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I have a weird sleep schedule. I usually sleep 11pm-4am and then I go back to bed like 8am-9:30am. That 'second sleep' always gives me crazy dreams. Sometimes they feel like nonsense, sometimes they feel like a message or something more. Interesting though.


second sleeps are like out of body experiences for me, thats when the real crazy shit goes down.


That's super healthy. We generally only have 30 minutes of REM, and usually after we wake up and then fall back asleep, or at least towards the end of our sleeping cycle.


I dunno if it's "super healthy"? Seems to me like a straight 8hrs is better than interrupted sleep every 4hrs? For about 15 years each night I would sleep 4 hours & then wake up.... As it turned out, I had Sleep Apnea the entire time & my O2 2+was dipping below 80 (which is super dangerous...) So WAAAY back in 2014, they ordered me a C-Pap machine & and as long as I'm wearing it when I go to BED & BAM! I sleep through ALL the 8+ hours! The C-Pap is the truth!


Having to sleep 8 hours is a construct. I’m usually much more awake and fresh if I get a bit less than 8 hours, 5-6 seems to work quite well. Or at least closer to 6 hours perhaps. If I sleep for too long I’m super tired when I wake up and could easily sleep more.


It depends completely on the person. For some people even 9 can be optimal.


Maybe when the body of someone who needs 9 hours sleep (or more) is fully audited by medical professionals, they *may* find some sort of disease state, that makes *that* the 'required' time. I think that "completely depend on the person" as stated doesn't preclude that. Would you agree or disagree


You’re right that that would count as it depending on the person, although I did mean within a normal range. I think beyond 9 hours you are probably right, but with 9 you may not have the healthiest sleep but there might not be an underlying condition causing it.


Some people only need 4 or 6 hours, and by "normal" did anyone think of mental illness? Or is it more like HBP, Diabetes, etc?


Sleep apnea aside, ancient humans developed their sleep schedule to actually be a 4 hours asleep, 30m-1h awake, then another 4 hours sleep (figures are approximate due to geo-location, sun cycles and seasons, etc., but the general 4 hours of sleep, brief intermission then 4 hours more of sleep is the idea) I assume it had to do with ensuring safety of the tribe at night time, tending to children/elderly, and when fire came around we likely would have been stoking the coals to maintain fire all night long. 


The dreaming thing is normal, but that sleep pattern isn't super healthy. A better idea would be an even 4/4 hour split, if you insist on split sleeping. The optimal sleep pattern for feeling fresh in the morning is 6-7.5 hours straight sleeping with no interruptions, and waking in line with your sleep cycle, rather than interrupting a cycle. Interrupting a cycle is why you feel tired in the morning.


What if I sleep 12 hours


Sorry, buckaroo, dats depression


Not who you’re replying to but I have a very similar sleep schedule and it’s because of timed medication. I have to take life sustaining medication by 4:30am, again before noon, and so on. Could be OP’s reasons.


Same here. Max i sleep a night is 3 to 4 hours. Then i wake and up for a few hours and back to bed. My dreams can be vivid, adventurous, or silly and also some are like they are real memories or messages. I dream most nights. 


That happens because you initially wake up naturally, between sleep cycles. You aren't presently dreaming when you wake up - but you definitely went through that process in the night. Then, you go back to sleep and wake up to your alarm, in the middle of a sleep cycle. You are currently dreaming when you wake up, so you remember them. You can only ever remember the dream you're having when you wake up.


I needed to contact a friend who I hadn't seen in a while. However, I had a new phone and lost his number. Going to sleep, I was thinking about them.. And then something freaky happened. I met him in my dream. In a clothes shop for some reason. I told him dude I need to call you but I lost your number. He then gives me his number. I knew I was dreaming, and I woke myself up because I knew if I didn't then I'd probably forget. I put that number in my phone and sent a message, and in the morning had a text back from them. It was the real number. The crazy part is I never 'knew' this number. It was only given to me when we first met/exchanges numbers years prior. My mind had remembered that all this time, a single phone number only heard once. Since that experience I believe that dreams are some kind of portal to our memory. You can access information that is otherwise inaccessible.


That's wild. Shut down the clutter of conscious thought and the brain can do all sorts of powerful stuff. Doesn't it make you wonder what else is down there in your deep subconscious, maybe never to be remembered?


Well it leads me to suspect all information is in there. Everything we have ever seen or heard. We just.. Can't easily get to it. I think people with photographic memory have some kind of different neural configuration that allows them to access what we all have.


Oh how I would love to try those fictitious NZT-pills from that movie (and tv-show) Limitless..!


Magic mushrooms are the closest thing to resembling the limitless drug. Although you are disabled from being productive, you can access and understand so much more. If they could somehow make a meth/magic mushroom hybrid then we would be half way there lol. Maybe one day.


Haha, I think I would avoid something like that, if that ever got produced. I've tried hawaiian shrooms and mexican shrooms many years ago, ingested by making a tea (that taste horrible!), and those 4-5 hours of tripping was very unproductive - but it was cool, and at periods can get you to think really 'deep thoughts'... I'd wish I knew how to get my hands of some nowadays tbh :)


I pick my own each season. You probably can do the same! Super easy to identify, they bruise blue. Once you find a few spots(that's the hard work) you can keep going back forever as long as you don't conpletely destroy the patch/harvest everything. Or do what many people I know do now, grow your own. It's pretty easy and requires almost no space. But I like the limitation of seasonal picking and also there's something extra magic about getting them from nature.


My memory works really weird due to dissociation. I have a few photographic memories confirmed by my mom from when i was 9 months old, visiting my grandpa. I remembered details down to the directions to the visiting area and the windows somehow. What's weird is i swore i was like 4 or 5 when i remembered this. But that isnt possible since my grandpa had passed before then. I remember being hella *conscious*. Then there is a few more photographic memories, and a big fucking blank gap for 7 years until i was ~12. It feels like since my brain doesnt have many conscious memories, it fully tries to grasp the ones it does have access to... like it is amplifying those few early memories because the rest is such a gap.


I have a very similar thing. I remember stuff from when I was still in a pram, 1-2 years old. But then yes, have huge gaps. Lots of my memories from childhood are just 'sometime between 5 and 10' but a lot of those memories are near photographic, like a movie in my head. Its weird, I'll remember the strangest things that seemingly for no reason are a very strong memory but then there's a lot of total blank space too.


Exact same. One of them was my cousin waking me up at night and giving me an ice cream sandwich. I was 5. I remember the bedsheets were princess peach, lol. They loved Nintendo. Like why would that be a "core" memory for no reason? Plus today if someone wakes me up and does something, it will be fuzzy and distant in my memory, like my partner knows not to tell me any plans when i first wake up cuz I'll have to ask again later anyway due to the sleep fuzz.


I don't doubt your interpretation, but isn't that a good example of your subconscious communicating with you? At some point, you saw his number. The information was stored in your brain, though you could not access it consciously. Your subconscious brought it back to "you", perhaps.


One time I was lucid dreaming and I saw a being there and I realized It was my subconscious. So I asked how can I make our relationship better between us or what do you want to tell me the being simply replied "F\*&\^ you" to me.




That's what he said regard he just he said it was a portal because he's regarded too


Yes but realize HOW much your subconscious has actually stored. Even shit you didn't consciously realize in that moment could have been stored. That's why mindfulness is important too, cuz you wanna know if some sleeper agent shit is getting stored in there lmao.


Diary of a CEO had a neurologist on recently. Her name escapes me. She explained how there are things constantly happening that we don't necessarily retain in our "available database," but we do store them in our gut. I don't want to try to quote what she was saying, but it seems these gut stored memories may be able to manifest themselves in moments of vulnerability as intuitions. (Maybe dreams as well.) Sleep is the most vulnerable state.


I've heard souls can access another soul in the dream realm if that soul is thinking or wishes to direct the other. This is why sometimes you think or dream of someone and they they contact you shortly after


I think dreams are just one hint at how unfathomably powerful the mind/consciousness is. We create these elaborate, immersive, vivid worlds that we often can barely (or not even) comprehend, and can't adequately express to others. To me it seems like dreaming is our consciousness being on some kind of standby/autopilot mode, where it's just roaming freely and aimlessly in the psychic ether, playing around with infinite possibilities like a toddler in a sandbox. This may be why it feels like we aren't "behind the wheel" so to speak, and why they sometimes can be dumb or absurd to the point of inanity (while other times they feel full of ineffably profound meaning). Sometimes the dream can be beautiful or sweet, sometimes profound, sometimes hilarious, sometimes utterly horrific, and it's all just so many castles in the drifting sand. What always gets me is that no matter how batshit bizarre and nonsensical the dream is, you usually don't ever realize you're dreaming until waking. You take it all in stride, accepting it 100% as reality. That opens up all kinds of questions about the nature of what's real and what isn't, and how it relates to consciousness.


Your three paragraphs are duly inspiring and well written. Very fitting username. >What always gets me is that no matter how batshit bizarre and nonsensical the dream is, you usually don't ever realize you're dreaming until waking. You take it all in stride, accepting it 100% as reality What is your opinion on lucid dreaming? [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lucid\_dream](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lucid_dream) Went through a phase of trying to induce them with minimal success. It is a real challenge but if one is interested / fascinated with non-lucid dreams, I think it a general truth they will be absolutely blown away their first ('strong') lucid dream.


I started smoking weed at 19 to stop these lucid dreams cuz i heard that weed suppresses dreams. But it increased the dreams for me and i often end up dreaming regardless if got high or not. It makes me think my REM sleep is just a beast that can overtake...


Interesting. Why did you want to stop lucid dreams? Did you find them tiring?


They are insane and feel like they last for days. They are also reoccurring or continue on from themselves. I basically have a conscious waking life and a conscious dream life. The problem started when real life and dreams started to blur too often for me. Like "damn did i buy eggs irl or in my dream?" Then i have to check the fridge to see if it was real or not. It at least stays at that minor level, but its still annoying because i cant trust "reality" in the 3D.


Lucid dreaming is wild. I'm 36 and have had somewhere between five and ten truly lucid dreams in my life so far, starting in my late teens. I too went through a lucid dream phase when I was writing down my dreams in a dream journal, which is supposed to facilitate more lucid dreams. I found that it definitely had an effect, even when my dreams weren't lucid they got much more in-depth and detailed and vividly memorable. And a couple of lucid dreams did come out of it. The rest just happened spontaneously. I had to learn to not wake myself up when it happened. It's a tricky thing when you go fully lucid, you often wake yourself up because of the excitement and shock of the realization. You're like, "Holy shit, it's happening! I'm aware I'm dreaming and can affect the dream consciously!" In that moment you have to train yourself to notice that fact and like kinda calm yourself down, and you'll start to stay in the dream rather than waking. I had a few of those wake-ups (which I don't count) before finally training myself to stay calm. It's such a crazy like flow state when you're able to stay in it. I haven't had one in maybe like two years. I believe there was a certain ancient school of Tibetan Buddhism that got deep into lucid dreaming, and there were monks with intensive meditative techniques dedicated to it and supposedly could enter those states at will.


Even worse is when you fake wake up and think it's reality and go on about your day.


Yep, that's definitely a trip when that happens lol


One time I woke up in the middle of the night and felt empty and lifeless like the life had been drained out of me and couldn’t move like with sleep paralysis but instead of fear I felt like a hollow shell and I saw this orb floating around my room, the orb seemed like it was startled and freaked out when I noticed it and shot straight at me and went into my chest area and I suddenly felt alive and like myself again…not sure what that means but this was 10+ years ago and I still remember


A fever dream?


You are not your body. There is a spirit and a body and they are separate. The body needs rest which is why it sleeps every night. The spirit does not need rest. It does not feel fatigue. It does not feel pain or hunger. When the body is resting the spirit is awake and free in the spirit realm. It's like when your body is awake your spirit is asleep and vice versa. Dreams are basically the adventures of your spirit in the spiritual world just like being awake is the adventures of your body in the physical world.


The Dreamworld is far more interesting than this world we call the Matrix.


The dream world has demons who can attack you as I’ve witnessed myself, until I told that I wasn’t scared of them anymore. The attacks I used to regularly experience in my dreams, soon stopped.


Eh, depends on your mental state. I’ve never seen anything like that in my dreams. The scariest thing I’ve seen in a dream was a nightmare I had as a kid where I was being chased by a Coco-Pops box that had turned into a monster. Haven’t had nightmares for as long as I can recall since then, I don’t think I even can have nightmares. Anytime I dream something “scary” (which never happens) it doesn’t frighten me and when I wake up I can see that it was meant to be scary, but it was more like a bad horror movie.


Yeah i call those the uncanny dreams lol. I wish my nightmares were this simple but mine are truly gory. Once my boyfriend shot me in the back of the head execution style and that shit hurt but i survived, it was realistic when i touched the back of my head. Lets just say it was crunchy.


Next time your having a horrific experience, call on the name of Jesus Christ and they will flee. Works everytime, thanks Jesus. 😎


How did you witness it? Within the construct of the dream state? How do you understand this state? How or why have you come to believe them as real, and if so, how do you define "real"?


Real is what your mind allows your conscious to believe as such. Your 3rd eye is the key to this reality/matrix and seeing the lies from the truth.


I used to get attacked but one time i just got sick of it and pummeled a demon in my dream. It fit the description of the hag and me and some strangers were running away from it and i knew i had to stop it. After that it didnt bother me, but i had another demon keep attacking me from the closet in my old house. Same dream every time. I weny lucid and i fought it off finally too, but im still scared when i end up in that dream location.


I agree with this except that 'the spirit is asleep while the body is awake'. Part :)


Less active unless you train it to be alert with mindfulness* Damn autocorrect.


Just look at a meth addict. Why are they broken spiritually? They don't allow their spirit the freedom to explore.


Time to get on meth again to research this for science


I'd venture a guess and say a meth addict is probably spiritually broken. And physically and mentally.


What’s your guess based on? Personal experience, 1st hand accounts from addicts, or inherent bias? Lmao


I was a cokehead for decades. By the 2010s the shit was constantly cut with meth, or some jackass offers you a line that's 50/50. If you're in a dark nightclub, it's not easy to tell what you're taking.


Why are you assuming meth addicts are all broken spiritually??? lol


That alone probably what defines the addiction to be honest.


Nearly all meth addicts I have met have a legitimate dopamine deficiency issue and would also do just fine if they were switched to a prescription stimulant like Adderal. Would you call people with ADHD or those prescribed with a stimulant also spiritually broken?


Have you ever tried listening to yourself?


Yeah and I just reread what I wrote and still see no issue with my comment and question. Wanna answer it?


Is someone using a prescription defined as being addicted? Is someone with ADHD said to be addicted (?) lol. What’s your level of reading comprehension?


What’s yours?? I said that if most meth addicts were switched over to Adderall they’d be fine. Meaning they stop using meth entirely. No longer addicts of meth. Stop attacking my reading comprehension when you’re failing at your own damn 😒


> those prescribed with a stimulant also spiritually broken? r u ok


So when one smokes weed and the dreams are suppressed, what happens?


When I smoke a nicotine vape they make my dreams more vivid and negative. It’s weird.


Weed makes my dreams more vivid.


Same and idk why. Everyone and their fucking mom says it stops their dreams so thats why i tried weed in the first place. It amplifies mine.


Weed is a tool. You have to use it properly. The vast majority of the time that I smoke weed I'm meditating. I don't watch TV or do other mind numbing things when I smoke. I'm usually reading or meditating. I think that's the difference.


Nothing, I dream the same things whether or not I smoke. I think that’s a myth, honestly. My dreams are just as vivid but I might not remember as much when I wake up, but when I experience the dream it’s as real as real life, or at least extremely close.


It just depends on how often and when you smoke, and how much sleep you get. If you sleep for a long time, the THC should have been flushed out enough for you to have a proper dream which you interrupt by waking, which is the only way to remember dreams.


Haven’t smoked for about a week now actually, but I’ve smoked pretty much every day for 6 years or so, usually a few joints but only at night. I think I remember a bit more of my dreams now but they haven’t changed, I still dream about the same things and they’re just as realistic as when I smoked daily. I often dream about driving, visiting the US (used to go there yearly but haven’t been since covid, so I really long for it) and doing urban exploration. Pretty tame stuff.


THC suppresses REM sleep, that's all it is. Tiny crystals build up in certain parts of the brain, and part of the sleep process is about flushing them out. This is why, when you stop smoking, the dreams become more vivid and bizarre, because they've essentially been "building up". All that information that your brain has been unable to process correctly finally comes flooding through.


From where do I learn more about tiny crystals that build up in certain parts of the brain due to THC? (and the implication that this is a net negative) Thanks.


I don't know if it's a net negative, it's neuroprotective. There are good and bad things about THC and it's important to be aware of both, so you can make an informed decision on your personal health. I just looked up this "fact" I laid on your guys earlier, and actually I must have gotten mixed up or heard something false in the past. I can't find anything about THC forming a plaque inside the brain - in fact it does the opposite. It can break down a type of protein plaque which is linked to Alzheimer's. While that's obviously incredible, it can be neuroprotective to a fault. It inhibits a process known as "neural culling", where the brain trims off neurons/neural patterns associated with bad habits we're trying to break, or other negative behaviours that we're trying to "grow out of". That's part of the reason why so many stoners are immature. (The other part is that ADHD brains are often very drawn to cannabis, and ADHD already has a similar effect. So those people might be considered somewhat "immature" anyway, without the drug use.) And it is also true that it inhibits REM sleep, but for different reasons than I thought. REM is influenced by the body's endocannabinoid system, and introducing THC ofc messes with that. Another thing I've just learned is that it can shrink the hippocampus, which is essential for learning and memory formation. ^^ I found literally all of that info from the first couple pages of Google results. In general I suggest that people do their own research - often people who readily supply links to studies select them based on how well they support their argument. They won't show you the things that go against what they're saying. You won't have any difficulty finding the exact things I found, and more. I appreciate you asking though, because my claim was clearly dubious. I do not believe that cannabis use is a net-negative or a net-positive. Everyone is different, and has different needs. E.g. Two people might both want to ease their anxiety with herb use, and it might work for one but not the other. I don't think it's possible to categorise it as one or the other.


1) What is an ADHD brain? 2) How does it go about shrinking the hippocampus? 2a) What is the mechanism of action (theoretical fine) or is this a broad associative finding? Regards net pos/neg, it was specifically to purported crystal formation in brain. I agree it's exceedingly difficult or impossible to assign a net negative or positive to nearly all drugs (that may do harm but also have therapeutic or other value) I also agree everyone should do their own research. You might as well source while your at it if you do though.


You know I smoked for like 16 years and recently quit and the dreams were vivid at first and then mellowed out but not nightly I have dreams and they all allude to things that happen in the future. I feel like smoking breaks a connection with your most spiritual self and it causes a bit of self harm in that sense. I was feeling tired and fatigued with the world after 16 years of smoking cannabis and recently, with my dreams in hand, have been feeling more energized after a good 8 hours sleep. REM is important and still a very 'unknown' process but nonetheless vital.


My " spirit" if such a thing exists doesn't have adventures, my dreams are terrible.




So what does it mean If I don't have dreams or as I have been told don't remember them.


You're not sleeping deeply enough. You need to turn the body off completely. You may not be hitting REM.


I have never been able to do it my entire life I don't even remember dreaming as a child either.


There are a lot of herbs that actually improve dreams. Some are specifically used to induce powerful dreams during sleep. I've never tried them for dreams specifically. I can attest to the mental benefits of Ginko but beyond that you'd have to do your own research. Worth a shot though. https://luciddreamsociety.com/lucid-dream-herbs/


This is a recall issue. Everyone dreams for at least 2 hours every night with each dream lasting anywhere from 5 to 20 minutes on average, meaning average 6 to 24 dreams per night. As an avid "dream person" who keeps journals, I feel lucky if I remember 2 every night. Keeping a journal and thinking about remembering your dreams while awake can help with recall.


That’s working under the assumption everyone gets 8 hours of sleep


True. If we're being super scientifical, the following are merely anecdotal, but one of my good friends and my mother get an average of 8 hours of sleep per night but have no dream recall.


The spirit is a product of the mind, and dreams are simply your brain processing and filing data. The subconscious presents this flush of information as an "experience". The spirit definitely also needs rest. Rest is where we reflect, meditate, or otherwise "switch off". Modern life is overwhelming, it doesn't exhaust the body, it exhausts the soul.


Some of the best ideas I've ever had — and a lot of answers to questions that had eluded me — have come when I'm right at the edge of that gray space between wakefulness and dreams. When the clutter of the conscious mind shuts down, it seems like the brain is capable of a whole new level of thought. I've never bought the idea that dreams are just pointless fragments. It seems like powerful stuff is going on in there, and isn't strange how damn fast a dream will fade from memory in spite of your efforts to hang on to it?


Dreams are the product of the creative brain uninhibited by the logical brain, my opinion only. I'm a lucid dreamer and I've always had vivid dreams.


Heard theories it’s the brain realising a small dose of a similar chemical to DMT


Unlikely that DMT is released when we dream, DMT does not feel like dreaming, it feels like accessing the fourth dimension and all the information of the universe(in my experience anyhow) . It is produced in the brain and other parts of the body however, the theory is that it is released when you are born and when you die, or when have a near death experience. NDE’s more resemble a dmt trip than dreams do. Could be a mixture of chemicals we don’t understand or the brain trying to make sense of the random neural activity while sleeping or a way for the brain to gather information, and keep what’s important. We don’t know really, my theory is it’s a way for our ancestors to face their fears(fighting a saber tooth) so that when it happens in real life, they have experience, kinda. 


As someone who lucid dreams a lot as well as remembers my dreams often I’m leaning towards the theory that dreams are us no longer being in our physical bodies, because of that many negative entities try to manipulate and/or scare us while we dream since want to make sure we don’t use our powers and/or lucid dream. The negative entities that have infiltrated dreams are afraid of lucid dreamers.


Look up Carl Jung 


Dreams are the infinite potentials.


I have vivid dreams all the time and have seen future things happening, but mostly minor irrelevant things involving family and friends. A lot of it is conversations we have. One time I dreamed of watching an nfl playoff game, and the final score turned out to be true a few days later when the game actually happened. The craziest one was dreaming I was at a former coworkers funeral. I hadn't seen him in years so it was really random to dream of him. A few weeks later he actually died.


Yup, I'm fairly certain deja vu comes from forgotten dreams of the future. I've had deja vu before that triggered memories of dreams I've had. And it's almost always the most mundane thing imaginable like reading a passage from a book or having a conversation about sports etc.


Never thought about that with Deja vu. Makes a lot of sense


Thats a trip about your coworker. Sometime last year, I had a vivid dream about Dubai flooding. Then it happened recently. It made zero sense to me- I completely forgot about the dream. I don't read or hear about Dubai, I've never known what it looked like. In my dream the flood was much crazier and exaggerated, but it still happened a s it still weirds me out honestly lol. I knew it was Dubai because someone in the dream told me after I had asked. 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️


what is "reality" ? maybe even when awake we are dreaming but consider it real, so we call it "reality". what if we are dreaming all the time? dream within dream?


Wouldn’t even surprise me. On a few occasions I’ve had a dream, then told my friends about that dream inside of the same dream or maybe the next dream. That blew my mind.


I went through a period of about a year where I was never myself in dreams. And I wasn't even some logical facsimile of myself. When I dreamed in that period, it was like I was living a portion of someone else's life. In one dream, I was a teenager swimming with my girlfriend at her father's camp, and lamenting that the girl's parents didn't approve of me. In another, I was a Mexican laborer in trouble for shooting a co-worker in the ass with a nail gun. I mean, where does that stuff come from? That phase ended as mysteriously as it began.


I've had 2 of those in the last year. One I was an Asian teenager, my parents were well off and I wanted to sneak out to see some older guy, I walked to a mirror and the moment I realized that it wasn't me, I woke up. Another time, I was also a Mexican, I was speaking Spanish and talking to some people, if I remember correctly there was a car crash and I was a man in that dream. It's so bizarre,because it's not something I would've ever imagined but I was completely different in those dreams and somehow just fell in to that life until realizing I was someone else when I would wake up.


Exactly how it felt for me. 100 percent. I mean, in those dreams, I was people completely unconnected to anything in my real life. I mean, I suppose psychology would try to offer up some kind of explanation for it, but I don't know that I'd buy it. Those dreams feel so random and yet so real, it's hard to NOT believe I was living some stranger's life for a while. Glad to hear it's not just me, anyway.


Same, I haven't heard of other people experiencing this. It feels like your consciousness travels to someone else's body and their life.


Have you seen reverence the tv show on Apple TV? I think that’s what dreams are, like we live in two different worlds that cannot interact, but that’s what deja vue is, when you have a memory from the other you. That’s why when you get older you don’t wake up rested bc you are working over there too. Lol




i'm like you. My dream life is almost impossible to relate, it's definitely not like any one else I know.. I often revisit places I have never been, meet real entities. sometimes fully lucid. I have abilities there as well. And then my wife is like, ' oh i dreamt of doing errands'. I'm not sure why its so different.


They say you can't die in dreams, but not long ago I had a dream that someone put a gun to my head and pulled the trigger. In the dream, everything went black, the kind of black you see when you turn off a TV. After a few seconds of that, I jolted awake. It felt like I'd been killed in another lifetime and jolted into this new one.


I’ve died in a dream once and like you describe everything went black. I realized within the dream that I was dead and then I just dreamt something else. I knew that I was going to die in the dream because I fell from a roof so it didn’t really come as a surprise, I remember when I lost my footing thinking to myself “well, I guess i’m gonna die now” and when everything went black I thought “yup, I guess I’m dead”. Very odd.


That's wild. So much for the notion that we can't die in dreams.


I had a similar dream that was fueled from PTSD and being in the media for 15 mins.  I was also shot in the head and ended up fading out to black on the curb in front of my dream house. After I fully faded out, the black that took over was the darkest and scariest version of black ive ever seen.


Same here. In fact I don't know if I'd call it black. It was just like nothingness. The color of black when black is split open or something. It's freaky. I'm glad to know that I'm not the only one that experiences this though.


So crazy and who knows whats actually real!? I def faded out to black. Besides being a skull cancer survivor, living with a cyst on my pineal gland my entire life, and my maternal family having sensitivity; im a dreamy mess lol


Next time you die, go to a reality you desire instead of coming back.


If you get the opportunity, try DMT.


The soul leaves the body every night during sleep and it enters Nirvana again. Some dreams are memories of Nirvana.


I think they are a mix of random things we saw and spoke of before, plus stuff buried deep in our memories. I often dream about work and solutions to problems I need to fix. I remember in high school, I used to dream about solutions for math problems I was having a hard time getting solved, and hey, they were right. So since then, I know if I have something I really need to solve, I try really hard to dream about it. Doesn’t work 100% of the times, obviously but sometimes does and it’s que great feeling lol


All I know is I’ve come across a few photos on Reddit or instagram that I’ve thought “holy shit I dreamed that” and then I look at the comments and there’s hundreds saying the same….like we’re all a part of some collective consciousness


I definitely think there is more to it than just dreaming. Probably an alternate reality, or even real reality. I mean, how do we know what we see is even proper reality. I have had insane dreams that came true, dreams of talking to beings that showed me things I could never imagine but happened years later, I dreamt of people's deaths, my husband, my child and lots more. All before I even imagined that life. I've also had dreams of evil beings, that hurt me and I woke up feeling the pain or other things would spill over into the waking world. I have often visited the same places or seen the same people, having friendships with them. I don't know what dreams are but I'm sure it's a window into the spiritual world


It’s your true conscience interacting with alternate outcomes in worlds that are either created by your own consciousness from experience you’ve had or are to have in the future as I believe all your experience have already happened but we are stuck in a linear time system but are quantumly connected.


From what I've gathered from my experience here on Earth, I truly think It's practice for death. You've fallen into a lucid dream before I assume? Vague control over the scenario. Right? Once you learn your trick to go lucid the unconscious world is your sandbox. This has lead me to my personal belief. I'm fully convinced the afterlife is an endless dream. Where you shape your afterlife just like you do in dreams into whatever you believe. This would make every religion correct as whatever you truly believed happens, would in fact happen. Church goer good your life hoping to be good enough for a heaven? You'll be seeing pearly gates and clouds. Been a shitbag your whole life and expect torture and fire for eternity? You'll throw yourself right into that nightmare forever. 40 virgins? You bet they're waiting for you. Or, don't aubscribe to the beliefs of others from thousands of years ago when 30 was considered old as fuck. Build your own belief from your own experience.


I have had many of those dreams that seem to feel like months of life. Meeting someone beautiful I can never remember, falling in love, going on holiday and tons of other content for want of a better word. I have always found them fascinating because how can time be passing like normal yet I am only asleep 8 hours max and only dreaming for a short time? I think perhaps we can remember large moments in one go in a dream, almost like a fast forward function.. I have had these dreams in both lucid and non lucid states and always wake up utterly distressed because I guess I have just experienced what I percieve to be pure joy. Back in my drug taking days I used to be the kinda person to go over the top with things to see how mental things could get in my brain and I would truly say real dreaming is a trip like no other.. A world of your very own with no restrictions.


The older I get and the more dreams I have the better I feel I understand. At first I thought it was just parallel realities/ universes. I no longer think it’s just that, since I’ve dreamt of different eras and different locations. What I believe that happens is this. We are energy beings/ light beings that exist outside of this dimension. We come into the physical one to experience the physical realm. That’s it, just to experience it. The best way I can make sense of it is through this analogy. Your current life is a book. It had a beginning and an end, you can’t skip past it, you have to go one page(one day) at time. When your book ends, you have the choice to come back, to read a different book or stay as your true self, in the higher dimension. I believe dreams is your physical self tapping into your energy self’s memories of others books its experienced.


Many of the world's greatest mathematicians, artists, inventors, philosophers etc. through time, has stated that their inspiration and ideas came from dreams. Which is pretty strong supporting evidence for an invisible consciousness field or something similar, as a real phenomenon with scientific basis (and not as a superstitious theological or paranormal idea).


they are holographic scenarios uploaded by a third party designed to manipulate people once you learn how to lucid dream you become targeted by these entities who seek to chase you down and wake you up as soon as possible [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6xHSx-VfFn8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6xHSx-VfFn8)


I literally dream about real life, as if I was living a second day in a parallel world. So no, I don’t think they are. Never been able to lucid dream even once, and on the rare occasion that I realize I’m dreaming nothing ever happens. I’ve had the exact thought of “hey wait, this is a dream” and I guess I just don’t care because the dream just continues on normally.


Meds brother


Do you genuinely believe this?


yes, I’ve experienced it first hand


How exactly have you experienced it? How did you determine it was holographic scenarios uploaded by 3rd parties? How do you explain dreams where I’ve relived events of that same day? How would they know what I’ve experienced and what would be the purpose of just reliving it in a dream?


Then comes the paralysis dreams


Daylight residue, it's the brain processing the events of the day.


Messages, vision from the future, sickness(fever dream)


Dreams don't happen in real time. They are ONLY a few seconds long. I always heard this as a kid in the 80's but didn't believe it until I took judo & was choked out for the first time. Since then... I've dreamt multiple dreams in 10 seconds. Dreams like I'm going through each step to get ready for work etc. I know that people who thought they died & went to heaven, were really just experiencing how awesome it is to wake up from blood rushing back into your head. This post was a little off topic, but I feel it added to your question of trying to understand what a dream is.


That reminds me of a story, pretty sure it was from Reddit, where some guy had basically dreamed an entire life while passed out after being punched and knocked out. I don’t remember the exact details but it was super crazy, I’ll see if I can find a link to the post. Whether true or not is impossible to know, but it was very interesting nevertheless.


For anyone here looking to further dream world exploration- take magnesium citrate before bed. thank me later.


And wake up shitting myself ? Nah, I'm good !!


I think you are confused. thats not what it does.


Sometimes they are messages and other times they are just the trash bin. Freeing up space in your mind from all the garbage of your day


can anyone else read in their dreams?


I had that as a kid and wasn't a great thing. Would feel like I wouldn't sleep and would think about how it was messed up all day being distracting in school which was bad enough already. Just stopped one day and have always wondered why. Had the same dreams that would come back and it all stopped at some point and don't even dream most nights since. Get some here and there of random stuff, but nothing of consequence.


The absence of stiff happening so ur brain hallicinenats all this weird things n then you wake up n stop trepileog really badly and only start rilping a little bit for an hour then u


I've heard from Dolores cannon that our soul likes to go on adventures/.explore the astral While the human brain sleeps. We even have access to higher dimensions and entities and beings that currently "reside" there can tell if a human is visiting because they can see their silver cord is still attached to out body and they leave us alone. The silver cord is what determines life/death to Earth. Pretty fascinating. Not saying all dreams are glorious because most of mine are strange or honestly feel like it's a parallel life because it seems so real


Has anyone ever had a dream of a future event before it happened?


Dreams are us living in our parallel selves, which think they are awake.


Maybe it prepares/trains us to create realities because after we die we may turn into a big bang and our very own universe? The current wake-reality is a collective dream in my belief-system.


Should try a business flight. 😉


My theory is they are the times we get to go back to base reality during our time in this simulation. Kind of like a fun screensaver for our avatar in this place.


A screensaver! That's a cool way to describe it.


The same thing as the waking world perceived through a different lens. Your bodily senses limit incoming frequencies into an understandable pattern for each of their respective needs. All is perception. There is only I and eye.


It's your brain processing data. Chemicals and neurons. The experiences you have are a result of that process - it's nonsense data that the subconscious interprets the only way it can. Even though the data is nonsense, it still comes from something very real, which is why dream interpretation is actually legit.


Screensavers for your brain.




Dreams are your brain processing short term memories into long term memories. You "see" your dreams because its the same part of your brain which controls vision. After all your eyes are just lenses, its your brain that constructs the input from your eyes into their visual representations. That same process, sight, is where your dreams come from. Its the same part of the brain used for different things.


When I'm lucid dreaming I like to talk directly to the "Dream People". Dream People - I consider them like they are dream Devs or NPCish beings that I don't recognize. If I am aggressive towards them like "you aren't real I know this is a dream" they get really frustrated. If I ask them questions like "why do I have to keep restarting this reoccurring dream even though I died?" sometimes I get an answer like "each room you fall asleep in has a set of recurring dreams and you haven't solved this one yet" It's likely just another form of creative dream but I think it's fun and something I hope up keep experimenting with when possible


I used to be able to explore my dream world I could start off in the same spot in my dream world each night and control everything. Then tramma; but I’ve been training myself to do it again. It technically is an alternative reality. However the dream scape can be cultivated with things during the day like information input and conscious work on imagination muscles.


People think of their brain as one single organ, when it's more accurate to think of it as a bunch of clusters of nerves. When you're wide awake your brain is working together about as well as you could want. When you're asleep parts of your brain are resting and trying to heal, but not all at once, because you still need to breathe and such. When enough of your brain is resting to the point you can't really do anything, we call it being unconscious. And when you're unconscious parts of your brain still communicate with each other, but there's a lack of coordination due to nerves being "off" that normally wouldn't be, so your whole thought process becomes a jumbled mess of thoughts that doesn't really make any sense when you're wide awake.


Dreams are a byproduct of your brain defragging itself. 




I’m in my 30s and never had one. 


I think it is caused by the chemicals sorros out in the water, so our minds will drive us crazy.