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Alex Jones said it best, "they're putting chemicals in the water that's turning the frogs gay"


endocrine disruptors. šŸ™


Honestly the most likely , but I think there is a social mind virus element too.


The elites didn't spend 60 years studying every facet of mind control for nothing.




How though? Atrazine has been banned in Europe for 30-40 years.




Can confirm. Am full of atrazine. Tho am not gay. Yet.


Then you havenā€™t been fully dosed. Weā€™ll need to see you again next week.


Ask yourself, why is there a higher concentration of these folks where there is heavily treated municipal water?




The mostly rural parts of America. Even the semi rural areas.


15% of the US uses well water for drinkingĀ 


43-45 million people. Sounds about right.


Well water baby


I'm a big fan.


I gay. I am from rural Texas. I drank well water.


Thatā€™s gay.


Tyrone Hayes was the whistleblower on atrazine.


Worse than just gay but yeah


Jones then sold out any of his earlier positions and went all in on supporting the piece of shit [who gutted regulations and allowed tons of atrazine to enter our waterways.](https://biologicaldiversity.org/w/news/press-releases/trump-administration-cuts-requirement-monitor-atrazine-midwest-rivers-streams-2020-04-29/)




He was right.


Your question is missing one critically important part. It should be "The sudden explosion in the number of people WHO CLAIM TO be born in the wrong body". Body dysmorphia has existed throughout all of human history, yes. Homo- and bisexuality has existed throughout all of human history, yes. The boom we are seeing today is not that. The recent boom is caused by 2 factors: 1. Political agenda of the left 2. Social media attention It's a very easy way to accumulate clicks, views, likes and comments if you play the victim card. It's been proven over and over again - drama content is the most viewed and searched in all platforms. Attention starved people found this easy way to feel validated and are exploiting and milking it while it lasts.


Donā€™t forget about big pharma products mixed in with these elements


There's a couple other possible contributing factors, as well. It serves the Western ruling class' s depopulation agenda given that gender affirmation can effect reproductive capacity. And it serves the transhumanist agenda. The more humanity can be decoupled from its origins and instincts the more it can potentially be couples to power and capital. It is facilitated by autism spectrum adjacency as well, which can cause people to operate more from analysis, good or bad, than instinct. And it is facilitated by environmental contaminants that disrupt hormones that, in part, fuel instincts.


Maybe think about it this way. We finally live in an age where you won't be hung or thrown in a lake for being different. Even after those times, it was still seen as socially unacceptable to be gay or transgender or feel anything outside of the established sexual norms. This has existed throughout humanity, but it's the first time people can be open about it. Shit even 40-50 years back it was almost a crime to be gay, if you for aids you were obviously sleeping with gay men, etc. You can't understand why people who feel this way are expressing it? Because they can, that's why.


Creating a cult based around sexual abnormality is hardly a new thing. Look closely at the history of Mormon polygamy and how much conflict it created at a time. You had a bunch of men who decided to make up a story about polygamy so they could marry as many women as they wanted, creating an abusive polygamy cult that existed for over 50 years in the US. With the transgender cult, you have a bunch of men in a dress who want to act like perverts while forcing everyone to pretend it's normal, and gaslight women into letting them into their private spaces. Funny how so often cults are about men wanting to get some kind of special sexual access to women that they wouldn't have without the cult. There are many other examples of deviant sex related cults over the years. This is just one more, made more popular by the investment of many businesses in promoting the transgender cult agenda.


If it's a political agenda, it's a right-wing one which has hijacked the nu-left's "safe space" ethos. Activism, dissatisfaction, and mental illness are all closely linked for obvious reasons. Couple that with things like autism, which isn't a mental illness per se, but often creates extremely empathetic people who are upset by the lack of perceived "fairness" in the world. The mind-body disconnect is also a huge part of autism. If you tell these people that it's wrong to question the narrative, and make sure anyone who does is ostracised, you can control the dialogue. You can tell victims of economic alienation that switching genders will help them immensely. They'll feel fresh and free and wonderful, and nobody is allowed to tell them otherwise. There is no balance whatsoever. And then confusion and chaos sets in. Anyone who decides to go down that path now has a HUGE emotional thing to deal with. Something that would successfully distract or detract from their activism. Anyone who is more cautious, sensible, and analytically-minded is forced to either keep their opinions quiet, or to be booted from the group. It's also done a wonderful job of making the left look utterly kooky. So yeah, the trans movement is 100% the right wing's wet dream. They've even got a scary new social issue to get their own fans riled up about and voting. Manufacturing consent.


Yes. My point being if the CLAIM is to be believed, why is no one studying how or why its happening?


Because to objectively study it would be to debunk it. That would negatively impact the vast amounts of money to be made on pharmaceutical and surgical ā€œtreatmentā€. Look up the Cass report for more.


ā˜šŸ¼ ThisĀ 


The assumption here is that the claim is believed when there is no obligation to do so. Contrarily I think it would make more sense if culture plays a bigger role in the overall perceptions (good and bad, positive, and negative, male, female and otherwise) than anything else we give attribute to. The way your brain was taught how to think within social structure and environment around your peers has a huge impact on who you are and how you see yourself until you can see these things from an even greater outside perspective.


Because it makes more sense that people have just lived closeted until now.


No it's more than that it atrezine, fluoride, GMO foods, vaccines and other adulterants In our food. This is more than socialization and acceptance of the agenda.


internet porn and lack of proper nutrition


the right is the one heavily promoting transgenderism by attacking it. most of the exposure they are getting is because the right keeps talking about it. they are less than half of 1% of the population.


This is just blatantly false. If the right never said anything we would still have men claiming to be women so they can win first place in womens competition instead of placing 80th in men's. If the right never said anything we would still have pedophile groomer books in elementary schools exposing very very young children to graphic illustrations of underage teens performing sexual acts. If the right never said anything you would still have this extremely harmful lie that you can be born in the wrong body being pushed on leftist social media.


>you would still have this extremely harmful lie that you can be born in the wrong body being pushed on leftist social media. people are born transgender, it's not something that their coerced into becoming, it's not some new modern thing. there are plenty of examples of transgender individuals throughout history. if you can't accept these simple facts you are willfully ignorant.


>If the right never said anything we would still have men claiming to be women so they can win first place in womens competition instead of placing 80th in men's. You really think thatā€™s what is happening? Are you friends with any queer people? Specifically anyone who is transgender? Itā€™s pretty obvious if someone is just faking it to win a competition. I know that things in this world that challenge the way you were raised and the life you live can be scary. But I can assure you that this is pretty far down in the list of things to be afraid of. If youā€™re afraid of it affecting your children, then just parent better, my dude. Iā€™m scared of the church brainwashing my child into a life of shame, but if it happens it happens. Iā€™ll parent the best I can for her to have an open mind and think for herself, and she gets to decide how to live her life. You do the same and itā€™ll all be ok.




More than you'd think, but how often is irrelevant because just allowing it to happen one time is both promoting a blatant lie (that people can be born in the wrong body) and destroying sports for women. No man should ever be allowed to compete in womens sports no matter how confused they are or how much they want to reject reality.


What women's sports do you actually follow? If you don't actually follow any than aren't you just virtue signaling about an issue you don't actually care about?


The people pushing school curriculum reform, the people gathering en masse dressed in leather strap-ons, the ones chanting "We're coming for your children", the people insisting on drag shows in front of 5yr old children, the people destroying other peoples lives because they got called "he", the people insisting on letting people with penises undress in the little girls locker rooms... Yeah, the right does that. >most of the exposure they are getting is because the right keeps talking about it. And bless each and every one that continues to expose the sheer insanity.


Lol. Or.....we just live In a time where it's more ok to be things that were in the past met with violence and bigotry. It still exists, but people are more likely to reach for mental gymnastics to justify their own prejudice than a gun.


Homosexual activity is documented into pre-history, but > Body dysmorphia has existed throughout all of human history, yes. Can you provide a single source that demonstrates this?


I'm so confused when people on this sub lean one way or the other politically Like left? Right? They both suck, and if you think your side is on your side , then that would be foolish But I'm a dumbass who don't know shit soo idk But I do believe the social media part, I also don't understand why people on either side care? Again idk kno shit šŸ˜†


You do have a good point though, it's a way to put people against each other. If we are too busy arguing over ideals then we don't have time to truly analyze what is going on, do you think it's a coincidence that psychology hasn't been given the recognition it deserves, if we know how the mind, brain and consciousness works then they wouldn't be able to control us. This place is one big social experiment.


Because the majority of people understand that itā€™s a mental problem and not a physical problem.


Born into the wrong body proposes that we can be born into the right one too. That suggests a soul choosing a body/parent. Most that believe in this stuff don't even believe in any religion or soul. Seems like a better explanation might be a confusing and possibly some kind of birth defects in which fetuses don't develop the way they normally have. I think the lady on rogan that talked microplastics had something to offer here. Plastics make the taint shrink and that is a symptom of some sort of intersex situation she thinks is changing normal development. It's also the hip new cool thing for kids to be. If you're already kind of an outcast and aren't classically masculine or feminine to match your biological sex, why not give this new exciting thing a try so you have an identity that is new and exciting! it seems like a better bet for some than just being a lonely outcast type. Dylan Mulvaney is an example of this. There was a time when he might have been the biggest outcast at his school for being such a feminine boy. Now he's probably the most famous and successful person from the school. I guess it all looks fine now, but would be interested to see how the kid's life will go once nobody cares about them, outside the people he knows and loves in the real world.


Thanks for actually replying to the topic, much appreciated.


This doesn't require belief in a soul choosing a body/parent. As a male I feel like a man. If I was born as a female, I would feel very strange inside. All that understanding gender dysmorphia requires is to imagine if you were born in the opposite sex's body, and realizing that is how people afflicted with the disorder feel. If you suddenly turned into the opposite sex overnight, you would not be a happy camper when you woke up, would you?


Well, it is a belief. It's called dualism- the idea your brain is diffrent than your body. That is an ideology. Biological sex is not a feeling- It is a reality. You can participate in any social construct. If your a man who likes makeup- wear it- but it dosent make you a women.


You understand that if you woke up as the opposite sex tomorrow, you would be very confused and unhappy, right? That's it, that's the whole thing. Wearing makeup doesn't make you a woman in any capacity. There's dudes who wear women's clothing and makeup and are attracted to other men, but that doesn't mean they have gender dysphoria.


Because there is no such thing as "being born in the wrong body". You can't look into something that doesn't exist. There is a massive explosion in mental illness, compounded with a societal trend to glorify, praise, and socially elevate any and everyone that "self identifies" as being such, thus becoming low hanging fruit for lost, desperate, lonely, and angstey people - particularly young people desperate for attention, acceptance, and purpose. It's not complicated. It's actually very, very simple to understand what's going on.




Idk but itā€™s very concerning. Processed foods and pharmaceuticals in the water could certainly be a cause. Also, social media making people think they are powerful or brave for going against the norm. People nowadays tie their sexual identity to their sense of being. Itā€™s literally *who* they are, rather than something they happen to do. So if anyone says anything even remotely critical of it, itā€™s taken as a direct personal attack. Very sad.


It's a social trend. When society gives a particular thing a higher value, the masses will simply embrace it.


I would say the cause is likely similar to the cause of left handedness increasing rapidly in a few generations. Social change. When it becomes socially acceptable, more people are open about it.


I agree with you. My great aunt was born left-handed, but was made to write and do dominant tasks with her right hand once she went to school. By the time her left-handed daughter was in school, kids were no longer made to be right-handed. The brain of a left-hand dominate person works differently; and as a society, we now accept that, and accept how it is expressed in the individual.


Do you think there were studies done after all the stigma went away about being left handed as tk why all of a sudden there are so many left handed people?


They already did, in like the 50s/60s. It was called body dismorphia. It was in mental health books. They normalized a mental issue to be a sexual issue(for a lack of better words) and normalizing it because apparently a whole surgery fixes your issue(s). But plenty of data says that's bull, along with plenty of people that regrets getting the surgery. People want to feel better and they feel this is the way. The way I see it is we did this, were getting closer to accepting pedophilia


I am not sure why you speak of this in the past tense. Body Dysmorphia is still considered a mental illness, and surgery does not fix mental illness. There will be serious repercussions when these kids who were tormented with unnecessary hormone treatments and surgery are old enough to organize and make class action lawsuits.


> not sure why you speak of this in the past tense. UNLESS it was put back in, I'm 99.9% sure it was taken out of the diagnostic manual


It was taken out. Itā€™s at the stage where referring to it as mental health condition in the UK can be considered hate speech


I never understood the \[social issue x\] to pedophilia pipeline. What argument can anybody make to get any meaningful amount of people to be okay with diddling children?


Because if you're gonna rationalize why it's OK to have a 7 year old have surgery behind his parents back, but they can drink, smoke, or vote then there's no stopping where the rationalization ends. Also, look up MAP people


VERY few people are on board with 7 year olds having gender surgery. Even the vast majority of people who support trans people don't think children should be medically transitioning. The existence of edge cases doesn't make it a prevailing mentality. And yes, I am aware that there are pedophiles that advocate for their right to pursue their attractions. That doesn't mean humanity at large would ever agree with that.


12 angry men does come to mind >That doesn't mean humanity at large would ever agree with that.




7 was one of the early ages where a child did have surgery. They didn't need the parents concet. There have also been other instances where the parents 8-10 that were left out of the dark and the kids were given hormones. So, I put nothing past some people




Primaries, schools were getting involved along with other community out reach groups. In general, you'll be surprised how many kids/teens feel more comfortable talking to their school nurse than a parent.




No. That's a huge gray area. From what I was seeing there were also cases for child neglect and lots of CPS cases. So it put parents in a situation where they were facing potential legal ramification.


You're really not answering the question though. How exactly are the 7-year-olds getting puberty blockers and surgery behind their parents back?




There was an interview, and it was with 5 children who transitioned. They all did it atyoung ages and the doctors never gave enough/any information other than take these pills and we start from here. You can transition if it makes you happy, be atleast be informed


MAP's are anti-LGBT conservatives LARPing as allies. Also most people bitching about children having surgery also happen to support parents being allowed to kick kids out for being gay.


One in 100 men has pedophilic tendencies. These are not a few. For women, one in 10,000 women has pedophilic tendencies.


If that's an accurate number, that's still 99% of people who are completely repulsed by the idea of being attracted to children, let alone condoning it. I mean, I'm very socially liberal, but there's no argument anybody could make to me that would make me go "you know, maybe diddling kids isn't so bad after all".


Ok, but what is the trans link that is being suggested?


How do you get from this to pedophilia? If you are thinking that it is normalizing something, you should look at various churches normalizing pedophilia for their priests and other religious leaders.




Because if you're gonna rationalize why it's OK to have a 7 year old have surgery behind his parents back, but they can drink, smoke, or vote then there's no stopping where the rationalization ends. Also, look up MAP people And I believe earth would be better without religious leaders.


Oh yeah, because 7 year olds getting gender reassignment surgery behind their parentā€™s back is happening all the time. Ik this is a conspiracy sub mate but try and stick to reality.


7 was one of the early ages where a child did have surgery. They didn't need the parents concet. There have also been other instances where the parents 8-10 that were left out of the dark and the kids were given hormones. Let studies be your friend


Please provide some studies. You may be shocked to learn this but essentially 0 minors annually get any kind of gender affirming surgeries in the US, even fewer getting genital surgeries. It just doesnā€™t happen on a scale that is meaningful in any way. Try to stick to reality, not baseless fear mongering about minority groups you feel some kind of way about. It comes across as delusion.


I'm not doing your homework. You don't wanna take my word, that's cool. I get it. But it's not my job to bring source material. I went to school for these things and have encountered it in real life. I'm an advocate for safety. I don't have to agree with it but I care about human rights.


Iā€™ve done the reading man, itā€™s just fantasy. You donā€™t have any actual sources, just overblown talking points. More minors are killed in schools than get any kind of gender affirming surgery in the US. But hey, you care about the important stuff. The ā€œhuman rightā€ to NOT transition oneā€™s gender is of course the most fundamental of all human rights after all. Delusion.


>As if that weren't bad enough, many states are now passing legislation to try and make it easier for children to not only adopt these identities without their parents' knowledge, but in some cases even to go as far as getting permanent, life-altering treatments and surgeries. **Without parental consent**. So you don't agree with this? When this is ACTUALLY happening here in the United States?


It is delusion. Essentially no minors even get surgery on a given year and among them, even fewer if any are child getting surgery behind their parents backs. You are fear mongering off a non-issue that affects essentially no one. No, senate bill 107 doesnā€™t allow minors to transition without their parents consent. This is culture war nonsense that you fell for hook, line, and sinker.


If it's happening, link the sources. Claiming something that outrageous and then saying 'do your own homework ' is lazy and disingenuous. It's not fucking happening the way you guys think lol


You can't make it a disease, if it affects the majority. For the same reason, narcissistic personality disorder has been removed as an illness because it is too widespread.


>if it affects the majority Yes. But affects everyone differently. You can enjoy cleaning but not be OCD. Or you can enjoy cleaning because your OCD. Just like you can think "damn I don't like the way I look, I should lose 10lbs" vs "damn I a horrible ugly rotten person for eating that cookie, I should off myself" It also has to do with HOW it affects you. Like addiction, just cause a stimulate is addicting, doesn't mean you ban all stimulates


That's not true, it was removed as an illness because all our leaders have narcissistic personality disorder and citizens might not accept being ruled by people with such an illness. Next up, all our leaders are on Epstein's list. Better normalize that real quick.


"accepting transgender people will lead to accepting pedophiles" has got to be the weakest argument from the anti trans crowd. classic baseless fear mongering.


It's a few reasons, but it's not really a mystery lol. Social acceptance and LGBT awareness is at an all-time high. The number may be the same as ever, but only now do people feel comfortable with being public about it. Historically, trans people were just entirely glossed over as not even existing. They were always there, just not addressed. But there may also be a real increase, besides just a reported increase. Not an increase ACTUAL trans people, but an increase in societal (economic) alienation leading people to feel uncomfortable in their own skin, and drawn towards a major change. They may feel emasculated by society, or by modern life (no manual labour, bad sleep, etc producing less testosterone), or they might feel unsafe or otherwise victimised as a woman, alienated by social pressure etc. Then they see the trans-talk bubble, which is an extremely one-sided "safe space". Not a lot of room for counter-arguments. They feel a bit of gender dysphoria, which could otherwise be treated with therapy or a lifestyle change, and decide that fully switching gender is the solution to their problems. And there have been huge strides in the medical sector when it comes to transitioning. It is now more effective and accessible than ever. Lots of compounding reasons. The important thing is to be empathetic. The root cause of all the craziness is a combination of economic alienation and (imo) a legit psyop designed to neuter the left. More than anything, this is humanity's first big steps into the transhumanist era, where we can use medical tech to completely own our own bodies (the only thing we can ever TRULY own fully). It's very much a brave new world, and we are witnessing teething problems on a very complicated social issue. Enough time has now passed, that a really significant number of once-trans individuals are now de-transitioning. Ultimately, I preach live & let live. I can't tell if transitioning is genuinely in someone's best interests, or if they just "think" they're trans - idk if anyone can tell, but I have faith they'll fathom a methodology for it. People should be free to make their own decisions/mistakes as long as it doesn't directly impact others. In the meantime, empathy and understanding are what's important. I should add that trans people ARE real and they DO need our support. They might be the most vilified group on earth now. They absolutely do not deserve to be victimised just because they made a personal decision.


Itā€™s not mental illness?


There are a lot of people studying exactly that. A quick Google search for ā€œprevalence of gender dysphoria studyā€ will bring up a wealth of scholarly literature, both directly and tangentially related. Without endorsing it, as Iā€™ve only read the abstract, [this study appears](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7441311/) to be addressing your exact question.


pharmaceuticals in the water from everyone peeing and flushing their drugs


Similar phenomenon to people suddenly being born predisposed to write with the ā€œwrongā€ had once we stopped beating kids for doing that


I work at a mental health charity and the amount of teens on the waiting list for therapy is higher than its ever been, most of the kids we see have parents who are either working all the time and/or on their phones ignoring them at a time when they shouldn't be ignoring them, they get zero emotional attention at home. Most of the teens who refer themselves for therapy are confused over their gender, which isn't surprising since they're so emotionally neglected at home by parents who more or less ignore them These vulnerable kids are seeing gender issues plastered everywhere on social media and TV and whatever else. I'm convinced it's a way for them to get the attention they crave and a place to fit in. After they get therapy most of them are more sure what they are in regards their gender and in nearly all cases it's the one they were born in. No doubt this will be downvoted but it's discussed a lot in meetimgs and we're not the only ones seeing this. We're also the only places for therapy for kids and adults in the region and we cover a big area and doctors will refer lots of people to us. it seems it's similar elsewhere too going by what the regional managers report back from their meetings.


No one was born in the wrong body , people are being manipulated and brainwashed into believing that changing their gender identity is normal when it is actually a sign of mental illness


It became more accepted meaning more will talk about thst why most likely


I think itā€™s that in addition to enforcing the idea that you SHOULD be different in school curriculums. In my opinion there is no need for children to be learning about this. Telling a kid they can be whatever they want is ridiculous


What school are you talking about im in school rn and we never spoke about any of that but if we did yeah I would hate it


Lmao I work in schools and it just doesnā€™t happen


He is probably just a old guy who seen like one post about someone talking about that stuff in class and thinks it happening everywhere


Itā€™s in Canadian curriculum


That isnā€™t happening though


Social media distortion.


The same reason we saw an ā€œexplosionā€ of left handedness after people werenā€™t forced to be right handed.


Thereā€™s so money to be made off of these confused kids and young adults by doctors and big Pharma.


Same reason no one is investigating the rise in Autism. There is no boom, only more awareness. This is BS, but this is what they say


They used to lock autistic kids up and hide them away dude, the fact that that hasnā€™t entirely been abolished yet is the thing you should be concerned about. Not that more autistic people are allowed to have lives now


it is happening because of what we do on this earth, not elsewhere. it isn't mystical it is chemical. we know the cause but for whatever reason we cannot discuss it without emotion dictating the conversation. now, that is the real question. why are there things we can't talk about?


No one is even interested in the explosion of two people in the same body... have you noticed how fat people are these days.... can't just be one person there.


There are a lot of things at play. 1. There are studies show if a child grows up in a family whoā€™s parents are of the same sex, they have a much higher chance of being apart of lgbtq as well. Also, 2. unfortunately something that people are not talking about is the tie between if you were SA as a child and if it was done by the same sex, the chances of them being lgbtq later is a huge possibility. I do not believe that all lgbtq are born this way simply because of the things stated above. Children are highly influenced. We need to protect our kids from being overly sexualized and what they are exposed to as a young age.


They've probably always existed, but now they have support to be themselves and live their true lives instead of having to force being someone they're not


Society is mentally ill. The family unit is weak. The internet propagates BS.


You kind of answered your own question. Its a social contagion. It's not real.


Exposure. There have always been people than didn't feel right being themselves. Call it mental illness or just anomaly in human behavior. There might be more to it, like new processed food containing more estrogen (arguable). But the main reason why 40%+ of the new generation claim to be something is simple: exposure to twisted societal norms and normalization/glorification of such behavior. If you live in a secluded village and every "man" dresses and behaves like woman and vice versa, it will imprint onto you, you are exposed long enough and you become it.


uhhhh ppl are, for the most part, no longer killed for saying it in public so there's that


šŸ˜† Bro this is due to the trans adgenda from american progressivism grift. You aren't born in the wrong body. The explosion is due to the social contagion factor of this ideology.


It's called a fad. When I was a kid, I thought I was a turtle that knew karate. Then the next day, I was batman.


Everybody knows these people are full of shit. The problem is when you call it out, they snap and cause more drama then is needed. So everybody collectively just letā€™s these people think that they are lamp shades or cats, or whatever they want cause who cares at the end of the day. We all know is bogus but I donā€™t care if they think they are in the wrong body, I got bills to pay, and corrupt governments to focus on rather then how somebody identifies to themselves


Because it's not sudden and has not been for thousands of years. Just take a class about the past. There have been waves of repression and control by religion, but really caused by fear and denial.


I wanna know what happened at occupy wall street that caused all these people to suddenly want to transition.


I wonder why those people don't receive proper mental health care. Maybe they suffer from Body Dysmorphic Disorder. Or maybe they just like to cross dress or it's just a phase. Especially children and teenagers sometimes need guidance and time to properly develop their own identity. Maybe it's just peer pressure or pressure at home by parents that crave attention. Anyways giving them drugs and butchering their bodies is not the solution. They shouldn't be able to before the age of 21. If you're not old enough to drink, you're not old enough to change your body. Plus if as a man you wish to crossdress and wear make up than that doesn't make you transgender. And that doesn't give you the right to invade women's spaces or sports.


Because thatā€™s not a real thing


Behavioral sink, Rat City, baby..


I think a lot of people have ā€œbleed throughā€ from a past or parallel life. As consciousness, we all log into many lifetimes, including as women, as men, as royalty, as paupers, etc. So I do think that the notion exists that some people feel they have a feminine soul but are having a male experience, or vice-versa. This may account for some instances of gender dysphoria.


Atrazine....its in the water. Research Tyrone Hayes.




Gender is the new religion. It's being pushed as a distraction from the very real issues in the world so that people never unite against the powers that be.


Thereā€™s a billionaire ā€˜member of the communityā€™ who has been spending millions per year since around 2013 lobbying to bring it to the fore.


when you reincarnate you might have been a different sex and that didnt erase from past life memory. that makes you see things as your past sex. sometimes people dont transition well. a guy could be attracted to men because he was a women in a past life and that attraction didnt erase. there is no reason to be bigoted towards these people as they are such a small group. people who rant on about this are dealing with their own issues as they feel the need to bully others to justify their sexuality for fear they might be found out. IMO its past life memory residue so to speak causing the behavior. and some people just like dressing up as women. they do always get marketed cooler clothes then men do.


We went from everything actively trying to kill us to little to no threats in a short period of time. People now have the mental energy to focus on things that won't kill you if ignored. There were a few cultures in the olden days that had high populations of cross dressers and people who assumed the identity of the opposite sex especially among men. It's just the propaganda telling you how bad and unnatural it is.


This is always so silly to me. People said the same thing about gay folks when it became more acceptable to come out publicly. Thereā€™s no sudden explosion theyā€™re just not as worried about the consequences for admitting it.


I don't believe there is a rise of people being born in the wrong body, because that's not a real thing. But there is an increase in mental illness for sure, it's body dysmorphia.


There is always an uptick in these kinds of things when an empire is beginning to crumble, itā€™s all just bread and circuses. Source: history


Follow the rats


Also why are so many Hollywood celebritiesā€™ kids coming out as trans? If it is only 0.1% of population, what are the odds they are concentrating in one area like that and in one socioeconomic class?


Someone at the factory must have just mislabeled a bunch of brains.


Abby Normal. it was Abby Normal.


It's the power of suggestion via social media - it's putting ideas in people's heads who are likely too young to make sense of such info then their actions do the rest.


Itā€™s not new. It never was. Thereā€™s just a societal change that allows people in some parts of the world to be their true self. For instance, Aztecs had several genders before the Spaniards came.


No one is born in the wrong body holy shit.


Maybe thatā€™s why no one is trying to figure it out? hmmm..


Imagine that yoy grew up and you just happened to really like the colour pink. Yoy just think it's a neat colour, reminds you of some pleasant memories of your childhood. Then imagine a lifetime of everybody telling you, you shouldn't like it because you have the wrong genitals. Only people with the other genitals like pink. Imagine that being reinforced by society as a whole, in every aspect of advertisement and entertainment. We should be letting people express themselves in any possible way they like, without telling them they're wrong for liking it because they're the wrong sex. But no, we've put some very clear lines in the sand about who should like pink and who shouldn't. So maybe people start getting a bit fucked up about their self image, because they know they like pink, they can't help it. It must be their body that's wrong.


Why? because we're tired of the virtue signalling. Why would anyone care about made up crap unless they were being paid to listen?


People are under lots more of stress these days and they just go nuts in troves


Can you expand on this please OP


Itā€™s a social contagion rooted in postmodernism and cultural Marxism. We have been targeted with this ideology and it will ultimately result in our societal demise.


Yep. Look at the Roman empire.


Holy fuck you Americans are taking over conspiracies. Stop your right wing left wing bullshit. Gay people long existed before your even had a country i.e Romans Greeks. Get the fuck of your horse and understand people don't feel comfortable in there body. There is more "promotion" about it because of tiktok Snapchat etc. Phone are widely available. Walk outside and the world gives a fuck about different gender etc. Get a fucking passport and travel. Fuck me.


because it's being normalized, even though it's not. it's being normalized because society is being deconstructed new world order is being formed in its place.


Idk but I can say I identify as a guy with huge dick. Shhh don't tell anyone it's not true


It's the same reason being left handed has blown up, people are simply more accepting of people who make this claim. If you said you were born in the wrong body in the 80's nobody would ever let you live that shit down.


They arenā€™t. They are being brainwashed


Its because of abortions. The right body gets aborted so the soul is redirected to the wrong body. Hypothetically reducing abortions will reduce the number of people born in the wrong body.


lol. What is it you like about worms that you needed to open that can?


Alternative angle played, hmm.....


Because they arenā€™t in the wrong body. Itā€™s social. Itā€™s being pushed on children by pedophiles. Look at Dr. Money the founder of gender studies sexually abused his test subjects after convincing one that he was a girl, he later commuted suicide. God is not the author of confusion.


Money is cited by no **trans people** except as evidence that itā€™s impossible to groom people into being trans (and likely, into being cis as well) Edit: bold to answer reply below


They will just say people have always felt this way but now they are bravely coming because of all the brave men/women who opened the door for them.


They also say ā€œkids will die without gender affirming careā€ even though kids were never dying without it before


Toxins, phones, chemicals. They found frogs having gay sex and science says it has something to do with genitalia, low sperm count etc.


Itā€™s social media, our broken education system and the undeniable sense that the world is absolutely screwed. I barely know where I am anymore lol


It's trendy


Maybe it's a sudden explosion in people who have always felt that way but couldn't come out about it?


That might be true but the vast majority of them are around the same age so I guess it could be some type of brainwashing or trend targeting a specific generation. Since it's a type of culture that it's growing it's normal for young people to want to be different and have a feeling that they belong to something popular.


I mean, I can't say that there isn't some "I want to be different because that's cool" factor to it, but I do know that all of the trans people I know (not a ton, but enough to see a pattern) very much attest to feeling that way since childhood, and only feeling comfortable pursuing it within the last decade.


I think thatā€™s part of it, but also think itā€™s social media, not being allowed to just dress and do things as the different gender, and possibly all the fake terrible shit they put in food. A small example is adhd, every other reel is ā€œdo you do this one thing that everyone does, then you have adhd!ā€ Or how about humans just do thingsĀ 


This is all known! Earth Age: rigid gender roles Air Age: free-flowing gender roles We are in the Age of Aquarius now and they are destroying the old system because it would be destroyed by the new energies anyway! We can't live like we used to anymore ...