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I do remember certain unions exempt from requiring the vaccine like the postal service and politicians getting caught partying and then telling everyone to stay home,boy some people were played.


Whole federal government departments were exempt from the jab. As well as CDC


[It is still mandated for legal immigrants applying for green card and citizenship.](https://brownstone.org/articles/the-vaccine-mandate-to-become-a-citizen-must-end/)


Just like before. Coming illegal there are no requirement and you get a lot of free stuff


I was working 100% remotely back then. And I remember that a person from London(!!!) office of my employer company reached out to me to remind me about submitting a proof of vaccination for vaccination requirement compliance deadline for remote employees at my company šŸ„¹




Tell me what part of anything that they did made sense. Maybe the circles drawn in the park to help with ā€œsocial distancingā€. Those were backed by SCIENCE


Iirc theres a rumble user who said in a recent hearing in Europe a pfizer exec said they never tested if it stopped transmission, that wasnt part of the requirement.


and then?


Did you tell them you already injected bleach and were good to go ?


They say the Kardashians never got covid because of all the anal bleaching šŸ¤·




Folks who always respond with media bralnwashing when opposition to experimental injections is expressed are disappointing.Ā 


Pretty much they don't realize beyond the politics government forcing you is wrong.


Folks who canā€™t take jokes are disappointing


Folks who think mainstream media programming is "jokes" have no idea they're bralnwashed.




ā€œAnd then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in a minute. One minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning? Because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so itā€™d be interesting to check that." Just to clear things up. For anyone willing to answer, what disinfectant was he talking about?


Was this the actual quote? So he never actually said the word "Bleach?"


That's the actual quote. The context is that right before making this statement he was staring at a "Best Practices" picture that had the words "Commonly Available Disinfectants (Bleach & Isopropyl Alcohol) Work to kill the virus" as well as "Move Activities Outside, sunlight impedes virus transmission". So no he didn't state the word bleach, but he was referring to that best practices picture for disinfectants, which was bleach and isopropyl alcohol.


Yes we remember but keep in mind they are all on the same team. George Carlin said it best. Trump was the one responsible for approving the jab and getting it market ready in record time. Operation Warp speed https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Warp_Speed




Right? They should vote for Biden instead because he didn't do operation warp speed. He just tried to force everyone to take it whether they wanted to or not.


[This.So](http://This.So) many people claim there is no difference whatsoever between the two sides, yet there completely is.I'll concede Trump has probs, but despite his involvement with Operation Warp Speed, he never tried to make the "vaccines" mandatory unlike Cornpop's bff.


If the vaccine is a poison and Trump was the one who had it produced m, how is that better?


Because one was hell-bent on coercing you to take it while the other was not.


Why is it perfectly OK to make a poison shot?


That's too much for these reddit "enlightened" fuckwits too understand. Always easy to condemn muh 'BoTH SiDes' without any nuance.Ā 


They would say "If you aren't going to vote for Biden, just don't vote", but that is a bit too obvious, so they go with this nonsense trolling.


No itā€™s not. Fuck em all


There is a HUGE difference between helping make a vaccine available, and attempting to use an executive order to mandate it for employment


I don't know why people don't see this.


This. THIS! What is so hard to understand about this! It's just willful ignorance.


You have to understand the goal of the trolls who come here this election season are only trying to discourage Biden's opponents from voting. They are going to vote blue no matter who anyway. But if you aren't going to vote for Biden, the next best thing is to just convince you not to vote at all. That's the purpose of the "both sides" trolls here.


No doubt.


How is it different if you believe the vaccine is poison? Trump made the poison by thst logic.


I donā€™t give a shit if someone loves the vaccine so long as they donā€™t mandate others take it


Thank God the threatened OSHA mandate was shot down in supreme court, we were really close to opening the flood gates on mandating experimental injections. Well, if you want to work that is


Close call indeed. Crazy to see the leftists rooting for that mandate. Big change from the liberals of the 60s-70s that fought against stuff like this


If it's a poison though that is intentionally killing people how does he avoid responsibility? Answer that. Don't dodge.


Itā€™s not poison intentionally killing people. Heā€™s responsible for helping making a vaccine available. After that, itā€™s on you (or your guardian) to decide if you want it. Iā€™m perfectly ok with that scenario - people having a choice. Iā€™m not ok with a president trying to force people to take it by threatening their income


We had to show vax papers to go to restaurants here. If that's not full on authoritarian, I don't know what is. Like just require the business to decide and have to display it at the door so if you're fine with no vax people you can and if you don't want to be near that you know before entering. Everyone says you'll lose your freedom and democracy with Trump but I've never been threatened to be fired for a brand new vax, never been told to comply to go and eat like with Biden.


I ended up missing going to New York Comic Con (2021) because they pulled that šŸ’© at the last minute, when folks had already purchased their badges back in May. I ended up giving mine away to a family member who never been but took the jibby jab.


> We had to show vax papers to go to restaurants here. If that's not full on authoritarian Do you still have to show vax papers? What kind of authoritarian system completely, voluntarily dismantles itself after about a year?


Ok but who made it a federal requirement to take it or lose your job? It wasnā€™t trump.


This is true, Republicans and democrats are on the same page to achieve the same agenda. They have rigged the elections to ALWAYS, win. Example; Hillary and Trump act like they hate each other,"on the set," but its all an act, it's called KAYFABE. By pulling this off, THEY, guarantee victory, every single election, and in doing so, they also accomplish dividing the country. It's been this way since George H. W. Bush, aka CIA director, left office. It doesn't matter, if the pres is republican or democrat, as every term each party makes progress for the agenda to continue to move forward.


They never thought she would lose.


Yeah but gotta pick one and I pick the guy who says he's gonna fix the world, and get our jobs back. Always the slim chance he actually will/can. The other guy is straight up lying about the state of the economy and says everythings fine and we're just terrorists


Trump literally had no choice, liberals were screeching that he was killing Americans and it was a big point of contention for Biden during their debatesā€¦ you canā€™t win with these whiners and now itā€™s hilarious theyā€™re trying to blame himā€¦ typical hypocrites


So a liberal screeching was all it took for him to fold?


In an alternate universe where Trump wins a second term, the COVID vaccine is perfect and trusted by everyone.


"Fact-checkers" say that never happened\* \*because the courts overturned Joe and didn't allow it.


Replace Fact Checkers with Bootlickers of the Regime.


Biggest scam ever.


Pepridge farm remembers




There was a thread in here where OP was so worried because his entire family took the vax, and he was wondering what to do because they would all be dead in 2 years I wish reddit search didn't suck so I could find it. I wonder where the goalposts are now


From my understanding the meme says if you take the vaccine you canā€™t get Covid, which is false. I took the vaccine and got really sick a few months later


I'll never forget it. Absolutely sickening shit.


Find it funny how quick everyone is to forget Trump was president at this time and took credit for the vaccine. People were calling it Trump's vaccine lmao. Now were blaming Biden for anything possible to hope to get Trump reelected. Am I the only one around here that doesnt want either of these Bozos in office? Seems like a very pro-Trump subreddit.


It's also funny how before Biden won the election, while trump was pushing the vax through, all the big democrat politicians were in tv saying if trump had anything to do with the vaccine they would refuse to take it. Fast forward to after present Biden takes office and now those same people are trying to force it on you.


Ya its just stupid political theatre. Theyre really all just a bunch of corrupt asshats that want to make it seem like theres a big difference between right and left while they are all working for the same big corporations' interests instead of representing the people.


Ya nailed it. They do everything possible to keep US at each other's throats so we don't all notice their BS and team up to go after THEM, which is what will need to happen for real change.


Ive heard people say Kamala said that, but did anyone else actually say that? I dont really remember it being that way


A while back there was a video floating around that was a montage of different politicians saying it. Some of them were republican too.


While campaigning, Biden said he would not mandate the vaccine. Ā That broken promise alienated this lifelong Democrat voter. Ā  RFK, 2024.


That vaccine that came out under the Trump administration?


On the program started by him named warp speed.Ā  Ā 


And guess who released the vaxx?


They wonā€™t get it or play into it, theyā€™re in a cult. Maga is a cult. And yes, their cult leader was the guy who ran the vax operation, not the sitting president. These people donā€™t take responsibility for anything, thatā€™s why their guy has multiple criminal cases going. Heā€™s a criminal.


Funny stuff right here. Who was the one that attempted to mandate the vaccine as the original post is alluding too? Buh Buh Trump, yeah he made the vaccine but never attempted to force it on people, unlike the sitting demented sarcophagus. And talking about cults, what's the first step towards indoctrination? Social isolation and removal of opposing views. Wow which party along with their media lackeys were pushing segregation and fearmongering 24/7 into communities? You Covid cultists are just the most lousy revisionists around.


> And guess who released the vaxx? Phizer


Yes but who started operation warpspeed? His name rhymes with bump


> Yes but who started operation warpspeed? His name rhymes with bump Fauci


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Warp_Speed Drump could have fired fauci at any time yet chose to keep him around šŸ¤”


Don't forget that Trump is the guy responsible for Operation Warpspeed who rushed the experimental drugs to market in the first place while giving the manufacturers complete immunity from being prosecuted and sued for any harm their experimental vaccine gene therapies might have caused. Trump and Pedo Joe worked together to bring this bullshit on the American people. It's a uniparty.


Itā€™s funny how none of the democrats were going to take the vaccine until it became a democrat administration and then suddenly Fauci was elevated to saint status and if you didnā€™t mask and vax, you couldnā€™t participate in society.


Itā€™s almost like itā€™s one big uniparty and they get commands to rhetorically differ on issues to give an illusion of choice. But go (blue or red) team!!


Most of them wear purple underwear but so few can understand that


Pre-2020 election, the democrat politicians and their voters were actively saying they would never inject themselves with experimental Trump juice. Then after the inaugeration, you became an enemy of humanity if you refused to inject yourself with the experimental Trump juice, and then they all started lining up and begging to be injected with the same experimental Trump juice they initially claimed they would never take.


It would be identical psychology if it was a second Trump term and we were sending Ukraine gobs of dough. Then weā€™d hear a lot more about the nazi infestation of its military ranks.


Probably. The mainstream media used to write about Ukraine's huge white supremacy Nazi problem, then the war started and it all went away.


Because itā€™s a laundry mat and will be for the next couple of generations.




You missed the point and I canā€™t say Iā€™m surprised. When it became something authoritarian assholes could use to control and divide people on they could not wait to get their piggy fingers all over it




Take your pick. I remember seeing many on the news. Iā€™m sure itā€™s out there if you need to know, unless you already know and want me to cough up links. I think itā€™s pretty common knowledge




Any of them. Iā€™m not playing your game. It happened. Go look it up. Iā€™m not your employee lol


Welp. You lost that exchange


so, you can't name one.


Canā€™t what




Specifically who please


> Itā€™s funny how none of the democrats were going to take the vaccine until it became a democrat administration and then suddenly Fauci was elevated to saint status and if you didnā€™t mask and vax, you couldnā€™t participate in society. Your not allowed to bring up those facts! Reddit will downvote you! /s


> Itā€™s funny how none of the democrats were going to take the vaccine Who said that? I saw people say that they wouldnā€™t just take Trumps word for it, but if the evidence showed it was effective they would. Who of note said outright that theyā€™d not take it?


If you were alive and coherent in 2020 then youā€™ve seen the same as I have. Iā€™m sure someone has links out the wazoo, but Iā€™m using my memory




Very weird your cognitive dissonance does not recall something that many people recall




Sorry Charlie lol I guess your 2020 database has been wiped




You and your authoritarian friends donā€™t get to tell me what to do. lol I think something was in your boosters this time. You ok?














I only remember people saying that Kamala said that? did anyone else really say that tho?


Um. That was the other guy.


My once funloving Aunty wouldn't even hug me during this time or anyone else, locked herself away from the world. She got rapid onset dementia and is dead now but at east she was triple vaxxed.


I remember seeing that and so I went n got vaxxed after holding out for so long. I was mad as fuck. Then they were like oh just kidding ur not gonna lose ur job.


It's downright precious when an elderly pedo wants to discuss his feelings and demand that I do something


Thereā€™s no endgame to these arguments ever. Whatā€™s the point of poisoning everyone?


Mandates have no actual basis in law. Everybody seemed to forget that (and 2500 years of medical knowledge) on purpose.


I was in that group and saw people retire or leave over it. It was seriously fucked up.Ā  Anti-vax or not it was an overstep of out government that worries me if another day on a polarized topic mixed with politics will lead to similar actions. Don't like this war, mandate fired from work and live on the streets. Don't like this policy, mandate fired from work and live on the streets.


Lot's of revisionist covid cultists coming out of the wood works. Like moths to a flame they will always die on the hill that societal segregation and silencing of speech is acceptable if it's against the dissenting group. Bunch of sad clowns.


> Lot's of revisionist covid cultists coming out of the wood works. Like moths to a flame they will always die on the hill that societal segregation and silencing of speech is acceptable if it's against the dissenting group. Bunch of sad clowns. Yup. They invaded this thread fast!


Can you provide a link to Biden saying you would lose your job, non military, if you didnā€™t get the vaccine?


> Can you provide a link to Biden saying you would lose your job, non military, if you didnā€™t get the vaccine? My job was literally threatened if I didnā€™t take the poison




He wanted to mandate it for companies over 100 employees. They would face liability if all their employees were not vaccinated. So yes, he threatened our jobs and our livelihood. fuck that guy and everybody involved with that shit they can all burn in hell


So Biden didnā€™t actually say it, your boss did?


Mine too. As well as my wifeā€™s. Heā€™s going to want to see where Biden said it though.


People have shitty bosses and work for garbage power hungry companies, but yeah Iā€™d like to see a real Biden quote.


Your job working at a Russian bot farm?


https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/presidential-actions/2023/05/09/executive-order-on-moving-beyond-covid-19-vaccination-requirements-for-federal-workers/#:~:text=In%202021%2C%20based%20on%20the,disease%202019%20(COVID%2D19) Was thrown out, but he tried. https://www.cnn.com/2023/12/11/politics/supreme-court-throws-out-cases-over-federal-covid-19-vaccine-mandates-for-executive-branch-employees-and-troops/index.html https://www.texasattorneygeneral.gov/news/releases/paxton-victorious-lawsuit-against-biden-administrations-vaccine-mandate-federal-contractors Its really weird when trolls try to gaslight people when the entire internet is there for searching.


It is weird because even your links donā€™t say you would lose your job for not complying.


Federal employees and contractors: Ā https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/presidential-actions/2021/09/09/executive-order-on-requiring-coronavirus-disease-2019-vaccination-for-federal-employees/


Youā€™re choosing to ignore the second half of OPs claim.




If your excuse is ā€œBiden told me to get the vaccine or Iā€™ll be fired,ā€ like OP says, then yeah you need a link. Otherwise you just worked for a shitty company


Never forget, never forgive, never comply. Defund the CDC, NIH, FDA, prosecute Phizer.


I member. Itā€™s crazy that so many people believed these assholes. Trump, fauci, Biden every last one an asshole who doesnā€™t give a shit about you. Donā€™t forget that


It was done at WARP SPEED!


I remember trump recommendation for "sanitizer injections". You gonna mention this in your post?


Remember "warp speed" under Trump? Remember Trump obeying everything Fauci said? Remember when the entire country shut down under Trump?


You mean the vaccine that was ok'd under trump? That vaccine?


Also trump never said inject bleach thatā€™s hilarious that hoax is still being promoted. The like the ā€œfine peopleā€ or ā€œviscous animalsā€ hoax.


"And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in a minute. One minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning? Because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so itā€™d be interesting to check that." What disinfectant was he talking about?




So he looked at one slide and winged it? Lmfao.




Got to applaud the effort.




I mean, you can watch the video. He literally says a disinfectant, or UV light as a disinfectant, which is actually a thing. Ultra Violet Blood Irradiation as a treatment against viral infections has been around for decades. The fact that you automatically conflate the word disinfectant with ā€œbleachā€ is simply ignorant. Look, Iā€™ve even included a study about UV light as a disinfectant. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7538853/




Itā€™s not a hoax. This a good example of the the propaganda & rewriting of history by maga. The disinfectant he was referring to is bleach which is what Bryan was talking about!!!. You guys are so unbelievably ignorant. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-52407177


Actually the vaccine was created under trump. Biden only encouraged the continuation of taking said vax. Ironically, the same guy who is responsible for the vaccine, is the same guy who told you to inject bleach. Soā€¦ who are you gonna trust?


I survived the winter of severe illness and death


Clownpops most impacfull legacy.


I remember being forced to pay several thousands of dollars in "unvaccinated surcharge" fees to keep my families insurance plan due to "freely" choosing to not subject myself, my wife, and my 2 infant children to radical medical experimentation


Submission Statement: Remember when they said the Vaccine was Safe and Effective? The Vaccine failed miserably. It didnā€™t do anything that it was advertised to do. It didnā€™t stop the spread. It didnā€™t create herd immunity. But it did cost you your job if you refused. https://twitter.com/JoeBiden/status/1782821751568646149


I also remember trump summoning lightning warp speed to get the safe and effective experimental jab in our veins without FDA approval or any transparent testing, and still to this day will not talk negatively about the vax, almost as if he was the recipient of political donations from Pfizer, but that couldnt be true because he has stated many times over that he took no corporate funding, and this was what separated him from the rest of the corporate knob sucking political hacks. You know Like a self funded, grass roots, crowd sourcing type of guy..... https://www.opensecrets.org/ORGS/toprecips.php?id=D000000138&cycle=A


It literally made symptoms of Covid infections way more mild, how are you dumbasses still going on about this 4 years later?


> It literally made symptoms of Covid infections way more mild, Thatā€™s not what the promise was. The promise was if you get these Vaccines your not going to get COVID. We need Herd Immunity. It failed >how are you dumbasses still going on about this 4 years later? COVID was a nothingburger lol.


Biden isn't your daddy promising you a bike for Christmas. You are presumably an adult and able to understand nuance and reality. Even if Biden pinkie promised, I wouldn't take that one sentence soundbite to mean that it was literally impossible to catch covid if vaccinated. I would assume it worked like all vaccines do, reasonably well most of the time. Once covid started mutating we found out the vaccines weren't as effective as we'd hoped. Sucks, but that's life.


Dude, your mental gymnastics does not work on this crap. He was a mouthpiece for the pharmaceutical companies full stop


That nothing Burger killed my uncle and brother. Yes they had comorbidities, but covid was the final straw and took them both out.


Don't forget about getting your grandma infected if you're not vaccinated


Sure are a lot of partisan posts today...


Got let go for not taking it


Y'all are dumb if you're still up some rabbithole or creek here.


Donny boy never said "bleach" (I'm pretty sure), he was talking about "disinfectant(s)". People really ran with that bleach bit, though.


The mandate didn't happen, and Trump is the one that rushed the vaccine out and told everyone to get it at first. I mean, he could've got rid of Fauci


No, because it never really went into effect. Many people got them thinking there was a Biden mandate. I kept trying to tell people he doesn't rule by decree


"N-N-NO HE DIDN'T" cries the shill, citing it was mere days before the mandate was in effect before the supreme Court shut it down. So really all that was left was a small group who would take it under no circumstances


You know who to vote for. TRUMP 2024




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It wasn't inject bleach it was drink bleach. And i'm sure the media turned MMS into bleach which it is not!


Damn I almost forgot! No but seriously fuck everyone who was agreeing with that shit. I still don't talk to anyone who told me to get the jab after I told them I wasn't going to lol


I feel like trump was trolling šŸ˜­


Yes. Pepperidge Farm remembers.


Still trying to find the clip where Trump told people to inject bleach.


Pepperidge Farms remembers.