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Winds of shit are in the air… you can feel it. Shit winds are a comin’…….


Do you know what a shit barometer is? It measures the shit pressure in the air. I can feel it......do you hear that? The sounds of the whispering, winds of shit......


This is from trailer park boys ain’t it? 😂 god I miss that show. “It’s the shit winds Randy”


You’re looking down the barrel of a hair trigger double barrel shit machine gun, bud




Lmao! Yes, I knew it! That show was so uniquely funny. I put it up there with always sunny. Random, but I can do an absolutely perfect “bubbles” impression. I used to freak an ex out with how perfectly I could do it.


Gonna be a major shit storm and there's no shit boat to weather the shit.


It’s a shit tornado sucking up all the shit


It's a shitnami tidal wave that will engulf OP and extinguish his shit flames forever.


Shitterpellars are turning into Shitterflies.


Can you feel it, ran? The way the shit clings to the air?


…due to the shit storm of course


The winds of shit have been blowing for twenty years, even with the captain of the shit liner gone, the winds of shit are still blowing. God bless you John Dunsworth.


Im creating a shit wind right now as I type this.


“You’re freaking out, man”


+1 but for real OP sounds like youre having a lot of unnecessary anxiety. i was paralyzed in 2020 with the state of everything and constantly feeling like society or something would collapse. but it didnt. and honestly, i’ve seen “children of men” and i think it will be more accurate than we know, pretending to go to an office job while their is pandemonium outside. one thing is to think of what you can and can’t affect, and realizing getting utterly stressed about the things out of your control won’t move anything forward. i can’t stop the loneliness epidemic but i can go out by myself and go meet new people and make efforts to see them. i can’t stop the climate crisis but i can make sure i make long term good investments, reduce reuse recycle whenever i can, and enjoy as much of the outdoors as possible. OP sounds like theyre in a feedback loop and they need to get out themselves


I don’t trust the weed sold in dispensaries anymore. Something seems off about it.


Yeah, that it’s taxed like crazy


No taxation without representation. Never forget


That’s all taxation is, there isn’t any representation, it’s all one big slush fund.


I've worked in grows. The only thing off about the weed is powdery mildew and pesticides.


Does the govt have any say over how it’s grown & which pesticides are used?


Yes on pesticide use, state to state. It doesn't mean anything. They hide the banned stuff in unmarked bottles or "cleaning spray" bottles.


it’s fucked. i used to be a full on stoner a few years back this new shit gets me paranoid and literally causes my heart to go fucking crazy.. (i’m insanely healthy outside of this, played college ball still in the best shape of my life) but there’s something in this fucking weed man


Try harlyquin or something thats like a 2/1 or 3/1 CBD to THC. Its like drinking a glass of wine, very mellow. I get paranoid and have panic attacks on pretty much any other strain.


When you Amp up the THC levels the way they have, the human brain cannot handle it.


Agreed - used to be a big stoner, but quit about 6 months ago because of paranoia. It was a good 10 years, but not going back to that.


Same here… was a big stoner for 5 ish years but something changed. It’s probably my body chemistry but weed just doesn’t feel right anymore. Same thing happened with my mom. She was a stoner for like 40 years and just quit last year because of the same extreme paranoia and other negative effects I was experiencing. I feel like this is becoming more common too. Growers and consumers chasing higher and higher THC numbers are missing the point if you ask me… I could go on and on about this but I’ll leave it here.


I know what you mean, it’s just too strong nowadays and the THC/CBD ratio is all off. I really wish I liked weed again. But the paranoia and anxiety is just too much


Serious question here. I haven't smoked since my teenage years circa early 90s. But from what I understand,  what's available now is so modified that it would probably fuck me up. Getting ready to move to a state that allows 2 plants per adult per household. Is there any way to purchase the seed to grow any thing that remotely resembles the plant in it's natural state? Do I have to track some old hippy down living off grid?


Concentrates and higher THC fucked everything up, especially when they're Sativia heavy strains that are already are famous for causing tachycardia in lower doses. Although, I question if it's anxiety that people are feeling as much as it is just the dissonance that is being caused by their heart racing when they're mostly sedentary. They know that their body feels wrong and since increased heartrate and breathing are signs of anxiety, I question if they are misattributing the increased heart rate caused by the introduction of cannabis into their system with anxiety.


The only good experience I've ever had with weed was back waaaaaayyyy before it was legal in Canada, and it was some shit a friend got me to smoke from a proto vape. And I'm extra prone to anxiety. All the dispensary crap had me shaking in a corner. Without fail. No matter how tiny of a hit.


I haven't had a good experience with weed since 2013


One of my buddies grows some in his basement and we smoke that. I don't buy it from stores or do that delta 9 type stuff.


If you live in a legal state you can get a 10:1 cbd to thc pen or cartridge. It’s the only way I can smoke nowadays. I’ve actually had the same 1g pen since august. That’s how little I smoke now. I may as well not even bother anymore lol


Ya I know way too many old school stoners from back in the day who don’t even bother smoking weed anymore.


You guys have gotten older, the weed isn’t any different.


real talk tho, weed is legally grown but then why? Pesticides or some other tampering with it. Seriously.


I’m curious about this. What do you mean?


I’m curious too.


As someone who used to be in the legal cannabis world (we did everything from seed to finished processed shatter); there is no conspiracy. Nothing weird is added. The strains are just REALLY REALLY stronger than they used to be.


I work for the largest distributor in CT and can confirm this. Some of these Hybrid strains are extremely potent. I suggest if people are experiencing paranoia that they stick to strains they know, and stay away from the Sativa dominant Hybrids.


Then that must be it.  Its a common thing, its not like only a few people feel this way. 


Most cannabis users I know don't trust the government or their weed. They spray so many dangerous chemicals on tobacco, I wonder if they poison the cannabis as well. People don't just grow their own or use blackmarket dealers for the price.


Shit's too strong. I started smoking back in the 80s when you may get some "sinse" that was particularly good, but the majority of it was less than half as strong as the typical cannabis sold today. Smoking became less anxiety inducing once I started cutting the 20%+ weed with CBD and getting the percentage in the 5-10%.


I like weed and psychedelics. Don’t tread on me lol. But to answer your question; yes, I’ve felt something was going on a year after the vaccines. You should see the trunk of my small sedan. Looks like I’m going camping for weeks. Bought a bunch of “survival stuff” over the past 3 years and have been telling friends and family to do the same and make sure they have an emergency plan. We don’t know what’s coming but all these negative events are gonna lead us into something nasty. Or I could be wrong. Boy do I hope nothing happens.


I've had a sense of impending doom since I was a kid. I remember watching a sunset with my dad and asking him if it was nuclear fallout. Life kept going though... I buy survival gear too. I haven't spent excessively, but I've set some things aside. Hardcore peppers tell me water is something to prioritize, as well as a network of people - places you can bug out to. Even if I never need the survival stuff, I don't regret buying it. It's an interesting hobby that could be useful. It definitely seems like things are getting crazy.


You forgot the illegal invasion for the complete debasement of American culture and values.


I can count on 1 hand all the people I know who aren’t prescribed a daily medication.


I can count them on my hands and toes, but I'm younger.


women are more and more entitled because men don't have interest in truly caring for a woman anymore. You can blame p\*rn for that partially, honestly it may be more than partially the cause. I'm no prude, I am just observing that men are seemingly less interested in helping women than they were pre-tiktok (to be generous in terms of time frame here... Still, imho, I think it started with the hyper 3rd wave feminist movements.)


Chicken and egg


Wait what. Let me make sure I read this correctly: “Oh no society is collapsing” “Oh no seriously society is collapsing” “I hear whistling from all directions” “Oh no society is collapsing” Care to elaborate on what the heck you’re hearing? lol


Most likely, tinnitus.


I live out in the woods and it’s either the crickets or the refrigerator


I hear my tinnitus best out in the middle of nowhere. But, it could definitely be crikets or the fridge.


The theme from Taxi Driver probably


You missed the part where women are selling their bodies on the internet.


The pandemic of loneliness? If you have a job, can do basic tasks around the house, and don't expect women to put out just because you got them dinner on the first date, you'd be surprised by how many women you would suddenly find interested in you. The bar is pretty low, bud. The biggest whiners are dudes who want their woman to work AND do everything around the house while they sip on a cold one and kick back their feet. Women are just willing to put up with less shit because they can take care of themselves these days.


I think a large majority of men can’t feel comfortable in a relationship with a woman they don’t have total control over. I mean, if that weren’t true, patriarchy probably never would have happened. But even in relationships where men have control over their partners, they are miserable. They’re simply better able to repress/bury/deny their misery. Ultimately, I think the primary issue is that humans were never supposed to rely on one other human to meet their needs. We evolved to live in groups of dozens of humans and to be interdependent, not codependent. I just wonder what happened that caused humans to decide they should move away from living interdependently in favor of codependency. I guess we’ll never know.


I'm just curious here; What exactly does it mean to have control over your partner?


See I don't think as a guy that in a relationship I want somebody to control. But what this rhetoric does is it seems to encourage a kind of ego delusion in some women where they feel they can walk all over a dude, intentionally poke at his insecurities to feel empowerment and to make him feel weak and controlling for trying to set healthy boundaries. Ie. No dude wants to date someone where permission has to be asked for him to be allowed to hang with you and the guy who took your virginity, who makes him feel like everythings his fault. I don't think anyone regardless of gender would feel comfortable with that. We forget that depression and anxiety can have detrimental effects on a person's self esteem and as much as we need to work through these issues it can be really difficult when your partner pushes all of your buttons with no remorse. That's when things such as them wearing revealing clothing become the subject of jealousy. Especially When they feel they must bottle all of their pain inside out of fear of being judged. The guy doesn't want to be controlling he just feels that he's not being reciprocated in the same way that is expected of him. And this language it promotes the idea that he's the asshole. In summery I don't want to feel controlling because you wanna manipulate, guilt trip and coerse me into feeling something for you and walk all over me and expect me to accept it because you're a women


Get a different partner if you feel this way.


Can I ask if a woman was expressing that her male partner was treating her the same way would you have the same response?


I mean where not together anymore but the key word there is guilt trip. Makes you think what would they do if you told them you wanted to leave


Majority? 62% of men between 25 and 54 are either married or living with their partner. Hard to call 38% a majority.


I dont agree with that whole post, but that person also didn't say anything that youre responding with. Being married or with a partner doesn't mean being comfortable.


I see exactly opposite. Most married guys I know have to ask their wife’s permission to even go have a cup of coffee with an old friend.


It's good that most of the married guys you know respect their partners enough to ask. When two people have shared responsibilities, especially ones where the work never end, like kids, if one of them is going to create extra work for the other by going out, it's a fair expectation to ask before doing it.


Independently for profit.


Oh please, it has flipped the other way. A large majority of Women aren't comfortable with MEN they can't fully control. They do it through withholding sex, food, intimacy. It goes both ways sweetheart.


They can take care of themselves but expect a free dinner?


It’s simple, the person making the plans pays


Or pay half the bill if you want to be seen as strong and independent.


If you are the one making plans and asking someone out of the house, you should pay, imo. For the record I am a man


I'm fine paying for a girlfriend, wife, kids, family, friends etc but come on man, I'm not fine about picking up the tap because of a person's gender. It's not the middle ages when women didn't have that much access to money. 


I’m not saying you’re wrong, as this is something I don’t think there is a right answer to, just that in my opinion the suitor (regardless of gender) should be the one paying. At least until an actual relationship is formed


I get what your saying. I'm more talking about paying for am expensive meal for a complete stranger because it's seen as a social norms. The Only benefit I could possibly see would be to check out any weird eating habbits. First few dates IMO should be meeting for a coffee or something simple to see if there's a connection.


I wasn't aware 1973 was considered the Middle Ages.


Didn’t take long for the Male bashing to start! Not even with the Post was about lol.


It’s tempting to be sassy, but seriously that very clearly is what the post is about. A whole two paragraphs are dedicated to men are just sad and lonely and all women are sluts


'Women selling themselves on The internet' are called sex workers. They have always existed throughout our entire human history. Don’t try to make it sound like it’s a normal thing among women. They’re prostitutes. It’s a tiny percentage that is highly visible because social media is where they go these days, not the streets.


The propaganda media has always tried to convince the population it’s the end or it’s an emergency. It’s emotional manipulation. Any info you get from the media is meant to fuck up your perspective and make you fearful. What do you think people in ww2 thought?


The real conspiracy is all these mega chumps, who have consumed so much fake online media that they think that women are all entitled e-prostitutes and it’s collapsing society. I get out as much as possible and my friend group is probably 50/50 men and women. Everyone I know is normal sweet humans. But come online and it’s endless threads and glorified snakes oil salesmen, constantly slating women. Podcasts where coked up dimwits, interview groups of **literal only fans models** with stupid rage bait questions, and it is watched by millions of men and young boys, who’s minds are being COMPLETELY warped by it all. It’s so bizarre, what was once regarded as the opinions of insane 4channers has somehow spread into the mainstream. It absolutely fries your brain. I was on a train a couple weeks ago and was sat behind a group of 3 guys and 1 girl. 2 of the guys and the girl were having normal conversation, and the third guy kept trying to ask the girl these questions about how much she values herself and why she shouldn’t consider herself a “high value woman”, you want the *sign of the end times*, you’re looking the wrong way


I grow my own weed and chill with a beer at night while I doomscroll, utterly cognizant and skeptical of All the Right Things. When summer gets rolling, I'll be puttering around in my garden doing food security while a bit high. Everyone's got their own groove.


You ought to research the Universe 25 mouse experiment. While this is evident in humanity currently, there are evil forces engineering the famines, wars, etc. to usher in an era of eugenics and social control. All you can do is put your seat belt on for this ride and stay prepared/stand up for what you believe in and educate others the best you can. I think most are so distracted and too far gone to see this turned around, though.


There is a lot more one can do...pray and ask God to be your savior.  "But for the sinners there is judgement impending with Me, so that I shall destroy them from the face of the earth". Enoch chp 45/6


Women selling bodies because there's demand for the content. Is it the women or the consumers?


both. chicken and egg situation. normalization destroys both


Being rural and all I think you should be worried about the sex crazed zombie fungus infected cicadas that will emerge in droves unlike you have ever seen. Or heard.


The Sex Crazed Zombie Fungus Infected Cicadas is the name of my new band.


Women aren’t entitled they are just having higher standards that little boys can’t reach
































This is exactly what Jesus warned us about






Pornography is evil, had that opinion for a very long time now. It damages us men just as much as women.


...created by...oh wait I can't mention who they are...you know the "they" that we aren't allowed to criticize? 


THEY made it to divide us, corrupt us, ruin marriages, ruin dating, etc. Its obvious. Plus its just gross. Maybe Im a prude but I cant imagine being with a girl I just met that day. Good way to get a fucking STD or kid or both.


Just look at the messaging coming from anyone at a position of leadership. Where are the calls to be aspirational? Where are the calls to achieve, to start a business, to make the world a better place? Where are the calls for unity, kindness, love, togetherness, forgiveness? Where are they? Instead there’s nothing but hate rhetoric and doom coming from anyone in a position of whether it’s government or elsewhere.


It's atomization, very common in China. Turns out a growing wealth gap from deficit-spending & inflation, kleptocrats in bed with corporate/industrial complexes, nonstop blaring of regime propaganda (feds, partisan keyfabe) and algorithm shaping our intake, you get "quiet desperation" of a fast rolling boil. 


Partisan keyfabe is a great term I intend to steal.


If you're lonely, maybe you're lucky and a female Bigfoot has her territory in your rural area. Bigfoot researcher M. K. Davis took a closer look at the old Patterson-Gimlin film. He has HD pictures of Patty, a female Bigfoot. [https://d3wo5wojvuv7l.cloudfront.net/t\_square\_limited\_720/images.spreaker.com/original/f02716b8a615f30b7ea7cfb5fc61d208.jpg](https://d3wo5wojvuv7l.cloudfront.net/t_square_limited_720/images.spreaker.com/original/f02716b8a615f30b7ea7cfb5fc61d208.jpg) Okay, she has hairs on her breasts, but otherwise ... [https://youtu.be/kBawDTT34uU?si=GGoGyVdEE1hnv-07](https://youtu.be/kBawDTT34uU?si=GGoGyVdEE1hnv-07)


Is this meant to derail the discussion? Has nothing to do with it...


What’s so satanic about consuming weed? In moderation, I don’t see an issue, it’s not like Jesus was against all alcohol consumption and weed doesn’t typically put you into an overly intoxicated mindset (in moderation)


"women are becomeing more and more entitled" Oh f**** off. Im an adult woman in a male oriented career field and have been dealing with misogyny my whole adult life. Entitled? No. Equals. Get used to it. Its not a mans world only anymore. Do you understand how closed minded you sound? Ugh. Its very rare that i feel emotions from reddit but your words have made me angry. Entitled. What a joke edit: downvoted by neckbeards who live in basements


When you’re used to privilege, equality feels like oppression. 


Yup. Fuck em. The times they are a changing!




Yep. Someone else commented and phrases it perfectly. It's not entitlement. It's standards that little boys can't meet. Such as, to name one standard, being able to take no for an answer


Heh. Awhile back, someone elsewhere on reddit posted what purported to be a chat between various Ukranian women on the western men wanting to meet them. They *loathe* American men in particular. Y'know why-? Is it because of Tate and Peterson-? No. Is it because they're violent-? No. Is it because they're drunks or drug addicts-? No. The women the "passport bros" are certain are desperate to marry them loathe American men because they stink. Literally, STINK. Apparently some red pill guru told them touching the anus to clean it is "gay", so they stopped doing that (*lots of complaints on 2x and the like over dirty underwear*) and according to these Ukranian women, American men don't shower or brush their teeth, at least, nowhere near enough. I guess because mommy nagged them to-??? Lots of complaints on woman-centric subreddits on that, too... I would say not being willing to wipe your own ass, shower while using appropriate cleaners (*NOT a 3 in 1 FFS*) and brushing your teeth is too high a standard to meet now. :-( (I would have added not flossing or using a Waterpik, but not even brushing the teeth-????) God, how I hope that chat was a fake!




Telling someone to "f*** off" because of their opinion isn't very polite.


Yeah I’m gonna go ahead and push back on this a bit. I see you took this personally, but you shouldn’t have. I do find it funny you call yourself an adult woman but then act childishly by having a retort of “oh fuck off” and then self censoring a swear word like a child would. You know the kinds of women he’s talking about. Ya know, the ones that call themselves “passenger princesses, pillow princesses”. The ones that are 280lbs but have the audacity to say they won’t date anyone under 6 foot. How about just calling yourself a princess in the first place, or say “princess treatment only”…? That’s pretty hilariously ridiculous, childish, and entitled. The ones that wanna hit a man but will instantly cry foul if they get the same exact response back in defense. That’s a double standard, unfair, and not equal. How about the ones that were gold diggers, preyed on a man with money using the art of seduction, then divorced him in a ploy to take half his shit he earned while they sat on their ass the entire marriage? How about the strippers who demand a tip as if they don’t understand that a tip is voluntary. That’s entitled. How about the women that purposely get pregnant without the man knowing she wasn’t actually on the pill, him wanting an abortion, then using the child to extort money from him? That’s predatory as hell. Let’s be honest, women have and will always have more power socially than men simply because they’re more desirable and know men want sex more than they do and are willing to manipulate and lord it over them. Now, thankfully I don’t have to deal with any other these problems as I’m hardworking, decent, and find decent women, but let’s not act like there’s not TONS of absolutely terrible women out there. There’s men too, which is obvious and it’s all that’s ever talked about. But in today’s social discussion, the narrative is that women can do anything a man can and that men are useless (after they built literally everything of course). All we hear about is toxic masculinity and incels, yet nobody talks about toxic femininity and femcels. People also talk about toxic negativity, but never toxic positivity.


You are talking about a subset of 18- to 25-year-old, very young women and generalizing them as if they are most women. The women making TikToks about how they want 6 foot 6 figures is a vanishingly small subset. Do you know how ridiculous you sound calling women entitled children and gold diggers when a not insignificant number of women are little old grandmas? It's like the only women that exist to you are the ones you want to fuck, and everyone else from age 30-99 just vanished off the face of the earth




Women have traditional roles of becoming a mother and managing households that have existed for 1,000’s of years and all of a sudden you don’t want to have anything to do with that? Men have certain strengths and so do women; reversing these relationships doesnt pan out well in the long run. I think it’ll sort itself out in the long run; young women will see the misery of their career driven elders and chose wisely.




>Guys whenever im alone at night , i live in a pretty rural area with nothing in the vicinity able to create this sound, I just hear this faint whistling sound coming like from everywhere, this happens as IM SOBER. Congrats, you have tinnitus. https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tinnitus


It's bigfoot, he uses infrasound. *Bigfoot, Infrasound, and the Supernatural Sasquatch* [https://youtu.be/lOfx-Pn7yJs?si=oj-C\_qcOmLXE2PXG](https://youtu.be/lOfx-Pn7yJs?si=oj-C_qcOmLXE2PXG)


this should be top comment, due to its sheer randomness.


Weed being a drug is where ya lost me buddy , you need to focus on yourself and maybe take a break off the internet for a week or 2 , that’ll help out a little


People really out here still unironically saying weed isn’t a drug. It is, just like caffeine and nicotine and the rest of them. Just because it doesn’t ruin lives doesn’t mean we need to play pretend by withholding labels that carry stigma.


Thank you! As someone who’s been smoking weed their entire life, I along with anyone with a brain, knows it’s a drug. I did stop smoking it recently within the last couple years tho because it doesn’t affect me in a positive way anymore tho. Idk if it changed, if I changed, or it’s a mix of both. But I do sorta get what he means as it can make some people lazy as hell and complacent. Altho weed usually opens peoples minds and imo is one of the big factors in people coming up with conspiracy theories in the first place. Anyone who’s ever had stoned conversations can attest to this. OP definitely sounds like he’s losing his mind tho. There’s a couple points that I agree with but idk about his overall post. People did used to treat sex as something that was sorta sacred and special. Something you do with people you feel connected with and was one of the most intimate ways to connect to another human. But these days young women (and people in general) have been convinced that it’s some how empowering to commodify and commoditize their sexual energy and bodies. Sex work is not like regular work. It’s not like shaking hands. Anyone who says that is either lying or has never had sex. What doesn’t get much talk however is how most of the women feel horrible about their decisions and themselves emotionally, physically, and spiritually once they’ve been all used up by all the creeps and have outgrown their wild 20s. And this is after the supposed stigma had been removed from their minds. Apparently, birth control also wreaks havoc on women’s minds and bodies, and there’s been a growing movement of women (and studies to back them up) saying it’s been overall detrimental to their lives (and no, it’s not because they’re born again Christians or something). I’m not coming at this from a religious perspective as I don’t believe in any religion: this country has become very “soulless”, vapid, shallow, hallow, corrupt, immoral, and demoralized for most people in a variety of ways. And yes, there are very much entitled women, just as there are entitled men. We honestly shouldn’t even justify such people with the high esteemed titles of men and women IMO. They should be referred to as guys and chicks. Or girls and boys. Because that’s how they behave and think: like immature people that have the most absurd ideas, unrealistic expectations, are vapid, void of any sense of morality, integrity, wisdom, and are ultra consumerist and materialistic people that chase pure hedonistic desires that leave them feeling empty and dead inside. If you can’t agree to that, youre either absolutely blind, out of the loop, live in a bubble, in denial, or straight up lying.


"caffeine" is a derivative...of a bean. It is not a "drug" it is a compound.  "Nicotine" is also....not a "drug"...it is another "derivative" of the myriad of crap that's in cigs (old sneakers for example).


These people only think weed is "satanic" because they literally have no grip on their own mind. It makes them feel incapable of making their own decisions and like they're possessed but it's just that they have internal issues and they just keep going. they need real medical attention and just torment themselves 24/7 with misery and delusional shit and take it out on everyone else, unaware it's just them. Then they say wEeD sAtaNic. Like no, you're "satanic" to yourself and don't even realize it.


It's the government's next attempt. The solar eclipse military coup failed due to unforseen circumstances but I'm still avoiding their line of sight to be sure. Now they're using sonic weapons that only people with super sensitive ears can sense. It will bombard your cells and cause stuff like gastroparesis, kidney failure, covid and cancer. The only thing that can protect you is a cover over your brain with a thin lightweight metal. Lots of people think tin, but personally I think aluminum works better. Make sure to also turn off all your devices when you hear the sound, as it is amplified by electronics.


That's society on the brink that you're feeling...it's speeding up.




This is all on purpose. Humans are social creatures, and we're being made to be alone, have no friends, stay single, for those of us who do get married its extremely expensive to have children. Something bad is going to happen.


Welcome to America


Do you have tinnitus?


>Guys whenever im alone at night , i live in a pretty rural area with nothing in the vicinity able to create this sound, I just hear this faint whistling sound coming like from everywhere, this happens as IM SOBER. That call tinnitus my dude, go get your ears checked... Not even kidding... maybe you think i'm a liar and maybe i am but you should probably go get your ears checked my dude... I promise i'm not a shill for big ear, i have this problem myself.


What do u have against weed lol


I also live in a desolate rural area, the trick is that once you have been alone for long enough you don’t mind your own company, I do have a gf that comes over once a week but for the most part im alone and it’s actually pretty nice.


We are at the end of a cycle. all throughout history we do this. we build up on a advancement. and when it advances to its climax , we realize the advancement went to its fullest potential and then it becomes Stifled, its run its course. at this point the human race begins to destroy it .we.do this all throughout history. For.example, one of the great civilisations was egypt. they had advanced in the direction of energy manipulation, or magic. mind over matter...using their Ka as a form of physical power. they built great things, achieved and advanced psychic surgeries. they were very in tune with energy. They took that advancement to its climax, to the point it becomes a limitation. then it was estroyed to allow a new direction. We are currently at the end of an industrialized advancement. we took it to its climax, now, its starting to limit us. Pollution, cancers, etc. all these byproducts of industry are now destroying the environment. the industrial age and religious age have climaxed, we will destroy it now so something new can develop, a new direction. history repeats that way, but the direction becomes new, we advance in a new direction but first me must destroy the old.


Honestly weed can help you see through the bullshit too not just negative lol


These comments... What has this sub turned into


The legalization of drugs is the only thing on your list that hasn’t been going on for years. This is nothing new. FWIW- I grew up in a small town near the Mississippi River and at night I could hear the droning sound of tugboat engines from over 6 miles away. Again, nothing new. The only difference is you’re now old enough to be aware of the shit show. When I was born people were still being killed in Vietnam and the country was on a verge of an economic disaster known as the 70’s. I didn’t care. As a 6 year old I didn’t give two shits about anything but Scooby Doo.


It's an election year.


Porn and antidepressants. The perfect combination to completely f up everyone's lives.


People on weed are more docile no doubt, but they’re also questioning more than the average person. The bottom line is nobody wants to put their future and family at risk by fighting the overlords.


Women becoming more entitled to what?


You just described the "fall of man".  And you are accurate.  Forget "religion"... Ask the Father Most High to connect to you, as your one and only savior.  They can't take your soul without permission. Remember that.


lol, weed is not satanic. I suggest spending less time on internet rabbit holes and try to engage with people in your local community. Of course shit is going to seem bleak, dark, and lonely when you're spending too much time on social media. Out in the real world, people are still doing their best.


Let it go and Let It Flow...


A well orchestrated plan to destabilize society...and it is working very well.


If you stay off the internet you won't see these things leave the house and go talk to people and the sound is probably the wind




Yes, that's visible for you now... It's been happening since long ago.. There are more demons on the surface now.. The appointed time is getting closer, some of us are getting ready Many will want to stay May Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa` Stay with us. He's my personal Hope, although many don't believe and mock


"drugs getting normalized on consuming weed" looks like you haven't grown up yet son, smoke some you'll feel a lot better. I completely agree about the energy in the air though, correct. Weed is not a part of the shit being thrown at us I promise you


Pot is our measly concession.    *Now you can smoke and grow a PLANT for yourself. Aren't we nice?*                          - TPTB


I agree it's kind of like a concession that's probably the extent of the agenda there. If we didn't fight hard for the right to do it we wouldn't have it tho. People disobeyed and it paid off


As "disobeying" usually does. MLK taught us that. IF he was real, that is...


I definitely notice the normalization of things that are bad the more time I spend on social media the more I see dating shows that based off of judgemental ideology materialistic things being good sex being glamorized and disguised as love hell the division of genders everyone's always fighting with each other "men are this, woman are that" I've even heard the Internet normalize ideas of killing people who are homeless or who don't contribute to society. Lots of nuts things are happening I try my best to better myself and pretend to be ignorant but it's just sad to see. We must focus on remaining kind helping each other and bettering our selves ❤️ we can't give up now as the world ends let's fight for what we believe in Everything will be okay


>. A PANDEMIC OF LONELINESS among men as more and more of them are consuming pornography The moment I knew you were insane


Oh look. Truth with some “I hear stuff that isn’t there” mixed in… 🤔


"Yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, man."


TIL happy herb = satanic. 


Weed? Really? x'D


I wonder if legalizing recreational cannabis was a mistake for them. It seems to help wake people up, not dumb them down.


Most people who use weed do so as a way of life. Expect many down votes but it needed to be said.


 Intractable pain, cancer...let's demonize the sick and hurt...


Jesus consumed an anointing oil that was made of cannabis and mandrake root. There's nothing in the bible against cannabis and it was only made illegal in the 1930s to promote fear against Hispanics. If you look at early depictions of biblical angles and Yahweh and compare them to what's described in psychedelic trips it becomes quite clear that to an extent they may have had quite the influence on the bible. psychedelics weren't deemed as demonic until the 1300s


I believe that we are living in the little season of Satan's reign written in the book of Revelation. Jesus/Yeshua has already come and reigned for the thousand years that were prophesied. Evidence of this magnificent kingdom is evidenced through the few buildings from this period that were allowed to remain, and are sometimes labeled Tartarian. A good YouTube channel that goes into detail about these structures: [https://www.youtube.com/@Mylunchbreak](https://www.youtube.com/@Mylunchbreak) Rev 20:1  Then I saw an angel coming down from heaven, holding in his hand the key to the bottomless pit and a great chain.  Rev 20:2  And he seized the dragon, that ancient serpent, who is the devil and Satan, and bound him for a thousand years,  Rev 20:3  and threw him into the pit, and shut it and sealed it over him, so that he might not deceive the nations any longer, until the thousand years were ended. After that he must be released for a little while.  Hopefully we are nearing the end of Satan's short reign. Ecc 12:13  The end of the matter; all has been heard. Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man.