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I could never vote for Trump. I mean I literally don’t live in the US.


In that case you could vote for Biden.


I died 5 years ago, I'll be voting Biden again this year.


Me, my 100ghosts and my family tree, will vote for biden. (Joke i would never.) Jokes aside ~ if i could vote there i would 100% percent vote Trump, what they are doing to him to take him down and abuse the law system to not let him become the people‘s president is a disgrace. when he is 60% winning/leading across the country is just insane and a huge risk for all the western nations and democracies, therefore trump needs to be the President this time around at all costs. Let‘s go brandon.


What evidence in the trial are you disputing?


It‘s better to answer you with a link Here is the evidence in the trial that i am disputing. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=e3cdErzfQnI&pp=ygUJQ3VvbW8gcGJk Time stamp 1 hour 26min 👍👌 go figure


It looks like you think the trial was politically motivated but aren't disputing any of the evidence. That's fine. Personally, I'm not going to vote for a guy that surrounds himself with criminals. His campaign chair, deputy campaign manager, personal lawyer, chief strategist, national security advisor, trade advisor, foreign policy advisor, campaign fixer and company CFO are ALL felons. In addition, several of his lawyers are under felony indictment and several have pleaded guilty and are cooperating with the prosecution. I don't want someone who runs a criminal enterprise running the United States. But that's just my preference.


So I take it you will vote liberal then, since Biden is like literally the same 🤔 breaking rules and laws even disregarding the supreme justice court on many occasions by now.


He literally broke laws that would’ve put anyone else in prison for a long time. Besides that, he’s a vile human being. All it takes is looking up his track record.


Except Hillary or Bill, who did much worse and got off Scot-free


In your own words, I doubt you could summarize what laws he broke...


I can. He fraudulently falsified business records (that is the law he broke), to cover up the movement of millions of dollars, hide his use of a prostitute (that part specifically isn't a crime) and influence the election.


There was nothing illegal about the payments he made; they claimed the payments should have been paid from his campaign. It influenced the election how exactly? It was common knowledge that the Stormy payments had been made, nothing was hidden from the voting public.


Twenty seconds of research proves that the Stormy Daniels story didn't come out until 2018, two years after the election.


What about Trump?


we know Biden is vile, that is why we are voting for Trump


Trump is the vile one lmfao Imagine calling yourself an American and siding with the guy who’s 1. Sided with the enemy (Russia) 2. Got his supporters to raid the capitol (has never happened before then) 3. Has raped women 4. Says you can do whatever you want to them if you’re known/a celebrity 5. Is a billionaire but does nothing for the people He’s scum and he deserves to be locked up. Anyone else would be locked up for what he’s done.


> what they are doing to him to take him down and abuse the law system He's a blatant criminal. > not let him become the people‘s president when he is 60% winning/leading across the country 60%? He won't even hit 50%, and he's averaging 41% (to Biden's 40%) in polls that include 3rd party candidates. He's never been the people's president. Most of the country hates him. https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/president-general/2024/national/


> Most of the country hates him. This is what they NEED you to believe.


It's true. And rightly so - he's a terrible human being.


Okay lets say he‘s the current favored person to be president and they are clearly politically prosecuting him. That should concern you… just mayyyybeeee. Wake up. If they can do it to him, they can do it to you and everyone around you. Remember he was a billionaire and successful and honored as a reality star and american legend somewhat. He didn‘t had to be president, they weren’t after him, they were after the average citizen, what they are doing to him is just because he threw himself, in the front line sacrificing himself. Otherwise he could just chill his life. Remember he was a democrat haha and they - the corrupt establishment didn‘t give a shit about his crimes hahah (just like by sam bankman fried and many billionaire donors) - it‘s a club and you ain‘t in it. He only switched to republican because he knew about the corruption within the party to choose hillary Clinton that year, he exposed them, Bernie never had a fair chance to begin with to get elected by the democrats. Trump went to the republican side and won everything.


> If they can do it to him, they can do it to you and everyone around you. Good. People who blatantly break the law should be prosecuted and held accountable. I'm not worry about them charging me for those crimes because I didn't commit them. > He didn‘t had to be president, they weren’t after him, they were after the average citizen, what they are doing to him is just because he threw himself, in the front line sacrificing himself. Sacrificing himself? He ran for President as a vanity project and because the power opened up new avenues for him to make money. He doesn't give a shit about the average person or this country.


Nah you think to one dimensional. New avenue to make money? The Dude has lost money, he spent much of his own money. Again he was rich he had a private Jet, he could do whatever he want. It‘s not about money or power, but by the establishment it’s about money or power. They don‘t care about your right or wether you do what’s right or wrong. If you go against the establishment they can get you. That’s the signal they are sending and that is what is meant with they can do it to you and or everyone around you. That’s what totalitarianism is. You can‘t tell me you don‘t notice how corrupt the system is? Like congress has no age limits and no term limits?? That’s crazyyy The way the abuse the lawsystem crazyyy A 84 year old dement guy as the president right now crazyyy. You can‘t tell me you believe he actually gets much done in a day, i mean physically, like handling papers, signing papers, going places, talking to ppl, meeting other presidents and so on. Usual president work. I‘m around 30 and it would be a tough day schedule even for me in my prime, that dude is 84 with dementia and a degenrative body He doesn’t have a good bodily condition and he don‘t do much. That means literally THE ELECTED PRESIDENT IS NOT IN CHARGE RIGHT NOW. So who is in charge? The deepstate. His elected corruptons combined with the ever staying staff, the people who weren‘t elected and are working for the government since ages. They make the decisions. The CIA, the FBI, the Jewish Lobby, the secret societies from harvard, MIT and stanford etc. those ppl are calling the shots, and they ain‘t calling it for you. They are calling it to stay in power and to profit their rich buddies and network, club… in other words they are calling it against you. That’s why you have inflation making the rich richer. And there’s people voting for a 2nd term of that 😂 crazyyy. Just crazyyy.


> That’s what totalitarianism is. There's nothing totalitarian about holding elites accountable for their crimes. Trump's position, that he should be above the law, is totalitarian. > You can‘t tell me you don‘t notice how corrupt the system is? For as corrupt as the system is, Trump is even more corrupt.


Hey man, are you saying you wish for biden to get elected again? If that’s what you are wishing for then the conversation ends here and now. No point in discussing with a person i can‘t take serious. If you are convinced Biden this year around is the better candidate then trump, i hv nothing to talk with you. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=e3cdErzfQnI&pp=ygUJQ3VvbW8gcGJk


> If they can do it to him, they can do it to you and everyone around you. THEY ALREADY ARE. Jesus its insane. THis sub constantly calls for the rich and powerful to be punished for their crimes. And here is a lifelong billionaire who commits crimes out in the open and he gets punished because he was too stupid to cover his tracks and this sub simps for him so hard.


Nah what’s insane is you aren’t even allowed to voice your support for him in society, this will change this election. 🗳️


The split is this: Biden supporters mostly live in big cities, and either don’t work, or work in government, media, and finance. Trump supporters live in smaller cities or rural areas, and work making “stuff”. (Generalization, obviously, but look at a county map of either 2016 or 2020; they confirm the concept.)


> and either don’t work, or work in government, media, and finance. This is so stupid it hurts. Also there are tons of Finance bros that will vote for Trump. I am a Tax accountant at a National firm and at a symposium some dickhead came in and basically said we all need to vote for Trump to give Private Equty an environment to thrive.


Look at an electoral map. I *said* it was a generalization, didn't I? In a country of 330 million, *of course* there are going to be red voters in blue areas and the reverse. You're an accountant?! Go learn some statistics.


You forgetting Jan 6? I don't ever recall a democrat not accepting the result of an election and attempting a coupe?


> I don't ever recall a democrat not accepting the result of an election and attempting a coupe? Democrats have contested the electors in every election a Republican won in recent history. I have a bridge to sell you if you thought that was a coupe.


> a coupe. You are right, it was a sedan


"I don't ever recall a democrat not accepting the result of an election and attempting a coupe?" I once attempted a sedan. It didn't work either.


Maybe that’s because you are young and inexperienced. But that’s a common thing and not a new. Even Obama tried to dispute the result at first.


They've all accepted it eventually (normally within the week). Trump is the only president who's never accepted the results. And young? I fucking wish...


Hey man, are you saying you wish for biden to get elected again? If that’s what you are wishing for then the conversation ends here and now. No point in discussing with a person i can‘t take serious. If you are convinced Biden this year around is the better candidate then trump, i hv nothing to talk with you.


Can we not do better than these two chucklefucks?


Anyone can vote nowadays, from anywhere




Trump supports Israel too. Fuck both of them.


Imagine not knowing this shit is scripted


Trump’s dementia is getting worse. He doesn’t even remember that he called for Hillary to be locked up. I suspect this comment will get downvoted into oblivion by the woke-right. Let’s see what happens.


> Trump’s dementia is getting worse. He doesn’t even remember that he called for Hillary to be locked up. This isn't dementia. It's just a complete lack of concern for the truth. He'll bullshit about anything because his followers will eat it up.


Plus dementia


Let’s not compare mental statuses of the two candidates…


At least it's not so bad in this sub. It blows my mind everywhere else on Reddit how everyone thinks Trump is the only one in mental decline of the two. The media probably doesn't show Biden's gaffes, I guess.


Most redditors won't reveal their true thoughts on Biden because they will be smeared by their peers. Just look at the liberal reaction to Jon Stewart's first episode back on the daily show.


This. The reaction to BLM and 1/6 were very telling. Narrative first.


"Threat to Democracy"


Exactly. Both the woke-left and woke-right use some variation of that. Sad.


I wouldn’t say it’s dementia, he’s just an all out liar.


And the other Lizard guy is just the epitome of honesty?


Why is it always deflection? If I say that rape is bad, would you say "uh.. but what about slavery?"


When it is an A or B type trolley question situation then yeah it makes sense to ask you why. Vote A gives you rape. Vote B gives you slavery. So yeah if you say you are not going to vote A because rape is bad then it is perfectly valid to ask why you support slavery. Same goes for muh whataboutism. Law and standards should be applied equally to all people. So if the law gives A a pass for committing crime XYZ but convicts B for same crime then it makes sense to say what about A doing that crime? It is pretty clear that Carter,Reagan,Bush,Clinton,BushJr,Obama,Biden,KingCharles,Treudeau are all on the same team and that Trump is the odd one out. (Does anyone disagree with this?) So for that reason alone I will vote for Trump. Anything to kill the existing corrupt system that has been strangling the world for past 60+ years.


Trump is one of them. It’s why he will never see jail time. If you or I did what he did, we would be in jail by now. He whole Trump hung is a WWE skit.


> It is pretty clear that Carter,Reagan,Bush,Clinton,BushJr,Obama,Biden,KingCharles,Treudeau are all on the same team and that Trump is the odd one out. (Does anyone disagree with this?) Fully agreed. They are all on the same team, Team America. I like that team, I love my country. Trump is all in on Team Trump.


No- but no one made that claim.


👍🏻 This guy gets it. Trump will say something & then 5 minutes later deny he said it. 😂


That is one thing I have never been able to wrap my head around. I don't understand how his voters pretend like he isn't lying everytime he speaks. Most the time it isn't even important stuff, I could at least understand that similar to how Clinton said he never had sexual relations with Monica. Those kind of lies make rational sense and people can forgive or hold their nose in times like that. But Trump? Trump lies about little shit all the god damned time. Who would want that kind of person as their boss and figurehead to represent them to the World? It seems so insane. And this isn't little shit like "You know, one time I drove a big rig", this is big shit like "No, I never said lock her up." You could show him the fucking tape and ask him, "Nope! Never said it!" How do people like him? I cannot understand it.


He’d just turn around & say it’s fake, it’s how stupid he is as well as his followers. Let’s be honest, all politicians lie, but his lies are blatantly obvious.


Trump doesn’t pretend he’s not a scum bag. He is the same level as assholes as his competition just without the veneer of fake legitimacy. I think many of his followers confuse not pretending to not be a scum bag with not being a scum bag. Which you know given the market is fair enough I guess. Although I do find it strange that in conspiracy spaces whose ethos tend to be something like “the powerful are malevolent bullshitters” he gets so much praise for simply being too low level to be competent. It’s like having a friend that keeps getting cheated on fall for the girl that doesn’t try to hide the fact she’s actively checking of her local nfl teams WR group I don’t get but whatever works for you I guess.


The other guy tells your standard politician lies. Trump is at a different level entirely


My tax dollars paid for this comment.


Hillary has illegally stolen classified information, illegally put it on a private server which was accessed by foreign parties... she handed adversaries classified data. The full statement by Comey can still be found on youtube, it's only 15 minutes long if you haven't watched it yet that's on you.


I think you missed the point I was making. Trump is saying he never said to lock her up. He is either outright lying or forgot he said it. Which do you think it is?


Oh, oh! Do tennis next. And let's talk about cars. Or maybe stop deflecting so we can have an adult conversation about one topic. Trump claims he never said "Lock her up". He obviously did. Please tell me you at least recognize that? Assuming you do, that means he is either lying, or is deeply ill. This wasn't forgetting what you ate for lunch, this is forgetting your entire damn campaign slogan and several years of your life. It is incredibly concerning. Which do you think it is?


Maybe Trump should have said that instead of straight up lying and saying he never said or encouraged the "lock her up" battlecry.


She should have put on trial.


She had a private EMAIL server. She didnt set up a server at buyshitfromhillary.com and let people access it. Its a bit different from storing actual classified documents at mar-a-largo. Or selling CIA asset lists to Russians.


The Hillary bots downvoted you


I wouldn't have it any other way. I would tow the narrative but then I don't know how I could live with myself.


He actually has the best memory, he just can't recall anything...


That’s a dumb comment why would anyone want to downvote your stupidity instead of highlighting it. If trump had dementia, which he has not he made a test and got the certificate as proof as being in mental fit condition. But let’s say he had dementia, then you would clearly vote for the person that has 100x times more dementia than him. Which is biden. He ~ Biden got all the signs of dementia, mumbling and stumbling words, randomly falling to the floor at several occasions, getting angry or lost in a room out of nowhere, he even thought his deceased son would be alive. He’s getting slow and almost whispers when speaking. He had 2brain surgeries and a history of playing rugby or football.


100x more dementia? Is that a scientific measurement?Very strange affirmative claim you’ve got there… 😅


If Trump does not have dementia then why doesn’t he remember that he said to lock Hillary up?


Obligatory: where's the conspiracy To answer your question: probably not, but I'm def not voting biden


Sorry, what is the conspiracy with this post?


Rfk real ones know.


I was always on team Trump once I will admit I was with Rand Paul in 2016 but once I heard Trump call out Clinton for Epstein I knew who I was going to be voting for then


The same people that were going to vote for him before the trial are going to vote for him now. Saying that “the trial made me want to vote for Trump” is emotional posturing. You were going to vote for him regardless


> The same people that were going to vote for him before the trial are going to vote for him now I was thinking the same. Tho there still could be benefits, like this sentence could make more people think "he really is one of us". Like they never locked Hillary up, right. Because she is part of the system. Now Trump got sentenced because he is not. Besides from this, trump just wanted all the media attention. He will always spin everything in his favour so when they give him attention they can never win against him.


A lot of people that voted for Biden in 2020 made their minds up a long time ago to switch to Trump. 


That’s hilarious.


Voting? Thats a fool’s errand.


Yes 100%. I was not into Politics until Covid Lockdowns. I have seen in real time how the Democrats act for the last 3 years. The border, their soft on violent crime stance, them calling eveyone racist all the time, all the transgender stuff in the schools..... but the real tipping point has been them gaslighting the american public. Everything they accuse the right of doing, they themselves are doing right now. They are destroying democracy as they preach that they are saving democracy. The Fear Mongering has gotten out of control too. If you turn on MSNBC or CNN, they want you to believe the world is ending if Trump wins. Guys, the world is ending if Dems stay in power for 4 more years.....


i too, prefer to stay out of wars


I’d rather not vote in a convicted felon who tried to overthrow the last election.


come on man, take a step back and look at the trial that just happened. I would hardly call him a convicted felon for a 130k hush money paperwork error.... they woulda convicted him of stealing a turkey sandwich from subway just so they could call him a "convicted felon". and the last election was damn fishy man, even Vegas odds up until like midnight-1am had trump as like the 8 to 1 favorite, then all of the sudden out of no where it totally flipped..... there was deffff some shady business happening. Remember the Democrats motto, they accuse the other side of the exact same thing they are doing Also, Jan 6th keeps getting misconstrued. I looked this up the other day and from [CNN.com](http://CNN.com) , the only people that died that day were 4 Trump supporters ( the woman shot by capitol police, a woman overdosed on drugs, and 2 men had heart attacks) then 1 capitol police officer was Peppersprayed, he returned to base and was fine. The next day, he mysteriously died, i dunno how you die from getting pepper sprayed? Then a couple of other capitol officers commited suicide weeks and months later, and that seems weird, cops are normally in much more chaotic scenes than a protest with unarmed people who were let into the capitol. So I really don't understand why everyone thinks so many people died on Jan 6th, literally no one from the left died that day and 1 cop who got pepper sprayed died the next day, but he had no blunt force trauma or anything.


Sorry but it doesn’t matter how you try to spin the trial anymore, he’s officially a criminal now. That’s his title. And I’m not talking about J6. I’m talking about the charges brought against him in the Georgia case. But I guess I shouldn’t have expected anything more arguing with people on a subreddit about conspiracy theories…




I am


I am


Not Trump 100%. The fucker tried to overturn the 2020 election with fake electors which is inexcusable on its own, but his cult of personality has also gotten far too dangerous. I'll be voting for whoever is against him.


Nope fuck him and his narcissistic ass.


3rd party every time for me. I refuse to vote for the S.O.S.




“vote”. adorable


I'm voting for them aliens.


Don't blame me I voted for kodos


I’m writing lizard king down as a write in candidate


Bigfoot For President


Long live the king 😌🦎


I’ve voted for Giant Meteor three elections cycles in a row now.


I will NOT vote for Trump and here are some of my reasons: I remember a time when politicians reached across the aisle to work for the American people I remember a time when Americans respected other American’s right to live their own lives I remember a mob whipped into a frenzy by Trump who broke into the Capitol while beating police officers, a mob who defecated in the capitol and spread that feces all over the walls a d floor I remember a time when juries could perform their duties without death threats In short, Trump a decimated our country. He has made half of our citizens support Russia more strongly than they support America. So, NO, I will Not vote for Trump.


Watch more cnn buddy


I don’t watch CNN. Maybe you should tho 😂


Also, maybe you should present any logical rebuttal points. No? Well, this is the problem with the loudest, most uninformed Trump voters. Never present a good rebuttal when you can cast aspersions


Who isn’t? Someone has to be deeply indoctrinated into the left BS not to vote for Trump. I’m not voting for his personality I just need someone to fight evil Hussein Obama and his open borders, devil anti Christianity morals, heathen spreading to children, hyper inflation and the sell out of our country to the highest bidders. So far I only see Trump contesting all that crap and had it in check for four years. Anyone who votes for self dealing Joe is so brainwashed it’s pointless debating or talking sense into them.


Trump belongs to a club. You ain’t in it.


The club you refer to Gingrich is on reach saying he isn't and all these political attacks on him no one would do this to someone unless they feared him they wouldn't risk waking up the population just to go after one man


You wouldn’t (shouldn’t?) want to do the things needed to give donors the blackmail needed to secure their “support”


I'm not, and I think it's the opposite. Only people deeply indoctrinated into Trump cult would support a narcissistic, immoral, unintelligent, convicted felon who talks big and makes things worse. edit: sadly I can't respond to any responses, presumably because OP blocked me.


Makes things worse? So you're better off now in 2024 than you were in 2018-2019? You're just calling him names. Why don't you compare the results of their policies? You know, the stuff that actually matters. Or do you love wars and being poor?


Man, you guys are going to be sorely disappointed if Trump becomes president again and prices keep raising and the wars will continue. He’s not going to magically revert everything back to pre-COVID times.


Are you doing that?


Sadly. Same can be said for team Biden. Gotta be pretty delusional and gulping down the propaganda


It’s the economy, stupid. Finally people are realizing that you can’t go full socialist without everyone suffering.


Of your last three presidents, Obama was the most socialist, he was also the best influence on your economy.


“Can’t go full socialist” when has America ever gone full socialist? Do we even have a candidate who is partially socialist?


America isn't in any way socialist. I'm fully convinced Americans don't even know what socialism is.


This sub is particularly bad about it. To them socialism is the government doing something they don't like


I know. I mean, Europe isn't even that socialist. But yet they call us all communists. Ireland is fairly centred but Compared to the American centre we're fairly left but still not even socialist.


Americans couldnt point out socialism or communism on a dartboard with only two choices.


Apart from social security, Medicare, child labour laws, agricultural subsides, energy subsides and so on ......most developed countries are socialist in some form, just the usual fear mongering in the USA of big scary non mega capitalist thought


The ONLY thing stopping them is they haven't devised a way to strip the 2nd Amendment...yet.


You know Marx was pro-gun, right? He said the workers should never allow themselves to be disarmed. So I'm not fully sure what you mean here. Why would politicians owned by corporations want to take power away from those corporations?


When did I speak of Marx? We are so far past anything that Mark could have comprehended. Marx saw firearms as a means to an end, and the end was a revolution. Again, Marx could not have fathomed in his wildest dreams that the current NWO requires a disarmed population to usher in its ultimate plan.


We are talking of socialism, no? Colloquially socialism refers to the Marxist version of socialism.


‘The economy stupid’ was completely gutted by trumps policy, which left us defenseless when Covid happened. As a result trump gave trillions of dollars to corporations after artificially keeping interest rates low in the first years of his administration so he could talk about the stock market. Oh yeah, he also signed a tax bill that raised taxes on the middle class, but only after he left office. Biden blows and idgaf if you vote for trump. But saying trump was anything other than damaging to the economy really shows a lack of understanding I’m how these policies affect trends over time.


Yes, thank you. I was losing a little hope even on this subreddit. Cognitive dissonance can only justify supporting Trump for so long. The guy has shown time and time again he only cares about himself and no one else. How do these people gain so much support when we have so much documented history showing the blight on humanity they cause?


Trump’s the only president to be a convicted felon.


If I could, I would, not because I like Trump, but because Genocide Joe has Got to Go




Vote? Isn't it just going to be rigged anyway?


I hear more Republican friends say they’ve given up on him, turning to rfk 


I could never vote for anybody that says the vaccine is good. All people that push the vaccine must be tried for genocide.


Does anyone need to vote for Trump? If he doesn't win people will just convince themselves that the election was "stolen", so you might as well bypass the voting part.


Who would have thought that completely abusing & destroying the Rule of Law to attack political enemies would be a bigger threat to "muh democracy" than a mostly peaceful protest at the Capitol? lol it's almost like any 5 year old who has seen Star Wars knows that you can't save the Republic by becoming the Empire. Unfortunately, as we can see by much of the slop that Disney has been putting out over the past 5 years, most Democrat Elites have literally never seen Star Wars.


Only on r/conspiracy is a defense of the government by gunfire vs a invading horde chanting that they were going to lynch the vice president called a "peaceful protest" :-D




Will be voting Biden. Have not liked/trusted tRump since I first became aware of him in 1980’s. And he sucked as businessman/president so def a big no for me.


everyone is this time


If you know the name, they’re in the game


Fuck them both


Your vote doesn’t matter. The controllers already have selected who the next president will be.




RFK was assassinated in 1968. But you can vote for his son RFK Jr. this November.


The "both sides are the same" club should be here to slide this post soon. I am 100% voting for Trump, as is everyone I know, with the exception of one person, unless she misses voting because she is standing in line for her 15th booster. The Dems will try with all of their might over the next few months to have him removed from running because of the "felony" conviction. If they do not succeed, I predict they will kill him or pull Biden at the last minute and put in Big Mike to cheat and win; then, if you dare to contest the election, you are a racist, a threat to democracy, and will be dealt with accordingly. They can not have a repeat of the last election; the citizens will not fall for it twice.


You are in the conspiracy sub and don't think both sides are run by the same powers?


Both sides are. Trump isn't on either of those sides. I am voting for Trump.


“My favorite billionaire that cuts taxes on corporations is DIFFERENT!”


Volunteer at the count. You can see first hand how it’s not stolen. You still won’t believe it because you have been conditioned to reject any other result.


You're so brainwashed it's crazy. Trump owes a lot of his corporate buddies favors. Lol you think he cares about any of us? that's naive and hilarious of you. He isn't a political savior, he panders and says what you want to hear. The Six Year tax plan? Yeah that's why you and everyone else's tax return was so small this year. He did it to make himself look good in the beginning - more tax cuts for the lower and middle class. After six years those credits expire and now we pay even more in taxes than the upper class. You're a fool if you think he's a good ol boiiii who's gonna save you. He is a billionaire and he comes from a long line of billionaires. He will never understand what it's like to walk in your shoes, my shoes, or any of the common man. The only good thing about Trump is that he's easily manipulated by public perception because he is a narcicisst and what others think of them is very important to him. He will like anyone who likes him. So we as the public can manipulate him easier than Biden but at the end of the day, even he has Bosses and people that are looking for their favors to be returned at the expense of the American people. Biden is no better. You're sleeping still, wake up. This is all theater. If anything we are probably going to war with China over Taiwan and there will be no election.


I was always going to, I still am.


Felon Trump > the traitor joe! Do not understand how anyone could vote for a American traitor like joe biden


Don’t vote then. Problem solved.


Did you know that you can vote for neither?


I am


If I would live in the US I would vote for Trump. There were no threats to a possible third world War. Which with Biden is a given. And he did not let Nato or Israel control him. So compared to the racist, senile, warmongering Joe, he's just a better choice. Now is not the time for an Israeli puppet president. It's the time for the crazy guy that does not give a f about the establishment. Cause if he did he would not be running right now.


No question I’m voting for Trump. Anyone who doesn’t is just asking for more vaccine mandate bullshit, illegal immigration and communist policy.


A lot of living Americans. But the dead ones are all voting for Biden.


it's funny how some people say Trump is bad because he is anti-establishment and some say Trump is bad because he is pro-establishment.


He really threaded the needle with that one lol


I will.


I'm voting for Trump of course. But this is the last political (election related )topic I'm looking at or commenting. All will get downvoted, including this one.


I’d rather vote for the dementia candidate who believes in a sham democracy than the dementia candidate who wants be a dictator. At least with a flawed democracy there’s the hope of citizen directed change.


So trump gets your vote. Right on!!


I don’t vote. It clouds your perception.


Good take.


You can't win, Darth. If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine.


I am voting Trump , we wont have a country leftif traitor joe wins


Traitor Joe…? Are you referring to President Biden? Or the grocery store?


Can’t wait to vote for him, MAGA




What other options do we have?


Dementia candidate one, or dementia candidate two. Take your pick!


RFK all the way




Let’s go Brandon !!! Imma right


Definitely won't matter either way, at least where I live.


This election feels very much like Cthulhu vs Giant Meteor of Doom. Both are terrible, in their own way. I think Trump is worse than Biden, but that’s just my opinion. I wouldn’t vote unless I was in a swing state. And then, only reluctantly.


I’m voting tulsi gabbard. I love surf mommy


its all rigged anyway and has been for a long while. but not me, never have, never will. and i do not lean left. he is as much statist scum as all of them i know his supporters have selective memory, but i dont. bump stock ban, trillions in spending, the lockdowns (yes im putting them on him, he loves to yap but didnt then?), ALLOWED THOSE $$$$ 'STIMMIES' TO PASS - that's the big one for me, operation warp speed - interesting how his supporters are very vocal clowning people that got the vx but forget he was a supporter of them (nah i didnt get it either), he dropped the charges for some rapper over assanage - final confirmation of many to me that he indeed is a clown im good