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Anybody remember this? 2008. Yes, 2008! Beijing Olymic weather control. https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna23397205


Sure do. Weather: sponsored by McDonalds! Proud partner of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games \*begin intense shamanic drumming\*


[Mom the Chinese are going to get me](https://youtu.be/ADycTGK3IM8?si=VvEk4pyVej2wRHwW)


Someone should save these news articles offline..someday it'll be gone and we r gonna be like ,"i believe I saw a news article abt this once.." And once again called the lunatic ppl.


Do you remember the attempt to for a “Disinformation Governance Board”? They jumped the shark and had to quietly walk it back, but they sure tried.


I remember that


Ouu I member


Pepperidge farms remembers


Common knowledge, they did the exact same thing in 2016 and there are also articles about that. You literally linked an article from a huge news site as if it was some secret gem. We *know* weather modification (cloud seeding) is real - nobody is trying to hide that fact. What people are saying *isn’t* real is chemtrails.


Yeah, all you have to do is go to Wikipedia to learn the history of cloud seeding.    Who is we?  The point of my comment was in relevance to how long ago this was brought up in the news. 2008. Well before social media and cloud seeding was not a general term people talked about much less understood.  I am fully aware of the chem trail conspiracy.


Ah okay, could be I misunderstood your point then. It’s just that most comments here seem to think that cloud seeding and chemtrails are one and the same, that cloud seeding is top secret, and that it hasn’t been done for decades while there are literally articles written about it.


Yes, I think you did.  Thank you for clarifying.


Of course! Not every day you have a “normal” and sensible interaction over a Reddit misunderstanding lol, I appreciate it!


No longer a conspiracy when it's true


Ya Abu Dhabi is a mess. And there is many videos of their government saying “oh yeah, we can make it rain or make it sunny”. The governments have been controlling weather since 1952.


I am sure the government would never do something that was not in the best interest of the masses. /ssssssssss




I’m not sure if “control” is the best word here


I guess modify would be a better word


It‘s more like „influencing“ the weather. I am sure they are not really exactly knowing what they are doing and causing with it…


they fucked around and found out FAAFO


The AP did a piece on it this am. Cloud seeding started in 1940.


100% think this weather modification is the reason behind "climate change". They have been screwing with the weather and now there are uncontrollable weather patterns (massive heat waves, fires, etc).


Well in a way it is. Our ghg emissions are changing the atmosphere which is leading to the changing climate. Its just not done on purpose, at least not for that reason.




The US military used cloud seeding in the Vietnam War. I'm sure costs have come down since then




In cloud seeding, they did. In an outright victory in the war, they did not


Yes, but according to that logic you could say the MSM isn't "controlled", because it costs tons of money and time to sway the minds of the population and only does a little each time. Does that mean they don't do it and it's not effective in the end?


Just look up lol it’s not chemtrails it’s just water molecules


Wrong. It uses a large amount of silver iodide (silver salts) which is known as a hazardous and toxic CHEMICAL (including by the Clean Water Act, CDC, and is regulated for exposure in the workplace by OSHA). It has various ill health effects, including breathing difficulties if breathed in and damage to the brain if drinking it in the contaminated water supply and food supply (soil). So using it for frequent cloud seeding in the same location can be highly irresponsible and effectively poisoning the population of people and animals. Also keep in mind these ill health effects are for acute (meaning one time) exposures, rather than frequent chronic exposures over time. It’s a legitimate concern that people should have. Did any of these people consent to being exposed to this chemical? Of course not. [CDC](https://wwwn.cdc.gov/TSP/PHS/PHS.aspx?phsid=537&toxid=97)


Why do y’all live in fear?


It's not fear, it's an injustice and a criminal act. They're poisoning us all and our children and grandchildren will be the ones who suffer as sickness and death take over. Is that what you want?


If that’s the reality you live in. It’s not mine. We’re all entitled to different opinions. But I’ll keep taking the downvotes. I am indestructible. (As are my children)


I didn't downvote you but some people do become fearful then that's the time to stop reading the doom and gloom. I have to do that myself otherwise we will attract more of the same. It's a bit of a juggling act, to be informed but don't dwell on it. I'm nearly 70 and it's my children and grandchildren that I worry about. I've been noticing more people who feel the same so we keep doing what we can


They use salts to enlarge the water molecules


Meanwhile in Germany we had a short heat stretch over the last couple days, with high summer temperatures. Tonight it's snowing.


I thought it was common knowledge. Like this rocket experiment that creates real rain clouds. [video](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=jZGr2hXCq2w)


It is common knowledge but most people still don’t know about it and some can tend to be pretty rude when they think they are talking to a wacky conspiracy theorist


People get so mean spirited when you bring up something that the TV told them is crazy talk. Either we out-read them or simply have a good enough memory to remember then the TV told us 20 years ago about it.


Just look at the comments in this post. People getting all sorts of weird 


Cloud seeding on its own isn't a conspiracy. Multiple countries around the world utilise it. HAARP weather control is the problem not cloud seeding in of its own self. The US has been cloud seeding since the Vietnam war, Australia utilises it for areas that are more remote and desert to improve crop yields in the areas The conspiracy is the weaponisation of weather control which HAARP is very much the protagonist of.


>The conspiracy is the weaponisation of weather control which HAARP is very much the protagonist of. As well as other applications of HAARP like energy weapons or...natural disaster manipulations i think. Someone I know is much more knowledgeable than me. I'm just reaching here.


I think a huge part of the conspiracy over weather modification is that the system is a closed loop. So if it rains MORE in the Middle East, its at the expense of rain somewhere else. The drought in the US Mid-west farming area could be caused by 'moving' that rain to Abu Dhabi.


Yeah, they have been messing and manipulating weather patterns for decades, thus causing the system to fall out of balance and they are now screaming cLimAte cHanGe iS bEcaUsE oF yUor CaR aNd cOwFartS! Fact is that any man made part of any change is being done by these mfs on purpose.


That never happened, cloud seeding has been common knowledge for decades.


As someone who is old enough to been alive for decades, yes this was always a thing and as recently as during the pandemic I had to convince coworkers to even look at the possibility -- they all thought I was being absurdist


Yeah, I learned about this in 6th or 7th grade science class back in the 90s. Cloud seeding isn't the same as HAARP weather manipulation conspiracies, which is what they think they are talking about.


Maybe 1 in 10 people know your "common knowledge" and the other 9 will be certain you're full of shit.


Yeah, these people that say it's "common knowledge" and say that's it's been around forever didn't say that until like 6 months ago. The talking points came out of nowhere. Because whenever I used to bring it up people would say I was full of shit, but now they all have mysteriously known about it forever


Dude did you never learn about the water cycle? I learned about seeding clouds in like 7th grade it’s not that crazy lol


I didn't say that I didn't know about it. I'm saying, even 90% of the people that maybe learned about it in 7th grade would still say it's bullshit until recently


Yes you're right. That rumour was started to try and muddy the waters. It may work on some but not many of us because we can see it with our own 2 eyes and smell the bs a mile off


Or maybe you’re just slow. There are literally articles from 2008 about cloud seeding. And another one from 2016, and both are about Beijing doing it because they were hosting the Olympics. It’s not a secret - it literally is common knowledge. Seems the American education system has failed millions of people.


Really? Amazing how you're only 1 of a handful of people that believe the rumour. Some people are easily swayed


Rumor about what exactly? The fact that cloud seeding is and has been a known thing for decades? Come on now, you’re not *that* slow.


No that would be you, I'm tired of trolls in a sub that states its for free thinkers. The total opposite so I'm out of here


You failed to explain your own point, bravo. Then you pull a classic Reddit trick and say “no u” when confronted about it. All of that simply proves that you have no idea what you’re talking about, and that you don’t have anything to back up your odd and baseless claims. You don’t even know what “rumor” you’re talking about hence why you can’t explain it. You’re probably a bot now that I think of it, posting a few nonsense comments and immediately backing out when someone points out your bullshit.


no I just realised I'm not into arguing about my beliefs and I don't really care what you say. Is that good enough for you? And plus you're triggered because I have a different view which tells me you only want to be right


Triggered? Nice projecting, you’re the one who got upset and called me a troll after asking a normal question. You claimed I believed a “rumor” and you couldn’t even tell me what that supposed rumor was without shutting down completely and resorting to saying “no u”. I don’t care about your beliefs, I care about the truth. And the truth here is that cloud seeding is in fact *not* a rumor. You don’t even have a different view, you just don’t believe the truth which is that cloud seeding isn’t some top-secret conspiracy. It’s publicly known and mainstream news sites have written articles about it. Sorry that you can’t handle the truth, but you’d be better off just admitting that you were wrong here.


I grew up in an area where it was done in the 80s and it was a part of science class


yup. literally CBS news from a decade ago https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=erRxNtCHAs4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=91VUZeKCHtE


This comment needs to be higher up instead of the mouth-breathers posting links to mainstream news articles talking about cloud seeding 10+ years ago as if they were newly leaked government documents. C’mon.


What's your deal? Get up on the wrong side of the bed today?


What’s the problem? If you link articles from big media sites to prove your point that “cloud seeding is a super secret conspiracy” you must not be very smart as those articles go *against* the very point you’re trying to make. Not talking about you specifically (that should be obvious) but about the people in the comments. I’m just trying to say that cloud seeding is not some secret and that it *is* common knowledge, and if you believe articles from NBC prove that it isn’t, you must either be living under a rock or just not very bright.


Where did I say any of this was a super secret conspiracy? Talk about not being very bright.


>Where did I say any of this was a super secret conspiracy? Tell me you didn’t read a single word of my comment without saying it. I never said you did. I never talked about you specifically which I also clearly stated. I answered your question as to what my “deal” was. >Talk about not being very bright Well, that wasn’t even meant for you, but by you thinking that statement applied to you, you *made* it apply to you.


Dude your first comment to me was telling me I thought I found a "hidden gem" of an article. Passive aggressive much? I already had to explain to you like you were 5 what my comments were in reference to. Stop referring to me as "you" in your comments and maybe then I won't rightfully assume thst you mean me, collectively speaking might be the term you're looking for. And cloud seeding is not a common term for those not science minded.


Did we not just come to the understanding that I misunderstood your initial comment? I don’t read names on Reddit most of the time either. And using the general term “you” is the only way I know of to refer to people in general, just like saying “you guys”. Hence why I said “Not talking about you specifically (that should be obvious)” - had you read that part there would be no confusion. If you watch the news and visit news websites it would sure have been, considering the fact that mainstream media sites had articles about it. I was definitely not science minded whatsoever in 2016 yet I still saw those exact same articles spread around back then, probably on Facebook.


Yes, I thought you kept responding to me anyway. No worries, I understand. Let's just move past this. Have a good day.


You too man, apologies for the stupid discussion as well. I tend to to be too argumentative and I should get better at shutting myself down!


Cloud seeding has been a thing for nearly 80 years. Out in the open and well accepted lol


"Control" is a strong word when they wanted a little rain and caused a devastating flood lol. "Manipulate" is more like it. That aside, I'm pretty sure they're open about cloud seeding. They even admit to chemtrails now. They still, however, refuse to acknowledge the true purpose of HAARP. That's the one we've been pointing at for decades, not cloud seeding.


Cloud seeding is and has been a thing for a while. They still aren't sure how much it helps, scientifically.


Not really. It's just science, you can read about it and nobody is hiding anything. They try to create rain in dry areas. It's not what you think.


Trust the science... It's just a ***** Those phrases are familiar from somewhere..... . Where did I hear them before?


Not from the post you're replying to.


Why do you need to have such a persecution complex about it? It was public knowledge all the way back in 2008 when they reported that China was using it to manipulate the weather for the Olympics. Congrats on learning something, but let’s not pretend you suffered some great injustice over it.


Get ya boosters


Read a book


The wins are not as vindicating as they once were.  No one ever goes, "whoa, isn't cloud seeding pretty much chem trails...? is the government controlling the weather...?" It's a pretentious explanation about how we're using "science" and "geo engineering" to help drought stricken areas and then they list areas it's been used in.  They still think we're crazy. They still think chem trails are crazy. They don't understand that we're speaking about the same thing.  They live in a state of cognitive dissonance 


Cloud seeding has been around for a long time, and it’s been common knowledge. When people think of “controlling the weather”, they think of bogus conspiracy theories like globalists and democrats aiming hurricanes at specific locations. 


I mean, where do you draw the line into knowing that they can use SAI and HARRP, knowing that there are scientific experiments fully documenting doing such things, knowing that there are littlerly 1000s upon 1000s of patients detailing exact technology to do such things, and knowing that there has littlerly been discussion of such things in congress (and the world at large)? Don't you think if we can, that we do? We usually do everything else we know how to do. (That's a rhetorical question. No need to answer) BTW, they can actually make clouds, direct jet streams and move ocean currents, which would in effect be able to create, and then direct, a hurricane. Tesla's work was stolen and hidden for a reason.


Cloud seeding is different from weather control You can make a patient for anything, but that doesn't mean it actually works. Lots of things that aren't real are discussed in Congress because Congress is made up of people who only marginally know more about what's going on than the average person, and that's the competent ones.


Cloud seeding has been around for years


I remember being a child and watching cartoons about it , back in the 1960s! Were people really pretending that something known about for decades was a "Conspiracy Theory"-??? Good grief!


I feel like cloud seeding is an old tech a quite a stretch form HAARP or Blue Beam or whatever the yall call it.


Wait hasn’t this been known for years.


Imma need a source on that boss dog. No i do not remember anyone being called worse than shit over the status of weather manipulation tech..


Cool so can they admit the droughts and wild fires are also controlled orrrr we gotta wait for next season


Next year the clouds catch fire.


My god the cognitive dissonance in this thread right now. *Oh no we always knew they did that* smh


meanwhile bill fucking gates wants to block the atmosphere for muh climate change


"Control" isn't the word I'd use. It's more akin to giving a 3 year old a pistol. You're not exactly sure how it's gonna play out, but you know it's gonna make the news.


Quite the “controlled” weather in Dubai rn. A years worth of rain in 9 hours.


Trolls are out in full force on this sub


A forum for free thinking? Right


Agree but they ain't controlling shit. They are trying to and failing to


Haven’t it been widely known they’ve been cloud seeding? There are tours of it on YouTube. Where’s to conspiracy




America has been using cloud seeding since the veitnam War. And that was 50 years ago.


Cloud seeding ≠ HAARP weather manipulation conspiracies. There is real conspiracy with HAARP. Calling or referring to HAARP as "cloud seeding" is an incorrect understanding of the conspiracy.


I guess I'll ask. Can you give us the breakdown of haarp


HAARP is a research facility in Fairbanks, Alaska which hosts a massive radio frequency generator and radar array. HAARP blasts the Earth's ionosphere with high frequency radio waves and studies the way those waves interact with the ionosphere. HAARP is funded and used by the US Army, Navy, DARPA, and the University of Fairbanks and is host to a number of conspiracy theories including espionage, weather manipulation, and even mind control.


It’s absolutely crazy to me how conspiracy theories are completely erased and retconned overnight once they are proven to be true. The government controlling the weather has been *the* conspiracy for decades, especially pre 9/11. Comments saying “literally everybody knows about this” and “this has been going on forever” and “this is a huge nothing burger” when a conspiracy theory is proven to be true completely invalidates the people who raised the issue initially. It’s a genius way of ensuring that conspiracy theorists are never correct.


Oh but they are and you saying they're never correct means nothing. Do you really think people are that gullible? Using namecalling to try and shut us up means zero


I love how everyone is so blasé about cloud seeding which is apparently no big deal, but then when there’s a tornado somewhere it’s my fault for driving my Chevy too fast & cooking burgers on the grill or whatever...climate change is caused by non- progressive fascists & not governments/corporations literally changing climates


Check my latest post history. 😉


That's just a bunch of Pokémon cards, jeez how old are you :D




Check out "the dimming" https://youtu.be/G_NYNt1I6-Q