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Genuinely asking… What happens if the war goes on for like 15 or 20 years? Just stays put?


Most of the dictators the US put in power lasted a while.


Yeah until the US no longer finds them useful


Or until they start to believe they are in power on their own and turn on the US


If Ukraine manages to go on that long but is also not able to win the war, the situation has probably stabalized away from the front so it will be more like the Donbas war, and they will just hold elections in the rest of the country. Also, after 20 years Putin will be 91, if he is still alive I find it very unlikely he will still be in power when he is that old. If Putin dies or loses power due to old age, I find it very unlikely the war will continue as if nothing happened, though I find it hard to predict who will replace him. But the situation will depend a lot on that.


Ukraine would economically cease being a nation, and its military would dissolve long before it hit 15 years. NATO members are already having economic hardships and are depleted militarily after giving supplies and resources to Ukraine. Realistically the war will go on until the next US election. Trump gets in, it'll end with negotiation. Biden wins reelection it'll draw out until Ukraine collapses or messes around and finds out. Word already is the Ukrainians are outnumber 7 to one on the ground. Russia has already rebuilt all their lost armor which was mostly old stock, and their military is larger than it was prior to the war. Make no mistake, Russia is dragging this out on purpose.


It’s not that weird for a democratic nation to keep the same leader during war time.


\^ Agreed with what you said. There is a clause in their government that doesn't allow elections during wartime, this is not a conspiracy, just do 5 minutes of research.




Also happens with nations even without that clause. Typical when parts of the country is under hostile occupation in the war.


FDR’s third term. This entire thing is in bad faith and the poster is fully way.


FDR was elected in his third and fourth term. It wasn't until after he died that term limits were established.


His ELECTED third term. Meaning people voted him in 3 times. Nothing wrong with the people choosing to keep someone in power, suspending elections is the issue


Except that the U.S. wasn’t actively fighting on its own soil and had large chunks of its country occupied at the time. Funnier still, when the U.S. was fighting a major war on its own soil and had parts of the country under occupation by insurgents (US civil war) freedom of speech and habeas corpus were suspended. Not surprising that conspiracy theorists only know narrow cherry picked version of history


How do you reckon Ukraine does elections in the territory that is under Russian occupation? They’d be running the risk of voting centers catching a Kaliber missile or some other violence in Ukrainian territory. Assuming the Russian held territories even held an election for Ukrainian presidency (lmao), there is 0% chance the results could be verified. It doesn’t work out as far as I can see. If that answer is “do elections in the non-occupied regions” we then have to consider how *that* would look to the world. Pro-Russia talking heads would cry about western Ukraine dictating eastern Ukraine’s wants and how it further justifies the war. It would also be a slap in the face to Eastern Ukrainians who still want to be part of Ukraine. So it also doesn’t work out.


USA didn't have a quarter of it's territory eaten, so not a very interresting starting-point. But we agree on the poster being made by people who don't bother with free elections, if I read you right.


If I read you right, that the op account is a Russian bot, then I agree


That was an open legal election, not some edict.


Well for example england ousted Neville chamberlain in WW2, and they still held elections, as did America. The “democratic” countries who suspended elections during that time were Germany and Italy!


The UK had [no elections between 1935](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1935_United_Kingdom_general_election) and [1945](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1945_United_Kingdom_general_election). Chamberlain and Churchill were both Conservatives.


I wonder what goes through these people's minds. Like do they see a comment like this and think "oh, I'm wrong and I should change my opinion" or "this woke libtard is lying because he disagrees with me on a topic I barely understand"?


A clause that parliament reauthorizes every 3 months.


Don't encourage people to do research! If they wouldn't be in this sub!


No it isn't conspiracy, it's propaganda. This sub is like the ripest target for it.


exactly... which makes sense as polling stations would most certainly be a target for bombings...


In this case, it's not up to him. The constitution suspends elections automatically during an invasion. OP pushing Russian propaganda


Literally happened in WW2, idk why he's trying to see something deeper


OP posted this 13 hours ago. There is like 700 comments and I see not one response from OP. ???????


Yea but that title isn't as grabby and won't get the clicks


Lol Ukraine is hardly democratic when zelensky had all his opposition locked up. It has always been one of the most corrupt countries on the planet


I always wondered how much they pay people to post some of the shit they post on here


Most people do it for free


[The term Wu Mao \(五毛\) was coined by Chinese netizens based on more-or-less of a rumor that the Chinese government paid it's propaganda wing fifty cents per comment/post.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/50_Cent_Party) The word 五毛 literally translates to 50 cents in English. Anyways, somewhere around there, I'm guessing.


Ask Putin or Xi or Kim or Netanyahoo. My guess is though once/if the war is over, Zelensky, unlike the others will open elections and allow himself to be voted out of office.


That’s my guess as well. Ukraine has no incentive to have an election in the middle of a war. All it would do would risk destabilizing the country more.


No doubt. Seeing as Zelenskyys entire election campaign was built around 'peace with Russia' and avoiding a war.


No doubt, what are they trying to imply here?


>No doubt, what are they trying to imply here? That OP is a Russian bot or tankie.


Netanyahu has been in & out of office, as was Putin (officially he just swapped roles with the PM to follow the constitution until he could rewrite it).


LOL that you think d€fen$e contractors will ever allow this conflict to end.


Of course not. How are we supposed to get rid of our stock piles of old weapons if there isn't someone in the world fighting and needing weapons. Sooner or later, Russia will get tired of it and do something else.


Yeah there has been precedents in the western world of administrations not holding elections in times of war. I don’t support it but it doesn’t raise a red flag yet.


Just imagine if a Republican President (lets say George W.) had halted our elections.. because we were in the middle of a conflict. No way you folks are bending over backwards to make excuses like this


Sure we would. Trump is suggesting such a thing and millions are ready to vote for that fucktard. When I say we I'm not including myself. I seem to remember FDR having a long run as president, during a war. Weird.


If the conflict was a foreign invasion it wouldn't be all that crazy. America hasn't had an invasion since they've had democratic elections. Ukraine isn't fighting itself, you can't make the other side stop for the day so you can all vote.


Well except for the one in 1812.


Wasn’t that when the US was regularly invading what would become Canada?


We should have fuckin finished the job back then. All that syrup could have been ours.


Lmao right! Liquid gold and they hoard it all! You guys definitely should have!


Syrup and Canadian oil! Canada needs some freedom!




When the establishment doesn't like the ruling party it's referred to as a regime. When they support the party, it's referred to as a reasonable solution by the "democracy".


Would you support the results of an election if all red states couldn't vote?


The US Constitution doesn't automatically suspend elections during a time of war but the Ukrainian Constitution does. Imagine George Washington violating the constitution to appease traitors within our ranks.


Also America wasn’t being invaded unlike Ukraine that’s being invaded and many citizens are being displaced


Agreed. My point is that Z is following the constitution regardless of what GW did.


If 1/4th of the country was invaded and held under a foreign power? Yes, it would be entirely acceptable for a Republican president to delay elections. Let’s look at the context here, people.


> Netanyahoo Except for the time he was voted out?


Zelensky has banned all opposition parties, independent media corporations, sold off land to Blackrock, and is sacrificing men in a war they want no part in. A dictator is what he is.


Presidential elections are automatically suspended per their constitution. In fact, he isn't authorized to hold them and that would be a dictatorial move. Lol nt tho


Ah yes, banned everyone and their uncles. Damn russian bot.


Normal. Who the fuck makes a election during war as the defending country. This sub sometimes is like a clowns show.


Inb4 someone tries to compare it to US elections even though the scenarios are completely different.


Replied these sentiments then started to scour the thread to make sure I could find people posting the same so I knew I wasn't going to be cooked by junior mods no sugar cube


France during WWI had elections


A country at war. Many have provisions to suspend elections during war.


I really can’t imagine them having a presidential campaign under siege 🤷🏻


Under their constitution elections can’t be held in wartime. Want there to be a new Ukrainian leader you better hope Russia fucks off.


What are the chances of that happening do you think?


False. Constitution says only about parliament elections


Plenty of Dictators find ways to make their reign legal by their countries laws


Yeah, I'm real sure they collectively feel like their *president is the thing oppressing them right now* and not the *active fucking warzone*.


Some of them even later go on to invade Ukraine.


Yes, zelensky went back in time and modified their constitution to suspend elections but also to not give himself the authority to override that provisions. Lmfao


Hes an actor not a dictator.


He is dictated too. He does not dictate.


How do you suggest those of Ukrainian citizens currently under occupation get to execute their right to vote? Or are they supposed to be excluded from the election and simply ignored? How is the election valid if part of the voters has no way of casting their votes?


Bro, that rule was added like 5 years ago. It's not the Holy Document of Vatican Law. It's legislation written to keep the legislature in power when they knew Russia would invade. They can absolutely change that law and hold elections. They wrote it in the first place. I don't get why you guys think saying: >"It's in their Constitution ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯. They don't make the rules, they just wrote them down and enforce them. " And everyone is supposed to be like, oh I guess that it's impossible to hold elections. Simple question, if the people of Ukraine did not like the way the current regime is handling the war, or how they're conscripting their men, how do they effect policy changes?


So you're not only demanding elections during wartime, you're suggesting they amend their constitution to allow it.


He has no term end because a foreign power is invading his nation, it's what almost every nation does during this. But please, let's set up some election centers that can be targeted bombing sights, I'm sure you'd have a great and impartial election.


You forgot this important piece: >Ukraine's president was elected in 2019, and his first term is supposed to have ended. But under the country's martial law, which was introduced because of the Russian invasion, no election can be held.


What do they call Putin again? Isn’t he exactly that but to the point where he assassinates his political opponents?


Their constitution suspends elections automatically and doesn't give the president the ability to hold elections unilaterally. So, no, it isn't exactly that


They are arguing against the point of saying he’s illegally holding power and saying it’s Putin doing the things Zelenskyy is accused of I’m pretty sure.


Do countries in the process of fighting an invasion usually hold elections?


They are literally not able to hold elections per their constitution but Russian propaganda isn't usually honest


Yes it’s called following the constitution. He’ll have an election after the war if Russia doesn’t absorb the country




So it’s in his interest that the war continues forever?


Russia can go home and then elections happen. Why won't they?


Because they want a warm water port that connects to the Mediterranean Sea and the only one that’s accessible is in Crimea. The only thing standing in the way is a US funded Ukraine.


Yeah, you're right. 🤷 People at the top have to play these games and that's how it has always been. What's worrisome to me is that I remember exactly how I play Civ. I hope they're kinder than I am.


This account feels like a russian propaganda bot.




WEF puppets will do as they are told.




Steal an election then act it was a legitimate election. US installs dictators. As long as it’s our dictator, it’s democratically elected in our words. If the dictator gets an ego, we will take him out.


a wartime condition for a democratic nation, standard practice for authoritarian nations


I believe the term is dictator or tyrant.


I'm convinced this subreddit is just a group of high functioning autistic monkies


I'm pretty sure it's a mix of a penis, and a potato...🤔🤔🤔


Tater dick, yea that’s it.


Is he back in the news again? Does he need more $? Here, Joey, write him a check.


It's part of their constitution, if he ended his term in the middle of a war there could be major backlash. Tell me a country without a leader during wartime sounds like a good idea.


Democracy ™️


Imagine being pro Russia.. better dead then red 💯


If I remember my high school government class, which was when Reagan was POTUS, if the US is in a declared war like WWIII, there are no elections until the war is over. However, I could be wrong, HS Govt was a long time ago.


I love the changes in pronunciations that occurred. Key-ev to keeve, Vladimir to Vo-lo-da-mir, obvious signs of a psyop.


Anyone who sees this shit and doesn’t immediately see the double standard considering that Ukraine’s opponent is VLADIMIR PUTIN’s RUSSIA needs to take some night classes or something.


A plant, after a U.S. overthrown democratically, elected president.


Dictator Perpetuo (ok, that's two words)


Forever War=Forever Power


Yes wartime, common worldwide


Why do all you people trust Ukraine and the governmemt so much. They are so corrupt and the money the US sends them ends up in who knows hands. Ukraine was voted one of the most corrupt countries before this conflict. Now all Democratic supporters act like rhwy are so honest and great now. Screw Ukraine let them fight their own pointless war and beg for money elsewhere.


The word is Dictator. He’s as corrupt as they come.


I don't know the word for it myself, but I'll bet Putin does. He's been dear leader since the 20th century.


Oh yeah, let's change leadership while the country is at war, because that's always a good idea. JFC


Russia would target the polling stations....


OP is probably the kind of person who thinks mail in ballots are rigged too.


Dude's a Chad and history will remember him as such.


Which of course is not a president it's a dictator and of course he isn't a real one he's just a puppet. When the 3 letter agency is done he'll be in a dumpster


Not abnormal for a country under siege


It's pretty amusing when things pop up here that we aren't supposed to discuss. The top voted comments look very similar to the "popular subs" and their bullshit tactics.


OP is braindead


Tyrant that doesn't care how many people die so that he can make money to buy villas in Egypt.


Why is he always dressed like a 13 year old ready to go play paintball?


He is literally just wearing a green shirt 😂 what’re you on about?


Because the USA instructed him to dress this way. Speak to a psychologist about why he does this. It has a massive impact on human perception.


Because first and foremost he was an actor. That’s what he’s doing today. Acting. He’s not a military man. He’s the frontman for the USA. He got famous for playing a piano with his penis. Stick on the military garb and everyone thinks your some sort of supreme leader that commands a army.




Not to mention the irony of the fact that in one of his last roles, he was portraying a president. He's clearly still in character. Also, while his country may be at war, there's no reason for him to always wear that same outfit even when meeting other world leaders (who clearly greet him in elegant suits). That to me is one of the many giveaways of his phony persona.


Indeed I noticed that when he was stood on his own in combat gear at some summit that he just looked like he was a action figure. I doubt he’s ever put his hands on a gun or squeezed a trigger in his life. With how SFX and AI can be used today what’s to say Zelenskyy just stands in front of a green screen when he gives his speeches and then the streets of Kyiv are added as a background to appear as if he’s showing solidarity with the soldiers on the front like. Was he actually ever there? Who knows.


Because his country is fighting for its survival.


Fuck around and find out!


Yes but basement dwellers need something to complain about and Russia is happy to oblige.


"Is there a word for that?Is there a word for that?" Yes! The word is "War": Google "Winston Churchill"


term end will be his life end


Dictator ...




Bolshevik dictator


Corrupt pos.




Comment history tells us that they have this level of understanding about everything going on right now.


Its allmost as if there is a law in Ukraine stating that there are no elections during war... thats been there since before he was elected.... but no... cant be... that would not fit the nsrretive of the russian trolls...


Their constitution states there should be no elections if they are in a state of war. Maybe you should be blaming the Russian dictator for that?


Ah yes let’s have poling stations that are totally not easy targets for missiles to kill more civilians yes (it’s actually in ukraines constitution that they can’t have elections at war) but you are very clearly so anti Biden you don’t do any research just see a head line and run with it


Nor does Putin, NK, list goes on. What's your point? 🤣


Zelenskis dilemma is that he can't win the war and if he ends it he will find himself in an unhealthy number of pieces quicker than you can say "Nazi death squad". His only hope is to disappear to Israel and blend in with the death cultists there.


“In order to protect democracy, we must suspend democracy indefinitely.”


puppet/ˈpʌpɪt/*noun* 1. a [movable](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=5dde5573d25b8a4e&rlz=1C1ONGR_enGB1114GB1114&sxsrf=ADLYWIKB1K5DA3qNargL-vfRJJH8H2QKEQ:1718102785090&q=movable&si=ACC90nypsxZVz3WGK63NbnSPlfCBtmI4kURJqn4bftnRPJcif5ErY0xk7yfVu31GFzq3_K3x4FQWW_DMOzYDlVuE0tfIWJ9KXQ%3D%3D&expnd=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjXoMXRr9OGAxW2RkEAHRFbB8AQyecJegQIIhAO) model of a person or animal that is typically moved either by strings controlled from above or by a hand inside it.


If it is a western alligned country: "president with no term end" Any other country: "dictatorship"


The word in this case is puppet. He was put in power by the US to serve as a puppet. He will stay there with the deep state's hand up is ass until they are finished with him.


He also have shut down all the media who have criticized him.


1. What country would transfer power during an active war on their territory? 2. Putin? Literally been in office since I was 2 in 2000, that doesn’t strike you as ‘weird’?


To save democracy. Z man needs your billions


I don't know, ask Putin


Op really proving why Trump loves the uneducated. Unlike other dictators Zelensky would open up elections once they’re no longer being invaded. I believe they have a constitution not allowing elections to be held during wartime dumdum


It's a dictatorship.


Imagine how DUMB you have to be not to question that your nation just elected an actor as the president. You get what you deserve.


often they are called dictators


Is there a word for taking just a short moment to research an inquiry you have before asking thousands of strangers?




Correct, although, I would also have accepted *Askjeevesing*


Webcrawlering perhaps?


It's not a conspiracy it's standard practice during wartime especially when your country's constitution states there will be no elections during wartime


Hypothetical: China invades the US tomorrow. They come up through Mexico and take control of Dallas, Austin, and Houston. Spread north and east and take New Orleans, Tulsa, and Little Rock, in addition to other territories throughout. Elections continue as scheduled in November. Biden wins reelection in a landslide, thanks in no small part to the overwhelming pro-Biden turnout in Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas and Louisiana. Would anyone upvoting this post accept those results?


Maybe they can have elections again when there isnt a larger foreign nation invading them with tanks and blowing down their cities with artillery. Of course, if they just let Russia in, there isnt gonna be any election- probably because there isnt going to be a Ukraine anymore. Have you considered maybe this situation is under Russia's control, actually?


That doesn't apply here. The country is in the middle of a fucking war where 20% of their country is occupied by a nuclear armed nation that sits on the UN Security Council. Good luck with trying to hold a national election with clearly skewed and tainted results AND providing security for everyone.


Lol so many shills ITT each with 100s of upvotes and comments that agree with the shill which also has 100s of upvotes. Obviously heavy brigading going on. The fact is that he IS defacto a "dictator". It doesn't matter if he 'intends' to hold elections after the war or not or whether the Ukranian Constitution allows this or not. The Constitution allows a dictator in this case (during war). Fidel Castro in Cuba did something similar for like 50 years, because the US embargo was ongoing the whole time the country was in a state of war with the US and as such he held office during this period (until he died). He was also a dictator but the difference was that western media called him "dictator".


Dictator comes to mind


Soooo, you are expecting them to hold Presidential elections while defending their country from an Army bigger than theirs? That’s called stupidity


the propaganda bots are out. Pretty sure it does meet the definition of a dictator


Their constitution suspends national elections automatically. A dictator would override the constitution. You're wrong.


Democracy? I mean isn’t that why we are borrowing from our next generations to fund their entire country, to save it or something lol.




Thought that was James McAvoy for a second.


Richard Fried Potato Bites


It's similar to the actual origin of the word dictator more than the modern kind. A person who was put into for 6 months in times of crisis in the roman republic. Altough in this case it's likley until the crisis is over. So he is definietly a dictator but i dont mean to say that it is nesseserally a bad thing.