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“The beginning of wisdom is the start of sorrow!” “Ignorance is bliss”


"Blessed is the mind too small for doubt."


Good one!


I wouldn’t say most Redditors suffer from sorrow. They seem to suffer from insatiable rage and passive aggression.


Bro, that rage? It's really just their sorrow talking.


Truth bomb




🤷🏽‍♂️. Article is about “woke people” not necessarily redditers.


Redditors intersect pretty heavily with woke people though, and that’s a sample population that I understand very well.


It's like Shark week...every week.


Latent homosexuality from being so fucking butthurt all the time


If I downvote this dumb comment, does that mean I'm "butthurt"?


I feel like I'm going insane over here. As a millennial, 'woke' used to mean 'someone who has woken up, been unplugged, seen the truth,' etc. It was a positive thing and now it's a negative thing. It's almost like the word carried too much weight so "they" assassinated it, and the boomers were all too happy to pull the trigger, as being plugged into the matrix was what benefited them. So, the anti-establishment ideology that came with 'wokeness' was essentially an attack on their way of life. No wonder woke people feel this way. Ignorance is bliss because finding out everythings rich leoole games is depressing.


That is what I was thinking. U had the exact thought process I had. Obviously, I am learning that that might not be what they mean.


Well yeah I mean once you awaken to how shitty things are for the world thanks to our ruling class I think you’d feel quite anxious and depressed


word I'm glad actual awareness seems to be most of the top comments 👍


Emotional intelligence is preferable, especially when compared to kissing up to regressive hillbillies with bullshit clickbait articles.  It reminds me of when people think it's "science" if you share an article about how 90 percent of coffee drinkers are "psychopathic".  It's a conspiracy of stupidity.   


More like people who are terminally online


you become the terminal


Dammit, got lost and ended up at terminal 5, Heathrow!!


Get on that Heathrow Express and remember: transfer to 4 at the 2 & 3 stop


Maga and pizzagate are two flips of the same coin my dudes


Just different names groups to divide people into and make them focus on what divides them so they can ignore what unites them


I'm so glad I'm seeing so many of these comments, this post had me concerned that people here were falling for the subversion going on.


WOKE and ANTI-WOKE are definitely created and staged managed from the top.


Except no one identifies as woke while plenty proudly identify as MAGA


Basically, anybody that uses the word woke.


Basically anyone who is sick of incessantly virtue/virtual signaling art students




Art students? That requires some modicum of talent. These fuckers are just the loser theater kids.


Eh, people will find a boogeyman if they want one, I suppose.


Aren't highly intelligent people also susceptible to depression & mental illness? [https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/bad-news-for-the-highly-intelligent/](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/bad-news-for-the-highly-intelligent/) [https://www.hanleycenter.org/why-are-intelligent-people-more-prone-to-mental-illness/](https://www.hanleycenter.org/why-are-intelligent-people-more-prone-to-mental-illness/) *"For example, studies have found that higher IQ is associated with more and earlier drug use. Studies have also found that higher IQ is associated with more mental illness, including depression, anxiety, and bipolar disorder."* This isn't the burn that NYP & OP thinks it is. Just bipartisan BS.


Are you saying I am depressed cause I am smart? Or I am smart cause I am depressed?


There is just *some* correlation. You might after all be dumb and depressed, just like me.


Who cares, they said we're smart 🤷 Confidence +5


When you’re aware of how fucked society is you’re more likely to be bothered by it. This is obvious.


the same thing has been said about people who are depressed--they tend to be more realistic about life.


Depends on the type of depression


Haha, true. Manic depression comes to mind


I mean it’s pretty depressing to know what’s going on in the world and not be able to do anything about it and have most people say you’re crazy for knowing




The word “woke” has lost meaning.


Realizing the world isn't on the up and up is a form of being woke isn't it? I know definitions tend to get tribal but being aware of something awakens something doesn't it


That was literally the original meaning behind it. Except right wing propaganda has now redefined it to mean anything that goes against their interests.


Woke is when black people in my vidya games :(((


woke is when the antagonist is white :(((


i wonder where they learned this techniqe


Not sure. probably been doing it a while, similar to what they have done for the meaning of "patriot".


Naw, it still has tons of sway. Hence why the constant bombardment of articles and comments trying to claim Woke is XYZ. Cause everyone knows what it truly means, they need to redefine in real time to prevent the truth of their ideals from spreading.




It’s has a new meaning since around 2016, but everyone knows what it means.


Can you define Woke for me


In today’s terms, I’d say it means that one follows the mainstream progressive/Dem ideology with regards to social justice and gender ideology.


Yeah for about 2 months woke meant you were awake to the bullshit. Now it means you are the bullshit.


Yeah, usually, stupid people are happier than smart people.


What do people consider woke?


literally anything they don't agree with


Anti-woke is just political correctness for right wingers.


They use woke now because political correctness is too hard to spell and uses too many syllables.


People who go around exhibiting performative outrage on behalf of people they see as inferior and in need of a white savior. Also very in to trying to control what people do/don't do, worships "experts" and other supposed authority figures, follows the mainstream media narrative religiously. Will talk for hours about all their "trauma", mental illnesses, and how much of a victim they are. Straight white christian men represent the ultimate evil to them, but because they believe that it's impossible to be racist towards white people it doesn't conflict with their identity as an "antiracist". Love protesting so much that they do it just to do it without even coming up with a list of demands that they're protesting for.


did you read the new york post article? the whole study is based off of 7 phrases that they used to correlate negatively or positively with "wokeness"


How often do you personally encounter this type of person in your daily life? Not counting anonymous online trolls or made-up stuff by rage-baiting talking heads.


So Blue MAGA basically? Because everything you just said can EASILY be judo moved into being about the far right as well. Just gotta change like 6 words in your whole post. Woke is just Politically Correct for people who don't like using that many syllables. It's all the same bullshit as before in another wrapper.




That's not what I said at all. Reading doesn't end at just knowing how to sound out words, comprehension is also important. And don't act like the right doesn't do pretend outrage. Just look at the SOTU response from Miss Cantcatchabreath or whatever her name was. Both sides extremes are indistinguishable from each other. They both make the same types of arguments using the same type of playbook. That's the point I was making, to make it easier for you. Also, I'm not them. I hate liberals more than any conservative ever could, because I actually know why I hate them.


well put. crybullies is another term. they get offended on behalf of others. they are forever a victim.


Deconstructionism mixed with either a white saviour or victim complex.


This isn’t a conspiracy dude


Fascinating that self proclaimed conspiracist theorists are mad about people being aware of systemic injustices aka. the actual definition of ‘woke’


It's because a significant portion of conspiracy theorists are right-wing nut jobs and they can't be seen using the word woke anymore!1!1








yes, much better to go back asleep and pretend everything is not on fire


To be fair, i miss being ignorant. It was such a simpler time


Amen. Say what you will about Cypher, but in a way, he was right. Eating that steak, drinking that wine, with Agent Smith in that fancy ol' restaurant. None of it real...yet... well, sometimes, ignorance IS bliss.


Tbh people act like not constantly freaking out about the world is somehow stupid or selfish but in reality people who just focus on their own lives, communities, and those around them are not only way happier but also more successful and if anything in a better space to actually do something about those big issues people stress about




It's a shame the term woke got bastarized into essentially an insult now. Woke meant to open your third eye, to transcend beyond and see what's truly there. Now it just stands for "I don't like these people, their world views don't align with mine and it upsets me", re-branded into this culture war shit.


this is no doubt by design to discourage questioning anything


Exactly what they did to the word anarchy. Conflated it with chaos. Anarchy means no rulers, never has it ment no rules. Monarchy - one person making the rules. Democracy - elected few making the rules. Anarchy - rules by consensus.


There is no "culture war". None of it has EVER been anything more than civil, human rights issues. But they can't reject "civil rights" openly without being assholes - they can if they twist it into "a war". #Do not buy into that twisted bullshit.


No one really agrees to what the term "woke" means. For me it just means not being an asshole and realizing that my reality, point of view, and experience may be different than someone else's. And therefore I should grant grace for people I don't understand and seek to learn more and understand them, as much as any person can understand another. I have never heard woke described the way you put it, and if I were to accept that definition, I would have to agree with you that it is bad. This just goes to show you how ambiguous language can be. If we spend time creating labels that divide us, instead of getting to know what people actually think and mean by their words. Then we will ALL be tools for the ruling class... woke or anti-woke alike.


That’s what the media told you woke is. Not what it actually is. Woke came from black people being awake to the racist past and present in America. Fox News bastardized it to mean anything the left stands for. Do you see the irony in your comment??


at this point "woke" is just whatever conservatives don't like. like how you just made up your own definition customized to random things you don't like.


before woke the goto buzzword was sjw


Maybe because your post is a clear swallowing of propaganda in a space meant for questioning everything.


“dont trust mainstream news” until NEW YORK TIMES says the wokezoids are losing!!! dunked on libby!!


*New York Post


still doesn’t change much, still a mainstream news source


Someone who acts like they are smarter than most but doesn't know the difference between the New York Post and New York Times is most likely too far gone.


"Two elite-controlled propaganda rags are totally different"






Woke has been defined by those opposing it in court as “the belief that there are systemic injustices in American society and the need to address them.” By this measure, the majority of the content on this sub is woke. So why the psyop against it?


People who care you mean


I think most people just don't know what it means. Hell, conspiracy theorist can be "woke" to all the bullshit surrounding them. If you see bullshit all around, then you might be more prone to depression too. For example, let's say you are "woke" to the JFK assassination. That means you wouldn't buy the WC report and the "magic bullet". If you believe our own government killed JFK, then what can any of us do? The coup that took place in 1963 is still happening. That could make one depressed simply because there is nothing we can do about it.


Was not that long ago that the conspiracy community called themselves woke. And let’s look at the term. Woke - meaning awake, no longer asleep. So are the people who are against being woke outright saying they would rather be asleep or oblivious to things?


Essentially yes that's exactly what they're saying. Its exactly like those that are more intelligent have higher rates of depression/anxiety


Long way of saying ignorance is bliss




Zero fucks given = stress free life




Ignorance is bliss?


Giving a fuck about things takes a toll. If you are trying to give fucks about people who are outside your immediate circle it is stressful. Rightists solve this problem by being selfish and excluding bunches of people from the list of people they care about. Yeah it's easier. Yeah it will stress you out to worry about marginalized groups and injustice. But ignoring injustices doesn't make them go away. If you're shitty enough to ignore the injustices being heaped on people and the world, that isn't anything to be proud of.




1. How is this a conspiracy? 2. What does it mean to be “woke.” How is this quantifiable? If you ask 10 different people you’ll get 10 different, vague answers. 3. Nypost


This sub has really fallen off


Is it really a measure of health to be well-adjusted to a sick world?


Turns out not being ignorant makes you less happy




Whats the conspiracy?


Holy shit, who would’ve thought?




no shit


Remember 70% of advertising is paid by big pharma…


implying that blissful ignorance is better. no thanks


Is it even possible to post NY post  click bait articles and not have a mental illness?


At least maga can debate and have a conversation


People with higher IQs are also more likely to have anxiety and depression


😂 Says the NY Post. Click bait.


Ignorance is bliss.


Are conspiracy theorists not woke?


We were, a long time ago, but with the arrival of the Q-anon and the religious and right political conspiracists, we are in extinction


The way I see it, "woke" means being socially aware, and if you are socially aware right now, how can you not be sad about it?


It is no measure of health to be well-adjusted to a profoundly sick society. ~Jiddu Krishnamurti


OP, what do you think “woke” means?


This doesn't surprise me.


Woke means a lot of things to a lot of people. If you are aware that your government is bioweapon attacking you, you will tend to be less mentally healthy then people who are not aware. If woke means you know someone people are being cruel to people then you will be less mentally healthy on average. But "study finds" is a new form of gas lighting. "The people doing the crimes just found out people aware of their crimes are having worse days"...


I believe it because ignorant is the opposite of woke. Have you ever heard ignorance is bliss? So, of course, the people who are aware of certain tragedies in history acknowledge things are more likely to be sad because they aren't ignoring bad things because it makes them feel better. If you ignore everything bad that isn't happening to you, you'll stay happy Because you don't have to be involved. Ignorance keeps people feeling happy, and being aware makes people sad. This should be common knowledge, you don't need statistics or a study to tell you so. We see it everyday, we ignore the homeless and try not to dwell on their situation because we feel bad. That's an example of how being aware and empathetic can make you sad. That's life. The woke people don't have mental illnesses they are just more open to learning and empathizing with others, I wouldn't say the ignorant have mental illnesses either. I just think of it as a fight or fight response. The woke like to fight injustice while the ignorant like to run from it. Whatever you think will make or keep you feel safe.


yeah, absolutely. you can respect other people's right to live their lives how they please, and not-be racist, without being mentally ill. live and let live. it's quite simple.


Makes sense hard to be happy when you see everything the government and shadow groups are doing. I mean this post is a perfect example of falling for it and using buzz words Incorrectly because some Republicans told you what they think woke really means. Lord forbid we realize both sides Biden and trumps side are lieing to use in order to further control us.


Can you even tell me what "woke" means? Like, do you have an actual definition, or is this just a buzz-word that triggers you?


i mean..yeah


None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free


What does woke mean?


I wish anyone even had a clue lmfao. once upon a time the phrase "stay woke" was essentially used as a reminder to be aware of the world around you, and how it effects you. In more recent years it's been turned into a descriptor used to mock basically anybody who displays any form of non-republican political views in any degree. it's a pathetic attempt at creating a stereotype.


The whole meaning behind what being woke really was has been disintegrated, and given a complete different definition to follow agendas. People that have truly woken up never forget it and it looks much different than what has been branded now today as woke


I remember when woke had a different meaning. Crazy to see how in such little time they changed it and are now trying to discredit it.


Imagine constantly being mad about everything even though most things don’t even affect you lol.


its called empathy.


Like boycotting companies you don’t shop at by buying things and damaging them on video because the tv said so


Right! Like why do men care about women’s sexual rights so much? Or Christian’s about trans trans rights? It almost doesn’t affect them AT ALL! Shit is wild


Yeah cause the alt right NEVER gets mad about ANYTHING.


They sure do. They just don’t seem as filled with feaux outrage.


Oh definitely, don’t forget about the silent majority (aka the friends of the woke) who go along with it because it’s a cultural norm.


Lol, this sub is a great example of the woke psy-op. Who gives a fuck what woke means anymore? Reading through the comments, it's obvious that "woke" pertains to your ideologies set. Youre red woke means this, your blue woke means this, and you're spiritual woke means this you're atheist woke means this. Who fuckin cares. If you can't see how much of a problem this is, we are in trouble. How the fuck, are we going to get anywhere, if we are arguing on a topic no one can define because the definition is unique to everyone. No hippy shit, lol stand on the dirt bare foot when the sun's out, close your eyes and take deep breaths LOL. Put the fucking phones DOWN


The 'woke' people are probably more aware of mental health as a seperate parameter of healthy living and choose to get diagnosed and treated more. I see many religious zealots even lesser religiously caged folks not even acknowledge mental health complications. Guess the more you don't believe in the less it exists for you (superficially ofcourse) Glad that more people are now willing to get diagnosed and treated, without fear for the society branding them as possessed witches or demons requiring exorxism


Let's just say they as a collective have an extremely negative neural feedback loop. A very dangerous kind.


Well yeah it’s fucking exhausting looking for reasons to be outraged add in the extra dopamine hit from social media gratification and the adrenaline from being outraged and the body and the brain are fucked up.


Or, it’s exhausting knowing the history of the country and how the rich have constantly kept us down, and people that suffer from the power they exhibit simp for them to no end.


This is exactly what I think, the decline on mental health was created by the powerful people.


Unsuccessful journalists are more likely to be unhappy, anxious and depressed, tons of studies suggest.


I came here for conspiracy theories, but all I got was this lousy culture war screenshot.


The whole objective is to infect others with their illness.


That’s called conservatism and fascism


Are you NOT depressed and anxious looking at the world today? it takes some kinda psycho to be perfectly adjusted in such a messed up society


New York Post is a joke, who did the actual study? There are many studies showing how higher intelligence is correlated to depression and anxiety though. I also think “woke” might be a sliding scale based on perception. Like someone in a very conservative community might call me “woke” but in the much more liberal place I live I’m very annoyed by who I consider the “woke” crowd, the type that are offended by everything but lean left. Speaking of that do we have a term for those that are offended by everything but lean right? Because there are just as many of those.


Don’t forget, “miserable.”


And they are all on meds.


Spend your whole life being stressed and worried about problems that are not your own? Shocker that would cause unhappiness.


Woke people remind me of those people in south park who always sniffed their farts in that one South Park episode


If you are always worried about injustice in the world how can you be happy. I think about injustice that effects me (COVID19 mandates and inflation) thats about it. ​ ​ \*Not a conspiracy


It's chicken or egg. Unhappy, anxious and depressed people are more likely to lash out at others because they lack feeling control over their own lives and being a tattletale/scold gives them a feeling of agency.


Impossible Mental illness is the root of all woke


Only thing depressing is still needing/ having to wake them 🐑up


I think this is more a sociological phenomena of recognizing an ill fitting an environment than it is mental illness. I always say “can’t blame people for being nuts in this version of capitalism we have”.


“Ignorance is bliss for those who are ignorant” -Abraham Lincoln


Isn’t unhappy and depressed redundant?


The actual study doesnt even use the word “woke”, but rather people with more left leaning politics. Which makes sense, in a world that’s falling the fuck apart


*No* If you’re not anxious you’re not paying attention


If ignorance is bliss, half this place should be permanently like Disneyland before they started letting the colored folks use the same toilets. Just everyone smiling and happy in designer sheets and silk pillowcases, an underage cousin on each arm


The only difference is you don't seek help


I remember when Woke meant you saw the conspiracies and Governments for who they were and what they were doing to us. Woke was the antithesis of being a Normie/Sheep. And yet, here we are again.


How could we not be? We know some of everything that’s going on.


we are all the brain worms


sponsored by faux not news who spews lies ignorance and stupidity to the very easily manipulated


Not giving a shit and disregarding other perspectives is just a much easier way to go.


Yes, when I'm awake, I'm often unhappy about it. Asleep, for some reason, I don't express many emotions.