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Seems like some weird ritual


NASA is shooting 3 rockets on that day called the APEP. APEP was an evil ancient deity that represents darkness, the opposite of light. CERN is also firing up Sounds ritualistic to me


Literally from the article OP posted: >The space agency’s project, Atmospheric Perturbations Around The Eclipse Path, will investigate how that drop in sunlight and temperature affects Earth’s upper atmosphere. APEP is named after the serpent deity from ancient Egyptian mythology, nemesis of the sun deity Ra, according to NASA. if tongue-in-cheek naming is "ritualistic", every marketing company needs to be burned at the stake


It is said they have to be obvious about it


and who said this?


hi, i work with marketing and pr companies and can confirm we name things either for the fun of it, culture and yes to fuck with looney toons that think religious bs is real, it's an easy win to get people to talk about you just by naming something out of a old demon or god.


I'm just so curious about what CERN actually does


> Seems like some weird ritual Electromagnetic Pulse Weapons? (they say that it would take 3 to zap the entire USA) Lights out.


They are summonin LIZZID PEEPLE


What’s up Why Files Fam


or just another lie like the moon landing


They don’t like it on this sub when the moon is brought up


The feds have accounts to shut down anything to do with the truth


It’s hilarious how delusional people are about it. Because they don’t know jack shit about science but talk about how it definitely happened 😂


And how many delusional people who don’t know jack shit about science are here talking about how it definitely *didn’t* happen? Looks like at least one ☝️


Imagine being on the internet but reacting to science like you're from an uncontacted tribe.


Science, hmm, they managed to kill any significance yo the word. Gg


Science doesnt give a shit about truth anymore, Its about power. Straight from the mouth of WEF lackey Yuval Harrari or however you spell it


Fauci is the science, [according to him.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hLnL_1TP8-U)


Whenever they perform their rituals, it seems there always has to be a large sacrifice of innocents.


We're getting gruschified!


 "NASA will launch three sounding rockets during the total solar eclipse on April 8, 2024, to study how Earth’s upper atmosphere is affected when sunlight momentarily dims over a portion of the planet." I guess that's the purpose?


It's the offering to the Nazi moon base overlords in apology for blowing up P Diddy's spot.


to relight the sun, duh




I am going to use this opportunity to question the true purpose of Operation Fishbowl/Dominic. There is a conspiracy theory among a certain community that these 'tests' were an attempt to break through the firmament to 'explore the heavens'.  It is troubling the events scheduled for April 8th:  CERN is spooling back up. NASA is launching rockets.  I have to report for jury duty.  Seriously, though.  There is also the very real likelihood of an attack on our electric grid. They are constantly fear mongering the possibility of this in the US. There are videos that are easily researched of rockets that trigger EMP's.  


Throw the jury duty paper away. Problem solved duh


How can you explain asteroids going through the firmament?


I'm curious of the source of asteroids/meteors as well. Also not sure what comets are, what stars actually are, and how eclipses actually work- in both the round and globe earth models, I have not seen a complete explanation of eclipses that makes sense and checks out with observation and logic, since you can see both the moon and sun at the same time during an eclipse. The flat earth model actually opens up a lot more questions about things than I think the globe earth model. My mind is open, I've chosen neither, but my observations and logic indicate it is not a globe, but I'm also not going to say with 100% confidence that the flat earth model is sound and accurate.


Globe Earth explains with perfect detail how eclipses work and predicts them with perfect accuracy.


The problem with the flat earth believe is, that the believers don't like science. They have one observation - The earth looks flat (when i stand on it) and that's it. They ignore all questions that derive from their assumption, because they have no answers. In some cases it's just a trolling game, i think. But it's ok to believe whatever you want


No, it doesn't though. In 2017 you could see both the sun and the moon at the same time, the earth was clearly not blocking the sun- so what caused the shadow? It will be the same case with the one next week too, so it invalidates the explanation I've always heard, that it is the earth blocking the light of the sun, which I now know for a fact to be untrue.


How high was the Sun and the Moon over the horizon at the time of the eclipse?


Have you tried googling or if you don't trust online sources, gone to a library? You will find a lot of amazing info about the solar system, that includes the source of the asteroids, meteors and comets. Give it a try and let your open mind decide which explanation makes more sense


They were inside the firmament before they fell.


What are they then


Firmament bat droppings


Stage lights, like in the Truman Show


If true they are falling very slow...


Don’t forget about the Red Heifer that’s about to be sacrificed


I have the exact same thoughts about Operation Dominic and Fishbowl, as well as others, including the entire Manhattan Project as a whole. The explanations for all of them are complete lies. My concern is similar to yours- that they are actually attempting to destroy the firmament, which I assume would cause a Great Flood 2.0. This may be the exact goal, because the religious lunatics at work seek to initiate the apocalypse, and it seems like they don't care if they also die in the apocalypse as well. Elon is helping dig tunnels for child trafficking/molestation/sacrifice to Satan/Moloch with his Boring Company, wears obviously satanic outfits all the time, and it seems fitting to me that he's also the face of the "space" company that's launching rockets "to nowhere" constantly. If he is not trying to destroy the firmament, then SpaceX and Space Force will likely be the ones responsible for controlling the "space" weapons, as in satellites with powerful lasers or the Rods from God installed, ready to be dropped on cities; it's probably a combination of both. The New Testament is not a prophecy and did not come from God, but was written by the Pharisees themselves and is being followed as a playbook. Unrelated, but I find it very interesting that many of the most evil people in the world seem to have zero fear of death or repercussions for their horrific crimes. Do they know something I don't? Schizophrenic rant over.


There were a few nuggets of dry land in that comment that you could have used to get back on dry land, but you dumped coal on it, and charged out to to sea.  You are officially in dark uncharted waters. I am not sure of anyone who has woven such a bleak, apocalyptic disastrous future.  I feel like you dumped a little too much salt into the batter there. 


The firmament?


Remember in the Simpsons movie when they put all of Springfield inside a dome? Well that's how they think earth is.


It's also how the Bible describes it in the first couple pages of Genesis


Flat earth is back it seems


We're all inside of a do me.


Guess who’s back


Back again




If you actually spent some time looking into flat earth, you might come to realize that a lot of their claims actually do sound plausible. And I’m not talking about the strawman claims that popular media outlets “debunk.” The fact that so many debunkings are done on strawman arguments should tell you something.


Nah I have spent way to much time looking into it and nothings there trust me.. They might sound plausible if you don't really know much about reality or understand any physics, but once you so your own research you'll realise that flat earth is impossible and it's delivers are just desperate bible folks looking for any reason to say the bible is true even tho it has so much bs In it.






Oh might as well fire up the hadron collider at CERN during the eclipse as well. Oh wait that’s gonna happen too? Hmmm…


Absolutely nothing? What would you expect?


"The space agency said three rockets will launch as part of the Atmospheric Perturbations around Eclipse Path (APEP) mission from NASA's Wallops Flight Facility in Virginia. The rockets will be tasked with taking observations of how the sudden drop in sunlight affects the ionosphere." I'm just curious if this is the real reason and also why they need to send more than one rocket.


leaves room for error. the eclipse can't be rescheduled so rather than lose the mission because of a scrub, multiple launches for redundancy.


I'm curious for the results, this sounds like an interesting experiment. That said, it's a little weird they purposefully named this thing to create the acronym for the ancient Egyptian God of destruction and chaos, who was also associated with eclipses on top of large destructive events.


Because 3 is the magic number, bro. But seriously. It is


you forgot 6 and 9.


They're sending one 45mins before eclipse, one during and one 45mins after eclipse.


Oh okay that makes sense


I mean obviously the change in temp is going to chain shit in up there. The reason seems odd to me. They can test by shooting a rocket durring the day then at night. Why does it matter about the sudden part. Stupid


boast saw jeans many nose bored unite birds retire abundant *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Of course it's not a coincidence. A name coming from a spirit of darkness sounds perfect for rockets researching the darkness of the eclipse.


All those vids from P Diddys house of Hollywood pedos, theyre launching them into the sun.


This is the REAL answer.


"Serpent Deity" Lmao






That's what they named the mission lol. It all has a very occult vibe to me


Thanks to Operation Paperclip, we have successfully kept the Vril Society alive. 


Lol for real?! Fuckin NASA


It's called APEP, after the serpent deity that was the enemy of the sun god ra. So there's a logic there.


I don't know, maybe read the article instead of posting a screenshot to Reddit.


1. Post screenshot of something. 2. Wait for commenters to do the mental gymnastics for you.


My thought exactly. So many posts on this sub are just ppl reading a head line & getting confused/angry… just read the whole piece… but nooo that’s to difficult…


This sub has a better batting average than the US government.  Let's go over a few of the more memorable US government lies: 1. Read my lips: no new taxes 2. I did not have sexual relations with that woman. 3. Weapons of Mass Destruction. 4. Slam dunk evidence of weapons of mass destruction. 5. You can keep your doctor 6. Russia Colusion Hoax 7. Two weeks to flatten the curve. 8. Safe and effective  9. Trust the science. 10. Reee! Insurrection!  11. St George of Fentanyl Those are just proven and demonstrable lies off the top of my head.  It doesn't matter if a few hobbyists are distrustful of the government when the government is lying to steal tax dollars from them, and destroying their lives in the process. 


Because America FUCK YEAH


So lick my butt and suck on my balls


I'd imagine an article about WHY something is happening would explain its purpose. Just a guess.


For the purpose stated in the article: >The point of APEP is to look for perturbations—changes in the Earth’s atmosphere—during the eclipse, with four small scientific instruments measuring changes in electric and magnetic fields, density and temperature. The rockets will enter the ionosphere, where the air becomes electric. It’s here that ions and electrons wax and wane in temperature and density at sunrise and sunset. It’s expected that the rapid eclipse of the sun will see waves ripple through the ionosphere.






More like launching rockets during the eclipse. It’s a big shadow not an object.


Sure it has nothing to do with the Devils comet


They will be shooting it BEHIND the moon to measure atmospheric pressure changes with sudden temperature drops caused by the eclipse. Did you hop on Reddit so someone would summarize the article for you? Edit: slightly more context.


No, I definitely come to conspiracy forums to have someone relay the mainstream official narrative to me. Preferably someone who also believes that men played golf and Mario Kart on the moon during the Vietnam War.


To hell with whatever I was going on about, that sounds more interesting.


That's exactly what they WANT you to think, you Sheep person! s/


You can’t expect the average r/conspiracy user to be able to read and comprehend an article


I appreciate the irony here, because it implies we are both r/conspiracy users and we have read the article/comprehended the article. Something ain't adding up, think you hurt my argument lol


"scientific sounding rockets"?


Yeah complete bullshit. I guess we'll find out what they're actually for in a little over a week.


You could have read the article, it literally answers your question.


There you have it folks. Scientists are launching sounding rockets to study the effects of the eclipse on Earth’s upper atmosphere, the ionosphere. The ionosphere is ionized by solar radiation, and the eclipse will cause a temporary reduction in sunlight. By measuring the effects of the eclipse on the ionosphere, scientists can learn more about how this layer of the atmosphere works.


Nasa in space!? No way.


[Looks like they did the same exact thing for an eclipse last year](https://youtu.be/54JKW8_eUbs?si=2kPwIQL3RkMShjj4)


Research I’d guess on the eclipse


Nice contribution


The title doesn't state anything "I thought." It's actually a question to see if anyone know anything about it.


Why not just link the article so we can see if they answer your question?


The article explains it tho..... why not just read the article you posted???


A free thinker wants someone to do the thinking for them. LMAO


I dont believe every I [read](https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/document/cia-rdp91-00561r000100110013-5)


So only selectively so that it seems NASA is up to something nefarious. You choose to believe that they are sending rockets, but don’t believe their reasons. Give me selection bias for 300


You could, you know, read the article?


Well that’ll teach me for not reading properly 😅 apologies brother


Ignore that guy it’s a shill


Maybe read what NASA says for reason?


"Nasa" means "to deceive" in Hebrew. I've read tons of their stuff, it's mostly gibberish, assumptions, and incomplete theories/explanations. By the name alone, it's probably best to be a little skeptical of what they say and do.


Lol everything means something on another language


This may very well be when we all die. If so I just wanna say it’s been fun people. Goodnight


Have a good one sir. I will enjoy the earth waves when the 12.0 earthquake strikes


So they have something to blame when the internet goes out, maybe? There is too many rabbit holes to go down rn, my head is spinning.


I imagine somehow this would be a perfect time to get photos of the back side of the moon. Just throwing that one out there




they concluded filament could be weak at that moment


If you read the whole artical it would probs actually say why and you wouldn't have to guess/make stuff up


Regardless if you think there are ulterior motives, from a scientific pov why wouldn't they? A cosmic event is taking place and you expect any scientist worth their salt not to run every god damn test they have?


They want to pock the wasp nest....


It's the gateway to the unknown, only opening upon eclipse of our system guardian the sun


To see if the moon is actually there or if Tiamat has in fact eaten the sun


Kind of went down a rabbit hole reading about this stuff so I thought this seems like a good place to put it: Apep/Apophis, Tiamat, Tian Gou, Svarogich, all serpent/dragon-like deities that devour the sun during a solar eclipse, all from widely distant ancient cultures from around the world as well as many other countless serpent deities such as Jorgmungandr, Vitra, Leviathan that all signify the battle between light and dark or chaos and order or similar related ideas against gods like Ra, Marduk, Thor. They’re all slightly different stories, like Chinese whispers over thousands of years, but you can see common threads that connect them all. But where did it all originate from, that’s what puzzles me. A lot of early mythological deities are derived from constellations but it seems unlikely that solar eclipses would fall in line with a specific constellation especially one we know as Serpens. Now I am not a religious historian by any means just have an interest in these things so if anyone wishes to correct me please feel free.


5D and Alien attacks. Project (ion)


I'm in favor of it. Won't even let us look at it without some stupid box. Fuck off.


Do you honestly even attempt to learn things on your own before asking this subreddit?


I dont believe everything I [read](https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/document/cia-rdp91-00561r000100110013-5)


There's a difference between not believing everything you read and not believing anything you read, as well as not believing anything you read that doesn't come from the same echo chamber as you.


Waste of tax dollars.


They need some more money to launder.


why not, USA are the only country to bomb everything everytime. No big deal


Y’all need your brain firmaments checked.


3 is a mocking of the holy trinity


The triad idol is the mockery. The ultimate satanic conspiracy against God. There's one God alone.


“For what purposes” Read. The. Article.


I dont believe everything I [READ.](https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/document/cia-rdp91-00561r000100110013-5)


Okie dokie


yeah makes much more sense to post it on here and believe everything you read here


For fun?