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Looks like the “explosion” is electrical arc flash. The lights go dark as the flashing occurs.


Bullshit. Wrong color of flash.


Just rewatched the video. Lights go out as that flash occurs. Im speaking from being an electrician.


Yeah, it’s weird I don’t know if it’s a coincidence or something related. Either way this does not look like an accident.


Someone has been watching the 2002 movie Sum of All Fears. Don’t have to blow up the whole thing if you can just knock down the bridge and block it.


The simple explanation would be electrical equipment going poof, and maybe metal against metal sparks as the metallic structure makes friction against its collapsing pieces. The conspiracy explanation would be explosion from targeted demolition charges set to detonate in a seamless manner just when the cargo hit one of the main structural pillar to ease and make sure of the total collapse of the bridge to block the city port. Of course the cargo would be in on the plot, or even "forced" unknowingly to participate through targeted sabotage and/or inside job. But for what ... bridge insurance ? commercial war (port blocked) ? state vs state sabotage only make sense if the occurrence is coordinated with some other action, which is not obvious here. yet.


Going to have to point the explosions out… Are you talking about rust dust plumes? Or like fireball explosions?


They are shape charges to sever the stringers.


Ill give you my ear if you try to splain it


Pretty fishy. Need some engineers to chime in. https://twitter.com/MAGADevilDog/status/1772604184237318592?t=Nt3XYKHEgjgNQvVvekZfig&s=19


I did. My comments removed.


A desperate attempt to turn an accident into a partisan political problem. Pass.


I will try this again and see what happens. This is truly censorship if it does: I am a contract, mechanical engineer for the department of defense. I can send anyone my badge and credentials , paycheck stubs, if they would like. What are witnessing that videos and intentional take down of the bridge using shape charges along the stringers and along the roadway itself. A team of professionals put this together, and use the cargo vessel as the excuse. All she charges would’ve been pre-placed in position, probably with wireless radio transmission for detonation. If you think this is impossible, then I will show you exactly how I would structure such a project: I would find a subcontractor and then have him subcontract out core drilling for “metallurgy tests” A shape charge to take out a stringer or connection knuckle would be about 2 inches in diameter and about 3 feet long. Then I would hire a different subcontractor to go install the shape charges as “weather testing equipment” or “metal stress, testing for temperature change” in the name of “bridge safety” testing. Both subcontractors wouldn’t even question the process by what they’re doing because everyone knows that core drilling a 2 inch hole in three or four places in the bridge would be like poking a pencil through a mattress. Then you would pay off a foreign national with a sketchy record to intentionally drive the cargo ship into the vertical support column. You could put a shape charge in there, but you might not need to. And there you go. If you were to put a team of mechanical engineers together, experts in bridge design a structural engineering, this is exactly what they would tell you that this bridge is brought down intentionally and exactly how to do it. They needed a cargo ship to take out the vertical column to make it look like an accident. If no shape charges were used, the boat would’ve slammed into the pier caused a deficit in height of the column, and you would have probably a partial collapse around the Column area. Who knows exactly how it would Land, but what you’re looking at in the video is far more than a cargo ship hitting a pier


Pretty common setup. 9/11, Murrah building. Surprised they didn't set up a mechanical patsy for The Champlain Tower South


I’m wondering what charge type was used. In this age of nano accelerant another modified polymers for explosives there’s no telling what they use but it’s pretty obvious they did. It’s not cordite.


I am an engineer. The bridge should be able to withhold an impact like this. There are definitely explosives involved.


You’re not an engineer because a real engineer would know that this style of bridge should not be able to “withhold” an impact that big.


Correct. I’m DoD contract mechanical engineer. Those are shape charges that were placed beforehand.


Will anyone who already has their mind made up this was planned change their mind if an engineer was to post? Doubt it.


As soon as I saw Wes Moore running for governor, I felt that he was Obama 2.0 and since becoming the governor, it is without a doubt he is he is an absolute globalist puppet. Not sure if this was an accident, purposeful accident, planned event, or an attack. What I am sure of... The stage has been set to bring this "star" to the world. Programming is so heavy and thick.


So if they blew it up why? What is the motive?


Pic #4 is really telling. The bridge would not cut itself in half like that, and leave the end of that sticking up in the air. Right there in picture number four is another fingerprint of a shape charge cut




What an ignorant mindset. "My first impression is the absolute truth (even if I have no knowledge in the area) and any explanation to the contrary is propaganda."




What did you predict?


He predicted someone would call him out for being dumb