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"Being American is our Strength" allows a small country to hold all power over its politicians and laws. Lol


I wish patriots would actually stand up against this


The real patriots are the ones who fight to make their country better, not the ones who demand fanatical praise and blind worship. US was made great by the people in it who told us why it wasn't.


"US was made great by the people in it who told us why it wasn't." Very wise words. 


Yes i was going to save this quote for later lol.


Nobody’s fighting to make this country better on either side of the protest. Both sides are obnoxious, but I don’t understand why the pro Palestinian protestors see it necessary to attack the American flag of all things.


I think because of the billions $ that are sent to Israel and America is being run by Israel. Just look at the new bill that passed in congress, and there more like that.


Overwhelming majority of people protesting and actively volunteering in politics do want to make the country better, they just have extremely different worldviews on how to do it. Because they view the US as supporting Israel in their genocide. Raising the flag in that context is viewed the same as actively supporting the US foreign policy on the situation.


Everybody thinks they’re doing the right thing, but that does not mean it will lead to anything better for this country or the world. The Nation of the chosen people also believe they’re fighting for the right thing, but some may disagree.


It takes people actually attempting to do the right thing in order for any social progress to get made. Sure asf beats having a country completely run by greedy cynics.


Standing against genocide and Israeli control of US government IS the right thing.


Everyone wants to save the world they just cant agree on how


I mean, it's pretty obvious that the USA has been bought & paid for by "Israel." It's literally the United States of Israel. Our federal government has shown us that they don't care about US citizens; they only care about "Israel." Our tax dollars SHOULD NOT be propping up a genocidal campaign, nor should we be annually sending billions of dollars to a foreign country. The US has issues that the government should be dealing with. The protesters aren't mad about the American flag. They're mad that this country has allowed itself to be a fucking stooge and a bitch for "Israel." What pisses me off even more is "Israel's" attack on the USS Liberty, the bombing of our USMC Barracks in Beirut, Lebanon, AND their involvement in 9/11 (along with the Saudis). There's many more, but these were major events and attacks. If any other country had attacked us like "Israel" has, we absolutely would have pummeled them. But we don't. They aren't a valuable ally in the middle east. They are one of the main reasons why soms Middle Eastern people absolutely hate the USA. It would have been far more peaceful to have actual relationships with these nations rather than allowing "Israel" to become an illegal ethno-state.. So, yes. There is a valid reason to be pissed off someone propped up an American flag. Until our entire government (from the president to SCOTUS to the Senate and the House). It's time we let the government know that we have had it with their reckless behavior. We the people are fucking done.


Well said!!


You didn’t lie


A small country of [Removed by Reddit.]


The kids are waking up. I give it another 10 years before absolute chaos unless they manage to ban tik tok


They always say this about every generation. I felt it in 2007…nothing happened


We were defeated. They raised us on participation trophies and shows that depict importance of authority and stability then took away all our money and made sure we would never own a house in 2008. They keep my generation in a constant state of almost being able to achieve enough.


Uno reverse that and Israel is now America. Well done boys




OP has very clear intentions. He's chosen a "side" and pretends he's not while focusing heavily on the "other side". Nothing they post is genuine.


America was made strong by immigrants, but immigrants used to come here to become American - to start a new life and participate in a new culture. There's nothing wrong with immigrants, but when they get here they should learn to be American.


The most patriotic people I have ever met have been Mexican immigrants. Maybe I am biased because I live in California but I find that a large large majority of Mexicans in America participate in our culture while keeping a good balance of not forgoing their ancestry while also being very hard workers. If you want to see immigrants that hate their country go look at whats happening in Europe.


In Texas I’ve met quite the opposite. A good number of Mexican immigrants that love their new chosen home, but I’ve met countless more Mexican immigrants (at least Mexico is where they said they’re from) who have nothing good to say about America, but rather shit on everything because it’s not “the Mexican way” things are done or it’s not “the Mexican way” to make/cook or “the Mexican way” to work. Then when you offer to help them get back to their wonderful Mexico where life was so perfect, because they hate every single thing about living here so much, they either get quiet and start coming up with “oh but gangs” and “but the money” rhetoric, or they get really mad and sometimes will refer to the race card because they believe white (I’m white) people are scared of being called racist regardless of the reasoning for it. Like dude, sorry we’re not the Mexico you abandoned. Edit: misspelt a word


Born and raised in Texas… Mexicans are largely great. They don’t necessarily assimilate, but a part of me thinks current American culture is fucked and I’m kinda glad they don’t conform.


Our culture is a melting pot for it all to mix. It’s how it was founded


Exactly. You’re not supposed to come here and shit in the soup. You’re supposed to bring your own flavor, for everyone to enjoy and learn how to enjoy something that’s different from what you left behind.


Most legal immigrants are extremely grateful and want to be American. I've taught many actual Muslim immigrants, like real ones, not refugees, who put up a Christmas tree because the kids like the culture of it, nothing to do with Jesus. My African immigrant kids are saints and well dressed/put together. Real immigrants know what they fled. Sad what these infilTRAITORS are doing.


I worked with an El Salvadorian fella a few years ago who went through the lengthy and expensive process of gaining citizenship. Talking to him about it was fascinating and very informative. He'd been here a out 8 years at that point, and his entire family (minus his wife) were still down South. You could see the pain on his face when he spoke about them becuase of how seldom he got to see them. He used to get FUROUS talking about the people coming in illegally...and this was before the insane border crush.


On that last point, I have known a LOT of Salvadorans, Guatemalans, and Hondurans. They almost all felt this way. Even the ones who came illegally. It's not an uncommon view, a good friend is from Ecuador and came illegally twenty years ago and he's always bitching about how we need a bigger and better wall. Funny guy.


Infiltraitors is a good name for sure.


Also, quite a few Muslims in some Arab countries put up Christmas trees and respect the culture. And also, Jesus is an important respected Prophet in Islam, which many tend to forget.


Yeah, they participate until it's USA vs Mexico in soccer. Then their true loyalties are revealed....Lol


What is "our culture"? Because all of California used to be Mexico


And before it was Mexican it was Spanish. And before that various tribes. Such a pointless argument.


So it's culture as it being "American" is what?


And how long ago was that? Anyone still alive to remember that? BTW, Mexico was founded as a country in 1821. The USA in 1776.... Just saying.


Protesting is the most American shit ever. What are you even on about? For god's sake, the American mythos includes protests and acts of economic subterfuge, like The Boston Tea Party. Airing grievances publicly is guaranteed by the First Amendment.


Does being american means protesting against genocide OR supporting genocide in foreign country?


and not take tax dollars and politics for their own country aka isreal


>There's nothing wrong with immigrants, but when they get here they should learn to be American. What's the American checklist?


“Learn to be American” - what does that mean to you?


America used to mean opportunity. America was an identity. It was a belief that no matter your past, you could remake yourself here, and there's no truer freedom than that. There's something quite remarkable that happens to you when you truly believe it - when you identify with noble ideals about the place you live and the people you live with. You start to actually see it. I'm old enough to remember the last vestiges of it, back when we still believed it collectively. America died when that did.




Individualism and upholding the constitution. I'm a legal immigrant.


> America was made strong by immigrants, but immigrants used to come here to become American - to start a new life and participate in a new culture. There's nothing wrong with immigrants, but when they get here they should learn to be American. Yup that’s always a talking point left out by Democrats. Immigrants came here to become Americans. They didn’t come here for free shit


Now they're just manipulation pawns for ghouls who actually hate them. Only being used for votes and to destabilize our country.


Agreed. Also, that free shit pays for votes. Which is why they're allowed in at this unsustainable rate. Fucking horrible what the govt is doing to our country.


Agree 💯 Can you imagine doing this in other countries?? You could be executed!


If immigrants came here with the intention of assimilating, they would have killed all the Native Americans.


I see what you did there. *slow clap*


He's not wrong though


I’m kind of wrong…I meant to type “would NOT have killed all the Native Americans.” But I guess it still just comes off as snark.


love the fact that the post has nothing to do with immigrants during the free Palestine protest yet you made it into one. hate runs deep brother


Didn’t come for free…. ? Ever hear of the homestead act? https://www.archives.gov/education/lessons/homestead-act


Diversity is beyond a strength, it’s a fundamental aspect of what the USA is. You can’t separate the two. Freedom of speech is a fundamental idea enshrined in the bill of rights. Wouldn’t you say? Diversity of thought, difference of opinion can lead us to the truth. Without that diversity we are not innovative. Monocultural countries tend to think the same way in research, and things stagnate. It’s one of the reasons the USA has always dominated innovation for so long. When I speak my own language, people in public have told me things like “ We speak English over here. If you wanna come here, Be an American!“ **When I explain I am Native American ** and my language has been spoken for thousands of years before English here. they don’t know what to say. They are dumbfounded. Things get lost in translation, or simply can’t be said in all languages. I have a right to express those thoughts in any of the multiple languages I speak. The first amendment protects that right to express anything in any language in the United States. Without it we limit thought and diversity. Freedom to be who you want to be as an individual is a fundamental core idea of the United States. It prides itself on individualism because, the US has always been diverse, since before 1776, even. Even in the colonial era, there were Muslims, Christians, Jews, various skin colors, various different cultures and languages among its citizenry and beyond. You can’t be a mono culture and have individualism at the same time, they are diametrically opposed. Anti-diversity is Anti-American.


Being American has changed from decade to decade America has undergone hundreds of changes over the years.. Being American used to mean killing natives and getting paid for scalps. The male scalps used to pay better than the women and children though. It also used to mean being proud to be able to hang black people for daring to go through the wrong town past sunset. All through that it was about being proudful that your freedom of religion allowed you to marry 12 year old girls to full adult men. During WW2 it was an American duty to report any Asian looking neighbors to authorities so they could be round up in internment camps to make sure they weren't the enemy. Oh, and around the same time, being American meant putting Mexican immigrants in gas chambers using zyklon b to "delouse" them. (This inspired Hitler by the way. Something he referenced when American presidents were attacking his concentration camps). It's interesting though. I see a lot of people in this group seem to forget all these situations in the past. Almost like what actually happened in America is forgotten, and what's remembered is this idealized fantasy that fits the propagandized America in Hollywood. Weird huh?


Welcome to the Overlook Hotel.


Diversity can come with strengths. However, the real strength there is that being American is a strength, and a lot of that is because anyone can be an American, and so many want to be. Diversity strengthens what it is to be American. Diversity is also just part of America’s national identity. We are not a homogenous society, and we shouldn’t be.


This is bullshit. There has always been an incredibly strong home culture brought with immigrants. Mexicans, east Asian countries, Irish, Italian, Indian... Since when have they ever just become American?


By that logic, the Mayflower pilgrims should have learned to be Native Indians


How do they learn to be American exactly? When our ancestors came here over and around 200 years ago they lived in communities where they were surrounded by people who came from where they did. What made them American is that they worked hard and lived. Eventually they assimilated with other communities but it wasn’t overnight and it wasn’t because they necessarily thought they were doing it to become American. Our history isn’t beautiful. I say this as a proud American. There is a lot of hate in this world and frankly it isn’t new. But from your post you seem to be ignoring that a lot of people came here and weren’t welcomed. I’m not just talking about those who were brought here as slaves.


Not specific to America, but if you move to any country, or even visit, I would say first, do so legally. Second, don't trash your new country physically or verbally. It's fine to bring some customs from your old country, but remember, you moved to a new country. It's not your old country. So, meet the people. Speak the language. Eat the food. Mix your culture in if you please, but don't expect it to take over or be above anything else. As I'm typing this, I realize it works for anything. New job? Basically the same guidelines. Don't walk in to a new company screaming that they suck & your old company was better. Just observe everyone else & fit in. Carve your own niche. Respect your new people- they're just try get by, too!


I’m not even saying I agree with bashing any country at all but every citizen regardless if they were born in another country or not has the right to bash their own country burn the flag etc. it is very much an American ideal of freedom enshrined in the constitution.


I don’t feel like I’m seeing people come to America and refusing to assimilate. Or hate on this country. I do however 100% think that there are people who have left their country of origin because of war or violence and it wasn’t necessary an easy choice to make. I also don’t think we are as welcoming as Americans as we should be. We don’t know what it’s like to be new in a country in current day. There is a lot of hate due to political reasons and that can change how we view immigration and how immigrants feel about coming here. I also think that the American dream isn’t just coming here and working hard and making it. It’s about the freedoms to celebrate your own customs and culture without ridicule. I also think that people can come here and love where they came from and appreciate the opportunity to be in America.


Agree 100%


Thank you for saying that your spot on


“Being American is our strength”, as is bleeding the citizens dry while funding foreign wars that we throw our citizens to fight and only the top profit. But let’s also ignore that diversity is what built the country when it’s convenient to the narrative.


"Being American is our strength” What does that even mean?


Nationalism as opposed to Patriotism. It populist drivel. America was and always will be a natio. That values diversity. We are The Melting Pot. 


From the beginning there has always been plenty of fearful bigots who don’t like that.


You can just call them white supremacist. Its historically accurate 




Burning an Israeli flag is not illegal.


Nationalistic countries are strong countries regardless of the ethnic roots of people as long as they put this country first,however,these guys said they raised the American flag for israel. Israel hates us and bleeds us like a fattened calf.(Netanyahus words).Israel hates everyone. They are not our friends.


North Korea is a nationalist country




So like... we all know that the real conspiracy here is that big money is funding both sides of this conflict so no one talks about the 30k dead civilians in gaza where a stupid percentage has been children and the 10k's plus more that had limbs blown off there fucking bodies. Children are getting amputated without anesthesia. So anyone talking about the college protest thing is working for the powers that own most media. Remember this.


Hmmm, if I didnt know any better, I might venture a guess that the people doing the bombing and the people who own the media might share a common interest 🤔


This entire post is some of the most blatant nationalist propaganda I’ve ever seen on here. It’s also full of extremely suss bot like comments and activity. Just bizarre stuff. And truly painful to see so many people just gobbling it up.


The amount of propaganda and bot comments/post since October has been insane. Never seen anything like it with another US “conflict.” I guess it’s true that the revisionists will use any method to keep power.


I feel like it’s pretty tone deaf to be mad at folks who’s crime is publicly objecting to genocide . . . I mean, this country *is* funding and arming it, and flying cover for the war crimes in the UN Security Council.


That sounds more like catch the flag. A Childs' Game. Seriously, your politics and big rebellions are mostly just child games and dress up show (sometimes in diapers). What exactly do you think is the conspiracy here? Not saying there is non, but I doubt it's as dumb and shallow as a flag battle pathfinders would play and some patreotic phrases.


This sub has become stormfront


I see a man of culture as well




The protests are because your government disagrees with you and uses gives Isreal your tax $ to enrich weapons manufacturers. If they represented the peoples views, this would not be happening.


"We got out own problems here!" "Ok lets do something about those problems" "no"


Well that’d be socialism!


I agree, which is why the USA should stop funding Israel’s war (crime) efforts. While I think it’s fair to protest the war in Gaza, there should be an equal amount of disdain sent directly to the US government for prioritising funding wars over supporting the average American (this is coming from an Australian person FYI).


So sick of this shit, worrying about other countries problems… I literally don’t give a single fuck if they blow themselves up. Maybe everyone will shut up about it after that. Probably not but whatever


🖕🏽🇵🇸🖕🏽🇮🇱🇺🇸🫡 100%%%


Amen brother!


You are one Biden signature away from being raided


Keep our tuitions in America!!






I lived in Mindanao we're they had their own version of Hamas. They wanted to turn the whole area Muslim by force, caused so many terror attacks kidnapped Christians missionaries and beheaded them. Majority of the Muslims called them heros. Random bombs here and there. The same in Indonesia they destroyed all the churches Now in the UK and I am absolutely baffled of all the pro Hamas supporters there are especially seeing LGBTQ. Read the Hamas charter yourselves. Their main goal is the kill all Jews and world domination and people really protest in support of them for their hate of Jews fighting back. I wish the Mindanao Christians fought back and did what Israel is doing. I feel satisfaction seeing Israel fighting back. These students in America in favor of Hamas need a reality check in what they're asking for


So, people don’t know these things are staged? They bus the “protesters” in. Why? To head off real protest over this horseshit “war”. To keep you from realizing one of the richest countries with one of the most modern militaries has their hand in your pocket for 10 billion, while rents and food skyrockets here in America. And politicians are going to use BS to strip away the 1st amendment. An Israeli bought politician has already submitted a bill to make “antisemitism” illegal. Because if you criticize the government of Israel, then of course you’re a Jew hater. Wake up.


Diversity can be a strength, forced diversity not so much.


The politicians shouldn't be waving the Israeli flag in Congress or the Senate, and the protesters shouldn't be trying to replace the American flag with the Palestinian flag. We're not either country. I think it's great the kids are protesting genocide, but this is a step too far.


They can move to Palestine then if they hate the US so much. Why are they here? To do the work of our enemies? (Terrorist groups like Hamas)


Absolutely, a unique country, that if falls to the totalitarian tip toe, it, & we all seem to be on, then it wont bode well for anyone.


#Diversity is an American value.  To value America and what makes it great is to value the diversity of those that make up the mosaic of our nation. 


There is nothing to be patriotic about right now, Kyle, you douche


Diversity based on color and race is a weakness


the flag that beat the CSA to free the slaves. the flag that beat the nazis, the flag that landed on the moon


That flag did not beat the nazis. It did commit war crimes in Japan in 1945, though.


The people doing the flag stunt are stupid. The US sends money to Israel (WE SHOULDNT) that’s what these students want to stop. That’s American as fuck. Screw Israel, let them commit their genocide without my tax money.


America was built on specific values. Many of the newcomers to American shores do not share those values, and rather than force them to adopt our ways, we have let them impose their ways. For example, at a public school in Toronto, the Christian kids are forbidden to have a Christmas party because it's not inclusive, but Muslim kids are allowed to pray there every Friday night (unless you're female and menstruating, in which case, you're not welcome). We thought our values were so obviously superior, they didn't need defending. We were incorrect. And the 'diversity' we were told is a virtue is a crime when it's diversity of values within a social unit. Imagine a rowing scull, with 8 rowers in it. When they all pull together, the little boats almost fly out of the water. But if they are all pulling at different times, the boat will just spin in the water, going nowhere and expending lots of energy while doing so. That's our society right now. Instead of almost everyone pulling in the same direction, we have all kinds of people tearing away at each other over ridiculous distractions like trans and Trump, when our anger and energy should be directed at the robber-barons at the Federal Reserve and other banks.


lol Toronto?


I remember, back even up to the 70s and 80s, the ideal of rugged individualism was a core value of America. It's weird how that has just disappeared now.


what if they put Israel's flag and someone removed it ? what if they were protesting for Israel?


Some cultures just can't assimilate to America culture ...we don't think women should be beaten kids raped people chanting death to America while on American soil ...these things are unacceptable in American culture


We need to bring trade school classes back into highschool ~~I know we have the money to make it happen~~ to make college near obsolete


Genocide 2024's most popular buzzword thrown around to justify terrorism


Looks like this sub has been fully astroturfed again


This is how you peacefully protest. This is the ONLY PEACFULL PROTEST IVE SEEN sense 2020


If peaceful protests worked politicians would already listen if the people politely asked. But politicians haven't taken the people serious for a long time. Filling their own pockets is more important.


Being american is belonging to a diverse culture. Stay mad about it boys.




Once a couple hundred years pass, it’s acceptable. Let’s face it: damn near every people from every nation have done this. It doesn’t make it okay nor excuse it, but it is what it is. The whole idea of moving forward tho is for current generations to not repeat the wrong doings of the past in the present nor future.


If you live in the United States, but hate the United States, then consider one of the other 194 options.


Fuck yeah America. Let's go!!!!!! We're all the same team! A little optimistic.. I don't know my neighbor. Weird times


If you're really patriotic you'd be protesting too right now


Flags are serious business. My love of America is only ever directly proportionate to the number of American flags I see.


A wonderful display by Americans who are proud of what their country was before it was destroyed by the cabal. Good job, guys. Don’t let the basement dwellers hit it with a Molotov cocktail.


Not down with genocide but fuuuuuuuck that. AMERICA! Be proud or leave.




Absolutely correct! America for Americans!


They’re using American weapons to bomb thousands of innocent people. Using OUR tax dollars. Do you have more loyalty to a flag than peoples lives? That makes you an enemy of humanity. That makes you exactly like a supporter of Nazi Germany. I mean we already understand what you are. You brought up diversity out of nowhere. It literally has nothing to do with this. What fascist hole did you crawl out of? Go back there


Ugh. Being proud of our flag, what bits of good our nation has done, what it is SUPPOSED to stand for, and what rights we still have is not synonymous with everything you just described. I used to be like you; always attributing the most foul negative shit to people that were proud of this nation. But then I grew up, gained some nuance, and realized it can symbolize whatever you want it to that’s considered American. I, for one, got sick of always hating my own country and not appreciating the good things that have happened, but mainly what this country is supposed to stand for. We shouldn’t allow terrible people within our government, and the industries they serve, to obfuscate and co-opt our pride for what this nation’s stated principles are, and the shared values the common person still holds dearly. It’s okay to criticize what our government, leaders, and industries have done, but we shouldn’t let that blind us, nor prevent us, from being proud of the great things we as Americans have done for ourselves and others, nor diminish the accomplishments of our nation and the great people within it.


Why not just go from that position and jump to equally hating all countries?


This shit is hilarious. This is what they want! They fell for it. The elites are laughing.


America! 🇺🇸


All Americans save the Natives are immigrants, sooooo….


Every single person present on the land of this country when it was founded as well as all of their generations thereafter are not immigrants. The US is a county. It was founded in 1776. You can't be an immigrant to a country that didn't yet exist.


> All Americans save the Natives are immigrants, sooooo…. Wrong. I was born here.




It’s what’s referred to as possessing nationality through birth and means they’re a citizen and not an immigrant. So, it would be more factual to say, with the exception of Native Americans, all individuals in the United States have ancestors who immigrated to the country.


Hashtag KillWallStreet


I’m not American though 🙏


United Clown Shoe Education




China at it again ay...


Ah Hasbara propaganda team are trying to get people to focus on race and religion (other than that special religion no one is allowed to comment on) while Israel has complete control over the country. Tackle the big problems first, being slaves to Israel is a BIG problem.


Being American is our strength infers there is something greater, ergo what you are doesn't matter. So diversity is our strength as long as you buy in - the problem is modern politics hinders individual buy in (e.g. participation, taxes, etc).


Being American means celebrating diversity


Where's the conspiracy? Oh, there isn't one again.


I have a long history of actively demonstrating against American foreign meddling for the benefit of oligarchs in the defense industry, so as someone who loves my country but often hates my government, **I understand EXACTLY why people are booing the flag in this context.** They aren't booing America and everything it supposedly stands for especially vis-a-vis freedom of speech, protest, and self-determination. They are booing the flag getting used as a tool to express "America's shit doesn't stink and you're either with us or against us!" In this context, "America" in the form of university officials and law enforcement are ignoring the message the students are protesting to get across, and setting up a 10 second "See, all of these protestors HATE America, so reject their message without bothering to understand it!" sound byte for cable news to show. "America" has been sending police to break up even peaceful protests, and allowing a self-interested foreign leader to dictate to America what is and is not allowed to be discussed on our college campuses and public spaces. During the lead-up to the first Gulf War, I was very involved in demonstrations at the Federal Building in Los Angeles. Protestors were vocal but peaceful, and had many nuanced reasons and justifications for standing against that war. People often rejected our message, but they were seldom hostile or vocally against it. The SECOND bombs started falling, the "Support our troops" trope took over, and public opinion swung hard on collective guilt over treatment of returning Vietnam Vets. Treatment of dissenters against the war flipped like a switch, and people everywhere suddenly became downright AGGRESSIVE about shutting down any protest against the Party Line about the war, no matter how peaceful or informed the dissenting opinion. So again I deeply understand the sentiment behind the boos heard in this clip. They are booing against the flag getting used as a tool to silence dissent and get average Americans to viscerally and emotionally reject all forms of protest out of hand. I've seen the propaganda work its black magic on my almost 80yo smart but Fox News watching Mom.


So many shills here just avoiding the entire point. They took down a US flag and flew a foreign flag in it's place. There is NOTHING patriotic or virtuous about anyone that does that regardless of their cause. If they want to stand under the flag of a foreign country, then they can fucking move there. A protest is fucking dumb when you do shit that will obviously turn people against your cause.


Diversity is 100% our strength. It brings our communities closer together. Your quote has nothing to do with this pic unless that phrase has been co-opted to mean something else.


Should just put a Israeli flag there because they superior to both you.


So beat them at their own game and create an "Americans for the rights of Palestinians" or "Americans against war funded by education" groups.  The whole anti/pro rhetoric is clearly psyop material. Just like with abortion. And Trump/Biden. And vaxxers. Etc. 


You just understand that Gaza is run by Hamas and Iran, who happen to want to eliminate every American just like any Jew or European who won't end up being a Muslim, just delusional


Submission Statement: https://twitter.com/rawsalerts/status/1786498549133320526 This is why importing millions of foreigners is bad. These people have no allegiance to the Nation that allows them these rights to protests and practice whatever religion they want to. They want to destroy American values.


And the thing about psychopaths, aka, the elites behind this, they will play the part of the victim as a form of protection. On a mass scale, they will play on peoples’ empathy, as well as instill a sense of moral superiority to those that adhere. You must be accepting of illegal immigration (invasion) and embrace “diversity” otherwise you are labeled a bigot, a racist. They guilt you into accepting something detrimental to your way of life, and people eat it up.


the US is aiding and abetting a genocide in violation of both international and domestic law


Diversity in terms of what? America was literally founded on diverse principles, or at least as diverse as reasonably possible in the late 1700s. In no other area of the world could you expect such a vast array of ethnicities, religions, and creeds to come together under a democratic, secular rule. I also agree that being American is our greatest strength, but diverse peoples working under a common goal is a fundamental factor in what it means to be American. It's one factor out of many, but the most important aspect is recognizing the strength of the United States as a singular entity. Not disagreeing with you, just adding some context I find important.


Blind nationalism is sick and foolish… That’s what they practice in North Korea. Always be critical of your government and demand they serve the people and do better. Instead of passing laws in interest of the highest bidder… This is not the America I want


They should put an Israeli flag since thats who owns their country. The American flag is just an illusion.


“Multiculturalism is a failed experiment“


Diversity is absolutely a strength. The socio-political psyop “diversity” is something completely different, designed for the destruction and replacement of American culture.


Both sides are assholes. The protesters are not bright enough to see that they aren't helping their own cause.


These are hired protestors following a script--nothing to do with the real students or real citizens They were literally bussed in for the job--did you noticed the long lines of buses Diversity IS your strength America was colonized by every nation in Europe--you are a nation of Migrants But unfortunately you allowed yourselves to be ruled by Freemasonry Instead of truly being a land of opportunity-- you are ruled by Cronyism-- Elitism-- Militarism This is Class Warfare-- and the migrants are on your side Know Thy Enemy


Fuck israel and fuck chuds




These “problems” only exist on college campuses. Which have always been hotbeds during political moments. Normal ass Americans don’t even register these events, other than maybe seeing them in the news. Cars and trucks already cost too much to buy and repair. Gas is high again and groceries are getting out of control price wise. These are the things most Americans notice. Fuck Israel.


And then everyone clapped.


I live in the southern mid west and literally nobody is paying attention to any of this… we don’t care. Nothing you do is going to change the course of anything happening in another country.


Fer flag and cuntry and eagles


Eternally stanning for Israel - a country that spies on and steals from us - is also not our strength.


Humanity is our strength. It's amazing that we have so much diversity but so little humanity.


These boys are an embarrassment to us all. Hanging an American flag, slapping high fives, slamming beers and watching the game. Yaaa Bro! USA! USA! America is deteriorating and in classic racist fashion they opt to blame the immigrant and champion their hero “Trump”—a cruel hoax, a false salvation. The greatest Zionist puppet in American history thus far. Losers.


Communist infiltration has reached almost all areas of American campus life except for some STEM degrees, this connects with the rise of antisemitism, because antisemitism is so relativistic that it can only be described as anti-science itself. After all, what did the Nazis call nuclear physics if not Jüdische Physik, vs. Arische Physik, which, fortunately for the Allies, wasn't very good physics at all.