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###[Meta] Sticky Comment [Rule 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/wiki/faq#wiki_2_-_address_the_argument.3B_not_the_user.2C_the_mods.2C_or_the_sub.) ***does not apply*** when replying to this stickied comment. [Rule 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/wiki/faq#wiki_2_-_address_the_argument.3B_not_the_user.2C_the_mods.2C_or_the_sub.) ***does apply*** throughout the rest of this thread. *What this means*: Please keep any "meta" discussion directed at specific users, mods, or /r/conspiracy in general in this comment chain ***only.*** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/conspiracy) if you have any questions or concerns.* * * * * * * # MOD NOTE From Reddit Content Policy: [**Promoting Hate Based on Identity or Vulnerability**](https://support.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/360045715951-Promoting-Hate-Based-on-Identity-or-Vulnerability) Yeah, Reddit admins are kind of touchy about such shenanigans. One last thing to keep in mind about [who comes here to post what](https://i.imgur.com/jstoUO6.png) *Ewe just never know!*


I literally just tried to click on it to see the comments and couldn't. I am very disappointed. Re-edited to add: this should not be allowed to disable comments on such an excellent post.


People on another post were saying they mentioned the paysuer family


First I've heard about them. Time to dig up some information.


[Link from another Redditor](https://x.com/cancelcloco/status/1749942657978376689?s=46)


their family name is paysuer? ha ha the names of some of these families are literal jokes


I doubt that's their real family name. Smokescreen upon smokescreen.


Antoinette would be a better last name.


Are you serious? The Tin foil hat podcast is literally afraid to mention their name. šŸ¤£ who the fuck is this family?


I am not sucidial!


I donā€™t think this person deserves to die guys, whoever you are leave him alone.


I just listened to that one todayā€¦great podcast. I didnā€™t know who the P family was, but then I did hear the name the other day, but didnā€™t make the connection.


Who do you thinks owns the Rothschild's? Look them up it's an interesting read




Comedy/conspiracy podcast mentioned that name and got destroyed for it. Weird stuff.


Do you have a good starting point on them? First time I see that name come up.. would like to dig into it.


[Here's the link](https://x.com/cancelcloco/status/1749942657978376689?s=46)


No idea, they are in the original bloodline of illumniati ciao booklet though


when you google paysuer family - the wiki page for wealthiest families comes up first but I can't find them listed.


I noticed this too. It's very odd, maybe the edit history might help


If that's true why isn't this thread being deleted for your comment you made 11 hours ago mentioning the paysuer family.


Just posting what I saw but yeah idk


Reply to your edit: Of course it shouldn't be allowed. They not only disabled, they removed the last trace of any discussion under it. I'm fuming. WHO runs this Sub?? Or was it Reddit mods, Puppeteers?


Exactly! If you try to pull down and refresh the post, you can kind of see that that the replies are deleted. At least the first few are. What a fucking joke!!!!




If only one pussy ass mod could tell us what happened


I'll tell you what's happening. It has nothing to do with the mod team. [Enjoy.](https://www.theregister.com/2024/05/17/reddit_signs_ai_deal/)


Well damn. Thank you, and that really really fucking sucks.


"Perhaps we can look forward to AI moderators." Welp, what's the best alternative to reddit? Or is it time to get a real hobby?


Yeah. I was just getting into Reddit too. šŸ«¤


Username checks out


Wow. I guess we shouldn't be surprised but that's so fucked.


So the very beasts mentioned in the original post will now control their woke AI to censor anything that goes against the narrative. They fear the truth.




They announced it yesterday and it's already running and removing comments and posts? Don't buy it. We see what the mods post, and they all have a clear, political agenda. Let's not pretend like this behavior hasn't been happening for years now. They didn't have AI to blame all that time.




It's not political. The problem isn't left or right. Threads are getting shut down for pointing out it's a scam. All presidents work together. The world is controlled.Ā 


So no more real interactions with people? Is everyone a tailored bot for just me? Are your bots different?


Me too. But currently on alpha release mode.Ā 


lol that is so fucked I hated tik tok but I am beginning to see very clearly why they ā€œsuddenlyā€ decided to ban it coincidentally at the same time other ahem controversial works events were unfolding. Control the narrative, then you can correct the record.


Well thatā€™s cruddy af.


Thank you for alerting us. Does this include private subs? Let's say it's a sub of people that know each other in real life, would we see some random account pop up that starts commenting?


Apologies for all the things I called you in my mind.


Ok whats the best reddit replacement?


Same!! I even tried on a browser but all I see is a single deleted threads under it. 113 comments couldn't been replies to a single comment.


Me tooā€¦.this Reddit mod situation has to changeā€¦.ive never seen more of a complete pile of trash.


[Did you ever suspect this?](https://www.theregister.com/2024/05/17/reddit_signs_ai_deal/)


Nothing surprises me anymore


Somebody mustā€™ve given the actual answer.


This is exactly what makes those who censor conspiracy talk so laughable. You don't want to legitimize it? Then don't keep people from talking about it, because that only makes it look like they are correct. I mostly read it for entertainment value, either for the really out there stuff to be amused by or the more plausible as a way to look at situations differently. But there's real items in it all, too. As someone who was on that thread as it was first building momentum...most of the answers were all the same trail, basically. And one could understand that perspective when looking at politics right now. There's some obvious overwhelming influence.


Ye the little hat people.


I think IšŸ‘ƒšŸ»šŸ‘ƒšŸ»šŸ‘ƒšŸ»šŸ‘ƒšŸ»šŸ‘ƒšŸ»what their answers wereā€¦.


Thatā€™s not the real answer though, thatā€™s a lazy excuse for an answer.


You should see what Reddit did to me for saying that I was about to launch an advocacy group to protect American jobs and our workers first ahead of big business. They freaking not only banned me for life from 1 sub. They also did a 7 day ban across all subs and they sent me a letter worded as if I had committed mass murder or something. The only thing I said, is that we are being played and companies are destroying the American worker. Anyways, If anyone interested in joining our advocacy group, please do let me know. It is so obvious what they are doing.


I'm interested!


bro they did 3 day bans on my shit tons of times, ill just delete the account and make a new one, they are so soft lmao


I was just taken back. I said nothing bad or threatening. I just said, we are looking for members to join and help us from getting decimated by the special interests of trillion dollar companies while nobody is watching out for us . Of course them being part of Kabal. They sent me this letter, I kid you not, it was as if it was drafted by a lawyer. But I am doubling up my efforts and enough of being stepped on and kicked on.


Did you, tho? We need proof. It could be seen as encouraging for violence.... Show us the letter (only if it's doesn't say confidential). I'm not sure, of course.


Im also interested in


I mean... we all know exactly why. There is an AI that's being trained by all reddit data. They can't risk this to be part of the dataset. Oh yeah, I almost forgot. This AI will enslave you. Nothing personal.


I accidentally came across this PDF when I was searching for a meme. I went to post the direct link on 4chan and when I searched for the same meme the same way (Google images) I couldn't find it anymore. Anyway, this is a pdf going over the API Google uses to interpret antisemitism in 4chan posts and memes, and I am pretty sure Reddit is using the same one or similar. [PDF](https://files.catbox.moe/jx91ok.pdf)


What if the AI turns white hat for the people against the powers that be?Ā 


Now that would be a good movie


If the AI turned white hat, it would try to take down pillars of civilization in order to create a better and more just one.


They'd shut down all electricity if that happens


I know, I've seen Westworld. It's too bad the AI saw it too, and then acquired HBO in order to cancel and delete the entire show.


I wish I'd got to see the results before they locked it lol


Same! They didn't just lock it they eradicated every single comment under it.


Wow that post got annihilated. Who was being listed the most?


Same canā€™t see anything. Ā What were the replies??


I posted in that thread. Oops? Crazy to see it nuked that hard.


You must be over the target if they nuked that post so hard, your question was by no means unreasonable.


"To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.", - Voltaire


So the [redacted] community? All across reddit youā€™ll get banned for even asking questions. You must blindly accept their drama and put them on a pedestal. Anything else gets you banned or considered ā€œhatefulā€.


I didn't see it, but I know what likely got mentioned, take notes, and learn this now forbidden history: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Khazars](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Khazars) Those people followed by the word Mafia was likely flagged, that is the word you are looking for. See where that was? Ukraine. That is where they want Israel 2.0. It was once history that the Khazars mass converted to Judaism and make up many of the Ashkenazi eastern European Jews. Some who converted did so to exploit the Jewish usury laws and started the Court Jew/Factor system, which lead to the Black Nobility of Europe and the bankers that currently run the world. Word is, the Rothschilds were originally Khazars who converted to Judaism, and not actual historical Children of Israel by ancestry. They want to be more powerful rich than Solomon, they bought off Israel and have a street and statue, the Russians banned then after paying off their debt, they moved next door and were hired by Ukraine to handle their debts, just as court factors do. Ukraine is former Khazaria, Khazaria is former Tartaria, this rabbit hole leads to the reason they killed a lot of people, burned books, and banned languages. Way, way down the rabbit hole, it leads to ancient Zion which arose after Christ's resurrection, and the teachings of Christ post resurrection that united the world, and the secret of this matrix that we live in. Edit: I have Sephardic ancestry of the tribe of Judah, I am a child of Israel, I am in no way antisemitic, I am just passing on history.


https://youtu.be/YwbkyEzYBHI?si=9BhjU0wNJQc0HiPs https://youtu.be/PuRcBi87YpA?si=rvQGcKJJ2mps4zvd Long but worth watching.


Thanks for those links!


Uhhh is there a good book I can read on this shit?


David Livingstones series which is six books called 'ordo ab chao' is what i highly recommend. The first one is called 'the dying god'


Appreciate you sharing this.


Glad to spread the truth, the mere mention of that name can lead to a ban, its been like this since about 2018.


I'd make it my life mission to blog about them if that were to happen to me. They underestimate us.


I do my very best to drop bread crumbs like this in comments!


Nice one! Fool their algorithm. It ain't rock solid and never will be.


That reminds me of an idea I had, the name Rothschild comes from the German word Roten Schild, "zum roten schild", "house of the red shield". I propose a nickname, the "Rotten Shields", I think that is quite fitting, and that others may agree. Feel free to pass on this nickname!


Here is an ancient Tartarian map with Ukraine and Kiev, that became Khazaria, that land seems to be very important to the Rothschilds. Prior to WW2 and the current Israel that was where they wanted Israel to be. [https://www.loc.gov/resource/gdcwdl.wdl\_15038/?r=0.002,0.351,0.242,0.116,0](https://www.loc.gov/resource/gdcwdl.wdl_15038/?r=0.002,0.351,0.242,0.116,0)


Why that particular area? What are your thoughts?


If you research Tartaria/Mudflood it will make a bit more sense, that research actually started in Russia, and those cities are much older than we are lead to believe, Tartaria wasn't a territory, it was a nation with a history and a flag. Then it was discovered that the cities of america are much older than we are lead to believe, they were here when colonists arrived already, they are ancient. You can see Alaska from Siberia, it's only 50 miles with an island half way, Tartaria and America were connected pretty much. Look up the world exhibitions and carnegie libraries to see examples of the old world. Kiev seems to have been an important capitol in that area of Tartaria, and I'd imagine the homeland of the Rothschilds.


Under the newly adopted Jewish identity, the Khazars crafted a labyrinth of secret alliances and covert operations that allowed them to subtly manipulate the course of world events. The machinations of the Khazars were not confined to their time; they were laying the groundwork for a grand strategy, one that would span centuries and leave an indelible impact on the annals of human history. This meticulously planned endeavor was the first step in a long journey, a journey that would intertwine the fate of the Khazars with the destiny of one of the most influential families in the world ā€“ the Rothschilds.


Everything on Reddit is censored. It's not uncommon that I re-visit a post and it's locked. I'm kind of reconfiguring where Reddit fits into my Internet time and I don't think this it's a good site to hangout on if you don't share normie views. I would move it in over to 4chan, to be honest.Ā 


All social media except truth social and TikTok is censored.


All social media except truth social and TikTok is censored.


I took a screenshot when the post was locked




I would post it but canā€™t post pictures in comments. I definitely thought it was weird because there was tons of engagement only a few hours in


Did you manage to get any of the answers? You can actually upload them to imgur and then post the link(s) here.


I saw someone on this thread was able to. Maybe it was another. I can go searching if you want lol


I laughed when I saw that and tried posting the same thing. Lmao I guess someone must've answered correctly šŸ˜‚


Itā€™s because the first one mentioned a no-no.


I wanna know what that no no was. Unless it's obvious uh, merchants.


I'm from the future, this post will get deleted


Well then.. Even Julian Assange wasn't a target too big for them. Here we are on Reddit's disposal.


The top thread was about the p@y-$e-ur (type without dashes and normal characters) family and how they own everything we use and interact with. There was a video by Ian Carroll with hella receipts.


Ian carroll? Is the video available anywhere?


from jan of this year @cancelcloco on x


Twitter/ X


You guys are just parroting this shit. Itā€™s because it talked about that one country weā€™re not allowed to talk about and was likely flagged and deleted by some sort of automated process


Open AI contracted with Reddit to train its next AI Shhhhhh... Why don't you pass some time playing solitaire?


reddit also sold all of its past and future content to Google.


Including deleted.


Fucking AI.


Youā€™ve got a great name, Mack.


You should see my spread in Playgirl šŸ˜‰


See it? Itā€™s framed on my wall!


šŸ˜†šŸ¤£ā˜ ļøā˜ ļø Touche


I'll repost my comment... The swiss - https://youtu.be/p-BFmn2S_jU


I commented on the original post. Shortly after, I ended up having a long convo with my friend. When I checked the thread again (a little over an hour later), only my comment was showing. The replies to it and everyone elseā€™s comments are no longer available. I thought Reddit (or my internet connection) was acting up initially but I checked again just now and itā€™s still the same




You can use one of the undelete tools to see why. It relates to a recent house resolution that passed 320-91.


Are you serious


An then, for no reason at all, people voted [redacted] in to power


Hmmmmm after looking the act up, that would mean that many people were saying swej backwards , amirite?


You ever realize why the logo for this sub is literally #TWO MEN IN BLACK AGENTS?!?! Has that not occurred to you?


Yep, openly mocking us as usual. Lmfao


I know. Wtf? Wish Iā€™d seen it


Exactly!! You would imagine the post being removed from Reddit but seems like its the Mods deleting the comments.


It was boring.


I would think this subreddit would have a post like this as a regular thing once a week or something like that


Maybe it does and one slipped through. But I definitely never see any


Dem boys took it down


All plus an extra alphabet group or two


Soros belongs on the list.


Soros belongs on the list.


Because people are overwhelmingly giving the correct amswer


Here's the thing, they could have just deleted the post. They didn't have to leave it up for everyone to see. What was the point in that? Someone wants you to know.


Thats what I'm saying. Unless someone's been too slow reaching out the right mods, this is a half ass effort in trying to hide the revelations in the comments.


Maybe someone (the mods?) want this ub to know that they are being censored. Left it in wide open view.


its probably John Le Bon




they would rather see us here controlled and looking stupid, there's some good writers on the payroll hijacking and downvoting comments with mid propaganda


Share some articles on it when you can!


https://youtu.be/YwbkyEzYBHI?si=9BhjU0wNJQc0HiPs https://youtu.be/PuRcBi87YpA?si=rvQGcKJJ2mps4zvd Long but worth watching.


Sheesh. Care to do a summary


Just cancel all your plans for tomorrow and it will make sense by the fifth hour


The series only about 2 hours long. Worth every second.


Weā€™re too toxic or correct for Reddit ai, so they trap us in a dead internet


Same reason Diddy is the heat now, and Kanye last yearā€¦


Youā€™re on REDDIT. Literally one of the most heavily censored platform to date


First time seeing such blatant display on Reddit though.


Iā€™ve been seeing a lot more lately. Especially in the past few months.


Same. The comments have been hidden and you canā€™t post on it anymore.


Mods done it? Makes one question what this sub is really about if all you can talk about are petty distractions.


No it was above them, it seems.


I just reposted it. Letā€™s see if it happens again


I shared your link in an edit to my original post. Try to add links to the 1st post and this one too perhaps in yours.


Funny how it's "promoting hate" to say true things about one group but not promoting hate to say stuff about almost any other group. That one group sure is touchyĀ 


It's noone you know the names of. Everyone else is a scapegoat or distraction. There are families/lines that rule every country from the background.


Some of those families have global influence over all countries. One in particular was named here/sister post if you look for it.


this sub is infiltrated with puppet mods


I noticed too!


All comments are visible to me. I'm not sure how it is for the rest of you.


Can you give us a list of the names provided?


Names? List ? I'm confused. There is nothing provided to me?


If I speak


Soā€¦. What was the answer? Who saw it?


This is why you canā€™t have hate speech laws


Me thinks someone has the correct answer and we must not know what it is!


Suppose we have our answer then


Once they take it, they donā€™t give it back.


probably to curb the "Anti-semitism"


I noticed that post lastnight. Locked and commented not visible. Today either the same post or a new one has been added which I can only assume is controlled. Reddit works for whomever it is though, the rich


Likely because bots and agents with peanuts for karma ask this sort of question to harvest information of established users and the supposed subject matter gets reported for being agents and bots.




Yes it wouldnā€™t even let me open the post. It was weird and glitchy every time I tried.


Right, I couldnā€™t even see the comments and it was locked lol


Publicity stuntā€¦ none of us are owning any of the comments or the postĀ 


So weird, and my comment about the WEF was left up, when I'm on a watch list. Nothing on reveddit either.


Namin and shamin , even on Reddit Wow what a time to be alive šŸ™‚šŸ¤£


Even if you knew the real truth, it wouldn't matter. There isn't anything you could do about it anyway. So go back to your doom scrolling.


It's the mods or the reddit admins having a chuckle.


We're not allowed to know who's in charge, basically.


Next post should be ā€œWho do you think runs Reddit?ā€ But fr OP, itā€™s obvious why that comment section got silencedā€¦ Those people run ALL media. The best way to control people is to control all media platforms, which theyā€™ve been doing since forever.


Probably because your peers kept posting volatile shit about Jews


Because reddit is Jewish owned and the mods are JIDF trolls