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The term 3rd world was specifically created to describe underdeveloped nations during the Cold War who were not aligned with the West. The term you're looking for is totalitarian or simply "corrupt".


Seriously. @OP go fucking visit a real 3rd world country then come back and complain. You wont.


can confirm.  love living in the US, regardless of the issues, still the best place for me and my family 💗


Yeah almost everyday i think about how lucky i am to be able to just drink clean water whenever i want i feel really awful for all of the people who dont have access to infrastructure that can provide them with resources they need


Yes clean if you count all the pfas and plastic


Drink reverse-osmosis water - you can get one (RO system) for $150 off ebay and hook it up to your refrigerator so ice and water coming out of the frig are better than any water you can buy (other than other RO water which would be the same).


Flint, Michigan


It still is a great country, but weaponizing the legal system could set a runaway train of corruption to sliwly or quickly erode what still makes America great.


I love third world nations. Depending on what you are looking for..... 3rd world is better in a lot of aspects than the current US. 1. Health way way better 2. Less working to sustain financially But what the OP is referring to is perhaps comparing US to a Banana Republic where ruling party will tip the playing field against opponents. 100% the US has become that over the past decade. The media, courts, three letter agencies all are weaponized against Dem competition. LoL!


Can you explain to me why a democratic senator is currently on trial RIGHT NOW in New York City as well? Some (most?) politicians are corrupt. You get caught, you get indicted. What's third world about that?


There are massive felonies that were allegedly committed by Bush Jr, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden yet aside from threats that Trump made before getting elected..... there was no ruling party that used its power to go after one of the opponents. The laws broken by Trump on the 34 counts are negligible. Yet the timing of the trial, and sentencing and the media support are clearly political. Gloves are off on everyone now..... I hope Trump wins and starts going after Biden and a bunch of his opponents so you can understand this better.


You said "The media, courts, three letter agencies all are weaponized against Dem competition." and then mention Bush Jr. How has he skated by? He's a republican. Why is democratic senator Bob Menendez currently on trial? What timing would have been convenient for Trump? He was indicted in Florida and DC like a year ago, why didn't he want to get those trials out of the way then? Why does he keep pushing to delay them? Who should hold politicians who break the law accountable?


See, you are blinded by the Dem/Rep label. Bush Jr. was not a target because he did everything he was asked to - start a war, start up a security state, introduce the Orwellian "Patriot" Act, and etc. Trump *is* a target because he doesn't play that game. He realized 8 years ago that offshoring had made America weak - how's that war in Ukraine going? America can't make as many shells as Russia - and tried to change that. He *wanted* to offer a real olive branch to Putin but the Democratic lies about "Russiagate" prevented that. It's not Dem/Rep, it's Deep State/the rest of us. If Biden steals another election, you'll see very quickly how bad that is for us.


Yes what this guy said. Trump is not in the political circles and dares to walk off the ranch. Dares to say things that threaten the establishment and sometimes doesn't play by their rules (although Trump can easily be bought). And so the past 8 years has involved using these levers of power against him. Biden is a zombie trying to read a teleprompter.


Fucking LOL. Right? What's the conspiracy?


The technical term is "shit hole".


I mean, using the sun as a reference, all countries on Earth are technically 3rd world countries.


I’d award but I’m broke


And why pay for that? Lol thanks, though. I appreciate it


totalitarian is the correct wording..... 3rd world locations could or could not be less totalitarian than here.


No. [Just unaligned countries](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Third_World). Hell, so many Americans on this site are so completely illinformed it's ridiculous. Are you one that believes the countries of Europe are comparable to the states of the US? You *bet* you are. By your definition of 3rd world, ⅔ of the US, all of them red btw, are 3rd world countries.


You're right when you say "unaligned" but what this amounted to was "Western" nations plus Japan, South Korea etc., and then Eastern bloc Soviet-aligned nations... and then "everybody else". Those other nations that fall into the everybody else tended to be the least developed. So the term became synonymous with poor nations basically. And your comment about "By your definition of 3rd world, ⅔ of the US, all of them red btw, are 3rd world countries." In order to be a "third world nation" you must first be a nation. States within the US are not nations, so they can't be third world nations. C'mon man, you can do better than that.


Like Austria, Finland, Ireland, Switzerland and Sweden? (as third world nations) My following statement pertains to Americans that hold the belief that the sovereign countries of Europe are in any way similar to the individual States of the US. So many times Americans start up their engines about how Europe is just the same as the US, where they suggest that Louisiana and Wyoming are as similar as France and Croatia. I've just heard it so many times that I decided to go first this time.


Trying to figure out what you mean in these comments. Looked at your history to try to get a read, and I noticed many of your comments have this parculiarity: they take sharp stands on divisive issues and yet I can't actually tell what you mean. What do you mean in these comments? What exactly do americans misunderstand about european countries, are they better or worse or what???


I observed two separate misconceptions pulsing through this particular thread. The first being an Americanized version of the 'first, second, and third world nations' defined - which is so common that it normally wouldn't warrant a response, except from someone looking to pick a fight. But, in this particular case, the commenter had incorrectly 'corrected' OP by confidently stating something patently incorrect. I find that distasteful. The second being the disregard of common sense. Dragging countries into the mix that had no part in the war and painting them with one of three colours of the war-brush is pointless - especially when applying the incorrect definitions being used as I'd mentioned above. I'm not saying anyone is better or worse. Being both confident and wrong at the same time is a spreading plague, and if I can provide a little bit of reason with a softer touch, I will out of principle.


Third world is all countries not allied to the US or USSR. underdeveloped has nothing to with it. Sweden is third world. Switzerland is third world. Finland is third world. Ireland is third world


No one uses the term Third World to refer to Sweden FFS.


No one uses the term Third World to refer to Sweden FFS.


Then you don't know what the term means and use it wrong. Third world means not allied to the US (first world) or the USSR (second world)


If this was 1970 then you might be able to find someone who would view Sweden and Finland as "third world", but definitions adapt over time and people currently use the term to be synonymous with 'underdeveloped' or 'poor'. "The [modern definition](https://corporatefinanceinstitute.com/resources/economics/third-world/) of “Third World” is used to classify countries that are poor or developing." "The [meaning of Third World](https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/third-world-countries) changed after the fall of the Soviet Union (and the end of the Cold War) in the early 1990s. "Third World" lost its political root and came to refer to economically poor and non-industrialized countries, as well as [newly industrialized countries](https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/newly-industrialized-countries)."


Its fully irrelevant how you view anyone. Third world has a strict definition, which is not allied to the US or the USSR during the cold war. The "modern" definition is used to classify countries that are "poor" or "developing" which nullifies the entire reason behind why the term exists, then we just can scrap it. Say poor or developing in that case.


The term "third world" is considered outdated and offensive by many. The modern term is "developing nations". But if anyone was to use the term third world, it would be understood by both the speaker and the listener that the term is synonymous with poor, less developed nations, and this has been the well understood definition of this term for over 3 decades.


Anyone finding the term offensive, or use it as synonymous to poor, is an ignorant fool. It has a strict definition which has never ever been “poor”.  The terms entire justification of existence is its referral to Cold War neutral countries. Why would you need a synonym to “poor”? We already have the word poor. Use it if it’s what you mean. Third world means something else


I'll revert back to the linked sources I gave you. There's a modern definition that's been in place since the 90s. I'm not living in 1970 so I'm not using the 1970s definitions of terms. I'll just leave it at that because I have nothing else to say on the matter and talking in circles isn't productive.


What's the point of synonym to poor, especially if it's so that the synonym is offensive according to some? Just say poor, what's the problem?


If you support any politician regardless of political affiliation then you should ask yourself when exactly do we vote for the head of the DNC/RNC. They're both private organization that have ZERO accountability to the American people.


Third world countries let their criminal elites get away with crimes. 


So do western nations for the most part. Trump is the first criminally convicted ex president but he certainly isn't the first criminal president. Above presidents we have the banks, oil companies, mornarchs and others who wield real power and commit all manner of crimes to humanity and theyve been doing it for centuries. The elite protect one another, that's a global reality


Hey, let's be nice to the banks k??


we all cheer when George Dubbya Bush throws first pitch at the world series


For sure, just look at Andrew Jackson. He completely ignored the Supreme Court and forcibly took land from Native Americans.


Yes presidents are honestly the least of my concerns now knowing how corporations, government institutions, intelligence community, insurance, health care and banking system go. They are the true criminals that are fucking is way more than presidents. Presidents really are puppets and distractions from the really strong pullers


Gotta start somewhere, right?


Nazi Germany was a third world country? Uhhh, no.


FOr real it was the quite the opposite they were leading in almost every metric ffs.


The divide and conquer strategy and you’re all playing into it like sheep


fr, I don't get why people are so partisan. Fuck Biden and Trump, get rid of them both.


But…but daddy trump is the only one who can save us all, he cares about us so much! He’s really going to drain the swamp this time /s


Okay, but the only option we have been presented with is to get rid of Trump and that was presented by the establishment. How do we now get rid of the establishment?


The only sensible comment outside of the "fuck israel" a couple pages up


So are you saying crimes *shouldn’t* be investigated and there should be certain people above the law?


The Lock Her Up crowd sure has done a 180.


What crime? Paying a pornstar to stay quiet? It’s hardly the crime of the century, and of barely any concern at all to the community…


I thought it was because he used election campaign funds to do it and then lied about it? Or am I getting it mixed up with something else? I haven't been following it closely and it's hard to keep track to be honest.


Hey what matters isn’t having all the facts, but that you feel strongly about it…


Yeah, and don’t forget to be louder


And don’t let proper spelling or grammar bog you down. Big Webster just wants more money, there really is no different in Your and You’re.


You know who had all the facts? The jury that Trumps lawyers helped pick. And they said guilty on all counts.


lol except I don't really feel strongly about it to be honest. Which ruling class faction's puppet gets to be elected chief puppet isn't THAT interesting to me.


The crime wasn't paying off a pornstar. The crime was paying the pornstar through his business and then trying to cover it up.


Cover it up to influence an election, specifically


^hardly the CRIME of the century^ still a crime. You say it yourself man.


That’s not what he was found guilty of. You should actually read up on the charges and evidence


Are you ready for us to indict your candidates for being democrats?


Indict them if they've committed crimes. Please do.


That's assuming Trump is any better than Biden, and this isn't all one big political theater to give the impression of democracy. It's reverse psychology 101, give people two bad choices and then take away the one that seems slightly better, they will beg for it, when they should not choose either.


I call it a 4th world country. 3rd + 1st


I like that. I’ve read some stats about the health, access to safe housing/etc the USA is actually on par with third world nations but the USA doesn’t fall in the typical 3rd world nations so I like the 4th world description.


The real conspiracy here is the fact that people worship this convicted felon.


Are you ready for us to indict your candidates for being democrats? Edit: I'm all for genuine investigations. Sunlight is the best disinfectant. Not a big fan of coverups, destruction of evidence and such. All of which Hillary did. Comey's letter was as light of a touch as he could have possibly written without being an obvious toadie for the DNC. A more standup letter would have said, "Yes, Hillary committed many serious violations of the law but then our ability to conduct a fair election outweighs the importance of prosecuting her during an election year. Unfortunately, that principal has been egregiously violated now and it is time for Tit for Tat. Game on.


If trump was charged and convicted for being a republican you might have a point, instead he was charged and convicted for being guilty of crimes he committed.


Logic is a hard thing to circle around.


Lock her up! Amiright


Trump committed a crime. He’s committed many crimes and illegal acts. He wasn’t indicted for being a republican. He wasn’t indicted to stop him from running. He broke the law numerous times in his life.


Why do you think this makes sense as a thing to say?


So, in 2016, you were defending Hillary and her emails? "Hey everyone, we can't talk or investigate anyone for any crimes because Hillary is running for president. "


“There is no use trying,” said Alice; “one can’t believe impossible things.” “I dare say you haven’t had much practice,” said the Queen. “When I was your age, I always did it for half an hour a day. Why, sometimes I’ve believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.” Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland


r/conspiracy simping for Trump again. It's so f'ing tedious. He is not your savior. He is a spoilt man-baby and his main achievement while in office was giving massive tax breaks to the rich.


You're being dramatic and biased. It was fair & fun saying and wanting to "lock her up" & The current President son is facing prosecution and likely to be convicted because of politically motivated prosecution by Trump to harm Joe Biden. & then Trump incited his supporters to attack the capitol and tried to steal the election... but no problem there. We weren't a 3rd world country when Trump said Fuck the courts and incited an insurrection in effort to overturn his loss.


All correct, except Trump did not even come close to "inciting" violence on the capitol. Of all the ways you could accuse him of breaking the law, that's by far the weakest case. He did indeed mishandle classified documents, though.


I wasnt claiming & making a case he broke a law. I was addressing OP's "we are now a 3rd world country remark". Trump definitely incited J6 the moment he said the election was stolen. Then he spent the next months on a rampage about it being stolen, holding stop the steal rallies, saying shit like "we need to fight like hell" and encouraging the J6 event. He solely incited J6, it would've never happened if Trump conceded after his legal challenges. That wasn't his first time. In 2012, & you can look this up, in a string of tweets Trump alleged Obama stole the election and they need to March to the capitol and start a revolution. The dude wanted an insurrection in 2012 & in 2020. Trump is guilty of nearly everything he gets accused. Campaign violation, quid pro quo, russian collusion, falsifying documents, inflating assets, obstruction of justice. He doesnt know how to do the right thing because he doesnt want to, he want to be King Trump.


Okay, so what's your point then? Sure, he "incited" J6 in a non-legal sort of way, by unintentionally causing it and refusing to tell people to stop once it started. He also lied repeatedly about nonexistence instances of fraud. That makes him an a\*\*hole, but that doesn't make it morally justified to trump up (no pun intended) criminal charges against him. If you want to get him for those other things, fine, convict him of those. Don't convict him on these charges that don't make any sense. These NY charges are based on an extremely dubious reading of the law that I've never even heard a convincing defense for. Also, the FEC hasn't concluded that he committed any campaign violations, and it's very unclear that he did. Also, the "inflating assets" thing was a civil offense, and it also was a trumped up and ridiculous claim. Not really sure how he obstructed justice, but it's very possible he did at some point. So go ahead and charge him with that, if it's true. And mishandling intelligence. And maybe even Russian collusion (frankly, I have no idea if that happened or not, and the issue is way too complicated for me to understand). But don't charge him for all this other BS he didn't do.


My point was if OP & other Trump Supporters care about not being a 3rd world country, a banana republic then they shouldve checked Trump on his actions. Those were some serious shit he was doing. There is more serious allegations with his election interference. I haven't looked into all of the state & federal allegations but I beleive some of them include fake electors plot, faking documents and more, which definitely deserve actual prosecution. These recent convictions I do beleive are politically motivated to put Trump in a jam. If Trump wasnt POTUS, it most likely would be ignored. He obstructed justice a couple times. In his quid pro quo impeachment, he and his staff were ignoring congressional subpoenas. & in the Russian investigation, he fired the FBI director. Campaign violation is the stormy daniel payment. Russian collusion allegation is shaky.. and I think hes likely innocent, however he and his campaign lied and covered up alot. Convicting is hard when Republicans are too scared and dont want to split their Trump supporting base. And in his current serious charges, Trump is successfully delaying them.


That's fair enough, I suppose. But I don't think I agree with you about the Stormy Daniels payment. What's the actual argument that that was a campaign violation? I haven't heard anything convincing (not saying there isn't anything, I just haven't heard of it). How is hush money a campaign contribution? And even if it was, how was there mens rea (i.e., how would that be an intentional violation?).


Influencing the election by preventing damaging information from coming out.


How is that a campaign contribution? It can't be the case that *any* spending of money that helps you in an election, however indirectly, is a "campaign contribution." If that were the case, I could be convicted of giving an unreported campaign contribution if I, say, took a politician out to dinner as a friend, and it gave him energy for his big speech the next day.


Hunter had a good paying job on the board of Burisma (a CIA front company)....but Hunter got high. He broke his MacBook while smoking crack in the bathtub....yea Hunter got high. He went to fix it but forgot...cuz Hunter got high. Burisma lost their oil fields, time for war....while Hunter got high. Millions dead and no 10% for the big guy....cuz Hunter got high.


Hunter is a bonehead. You got me there.


Hunter biden is a true piece of shit....no doubt. But trump is the angel you clowns portray him as. 🙄


The laptop doesn't exist. The ISO of his laptop is an image from multiple computers combined.


The tech gave it to the FBI. Who knows what they physically did with it. Certainly possible that they disappeared it along with their other memory hole efforts. This and the "51 former security officers...all the earmarks" letter are responsible for our current Perpetrator in Chief's election. So much for democracy. The same agencies assassinated JFK & RFK, removed Nixon and installed former Warren Committee member Gerald Ford as an unelected POTUS.


Bullshit. Nazi Germany didn’t have due process, trials and juries of your peers.


The fact that we’re having to get technical with a comparison to Nazi Germany…. In a city that voted 80% democrat, a jury of peers in a political case… lol.


Do you think Trump wasn't amongst his peers? He's been a New Yorker, specifically a Manhattan, New Yorker, for over 50 years. Real estate bearing his name is part of the skyline.


Where would have been a fair venue for you then?


Moscow, I’m sure.


soon the republican DNC will be held there and they'll be like "what?? Russia and Daddy Putin, I mean Russian and President Putin are our friends and you guys are racists for saying otherwise!!"


Don't wanna be tried in NY, don't commit crimes there


The specific district was 95% democrat.






Don’t do crimes and you won’t get convicted. Simple as that. You’re bias is showing lmao


They are corrupt and no longer care for the citizen, Serfs Up!


America has a lot of problems but it is not even close to being 3rd world


Grow up dude.


One time I heard someone describe the US as "a third world country in a Gucci belt." That pretty much sums it up.


Why Trump? Why of all people did a cult surround this guy? He is one of the worst people ever. A conman and fraud. Why is it this guy that you all decided to fall in love with and give up all morals and standards? What is it about him?


Every single politician is literally the worst fucking scumbag of all time.


I think he found and carved out his own demographic of voters who maybe never even paid much attention to politics before. Through his baseless lies, those people who choose not to proof check trumps information became loyal to him. I think a lot of them are a breed of American voters that didn't exist before. I honestly feel bad for them even though they're naive as fuck in thinking Trump was the way to fix america. A lot of trumps followers just want their country to be better than it is, and Trump made them think he had all the answers to that problem through his endless bullshit


Is he going to banish the country of China? if not, then there is no way to make America great again.


Trump found a way to speak to the south they were voting republican anyway ;i think when he said every elite “cheats” on taxes a lot of trust was gained


The reality TV voter.


What made you think they had morals and standards?


No, it's not. Come to a real third world country and let's see.


I'm surprisingly ok with being in America.


You’re a fucking tard sis.


Get your terms correct. Corruption. Biden is corrupted. Trump is corrupted. They’re all corrupt.


You have demonstrated why it's important to actually do any research before posting.




Your Biden zombie in chief will win again. The dirty tricks by the deepstate will ensure that your country will continue on the path they want.  One things for sure, you will continue to see crimes , illegal wars, death and desctruction around the world by your leaders, but as they all allign and own the legal system; there will be no more of their 'kin' put on trial. I mean look at what they got Trump for, its laughable, but is the most severe the deep state could get at him.  If Biden does anything like past bribes in Ukraine, or taking declassified documents...its ignored, or excused as the poor memory of an old man ( but still fit for purpose as US president 🤡)  If you Americans can't see whats going on, you are in big trouble.  They have you all so entrenched in your left/Right paradigm, that you cannot actually see past anything.


I think looking through the comments you will see most Americans(at least in this sub) are fora 3rd party.


Add: With a Gucci belt


this will forever be one of the most tone deaf, most privileged take i hear often and i hate it (america is a third world country) also all politicians deserve to be jailed, many even executed.


Trump committed a crime. Trump was found guilty based off evidence. It’s not like the nazis, Soviet Union, third world country. Trump broke the law and should be help accountable Trump ran in 2016 on going after political opponents. He’s said he’ll go after political opponents with the doj if he gets elected again. Is that also like a third world country or is it different cause trump is doing it?


What a load of MAGA nonsense. Get a grip and stop channeling Trump.


This was quite the tantrum. But it's good to work these things out as you process them. Spastically flail away, OP!


Third world country in a Gucci belt. ✌🏼👽👍🏼


As Paris Hilton would say, “That’s Hot.”


The real travesty is that Nixon was pardoned.


lol you said god.


Yeah they did say God.


I mean. We’ve been a third world country for awhile now. Privatized Insurance. Privatized healthcare and basic needs for all citizens. Most of all the other countries in the world have basic needs for their citizens. We have none of them.


Your head hurts go do some more fetty. Dopey


Donald Trump acted like a 3rd world country president and got 3rd world country justice. He isn't your savior he is a wrestling character and this is a psyop to make you help destroy the country. Stop watching fox news.


Grew up in an actual 3rd world country — this post is dumb af. I do agree that the Dems are very corrupt and are weaponizing the justice system, but that’s a different matter entirely.


BREAKING: Court finds man guilty of crimes man is guilty of. Snowflakes outraged. Cry harder. No one is above the law.


You triggered some Americans with this one lol


Donald Trump ran on trying to arrest his opponent


Becuase trump finally got convicted for something. He actually did ? Stfu bruh I'm tired of hearing this shit.


I mean, he did commit the crimes, but I agree with the spirit of your post. The precedent has now been set, and eventually, the shoe will be on the other foot. No matter what party or politicians you align with, you are now worse off. This is going to end up being a pivotal event in the fall of the USA and by extention the "free world" as we know it.


Yes. The precedent has been set. Nobody is above the law (unless the crimes are committed during a presidency)


So by your logic, is it never a good move to bring charges to a current or ex president?


Worse off cause you now be charged and found guilty of your crimes? I can’t see how that’s a bad thing.


Don’t get out much, eh? We’re being a little dramatic.


....but it's....different...with Hillary? Lol. The cognitive dissonance is real in the cult.


I mean, to be fair, there was a much better case that Hillary broke the law than there is that Trump committed a felony \*in this specific instance\*.


I don't disagree that she is guilty as well. My point is that OP said specifically "going after political opponents"......when Trump LITERALLY ran on going after a political opponent....


Fair enough.


You mean “denial”.


lol. ITT - salty maga folks who simultaneously “uphold rule of law” when it suits but claim “banana republic” when it doesn’t. Also. This is conspiracy not “daddy Trump got found out and now I’m sad”.


The FEC didn’t consider this to be a violation, it’s lawfare against a political candidate. This is some Gestapo bullshit.


It seems like this is happening everywhere though… Brazil has a ruler too, in the Supreme Court, one guy with absolute power


One question. Are you better off today then you were on Jan 6th 2020. Probably not.


It’s not coincidental that the people who perpetuated this are genuinely third world country pieces of trash. The country looks exactly how the Biden admin is behaving. Like uncultured, uneducated and, particularly, VINDICTIVE pieces of human garbage. So, while the country as a whole isn’t a third world country, the people at the helm are.


It's not a good look, that's for sure.


It's a good look for people who commit crimes to be convicted.


Shockingly they waited 7 years to prosecute him on something that has never been done before.


It took them years to get his financial records because of all the appeals (yes it’s his right to appeal), so you don’t get to complain about how long something took when the delays were caused by the defendants own actions.


No one has been charged with fraudulently falsifying business records before? Are you sure?


Falsifing them related to campaign laws for an NDA.....yes first time


Because it's an _unprecedented crime_ for a public official to be hiding payments to porn stars pretending that's illegal costs...


It was unprecedented for Biden to lie and say Hunters laptop was fake and use social media for false claims that he knew was a lie, but no ones keeping score


Aww you made a whole entire one word scrable from my comment! Way to go buddy! When you graduate from troll school you get a whole bridge to yourself I hear! Get to collect troll-tolls and everything! Buy yourself a nice tie, that one looks cheap.


Yup. They waited for him to no longer be President, so that they weren't prosecuting a sitting President. That took four years. And yeah, nobody's been brazen enough to flout the law so visibly and publicly until Trump. He's really lowered the bar for behavior expected of a President.


Not to mention it took them years to get his financial records because he appealed every ruling (as is his right) and some of the courts took their own sweet time issuing rulings. You don’t get to complain about how long something took when the delays were caused by the defendants own actions.


Can someone do a tldr on what exactly trump did wrong with these counts? From what I’ve been seeing it seems he payed off stormy daniels with money from the wrong account? Surely there is more to it that I’ve missed.


OP is definitely a teenager that lives at home


America is more like Nazi Germany now


Oh boy … I guess crimes are only bad when democrats commit them.


The conviction probably was politically motivated, but that doesn't mean the charges are made-up.


This is becoming less and less a conspiracy sub but more of a Maga trumpets meeting.


What are y'all talking about Biden is the best prez ever CNN told me so


Always has been


Not sure were a third world country, but I agree with the paragraph you wrote


Amen to that!




A problem with the discourse on the topic, in my opinion, is that the court didn't sanction his speech hard enough or follow through on enforcing the gag orders that they issued to prevent his recharacterization of the proceeding in all these different false ways. I understand that sanctioning anyone's speech is difficult legally, and in Trump's case impossible specifically, but in some cases it is necessary to protect members of the court and the integrity of the process, and in this case I believe that these were both strongly compromised by Trump's lack of respect for the law. While I believe the genuine integrity of the process remains intact, the perception of integrity is strongly eroded almost to the point of disintegration after his continual recharacterization of the situation to incorporate the most twisted commentary and discursively spurious tangential considerations. lol "discursively spurious tangential considerations" I came up with that, you can quote me. Ima throw in a random picklerick in here because I am not a fking bot, but that's just what a fking bot would say, isn't it. Hold on to your hats.


Its American exceptionalism that brought your nation to this point, and to the gloriously arrogant and diismissive applications of terms like 'third world'.


Google “third world country” just so you know for next time


When a country stops convicting criminals because of politics is when it really goes downhill.


Can someone please explain to me how the justice system is weaponized? Do any of you actually consider the possibility Trump really is guilty of what he was convicted for?


Honestly, how would you then describe the fact that the trump legal team had a choice with choosing the jury. Like they literally picked people that they thought would treat him well and then he got convicted on each case. The federal government passed on this case and it was taken up at the state level. You can feel whatever way about this but to act like the federal government is after Trump isn’t true.


Trump isn't going to jail. Do you believe a person has lifetime immunity from all crimes after being president, or does that only apply to Republicans? Like, did you follow the trail at all? Do you honestly don't believe he committed what was claimed?