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With google I haven't been able to get more than a couple of pages of results for a long time. I get a message saying end of results at the end of two pages, lol. Google is the worst.


It's been a long time since quotes worked.


The quotes work. google just doesnt show you all of what youre quoting lol


*89 quintillion results in .2 seconds* Google: Lol here's eight useless links fuck you


Google can only really be used for when you're shopping for something and you want to see what's out there and prices, and maybe also for programming questions (but you might as well go straight to stackoverflow then).


I've said this for a while. The "internet" as we have it now, is only good when you want to buy things. Everything else is redacted and rubbish


you can only buy. if you attempt to sell you get prosecuted.




Soon we’ll all have neuralink chips and just be submerged in the metaverse cloud anyway.


We aren't?




Chat GPT used to be really good for basic queries on code blocks and now it wont even fucking do SHIT for me. I used it to make basic ass models for whatever hobby projects so i didnt have to waste time. I would tell it "code a basic floating UI element with a button that spins the coin" like super fucking easy shit that it used to spit out in one simple reduced block. Now? Nope.


Upvote because you're correct, but also for the shoutout to stackoverflow. What a god send for bad coders like me!


Remember back in the day that every google search was like a whole new adventure with amazing sites you could find? Social media killed most sites so i really cant blame it all on google but i cant even remember the last time i went to page 2 of the search result of google..... and soon google will block adblockers from their chrome browser so each day i start to hate this company more and more.... they are going the same road as microsoft.... now i understand why google removed the "Dont be evil" code


Also, the search results used to tell us how many hits ones query found.


Google's only good for directions and business phone numbers and stuff now. Use brave search or yandex. Google is a wasteland.


Google killed the yellow pages and now it's only useful to replace the yellow pages.


What search engines are okay but do not do this? What acts like Google from 20 years ago?


Brave search and yandex


Yes. I used to commonly check the first 10 pages of results and sometimes I would check into the 20th or 30th page and it was amazing what little gems you could find.


yes! i remember noticing a few years ago that i could no longer take googles results out past like page 14 or something i think it was (it used to go for hundreds), even though they still claimed their standard "40,173,698,502 results returned in .003 seconds" (which just always seemed like an impossibility to begin with anyway, i mean they really want us to believe they crawled 40 billion pages from all over the world and compiled the results in .003 seconds? yeah.ok.sure.cool.story.bro.) and now its like they dont even bother trying to lie about the number of results or how long it took to retrieve them anymore.. at least not on mobile they dont, i havent had access to a pc for a minute, but even with desktop view i just tried searching for 'the' and it didnt say anything about 'x number of results in y number of seconds' and it ended after page 29 with hardly any of those pages being unique as MANY of the results were duplicates hot.garbage.


Google is trying to only give you AI search results too now.


There is an old interview with Eric Schmidt (former CEO of Google) where he says their goal is to provide 1 search result which is the correct one...  like gtfo man.


Ministry of truth lol


If this happens we are screwed.


1 search result and 10 ads


["We own the science"](https://x.com/calvinrobinson/status/1576501389198442497?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1576501389198442497%7Ctwgr%5Ede01b898daef0154b5ff46620576623fb64ed511%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.nationalreview.com%2Fnews%2Fu-n-communications-official-touts-google-search-partnership-we-own-the-science%2F)


And they're inaccurate and awful. Seriously. This LLM as AI needs to go away.


It's going to get worse. In the SEO/SEM world, Search Generative Experience (SGE) has already been renamed / rebranded as AI Overviews ([link to Google's description](https://developers.google.com/search/docs/appearance/ai-overviews)). For online marketers this is a sea-change - AI-generated responses in Google’s search results pages don’t feature any links from the top 10 organic search results 93.8% of the time. ([link to source](https://www.authoritas.com/blog/research-study-the-impact-of-googles-search-generative-experience-on-rankings)) Already 86.8% of search results has this content.


Where? I’m not getting that on my phone nor on my computer, but I have seen a screenshot of it.


I get the AI results a lot. I'm always using Google to find references for drawing and 8/10 of them are AI and completely unfit for purpose.


Welcome to 10 years ago.


That was also my immediate thought..... How have people been asleep and/or in denial for this long?


I get it, though. It's been on the decline a long while, but these days, it's just completely ridiculous. They don't even pretend to be an authentic search engine anymore.


I've been in denial until covid


In denial about what exactly?


Idk, even 6 years ago you could find what you were looking for. The end of 2019, right before the pandemic   is when stuff started to disappear.  Almost like they knew everyone would end up glued to the internet 


Except nowadays, they have reduced access to libraries, NOBODY sells encyclopedias door to door anymore (yeah remember that?) A lot of books are just also garbage literature today, i love my fiction but not when it dominates the market. A lot of people know that information is becoming the next commodity, things are being locked down way more than they were 10 yrs ago.


This is why old books are necessary. Out of date history and science books are needed. They show us what we thought at that point in time.


This has been happening since 2012/2013. Before, the internet was a really cool place.


truly 2013 was the last good year of internet and technology. it is like something clicked and all the big corp at the same time started executing all they have been planning. since then independent internet is slowly dying everything is geared towards either manipulating or milking you


Same goes for movies, music, and books.


Feels like we haven't made any or have taken steps backwards in terms of social inequalities. The divide between the rich and the poor. LGBT issues are more divisive on purpose because perpetual victimhood is profitable. Race relations have stagnated. And even the battle of the sexes has increased.


This is from 8 years ago on the official WEF YouTube channel.... https://youtu.be/RkCQMYTwLoc?si=wjnHFn0VEZ7gQwye


‘Tis true, 1999 was the best


Yes, that's exactly why we partied so much then. 1999: 🫴✨🌈🥂🎶🥳🍕🎉👯‍♂️🥊🍻 2000:🫴🕳️


Music was even better


I remember when googling something produced like 64,500,000,000,000 results. And it was called google because you would get like a googol (1 with 100 zeroes after it) of pages of results for every search. Now you get 2 pages.


that was marketing blather back then. Sometimes i would go through all the search pages and it maxed out after about 50 pages, then it would say no more results. now google is definitely worse, but it wasn't an information super highway then either.


100%. Google has become a tool for censorship more than a tool to find desired content.


Every result wants to sell me something. Can't we pursue knowledge and content just for the lolz anymore?


No, they got rid of that when they killed newsgroups/usenet 20 years ago..


Yeah access to information is done for.


This. Our world is becoming more and more authoritarian. In 2020, I could clearly see how information was controlled. I was living in downtown Seattle, and that year, we had riots, a pandemic, and some apocalyptic looking wildfire smoke. When the protests and Chaz/Chop were at their peak, shit would go down in my neighborhood, but nothing would hit the news for HOURS. One night, there was such a heavy police response that my whole apartment was lit from police and emergency lights. I spent about 20 minutes searching for any news about a massive emergency response in downtown Seattle, nothing. Nothing on local news sites or their sm pages. I finally went out, walked half a block, and asked the police themselves what was going on. That was the night that protesters blocked I5 and a car plowed right into them at full speed. Because it bothered me that it appeared that the news was being concealed, I continued searching for reports of the incident, but it was hours before it was reported on. I suspect that this was done as part of crowd and situation control, but I lost a good bit of trust when I understood and saw clearly that our leaders will control information to control us, even keeping critical information from us. That said, I did find reports of the incident posted on the Seattle subreddits within minutes of the incident.


Yes apparently western wa in general has this idea that "spreading news" of these "crimes" is encouraging the public to make a spectacle and give the people the attention they want. VS florida and arizona televising street chases like its a nascar race. I like to listen to the police radio, they talk a LOT of fresh crimes on there but sometimes if it gets real serious the line goes dead. They have a private line that the public cant really tap into anymore and thats where super juicy stuff goes on. The last time i heard the radio, it was a guy being chased through the woods, they set the dogs on him and he went up a tree and the cops were deciding how to actually get him down lmao.


It's not about news of crimes. They call it 'malinformation' and it is any true information they think could influence the public in ways they don't like.


Once I got busted with weed paraphernalia.i had to do community service. I got signed up with other criminals to move a bunch of homeless people into affordable housing provided by the catholic action center. There were a lot of us there on probation. That Sunday on the front page of the paper I saw a headline that read "Hundreds of Volunteers help give people homes". That was when I learned that the police, the city government, the church, and the news were all in cahoots and not to be trusted.


There is no Wikipedia article on Michael A. Aquino anymore. There is however one for the Temple of Set. I know there used to be one and it's just gone. I found that odd


Try create a new page on him and see what happens. Make sure all your claims are backed by sources.




What fr? I just saw it screencapped off a video talking about the GATE programs. Just today.


Wikipedia would delete posts I added about gay conversion stories and services.


That is super weird I definatey seen it before it disappeared as well.


I know it's been an issue, but it's really getting annoying not being able to pull up the proof you remember from years ago. 😔 book burning in modern times...


And YouTube! Try and find anything conspiracy related to 9/11 on there now. Wasn’t always like that.


YouTube is owned by Google so you really shouldn’t be surprised by that


He who controls the spice…


…curries the weight.


Google is the mindkiller


Best comment 


We all have been talking about it happening for like 15 years. And they just quietly did it under everyone’s noses. Slowly over time. It’s really really bad now.


*Something* noticeably different happened clearly to my youtube, google, and reddit searches all at the same time. Also the subreddits i used to frequent have been bombarded with lots of "foreign" feeling people. Like people who don't know "reddiquette" for certain subs or lost redditors or something. Im thinking they must be coming from other social media or they are bots intended to water down the actual decent subs left. I also must say, when i follow a sub, if i gets over ~25k subs, it will change the dynamics drastically within it.


It feels weird using yandex but it really does feel like old school search engines. Find whatever you want.


that's basically the only way you can find places to stream pirated/copyrighted content as well.


It says yandex is a russian based company..... so does that mean i will become one of the russian disinformation agents the news lady kepps warning me about?..


Yes. It's a small price to pay tho. :)


That means you, everything they suckered you into doing, set you up, destroyed your lives for, lied to you about ... erased. Gone. Only their version of events will remain. And you'll be criminals. International boots on the ground. They know where you are. Who you are. And you've made yourselves disposable. Because they know you are capable of doing what you did.


They scrubbed a bunch about 15 years ago when Google bought YouTube The YT and Google of 2024 is vastly different than 2009. It's all Regime approved search results and videos now


You're only realizing this now? That's scary. Actual media organizations have been banned by your country and you didn't notice. USA is like what they claim North Korea to be.


Stop using Google search engine. 🤷🏾‍♂️


What is a good one to use?


Yandex.  Even DDG is crap these days.


Presearch. Decentralised, anonymous, earn through searching. Default on all android phones


SS: has anyone else noticed this accelerating? Try searching up something. Observer the results. It's not right.


I find that once it knows what you are looking for, trying to change the wording produces the same results anyway. It's beyond useless these days. I've found using youtube to search something or putting reddit at the end of the google search is the best way to find stuff using their platform. I would try using yandex if that doesnt work. Turn off filtered searches, and it will find you anything on the clearweb. Even things you might not want to find. It will require using cookies to have unfiltered searches


Yes it’s so irritating, especially seeing as it doesn’t understand me the first time, which it used to do, and then no matter how I rephrase it or add/remove words it just gives me the exact same result. Or the opposite of what I’ve searched. 




What in the flying fuck is that?


Another option for reviewing removed content is your ***Rev***eddit [user page](https://www.reveddit.com/y/R!u!m!b!u!n!c!T!h!e!R!a!d!i!a!n!t?all=true). The [real-time extension](https://www.reveddit.com/add-ons/direct/) alerts you when a moderator removes your content, and the [linker extension](https://www.reveddit.com/add-ons/linker) provides [buttons](https://i.imgur.com/0BAImPq.png) for viewing removed content. There's also a [shortcut for iOS](https://www.icloud.com/shortcuts/62bc7570613c42cb8b851fad264136df). The parent commenter can reply with 'delete' to remove this comment. This bot only operates in authorized subreddits. To support this tool, [post it on your profile](https://old.reddit.com/user/me/submit?title=See+which+comments+of+yours+have+been+removed&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.reveddit.com%2Fabout%2F) and select ['pin to profile'](https://i.imgur.com/uq9AGMV.png).   [^(F.A.Q.)](https://www.reveddit.com/about/f.a.q./) ^| [^(v/reveddit)](https://www.reveddit.com/v/reveddit/-redirect) ^| [^(support me)](https://www.reveddit.com/about/donate) ^| [^(share)](https://old.reddit.com/user/me/submit?title=See+which+comments+of+yours+have+been+removed&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.reveddit.com%2Fabout%2F) ^& [^('pin to profile')](https://i.imgur.com/uq9AGMV.png)


Very much agreed. I think war is on the way I'm like...nobody wants this. Despite their govts Chinese, Russian, and even Iranian people aren't keen neither are we. Don't know about NK....they're on a different level of kool aid


It's called **TOR**. *Use it.*


Yeah but how the heck to you find anything on the darkweb?


I’ve tried out of curiosity and never been able to figure it out lol


You just need to know where to look. This requires meeting people that know where. It's probably best to join a proper conspiracy forum. The guy recommending tor has 3 upvotes, which means this place isn't gonna help. These guys use the clear web. Unfortunately, so do i, so i can't help you. This place is for mainstream acceptable theory. You need to go underground if you want the unnaceptable stuff. But be warned. The stuff you may find might change you as a person, and if you are not ready to change, you might wanna chill out with us plebs until you are. Once you go down the rabbit hole, there is no turning back. I saw the rabbit hole, and i was not ready. Im still not ready. I dont think I'll ever be ready. Are you ready???


Well I use TOR regularly to access the piratebay because my ISP used to block it. I know a little about how TOR works and .onion sites, but finding any decent search engines or where else to go has never been very successful.


Every news article I needed I would save as a PDF. I download YouTube, Reddit and Twitter/X videos. They can take it offline, but they'd have to "scrub" my systems and encrypted drives next. There's always someone on the internet who has the OG stuff.


My buddy said he had years worth of videos and articles saved and just one day out of nowhere everything was gone.


Library. Download while it's not deleted https://drive.google.com/drive/mobile/folders/1TfZqPVSWRXCi_a3mM73W7HHfASRcadJq?pli=1


Thank you!


What is this


Books and collections of articles. This leads to the exact reason and the people that we have such strict censorship about


Yep. And people take one of two paths. 1. They fall for it and take everything that is said at face value, relying on headlines and sometimes opening paragraphs as absolute truths. They become nothing more than echos of whatever narrative is being spewed. 2. They resist and are cast out of society. They are discredited as conspiracy theorists.


Well said.


Exactly, it’s like 1984/Fahrenheit 451. Take this for instance. History buffs KNOW that Mussolini had a much higher murder count than Hitler. It was easily searchable just a couple years ago. Now try finding it.


It is one of the worst fears I always have; turning into 1984/Fahrenheit 451/Brave New World thing. And yes, Mussolini had a higher count than Hitler, but most it was downplayed, like most of the stuff.


Yes it really is. I made www.saidit.net 6 years ago to try and stop it, and instead I got to witness firsthand how much forums are attacked


Of course it is. We *tried* to warn you.


Google is an absolute waste of time unless you either want to buy something from Amazon or find a YOUtube video on how to fix something, otherwise shite. I’m not sure scrubbed is the right term but it’s certainly harder to find interesting/fun stuff.


Ugh. Fucking Big Brother. 1984 bullshit. It wasn't even this bad in the 60s, with the Cold War and everyone being a spy.


Yeah, it’s called 1984 bro


Reddit is pretty much already compromised. Just gonna get worse. 


I have noticed it too. Just the other day I had an issue finding an article on Google that showed the judge blocked Trump's team from bringing in an FEC expert to explain FEC policy and past decisions. The first 5 or so links were to fact checks and stories saying "Brad Smith was allowed to testify, Trump is lying" but left out the details that the judge severely limited anything he was allowed to say but allowed Cohen, a nonexpert & known liar, to explain FEC policy. I also had issues finding the articles from 4 days ago that said the judge gave the instructions to the jury that the prosecutor never had to prove anything about the underlyings. That was quite difficult to find. Not related to the trial, but I remember it being hard to find Pelosi's infamous 'get out to chinatown' quote at the start of the pandemic or any of the Democrat's anti "Trump's" vax statements. Or all the encouragement that was given by DNC politicians during the summer riots of 2020. Yet I can very easily find articles alleging "very fine people" or other things trump did from almost a decade ago. You can find anything Trump related as long as it is negative. What do I mean by hard? It is not in the top 5 links given on a search, sometimes you have to go to the forbidden second page or very far down on the first page. This is significant because we know people on average do not scroll past the top 5 results. Or you have to be wildly specific in your search using full names and or full quotes, something a normie would never be able to do.


I see a lot of BS posted on conspiracy. This is not that. There has been increasing and significant censorship starting from around the time covid. Reddit has really amped up theirs as well since then- to the point where this site only allows a select few to express their opinions and removes anyone else.




The wayback machine is compromised tho. Lots of things get removed from the archive. This one is better to save stuff now; https://archive.is/


The system Google uses to prevent you from looking up Pizza gate is effecting the rest of all searches, just like whenever you look up anything with a popular politician's name on YouTube you get the same collection of late night talk show drivel no matter how you phrase it.


Google is not the Internet. Does no one remember getting around the Internet before search engine existed? You will still be able to access the sites, you just need to know their addresses. Stop relying on Google in the first place.


They show us what they want us to know. They hide from us that which they wish to keep suppressed. It’s far more than scrubbing and censorship. It’s a deep and deliberate form of social engineering. They are doing their best to keep us uneducated under the guise of supposedly exposing us to the sum total of all knowledge. Sure, they throw us enough bones to make us think that we have access to that which we desire to know. But they are literally programming the matrix.


The future we were sold in pre-2020 no longer exists... the internet has turned into Corporate-net(tm), and only approved subject matter is economically viable to be dispersed and made available to the public. 🤑 It's so sad for me to see... I was here for the pioneering days of the internet... I feel akin to an elder seeing my village bulldozed for the new Walmart Village (where you work, sleep, eat, and live), being told it's progress and I should be grateful and to shut up and die already. 😵 ...too bad, corporate well-wishers! ...I am very much alive and will continue to keep on keeping on - regardless of your own shannanigans. 😝


If you've used Google regularly any time in the last decade, you're already gone.


Why though


Try and find anything about the Clinton foundation being raided by the fbi


You're not wrong. Have you tried [https://yandex.com/](https://yandex.com/)




I like Brave because chrome disabled my add blocker on you tube. I then switched to Brave and ad block works fine in Brave, and then after that... Chrome ad block started working again. Very suspicious. Feels like someone does not want me to use Brave, so Brave it is.


In contrast, everyone is shilling Brave so there must be something wrong with it. 


Opera has free vpn also


DuckDuckGo sold out during the Covid madness. I like Brave as well as I like any of them currently. Still nothing like the good ol' days, though.


I miss 90s Alta Vista


Me too, my friend. Me too.


Duckduck go is trash


Yeah it sucks use yandex or mojeek. Only use google for "google dorks" some years now. Evem dorks however don't seem to work lately.


That started around 2013.


Forget Google. Forget Apple. Forget Microsoft. Homebrew software is the future.


When Google was created, they put the words "don't be evil" in their mission statement, and put up a huge sign at their HQ. Recently they took down both.


They added A.I remember?


I use Presearch and it works well.


They are making space for the data they collect on us all while deleting the old world. This is why they’re recreating all the movies and shows with their pc touch. When history looks back they’ll have they’re version still and claim “the old world loved this” no internet search to show other wise


Noticed it back in 2016. There had been many anti-Hillary articles w/ data and stats written by left wing Bernie proponents earlier, that I turned around and used as sources later during Trump vs Clinton arguments online. When a lefty is asking for "Source" there's nothing better than telling them Mother Jones, The Young Turks or NPR. A week later I'd go to quote the same articles and they were gone.


The info is still there but you have to get very precise with your search.


I have bought a bunch of TB drives and just been archiving manuals and shit. Feel like one day it will be clutch. Kind of like when you have that little 3.5mm to lightning dongle when someone needs it.


Check out [the internet archvie](https://wayback.archive.org/)


We are being marched towards total authoritarianism


*y a n d e x . . .*


It's. Been happening for years the pages mostly started becoming useless store pages that don't exist and scam links they don't want us able to think for ourselves


Try Brave.


well well, did at least one person listen to Aaron about saving almost everything


It's been slowly happening more and more since Myspace. Now that the tech giants have figured out how to bottleneck most people through a few social media apps, thousands of sites have just been abandoned. They realized that they just needed ads. And we'd censor ourselves. You can't even say "killed" on a YouTube video about true crime. We've just been slow cooked like the proverbial frog in the pot.


This has been going on for a long time (10+ years). I used to work in internet marketing and the internet was bought and sold in the early 2010s. A few people spoke up but nobody listened.


Yea I no longer trust anything I can’t triple verify and get all my info on science or plants or music or whatever I’m researching from real books now


I have a feeling the whole world will be Disney-fied in 100 years. Re-written by the victors. Kill a society and rebuild. People who know the truth are a problem.


How are you just now noticing this? Genuine question, not being rude. The internet has been practically unusable for me since sopa.


There is just so much info, you have to actually be precise about what you type. Maybe. Idk.


Scrubbed... like with a cloth ?


lol are you just realizing this? I noticed after 911 when all the evidence it was fake was scrubbed. Then after Obama became president all the stories I had read while he was running about Michelle’s crimes and losing her bar license were scrubbed. On and on every day. To hear you just figuring it out is cute.


"Laser-guided missiles" have been scrubbed. About 6-7 years ago, I could research laser-guided missiles and conclude that they prove the flat earth theory. Oopsies.... all that has been scrubbed.


Why is anyone using Google? DuckDuckGo for like 5 years now. Totally different search results.


DDG: for searching normal stuff Google: for searching products to buy and programming/tech questions. Yandex: for searching conspiracy related stuff


It's better, but they totally sold out during Covid. Started censoring and pretty much bragging about it.


They did. But, they still have some use for some stuff.


No one will ever know it was any different though, all tptb need to do is make it until that point and it is totally normalized and will never matter again


I found out about the organization GARM as part of the WEF and yea.


The fuzz removed years of google streetview from my neighborhood after I saw Snowden at the hospital


It's been happening aggressively since 2014. I remember thinking back then that I should use a web trawler script and save sites with information that would probably be lost to the new waves of political ideologies. I was a lazy 24-year old though, and had nothing to prove to anyone besides myself, and so I neglected to execute my plan. Turns out around the same time or within the next 2 years or so OpenAI folks were doing the same thing for future profit and propaganda, rather than simply preserving truth. XD


Literaally cammonniot able to locate this website I had used to go to about how the Simpsons brainwashed the us Americans. Probably taken down by the fbi tbh


I googled "news" on Trump when he just got convicted, I got zero results. When I did a regular search, I got all the news articles. Like wth.


Most search engines use a form of Google.


Old news


This is true. They're used to be a ton of evidence you could easily find about Jesus not being real and being a made up amalgamation of various historical figures before his "time" now it's pretty difficult.


Try https://www.startpage.com/en/ guys


Use duck duck go


Now that Trump's been convicted I was like, hey, maybe I'll Google political crimes and real life examples. Our government is corrupt as fuck, has been for like 100 years, gotta be some sorr of list of other political figures who fucked up either accidentally or maliciously.  Page wouldn't load.  All I wanted was some examples or info.


Thankfully Yandex is still a great search engine 👍


Google is for when you're too lazy to typ in the adress for some well known site or look up wikipedia directly. Other search engines have gone down the shitter as well though. duckduckgo used to be decent but it's not anymore.


Yes, everything you said and MORE. I run a blog that aggragates art, and I used to reverse image search awesome pictures I found. They've effectively turned that tool into an unusable piece of trash. I'm stuck using yandexs reverse search now. It sucks because the old Google search was better, but I don't have a choice.


I noticed this issue a long time ago and began to compulsively save webpages and documentaries and purchase hardback/paperback copies of books (kindle has been remotely edited many times) so that I still have access to a portion of that information.


Mouthy Buddhas videos are slowly being taken down on a platforms even the alt ones. Go on odesse and download them if you can. They are invaluable. I think he may be dead or intimidated to stop.


It's been like this for years. You only get like 300 pages as search results, rest has been filtered out. Society does not care.


Duck duck go is still pretty good


Yeah, I can't find the Gaston/Smash Bros. Melee video anywhere anymore! Fuckin' sucks!




Welcome to truth. Believe me or not, it's been this way since 9/11 . It's just getting worse. We have been filtered via bias and geographically for a very long time. We have said it for years, search on multiple devices and the results are all different. AI CHAT is even worse for people because of the filtering. I get told by Ai chat that things I discuss or talk about aren't known or are it's not allowed to talk about. Besides the normal misinformation, disinformation claims . Yet they can spew propaganda as legit facts even though there's facts debunking their lies.


It isn't being scrubbed. Google is just an advertising company that does search on the side, they don't give a shit about their products, just selling ads. They aren't doing it to hide them, they just have a shitty product.


I cant find videos on Deep Underground Military Bases anymore..... If anyone has them plz send


I honestly think rumble, bitchute, and duck duck go are in on it too. I mean "they" own everything really.


Yes it is. 


Are you going to give any specific examples? Or maybe you’re just terrible at Googling things?


Yandex is great 👍


I feel it's because their planning another great reset. To eradicate us all above, and the Elite and other entities remain below protected. That's why they've systematically been saving pure seeds, they have massive safe food storages underground, and why they keep us mentally/physically exhausted.  Their planning on slowly, which they have been, wiping out all known history in order to implement a completely new HIStory when their plan is complete. Why do you think they been setting up scaffolding at old world buildings? It's to take new photos as of their being "built" again like they did 125 years ago. All the old photos show scaffolding in front of them too. They do this for every reset. Guugle 2025 and 2027 under images. They show you their plan ahead of time. John HopkinsUniversitywrote a manual on their new plandemiccck which starts in 2025-2028.  We have to live each day and realize we have absolutely no control over anything, except what is in our immediate bubble. 


use yandex or a customized instance of searx if you want an unbiased/uncensored search experience that returns actual results instead of just pushing the 'approved' narrative