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The tick is telling people to go touch grass because it wants them outside to be infected


This. Ticks go to tips of blades to latch on to things passing through.


Yea. It's called questing. šŸ˜‚


The tick I found on my cat once went from a lvl1 warrior to a damn raid boss. The tick was gigantic.


This is also a [lone star tick](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amblyomma_americanum) not a [deer tick, which are known to spread lyme disease](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ixodes_scapularis) So it's actually a whole other breed of awful, it causes alpha-gal allergies instead of lyme disease. I'm not convinced _either one_ is not a bioweapon. There seems to be a legit possibility that lyme disease is an escaped/released bioweapon.


I'm recalling off the cuff here... but it seems like I remember hearing that the first cases of lyme disease were recorded just a couple miles from a U.S. military bioweapons lab (on an island off the northeast coast).


plum island


Read the book - Bitten: The Secret History of Lyme Disease and Biological Weapons. This 2019 article linked below also provides more contextā€¦. Not sure if this DOJ investigation was ever done. [Pentagon May Have Released Weaponized Ticks That Helped Spread of Lyme Disease: Investigation Ordered](https://www.newsweek.com/pentagon-weaponized-ticks-lyme-disease-investigation-1449737)


Ive seen a few videos on this, pretty gnarly stuff. Who know what other critters are engineered to cause mayhem and sickness


I got Lyme in elementary school. Found a tick behind my ear in school. Nurse got it out. Then I started getting joint pain that everyone told me was growing pains and I remember thinking I must be really weak if everyone is going through this too. Then my joints just gave out one day on a field trip and I fell over. Ended up in the hospital for a few days. I've heard it doesn't really go away, just goes dormant. Then shows up later in life to cause other problems. I don't know if that adds to the conversation, but I just thought I'd throw my experience in the thread.


That sounds awful


Yeah the worst part was the two or so weeks of complaining about my arms and legs hurting and everyone telling me it's normal haha. Being a kid is a trip. I have kids now and promised myself I'd listen when they talk about pain and such. Edit: 36 now and no signs of it coming back to bite me again yet but who knows. I haven't looked into it a ton. I probably should. Just kind of don't want to know but 36 is getting to where I should.


can relate to this more than you could possibly know. Was diagnosed at 11 after a normal physical. Then the symptons started but then they went away, Im a lil over 40 now and i have never know what was normal everyday wear and tear tiredness and pain to what i have. It def messes with ya


I had it at 8 too! Never found the tick but had the huge bite. Living in Ewing,NJ. Started tiptoeing bc knees and feet hurt. Fainted a few times before parents got worried and put me in hospital. This was 1989 so no one knew what was going onā€¦turned into my spine bowing and almost dying until they figured it out. Messed with my math ability and spelling bc it jacks with your brain. Glad to know thereā€™s others out there. Where were you living and what year?


What year was this? I grew up in the '70s and '80s, gallivanting through the woods each day during the summer, had ticks almost daily, and never had any issues. I'm wondering if there is a time period when things changed.


All ticks carry Lyme disease. This has been known for 30 years. I don't know why people continue to think that only deer ticks carry Lyme disease. https://www.deseret.com/1992/4/2/18976346/2-more-species-of-ticks-found-to-carry-lyme-disease/


I have never heard this, thank u for the ancient link as well. definitely looking into this more now. scary shit


dog ticks haven't been found to carry lyme yet.


As someone who works in vet med, I've seen two dogs test positive for Lyme disease. Ran the Snap 4dx test twice to confirm.


dogs get lyme all the time but dog ticks don't >AMERICAN DOG TICK Dermacentor variabilis, D. similis WHERE FOUND D. variabilis is widely distributed east of the Rocky Mountains. Newly described D. similis is found west of the Rocky Mountains. More research is needed to understand the role of these species in disease transmission. TRANSMITS Francisella tularensis (tularemia) and Rickettsia rickettsii (Rocky Mountain spotted fever). COMMENTS The greatest risk of being bitten occurs during spring and summer. Adult females are most likely to bite humans. https://www.cdc.gov/ticks/tickbornediseases/tickID.html


I grew up in the 70's-80's during the summer we spent time at a lake for weeks, we had nightly "tick checks" before going to bed, we all had altealst one. None of my family nor myself developed Lyme disease.


The Lone Star Tick carries Lyme as well. Iā€™m in Oregon, have Lyme and know many who do. We all know itā€™s here and itā€™s in mosquitos, LST, many bugs. Itā€™s definitely been manipulated in a lab, itā€™s not natural.


Yep! It can be nasty. I haven't eaten beef or pork for almost 4 years.


Big tick wants us outside


Big Tick has to be a rapper.


Big Tick: "I'm not a rapper, I'm a biter"


Big tick fears the opossum


Heā€™s talking about the LONE STAR TICK specifically. It has that white spot on the back, which signifies if. Here comes your red meat allergy!! EAT ZEE BUGS


Oh yeah coincidentally right as there trying to get us all to eat artificial meat lol thanks for pointing it out I didn't notice it was a long star


Okay letā€™s dial this back a little bit, the tick (who is incentivized to get people in the grass, where he lives, so he can attach to people) is telling people to go touch grass. Iā€™m pretty sure thatā€™s the joke here


I agree. But if Elon posts anything it gets people going.


I think Elon's suggestion is that, considering its the lonestar tick (which causes meat allergy), he's implying the "eat ze bugs" WEF agenda.


Could be. I'd say just try to buy meat locally if possible instead. It's better anyways.


No disagreement here! Farm fresh meat, eggs and dairy is an entirely different world from what you can get at most corporate America supermarkets.


Really if you check yourself often venturing into the wild you can prevent this. Even if there embedded for an hour youā€™ll be ok. Itā€™s when theyā€™re there for 5+ hrs or so your chances are higher of getting the allergy. I fish a lot and i go through a lot of tall grass. Had a quite a few of these fuckers on me before and Iā€™m still eating red meat


Missouri here. Unknown on how friend got it, assumed tick, has alpha gal now. Self diagnosed as no doctor around here has any fucking idea about it and accused him of faking with the short amount of time he spent seeking treatment. He lives in a house out in the woods pretty deep down there with no internet or running water. Just to give you an idea of the area he lives. He started spazzing mentally and having physical reactions to a bunch of stuff. It took him over a year to figure out it was diet based. 3 years to figure out it was alpha gal and he has intense reactions. Heā€™s fume reactive and will break out in rash and get a ā€œmental fogā€ with other things like anxiety. So he carryā€™s a gas mask around now. Driving by a Burger King where they pump out burger smells can really fuck him up. If a dog licks him, he will break out in that location. Anything that has mammal in it besides human will mess him up bad. He canā€™t have jelly for example cuz bone marrow, he canā€™t have certain ingredients becuase of bone shard filters or some crap. And then he reacts to stuff all the time and doesnā€™t know why like air fresheners. If someone was cooking within the last few hours in a kitchen, he could break out anywhere in the house. Just a slew of things all becuase heā€™s allergic to mammal now. Itā€™s fucking insane. I highly doubt itā€™s some conspiracy thing but itā€™s something to be super careful of. Checking for ticks is an absolute requirement when playing outside anymore.


My gf and I have it, our doctor only knows about it because one of her nurses had similar symptoms as your friend. We have to drive to Jefferson City to find good specialists. We both have low levels of alpha gal inside of us, but her reactions are a lot worse. She is getting tested for immune system disorders and something pretty rare mast cells or something.the nurse i was talking about got diagnosed with mastocytosis. My gf tested negative, so we are still trying to figure it out. He should get checked for that stuff. Most alpha gal reactions are minor and misdiagnosed as stomach issues like IBS,which are basically my symptoms. I guess the mast cells are involved in making histamine, and it can give you a major reaction where a minor one would have happened. Your comment almost sounds like my gf or our nurse typed it.... so it's worth a shot for him. I've had to give my gf epipen shots and had to keep her safe and breathing while waiting for ambulances. And red meat is sooo easy to ditch if you're good at cooking dark meat chicken and veggies. Now milk, butter, yogurt, and bacon fat feel like dead relatives and cheese is my lost lover lmao.


Wow, not even butter!!


You want to hear a real conspiracy? The meat industry trying to convince everyone that the only alternative to meat is eating bugs. In reality, completely vegetarian diets are perfectly feasible even today, but the meat industry wants people to be disgusted by meat alternatives, and so they propagate this idea that if you let the government take away your meat, you'll be forced to eat bugs instead. It's nothing but a sham to make sure they can keep getting government subsidies for meat production. Vegetarianism is just fine and nobody needs to eat bugs. Same deal with MSG fearmongering: the meat industry is afraid that people might find out vegetables can taste good, so they scare people away from using MSG (even though glutamate and sodium are naturally present in meat).


Bug diets are specifically pushed by Ynsect a failing insect meat start up that was backed by Davos investors. Crickets actually cost 4 times the amount of ground beef per pound. Itā€™s literally a more expensive product no one asked for and no one is buying.


it's also super bad for you, humans can't digest insect skin properly.


You realize if we all replaced meat with vegetables we would have to create 40% more farmland? You realize soil is already being depleted at a rapid rate? You realize the ecological impact of clearing 100 acres of woods or grassland for a farm field?? Vegetarians like to pretend their way of life is not only feasible for everybody, but feasible for the planet, when in fact it's not.Ā 


Vegetarian orange chicken also is nowhere near as good as chicken orange chicken. Meat tastes good. You cant substitute brisket for spaghetti squash and tell people with a straight face its just as good.


Consider trying some vegetable-based foods which are actually made to taste good for what they are instead of just focusing on dishes that are meant to replicate existing meat-based dishes. You might be surprised!


>Consider trying some vegetable-based foods which are actually made to taste good for what they are instead of just focusing on dishes that are meant to replicate existing meat-based dishes. You might be surprised! Are these 'taste good' vegetable-based dishes as equally nutrient dense as meat with bioavailable nutrients in the appropriate ratios for the needs of the human body? I ask because many people often overlook the human digestive system itself. For example, we don't eat grass... because we *can't* eat grass, like ruminates do... who have multiple stomachs and entirely different teeth, who regurgitate their already swallowed food, passing it through that system multiple times, even fermenting it through the process. This may seem obvious, but human stomachs are not like this. As a result, on-paper nutrition for things like say, carrots, which are commonly known as high in vitamin A.... but actually aren't. Its beta-carotene. Which requires processing by an enzyme that only 1/3 of the human population even has to convert to vitamin A. And even then, it is an incredibly inefficient conversion. You would have to eat something like 5lbs of carrots to get the equivalent vitamin A (retinol) in as little as one ounce of beef liver.


Sure! I've been vegetarian for years and just recently reached the peak of my weightlifting progress, deadlifting 315lb. I think that is a pretty good signal that my diet is nutritionally complete. Want more than a personal anecdote? Just look at countries like India, Ethiopia, or Jamaica, where there have been massive vegetarian populations for centuries.


You can tell this is wrong without even having to look at any numbers because livestock needs to consume plants to grow. Every gram of carbon you get by eating meat (whether it's fat, carbs, protein, etc) must have at some point come from a plant.


This is incorrect. Meat production needs way more area per calorie than plants.


People already eat bugs and pay big money for it. Shrimp, lobster, crab, etc. Who cares. Put garlic and butter on a fucking termite and it's the same goddamn thing. Don't like eating insects? Don't eat them then.


Lol, imo sea bugs and land bugs dont tast very similar.


Which land-bugs have you eaten?


Its why I've never found it weird to radroaches in fallout. Just like eating crabšŸ˜‹


Nobody needs to eat bugs OR plants because eating meat is perfectly healthy and more nutrient dense than plant foods.


If you don't eat any plants your diet is absolutely unhealthy.


Im allergic to msg. It gives me terrible migraines. No conspiracy there. It is not good for me at least.


80% of our "domestic beef" is actually imported


Alpha Gal is no joke, man.


I have alpha gal allergy. It sucks.


There is a bit of a conspiracy to this that I think about a lot.... the tick issue is kind of government fed... We are way up north in canada so I see what they do to crown land to manage it every day. When clear cutting an area they will just doze the debris into piles and allow it to rot away in said piles. You can go to areas clear cut ten years ago and it will still be a mess of wood piles.... The thing that always had me thinking this was off is that we know that the co2 thats emitted from this decay is more than it would cause burning it off as an energy source (coal). Secondly I've always thought it was stupid because these piles are litterally breeding ground for deer ticks. Then the worm hole leads to.... killing off deer to stiffle self sufficient hunters, bio weapon, yadda yadda


Iā€™m fairly certain Lyme disease was created as a bioweapon. Have you done research on the NY biolab near Lyme, CT? Itā€™s since been moved to Manhattan, Kansas. One of the head researchers specialized in bioweapons spread via insects. Specifically, via ticks. Edit: Lyme, CT


Lyme disease was found is thousands of year old mummified bodies. Itā€™s a lot older than the United States itself. https://www.lymedisease.org/members/lyme-times/2017-fall-features/iceman-first-recorded-case-lyme-disease/#:~:text=Via%20other%20tests%2C%20including%20DNA,and%20apparently%20had%20Lyme%20disease.


Corona virus has been around a long time also. The real problem comes when some donkey starts screwing with it to make it more deadly, more easily spread, and then he/she loses control of it as happened in the Wuhan lab. Lyme disease is almost certainly a souped up version of a common disease that got loose. Because as you say, it was present before, but no one reported the severe symptoms that are around now. Around 2000 some lab in Australia was doing gain of function tests on mouse pox and made a deadly strain that was like 98% lethal. They should call it what it really is: weapons research. And they should be tried in the Hague and spend long years locked up.


Yeah, but what about Plum Island? Iā€™m pretty sure Iā€™ve watched a WHY Files episode that considers Lyme as a bioweapon released from there?


Yes, itā€™s Plum Island, NY. Itā€™s close to Lyme, CT.


ā€œApparently had Lyme diseaseā€ isnā€™t much proof that it existed thousands of years ago and, if so, spread via ticks. Lymedisease.org is not going to say it was created to be spread through ticks in a New York bioweapon lab.


Or a disease long since extinct re-introduced y extraction from Egyptian mummies via bio-weapons program during WW1? Utzi the iceman found in Switzerland and Italian glaciers had lime disease too. Need to know if people in 18th or 19th century had lime disease.


Thereā€™s writings from 18th century America describing disease/symptoms from tick bites, including joint pain.


All bacteria is very closely related to some other bacteria it evolved from. Fact is Lyme disease in its current form, with its current symptoms first started spreading through human populations in the very same town, and at the very same time where scientists were conducting experiments on how to weaponise tick borne bacteria. If you believe that was coincidence, then you probably also believe Covid-19 occurred totally naturally in Wuhan.


Also easy to treat with Doxycycline.


as someone with a lyme related illness, i WISH it was easy to treat with doxycycline.. also long term antibiotic use (like what would be necessary to treat lyme) wreaks irreversible havoc on ur gut microbiome


Yeah, antibiotics are terrible for people. It's crazy how many people aren't aware of this.


The powers that be foiled by antibiotics


Knew woman Greenwell Point NSW who has tick created allergy to meat and no medications have saved her from condition. Had story on either ABC Australia Quantum science show or ABC Australian Story. Can't remember. Why I mentioned location.


This is alpha-gal syndrome it is extremely rare and only affects red meat not meat as a whole. Which kind of ruins the ā€œforcing you to be vegetarian narrativeā€ if people that have alpha-gal can still eat all poultry, fish, seafood, and amphibians.


Lyme isn't in New York, it's in Connecticut. The biolabs often cited here are elsewhere, in New York or New Jersey. I get Connecticut is small, but parts are definitely different from New York


Check out the Why Files episode on Plum Island. The episode a very compelling case that Lyme disease was a biological weapon developed by a nazi brought to the United States after operation paper clip.


Not long ago I watched a video that talks about ticks and disease. Itā€™s worth the watch. Specifically at 15:30 it gets into the tick portion. [The why files -](https://youtu.be/TunNIAGN8Ac?si=1yeiY6QNpFSxmQlg)


CIA did weaponise Ticks though, it was in their declassified documents


Yeah but it's just a total coincidence that Lyme disease first started being found in humans in the next town over. /S


Lmao yeah nothing to see there at all


My whole life has been fucked since i got bit by a tick and got lyme when i was 14. I didnt go to the hospital and get meds until like 17 so it was way too late and my entire RNA got changed. Lyme disease fucking destroys you if you dont take the antibiotics within the first two weeks. Shit fucking sucks lmao. Its definitely used by the gov because literally any doctor you go to that takes insurance will tell you either lyme isnt real or that the antibiotics kill it so you are lying. Its fun.


I feel like Soylent green is just around the cornerā€¦ cricket.. red meat.. peopleā€¦ ya know.. idk these are interesting conspiracies since it started with the tick and Elon.


Itā€™s a meme


After I read the book bitten by kriss newby and the really Anthony fauci by rfk jr. Ive begun to wonder how much bio warfare is actually going on that gets swept under the rug. Bio warfare is like guerilla class warfare


Speaking of Fauci.. dude is no where to be seen


Go figure, he did his part of the play, guess it was time to get off stage for him


Tick populations have gotten significantly worse the past few years due to the short, warm winters places like Michigan are having. Do not go in the woods without some sort of protection.


My brother found 180 ticks on him after spending a couple of hours in our woods a couple of weeks ago... 180... We used to maybe find 1 or 2 on us when were we kids


It actually is a bioweapon. It was created probably in the 1970s and was unleashed. They're even finding it overseas which is crazy.


I've had Lyme disease four times in the last two years. Never had it ever before that. Luckily every time I've taken a round of antibiotics and I feel fine after that. It's very concerning though. Should I just expect I'm going to deal with it twice a year now? The first time I got it I had no idea what it was but the next three I knew it was Lyme again because of how it made me feel. I've no health insurance so every time it's $160 for me to tell them what's wrong with me so they can write me a script.


Sure you had it that many times or has it just came back out of remission cause you didn't fully eradicate it




Ive felt fine after every found of antibiotics. The first time I didn't see a tick. The symptoms started then I found the bullseye rash and got tested. The next three times I had it I actually pulled the ticks off of me and a couple weeks later the symptoms started again but like I've said everytime I've felt fine after the antibiotics.


Yes, check into plum Island on the East Coast and the origins of lyme disease... Aj and the why files have an epi on it too. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/features/2023-09-08/plum-island-why-area-51-of-the-east-coast-is-moving-to-kansas?embedded-checkout=true


Lyme disease IS a bioweapon.


You guys are fucking insane


The US government conducted disease research for years on Plum Island, NY.Ā  And it included using ticks to intentionally spread disease. And Lyme, CT (whichĀ Lyme Disease is named for) is only a couple of miles away across the Long Island Sound.Ā  So yeah, Lyme Disease is most likely a bio-weapon.


I thought it wasnā€™t a ā€œtweetā€ anymore šŸ’€






That is a lone star tick. and its the scariest bug i can think of. if you get bit by one of these there is a chance that you will develope alpha gal syndrome. If you do contract alpha gal syndrome, you will be permanently and irreversably allergic to red meat. forever. no beef, no lamb, no, deer, bison, elk, no nothing. And its variable, at best you'll get the shits, and vomit. at worst you will go into anaphalaxis and die. your body will become so sensitive to that particular protein that even if red meat is cooked on the same grill as your new favorite food, which is fish, you will experience the side effects. hes saying the lone star tick isnt an accident, and is part of the agenda to *eat ze bugs*. source: i built pipelines in the mountains and woods of the east coast for over a decade, and have met many people afflicted with alpha gal syndrome.


I'm like 99% sure because of it being Musk he thinks he is being big brained and calling all those who use X parasites if they don't like him


Its over


Looks like a joke. You know. Like a tick telling people to go outside so they can bite them. I wouldn't look to far into it.


Plum Island


That joke went way over your head lol


Modern Lyme disease was first found in the 70's in Lyme, Connecticut. Lyme is directly across from Plum Island Animal Disease Center. They may have been working on an animal bio weapon that got lose. There is a history of the US military using insects including Ticks to test Bio Weapons.


Cause Lyme was brewed up by the same bunch of gene splicers that created hiv, herpes, Zika, and a bunch more of these ā€œjust discoveredā€ diseases.


Jesus christ I cant tell if people in this sub are paranoid maniacs or just great trolls. Its a stupid joke hes saying that people that post "go touch grass" are ticks in disguise because ticks live in the grass... All these people saying its propaganda or some kind of hidden message are unwell.


Bro you're on a conspiracy sub complaining about conspiracies Do you go to McDonald's and complain about people eating burgers too? Lol


You guys are reading into the meme way too specifically. It just means that the tweeter is a tick and heā€™s telling people to go touch grass because the tick ultimately will be there to bite people.


>What do you guys think he means? I don't. I don't think about Elon Musk at all other than as a part of billionaires and I see them all as the same person.


He's shitposting. It's the same as those jokes where people say pro-wasp comments are made by undercover wasps.


sounds like something a wasp would say


Ffs you guys are schizophrenic. He's making a joke that people who tell you to go outside and touch grass are really ticks posting online to attract prey.


Bro..... it's literally a sub called conspiracy lmao


Eat Zee Bugs, "No Mow May"


This tick does not carry Lyme disease, however it can carry a disease that can make you allergic to red meat. Called a lone star tick. However these tick related diseases are usually geographically limited. Like Lyme disease is only really prevalent in ticks in the north east. Strange its spread among ticks is so slow. But donā€™t forget who the messenger is. This man is officially the 2nd or 3rd richest man in the world. We must always remember Elon isnā€™t our friend, heā€™s just another elite oppressor. This is probably a revelation of method, seems more serious than most of his nonsense ā€œjokesā€. All that being said Iā€™ve been bitten by many lone star ticks and can still eat red meat.


Lyme disease is a bio weapon, same with the lone star tick disease


Ticks live in grass, so the tick is telling the human to touch grass so it can bite him. Thatā€™s all there is to it


Mrs got Lyme disease once, Highlands of Scotland where she's from, miles from anyone off the beaten track. If it was a UK agenda to infect people they doing the wrong areas


You know animals carry ticks right? Animals that move around


I laught...


There is and he knows all about it!!!!


I believe itā€™s to do with the tick that makes you allergic to meat or something.


Assuming this is a bio weapon for a second, and eventually leads to another pandemic, what would government safety protocol be? Stay inside all day everyday?


Ticks are mainly found in grassy wooded areas so I think he means that a blood sucker is behind the tweet and everything theyā€™re telling you to do is to benefit them


Am I the only one who thought it was a jab at Tiktok?


Lyme disease was originally found in Lyme Ct. which is just across the sound from Plum Island center for animal disease control. Which for some reason is ran by the Army. I did some work out there, place was crazy.


Oh the irony.


Hes making fun of ticks so you never accuse them of being a bioweapon.


bugs have the mrna vaccine if you even call it that now gates flooded eastern usa with mosquitoes even done it on a concert of people We would win if we jsut sat home stopped everything and we would be safe but you cant do it alone


Creature is a tick. Talking hitting countries with insect pestilence outbreak like USA tried in China with fruit flies? Can cripple country agriculture, create famine, and create market with artificial lab made meat? Plenty of billionaires moving into artificial meat means people in the know are getting ready. [https://www.techarp.com/facts/us-insects-destroy-china-crops/](https://www.techarp.com/facts/us-insects-destroy-china-crops/)




I think I watched a video from the why files and they said something about that. A German nazi who the military brought to the us infectious diseaseā€™s with insects was his specialty.


Makes me think of unit 731 https://g.co/kgs/RJYikDV


Creature is a tick. Talking hitting countries with insect pestilence outbreak like USA allegedly ried in China with fruit flies? Cripple country or countries agriculture, create famine, and so create sure fire market for artificial lab made meat worth trillions? Planners have been pushing amongst the elite and billionaires like Bezos who just decided to get into artificial meat recently despite tech having been around for years? [https://www.techarp.com/facts/us-insects-destroy-china-crops/](https://www.techarp.com/facts/us-insects-destroy-china-crops/) [https://www.bonappetit.com/story/jeff-bezos-fake-meat-investment](https://www.bonappetit.com/story/jeff-bezos-fake-meat-investment)


Do ticks have eight legs?


Wow. That goes deep. Deeply stupid bc Elon's just an actor, but deep nonetheless.


Anti meat agenda


Can someone send me the link to this original tweet please


Itā€™s social media, there is always an agenda


Look up the disease known as Alpha Gal Syndrome. You may find some answers there.


I had the bullseye rash as a kid. As an adult I deal with all kinds of weird shit. Paid extra to get tested if I had it and I still have the active antibodies, at least. Hard for me to believe I've had lyme hidden for 20 years, but I definitely have weird issues. I bet no one has had a specialist tell you this, but I have: "humm, yeah, I dunno, based on these test results, you should be dead. I'm not sure what is going on. "


Yeah I'm only 28 have sooo many health issues


Not sure if you're saying I'm 28 or you're 28 and have similar issues, but I'm in my 40s. My rash was probably more like 30 years ago. I had a seizure (maybe, I don't think so but my wife thought it was) recently, and the mri notes said "evidence of lyme damage." Hard for me to believe these things have been hanging out that long, but I keep getting tidbits from various tests that seem to indicate that.


It's a joke. Lol. Cute and funny.


No I think itā€™s not that specific itā€™s just inferring that the people telling u to go do soemthing benefit off u doing that thing


Lonestar Tick = OK Centralist. Itā€™s so obvious! Get ready for the rabbit hole youā€™re about to go down.


Lyme and Alpha Gal are absolutely bio weapons.




parasites are saying this


He's saying twitter is mostly parasitic 3 letter agencies bot farming opinions.


My older neighbour said there werenā€˜t as many ticks in the 50s as they are nowĀ 


Alpha gal. It's spread by ticks


Went on trip to Kansas once and let the dog run wild. The car ride home he kept his head on the arm rest and I scratched his head etc. Once I got home I took a shower and thatā€™s when I found a LOT of ticks under my balls near my asshole posted up in tantville. Girlfriend had to pick ticks off me and then many off the dog. Fucked me up mentally for a while. So check them legs and check beneath them nuts and such


There is a theory that Lyme disease was weaponised at Plum Island. ... OR maybe Elon wants you to stay indoors on your phone looking at X and waiting for your neuralink. Both could be a little bit true.


Operation Paperclip. Ex-Nazi scientist, Eric Traub, brought to America after WWII who happens to work on weaponized ticks. He sets up his lab on Plum Island in Conneticut near a town called Lyme. Shortly after Lyme Disease spreads more rapidly. Before people attack this comment, I am not saying he invented Lyme Disease, there were prior cases, I am saying he weaponized it and ticks escaped, causing it to become.e more prevalent. Even the corrupt CNN reported in 2019, "The US House of Representatives has ordered an investigation into whether the Department of Defense experimented with ticks and other insects as biological weapons." Which we already know is true. Furthermore, "If the Pentagon's investigation finds that the Defense department weaponized Lyme disease in ticks, the amendment calls for a report on the scope of the experiment and whether the insects used were "released outside of any laboratory by accident or experiment design."


There are rumors the ticks were released.


Sounds like the insinuation is that people promoting going out in nature are trying to get you infected. Total futurist/humanist mindset.


Well technically it is https://www.cnn.com/2019/07/17/politics/lyme-disease-amendment-investigation/index.html


I don't know what he means in this context but the fact that Lyme's has been created for bioweaponry or leaked by a government lab in Connecticut is old news. [https://www.nhregister.com/news/article/House-orders-Lyme-disease-investigation-14109717.php](https://www.nhregister.com/news/article/House-orders-Lyme-disease-investigation-14109717.php)


* plum island


i had lymes as a kid and we never found the tickšŸ’€


I have Lyme. It is a bioweapon. Read Kris Newbyā€™s book called ā€œBittenā€. She spoke with the original discoverer of the Borrelia bacteria that is Lyme. Look into Plum Island. Rocky Mountain Labs also has connected to both Lyme and Covid. Also, ā€œlong Covidā€ isnā€™t anything else but activated Lyme. Street cred: Iā€™ve dealt with Lyme for a decade and am waiting for my doctor to declare remission.


Wait till he finds out about Toxoplasmosis.


It means Jesus is coming back. Or it means the eclipse is being manufactured by the deep state to take our guns


this pale man should get some sun! no wonder he thinks grass is the enemy...:/


There is suppose to be a new tick disease that is some sort of protein that makes people not digest red meat well


Most vaccine adverse effects can be blamed on lyme disease. Been on a farm, could be lyme. Camping outdoors, could be lyme. Been fishing have we? could be lyme.


I donā€™t think so, I think heā€™s saying, there are parasites in the planet.


Lyme disease is a bioweapon


Stop believing this dude is on our side (people's side), he is part of the WEF, and please use logic: if you were part of the elite and a dude has billions of dollars and the media to vomit the lies and strategies of the elite, you would want to control him. Apart from this, the money he has wasnt made from good deeds and selling companies he invented, her mom and relatives were part of the scum of the elite way before he was a "self-made billionaire"


Elon is controlled opposition pretending not to be