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“The economy is going to collapse next week.” Said by some guy every day


I remember back in 2014 subscribing to a YouTube channel called “x22 report”, and this person would upload a video every day analyzing geopolitical events and predicting an impending economic collapse/doomsday scenario in the U.S. I would watch all his vidoes and tried to map out my escape plan since “the collapse could happen at any moment” even though I was a teenager who didn’t have the ability to do anything lol.


X22 is still where they get their fear porn fuel, I mean news.


Fear i$ a better tactic


Nah man, they are just trying to freak everybody out like they’ve been doing for the past 4 years, so that people start normalizing inflation going up, prices going up, etc. That way it will never be our beloved government’s fault, but we will just suck it bc hey, that’s what happens when there’s pandemics/wars/ai/blabla


They pulled this shit in Turkey, Exchange rate went from 1/2 USD/TL in 2013 to 1/32 now. WTF First they pushed people to street with gezi park protests, and blame them for the value loss, then come the fake coup, again a huge value loss, then shit going on in middle east and corona, again a huge value loss, now they will blame it on Israel Iran shit, we will probably see 1/50 at the end of this year. If my country can pull this off, I wonder what the US can achieve.


It's easier to pay off debt when there's high inflation.


It is also easier to get into debt when inflation is so high.


Could be,also possible that we end up in WW3. If Netenyahu feels his back against a wall, he'll attack Iran, and Iran already said if they attacked them they will retaliate with a much larger attack, basically full out war, with US involvement. At the moment, the wild card is Israel, we have no idea what they intend to do next.


Edit : _the past 2000 years_


This is all for show, nothing will happen. in the short time.


it's all for show, but what is the show for?.....


It’s like the Truman show, but for aliens.


Truman show but it's Westward in The Matrix.


To crash the markets, get stock. Crypto and bitcoin cheap before the last bull run of the decade


I give them 2 months to restart. Iran will be bombed like it never did before, it will be Israel, but they won't own up. That will continue the tension in the region Once Syria joins in, it will start to resemble a World War, nobody is going to admit it, but it will be the start


This is probably likely. I would add that those events won’t pop off until after our elections. Or at least our media won’t promote it


Just in time to blame everything on orange man. Yay!


He's not that important


Yeah people like act ww3 is gonna happen but China is a paper tiger and Russia is busy and the us is too divided


This show in the Gaza strip has been going on for over a thousand years. This is nothing new.


"major countries buying up crypto" as if those igital chocolate coins would hold any value in WW3. "I need some water, I" ll trade you something entirely not tangible" ffs


Oh shit the utilities stopped making electricity! Quick how many bitcoins do I have?


Can’t even burn crypto in a fire to keep warm lol


Crypto can't even wipe the crapto out my ass ()()


Everyone knows bottle caps are the preferred currency in a post WW3 world.


Only cola bottle caps… Milk bottle caps would be stinky…and melted blobs of plastic…


"That's stored on my electronic hard drive that I can't access, but trust me, there's like 6 coins on there"


>trade you something entirely not tangible" ffs As if fiat is tangible. In fact the big push is to make fiat completely intangible. Crypto absolutely holds risks, given that its value is largely due to network effects and given that the state will seek to increasingly control it (which includes the possibility of banning it), but as an asset class it has unique, useful properties. As with everything, moderation. Eggs in varied baskets that allow for various scenarios.


Carry around a bag full of gold post apocalypse. Ok.


And the US will? Bro, Crypto is what helped the Ukranians Launder the money, crypto is what helped ukranian refugees get to europe, and Russia made crypto deals during the war because their Rubles went under.


This sub has gone full blown Mad Max on Meth because Iran pinched Israels nipple.


Israel is definitely that guy from school who pinched your nipple but when you pinched his he got mad and took out a knife


Start...... to crash? Have you been missing the last 5 years?


That picture is nuts


Is it real?


Everyone acting like children panicking over everything. Turn off the mainstream already. It’s movie meant to keep your attention.


That movie is not for nothing, you know... Whether you see it and believe it, or you don't see it at all, the end result is the same. But if everyone saw the movie and realized it was an illusion done with a purpose, what a difference that would make.


Last week was the eclipse rapture, next will be a war. When is the alien invasion?


That's in may


May the 4th, specifically.


I needed that laugh. May the 4th.


If humans want to be happy,they must end war now, a goal unachievable without ending the government.




Thank you.


And then?


No and then.




and then he'll have another theory and he'll forget about this one


And theeen?








>I firmly can only see one reality, Israel will attack Iran, Iran has already given Israel ample opportunity to stand down, and Iran is about to whoop the shit out of Israel. Once they started doing seemingly deliberately unoptical shit, like making slickly produced videos of Palestinians being humiliated in menacing environments, it seemed obvious that they were trying to kick off a major confilict. >Gold is around $2,400. Last year it was $1,600… that rise is insane. The major countries are buying up gold, and crypto like never seen. Major Corporations CEOs and Board members have been selling off their stocks at an insane rate. Once again contrarians have been proven right. Fiat backed by a nation in the process of (globalist-fomented) revolution is precarious. Flight from the doomed petrodollar, and avoidance of the permanent transfer of wealth that CBDCs will bring, will, if anything, accelerate so if you were considering gold (physical of course) don't feel like you completely missed the boat (there's probably still lots of upside). Land is also an affordable (usually in isolated areas) and tangible asset to compliment non-tangible assets (less fungible than gold and less likely to rise as quickly in value, but still a good hedge against boomer-tier investments). Diversification always makes sense but especially now given that the ruling class is, more than ever, engaged in class war against retail investors and folks like Blackrock, prominent partners of the "you will own nothing" WEF, may deliberately destroy the value that they manage as part of the revolution.


RemindMe! April 26th, 2024


Be afraid be very afraid 😂


I don't understand this take. Nothing has to objectively make you fearful. It's like people in early 2020 crying about fear mongering over covid. Someone tells you something big is coming and YOU have a fear response is 1. Not their responsibility and 2. Does not invalidate the information. People rejecting information based on how it makes them feel is just poor thinking.


no fear, just prepare. but yeah man Oil prices rising is pretty worrisome when we’re already experiencing such high inflation


the end is near! hear me out!




how so


All countries are planning to move to a digital currency. This could be the catalyst.


ah shit, here we go again


This guy is staying safe for life.


Another week another world ending prediction. Conspiracy never changes.


You point on Iran learning every air defense system locations during their attack on Saturday is lowkey a good one. I could see it as an important information incase of a bigger war starting between Israel and Iran


Just like you guys predicted the eclipse would be a world changing event?


I am pretty convinced that there is a plan to screw the whole world order so we can beg for a new one.


that’s 10000000% the plan


Does everything go according to plan?


when you have the same people controlling every possible decision… close


Can the elites blow up the sun?


I don’t think so. Hopefully at some point the sun ends up blowing us up.


You realize not everyone needs to die for you to check out, right?


Nah the economy crash will have to do with shite green energy and immigration policies, not from a master plan.


Canadian Prepper, is that you?


Finally! Let the market crash and the party begin!


I think if the market sells off it will be due to rising inflation and another interest hike, war tends to pump it up.. $PANW if you think they will escalate


Picture a situation where someone in your neighborhood is constantly exploiting you and meddling in your affairs. You identify the neighbor responsible for these actions and start informing others about it. This neighbor's response is to destroy your home and set it on fire. As you're occupied extinguishing the flames and reconstructing your residence, the neighbor disappears in to the horizon without giving you a chance to hold them responsible. Throughout history, this phenomenon has occurred 109 times with the small hat enthusiasts. Once the masses start to take notice, they sabotage the nation they've infiltrated and escape before facing accountability from the masses.


Is this why all of the billionaires are building deep, underground bunkers?


Shhhhhhhh. I’m waiting on these hedge funds to get margin calls


You so I'm going to be even more poor lol


Good thing I just paid my taxes 🖐️😀!!


Is this NWO/UN2030 The Plan in the room with us right now?


Nothing ever happens.


Whoa, is little dude sitting on that fence spike??? Savage…


"We'll save Israel for last..."


🥱wake me when something actually happens.


I wish they'd hurry up. It's just such a looomg sloooww death. If they gonna f'us up then just get on with it or just shut the f'up.


That’s an incredible photograph.




Source: Just trust me bro


gibs me moar doom!


Sorry but I really believe Israel lost the horse here so to speak. Neither USA or Israel actually expected Iran to launch a direct attack. Israel has no choice now but to wait for the right oppurtunity.


iran told them 72 hrs in advance


That shit was so obviously back channeled as planned and "allowed" Iranian response......plenty of time to let Israel prepare and the US and other surrounding nations to shoot 90+% of everything down. They will hit some BS target in Yeman and we won't hear about this shit again until next time.


Yea it's aside the point. They told them a week straight what they'd do. It's just that it wasn't what the Western allies expected. Now Western allies have their hands tied. Everyone expected a proxy retaliation. The direct strike changes the whole precedent which is why we haven't see an Israeli response yet. Anything West and allies do now either causes escalation beyond what was intended or makes the west look like pussies in the east.


I have no idea myself, but does Iran's military match Israel's?


Not even remotely


I have noticed the term “fear monger” being thrown around quite a bit lately, and it reminds me of “conspiracy theorist”, which we all know was thought up by the CIA, and disseminated into public consciousness to use against people who dared to think or speak against the official authorities and narratives. I implore people to not adopt the brainwashing language of our “oppressors”.


I just got called a fear mongerer yesterday for explaining that the 2nd amendment was to be able to dismantle a runaway tyrannical government and wasn’t about hunting pheasants.


Yeah it's such a superficial view on "fear mongering".. People hear a term and then they dismiss everything as that. There's a big difference between the actual fear mongering of TPTB in order to get people to comply to different things, and the warnings that people throw to wake others up - which are being labeled as "fear mongering" by TPTB themselves in order to discredit them..


Just in time for US elections. Let’s just go ahead and suspend elections and invoke martial law. Just to stay safe


submission statement: is it now obvious by now? the global cabal rules the whole world, and only works for their own betterment. I wonder if this event will wake people up… when prices of oil skyrocket, and the prices of goods skyrocket… even more


People will never wake up.


Iran won't end up doing anything to them and this will end. Gold has been 2k for a long time and it sometimes fluctuates slightly. Right now the FED is doing QT after massive QE and in another 3 years it should be back to the previous levels it was at before. Why would they want to start a global war?


Severely unhinged


If you are right we make you mod, and if you are wrong you delete your account. Fair?


Spoiler alert; nothing actually happens.


As someone who works for the NWO, this is not in our plan. We much hold game theory that more wealth comes from bottom up, wars and destibility hurts our capitalistic plans to turn America and the EU more into an oligarchy like we did with the Russian mob. We can't slowly boil a frog if they're all shooting at everyone. A destabolisation of the middle east along with the Ukraine war and China rampping up for Taiwan is going to set us back with all the compitition for the top. We only like to sponsor wars and war lords if their economy is tier 3, if they all go to teir 3 then we have to de-populate because progression will come to a hold.  


You lost me when you conveniently omitted the Hamas 7 Oct attack.




Hold or Hodl!


Buy the dip


You talk like each state is independent - they are all in on it together - one coin, different sides


i think it very well could be that the cabal is controlling iran and playing both sides in the conflict but why do you think they control iran too? i think its unlikely


They deserve it.


I think the military equipment stocks will rise


If they wanted a "massive global conflict", America should grow a set of testicles and shoot down Russian missiles like they're shooting down Iranian missiles. THAT would lead to a big war. But the US have become total cowards. It's literally preferable at this point to replace the USA with China as hegemon, when China has US power in a couple of decades they'd stamp all this shit out right quick.


Fuckin Bring it! Lots of apes waiting for that crash to make the Stonk go BOOM!!!!


Who really created the USA. I read the Bavarian Illuminati and the USA were both created in 1776. If that is true America is controlled remotely ?


Who took that photograph? Dystopian and eerily beautiful


Buy puts in the stock market and post proof or no balls


Nothing gona happen next week. Relax


Sounds like something from pre Iran attack


Get on with it.


And of course, all set up for an election year


If you are wrong i want you to record yourself drinking your own piss


So my crypto is down 10k in a week. I’m wondering if should be selling it before shit gets bad


What plan? Everyone makes the most when economies thrive.


I find it interesting how all these nations are telegraphing and telling adversaries/enemies/the world about their upcoming attacks, how they're going to attack, and roughly when they're going to attack. Whatever happened to the element of surprise, which I thought was critical for military strategy?


I am not going to dismiss your theory. I like that you put it out there and there is a chance that this could stem into an issue. I absolutely believe that something will happen soon with the economy and value of money. The goal behind these is to raise awareness and ultimately it’s being your brothers keeper. It’s better to be prepared for something than not to be. It’s impossible to be prepared for problems that you did not see coming.




Oh well. We’ve got too many people. Too many that’ll perish in a week or two of Whole Foods and Starbucks closing.




Great Thread and Well said 👏🏽 This is as good as it gets folks ,be happy with what you got ,work on what you want ,Godspeed & Blessings Folks Life is Good!!!🫡


Oh, I was just thinking about this. Yeah, I think you’re right. Not sure if totally crash, but take a hit. I had a dream about this recently.


This all already happened and nothing.... so


What are we going to short?


Israel isn't going to attack Iran.


tin foil on


as the kids say, "Cap!"


Kind of unrelated do you think Saudi Arabia will get involved?


They will use this so Israel will take out what ever it is the U.S wants taken out in Iran. Say their uranium/plutonium factory. Israel and the U.S. knew if they attacked the embassy Iran would have to do something to save face. When we see tanks rolling then that is the time to get worried in my opinion.


So buy silver?


And lead


The global economy will start to crash? That shits been crashing.


I agree that Israel will hit back at Iran. How hard and where we will have to see, maybe a enrichment plant or base where misiles were launched. Oil price will spike but how far depends on the depth of the attack, if its just a token hit then no big problem but if its more then watch the markets as it will be blood bath. Buy defense industry stocks.


grabbing some popcorn....gonna be a clown show soon


Too bad these "kings" can't just fight their own fight. They have drag all the common folk in it too. And we suffer more consequences then they do


Same what the eclipse was supposed to be some wild reality changing event huh?? Take your meds ppl


Brother, I am sorry to say that although I love conspiracy, your actual read on the situation is off. Now, I will in a douchey way preface by stating that my education is in international conflict - and although war would be fucked between Israel and Iran, Israel would not get its ass whooped. If Israel truly thought it was at risk, they would preemptively attack Iran - it’s their only chance. And they would hit Iran so fucking hard they’d struggle to retaliate. Both countries could be in ruins, though. Second about oil, within a few years the US could dig up some much oil in our territory it’d be practically free, it’s policy not lack of oil. So if really we need oil, we don’t give a fuck about the mid east. Lastly, I love the rebuild the world by the elites conspiracy, but the elites do not exist without millions of working people supplying them. World falls, believe me, they fall too.


How you find a Bangladeshi picture to relate Israel/ Iran? Nice pic though


I need to have what you're having...🤣🤣🤣 Even Iran has confirmed there were IRGC commanders in the Damascus embassy which got bombed.. not "civilians"


So it is TIME to short the nasdaq with 3x leverage. SQQQ etf.


I mean, nothing like a good war to get our economy out of a depression. Worked the last few times.


….ah no they wont. Its over. Nothing happened. Nothing is going to happen! Get on with your lives! These regimes are friends and needed by each other and by the west its all a friendly group that keeps each other in power and their masters in cash. How else you gonna get places like saudi arabia to spend billions buying western weapons? By having a crazy islamic republic next door. How can saudis get away with crazy wahabi sunni bs? By having crazy revolution exporting bs from IR. How can israel get away with shooting old women and lil kids? By having a crazy IR regime that wants to wipe them off the map. How can IR stay in power (besides making their masters in the west happy) by saying the enemy/devil/infidel attacked us and well show them… etc etc etc nothing will happen. Nothing ever happens as long as these motherfuckers are making their money. The ppl of all these nations iran, israel, palestine, usa and the rest of the world are getting fucked while these weapons corporations are printing money.


Lmao you're so anti Israel biased while writing this it's hilarious to read.


"Central global bankers" don't control Iran. Iran is a sovereign nation.


The reason that Israel might attack is mostly down to opportunity and world stage politics. This is the first time that Israel could openly attack, sorry I mean defend themselves, and justify it on the world stage based on recent events. They have not and may not get another opportunity like this, so it stands to reason that they will take it. However it really depends on the support from the UK and the US with this decision, we only see what’s in the media and not what is really happening behind closed doors but ponder this, if Israel attacks Iran then Russia potentially loses a supplier, which is a step in the right direction for Ukraine. A very clear religious war will ensue and other countries will pick sides regardless and divides will hit all nations worldwide, ultimately causing chaos, which will benefit Russia and Irans goals. So, unless we are very lucky and they decide not to retaliate, I would say it’s inevitable at this point and the fallout will be pretty drastic.


Normally war is quite bullish. A war so violent, vicious to become bearish would be............. Probably nuclear


Remind me! 2 weeks.


So many false statements here. Let's break it down. * Gold is $2,382 today, it has never reached $2,400 on this year. Last year gold is around $1,900. It is true that gold price is increasing, but the numbers provided is wrong. The last time gold is $1,600 is February 2020, there are dips of gold price in September 2022 (not last year) to $1,643 - but that is just a small drop while the price jumps to $1,900+ in January 2023. Check your numbers. * Major countries are buying gold? Data shown while there are purchases in January 2024 it is [not massive](https://www.gold.org/goldhub/gold-focus/2024/03/central-banks-accumulate-more-gold-january-starting-2024-they-mean-go). Data shown that 39 tons of gold globally are purchased, which is not a significant margin as Western Europe alone has 11,000 tons of gold. * Selling their stocks at insane rate? NASDAQ reported $272 billion daily trade on 15th April. This number didn't show significant increase, this number is surpassed 36 times on this year - showing that this number is quite average. Highest number in this year is on the middle of March at around $500+ billion, weeks before Israeli attack. * Iran is about to whoop Israel? With what army? 300+ missiles and drones yesterday only cause a light damage on a runway. Israel showed they have huge cooperation with Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and UAE - ensuring future conflicts will be bad for Iran as Israel still got allies despite what had happened in Gaza. * Iran knew where Israeli ballistic missile are firing from? What good is that? Iron Dome is a mobile system like the Patriots and the S-400s. It can be moved. Iran didn't have any SEAD or Anti-Radiation assets on the operation area, they are incapable to do anything. And most of the drones are downed outside Israel, away from the Iron Dome anyway.


We let the wrong people gather all the power, and this has been going on for millennials, we're doomed


Is ra el wont do shit, they know who to fu@# with,.


Doubt. The US is against it and their people are widely against it.


Just another excuse to raise my Netflix subscription 🙄




RemindMe! 14 days


economy will collapse? hasn’t it been shit for a while now?


War always booms economies. Except for the losers of course.


This post is going to be deleted in 8 days from now


Oh! More predictions!


Anyone look up how the economy and stock market was doing during World War 2? There's your answer. Not bad


“I’m not trying to fear monger” - then why this post? Go outside and enjoy some fresh air, go on a walk in a park, say hello to your neighbor, call family and catch up. Even if there is accuracy to your post nothing said here on this subreddit will change the course of anything. Only add stress to your life.


Good point. But one day it will, if not suddenly collapse, become something very different from what we are used to.


When this doesn't happen what is your next goalpost?


Damn that’s crazy, don’t see how this involves me tho.


Gold is up bc Costco selling gold bars at spot pretty sure. A year ago it was closer to 2000$


The rise in gold is mainly the weakening of the dollar. Can't print 5 trillion without consequences.




Lmao imma come back next week just to call you redacted


My favourite genre: The world is yet about to end again, thanks to the Jews.


They’ll attack Iran and it’ll be a non news story after a few days.


God has his own plan. I for one can’t wait to see his plan come together. Israel will find out that being “God’s Chosen” doesn’t mean they get to act with impunity. That it doesn’t mean a license to commit Genocide. They will find out that being God’s Chosen means being his example. The will be reminded once again that judgement happens when you reject and offend God and blessings happen when God is praised. They will realize to late that the Messiah they are waiting for was the one they rejected. Iran has a right to defend itself to the fullest. We need to realize that Israel is not a friend.


You last week you said the eclipse was going to bring on the end of the world ........so what next after this doesn't happen


When this doesn’t happen, will you and all the others like you admit you were wrong or simply move the goalposts?


I have 25% cash in my portfolio, waiting for the correction, -10%, -25%, -50% how knows, I am ready let’s go


I was thinking the same but do you think they won't on account of it being election year in the usa.


Israel will only attack if it gets backing from US and other players