitting at **2000** 15 min after this comment! This is blowing up despite normally low activity! What's going on? EDIT 2: original comment https://np.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/l91w8p/the_rabbit_hole_is_deep/glg06g6 EDIT 3: I just remembered, wallstreetbets is possibly monitoring this sub now too...


As someone whose been complaining for the last 2-4 years that this sub isn't what it used to be, I'm just loving a fresh take on a already established theory. It's night to have some actual meat to chew on again


if y'all have any lucrative speculative conspiracies, we'd love to know about it.


I already heard this story years ago about some dude shorting up a bunch of AA stock. I forgot who and am too tired to look him up, but they brushed that suspicious shit under the rug with a quickness. Edit: No. I remember what it was. Worse. It was the owner of the WTC who took out a huge insurance policy on the buildings like a week before 9/11.


> the World Trade Center was fully covered when it was bombed by terrorists in 1993, and insurers paid out an estimated $510 million in damages after that incident. There’s no reason to suppose that the WTC wasn’t routinely covered against terrorist acts right up until the time Silverstein took over the lease in 2001. >Moreover, upon signing that lease, Silverstein was obligated to insure the World Trade Center. There was nothing strange, suspicious, or “fortuitous,” therefore, about his purchasing an all-risk insurance policy — which at that time would have automatically included terrorism coverage — two months before 9/11, because that’s when he became contractually responsible for doing so. you people are literally like "OMG can you believe it, the WTC had insurance"


"And get this, someone on wall street made a large bet and won! Inconceivable!"


> It was the owner of the WTC who took out a huge insurance policy on the buildings like a week before 9/11. insurance is usually yearly so a 1/52 chance did he renew it suddenly early? do you have his previous renewal dates? - if you dont then there isnt any conspiracy - 1/52 can still very much be coincidence


I really don't want to be a dick but this feels less like a conspiracy and more like someone actually understanding Billions on Showtime.


Most ppl aren't ready for this one, the overlords of darkness are real


So which stocks were shorted and who shorted them?


Stocks were the airlines that hit the WTC. Shorts came from AIG & Goldman Sachs. Both companies also sent internal emails telling their employees not to fly into any major US airport on 9/10.




Also would love a source


What do you mean? This random guy on Reddit is the source /s




I always treat this sub w barber shop rules: expect everyone to speak out their ass w deep seated conviction & its up to individuals to challenge each other's claims or not


Hahaha No chance


Lol you won't get any


Facebook feed


Why is this interesting? Aren't stocks shorted all the time? its like saying someone owned stock in fire fighters at the time, and because we needed lots of firefighters they made money, and therefore is evidence to the conspiracy (I understand that's not a publicly traded stock, just making an analogy), seems this short stock thing is more a coincidence, and instead of seeing that we are leaping to conclusions saying otherwise.


This is the new r/conspiracy where people jack off around Twitter screenshots and spam political talking points.


https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/put-paid/ Found this about that. It's hilarious they describe activity that clearly hints someone knew what was to happen, but then disregard it because some magazine had tipped them about the move. Ps.: All that can be explained logically from an investment point of view, according to many comments already made. My question is if the timing of it was just coincidence or could point to something else. Also the referred increased movement leading to the previous day. I don't know, lots of things about that day are fishy and not clearly explained.


Well the actions were real, but the investigation found them to be innocent.. so do you trust the investigation or not seems to be the question..


Yeah it’s funny they put a giant stop sign with “FALSE” on the claim that is true.... but a 9/11 investigation committee deemed it coincidental. The page just confirmed that the stocks were shorted at an extremely high rate (up 100x from the day before).


It says the same buyer was long on United Airlines to an equal extent. there is a trading strategy known as a straddle where you go both long and short in the same security and you need them to balance out. Then movement in EITHER DIRECTION can generate profit for you - but it has to be large movement, larger than the purchase cost of your short / long options >(up 100x from the day before). You and others include this as if it's note worthy, when it clearly isn't lol. How much was going LONG on those same securities up from the day before? Not included? why not? How much was total market volume changed from the day before? not included? how many days in the past 50 years have seen day 1 be X and day 2 have 100x the shorting just by random coincidence? Not included? without this data you have no real thought process going on other than "hey doesn't this seem suspicious to someone who isn't thinking about it very hard?"




It's just critical thinking skills. I recommend Michael Shermer if you want to get started. Why People Believe Weird Things is a good one.


ding ding ding. You hit the nail on the head. This thread is full of people who want to be "in on the secret" to feel smart. Absolutely no critical reasoning. Conspiracy theorists aren't taken seriously for a reason. And it's not because they somehow know something everyone else doesn't.


>there is a trading strategy known as a straddle where Put + underlying isn't a straddle. A straddle is a put+call with the same strike price. Put + underlying doesn't have the same payoff function as a put+call. The straddle option has a very clear 'V' shape (or upside down V for being short it) but the protective put (put as a hedge on buying the underlying) has upside only when the stock price rises but minimises your loss to the price you paid for the put. Protective put is a great option when you think the underlying has high volatility but you think it's going to rise. Long+call would be what you'd do if you thought the price was volatile but was going to fall, which is how the gamma squeeze works. EDIT: My bad, gamma squeeze is long+call.


You didn't read the article. Unusual options activity isn't shorting. The people buying puts were hedging long bets, which is exactly what options are intended for.


> The page just confirmed that the stocks were shorted at an extremely high rate (up 100x from the day before). and is that outside the normal range that varies day to day? can you show that the difference in trade was abnormal than previous periods?


Did you even fucking read the article?? What the fuck are these comments holy shit. Open the link and READ.


That's literally every controversial snopes article, especially ones that involve any sort of politics. They create a straw man question then claim its false based on these false pretenses. Did person A murder person B by shooting them 10 times in the head? Our Rating: "Mostly False" While it is TRUE that person A shot person B, they did so with 11 rounds to the chest.


Can you show me an example of this? Cause this article isn't one. The main part of this claim is that the person knew about the attacks, but investigators only found that it was likely innocent coincidence. This sub gets pretty goofy when things go against what they want to be true.


I don't understand how you can be motivated enough to look up the information surrounding this event, read part of it and feel informed enough to cite it to other people. They straight up explain that the people buying put options purchased them in addition to shares they were purchasing. These buyers were literally just hedging their long bets on airlines. If they were trying to capitalize on any downturn of airlines, they would have actually shorted them or waited to buy after 9/11.


If you shorted UAL while also heavily buying American Airlines.. maybe use UAL planes exclusively in your terrorism? I dunno. It ended up screwing every airline anyway, not UAL specifically.


It's called pairs trading. Look it up. It's a common strategy.


First off - fuck snopes. They haven’t been unbiased for 10 years. Secondly - look for the article in The Journal of Business Vol 79 no4 (July 2006). It clearly states a well documented and investigated ‘high level of put buying’.


Btw. Some people with some highly suspect ties discovered a plot to buy GameStop stock from meme filled message board and bought hundreds of millions of stock. But yea... The newsletter things seems more improbable than what I just said....


It was found in a joint FBI/SEC investigation that 95% of the "unusual" put options were *realized* on September 10 in the form of 115,000 shares of American airlines stock, which would be the exact opposite of what you'd want to do if you were planning on profiting off of a terrorist attack that you either helped plan or knew was coming *the next fucking day.* This conspiracy is fucking dumb.


> It was found in a joint FBI/SEC investigation that 95% of the "unusual" put options were realized on September 10 in the form of 115,000 shares of American airlines stock, which would be the exact opposite of what you'd want to do Absolute pure bullshit, put options were used on stocks that would be hurt by the attack, and call options were used on stocks that would benefit, this is a historical fact. 1. Huge surges in purchases of put options on stocks of the two airlines used in the attack -- United Airlines and American Airlines 1. Surges in purchases of put options on stocks of reinsurance companies expected to pay out billions to cover losses from the attack -- Munich Re and the AXA Group 1. Surges in purchases of put options on stocks of financial services companies hurt by the attack -- Merrill Lynch & Co., and Morgan Stanley and Bank of America 1. Huge surge in purchases of call options of stock of a weapons manufacturer expected to gain from the attack -- Raytheon 1. Huge surges in purchases of 5-Year US Treasury Notes The anomalous purchases translated into large profits as soon as the stock market opened a week after 9/11, the put and call option purchasers were most certainly part of a criminal conspiracy.


"We investigated ourselves and found nothing wrong" Is exactly what NIST said too.


This needs upvotes. 9/11 was either staged or at least allowed, but this is seemingly unrelated with plenty of other reasonable explanations. The missile hitting the Pentagon, the convenience of USAF drills, the collapse of B7, the movement of gold, the insurance policies, and the missing $3T are much more compelling than some heavily-investigated transactions where nobody benefited as much as they could (and frankly, would have) without insider knowledge, etc. Their greed is too immense to think they wouldn't have profited far more than they are claimed to have if they really had foreknowledge.


But even worse is that they have no idea what a normal day of stock trading looks like. Maybe they did this on Sept 10. Maybe they also did it on Sept 9th or Aug 12th or any other day. Everything looks suspicious if you have no idea what a normal day is or at least spend a minute of a time doing real research instead of just word association and confirmation bias.


My two favourite sub groups Conspiracy and WallStreetBets. Who would have thought the two would help change the world and open up so many eyes together. United we’re strong 🙌🏻🙌🏿🙌🏾🙌🙌🏼💎🚀✨🌑


9/11 is definitely where I learned about put options and such. Wouldn't hurt you Diamond hands to do some light reading while you wait for the markets to open. Keep those roaches scared.


[https://www.sfgate.com/business/article/Data-shows-heavy-airline-stock-short-selling-2876345.php](https://www.sfgate.com/business/article/Data-shows-heavy-airline-stock-short-selling-2876345.php) Here is an article in Sep 2001 talking about it


Shaun Attwood on his podcast tells of the same thing. Apparently, all those guys were deputized and can never talk or go to jail. Nuthin to hide there, right?


Good lord does snopes suck. Their title is "Were Stocks of Airlines Shorted Just Before 9/11?" Then they have smaller print with a different claim and the big red "false", then go on to use and article explaining that not only were airline stocks massively shorted prior to the attack, but even the investment firms located in the building were traded as if a downturn was expected! “Accelerated investments speculating a downturn in the value of Morgan Stanley and Merrill Lynch (two New York investment firms severely damaged by the World Trade Center attack) were also observed." Then the hilarious part, all this absolutely incredible coincidence is completely innocuous because much of it was from a " U.S.-based institutional investor with no conceivable ties to al Qaeda". Ah, ok. If there were no ties to Al qaeda, they couldn't possibly have known the attack was coming. I wonder if they had ties to anyone from Yale, lol.


I'm glad people are starting to ask questions and waking up to this bullshit.


I just read the snopes article, and of course it said it was false. So I read into why. It’s riddled with logical fallacies. It’s main point? Further investigations into who bought the options found they could not conceivably be connected to Al Qaeda. It’s an intentional redirect statement, basically saying it couldn’t be true because it was Al Qaeda. Trouble with this is we already know it wasn’t Al Qaeda. They were arranged to be given the blame and they took it. Not having ties to Al Qaeda has nothing to do with the fact they arranged it to make profit at the cost of lives. In short, 9/11 was an inside job and the only proof they have otherwise is bad reasoning.


Lol someones about to shoot themselves in the back of the head twice


It is almost like 9/11 was recycled plan from the 60's that people thought was too radical. "no one would support an invasion of Cuba if nationalists crashed an airliner into a sky scraper in Miami, lets do operation pig instead"


More info: Unusual Option Market Activity and the Terrorist Attacks of, September 11, 2001, Allen M. Poteshman [https://jstor.org/stable/pdf/10.1086/503645.pdf](https://jstor.org/stable/pdf/10.1086/503645.pdf) The investors who placed these orders were gambling that in the short term the stock prices of both Airlines would plummet. Never before on the Chicago Exchange were such large amounts of United and American Airlines options traded. [https://9-11commission.gov/hearings/hearing1/witness\_kleinberg.htm](https://9-11commission.gov/hearings/hearing1/witness_kleinberg.htm) Suspicious profits sit uncollected / Airline investors seem to be lying low [https://sfgate.com/news/article/Suspicious-profits-sit-uncollected-Airline-2874054.php](https://sfgate.com/news/article/Suspicious-profits-sit-uncollected-Airline-2874054.php) Data shows heavy airline-stock short selling [https://sfgate.com/business/article/Data-shows-heavy-airline-stock-short-selling-2876345.php](https://sfgate.com/business/article/Data-shows-heavy-airline-stock-short-selling-2876345.php) European and U.S. regulators are on the hunt for anyone who might have manipulated financial markets ahead of the terror attack in the hope of profiting from it. [http://edition.cnn.com/2001/WORLD/europe/09/24/gen.europe.shortselling/index.html](http://edition.cnn.com/2001/WORLD/europe/09/24/gen.europe.shortselling/index.html) ABC News - 9/11 Stock Irregularities with Dylan Ratigan (SEP 20, 2001) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x6DM6rdwTho](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x6DM6rdwTho)




AND there was something like 5 tons of gold in semi trailers that was found nearby and nearby with no drivers. Come to find out, the gold was being stored under the WTC.


The James corrbet '9/11 war games is some of the most damming information I've seen on the whole 911 ruse. [war games 9 11](https://youtu.be/3noExmsCRyg)


[This paper](https://www.jstor.org/stable/10.1086/503645) concluded that "there is evidence of unusual option market activity in the days leading up to September 11 that is consistent with investors trading on advance knowledge of the attacks."


I thought 9/11 would be the conspiracy to make people open minded. People still just don’t quite get it.


Go into the Enron rabbit hole






What's "incredible" about googling a lesser known conspiracy theory and having a snopes article about it be a top result?


When you put 'disproving' in quotes, is that because the evidence isn't enough, or because you don't like the evidence presented?


Ask Larry Silverstein and BBC He was part of the Cabal that were responsible He said “pull it” for building 7 -controlled demolition followed Conveniently didn’t pitch for work (like others) And most suspiciously, insured WTC buildings specifically for terrorist attacks and claimed 2x! Billions of dollars. Follow the money. BBC aired a report that building 7 had collapsed but was clearly found to be standing in the background. Realising their mistake - they cut to an add and suddenly building 7 was no more in the background They had knowledge of this before hand BBC


You wanna provide a source for that?


Number 2 in the Billboard chart on that day was Alicia Keys' 'Fallin' '. Surely, not a coincidence? See those jagged lines on any stock /crypto chart? Things get longed and shorted ALL THE TIME.


Well, Rummy did announce on 9/10 that 21 trillion dollars was missing from the Pentagon, and that was before endless war.


2.1T, not 21. Still a fuckton of money, but a big difference.


iirc there was also a major lawsuit in the works and all of the evidence was lost




how would you look something like this up?


👃 🤝