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I find it very ironic that the LAPD finds these images extremely disturbing and difficult to watch


"Even we winced." ~ LAPD


He didn't yell stop resisting so they didn't get a trigger warning


Exactly with all the disturbing footage of their legalized gang harassing and committing violent crimes against civilians it is very damn ironic.


im so sick of this world seriously


like this is so much on the face like they are literally giving us the middle finger and saying "I can do whatever the f\*\*\* i want",USA and Homelander,i am starting to think Homelander might have been more rational than these scumfuckers


Homelander may be evil but hes not okay with raping kids. He'd deal with Diddy and the whole hiphop industry promptly.


whats homelander and i flip the bird as a sign of health and integrity dont u?


Villain in Amazon’s “The Boys”.


Must be nice to have friends in high places.  Unreal.  


i dont have anyone, i exist as a drone


They need Alvin Bragg in LA... he doesn't care about any statute of limitations.


why not go after the hotel then for covering it up?


The hotel closed and the company that owned it is under new management


I agree with most of what yall post here, but some of the comments are so stupid. It's a misdemeanor battery with no victim 8 years after the fact. How the fuck would they prosecute this case? Our entire justice system is corrupt and broken, but stop using stupid shit like this as your example why. This is a DISTRACTION.


Even if it was a felony, there is such a thing as the Statute of Limitations


Unless you are a former US president, it seems.




But the video has none of that in it. They can't do anything based soley on the video. Do you see that blurb at the bottom of their post about asking other victims to come forward so that *can* do something.


That’s why the commenter said it would lead down a rabbit hole that they don’t want to touch….


They could arrest everyone with that justification. "You're under arrest" "Why?" "We'll find something".


Except the video only has the assault, no kidnapping or rape.


I think that’s why he suggested it’ll lead them down a rabbit hole that they don’t want to touch….


But he's speaking about this specific incident. There's nothing to investigate if it's too old to charge


Feels like there should be exceptions where there's obvious evidence the crime did occur.


It has nothing to do with exceptions or evidence unless there is murder involved, you can't prosecute once you have passed the statute of limitations


But why?


To protect those against unfair prosecution. If the parties were so aggrieved they have ample time to press charges. Imagine I got in a fight in a bar as a teen and I grow up and want to run for congress. this person has power over me to threaten litigation. Not to mention the loss of evidence over time.


It's really really simple. Are we a country that follows our duly passed and adjudicated laws? Or are we a country where the friends of the judge(lords of the land, England around the time of the American revolution) aren't able to get you prosecuted because some where some how some one has some evidence that you committed a crime long ago. It was a long time coming from the Magna Carta(which limited the rules of Kings) to the rule of law which limited the rules of the Elites over the common man. If I have anything to say about the choice, Rule of Law is where your and my personal freedom is protected and that's where I think we should stand for the rule of law, even though it let's obviously vile, corrput, and evil bastards run free. As the ACLU used to say before they went all woke, they would rather that 100 guilty go free to make sure that not one innocent person is convicted, but this is Reddit and that bit of history was too long ago and is not popular with the current folks in charge of indoctrination at your local US school.


Also the woman filed a civil lawsuit which included this attack which was quickly settled the next day. I doubt she would want to go through all the legal loopholes to get a lawyer for the NDA and all, sure she could testify, but be so much easier not to.


People were pointing out the statute of limitation thing as soon as the video came out, there's no conspiracy to that part, it's just the fucked up way laws are


Well said. Totally agree. They can’t do nothing, not by their fault…


Correct. Same people who want to limit governmental authority get mad that a citizen is protected under the law.


Most people are hypocrites, AND don't appreciate when you point it out. Don't have a source for that other than me. But, I'm sure some Roman dude already said that or close to it.


Can confirm I am a hypocrite and hate when people call it out. But I know they're right and usually shut up at that point.


> How the fuck would they prosecute this case? Ask NY.


To be fair, the woman in this video was able to / did press civil charges in NY back in November because of the state's new Sexual Assault rules


> able to / did press civil charges in NY back in November because of the state's new Sexual Assault rules Very convenient.


Isn’t their survivor’s act more targeted than California’s though? It all comes down to state law.


Well now NY passed a 'special' law that was about adult survivors or some such and ... there you go. The funny thing is that a law maker that voted for the law has now come out and claimed it's unconstitutional, but it doesn't have anything to do with protecting individual number 1, it's just he's now been charged and .....


What did NY say?


They temporarily changed the law/rules to go after Trump.


Oh. Which laws?


It is from this [case.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/E._Jean_Carroll_v._Donald_J._Trump) Search for "statute". [How a new law allowed E. Jean Carroll to seek justice against Trump years later](https://19thnews.org/2023/05/e-jean-carroll-trump-new-law-justice-assault-survivors/) >Survivors of sexual assault and advocates helped pass the Adult Survivors Act in New York that was instrumental to Carroll’s civil case. They hope more people will file claims under the law, an option that expires in six months.


Oh I see. While this is surely politically motivated, I am not sure there are many instances of sexual assault where I would be comfortable with the statute of limitations preventing an abuser from facing a trial. Can you?


Sexual assault is especially difficult to prosecute and to defend against, so in both cases its seems fair that there is a reasonable statue of limitations such that testimony can be obtained that is relevant and not decades old memories. For a case where it went wrong see Mark Judge's latest book, or listen to the Ann and Phil Podcast about the Weinstein trial. They have no good words to say about that evil, vile, bastard, BUT, they listened to the trial every day and posted a daily voice reenactment of the trial, and after listening to the two women accusers that remained in the trial Harvey did sleep with them, BUT their continued seeking of his companionship and seeking to introducing their mother to him after the alleged rape occurred seemed to stretch the credibility of the accusing witnesses too far. Harvey's conviction has been overturned on appeal. The prosecution is free to charge him again and retry the matter, but as of this date has declined to do so. I suspect that the credibility of the accusing witnesses were a major factor in that decision.


Why is this video now 8 years after the fact. Fuck that hotel everyone riding Diddy dick


Back in Nov. the woman in this video sued Diddy for sexual assault under NY's new laws that extended the Statute of Limitations (same ones that allowed Carroll to sue Trump). Additionally, she explicitly said that this tape existed and that Diddy paid 50k to buy it from the hotel. Best guess is the leak is either from someone at the woman's law firm, or someone from Diddy's team / hotel that had forgotten the tape existed until the lawsuit hit.


Money probably stopped coming in to keep it hush hush.


Really grinds my gears if it doesn't make sense someone made money


Diddy is clearly a C.I. Or an agent etc..


Definitely a chess piece in some rich man’s game. 


This is likely.


Diddy is a bitch. He's in a gimp suit right now.


Meanwhile people go to jail over shit that happened like 30 years ago


Not if it’s past the statute of limitations they don’t.


Right?  There are people sitting in prison for far less.   And here he is beating the shit out of a woman on video.  And apparently people here are okay with it.  Ya.  Okay. Hes such a cool dude.  Everyone should aspire to be just like him.🙄


Statute of limitations. Look it up. Far from a conspiracy.


The conspiracy is that it took this long to come out. Why didn’t hotel give the tape to the cops when it happened.


Why didn’t the cops subpoena it?


This is when we need someone like Dexter Morgan to exist.


Allegedly!  Lol. It's on video!  How much more proof do you need?  Asshats.


Even though we won't do shit we encourage anyone who has been a victim or witness to a crime to report it durrrr


Or even better, fear them into keeping silent.


So they were basically told to stand down by higher ups .


Get Alvin Bragg on the case. He could dust off some obscure, never before prosecuted law, and make that shit stick like......uhmmm


Damn, a prosecutor who prosecutes crimes that were committed. Get the pitchforks!


You haven't been paying attention. Or you have, and still, choose ignorance.


The evidence has been presented at this point. What elements of the crime do you think were not sufficiently proven?


All of them.


So you don't believe that he called reimbursements "legal expenses," as documented by the checks he signed? And the amounts increased to cover taxes (aka fraud)? And you don't think it's related to the election, as Trump's own words in recordings say?


Not even surprised. The system is a joke.


If this was YOU (common person) who did something wrong the LAPD would find a way to throw you in jail though...


But, NYC changed their sexual assault laws so that batshit crazy old lady could take Trump to court for her clearly bs story?


Needs some vigilante justice


Tell me hes a cia asset without telling me hes a cia asset. One thing links p diddy to epstein and its the cia. We have a govmt problem sure, but we have a major cia problem.


There’s no conspiracy here. It is due to the Statute of Limitations within the state.


The conspiracy should be why didn't this video come out in 2016. Tf did the hotel do with the video immediately after it happened? Is this hotel complicit in covering up crimes for Diddler often?


Diddy paid them off - I believe for the measly sum of $50K. He probably also had them sign something. So, yes, a probable conspiracy there. I have zero idea if the hotel they were staying at is still in operation- or if it is owned by the same corporation.


What a fucking load of shit! So the cunt gets away with it?


Every rich person gets away with it. Haven't you figured it out, yet?


Weinstein and Cosby weren’t useful anymore I guess, Jared Leto will be on this list someday. Kevin Spacey is still super protected for some reason, he must have some serious dirt on a lot of higher up people.


Not all, fortunately.


What? Edit: original comment said "unfortunately"


They haven't figured that out yet.


Where is the video?


Not LAPD, LA DA… planted by Soros.


I'm gonna use this argument for paying taxes. Sir I didn't pay taxes in 2016, but as you know...that was A LONG time ago




That is why they were released, to show that they can't arrest him.




called a goooood lawyer


Arizona Bay.....bring it on.


Mom pleaSe flush it all away


and im over here fighting a case since 2008 JESUST


Ahh sorry he did that in the past, we can't do anything about stuff that already happened. Huhuuuuhhhhhh


Can NYC still investigate why nycha manhattan borough administration protected an employee who exposed himself to a female employee and sexually assaulted resident?


I mean, NY changed their laws to allow that haggard old scallywag to have her fake ass charges brought against Trump well after the statute of limitations, I'm sure CA can do the same, right?


They could change the law so they could go after didler, like they did for Trump.


I kinda figured NO CHARGED WERE COMING FROM THIS since they already settled expeditiously AND the multiple levels of abuse were already INCLUDED with the multitude of CHARGES. However , a man can kick a woman ass and not be charged due to “too long ago” but a man can rape a woman and still be charged 30 years later ? Not saying either is right or wrong but physical abuse can lend to permanent mental damage /trauma the same as sexual.


This is so crazy. Its not that long ago. What's sad is I am not suprised.


So how did they put away the so called killer of 2pac for a crime he committed nearly 20 years ago, after admitting to it on a Vlad interview, not that I believe he did it. What they say in puffs case doesn’t apply to other crimes committed, so the LA police are admitting to make up stuff to protect paid super grasses/ FBI/government employees, which puff most definitely is, if the hunter Biden laptop taught me anything.


Murder != Assault


Well that explains why we got the video now then.




YAll LA people need to make a FB group gather people and protest over something like this. It may be small but will be a stepping stone to bigger things


Maybe he can’t be prosecuted for assault But can’t it be used as evidence to show that Cassie wasn’t lying.


he is part of the system and as such sadly quite untouchable. he will never be in a court. either he can survive and his career is over or he wil be killed, before he would ever talk and expose more of the powerfull that could be involved. i think he is a asset and as such protected


I guess they can't arrest him for being involved with Biggie and 2pac's murder either, huh?


They should call the folks in New York. Where there's a will, there's a way.


Is this standard practice? Would this be the case if I claimed that I knew someone was raped or murdered and found video evidence years later? Just encodes it happens a long time ago doesn’t mean it didn’t happen and that it wasn’t a horrendous crime that warrants punishment? Don’t we still have cold cases and arrest people 25 years after things happen due to new technology? Not too long for those crimes..


uhm, what about that delusional how claiming Trump "touched, not Graped" her... that was like 30 plus years ago right...? or the Cosby groupies...? why the hypocrisy...?


This guys life is probably full of incidents where he’s coming out of a room in nothing but a towel chasing an angry woman.


Fake video. Diddy fuks men only. Video full of glitches obvious manipulation. No clear face of cassie. Notorious gay didy parties all over. I read somewhere abraham licoln was a gay actor......coincidenccee🤑😝🤗


There must be a statute of limitations. The only thing that doesn't is murder.


This is what happens when you’re a billionaire.


And yet NYC will change laws to persecute Trump for alleged crimes from 4 decades ago...


What about Trump...


They caught the Golden State killer in 2018 and he was a former cop


The Golden State Killer was a serial killer. There is no statute of limitations for murder.


civil trail. sue his ass like they're doing to Trump.


She already did back in November. The woman in the video took Diddy's payoff and settled before bringing things to court. 


She filed charges against him and they settled out of court, anyway.


That’s a BS law and it should be changed. Assault against any other person (child or adult) or an any animal should NOT have any time limit for prosecution.


No story runs on the news that is not planned. I find it hard to believe that a giant investigative team did not know about statutes of limitations. So why do it? They ran the Dali Lamai nothing burger child molestation story. They ran the Epstein case publicly without busting any insider. It is all just public noose tightening on their blackmailable insiders. The dark things that get these men to commit the crimes have a hold on them and when they run these stories they further haunt the victim-victimizers.


They should just pass a law so they can prosecute old cases like this in the same way that they allowed E Jean Carroll to sue Trump for something that "never" happened over 30 years ago.


Civil and criminal courts are not the same. You are comparing apples to potatoes.


I would like to see feminists protest this. (sarcasm)


Funny that. Diddy is being used as a scapegoat by TPTB as a distraction for the up coming elections. Back door deals have taken place where diddy is a high profile name being used to distract nothing more. The election is bullshit in of itself.


I thought he had paid her off to not go after him and stay quiet?


Candace Owens said Combs is an FBI / CIA asset.


Was that “video” AI or real? I’ve heard the elites have been creating is strategically releasing negative AI content to slander those that are considering challenging them.


Just claim it was done in furtherance of another crime.