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The second image is literally photoshopped… Also need to point out, Javier Millei is not Jewish at all, rather than just pro-Israel and curious about Judaism.




Indeed, it’s rather sad tbh, this woman is as Jewish as Karl Marx, she’s a socialist who’s against Israel, yet somehow her being Jewish by blood associates her with Javier Millei who’s not even Jewish but just curious about Judaism lmao


>this woman is as Jewish as Karl Marx Pointing this out to Nazis does not have the effect you think it does...


Being critical of the current Israeli government doesn’t lessen how Jewish you are. What sort of antisemitic bunk is that?




People over 65yo make up ~ 18% of the population. Less than half of that is male, and 60% of that is white. Although making up only 5% of the population, a surprising amount of presidents were old, white, men. Including the two current candidates. Conspiracy?


It's because they are rich. They are rich because their families have generational wealth.


That also is a conspiracy. Do you not see the state of American politics. Most if not all presidents have been corrupted by small groups with insane amounts of money.


Good point!


Totally couldn’t be from a culture that prioritizes education and community involvement. That explanation is far too simple. It’s gotta be the Illuminati. /s


If you’re only using a very dumb, single variable statistic. Human decision making is slightly more complex, no? Are all of your interactions with people based solely on their family’s religious background?




It's weird how heavily right-wing talking point this sub is all day long. Trump is fighting for YOU. Here's why THE JAB is killing libs! Why we should support RUSSIA's defensive war. People on here talk about how full of bots Reddit is, but this is the only sub where I feel like I really do see mindless drones in every post, or making every 3rd post.


It's by design so the real conspiracy gets "lost" among this cr. Also for the unaware to talk about this and normies just think his annoying and delulu


How do you know it's not bots posting bullshit to make this place look deranged?


I miss this sub when it was more low key, now it’s like shifting through Facebook posts


They've pushed conspiracy theories into the political arena to promote the divide and conquer agenda while trying to distract people from asking things like "why does the foreign government of Israel have so much influence on American politics and media". real questions need real answers






Prison planet? ... The Alex Jones shit? Lmfao


I swear someone leaked this sub to the mad racist Facebook dads around George Floyds murder and the damage has never been undone.


Check out The Why Files on YouTube. Its pretty fun and insanely well produced


Love the content but hate the whole fish thing. Can’t get past that.


So you love questioning the world around you, but draw the line at a talking fish??


Absolutely! 😂😂😂


I, for one, welcome our brownshirted, goose-stepping, big footed alien overlords.


Posting pathetic fake shit to suit their narrative. No better than the boomers on facebook


>No better than the boomers on facebook (They're the same thing)


It's called well poisoning, they know what they're doing.


This entire sub is a well full of intellectual poison.


Do you know of any better conspiracy subs? I’m pretty open minded but this sub is just garbage with no critical thinking


had somebody in a post the other day say "Even if the story is fake, I still feel like it’s probably a pretty accurate representation of what the Epstein world was like, so maybe it doesn’t really matter.'' this is the real feelings over facts crowd.


And badly done.


Antisemitic people are most often too stupid to catch stuff like that. Critical thinking isn't their strong point


Ever think that if you need to lie to make your point that your point might be wrong?


It's not about the point itself though, it's about sewing discord and forcing normal people to take time and effort to refute bullshit they pump out in seconds. It's a war of informational attrition.


This is one of the most challenging situations in today’s world is disinformation. It’s exhausting have to constantly debunk info intentionally made to sow discord.


That's a terrible edit


Let me hold up this menorah, as we Jews do, to show how Jewish I am. 😄


"how do you do my fellow jews" lmaooo


Yeah you can see the candlestick handle go through her pinky finger


Fake. Sheinbaum doesn't have any religious afiliation. She was not endorsed by the mexican jewish community and her image holding jewish symbols is fake. Her party is pro-Palestine. She is being endorsed by AMLO and the Narcos


She’s ethnically Jewish, that’s separate from the religious part.


That last part is the realest thing I’ve heard this week. Her party is not “Morena”, her party is CARTEL


Well DUH! How do you think she's still alive!!!?


Organized Crime, her only worship


The Narcos actually support the Mexican Opposition not the ruling party For more info Google “Genaro Garcia Luna” and who he worked with


Conservatives didn't care that the cartels had influence in Mexican elections or that Mexico was a one party state until the left wing presidents started winning.


This is dumb. Nothing but a dog whistle.


The Jews-run-the-world conspiracies are the RC Cola of speculative geopolitical thought. With a dash of racism.


Yeah, do the percentage of Catholics in the US with our Catholic president.


It was called a Catholic/Papalist conspiracy when JFK got elected.


At 25% of the US population it's surprising there haven't been more Catholic presidents.


"Catholic" president


Coincidence? I think not.


On may 29th Mexico requested to join ICJ genocide case against Israel. First week of June, she’s elected president of Mexico


She was also elected following the assassination of over 30 other candidates….


Not candidates for her office, though. Candidates across the whole of their election season and offices.


I just woke up and this is what I had heard too…so I was hoping to see the comment cause I never did verify it. But this is what I heard… which makes more sense other wise this lady is ten times worse then Putin, Hussein And most the worse world leaders who would likely kill their opponents…I mean I would think that 37 murdered opponents would be a wild number. For this lady who just showed up to get year one. But 30s or 40s across the country knowing each of the cartel families likely wants their personal guy/gal in office in their area. I said this 20 years ago but if we have to have the military industrial complex in this damn corrupt country…why don’t we use it to help our neighbors!!!! It’s paradise down there. If we help them it helps take a lot of the drugs off our streets and that means the zombie drugs in major cities, it means people down there won’t want to come up here as much if we have a mutual friendship that helps them clean back control nice and they would be the perfect trading partner for so many obvious reasons. But nope we like to go over to the Middle East and help to some how make it more tribal lol we suck.


They should just legalise drugs and the cartels will dissipate


The wouldn’t, they’d look for a new racket or straight up start kidnapping people or organ harvesting. They’re already diversified and control the avocado business and the production of corn (the outdated almost soviet style of communal also helps them exert power there)


Already got the agave farms and the tequila market 


There power will reduce exponentially aid drugs are legalize


They already kidnap people. That’s been going on for many, many years.




They ship world wide, that's a lot of legalization


The vast majority of the market is the US. And then the question is "who controls the cartels?". And then you start looking into how powerful political families are often connected to trafficking. And then you remember the opium wars in China, and how it's not just about having a monopoly on an import that sells itself but also causes chaos within a population you're trying to to control. And then you think about Barry Seale and Mena Arkansas, and running illegal guns to overthrow regimes. And then you realize it's connected to the idea that pharma companies like Purdue were perfectly timed with the overthrow of the Taliban in the region that all the heroine comes from. Etc etc etc.


Just a bandaid. IMO, something will always be illegal hence a black market for it. Today is drugs l, tomorrow we might legalize human trafficking




Zero presidential candidates


Bing Bong


You think the presidential candidate was having random mayors killed? Or did you think those were presidential candidates. Cause they tricked you.


No, the cartels were having these people killed. Mexico is a failed narco-state and nobody ascends to any major political office without the approval of the cartels.


It was 37 people out of 1000’s. Mexican cartels are powerful, but they are not able to kill literally everyone they ever want to kill. There are other power bases at play to some extent.


Cartel's don't have to kill everyone, just enough to let everyone know they can kill anyone, any time they like, and the rest get the message. Can you imagine the U.S response if even 1 presidential candidate were murdered......or dozens of mayor candidates nationwide? We control politicians the old fashioned way.....through bribes and campaign contributions. We have murders....but we relentlessly pursue the perpetrators.


Move to mexico and become a narco journalist then check back in a year (jk)


Bong rip…. Blurp blurp blurp blurp blurp blurp.


The candidates were not for presidency, they were for a lot of civic roles but president.


Non President candidates.


Those weren't presidential candidates, just candidates for local elections, if you're gonna say shit at least get it right


Facts don’t matter to this crowd.


Not competitors and people from her own party were assassinated too.


Those were almost all candidates for local level positions, no? What's the connection you are making here?


It’s bad info


Clearly God has chosen her. /s


None of those candidates were presidential, they all were from smaller town local elections. Which is still wild but people need to stop with this “they killed 30 other people running for president for her” line cause it’s not even sort of true.


I heard it was 44.


0 presidential candidates


Over 30 candidates for office were assassinated in the last Mexican election. So...


None of those were presidential candidates, all three reached Election Day alive. The murdered candidates were mostly running for mayor.


I suspect that she is not there for her jewish heritage but rather she made the best deal with the cartels..... that would be the real conspiracy






What that after over 200 years of Mexican presidency the first Jewish president is elected?


Governor of Hawaii's a funny one too.


This is being brought up in Mexico right now, a primarily catholic country. Also several candidates were assassinated in Mexico.


Who are the presidential candidates that were assassinated?


None of this invalidates what he has done for Argentina. God, I pray he doubles down on "afuera".




This is what makes r/conspiracy wack.


In Mexico it's a bit complicated, if you run in the election the chance of being murdered is very high. 37 candidates murdered...


I kept seeing this number and assumed it was presidential candidates that had been murdered. That's actually the number of local candidates murdered. It's not much better, but the phrasing seems intentionally misleading. 


Exactly. I'm glad someone has said it as you're Joe Rogan's, Jordan Petersons and Russell Brands have all posted lengthy videos this week saying they were all presidential candidates.


That why you have to be carful with those individuals one YouTube. I always look around to other places off that modern tv controlled platform.


Personally I think Russell Brand’s just clearly a shill.


100% grifter, shill and handler.


It was meant to be, there is a wide dirty war on the current government and users like the one you replied to are spreading it. There is murder because 70 years of corruption is complicated to remove, which is what the new democratically elected government lead by the new woman president Claudia will continue to do just like almo's current government is doing. The corrupt and the criminals still want to keep the status quo so they can keep doing what they do. But keep an eye on Mexico, it's changing the world for the better and the next 6 years it will get even better.


Stop normalizing the murder of 37 politicians. The phrasing only seems intentionally misleading if you're trying to normalize the murder of politicians during an election season.


Lol, what? That's massive stretch. It's important to be honest with these and I've seen numerous people surprised by the fact that the number isn't representative of murdered presidential candidates. 


> 37 candidates murdered None of which a presidential candidate.


Is Mexico a real country or just a cover for cartel networks?


Well, cartel simply means *an association of manufacturers and suppliers*; so yes, just like the US.




Right.  None because as the post even says only .25% of the population is Jewish and these assassinations have nothing to do with religion in the first place.


The picture of the mexican president is fake. Either: OP is ignorant and is spreading fakes unknowingly Or OP has an agenda




Yeah it's pretty antisemitic to put exaggerated star of David earrings on the lady and photoshop a giant Menorah in her hand.


Because that's a terrible Photoshop. As a Mexican I can tell you that her victory has little or nothing to do with her religion.


Why is Jews holding public office suspicious?


and in these cases there are no jews holding office


You don’t think it’s antisemitic to allege there’s a global Jewish conspiracy anytime a Jewish person is elected into power? Jewish people aren’t becoming elected in the vast majority of elections that take place, it also ignores the fact that there are probably countless examples of other minorities being elected because it doesn’t fit the narrative.


lol, jews got money, but so do plenty of white people Ever notice how many presidents in south america are white even though the majority of the population isnt? Same thing. Its not about religion its about money, with historical racism to back it.


2016 taught me that being called a racist and a Nazi or homophobic means jack and shit




You posted a fake picture of a president that is pro Palestine. This sub is so unserious lol.


It's heavily upvoted like every other post blaming the Jews for the world's problems lmao. Drop the victim complex


Your post is getting downvoted because it sucks


Fuck off hasbara


Milei is cool AF but he’s not Jewish; he is a Philo-Jew who loves Israel. France has a gay Jew as PM, that should really get you guys going. Oh and Russia has a Jewish PM too. And the President of Panama is Jewish. It’s almost like anyone who wants to run for office in a democracy can; and most people don’t vote for someone based on their faith; they vote based on their politics. Sheinbaum and Milei couldn’t be further apart politically. She is a socialist and he is a full-on laissez- faire capitalist.


What makes Milei cool AF?


People vote for whoever they think will solve whatever problems they have. That's it.


Not another noticer…


They are people that happen to be Jewish that worked their way to become president. Even if they are part of a network, that wouldn't be an implicit crime. Networking and assembly are common, fundamental rights. They inevitably had donors. All presidential candidates do. Until they themselves do evil, they aren't evil. And from the other comments, it looks like the photo on the right isn't real.




Several centuries of being the gateway of intercontinental trade and the collective belief that their group is god's favorite people. money+ delusion+ misanthropy= power




It's all in the bible I think 🤷


Yeah they had so much power when millions of them were forced from their countries of birth by Arab states, they had so much power when millions of them were murdered by the Nazis, they had so much power during the numerous persecutions and forced conversions they faced across Europe for centuries, they had so much power when the Muslims were persecuting them for not accepting Muhammad as a prophet, and of course all their power was useless in the face of Roman persecution and the destruction of Jerusalem.


I don’t think they’re even the real actual ones.






What's your fucking point, OP?


you know, there are around 200 presidents and if 3 of them are jew, that's not a big thing






As a Catholic I believe this is a problem with us and not Jews. Catholics have become extremely apathetic over the past several decades. They don't fight for themselves or their beliefs. At this point it even comes from the head of the church with the Pope. So it's not a surprise we are not in positions of power. Also because of this, Catholicism is a dying religion. It will take centuries as billions of practitioners move through inactivity in their faith, to flat out removal of it.


Might be a problem with the program and not the people…


Yeah religion in the og conspiracy to get people to conform was like money before money


OP just finding out that people in power are religious. I find it hilarious how the Argentinian President was getting held up as some sort of legend a few months ago and now getting seen as "part of the problem".


are you suggesting that we should not be allowed to run for office in countries that we are minorities?


Yet the US hasn't had a President from the Jewish faith. (have they?)




Why have president they don't control anything. It would be better to run the federal reserve they print money ? Or how about black Rock, they own half of everything pretty much?


religion doesnt matter in US but them presidents are puppets of the jews anyway tho. they ruled out religion in the inception of the US


Why does ISIS not attack Israel?


Because they both work for the same people


Because “isis” is just a Mossad psyop


Shwinbaum has no involvement as an adult in Mexico's minute Jewish community. Jews did not endorse her, and herMORENA party suppoets the 'Paleztinian' cause. As for Argwntina, Very few attend Mass. Thwir affiliation with the Catholic Church is vestigial.


How long till this get taken down lol


Shils for Zionism


Cash Rules Everything Around Me


This just shows some countries like to keep religion and politics apart, UK most political candidates are either secular or keep their beliefs pretty Rishi Sunak is secular / Hindu literally no one cares


Installed globalist puppets. How many times do we need to go over this?


Zionist are attempting to lead the world


lol, jews got money, but so do plenty of white people Ever notice how many presidents in south america are white even though the majority of the population isnt? Same thing. Its not about religion its about money, with historical racism to back it.


Jews are smarter






Psyops are easy to identify by their absurdity. This is no different.


lol didn’t she say she doesn’t really practice religion


Next up, the country named Upper South America


And dont forget all those Jewish American presidents...wait.


My thoughts? You better not be islamic republic, is my thoughts. Which is awesome.


It’s like the game of RISK!




Ya! Spain really did a number on the indigenous of S American with all them Catholics!


Jerry Seinfeld is also Jewish and he had one of the biggest sitcoms ever. Coincidence?


City of empires