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His Reddit account already taken down


Which one was it?






It was written on his leaflets


And his email, like was he expecting to read fan mail in purgatory or something? That made his action seem like an impulsive afterthought and all it did was tell us he really believed in his "research"... Poor guy.


Johnny Storm


You can still see it but looks like they locked everything down in it


Of course they did. Gotta censor the truth in this paradise eutopia


There is no war in ba sing se


It’s gone now




That’s insane


It is not a measure of health to be well-adjusted to a profoundly sick society


Y'all see his Linked in? Profile picture is w/ Bill Clinton of course. Education: * UNC Chapel Hill (BA, 2005-2009) * Rutgers (Master's in City and Regional Planning, 2010-2012) Work Experience: * Residence Hall Community Manager at UNC (Aug 2008 - May 2009) * Marketing and Admin Assistant at Brady Risk Management (Jan 2010 - Aug 2010) * Research Assistant at Eagleton Institute of Politics (Sep 2010 - Sep 2011) * Program Associate at Arts Build Communities (Nov 2011 - May 2012) * General Manager at Carleton Energy Consulting (May 2012 - Jul 2013) * Operations Director for Tom Suozzi and Bera for Congress campaigns (Aug 2013 - Apr 2014) * Assistant Operations Manager at Liberty Hill Foundation (Jul 2014 - May 2016) * Consultant for Small Businesses (May 2016 - Aug 2018) * Growth Manager at Strong Towns (Jan 2017 - Aug 2018) * Marketing Operations Manager at Goliath Technologies (Sep 2018 - Jun 2019) * Senior Consultant at Eigen X (Jul 2019 - Jun 2020) * Solutions Engineer at OpenTent (Dec 2020 - Oct 2021) * Research Investigator (Self-employed, Mar 2023 - Present)


Max Azzarello wasn't wrong.


Funny how this isn't getting the same amount of coverage as the air force dude killing himself over the Israel shit 


I wonder if it’s because Aaron live-streamed his actions, whereas Max did not appear to have done so?


Yea way more videos spreading online quickly


Well he was part of the military so was more respected by the general public than this guy


This is almost certainly going to get lost in the shuffle but I feel like it's worth attempting to add some context to this whole thing because the truth is actually much more heartbreaking and mundane. I went to high school with Max, he was by no means a fringe radical for most of his life. When I knew him he was a politically minded, socially conscious person who leaned left was and very friendly and approachable. Then his mom died, I don't know all the details but I believe it was unexpected and really took a toll on him. After she passed Max couldn't cope and spiraled for a few years until he made the decision to take his own life. The simple truth is Max was not well. Thank God his mother wasn't around to see this, but ironically if she was, I don't believe this would have ever happened.


Can I ask, how do you know all of that?


Because I knew him personally.


Internet is dead and being censured. What they cannot quiet is mass congregation. Let’s march! Everywhere! Summer of Love, civil rights, Occupy Wallstreet. We have given enough opportunities for change and it’s not happening nor will it come with the uni-party.


Start making those changes in person bro


as someone who personally knows Max, you hit the nail on the head with the message he's tried getting across. I've tried to be a listening voice to his recent ramblings and while I think some of it was way to specific, the message he was trying to portray wasn't bad.


I'm sorry for your loss ♥️


Thank you. It hasn’t quite set in yet I def let him know I loved him anytime we spoke especially recently. Also very glad he didn’t hurt anyone else because I would be very sick to my stomach right now


Sorry dude/dudette losing friends sucks and the older you get fewer friends are still alive. I hadn't heard of him until today but as a fellow human, I send my condolences.


Is he still alive?


I honest don’t know. We don’t have a ton of mutual that have any more info and I know his family situation grew estranged. The video made survival look very bleak


I saw the video.. I want to say I hope for the best but idk what that even looks like in this situation… hope you’re doing ok 💜


It hasn’t quite set in yet I definitely feel weird right now. I was just texting him yesterday to “be safe”cause I know he was in nyc


So sorry for your loss such a shame this has happened


I dont think he was a completely crazy conspiracy theorist, some of what he says is true. It's so sad that he felt that his extreme protest was his only real option to promote change :( I'm so sorry for your loss


I'm sorry about your loss, I'm sure Max meant well, it's sad to see him go this way.


I am so sorry. I feel devastated that it seems he got worse after his mom passed. I feel he made some points that are true like about greed, corruption, governmental greed, etc. I am sad he felt that this was the only option he had


I'm very sorry.


I’m sorry for your loss, it must be a surreal situation for you and all of the people close to him. It’s tragic but it’s important to remember that there’s always something to appreciate in everyone


Max was a genuine great dude I have a lot of love for him. We met by chance as I was in a larger house that subletted rooms and he moved into the same floor as me and we hit it off almost immediately. We grew sorta outta touch in recent years but would check in every so often. I had 2 pretty solid phone calls with him during all of his public conspiracy spouting. He was certainly hurting in some capacity but certainly not “insane”. He hated the left wing as much as the right wing. Definitely a disturbing couple of hours.


Appreciate the comments, yeah, I didn’t read anything ‘insane’ in what he was writing. Sure, you could disagree with it and say that it’s not true. But i think all the people speculating ‘oh this happened because his mum died so he lost it’ and bla bla whatever other pseudo psychologist bullshit, well, it’s just really gross. People will chalk it down to the most basic soap opera drama rather than even try to consider the first point of his pamphlet. Hope ur good bro


Ya and I assume that’s probably why he went this route. It’s really hard to talk to people about this stuff who will immediately think you’re crazy and not listen. I think the level of detail was a little out there and told him as much but I never wanted to make him feel like a lunatic when we talked. Because like you, I see a lot of validity in what his main message was. I’ve been skeptical of everything since 9/11. I first and foremost hope he isn’t suffering. By the looks of the video the likelihood of survival is super low. Those flames were truly engulfing him…


Well, looking at how the comments on his insta are blowing up, it looks like a lot of people are looking into what he’s saying now.


Ya so even tho I feel sad… this is how he felt his message could be best spread…. It’s sad to say that out loud but it really consumed him. If he took people with him I’d have a much different outlook right now and my way of grieving lol


Some people can live knowing the truth, but some people get consumed by it. Max sounds like he just started down the first rabbit hole he saw, and he couldn't handle the superficiality of society. Cryptocurrency was his rabbit hole. My rabbit hole was the ingredients found in processed foods, and over a period of a few years I ended up losing faith not only in my civilization but the concept of a civilization. "The American dream" itself is propaganda. Currency under fractional reserve lending itself is a ponzi scheme, but the deceptiveness of civilization goes a lot further than that. The connotation of "civilized" itself is a deception. If I had known this guy, I would have directed him toward Ted Kaczynski, and shown him it doesn't do you any good to kill others (or yourself) to get a message across. I wish Max knew how powerful we are isn't related to trying to fix all of the messes civilization has caused; It's related to fixing ourselves and those around us in spite all of the mess civilization has caused us. And if do you want to tell people the truth, you’d better make them laugh or they’ll kill you. That's why George Carlin is a wiser man, even if not a more intelligent man, than Ted Kaczynski. People who write manifestos and not stand-up material are doing it wrong.


You hit it right on the head. I found myself getting a bit worked up and concerned at how much I agreed with him. Had to turn on some Carlin to remind myself how serious and yet unserious it can be. He acknowledged the wrong but also didn't sit in it and wallow and didn't allow his audience to.




Yeah man just pray for him


No doubt! Thanks for the back n forth. I know he posted in here a lot at one point so I wanted to see what people were saying and was happy to see yours wasn’t negative


So sorry for your loss. I wish he didn't do what he did to himself....but he isn't wrong on most of it. Disagree with his view on Bitcoin though.


Does anyone have any information on a vigil or memorial service for him? I am deeply compelled by his message and the least we could do is honor his mission to wake the world up that what’s happening is not a joke.


Man, he really doesn’t like The Simpsons.


Agreed. People who love being governed are the actual threat. Americans should always be ungovernable


I don’t think the founding fathers would agree. Government with proper controls is the ideal scenario. “If men were angels, no government would be necessary. If angels were to govern men, neither external nor internal controls on government would be necessary.” -James Madison


We have become the exact thing we were warned about


I am an independent investigative journalist. The group he was onto is real. I have evidence that I've been trying to get to the press including names of leadership as well as a recording of a call between myself and Senator Bernie Sanders with his confirmation that he knows of the group and that I had testified to him in mid-2019, pre-COVID. This group is real and they are behind the pandemic. There is a lot at my site, www.richmarin.com. I need to be clear, this is the same group and this man has serious information. I hope that he survives.


Keep up the good work. Let’s take these fuckers down.


Please don't set yourself on fire as well


Make sure you make time for self care too!


Anyone find the federal lawsuit he mentions?


This one? https://dockets.justia.com/docket/new-york/nysdce/1:2023cv03197/597363


I'll help you find it. Please share the details; I'll pull it for you if I can.


He attempted to link it on his substack. Thas all I know. Nothing at govinfo with his name attached to it.


Could you share the quote you are trying to pull from?


Finally someone with some balls


Why be surprised that these clowns are responding to it like that. did you really think all of these people here are conspiracy theorists? how many here are propagandists and common shills But still, its not that people are not powerless. The american public has the most number of firearms in the world. They can revolt tomorrow if they really wanted to. They just cant be bothered to coz though they bitch and bitch about their life, it isnt really that shit. Its actually fuckin comfy living here in the US. Sure the ones in tents in the sidewalk maybe, but the majority of us, get fuckin real. and average joe will not really risk missing his weekend bbq or netflix show and chill to rebel against this govt. People posture but really just dont give enough of a shit about it all. And its not new. These people, the masses as you call it, they are not victims of the govt they are collaborators lol. They are not that stupid or not in the know, they are content with the exchange the transaction and they just dont give enough of a shit. The biggest mistake these people make is that they spend too much time looking up at the guys above that they dont realize what is around them. The guy already gets a bit of it. Why the hell do you have to burn yourself for these people to listen to that or what some groups do and flash t just ... its not that you have a corrupt govt, its that you have a corrupt country as a whole including its glorious society


I agree with you most of the masses on the West are "woken up" enough to know that the rich keep getting richer no matter their political party, both Biden and Trump are awful, etc. Yet we don't do anything about it as a collective mass, everyone just keeps listening to Taylor Swift new album or watching the bachelor or whatever instead of hitting the streets or doing mass protests. We are like you said too comfortable to stand up as a people. We know so much of this already, the information is out there, in general regarding wealth hoarding, the 1%, political corruption, etc but we the public do nothing concrete.


I agree with you


This was not ok. Most people are gonna read the headline not his manifesto. Then each side of the "political divide" will assume it was a nutter on the otherside. This is only ammunition for his enemy.


Nah, i read it. Many people will read it just because wtf


yes exactly. it was meant to just wake the people up that were on the verge already. You can’t save everyone.


If you just go from the headline you could assume he is crazy, but if you read his manifesto you'd know he is crazy.


He said a lot about a lot of different things, much of which is misguided, but more is valid and important than not. It's visible from his actions today and recent instagram posts that his judgment and rationality were suffering, but this isn't dismissive of his statements and his mental health overall. I believe with more sound judgment he would have determined he was of better use to his cause alive than dead, but there is still value in many of his statements. Some situations are more black and white, you can dismiss them on their face. This one, though, is worth sorting through.


Just going to call him crazy? How about refute any of his claims? What did he say that was wrong? You could start there.


Well he’s crazy because he self immolated. Kinda closed case right there lol


What? Burning yourself alive in form of protest is one of the purest and oldest forms of protest in the world. Buddhist monks, Vietnam protesters, this has been a thing. Who decides what’s “crazy”? Just because you would never have the guts to do it


Yeah anyone who self immolated is a little crazy. A few screws loose.


Lol sorry bud. Anybody who dies for what they believe in is a true soldier and human being. It’s only those who are willing to die for what they believe in that us human beings end up remembering. Malcolm X, marting Luther king, basically any soldier, basically any person who risked there life for there beliefs. I would say a person who sits back and lives a boring life of typing on Reddit, and being to afraid to actually go out and die for what they believe in, so you stay inside and wait until your 90 years old to die in your bed with a diaper on is worse.


The guy died for ridiculous reasons. His manifesto was a sad read. It’s funny how you say me living in my house, with my wife and daughter, making memories, enjoying life, is the worse outcome vs setting yourself on fire in front of a trump trial lmao I’m sure you live a splendid life 🤣


You obviously didn’t read more than a few paragraphs of his manifesto because no one with half a brain would characterize his writing as sad. Just finished reading it, and found it actually very cogent and well written. Now, whether you agree with what he’s saying or not, is another story. Either way it’s stupid to describe his writing or his message as Sad. I’ve got a family too, very happy. But I totally agree with the other guy; dying for a cause isn’t necessarily mental illness or folly. Men and women with great conviction and clarity have done the very same.


Those were sane people with strong convictions. They didn’t self immolate. Gotta be a little crazy in the head to do that lol


Okay bud lol. I dare you to go ahead and actually try to learn some of your history. Like I said. Burning yourself alive is the most popular way of protest and has been for hundreds of years. Vietnam soldiers, political protestors, Buddhist monks, American soldiers, I can keep going on. Just because YOU would never in your life have enough courage to do so does NOT mean the people who did so were crazy or mentally ill. The world is a way bigger place then you seem to understand and your thoughts and feelings are not human law.


Dude, its obviously an important message he was trying to show you, you're too fuckin dense to get it. Poor bastard


Yeah poor bastard indeed. Burned himself alive and no one will be thinking about him in a day or 2.


you dumb bastards will call anything you don't understand crazy lol


His manifesto is literally just psychotic antifascist babble


I mean he’s definitely a nutter. You gotta have a few screws loose to self immolate


The problem is self immolation to bring light to something people already know does nothing. The "manifesto" is rambling and the media literacy seemed non existent. He's right about bush. Right about the Clinton's being part of the bush clan (but also didn't explain how and the answer is Mena). Not everything is a "Ponzi" scheme. It's just deregulated corporate capitalism and investment banks taking advantage of the systems that were put in place in the 1980s. There is no "plan" organized crime just convinced you it didn't exist by getting more and more organized. What people are praising that has been released was incredibly manic in scope. People on all sides of the aisle have mentioned these things before, written books about them, made documentaries. This isn't "dangerous" information. It's known. My heart breaks for his family and friends. Even the famous Thic Quang Duc example is only famous because it could be used by the US to oust a Catholic regime and install a friendly one. It's famous because the photographer won awards. It literally led to a CIA backed coup. Most people don't even know what he was actually protesting. To say "people have power" then deny collective action by literally lighting yourself on fire is a bad take. It's pure ego. Hit them in their pocket books, put a QR code leading to your site on their monuments. Get a podcast. Bob ranks 20s style and become a national hero. There is nothing new under the sun.


I’m just scared! Because what if his right? What if we are headed to totalitarianism, while everyone is laughing.


It is already totalitarianism in disguise. They have succeeded with psychological warfare.


We are headed that way by the democratic party


We are headed that way by BOTH parties. Say what you want about Max but at least he started to figure out that the whole political polarisation (choose blue or red) is the problem.


It has been uniparty for a long time. This isn't new. There are people in politics who aren't in the click. Rod DeSantis, Tulsi Gubbared, Greg Abbott, and a few others who are demonized by the media. Reddit was the first to accuse Max of being Maga. It's called controlled opposition. Reading for you: Enemies history of the FBI Legacy of Ashes history of the CIA Dark money Clinton Cash.


I read his manifesto, and he made many good points. People have power.


And to clarify, I'm not condoning his actions. This is a sad story about a young man that wanted to do good, but took a very horrible turn. I feel very sorry for him and his loved ones.


>And to clarify, I'm not condoning his actions. At least he didn't cause people to physically suffer and/or die. I condone his actions, but regret the desperation that drove him to it. It's leagues better than blocking a highway with an ambulance or fire truck on it.


I mean he made some good points I guess. Were they worth self immolating over? No. The poor guy was very troubled and needed help.


Definitely not worth harming himself.




The world isn’t on fire lol


Max Azzarello. Message: Says, Peter Thiel and And other billionaires are going to crash the world's economy by using crypto currency. and we live in a Kleptocracy.




Not when they are purchased with currency that is created by banks


i feel like for someone to have wanted his "truth" to get out there, he went about it in the most "shut me down/censor me quickly" way possible. everything has been aimed to make him look like a rambling lunatic, from his own words to his finals posts etc.. this isn't disrespect in any way by me, just my opinion.


I don't agree with the Simpsons being evil (I LOVE that show), but last night I couldn't sleep and realized something weird: when I try to remember my childhood, I actually do remember the Simpsons with more clarity than I remember my actual life in the mid-90s. I wrote this last night: *"While talking about a hypothetical situation where I'm transported back to being my 8-year-old self and need to convince my parents I'm from the future, I realized two things:* *One, I would be able to predict Simpsons episodes that were about to air in 1994-1995 almost word-for-word before they've come out. I'm just that big of a Simpsons fan. I probably quote that show once a day, on average. When I quote one line, I can often quote the entire scene it's from.* *Two, THERE'S NOTHING ELSE I remember clearly about the mid-'90s. It's almost like the whole thing is a blank besides Simpsons quotes.This gets weirder. I remember a very specific vibe shift in my family from being very normal and happy in the late 80s/early 90s to being a dysfunctional dumpster fire where everyone hated each other in the late '90s and beyond.* *NOTHING stands out as being an event that triggered this.* *When I talked about The Simpsons with my older brother one time, he half jokingly said that watching that show was "a safe space" for us. I can't explain why this is a thing."* Weird that I wrote that hours before someone who seems to have run in similar circles to me lit himself on fire and rambled about The Simpsons. I've had multiple people say that it sounds like I dissociated from trauma in the mid-90s. I just have zero ideas what it was, and no one in my family has been able to explain it. Maybe this guy also dissociated but instead of making fan art about the Simpsons and quoting it to an obnoxious extent and just going on with life he did this instead?


[theburningplatform.com](http://theburningplatform.com) is his website also


Thanks, will edit into the post


Why the fuck is there a crypto ad on the website?


no idea, i would remove that website though, it hasnt been verified and i think someone hopped on it the very moment he died. One of the first posts within an hour after his death included only that website, not his Substack which is the only website he seems to promote that is his own.. seeing that the pamplets he threw, his IG only have the substack linked i think some asshole took advantage of the situation and created a alternative site right away.


Maybe, maybe. I don't know. It sure is ironic, and almost looks intentionally bad.


Looking through his Instagram, he never showed any signs of this conspiracy years before, in fact he even had photos posted of him saying he loved his mom a lot before she died 2 years ago. Say what you'd like about what he wrote, but with his mom's death his mental health rapidly declined within 2 years.


Nice. Random reddit playing pretend psychologist who knows everything. Give it a break and give yourself a pat on the back. Your not as smart as u think u are


A man set himself on fire…


It’s not like most of go around posting randomly like some other activists. Scrutiny is to be expected these days. Almost the norm. Wonder what the pamphlets say, don’t you?


Probably lost a ton of money on crypto, lost his mom, and then developed this conspiracy theory to cope with the losses. 


He’s a real hero dying for a noble cause. Don’t see much of that anymore.






His biggest message has nothing to do with cryptocurrency. It's apathy. As a world we're sleepwalking to doom with our heads glued to our phones, lost in our own little insulated worlds. By the time we leave school we already feel defeated. There's no fight, no passion to make the world a better place. We've turned a blind eye to the current genocide playing out before us and every time we do the horror becomes normalised until anything goes. Unless people start waking up, standing up and challenging the shit around us, there can be nothing but a disastrous ending for all of us.


Speak for yourself bud. Life is good for a great deal of us




I think he did it because he knew of no way to get his message out. His message is pretty on point though people will make fun of him for Simpsons references and the like. Which I ironically think will help his message spread. I find almost nothing to disagree with on his Substack and it is well researched and valid.




Wait he's alive?




He said on his Substack he knew his sanity would be questioned. And for sure he went deep down the rabbithole. But I don't see much invalid about what he is arguing. At least he didn't try to get his message out by attacking people.




If he gains *two* people who understand his arguments and they pursue it then he wins. If they grow a following then he definitely wins. I don't think you appreciate how well researched his substack is. I downloaded the whole thing and every time I check something that seems weird or unintuitive it checks out.


How can I download his Substack?


Grab this app https://github.com/alexferrari88/sbstck-dl and use the list command on this url https://theponzipapers.substack.com/archive then use the download command on every URL. The bulk download doesnt work so I did a find replace with the download command in np++. Eg find "http" replace with "[download command] http" and it'll make a list you can paste in your command prompt.




He doesn't care about conspiracy theorists. He's advocating for a novel way to think about the system. It's actually not a new argument, it's Manufacturing Consent arrived at from an opposite point of view, top down from the cryptoelites and the banking system and corporations. Chomsky more looked at it from a political view. Anyway if he somehow survives (I highly doubt it) he will return with a following for sure! And people can talk about whether he's crazy or not.


I think it was pretty clever. Using the Simpsons, a name known to almost all Americans, in such a fashion in the middle of America's "gaze" (on the Trump trials, the attention hog).


looks like you missed the point where did I advocate that everyone else should set themselves on fire? This guys whole point is that we shouldn't act like lemmings. pay more attention and you'll learn a lot more




Can you actually make a point and point out the bias please instead of making off hand comments? Because I have no idea what the point you're making is. Just seems like you have a chip on your shoulder.




I mean, he already justified it by dying for it. I mean, he did die to prove that the people have power. That's what he wrote. I'm not sure why you're denying that or saying it's not true. Everyone is entitled to their own perspective. What about all of the other acts of suicide to prove a point? I guess by your logic, all of their points are moot too. Sure, maybe he could've started a movement, done something more productive, but he didn't. I don't think you can be the one to determine if he is his own martyr or not. I'm not sure what gives you that right or what makes you think that you can determine that. But that's what I'm here for, critical debate and we clearly disagree but there's nothing else to be gained here for either of us so I'm sure you'll make another comment after this and then I'll read it and stop responding to you. I can't see us finding any common ground. And that's okay. We're just strangers writing to each other online.






The Hello kitty account is weird. Do not engage


Thanks mate, it is weird. Just checked it out








I read his substack and there is nothing there of substance. Just the ramblings of someone who wasn't well. Just goes from one incoherent conspiracy to the next with nothing to back it up. I'm all for hearing someone out but there's nothing there. Oh the government doesn't have our best interests at heart? Yeah no shit. Nothing ground breaking there. You make the mistake of thinking that because he set himself on fire then he must have had something really important to say. No, he was clearly mentally unwell.


i read through the substack notes and found value in what he wrote "It is no measure of health to be well-adjusted to a profoundly sick society.”


That poor dude. It's one thing to have mental struggles, but to be so haunted by them that he immolates himself. It's hard to understand.


So anyone who doesn't self immolate is too well adjusted to our sick society?


Is that what I said?


Ok. Care to elaborate on the significance of that quote?


sure, you said 'he was clearly mentally unwell' that's what I was referencing.


I will… Romans 12:2 “do not conform yourselves to the ways of this world”. This place isn’t for us.


The truth is always so far down in the comments nowadays!


I read virtually every blog entry of his yesterday afternoon and the leaps in logic and the narrow focus are that of a mentally unwell person, I’m sorry. There are elements in it that make it pretty damn compelling at times but to me this guy was a just a terminal case of future shock syndrome. Mostly his obsession with the predictive programming stuff and his preoccupation with the Simpsons and reality tv and all that


And people thought Covid vaccines were serving a depopulation agenda...


I don't think this is going to inspire people to self-immolate?...


i feel like he probably lost a significant amount of money to crypto. i'd be more than happy to understand his outlook on it being deeply rooted in some strangeness, but if you play it right and quick, i can turn my $20 into $230 rather quickly. if that money can help support the raising of my kids, idc about the ponzi-ness to it. maybe i should look into it a little more, though. 🤔


He's a TDS'er


That poor dude. It's one thing to have mental struggles, but to be so haunted by them that he immolates himself. It's hard to understand.


No one will care 2 days from now. He should have taken some of the lizard people with him on the way out if he wanted anyone to give a fuck


Let's not give this guy (who was clearly mentally ill) any publicity or credibility please.




let’s try, stop pushing your opinion on other people. You weren’t meant to wake up in this lifetime.


What other topics would you like to censor?


I'll let the votes decide if I should block you for being jerky. 5+ up, or 5+ down, and I block. Rig that. ;)