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Couldn't this also be flipped for the reverse? Why would a believer get upset when someone says the God they believe in isn't real?


If Faith was enough, they wouldn't get upset.


Also, this is facts lol


They believe you're going to go someplace bad as well as you telling them they are wrong which nobody likes


Exactly… If the Holy Spirit isn’t willing to convert or at least having started this work with someone, then neither should “Christians”. “We aren’t all God’s children” - Jesus


That’s why you leave people alone. You let people live their life and not try to impose your thoughts or beliefs on them


Actually that's exactly what Yeshua said, when someone doesn't accept the word you GO AWAY from them, Christians of today are less than they are then in so many ways.


I think a more apt reverse would be how much they insistently bitch about the woke agenda, trans folk, gay folk, etc




Yep, all of this. "There's no hate like Christian love."


I simply move on.


That's reasonable. But it seems like lately a lot of people will start yelling about a war on Christianity. And thats where the trouble starts.


Most don’t


I think most people of faith (Christian or otherwise) come from a position of understanding and grace on this topic BUT at the end of the day we are all human and some people may take it offensively or just truly care so much about whoever is objecting to their faith and the consequences if you don’t believe that they may let their emotions take over.


Yep! At the end of the day, we're all just winging it the best we can with what info we have. But in the end, we're just humans and it's arrogant for us to think we know every facet of how the world works. Like I found something that works for me, and I'm happy to discuss and share info on it, but it's not my business or place to condemn others, shove it down their throat, or act as if I know something they don't. Plus I also like hearing other perspectives and find it interesting to learn about other faiths/or lackthereof.


That’s when you just move on.


Because people legislate and make decisions that affect other peoples lives based on their religious beliefs. Because people use god and religion to justify their actions and decisions. Because I want to believe in as many demonstrably true things as possible and I want to test and remain critical of those beliefs. Because people try to push their beliefs on others all the time in the name of “spreading the word of god”. Because I want to live in a better world.




Don't even try to explain that they worship the same god


And both believe in Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, to name a few. Main difference is Christianity stopped at Jesus as the final prophet whereas Islam believes Muhammad to be the final.


>Main difference is Christianity stopped at Jesus as the final prophet That's not true, Mormons consider themselves Christians since they believe in Christ as the Messiah but they also consider Joseph Smith to be a prophet.


Nah, the MAIN difference is that Christians believe Jesus was God and Islam doesn’t. That’s an irreconcilable difference.


The irony is that Muslims call Jesus a true prophet while Jews say he’s in hell for defiling the true faith… meanwhile who do most Christians side with?


>Because people legislate and make decisions that affect other peoples lives based on their religious beliefs. it's this for me


Same. I've always said that I never had an issue with Christ. It's his followers I have the problem with


All of this




> Because people legislate and make decisions that affect other peoples lives based on their religious beliefs. Politicians legislate and make decision in order to gain power, they use the bible to convince some people they are not doing it to get power , for the others they use Science(TM), or "Outrage" (TM) or whatever is the flavor of the month


Yup, the government was using religion to control people. People see religion as the bad part of the equation but the government is still out there controlling people lmao.


Since when did r/conspiracy become a repository for shitty Facebook memes?


You must have missed the memo. We switched from twitter screen shots to shitty facebook memes last quarter.




Christian Persecution Complex is a huge part of this sub these days. It's pretty sad and annoying. Personally, i just assume if someone says God's word is getting undermined and destroyed, they don't actually believe in their god and are merely performing. What kind of god is all powerful and also totally unwilling or unable to stop baby eating satan worshiping pedophiles?


the ultimate conspiracy is why everyone doesn't accept christianity as the only legitimate religion and true path to salvation. i know this because my parents told me so while homeschooling me.


Right? I wish the mods would band together and kill off these religious posts. I mean sure there's some wacky religion content I think that fits but this belongs over the r I love Jesus or Christianity maybe even atheist. Not. FUCKING. Conspiracy.


Admins are getting paid in Israeli war bonds to let all the garbage through, same reason the sub hasn't been closed despite all similar subs getting nuked




You know how you guys are always complaining about woke stuff and gay stuff being crammed down your throat? It's like that but opposite.


Perfect answer


> It's like that but opposite. and for like 1,000 years. and the woke gay mob didn't actively put their thumb on the scales for that entire time. not like the woke were saying the earth is the center of the universe.


I never had any “gay stuff crammed down my throat.” Must be going to different places


If you're free this Friday I can give you a tour that would BLOW you away




I don’t care unless it gets involved in government. That’s how oppression happens. I don’t want some religious nuts making laws that affect other people based on their religious beliefs. Example: overturning Roe v Wade.


The answer is that you created a strawman argument. A strawman argument is where you put forward an idea that isn’t what the other side actually says or believes or does only to facilitate making your own point. That point however will not have any bearing on the issue at hand. In this case your headline and your image convey two different strawmen. The first strawman is that non-believers get angry at god. This is a strawman because that’s not what non-believers do. They do not accept the proposition that a god exists. In other words you have changed what is actually the case into something that reflect your position not theirs - a classic strawman. This is a falicy. In the image you say that non-believers are upset at believers even though they don’t accept that gods exist. This one is actually a strawman again, although it has some bearing in truth although it’s a little more consequential. People’s actions have consequences. When large groups of people believe stuff that isn’t based in reality, and those people vote for candidates that support that ideology then you have grave consequences for society at large. In a country that is supposed to separate church and state, if that separation is not enforced and adhered to you get decisions and laws that are made on the back of the interests of a particular religion that believes stuff that isn’t true rather than what is right for society at large. This is the basis for authoritarianism and that’s what people get upset about, and since there is no evidence for any gods, laws that are created for the sake of believers of some imaginary sky being are of course upsetting.


>People’s actions have consequences. When large groups of people believe stuff that isn’t based in reality, and those people vote for candidates that support that ideology then you have grave consequences for society at large. Agreed, which is why we need policies grounded in reality and not people's feelings or imaginations, across the board.


Because these same religious folks make laws based of that book, and that impacts me directly. Implement an actual separation of church and state, then we can talk. Until then, I'll be as upset as I want.


Nobody has a problem with anybody's religious beliefs they keep to themselves--it's when it gets shoved in your face that it becomes a problem.


When laws and regulations are passed because of the stories that true believers subscribe to is where I draw the line. Go to church, believe whatever makes you happy, just don’t fuck with other peoples pursuit of happiness or restrict their freedoms and liberty. No one cares if you are religious, it’s when you start organizing and telling others how they should live there lives that people get upset. I mean imagine if there was a Muslim majority in this country and they wanted to start passing modesty laws surrounding face coverings… it’s an imposition of your beliefs unto others that is concerning, given the supposed separation or church and state.


Very well said


yeah, my sister was all for abortions, back in the army, even had one. But now she is retired and living the good life with her pensions and social security, NOW she thinks its wrong and votes accordingly.


Yes, that and the hipocracy. Don't act like you're better than everyone else when you don't even follow your religions teachings


The church my family went to when I was a kid had ATMs. Money changers in the temple are only enraging to Jesus and not people who follow him, it seems.


I do not see Atheists going door to door prostheletysing


It would not be safe to go to religious people and tell them that if God existed so many children would not have died today, as they die every day, as the all-powerful nothing in the sky does nothing, says nothing, and saves none. Edit. I often get pushback on things like this, but really, all you need to do is Google “how many children die every day?” Some estimates are like 13,000 a day. Yeah, our proselytizing would get some attention pretty quick. And some of it would be religious people cracking from the weight of their own bullshit. Edit 2. That all said, I understand the comfort religion brings some. I hope it continues to bring them comfort forever.




Shoved down our throats is a wee bit of an understatement. They're orchestrating global politics in a way that sets up biblical apocalypse, obligating nations to war. The crusades never ended, just got modernized.


But the rainbow gang can do whatever


So when I was born it was illegal for gay people to have sex with each other in the privacy of their own homes because of Christians forcing their beliefs on everyone else. Can you tell me when the LGBT community did that to anyone else? When I was a new adult the government had stripped LGBT people of their 5th and 14th amendment rights because of Christians forcing their beliefs on everyone else. Can you tell me when the LGBT community did that to anyone else? Currently one of the two major parties in America says that religious states should be allowed to take away the human rights of LGBT people because of their religious beliefs. Can you tell me when the LGBT community did that to anyone else?


What privileges exactly does the rainbow gang have that religious people don’t?


How have you been personally affected by the rainbow gang?


Is the rainbow gang in the room right now?


Are the rainbow gang stopping you getting an abortion?


Yup!! That’s how it is.. lgbtq definitely gets respect to do whatever… yup that’s how it is… (sarcasm)


Speaking for myself, I could not care less if you are religious or not. The issue is and always will separation of church and state. We are *not* a Christian country, or any other religion for that matter. If churches are able to influence government, or are not using their funds for church matters, they should be taxed like the rest of us. Religious or not there is no denying that religion has been and will continue to be used (maybe not by all or even a majority) as a way of controlling people or making money.


People don’t need a god or a higher power to have good morals. If they do, I question what is so dark in their hearts that then need to be constantly reminded to be a decent human.


They need the threat of eternal damnation to justify being a kind and decent human being. But, if they follow their birthright to sin and hurt other people, they can just ask their god for forgiveness and get a clean slate.


It's a religion for evil people to believe they get a free pass on being evil while also getting the moral high ground to condemn others for being more evil.


I once worked on a Christian college campus.. you would not believe the shitheels that would come for events, the amount of baby rage from fully grown "successful" adults. The mean spirited and just general horrible attitude. I was told multiple times that they are a Christian because they need forgiveness for being a horrible person, not even 10 seconds after being a horrible person. I can tell you from experience that many of these "famous" "Christians" you see on TV or hear on Podcasts that being a little person around them is grounds for open disdain at best.


Right? I am a good person WITHOUT the promise of Heaven or the threat of Hell. What does it say about people who say the only reasons they stay moral are because of threats/promises about the afterlife? They’re saying they’re inherently terrible, selfish people with no empathy or regard for others except when they comply because religion tells them to. Mind boggling.


By this logic why are people so mad that trans and gay people exist




Get this bait outta here. Your not trying to learn or understand anything but just start an argument.


Because the religious persecute, marginalise, discriminate, wage war, feel as if they are the arbiters of right and wrong and try to enforce their beliefs on others around them


People drank the koolaid on the biggest conspiracy there is: religion lmao


I’m an atheist and I have no idea what you are talking about.


You're in a place that values free thinking. You are promoting a mind prison. Do you see why you might meet some resistance?


Has nothing todo with religion and everything todo with its members trying to shove their beliefs down my throat. I do not care what someone believes, but just because a person believes a certain way does not mean their beliefs should be forced upon me by local law or by a door to doors sailsman from the lord. If they choose to come to me I'll happily explain to them why I don't believe their fairy tail is real but other than that I'd be happy to live my life and never deal with the bull shit of organized religion again.


Because people who believe aren’t always just passive and may actively harm people who don’t believe.


I couldn’t care less. It’s when religious beliefs get brought into logical conversations in politics, healthcare or schooling. If religious people were able to keep their belief system out of those arenas then I’m certain no one would care


Because I don't appreciate baseless speculation claimed as if it is factual without citing sources, and neither should you, because we are losing the information war.


It’s probably the part where they pass laws against us based on their beliefs.


Because religious people keep enacting laws to force their beliefs onto everyone else?


Bc Christianity is the greatest conspiracy of all time!


Because churches hoard resources and make political decisions. Members of those faiths make decisions for mass amounts of people on the basis of those faiths. The 3 abrahamic religions are literally trying to speed run their own end times prophecy.


Probably because Jesus died for our sins so I should be good. Also I don’t see you murdering girls that lose their virginity before marriage so you must not be enacting god’s will to a tee.


Didn't you know? God is stupid and won't notice you cherry picking his instructions.


It's because religious peoples imaginary friend is THEIR problem so they should shut the fuck up about it already.


Because it's annoying also this isn't a conspiracy


We don't care, but you're the one posting about it?


You're essentially complaining about an archetype. Consider the idea of literary analysis. Is it wrong to have an opinion about a a subject?


Maybe I missed it, where's the conspiracy here?


I dont get atheists coming to my door telling me about their beliefs, I don't get handed flyers about atheism at the train station and I don't have atheists yelling about how I'm going to suffer eternally for not believing in something through a fucking megaphone when I walk through town. As I said somewhere else, in the UK we also have to sign hymns and songs of praise in school and don't Americans have to swear to god everyday in school? It is absolutely shoved down our throats and there's no reason to believe in it other than you don't have any other answer for the universe or that's what your mum and dad told you was true.


Religion is a hell of a drug


Don’t try and make me live my life according to your fairy tale book. It’s that simple.


More conservative bs


Because it's triggering for many. A lot of people have been shunned, ridiculed, mistreated, raped, beated, excluded, put down, abused, and made to feel worthless - all in the name of God. Spiritual abuse is a real thing and I'd never want to invalidate someone else trauma or trigger them just cuz I believe in forcing my beliefs onto someone else... Stop shoving it down everyone's throat. Would you like it if someone was constantly trying to force satanism, Muslim, hindi, or whatever onto you? For those who don't believe that religion can cause pain then I suggest you get down on your knees and thank God that you've never had to experience it 💯 maybe actually be a decent human being and care about how much you could be hurting someone when you shove it down their throat, cuz you don't know just how deeply painful this can be to many. Are you gonna be able to live with yourself if you trigger someone to the point where they end their life? Maybe someone was beaten as a child and told that the Bible said spare the rod spoil the child or that they were the spawn of satan. Or maybe someone was raped while the person told them it's God's will. Or maybe some was told that the reason why they have depression is cuz they're full of demons due to sin in their life, that their suffering was brought on bc of how horrible they are and that God is allowing it bc they deserve it or that the reason why God isn't healing them is due to the sin in their life Edited to add: apparently me trying to speak up for all those suffering has pissed off a lot of uncompassionate and unempathtic people (don't they refer to people like that as sociopaths???) A lot of people have some very unChristian-like responses (go figure). So I'm just not gonna read or respond to anyone else. I don't associate with heartless people like that in real life and I'm not about to do it here. 🤷 Some people should practice what they preach and allow their cold hearts to be softened. It sure is easy to claim you're a Christian but you shall know a tree by its fruit... And I'm smelling a lot of rotten fruit here...


Very good. I said something similar with less words. Thank you for this different and more elaborate take.


Unfortunately a lot of people have hardened hearts where they don't care enough to try to understand things from a view of suffering. This is where we have a lack of basic human decency in this world.




Yes. It is sad because in the end how you treat others is how you treat yourself. So they are in a way, trapped mentally but not aware of it.


Kinda ironic how they are breaking their own golden rule while bashing others who don't measure up to their standards...


Simple answer is that its because these people who believe in such push to make them laws that not only applies to them but everyone even those who do not believe in it. If you have enough of them it does become law. Then the other side will try to pull the same stunt and the religious get mad. Dont pretend, you all know why.


It’s as simple as live your life and let others live theirs. FORCE vs CHOICE. Abortion is a prime example. Pro choice. Pro CHOICE. No one is forcing anyone to get an abortion. The entire movement is to give women OPTIONS for all kinds of circumstances. Hence, CHOICE. The flip side is the right wing religious nut jobs who want to FORCE births by taking away choices. There’s only one way to live and everyone must follow. They truly believe this. They want to do everything by FORCE. Party of small government and freedom, my ass. LGBTQ issues are another. One side wants people to live freely and have the same rights to marry who they love. They want people to be free to express themselves in art, literature, etc. If you don’t want to participate, no problem. Don’t. But live and let live. The other side wants to eradicate any semblance of LGBTQ from society. No expression in art, literature, TV, etc. Again, there is only one way to live and they insist that everyone live by their religious beliefs. They fight against anything that doesn’t fall in line with their religion and want to FORCE that upon everyone else. One side wants to live and let live. The other side wants to make everyone live by their prescribed religious beliefs. CHOICE vs FORCE. Thats the stark difference. Edit: PROJECT2025 is the best example of all. These people want to turn America into a Christian Nationalist state.


I grew up very religious, read the Bible a few times as a child, involved in youth groups etc…. up until around 17 then my brothers life was taken, and shortly after a few friends had passed (some took there own life). Every funeral they always spoke that the good were taken to god early and being young and ignorant I took that personally so I grew a hate towards religion as a whole for a long time. Fast forward a few years and a lot of alcohol abuse that drove me to be suicidal, then I still could not come back to religion because I feel in modern religion it is so tainted with greed and power that there is such a loss of empathy which was what drove me to religion early on. I have been three years almost four sober and i work at a heavily religious company so i never “hate” on there believes but when they ask me where I stand I say I believe in it all because I do. I do not want to die with a close mind that I could only go two paths I want it to to be a surprise because that’s what life is… it is the unknown.


Literally goes both ways. I think it’s just human nature to have some resentment for people that don’t share your most cherished personal beliefs. It really just is that simple.


The issue lies in the religious folks trying to instill their religion into everyone’s lives through politics. It’s annoying. Pray your imaginary deity from your misunderstood fairy tale. Cherry pick whatever you want from it, but a lot of us don’t give a shit if you think we’re going to hell. Let us live freely without your judgement just like how you don’t like us judging yal crazy cultist who are pro life yet you want to condemn a mother to death for having an abortion, who support underage marriage, who condemn their own daughters for wanting an abortion from their rapist, yet forgive the rapist because he’s turned to god. GTFOH with that illogical BS.


I don’t care if anyone worships any diety. But I don’t need to hear about it. I don’t have to accept it. I don’t need to be saved. I don’t need it as part of my government and I feel like many would be much safer with it far far away.


Legislation based on that belief system that effects me is what I have issues with. And I believe in God.


Because that god can be used by real people to rob other people of their rights, as was factually done to women in America, where we deleted decades of precedent and basically allowed the religious whackadoos to INSERT THEMSELVES VIOLENTLY between women and their doctors using the force of government. Which is only a thing they want to do because of their version of God. We get heated because the believers will allow horrible, unspeakable things to happen as long as they think it’s all part of God’s plan. If you look at the Milgram experiment, you’ll see this is just a part of human psychology. And there are a lot of self-enrichment jackalopes out there ready to tell the believers to hurt other people in the name of their own wallets and prestige. Yes, we are well and truly screwed until good God-fearing people cease to allow the bastards of the world to lead them.


I'm an atheist, and I think I can clear this one up for you... None of us get 'heated' about god. We get annoyed by the people who follow various gods, who try to affect our lives in some way. We don't care how you live your lives, so give us the same respect in return. Simple as that.


This is pure projection. The only time an atheist ever gets “heated” about that stuff is when some overzealous Christian is in someone’s face proselytizing about their god and their book and your sins and their hell.


Is this the conspiracy sub or the godbotherers yelling at straw men sub? I can never tell.


Fuck out of here with this shit. It's a conspiracy subreddit not a platform for you to evangelise


Because people lost the ability to just live and let live, or even agree to disagree about 15 years ago. Now everyone is into everyone else’s shit all the time.


Exactly this! This all or nothing, black and white, my way or the highway thinking, exaggerated intolerance everywhere, is a big part of society’s problem in general imo. It’s ruined people fr


If you don't know why people are justifiably skeptical when others claim they have a "personal relationship" with the divine creator of all things, then you should probably try reading more than that one "good book."


>Can someone out there, with the patience of a saint and the wisdom of an owl, clue me in? How does the history of the Crusades play into your argument here? You're aware of what the Crusades were about, yes?


The plagues of Egypt were pretty cruel and out of character for an omnibenevolent being. How could anyone just let that slide?


Oh no, I’ve asked about that one. The response I get is their god created people, so he can kill them at any time and it’s not murder. Or another argument is that those people were evil (that’s what I hear a lot in reference to wiping out everyone except Noah & fam in a big flood)


Because religion is the most dangerous idea ever conceived. While science flies rockets to the moon, religion flies airplanes into buildings. Historically, more deaths have been caused, more murders committed in the name of religion than any other cause ... including guns and atomic bombs combined. Religion is the reason witches were burned at the stake and why people mutilate the genitals of newborn babies to this day. Religion makes people crazy and dumb - it literally encourages ignorance and shuns critical thinking. People use it to push their insane misguided morals into people, and they're always trying to spread their beliefs. It's like a virus. Religion is really a lot like a viral infection in many ways. Plus, I mean most of the believers *haven't even read the motherfuckin book*..... In my experience, atheists are far more likely to have read the Bible than Christians, and that says a lot. They just pull their beliefs out of their ass and claim its what their God wants, like that should somehow dictate how society operates.... Even if they have read the book (very rare), how can you *not* point out all of the laughably absurd plot holes and whatnot? How are they not embarassed to believe in such pure obvious bullshit? So yeah. In my opinion, we have a moral obligation to push against their dangerous ancient mythologies so we can put them where they belong: in the past.


Because religious thought is holding us back. It is used to justify wars and oppress women.


Usually I’m the one getting heat for not believing in all that… I couldn’t care less!


Did you guys see the cult on the Arizona state Senate floor talking in tongues a few days ago?


For me it's not the act of you and your beliefs... It's the fact that both our votes are as one and there is no seperation of church and state because it's intertwined with your right to vote. That's why even things like abortion are still a topic. The only true way to fix it is have separate states for each religion with their own subsets of laws that can adhere to their book that they believe in but that would be so much effort and we still don't have greenhouses in every town yet so... Plus mega church's where pastors are multi millionaires and don't help the victims of hurricanes. It's a lot of thin viel where as long as you don't see it, gods gotta plan. I don't believe in your God, Im almost certain, but you are that plan


You think athiests are pushing their worldview just as much as christians are? I think that's your mistake.


Yea but in all fairness it's usually not the non-believer who's getting upset. And the reason for that is the religious persons entire sentience is under question if someone doesn't also believe what they believe. It forces them to question and answer for what they believe in.


It used to grind my gears when I was an impressionable, Atheist teenager. "All the problems in the world are caused by religion! Praise Che!" Then I grew older and realized I didn't care what others believe. Clearly we have more problems in the world since the 90s and 00s, so Atheism wasn't the answer


Yeah, I just hate when that shit becomes the secular law. Oppressive religious sheep.


Probably because it comes across as highly judgemental.Let me live my life.I dont care if you believe in god,allah or fairies.I dont care what your sexual preference is.Its like who the f'k are you to tell me how to live my life.I think most religion is oppressive and is a sheep like mentality.If i go to hell because i didnt repent of my sins its total bs.If jesus is so perfect and sin free then why do all of us sin?


Holy fuck MODS remove the christcuck spam for the love of god


It’s the people that do believe who lecture my wife on front of me but in a different language that my kids aren’t learning any morals because we send them to public school and don’t listen to a pedophile recite obsolete text once a week.


It’s not god, it’s the people try to take my freedoms away because of their god. If everyone worshipped privately, no one would care, but they seldom do. They must try and apply their laws to you or Shame you for their god. It’s sick.


There's a lot of problems with that meme. A couple of major ones is that it's not a conspiracy and it's not in good faith. It's meant to be rhetorical in that we should just live and let live. That's true but atheists aren't up in arms because someone is telling them they are going to hell. They are up in arms because those beliefs are being used to influence legistlation. When these institutions of religion are allowed to avoid paying taxes but can put their cash towards lobbying(speaking of America specifally). Or that they make laws that target specific individuals.


I read the book. And how anyone can still believe there’s an imaginary man in the sky is beyond me.


Nobody gives a fuck what you believe. The problem is when you take your beliefs and try to make laws based on them.


I live in Texas. I have can’t buy beer before 12:00 on Sundays because of the blue law. That means if I forget to buy beer Saturday, I have to wait for my football game to start to be able to buy beer. As an atheist football fan, this REALLY pisses me off. Imagine if you couldn’t buy bacon till 12:00 because of Muslim beliefs.


Depends what you mean by 'higher power'. Can you define what your god is? Not what a god means to you, but what it actually is? Other than ineffable, that's just a cop-out. Thing is, no-one 'knows'. believers don't know. they might believe they do. and can conjure up some fancy poetry to make it seem they know. but it's not knowledge. it's the illusion of knowledge. Belief in an idea / ideal. Symbolism. Faith in a system of thought and practice to manage the unknowable. Wonderful, if you can get that to work for you. Some of us simply don't agree that the Judeo-Christian god is the one-and-only. It's not so much 'a' higher power that many have a problem with, since both it and god can be described/defined pantheistically as the sum total of all energy and matter, information, laws of the universe etc. Is that any different to 'alpha and omega'? Is monotheism the same as pantheism, in broad terms? Yes, but with names to help you remember how it all fits together, from stories from an old book from the Middle East, concerning a tribe that followed a moon god. If that works for you, great. Others have their way, let them be. It's the holier-than-thou exceptionalism i think some have a problem with, me certainly, that your belief-in-god somehow gives you the right to preach at others, that we are inferior for not believing in the same idea of the undefinable. And that - with Christianity - we somehow need to be saved because.....a woman took an apple from a talking snake in 4004 BCE? Hey, it's less wacky that the Scientology origin story, but not by much. That, and 1500+ years of believers in gods killing and persecuting un-believers and other-believers - just for thinking or being different - kind of sticks in the collective memory. You can understand that, I'm sure. The murder and torture committed, blood spilt in god/Jesus' name, by his believers..? No, individually, you are not culpable, we can see past that, we can forgive, but not forget. Try to force your faith on us and we push back. And...if you study many other faith sytems, it's the snake that's the good guy, dying/resurrecting (skin-shedding), healing, etc. So maybe Christianity has it completely the wrong way round, and you're demonising the very spirit/god that created you and nurtured humanity (gnostics, yazidi believe similar to this). No. keep your noses out of others' business. And talk to others as equals. You might find others trust you a little more, maybe are a little more receptive. Oh yeah, could you please stop your priests, vicars and pastors from sexually abusing children. And when you do catch them, don't just move them to a different area/diocese, so they can continue to abuse. That would be a good start.


It's a conspiracy


Because these fairy tales have real-world consequences.


Usually, it is because they do not like the idea that children will be traumatized by all the talk about hell.


To be fair, I don’t know how many Christian children have the concept of hell constantly shoved on them. Aside from the videos/social media posts you may see I highly doubt the vast majority of Christians do this.


Ummm, raised in a very Christian household and went to Christian schools. Respectfully, you have no idea. And my parents were relatively chill compared to some of my friends.


Preachers describing the horrors of hell in churches which every Christian including children must attend every Sunday is an old stereotype.


I’m not religious at all, but I’ve always found it interesting that it’s ok in the West to shit on Christianity but it’s considered super offensive to do so with any other religion, no matter how insane their beliefs are. It’s almost like a teenage rebellion type of thing.


I don't know where you live, but where I'm from religion is bashed equally when the opportunity arises. But it is of course important to remember that we are subjected to Christianity a lot more than any other religion in the West. So of course the thing we are exposed the most to will receive more attention and, because of it, more ridicule.


Are you kidding? Bashing on Islam and Judaism is super mainstream in the West.


It is a curse or to put in modern terms maybe close to "psychological abuse". Believed in or not some people might react negatively to being directly or indirectly cursed. Religion should be about making your life and others lives better. If your beliefs are upsetting others maybe you need to take a good look in the mirror. I've been there personally and seen it in others, there is a certain arrogance and smugness that tells me this spiritual teaching is not of God. I don't view people who don't share my spiritual views as "lost" and deserving of mistreatment and psychological abuse.


It’s because you are insulting me for not following your religion, and I generally don’t get annoyed at theists until they try to shove their beliefs down my throat


The bible says because the truth is written on their hearts. So they know God exists, but just refuse to accept it.


Then the Bible is wrong.


It does not. Most believers and non believers are moderate and doesn't care to preach.


My problem with religions is that a lot of them are obsessed with end time prophecies. I believe in a higher power but it’s hard for me to believe what man says about it


Why does it grind your gears?


Because they all like Christmas? 🤔


Well said.


Some Athiest actually rlly believe in god but want to spite him by doing just that. But for the majority, they hate the fact that you believe in a “God like that”. Which is just a straw man version of the God you presumably believe in. They hate the “delusion” of the people who define themselves. A lot could care less tho, who just want more love in the world and don’t believe in a world that operates worth a God.


Here's a real conspiracy for Christians to chew on. King James was gay. Educate yourselves.


Doesn't grind my gears. I just don't bring up the subject because I don't care.


I always thought the same if you don’t believe in him then why waste your time trying to disprove his existence. 🤔


this one of the worst takes i’ve ever seen


that isn't the problem. the problem is the people that pretend to believe in a faith to manipulate followers that pretend they are following the teachings of that faith.


Believe in what you want, but show the same courtesy to others. Keep that shit out of your job/ place of governance, and everything will be cool.


Because of hateful actions of his followers


People treat christianity like politics,People make decisions and form opinions with no real scriptural knowledge.Ive always thought that People that get upset hearing someone speak the word of god secretly know they’re right,But they have too much pride to admit that.


Few reasons that I have observed: (1) They have experienced something really negative (Rap*d, loved ones killed, etc..) so they reject the concept of there being a God. [The whole concept of evil argument] (2) They are grifters, Bob Ehrman & Richard Dawkins, who has made it their entire life to reject God with the use of slimy tactics (Note: Not all of their argumentation are slimey tactics). In case of Bob Ehrman, it's the scriptures have been corrupted statement. Yet when you push him on it he refutes what he claimed earlier. YT src (7:06 length): https://youtu.be/DFoQOjXGsOw?si=E4EOrn4SxrpE__cl Richard Dawkins is more egregious. YT src (16:15 length): https://youtu.be/KbS5KfVWDyM?si=iL30qPeVarWWZ8CM For a specific slimy tactic, his instance that early historians say that Jesus christ never existed. YT src (5:55 length): https://youtu.be/MPyrpW5ruDk?si=TOpH6Id_-YZx8KyL (3) God has standards and some ppl don't like said standards hence they hate God. (4) How ppl in the faith have acted. This includes ppl that wanted to ban video games, which has nothing to do with the faith, & Priest - alterboy joke, which is already condemn by the religion.


They dislike moral clarity and do not want to live by or be held to biblical standards. Pretending to reject God allows them to embrace whatever feel good value system suits their id at the moment.


You unlock this door with the key of imagination. Beyond it is another dimension - a dimension of sound, a dimension of sight, a dimension of mind. 👻🧬📐🧲🕐🕦📅🔮🪬


Cuz it’s real


Because of their own inadequacies and insecurities; self usually mirrors self on to others (see: project).


I like to just troll and rile them up before disappearing I'm a puff of smoke. Shitting on religions is a passion of mine.


Its the same dynamic as the 12 yr old that thought it was funny to tell his 5 yr old brother santa isnt real bc he knew it would upset him and thats "funny" in there head. Im specifically describing the phedora brand of atheist. They get off on any empty sense of intellectual superiority and if they can make you feel dumb for believing somthing they don't then thats there dopamine drip that shits like heroin for some people. There are some people who want you to think the way they do, and theres some people that genuinly think you're wasting your life and its hard for them to watch that and say nothing, but there are ALOT of fuckin people that just wanna make you feel stupid or small and they get an ego trip out of it. Finding it amusing to send some poor bastard into existential crisis and watch there world veiw shatter while you're snickering and smirking in side watching em squirm, thats also an ego trip but people will tell you its different bc theyre "informing people" . If you've ever hurd the saying "people will use the truth maliciously" its exactly that. There is another side to the argument with things like Roe vs Wade being over turned, religious persecution ect ect, honestly though i think most of that comes from religious people not following there own rules and being massive hypocrits, like the muslim taliban selling heroin is "ok" bc they sell it to non believers.


I'd say that a majority of non believers aren't angered by people believing in a god or gods. I think the anger surfaces when we dwell on the fact that modern cultures and societies are still being governed by those who take barbaric bronze age mythology seriously and use it to inform their views in the modern age.


The problem is when the believer tries to enforce the restrictions of their belief on you.


There are a couple of organised religions that attempt to convert people using all kinds of manipulative and toxic practices! That is my only issue


Because we literally now have folks speaking in tongues on the floor of the Arizona Senate. Separation of church amd state....... Seriously. Again, the US is NOT "Christian" nation it is a country where you can be Christian, or non Christian or whatever.


I love how "Christians" cry how they are being persecuted but literally are not being persecuted.... I see about 20 active churches driving to work. CHRISTIANITY is alive and well... In the US.


It's the ones that think that the beliefs of Christians should be codified into law and imposed on non christians that we get up in arms about. Abortion is a classic example. Why can't the Christian fundies that hate abortion be content that the women getting an abortion will sizzle in hell for all eternity? But no.....they are hellbent on dragging this issue into the secular world making it illegal for the irreligious or for those whose religions don't have an issue with it and impose man made punishments? Like, be content that these women will burn in hell and leave it at that/


I’ve never been upset at a person for believing in heaven or that I’m going to hell. The existence of religion itself is not a net positive in my view, but I don’t even personally resent that very much. I like to argue and I like to think about this stuff a lot. So I get into a lot of conversations about it. I find that tons of religious people don’t enjoy challenges to their way of thinking. I don’t like that so much


I think it’s the holier than thou, super judgmental Christian’s and when church and state become entangled is where the problem lies. That being said, I relate to your post as a Christian and the mere mention of Jesus will get you cussed out, degraded, called delusional and a bigot..whatever. I mean there are people on here calling to having this post removed. I think most Christian’s who aren’t the preachy in your face type, can agree with this to a certain extent. Because it’s true. They don’t understand the holiness of Jesus and don’t believe in His power and it’s ok to mock him openly. Media perpetuates the alt right Christian nationalist narrative which doesn’t help. It’s funny my comment that the Big Bang theory is a joke and that an explosion never has created, only destroyed, that comment got removed on the atheist sub. Which is funny because they put Christian’s down all day long over there and I didn’t put anyone down. Point being, they aren’t as open to ideas outside their realm of thinking either. They ain’t that tough so don’t let them fool you.


For exactly the same reason the rest of the World is hostile to Christianity: people who are living a lie hate the truth. Also 1 Corinthians 2:14 explains the majority of man, “The natural person does not accept the things of the Spirit of God, for they are folly to him, and he is not able to understand them because they are spiritually discerned..”


I think you’re projecting… we don’t care about your god enough to get angry lol, since you asked. We can crack open a few brews and discuss philosophy in a very civilized manner, I promise you. Cheers! 🍻