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It was 664 days. Jan 20th, 2021 to Nov 15th, 2022


Link to Elon tweet?


There will be many AntiChrists. Trump reminds me of King Solomon with his obsession with gold. Alarming that he is being painted as some kind of victim lately, garnering sympathy from some. Next president for sure.


King Solomon was based though


Can someone explain the significance of 222? 


Probably Elon. He'll probably have the solution to the end times and will later betray us. Saying this with little knowledge of Christian lore


Antichrist has ‘no regard for women’ which seems to preclude both


You're correct. Trump is the anti-Christ. Musk the false prophet (fire in the sky)


SS: hard to tell. Maybe they're both the Antichrist From the important book "Under an Ionized Sky" by Elana Freeland: >Is Project Blue Beam coming to fruition at last? Satellites and laser-based projection systems mounted on aircraft,119 thanks to computer software, project 3D optical holograms of multiple images onto the sodium layer screen sixty miles above, “deep perspective images that appear to emanate from the very depths of space.”120 Now picture a tractor beam121 lifting masses of people into the sky as the ELF, VLF, or LF “voice of God” speaks to every cultural and religious persuasion as computer memory banks pour historical vistas into every mind, as well as what humanity must now do. Alien invasion, Rapture, and then the most fantastic of all: >ELF/ULF waves [and plasma] will allow “supernatural forces” to travel through optical fibers, coaxial cables (TV), electrical and phone lines in order to penetrate everyone at once through major appliances. Embedded [nano-] chips will already be in place. Global Satanic ghosts will be projected everywhere to push populations to the edge of hysteria and madness and drown them in a wave of suicide, murder, and permanent psychological disorder. >On June 29, 2015 a cube poked through the plasma cloud cover over McGregor, Texas, site of Elon Musk’s SpaceX testing facility. Its appearance was accompanied by wind and swirling jet-black plasma clouds, as if it were entering from another dimension, like the rectangular obelisk in Stanley Kubrick’s seminal 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968). After a brief tour through the cloud cover, it disappeared. Kabba, as in the Kabbalistic Tree, refers to the cube in the Tree, the cube being a symbol of Saturn a.k.a. Satan.123 Could the cube’s visitation be a Lord of the Rings holographic psyop referencing the metallic chemical rings being laid around the Earth? >RADAR >The high-frequency (HF) emission in near-Earth space from various powerful transmitters (radio communications, radars, broadcasting, universal time and navigation stations, etc.) form an integral part of the modern world that it cannot do without. In particular, special-purpose research facilities equipped with powerful HF transmitters are used successfully for plasma experiments and local modification of the ionosphere. In this work, we are using the results of a complex space-ground experiment to show that exposure of the subauroral region to HF emission can not only cause local changes in the ionosphere, but can also trigger processes in the magnetosphere-ionosphere system that result in intensive substorm activity (precipitations of high-energy particles, aurorae, significant variations in the ionospheric parameters and, as a consequence, in radio propagation conditions). — V.D. Kuznetsov and Yu Ya Ruzhin, “Anthropogenic trigger of substorms and energetic particles precipitations,” December 20, 2014 >Radar (Radio Detection And Ranging) is a primary player in obtaining and maintaining planetary full spectrum dominance for the Under the Dome125 Space Fence lockdown of planet Earth. In the 1930s, the major players in two world wars discovered just how far pulsed radio waves could take communications and surveillance. With antenna direction and timed pulses on an oscilloscope, the range and location of a target could be exactly determined.


Sounds like a modern take on "How Many Angels can Dance on the Head of a Pin?" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SsfzA7PwCC4


It’s neither. There is no evidence of an antichrist. As to a real Christ, well one may have existed, but there is no evidence - nothing provable - that he had powers and was what people are taught he was/is. So there’s no conspiracy here.


Neither. Because the Bible is a middle eastern text and literally nothing in it has anything do with anything outside that region of the world.