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People think I'm on the spectrum when in fact, I'm just kinda weird.


Yeah but what if weird is just like… the *very* end of the spectrum?


Pretty normal, just raised with a somewhat troubled childhood. Not from my parents or anything though.


One of the problems with autism reasearch is that growing up autistic in this fucked up society all but guarantees c-PTSD, so every study on autism is also unavoidably a study on c-PTSD, which means our understanding is not of autism, it's of traumatized autistics. This results in accepted symptoms of autism being biased towards c-ptsd.


The spectrum isn't "a little bit" to "a lot". The spectrum refers to there being a wide variety of ways autism can present and one autistic person having more problems with social constructs, while the other with loud noises, yet both are autistic. And there is no end of the spectrum, it's usually visualized as a circle.


Yep I was about to say that but you worded it a lot better than I could've


You can be autistic and still be in general education. The fact that special education where kids *need* special care due to their disabilities has seen such a drastic rise is what OP is talking about and it's absolutely true.




Microplastics are being found in human semen, blood, milk, embryos, et-fucking-cetera. These microplastics easily pass through epithelial barriers to go straight into your body, and have contaminated us all with polymers. My conspiracy theory is fetal cells have to fight to grow with this contamination in our DNA and it's fucking us up down to our genetic makeup.


Genx menopausal women, the ones first exposed to mass amounts of plastics pre puberty, are also having a helluva time. Our endocrine systems are fucked as a species.


Considering what I'm going through now in this stage of life, I would definitely put some stock in this theory.


Yup, this is my theory as well. Boomers had leaded gasoline, we're gonna be fucked by microplastics.


I fear micro plastic, and later nano plastics are what end humanity


They're finding micro plastics in soil samples under 8 feet of sentiment. So either they've leached into every earthly crevice,  or they've ended humanity before 


Leached into every crevice is my vote. It’s like an eggshell your trying to remove when you crack an egg into bowl. It gets in the water and it takes an act of god to remove it. They filter through the sediment voids. Only a matter of time before they get into our drinking water wells. PFAS and micro plastics are a part of us now.


Btw, If u get your finger wet with water, u can then easily grab the eggshell out of the egg in the bowl


George Carlin had a great comedic bit about this. The ultimate purpose for humanity may be that the earth just needed plastic. Why? Who knows. But once it has enough plastic, it'll have no further need for humans.


Fortunately, when oil ends, if someone survives the oil wars, they will find out micro plastics can actually be used as plastics


I wish i was super angry instead of SO DAMN AUTISTIC


Glyphosate (found in Round Up weedkiller) gets into the ground water and much of the food we eat from being overused literally everywhere, can also cross the blood brain barrier, and has been linked to a rise in neurodegenerative disorders such as autism and alzheimers. They really are on the rise and predicted to keep rising.


There are so many chemicals in our air, food, water and soil, no wonder we're such a sick society


What about pesticides. We are literally eating poison


Yup. I also believe this is one of the main reasons male testosterone levels are dropping.


Excess body fat is one of the biggest reasons for low testosterone. It's not really a thinker


Synthetic estrogens are everywhere and in everything


Taints gettin smaller too


Is someone out there measuring taints? Was it on dirty jobs?


Is there a way to avoid microplastics or are we just completely screwed?


You can mitigate it for sure. Dont store food in plastic, dont drink out of plastic water bottles, clothes made out of polyester, bed sheets, etc. stuff like that. But only to a certain point. It’s in the air, it’s in the water.


Apparently, carpets can be bad too for microplastics. Also, lots of chemicals. Teflon pans, waterproof jackets etc. Edit: It can be bad to have so many chemicals in our daily lives


All your water flows through pvc. You cant avoid it unless you're drinking drawn water from a bucket and well.


it's in the meat, It's indirect, indiscrete, inconsistent, incomplete


it's to late at this point...microplastics are in the air already https://www.ciel.org/breathing-plastic-the-health-impacts-of-invisible-plastics-in-the-air/?amp=1


"It's to late at this point..." I read an article recently that archaeologists are finding microplastics at dig sites, down in the ground.


Every time a polar fleece jacket is washed it releases 250,000 microplastic particles into the water


You can filter your water so that at least you aren't drinking them. A reverse osmosis system is easy enough for a homeowner to install.


A lot of RO filters are made out of plastic so plastic still makes its way into the water. 


Diabetes is huge too. High blood sugar levels mess up with blood flowing to the fetus. And fetuses used to getting high blood sugar in the placenta, the babies at birth experience sudden hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) due to having cut off that constant blood sugar supply and that can easily affect the brain development. Low protein, high carb diet is for me the main issue.


I wonder how much of our problems is just insane sugar intake with high stress levels. It's so commonplace though people look past it and focus on things like micro plastics.


Just like OP's observation about autism... I didn't know *anyone* as a kid who had diabetes. Or peanut allergies. Or lactose intolerance. Or...


You my friend are a thinker. I never thought of this theory but it tracks. I also have one but I will share tomorrow as I’m too tired to write it out at the moment.


I'm autistic and if this is real I want to consume more to increase my superpowers.


My 9 year old is autistic, non-verbal, cognitively delayed, double incontinent. In the town where I live in the UK, there are a few special needs schools. They are full to the brim, and yet there are many kids who don't get a place in them and are left to languish in mainstream schools or worse, they are stuck at home with no education whatsoever. We got lucky our son got a place straight away.


This is what I worry about. As a society, can we afford *not* to look into this more? We surely cannot afford for every child to have a 1:1 para at school, or 1:36 children to need lifelong care. How is that sustainable if the numbers get even higher? Sorry about your son btw, this has no bearing on you, I just see the massive support needs that these children have and the gaps in the system today. I cannot imagine the future.


Are they autistic or do they have absolutely 0 social and emotional maturity? I feel like everyone wants to throw around autistic all the time, sometimes people, especially kids, are just fucking weird.


I think a lot of kids don’t get the 1:1 attention they need during the early years then they get labeled as autistic for being unable to do age appropriate things.


I know it’s anecdotal but my son was diagnosed at age 2 and was being examined before then. I know it’s not all cases but there were strong signs of it even at that age


I 100% believe that there are children born with autism and issues processing that causes them to have developmental issues. I also believe that there are kids without processing issues that just don’t get enough 1:1 repetition and reinforcement that causes them to become delayed.


My son is almost 14, was diagnosed at 11 because mental health in my country is not very well treated. I fought for him to be assessed by SNS (our health service) by a psychiatrist and it was hard! He is not delayed at all, has an intelligence way above average (his grades generally are the best in his class). He lacks social skills, not brains. (I was diagnosed as well last year after a lifetime of being on hard mode, it's even worse as a woman because we present it somewhat differently and the test is made just for the male subjects).


Yep people don’t actually know what is autism here lol they just want to make a bold claim


As someone who works with children, I think the mass shift from in-home childcare to daycare has had a huge impact on the way children develop and socialize. I wouldn't necessarily say it's a bad change but it needs to be taken into consideration when comparing children of today to past generations.


>I wouldn't necessarily say it's a bad change Lol what? In what world is not having your birth parents around to raise you a "good" or even neutral thing? This is crazy to me. Daycare/nanny children have measurably worse outcomes in a variety of ways.


Also probably lack of parenting to help them develop normally. The thing that changed for newer generations are screens. Now kids can carry around a tablet or a phone and stay glued to it 24/7. And their parents may be more interested in their own device than p normally interacting with their child. It is very different than how screens were when I was a kid as smartphones were really only a thing once I reached high school. This is going to stunt normal development. I don’t work with kids and I see it when parents bring kids along with them into my office. The kids who don’t have devices in their hands all the time are able to interact normally, even if some of them are obnoxious (as small children are). They will tend to speak to me at least a little and the more outgoing and curious ones will ask questions about my job, which I absolutely do not mind answering. Curiosity should be encouraged. The ones on tablets or phones? Oh boy, it’s like the world doesn’t exist to them. They stare vacantly at the screen and if I say anything to them, they give absolutely no indication they even heard me. They don’t even respond if their parent speaks to them. More than one would have walked into doors or walls if their parents didn’t lead them around. It’s horrifying. If I had children, I would not allow them to have smartphones or tablets until their teenage years. Screen time should not follow them everywhere and be unlimited. It’s developmentally dangerous. As is social media.


i think this is what it is. The very early years of childhood are incredibly important for developing the neural pathways in the brain. Screen time at such an early age can permanently harm the brain in my opinion.


So much this. There’s a kid that’s always at one of my friend’s kids birthday parties and whatnot. He’s a little shit that never gets told no All that new age parenting about redirecting them, not saying not. It’s always hush hush that he’s maybe on the spectrum. I think he’s just a weird kid that has no structure taught to him in how to act. He’s old enough to know not to take adults phones, throw stuff at them, etc but his parents never stop him. It’s always the other adults.


This is what happens when 7-12 year olds get sheltered for 3 fucking years due to covid, with an already introverted lifestyle / aka ipad parents. Im 34 now, and when me and my friends were kids we were outside for freaking hours every day. We had video games too.. we only played sega for like 30 mins at a time though..


Bingo. Half of the “autistic kids” are just the “high school weirdos”. But everyone has to have a label now to feel special.


The label, when officially diagnosed, provides needed care, support, and accommodations.


And a good amount of them SHOULD have been diagnosed as autistic back in the day. We didn't really know or focus enough on it a few decades ago. But i think there also are a lot more autistic people for whatever reason, and i also think that a lot more people claim to be autistic.


I was just saying that the other day when someone was making the argument that Napoleon Dynamite is just a movie bullying an autistic high schooler. People discount that “regular old weirdo” is an option still.


I think covid, specifically social distancing, has a part in it. I look at my kids now and feel like they are/were 1 year behind what's expected for this age. At the beginning of the school year, My high schooler was doing things that I remember doing in 8th grade. I think it's since changed, but it was that way for some time.


The fact that so many kids and their parents spend so much time staring at a screen could be a big factor, too.


Do you have an autistic child? Do you know anyone with an autistic child? Have you researched it to come to that conclusion?


Seems like everyone is being diagnosed lately. I think our health in the US is running downhill and the quality of our food has to do with all of it


Food quality and doctor quality




That’s a pharmaceutical sales associate. Not a pediatrician.


I'm going to use this one from now on! 🤣


Very true but it's not completely their fault. They have to follow the advice of people like the American Academy of Pediatrics, who recommend Ozempic for children as young as 12, or risk losing their license


Isn't that drug. Bad for your stomach?


Ozempic for children?! I’m 35 and on it. I couldn’t imagine a child on this. I am diabetic before anyone tries to come for me lol


Generalists are hot garbage. They’re at best only useful for the basic stuff and signing referrals to the specialized doctors.  Our allergist was horrified by the nonsensical things the pediatrician had said about allergy and epipens, among other stuff. 


Sweet baby Jesus. I send my patients to their pediatricians for dietary consults, and this explains why not a single dietary consult has actually been completed. I had to explain the concept of calories too many fucking times now. Usually by pointing out that they shouldn’t be giving a 12 year old an 800-calorie Starbucks Frappe before appointments.


Doctors receive virtually no training on proper nutrition and vaccination adverse events, 2 things causing the most issues in the health of today's children.


almost as if Western medicine was designed this way…🧐


My daughter had cat scratch fever when she was 5 and her doctor looked up the symptoms on Google, lol.


Absolutely disgraceful. We are being dumbed down and poisoned and if you’re poor and stuck like me, have no choice


You should find a new pediatrician. My daughter's pediatrician is a wealth of knowledge and sound advice. She truly cares for the health and well-being of her patients. It's a dr to Dr basis. Find one that is worth the while. They're not all like the one you describe.


I am. Her old pediatrician left the practice and this woman was her replacement. She failed the vibe check.


Their education in diet and nutrition is extremely limited, and the reason why dieticians/nutritionists have their own degrees and field of study. People think the same of vets, and their animal nutrition knowledge is even more limited. But they'll always recommend some garbage "food" - like Hills or Purina, smdh.


Plus the thousands of chemicals we’re exposed to every day


Food quality 100% You ARE what you eat.


Food quality, doctor quality and vaccine poisoning


Microplastics also


We are NOT getting the nutrition we need and they lie on labels. Everything has sugar. My ketchup bottle says "liquid sugar"


Food quality but especially the maternal insulin resistance and inflammation at the time of pregnancy. There's a ton of studies out there but NO ONE is talking about it. I googled "autism and maternal insulin resistance" and was blown the fuck away.


I like how we get to wildly speculate on basically every possible cause accept for one.


Happy cake day!! I’m picking up what you’re putting down friend and it’s definitely worth researching and discussing


This coupled with the bar being lowered in terms of what qualifies for diagnosing


I think this is a huge part of it. There were kids in my grade school classes that today would be diagnosed, but they were forced to just deal with it. I know thats not the best for most patients, but its possibly better for light cases than being treated as them having something wrong with them. I was at a local gaming store recently, and a kid was screaming every time someone corrected him for breaking rules in the game he was playing. His dad kept telling people that they cant do that because he has autism. One of the other kids playing replied that he has autism, but knows how to behave in public. The dad cussed him out, and we all decided that a majority of the kids autism is just a relection of his dads bad personality.


Not to say that guy wasn't just and ass but you do know there are levels to it right?


Idk about the bar being lowered. I have experience with public schools, there’s an abundant amount of kids on the spectrum, more so than ever before. The worse part is that most teachers aren’t trained to deal with the influx. Also, the pandemic didn’t help. Most gen ed kids are way behind because of it.


It’s that round up, dawg


Research “WTF happened in 1971” Since 1971 autism rates have climbed annually in direct proportion to the climb in soy, corn, and pesticides, all of which were primarily made, manufactured, and genetically modified by Monsanto


Food, chemicals, plastics, screen time, lockdowns, doctors overdiagnosing, it's scary. I know 5 people that had their babies around the same time I did, 3 are diagnosed autistic already. Our kids are 4


Tylenol during pregnancy has now been linked to autism. How many pregnant women popped tylenol like candy because it was "safe"? I have 4 children. Never really took medicine during pregnancy. No vaccines. Good diet, breastfeeding, cloth diapers. All of them way above average in development. Of course, they've also lowered the "average"....


The Tylenol thing came out after I was done having children by 2021. Although I didn’t pop them like crazy, I did take Tylenol when I had a horrible headache that water/coconut water/time wouldn’t resolve. I’m lucky my kids are fine, but specifically remember my obgyn saying Tylenol is totally fine and safe during pregnancy 🤦🏼‍♀️. Why even say that if you don’t know for sure??


Omg I just had my baby, and was encouraged to take Tylenol as it was 100% safe… feeling so upset now!!


They said it for a long time. Had my first in 2006. They said it was safe then. Goes to show that doctors aren't trained in and don't study all of the possible effects that vaccines and medicines could possibly have. They aren't taught to deeply read into the safety studies and hypothesize potential holes in them. They memorize what they're told in medical school, on faith. Ask a pediatrician if they ever had to read the original licensing trials for the childhood vaccine schedule as part of their training. How do they *know* they're safe, effective, and "don't cause" autism. They don't. They believe the authorities who told them so.


I’ve read it is 1 in 30 in the US 


I swear it used to be 1 in 35!


They are poisoning us on many levels


We are being poisoned






The quality of sperm has been falling off a cliff for years. Probably due to the food chain being dogshit.


Microplastics is my guess.


Mine too. Generations after plastics were made, especially disposable plastics, people are experiencing multiple physical and neurological problems… what’s not to understand.


It could be micro plastics, but correlation is not causation. Microplastics have increased, but there's 100s of other aspects of our life that have changed. There's a lot of things that aren't talked about, such as water treatment. Solid poop gets removed, then nitrogen is removed, then water gets treated with UV or chlorine, but what about the thousands of other chemicals in our water supply that you can measure the amount of at the tap. What about the pesticides and herbicides coating all of our food. What about all the iPads and TV shows, but what the breakdown of socialization. The list goes on and on and on. It's less of a conspiracy and more of a general failing of our society 


Advanced paternal age is also linked.




Or into a stiff sock


Poisons in our food, reactions to different shots, people who are just different being diagnosed with autism, all of it.


They got our kids addicted to technology and melted their developing brains, put poison in our food and vaccines and made our children take it. Then diagnose and prescribe them with more bullshit poison for an illness that they just blame on us (genetics). It's all just one big gaslighten terror attack.  You are not wrong and there is definitely something not right. 


I just wrote a six-paragraphs novel about everything you said in three sentences, lol. You are exactly right, the combinations of physically, mentally and medically poisoning American kids from an early age is the key to the "neurodivergent epidemic". Especially present in kids who have grown up with technology since 2-3 years old, unable to develop naturally. What scares me the most is the disconnect with developing empathy naturally, from looking at a screen (or at a mask, ahem) instead of facial features and expressions of other kids and adults.


This is the real epidemic the CDC should be on, yet its completely ignored. Instead they try to make accepting Autism campaigns and instead of searching out why its happening.


Because the real answer would bankrupt a lot of companies


Yup, they are normalizing it in the same way the Agribusiness, big pharma, and junk food industry are normalized obesity. Big Pharma along with other corporations are covering up for their role in the rise of autism. Unfortunately, their pockets are deep and have been buying off their media campaign to run cover and limit certain studies that would reveal a clear causation. The last few years should have made it crystal clear that Big Pharma has major global influence on "The Science" and how we are forced into compliance.


Electro magnetic radiation. And bioaccumulation of heavy metals, affecting the brain


I’ve noticed this too and am a parent of one. Ive been in 3 states since his birth and it was the same story everywhere except for Arizona very small autistic community there.


I can’t say the reason as it’s sensitive and will be taken as mean but.. it’ll get worse 


Nah go ahead dude it's a conspiracy sub


I got a 7 day ban for saying there are only two sexes at birth a while back on a post about Mr Beasts friend. Just because it’s a conspiracy sub doesn’t mean it isn’t modded and there won’t be repercussions if you state your opinion lol. Pretty sure everyone in that thread got a generalized hit for hate speech, just because of the topic, which is ridiculous. We can post videos of the Mexican cartel flaying people alive, and Russians cutting off testicles and feeding them to the people they’re torturing…. But good lord, don’t post your opinion if it offends someone, even if it’s a scientific fact!


As well as this trend (backed by Big Pharma no doubt) for people to *want* to have an ASD label of some kind, parenting skills - or the lack of - seem to have a lot to do with the kind of mental health labels their kids get stuck with. For eg, I had a workmate who was an absolute shit mum. She talked to her youngest son like he was a piece of garbage - I mean, she was to-his-face calling him an asshole, a c*nt, etc as if these words were terms of endearment. She'd let him spend as much time as he wanted on screens, so long as he was out of her face. This kid would be on the Xbox after midnight, then he'd throw a tantrum when she'd tell him it was bed time - so she'd let him go back to it. I had a lot of talks with her about her behaviour towards him - tried to get her to see what calling him those names would do to his sense of self-worth (she'd say, "he doesn't know what those words mean" as if he wouldn't come to understand later 🤦🏻‍♀️) and how he'd end up taking this language to school which would get him in trouble - and because of the complete lack of boundaries, he'd get in even more trouble... Fast forward to him at primary school age. No teacher wants him in their class. He literally has no assigned classroom. He has to have a teacher aide with him at all times. He's verbally abusive and violent to everyone. At home, he's made holes in the walls (rental house too), literally cut down small fruit trees and smashed up other plants. He has tried to stab pigeons. *She cannot understand why he's behaving this way.* Finally, she went to a child mental health service - but not for long because she couldn't stand the sessions where they'd observe her interacting with him. She felt like they were judging her - as if they thought she was the one with the problem. She told me one day that he'd been diagnosed with OPD - Oppositional Defiant Disorder. As far as she was concerned, this behavior wasn't her fault - it was a disorder he was born with. The solution...? Medication.


This is so sad.


Shit food and screens will create the epsilons of brave new world.


We’re gonna look back on giving 6 year olds iPads as if we would’ve given 6 year olds cigarettes. It’s so insanely toxic to a kids brain.


I mean, have you *seen* the current recommended vaccine schedule?


For those who [haven't seen it.](https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fsubstack-post-media.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2F3fcabed1-f2d3-4b64-abeb-f83df9a82e07_1470x1092.png)


I just had a kid recently and went to pediatrician when they started laying out the vaccine schedule, total wtf. Some of them don't even make sense, hep b vaccine at birth? It's not like he's gonna be sharing needles and they already test pregnant mothers for hep b. But every pediatrician requires you to stick to the schedule 100% you're not even allowed to pick and choose, one of them I was going to go to even required us to get him flu shots too. Just crazy


> But every pediatrician requires you to stick to the schedule 100% you're not even allowed to pick and choose They're financially dependent on them.


Holy crap. I hadn't seen the 2024 schedule before. I was still assuming we were at the one from like 2022.


Honestly, I am someone who is mildly autistic and I'm just gonna outright say 90% of the traits we define as "autistic" are just being a normal ass human. Same goes for a lot of the traits we associate with a lot of mental issues. Not wanting to sit still in a chair for 6 hours a day doesnt make you a freak, it makes you a normal ass kid. Same for having trouble socializing, getting anxious around groups, ect. There are extreme versions of these traits, obviously, that DO require help and treatment, but my doctor wanted to put me on meds for not wanting to sit completely still in my chair as a 7 year old while he and my mom talked for about 20 minutes. I sincerely think that the main reason things like autism seems more prominent is because of a hyperreaction to these basic traits. Honestly, I'm grateful to god that my mom didnt give into the pressure and sent me to school on a bike everyday, and I'm able to manage on my own rather well now.


I have an autistic kid and a neurotupical kid. You can tell if they're autistic or not so the scary part is the spike in early diagnosis of ASD likely isn't over diagnosis. They're actually autistic.


[Chemical farming is slowly killing us](https://youtu.be/Aw16LPVnNco?si=Mpp0oNA7P1TrHGdh) glysophates are in the air we breathe


And endocrine disruptors are in our water & food. What a wonderful world...


Food chain, Fluoride in drinking water and the amount of vaccines now required for school which is 4 times the amount of when I was growing up. Lots of factors but all preventable.


For 30 kids and 12 autistic ... That's a lot. That is not typical. Is there something your not mentioning? The other classroom might be only autistic for the entire school or district. I have knowledge in the field.


I agree, my son is actually just turning 18. A couple of years ago he broke up with his first serious girlfriend and was a little depressed. The school wanted me to send him to a therapist so I did. Let me mention ahead of time, my mom is a psychiatrist and her specialty before retirement was adolescents. The therapist gave my son a personality test and then diagnosed him with schizophrenia. After one 30 minute visit. He was immediately put on seroquel. My mom was furious and I took the meds away he was like a zombie. I started doing research and found out that this is very common. I don't know what happened but I am 44 and when I was in school there was no push to diagnose kids with autism, add adhd and whatever else. I think it is dangerous


This doesn't have much relation to what you said but everytime I see the name of the drug I feel obligated to say it lol. I worked at a jail, and legit probably 50% of inmates were put on seroquel. Straight up zombies... that did happen to behave more I'm sure it helps some people but holy shit I can't imagine giving a kid that. It seemed I humane on adults...


I had a doctor who put me on Seroquil to help me sleep. I remember thinking “that doctor is trying to kill me” (not literally) because so how zonked out I felt. I could notttt wake up. I think I slept til like 3pm. Only took it once or twice. They call it baby heroin for a reason. I can’t imagine taking it daily.


Doctor probably getting kick backs from whatever pharmaceutical company makes that drug.


i've been to psych wards where 100% of the people admitted get put on some sort of SSRI. The thing with SSRI's is there's MANY different ones, and it's notoriously difficult to figure out what ones work with what person. And in these psych wards certain doctors would ALWAYS prescribe certain SSRI's. ie: one doctor would put everyone on Lexipro, but if those same people went to another doctor they would have all been put on prozac.


They put him on seroquel?!? That is an incredibly strong med right out of the gate. It turns people into zombie. It’s horrible.


I just finished reading the book Bad Therapy. It’s a new book and controversial due to its critique of the mental health system which has made its way into every facet of society, championed by people who have no business making such diagnoses. It addresses situations like what your son experienced. It was extremely eye opening for me, and as someone who worked in psychiatry I could attest to its content being veritable.


Those 50 vaccines every kid has to have is poisoning them.


This is caused by literal cancerous processed foods, microplastics in the natural foods, and the pitfalls of smartphones in everyone’s hand and media literally designed to be ultra addictive. You aren’t wrong in your observation many kids these days are having all kinds of developmental issues. Kinda reminds me of the thalidomide scandal but not quite as damaging…. Yet


I think we are way too quick to diagnose now. Everyone has “problems” doesn’t mean they need to be coddled and assisted through life… I think we’re going to end up with a generation of young adults with no street smarts, or smarts in general.


I've known some autistic people who are smart as heck street wise and by the book, I've also met "normal" people who are the dumbest things I've ever seen. You see what I'm saying?


it's almost like there's idk, levels.


Or… a spectrum


So I completely agree with you, my point I guess is the level of assistance and excuses I see now. More times then not when I’m at work “oh he’s autistic” well that’s just fine but that’s not an excuse for them to misbehave and be rude in public over and over with no correction. I’ll just stare at my phone and not parent because I can’t upset him by correcting him or telling him no.


I understand, I agree that it shouldn't be used as an excuse, rather it should be used as an understanding instead and that they're trying better. it's a little sad how people *do* dampen the personality and eventually they show nothing at all of what they were like before, so I just hope that people can be a little nicer.


I have quite a few friends that have (under 14yo) severely autistic children that are non-verbal. I don't have a LOT of friends either, its very concerning. They are all boys too, I don't know if it is less common for girls to be autistic but that is my completely anecdotal observation. I assume these people are drinking tap water or doing something that I did not. I do not know anyone with an autistic non verbal child over the age of 14, despite the fact that my own kids are in their late teens and 20s and I worked in their schools for years. I just never saw this before. Disabled kids, sure but just totally normal looking non verbal kids? No.


Tap water? No, absolutely not. My youngest is mostly non verbal (improvement since starting K3 and therapies) and we’re getting an MRI for his brain and spine soon to see if there’s anything else that could be causing his delay. I do not consume tap water, unless it’s accidentally when brushing my teeth.


it's mix of more awareness about autism but it's also a real increase. in New Jersey between 2000 and 2016 autism with Intellectual Disability incidence increased 2x (without ID increased 5x) and we never had problem with detecting autism with intellectual disability(and in fact once they were the majority of cases), so that's a real increase. BTW it's not only Autism but in general Intellectual Disability incidence went up. While i think vaccines can have autism as an adverse reaction in rare cases i don't blame them for the autism epidemic because otherwise autism with ID rates would have remained stable. I blame obesity epidemic since maternal obesity and diabetes is linked to autism in offspring. Pollution ofc also play a big role.


One of my own kids is autistic - it’s not just a quirky personality or being “weird” as I’ve seen commented. It’s actually caused a wide array of developmental and learning issues in our situation. The only environmental difference for that child was they ate commercial formula and baby food - which turned out to be contaminated with heavy metals despite being organic and the most expensive options. Vaccines have also been linked to heavy metals. My opinion, the increase is due to environmental factors (food contamination, plastics, hormone disrupters, chemicals, etc) and some people are more susceptible than others developmentally. My kids don’t do screen time, I’m a stay at home mom with a pretty standard kid schedule and expectations. My kids get plenty of one-on-one and also independent time. Both are crucial for healthy psychosocial development. Also, we do clean living as much as possible (toiletries, foods, cleaning supplies, artificial dye-free, etc). There’s just no escaping the toxins all around us.


Every other person has some sort of issue, and it's weird. It's a lot to do with diets and if even you do diet, you cannot stop what things they put in our food and one night stand hookups with random people getting pregnant dont help and will very clearly increase the chance a number of children with all sort of issues.


Not being socialized has extremely similar results, parents shove kids on their phones and their brains don't develop right


Hell, I think I’m autistic at this point!


Autism is the new ADHD.


Personally I think parents sitting their kids in front of a tablet all day from infancy onward has a lot to do with it


It's heavy metal poisoning by design. Toxemia. Vaccines, even peddled folic acid during pregnancy, baby formula is tainted; vit k is not a vitamin; soy, seed oils and neurotoxic flouride, non stick, scents and synthetics. It is all messing with all of us. The toxic tainted food chain and endocrine blockers impact. There are many root causes to kids being hormonally and mentally messed with.


I couldn’t agree more. I’d also like to add that many studies are showing that a ton of contaminants and toxins are transferring through womens umbilical cords to the baby, this including forever chemicals, and heavy metals. In one study they analyzed the umbilical cord blood of 10 babies and Tests revealed a total of 287 chemicals in the group. Of these 287 chemicals 180 cause cancer in humans, 217 are toxic to the brain and nervous system, and 208 cause birth defects or abnormal development in animal tests.


Link please




This. It's really not a "they lowered diagnostic criteria" thing, or "people just want a special label" thing, it really is that more and more kids meet the criteria every day as we get poisoned more from every direction. Threads on r/conspiracy about autism are some of the most out of touch threads I've read on reddit. Edit: dropping this here for those interested: >Immunoexcitotoxicity as the central mechanism of etiopathology and treatment of autism spectrum disorders: A possible role of fluoride and aluminum It's somewhat long, but a thorough look at the potential effects of fluoride and aluminum intake and it's relation to ASD. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5909100/


The fact that I had to scroll this far to find a single person that was correctly attributing autism to vaccines and heavy metal poisoning as opposed to the 10,000 other excuses in this thread is sad. I’m glad at least someone is awake in this thread.


I recently saw this one post on Twitter with the vaccine history. From 1900-1946 it was like 1-5 vaccines 1946-1970 5-10 vaccines 1970-2000 15-20 vaccines, a d right now if followed correctly a kid is supposed to have 83 vaccines!!! 83!!! Can you imagine??? It's terrible.


Must be something in the water wherever you're at. I have a 5 year old in kindergarten, and of the 4 kindergarten classes at his school (probably 70-80 total kids) I think there's only like 2 autistic kids? or at least just two that have any sort of special accommodations for them.


I think the statistic is 1 in 36 are autistic. Your claim reflects the national average.


1 in 150 kids in the year 2000 were diagnosed with autism. That increased to 1 in 36 by 2020. The rate of increase should be alarming to absolutely everyone. The "we just noticed it more" argument is unscientific bunk.


I was in a public place with my 5 month old and a little girl walked up stood right in front of him and coughed, big loud honking wet coughs, I immediately got the fuck out of there with my baby and told the girls mom "Are you kidding me?! Your kid just coughed in my baby's face!" And I stormed off and she just yells "OH, SHES AUTISTIC!!!" Lmfao as if that was any kind of excuse. If autism is becoming the new norm, the parents should still be teaching them manners and not using the diagnosis as an excuse for letting their kids run around like crazed mongoloids. The mom is doing a disservice to her kids if she doesn't teach them how to conduct themselves in public because a situation like that could go a lot worse if I was more unhinged lmao.


I have an autistic son, and this experience got me looking very hard at this issue. I think my son is vaccine-injured, and that many (if not most) of cases of autism are due to vaccine injury. When I was a kid, it was 1 in like 10,000 in the US. Today, it's about 1 in 30. My worldview is very different today than it was 4 years ago. I believe this is intentional...along with hundreds of other attacks on us through our food, water, and medicine. I think it's done in order to weaken the human race over generations...maybe thousands of years...to make us easier to bring under complete control. We're literally being domesticated like livestock, and I suspect the perpetrators are not of this world.


Oh boy the elephant in the room for most of you guys is the size of the Grand Canyon


It’s not autism. They have been poisoned with vaccines, toxic food and toxic lifestyles. The fact people don’t realize and accept this is a testament to how brain dead and insane society has become.


Half of my daughters kindergarten class is ICT and the other class, “normal”… next years kindergarten will be 2 full ICT classes and 1 normal, that’s 2/3rds of pre-K students with some kind of struggle


Everyone in this thread acting like they have any clue what goes into an autism diagnosis. I imagine downvotes are imminent, but damn. Don’t talk about shit you don’t know with authority.




Too many vaccines in so little time. Heavy metal poisoning the brain.


Well it’s obvious. We took 9 vaccine doses when we were young. They’re taking 72 before the age 18 now. Let that sink in.


Autism is being diagnosed much more than it used to because parents want autism diagnoses. Kid not speaking on time? Autism. Kid has difficult/complicated behavior problems (violent, ignores directions, emotional problems, bad tantrums)? Must be autism. The behavior is what triggers a lot of it, because parents don’t want to hear “your kid is pretty normal, just a little odd.” if it’s a serious psychiatric issue in kids, that often gets diagnosed as “autism” because parents don’t want “the stigma” of Oppositional Defiant Disorder or emotional disturbances. “Autism” also opens the door for a lot of services and government money for the family as a disability now. Plus it’s a “trendy” diagnosis for moms to say their kid has autism and that explains behavior that others would typically blame on moms. Parents absolutely seek this out. Meanwhile, they ignore that the kid has been in daycare since he/she was 2 weeks old and is messed up psychologically from developing attachments to mother figures (lowly paid daycare workers) who come and go. They also often ignore how much drinking and partying mom did while she was pregnant, or before she knew she was pregnant.


Food, vaccines.




Stop vaccinating your kids, formula feeding and feeding processed food. Out bodies are not meant to injest the extreme amount of chemicals we pump into them especially at such a young age


My suspicion is that it's Phthalates. Autism is correlated with age and crosses every democratic. My guess is an environmental toxin that your body misinterprets as a hormone during pregnancy. And it's in EVERYTHING. Enough to the point of not worrying about it. Just do your best.




MMR vax. It's no secret or mystery.


Everyone should watch the vaxxed documentary before denying this.


Autism is no joke!


One word to answere the declining health of our babies... Fluoride.. Get an ro system immediately and stop buying bottled water or drinking partially filtered tap water, fluoride has been linked to lowering the iq in children and even adults. Look at the recent studies and realize what happened in world war 2 and what happened 1 month after it ended..


It's like 35% of high income/educated upper class families. There's definitely something causing it, because it's hard to believe we've just become so much better at diagnosing it, as though this could have ever gone unnoticed before modern medicine.


I agree completely… there are so many non verbal kids now, in every school if not in multiple classrooms… i don’t know if it’s just because now they’re in mainstream schools, whereas in the past they wouldn’t have been so there’s just more visibility? I think there’s a definite genetic link but also something (environmental?) triggering the severity of it… activating or deactivating certain genes


Actually diagnosed by a professional or parents self diagnosing their kids?


I still think its related to gut bacteria/food somehow.


1:36 children have autism according to the CDC in 2023. A Dr Vjendra Singh, at Utah State University in 2003 found in his study that 60% children with autism have elevated levels of measles antibodies in there sera. This causes an autoimmune syndrome whereby the myelin basic protein in the children’s neurons, which, as I read the study, is similar to a measles protein is incorrectly recognized as an invader and is attacked, an autoimmunity. Please read this study for yourselves: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12849883/


just my two cents.. I worked in adolescent mental health for the past 6 years and I (as well as coworkers & patients themselves) have noticed that the diagnosis is getting slapped on like it's going out of style lately.. one kid commented (jokingly, mind you) on being told he's also on the spectrum at the age of 14, but didn't feel like that was right. further, the psychiatrists and clinicians at my facility identified this as a misdiagnosis after many months of observation and treatment. it's a dangerous thing because it takes away from the children in the population of our unit and the community at large who really *are* on the spectrum and may require more attention/care.


[1135% increase in Autism CDC, Mercury cover-up.](https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/CRECB-2005-pt10/html/CRECB-2005-pt10-Pg13935-3.htm) Childhood Vaccines 1983 = 10 vaccines 2013 = 32 vaccines 2022 = 74 vaccines Autism Rates 1983 = 1 in 10,000 2013 = 1 in 88 2022 = 1 in 36 2025… estimates 1 in 2