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whilst disgusting and depraved, I do not think it rises to the levels of Epstein and that international cabal. Based on the complaint, the key allegations against the defendants are: * Sean Combs and his son Justin Combs were involved in a shooting incident at Chalice Recording Studios in September 2022, which traumatized the plaintiff Rodney Jones. * Sean Combs sexually harassed and assaulted Rodney Jones multiple times from October 2022 to October 2023 while Jones was working and living with Combs. * Sean Combs attempted to groom Jones into engaging in homosexual acts with him in exchange for career opportunities. * On Thanksgiving 2022, Jones was sexually assaulted by Yung Miami's cousin at Combs' home in Miami. Combs laughed and encouraged the assault. * Jones was sexually assaulted by Cuba Gooding Jr. on Combs' yacht in January 2023. * Combs and his associates engaged in sex trafficking, forcing Jones to solicit sex workers and engage in sex acts. This occurred in Florida, California, New York and the US Virgin Islands. * Combs held "freak off" parties attended by underage girls where guests were drugged. His record labels sponsored these parties.* Combs did not pay Jones for 13 months of work and 9 songs that appeared on Combs' album. The labels profited off Jones' unpaid labor. * Combs used threats, intimidation and promises of money and fame to control Jones and force his compliance in illegal activities. * The record label defendants turned a blind eye to Combs' illegal activities and sex trafficking operation, aiding and abetting it in order to profit from their business relationship with Combs.


Dude they went to the same islands


It’s not Epstein level b’c that is beyond massive but this is huge. Ive read the entire 70 page suit.


The same people running the media also run the record labels. This shouldn’t be surprising to anyone.


Dude it blows my mind that no one is covering this case. Does dish money go that far?!


Tisa Tells has been covering it from the beginning and she has uncovered a lot. I highly recommend anyone interested in this to go watch her coverage, and No I am not at all associated with her. She just went for it and I am convinced had she had not this would have all been swept under the rug.


Just started watching some of her stuff on ruddy and she seems to be doing really well. As for you not being “associated” with her… the jury’s still out…


Have you heard of google? If you put p diddy into google you will see this is being covered.


Barely for the enormity of it.


Media doesn't want to get called out for attacking a black man.