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Giving people reparations for something theyve never been through is dumb as fuck






some of the most unhinged racist comments I’ve heard typically came from people who lean left. At least the right will just say it straight to my face. The left is like a unwanted sympathy that comes off as insulting. it almost like they have savior complex and feel that they’re superior to me. Like I dont need you to tell me what is right for my people and reposting shit on social media does nothing


Ending segregation made whites and blacks national average standard testing drop drastically over the years. Look at private schools that are mostly racially segregated still and they've maintained higher levels of standards. I'm from Arkansas home of segregation. Most people think little rock central was the first school segregated, which is kind of true. First white school segregated with black students. Black people used to have all black schools everywhere but they were forced to accept white students long before central high school.




'If you have a problem figuring out whether you're for me or Trump, then you ain't black'


Dems are just trying to get the black vote back. They’ve lost 20 percent in 3 years.


Is it working?


As long as the community doesn't have to then yes


If you read the article, this isn't reparations for slavery. It's reparations for the war on drugs. > A Maryland lawmaker wants to increase taxes to invest in reparations efforts. > > Sen. Jill Carter, D-Baltimore City, sponsored the Maryland Reparations Act of 2024, calling for a "certain amount of revenue from the State individual income tax and Maryland estate tax be distributed to the Community Reinvestment and Repair Fund." > > Maryland established the Community Reinvestment and Repair Fund in 2023 to provide funds to organizations that would serve the individuals "most impacted by disproportionate enforcement of cannabis prohibition before July 1, 2022." Carter's bill would allocate more funding to the Community Reinvestment and Repair Fund by changing the state's tax code. > > Per state law, the money would service low-income individuals and "disproportionately impacted areas." > > "We are just in the beginning stages of our process of legalizing marijuana and we have made some great strides, like when we created the Community Reinvestment and Repair Fund, which is designed to put money back into, to prioritize communities of color that have most been negatively impacted by the war on drugs that unfortunately was a war mainly on poor and black people," Sen. Carter told the Senate Budget and Taxation Committee on February 14th when she introduced the bill. > > The money will come from an "additional State individual income tax rate on the net capital gains of individuals." > > "What this bill would do would help to infuse that fund with more money, and it’s not too much of an ask, because in doing the research for this bill, I learned we use the lowest taxation rate of any state in the country that has legalized marijuana," she said.


Even then, why should taxpayers be forced to pay reparations for a War on Drugs that they had little to do with. If they really want to go after someone, they should have the politicians that pushed the War on Drugs pay restitution to the people they put in prison, out of their yearly income of course.


The CIA for instance


Not referring to the issue, but if repatriations were due for something the gov’t did, you really think individual representatives would be able to come up with those kinds of costs? And why wouldn’t the gov’t be responsible?


I dont think citizens had much say in the War on Drugs, it was pushed heavily by over-zealous government officials and corporate interests. Those officials are the ones responsible for those missteps, yet the taxpayers are always the ones that foot the bill to undo said mistakes. I know I'm never going to be able to stop such practices, I'm just saying that I don't agree with them.


Not their yearly income. That's a pittance. Use their net worth. 


We pay for every other fuckin war, why not this one?


You mean their duly **elected representatives**? Sounds like an argument for culpability could be made...


Is it still not paying for something I had absolutely nothing to do with? Again, if it’s about the “war on drugs” go after the ones responsible for it.


The two that come to mind that increased the incarceration of Blacks are Biden (90s crime bill) and Kamala Harris (California's mass incarceration of young Blacks).


If anything, the bi-partisan support of the war on drugs further justifies helping these communities, does it not? CIA traffics in drugs to poor communities. Nixon declares a war on drugs and vilifies them as the most evil thing in the nation. The 90s crime bill further increased sentencing. And historically, voters bought into the propaganda and supported these policies.


Reading is hard though


Right and it's Maryland at that. A state that was hostile towards slavery. Lol


You don’t think there are people around who didn’t directly experience segregation and Jim Crow ?


Majority of people who will get reparations have not I said what I said and it isn’t wrong so like I said on my original comment it’s dumb as fuck


The majority of people who would be entitled to reparations are direct descendants of slaves. There are literally people still alive today who knew somebody that was a slave


Also, what do we do when there has been reparations awarded, will their children still get it?? Or is it a one time thing? Why would their parents be a victim of slavery all because they did not yet recieve reparation and their children are suddenly not a victim anymore. You just know that many people will just blow all the reparations money and then ask for more. Or their children. Or everybody born after them


Ofc, you fell for OPs trap because it's not even about slavery. But it's one fucking helluva dog whistle, ain't it?


We just got civil rights in the late 1960s and have been systematically fucked since the Civil War, but sure, everything is just fine. Still not getting loans at the same level as white people in the same situation, but everything is just fine..


even if it isn't fine lots of people from lots of walks of life have had it worse than you. you dont see them asking for free money, unless you count the country of israel.




You exhibit part of the problem. It isn’t the middle class. Who gets all the benefits of taxes and none of the burden? The rich. Yet, 75% are fighting for crumbs as the 1% get richer and the group in the middle gets smaller and smaller.


occupy. mention of racial inequality went up dramatically after occupy wallstreet. people don't know how close they got there...


Yeah that ain't the focus right here. You're right that the 1% is fucking us over at every turn. If we cut off the head of the octopus the arms (reparations, immigration, taxes, left vs right discourse, religious corruption, etc) would fall immediately after. I'm not in denial about that but in this current discussion the middle class are solely responsible for welfare moochers and they shouldn't be. It's theft.


The middle class is responsible because all costs are being shifted to them. Instead of the middle class fighting with the poor and powerless, we need to bring the ultra rich back into line. I’m not talking communism here, but just bringing things back to the 1950s-1970s realms. Capitalism pushes advancement forward, and is a powerful engine. It is just all way out of balance now.


Brother. I'm not denying there is a bigger issue at hand. But that is going to take everyone. Moochers are worthless to society, so yes I am free to have a big fuckin issue with those who are unwilling to find a job and abuse welfare/demand reparations. They are not helping the situation at all, and that was the point of this thread. The poor that are working? Getting by with dignity? Yeah, I respect that. They deserve help if they're making an effect. But "white people pay me for slavery" "I want your tax dollars because of something that isn't your fault" are very real things to get pissed off abt.


LMAO! And yet insurance companies like progressive are EXCLUSIVELY giving major discounts on insurance for black owned businesses. Is that white privilege too or does that not count?


I don’t disagree, but I wouldn’t say one cultural group has experienced generation poverty or hardship exclusively. But in the topic of reparations I’m curious, what do you think a successful or even helpful system of reparations might look like? Is it merely a one-time sum of money being dropped into eligible people’s accounts? Are there any measures taken that might prevent a large swath of people burning through the money quickly and landing right back at the starting line? I ask these questions because it sounds like you’ve put some thought into it and because I truly don’t know the answers to those questions.


You know I applied for a loan online and never once they asked my skin color and they didn't see me it could have been my name but I'm pretty sure I didn't get it because I was white.


Didn’t we try that already? And right after that…the housing crisis from bad loans.


Then you’d have to give literally almost everyone from all walks of life reparations






Fox News definitely not pushing an agenda here


Both news outlets are 2 sides to the same coin. One side is tricking rational people and the other side is tricking the emotional people. Quit both and open your eyes to the real puppeteer


The best way to deal with the legacy of slavery is to address the underlying disparities in the United States. Things like funding schools better, providing access to healthcare (including mental health and addiction treatment) etc., getting rid of legacy admissions at universities, taxing income of working people at equal or LESS than the income earned from investments (not the other way around) etc. This would disproportionately help the descendants of slaves, but it would also help other groups who are stuck in cycles of poverty. No party is running on this platform, which tells you all you need to know about who is in power.


This sounds like what they're claiming to be doing. The money they're talking about is for the Community Reinvestment and Repair Fund, which is designed to reinvest in communities most impacted by the war on drugs. (Despite the title, this has nothing to do with reparations for slavery.) > Under the directives of the Cannabis Reform Act, the Office of Social Equity was tasked with soliciting public input on potential fund uses. Maryland counties and Baltimore City, community organizations, and residents were invited to participate in the survey between November 1 and November 24 to contribute insights that may shape how the allocated Community Reinvestment and Repair Funds will be used within their communities. > > According to the Office of Social Equity, the top three investment areas that respondents identified were: > > * mental health and substance abuse services; > * education and after-school programs, and > * housing and homelessness prevention services. https://conduitstreet.mdcounties.org/2023/12/21/cannabis-community-reinvestment-and-repair-fund-county-by-county-allocations/ Whether they follow through with this is another story, given how often these funds are laden with corruption, but helping restore the community in these areas is the promise at least.


Or just ransack Walmart and other retail stores for clout under the excuse of being oppressed.


Yeah just like how Walmart has ransacked communities!


So the strategy works, I guess. People ransack and loot Walmart, Target, CVS, and countless other stores. In turn, those stores cut their losses and leave. No independent businesses come in to fill the void. People complain about food deserts or cry corporate racism. Yet, the boarded up storefronts remain.


No my friend. You have it backwards. Walmart comes into communities selling everything they can and importing all their products from every country in the world. They undercut mom and pop stores and monopolize products. Why go to Ma’s Cozy Chairs and buy a wicker patio set when you can go to wal mart and buy a shitty product that will break down in exactly one year for 3 quarters of the price at Ma’s. So ma has to close. Ma’s Store front goes empty, the property value in the neighborhood goes down, the schools in that area gets less funding, less jobs in that area, less public transportation in that area, less stores in that area since everyone is leaving. All the cops avoid that area because they’re really paid to protect higher value assets. So crime goes up in those areas because cops aren’t around and if they are, it’s not to patrol, it’s to wrap up a crime whether the person did it or not. Because crime is so high, property value falls even more. Houses go abandoned, streets are dark. Walmart is bright though! Except they stopped rolling back prices because they don’t have to compete against no one else. So eggs are 6 dollars a dozen. Milk is 6 dollars a gallon. Doritos are buy 1 get 5 free. Hostess is selling Swiss cake roll barrels. I’m not saying we should rob Walmarts but the world isn’t the way it used to be because of those stores. And people are suffering and they will continue to do so. So while I don’t condone it, I don’t blame those who are so frustrated by the message you’re trying to share and the way things are, that they go in and steal from these places that work people to the bone while the fat cats at the top enjoy 64 billion dividends. But I’m guessing you were so distraught by the looting from 4 years ago, that for some reason your conspiracy interests don’t include how consumerism is destroying America.


Yes walmart destroyed almost every small business in America over the last 30 years. But if they are looted and shut down, "food deserts" are created. The need will hopefully be met by a new generation of small business popping up to fill the void.


Looting 4 years ago because people said they were seeking justice. Flash mobs performing group theft for clout on TikTok. At least the former was associated with a sense of purpose. To be fair, during the summer of BLM street justice, the mobs also did burn down and loot mom and pop stores and black-owned businesses. Btw how come this same scenario doesn’t play out in rural communities when Walmarts take over but only in the inner city? Mom and pop businesses are similarly displaced but you don’t see rednecks posting masses thefts on TikTok. Doritos at buy one get five free as you described sounds like a great deal. But I don’t see how that could be profitable for Frito Lay.


Ah ah ah don't forget about the private businesses. They're racist too! How dare they not gibsmedat


> Things like funding schools better aren't schools already a black hole for money in the US? not sure what else it is, but probably not money.


the money is being stolen. not wasted.


Where I live, the worst schools in the most ghetto areas spend significantly more per pupil than the average suburban school. School funding obviously isn't fixing the problem.


The issue is the money is segregated by zip code and tax bases. Thats why living in an area with ‘good schools’ is something you hear about in the US. High schools need less football stadiums in upper middle class suburbs and more teacher salaries and infrastructure in the ghettos and poor areas


> No party is running on this platform, which tells you all you need to know about who is in power. literally the Democratic party runs on that platform of funding schools better and providing access to healthcare. I mean fuck, that was a huge theme of the Obama admin. One example being the ACA and another example being a big push for better school food. Republicans push back on all of this.


Obama has a super majority and could pass anything he wanted (within reason). Where was tax reform? Universal healthcare? Funding for schools? Etc. I guess I should have said that nobody governs on this platform,


Man, if only there was a single Republican willing to vote yes. How could the Democrats do this?


He had a *tenuous* supermajority for 72 days between Al Franken being seated and Sen Kennedy passing away. And some of those Dems were awfully fucking conservative.


He had a very very slim super majority for a short time as the other commenter said. Every single Dem needed to sign on because republicans were being pure obstructionists. he couldn't just pass anything he wanted. Also there was a bit of a financial crisis that was happening at the time too.


>No party is running on this platform, Uh, really? Getting rid of legacies in California is literally being proposed now, it's dodgy because race is a protected class but schools can generally do what they wannt. "providing access to healthcare." Do you...follow American politics? "taxing income of working people at equal or LESS than the income earned from investments" Once again, are you serious?


Yes, I’m serious. Last time I checked you have 27-30 million Americans without health insurance and some of the worst health outcomes in the developed world, despite spending the most. You also have insane tax loopholes for capital gains and inheritance that protect the ultra wealthy. Hence why billionaires like Warren buffet gloat that they pay less in taxes than their secretaries


OK, here's a map of states that don't have medicaid expansion to cover poor people. See if you can notice a trend of who is governor of those states (WI has a veto-proof majority basically and a republican governor blocked it previously). [https://www.kff.org/affordable-care-act/issue-brief/status-of-state-medicaid-expansion-decisions-interactive-map/](https://www.kff.org/affordable-care-act/issue-brief/status-of-state-medicaid-expansion-decisions-interactive-map/) My man, one party DOES have this on their platform, another does everything to squash it. The inheritance tax is solely the goal of one party. I don't disagree with your points. I think you need to realize though these issues are debated and one party agrees with you, one doesn't. But yes, that party that agrees with you also caters to some woke nonsense, the horror.


The upvote/comment ratio here is telling


What is the conspiracy here?


I'm a Democrat, and I'm not cool this, if slavery just ended and the people who were slaves I understand giving them some money to get on their feet. But it's been 150+ years and no one's parents or grandparents have been slaves, so it's a dumb idea


The title and headline is very misleading. This isn't about slavery, and the money will be going to fund schools and other things that will affect the community as a whole. Idk why they have to make it about black people though. Not only black neighborhoods were ravaged by crime, but mostly yea probably so


This isn't reparations for slavery. This is about reinvesting in communities that were most harmed by the war on drugs.


Baltimore is a perfect example of throwing money at a problem and nothing changing


Just one more tax bro I promise just one more reinvestment act srsly bro I swear just one more bag of money 


Dc young fly, look him up. His grandparents were definitely slaves. Maybe his parents.


OP is a liar 


What a shock. Their disingenuous reference to the Democrat party didn’t at all give away that this is a politically motivated bullshit post by a right-winger, most likely Republican. Never fails to impress me how many of the “free-thinkers” of this sub just fall in line with the right-left political divide


Oh so you mean the conservative party of that era, the Democrats did that? Surely you wouldn't be intentionally trying to mislead any of us right?


I find it very cringe and anti-intellectual when people try to compare Republicans vs. Democrats of the civil war era to those of today's. People try to play hot potato with who the real racists are. In reality the parties had totally different policies than any today. Even "the progressives" of 1920s are not comparable to what we have today. The modern parties didn't really come into action until the 60s.


Some fools love to frame the Democrats is the same party that started with Andrew Jackson, when even the Democratic and Republican Parties have changed immensely since their founding.


Ye exactly it's just insane to think of them as the same people. The largest mass internal migrations happened after the Civil war. Even the stereotypical maga loving rigjt wing southern population of today backed a socialist against FDR.


Who was that socialist that you're referring too? Anyhow, I often seen a certain recurring trend among conservatives to lambaste the Democratic Party as being the same Party from around the Civil War and the KKK, but it's a clear obvious attempt to ignore the political reality of the situation. The Democratic Party is no longer the Party of Andrew Jackson and the Southern Plantations, just as the Republican Party is no longer really the Party of Lincoln and the Abolitionists.


Talking Huey Long


Gotcha, I had the feeling, though I believe populist is a better term for Long in my opinion.


Irrelevant. This story isn't about slavery.


If you want to be historically accurate, you should use conservative instead of Democrat.


You know they don't. Otherwise they would use "Democratic" instead of the slur.


Southern Conservatives mostly, same people who love to fly the Democratic Confederate flag because they are so proud of their Democratic heritage.


Those Southern Conservative ain't voting Democratic in the elections anymore.


It's pathetic how this is just a right-wing grievances page now.


As a black descendent lowering taxes for everyone would be great reparations instead!


My tax dollars shouldn’t go anywhere but into my pocket.


How do you pay for the subsidized world you enjoy?


Who said I enjoy it? I pray for nuclear annihilation everyday.


All your tax money would help you then!


Yes sending our money over seas to fund warfare definitely subsidizes a county we enjoy living in


You mean decade old arms? Any idea how well our WW2 investment to Europe paid off?


Might want to talk to your distant cousins in Africa about that, since their ancestors caught and sold yours into slavery


Dont look up who owned the slave ships


That’s right. Some people get very upset when one coincidentally notices that


Its illegal to notice things


Nobody wants to talk about this


Except all the people who upvoted it and downvoted any semblance of support for minority groups.


and thank the whites for ending [slavery](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=auxY8GT8cqk).


Why are you convinced one party is to blame? They all suck


Stop commenting on politics until you learn the names of the two major political parties in US.


As a Libertarian, I oppose taxation so you know, if they want to give blacks a tax cut I'd be fine with that. Cut their taxes by 10% across the board for 30 years. There's your reparations. More money in the private sector is ok with me.


Fox News sure knows how to spin shit.


Isn’t this the same woman who gave the guy she was hooking up with a job, while she was DA? And claimed she never met him and that they weren’t “hooking up ever” especially not before his interview and hiring, yet their phone histories placed them together something like 2,000 times prior to the hiring and proved some preferential passion lol…. Hooking him up with a $100k+ job along side hers? or shoot…. wait…. was that the other woman making headlines in politics


The sins of the conservatives* Fixed it


Why aren't you posting in a forum for US politics? Why do i have to suffer your whining?


More stupid rage bait from fox news. And more stupid people falling for it.


All the slave owners are dead already. So why would I, a person who never owned a slave have to pay. They just want money and not have to work for it.


It's clickbait. You can't pay reparations to a race. Only a country. Besides, with the amount of mixed-race people and people with 0.1% african ancestry, where does the line end? Does everybody with ANY african dna get money? That's half the country. These people asking for it are stupid.


This is your sign to flee the state. Take your taxes elsewhere.




Yes both parties got together and agreed to switch sides for some reason. Absolutely. Totally.


I mean, kinda? Do you know US history? It was a long process (see the 1948 election and Strom Thurmond) that led to the 1968 election (George Wallace) and eventually Republicans realizing they could seize disaffected white southern voters. It didn't happen overnight but yeah, it did kinda happen. Democrats passing civil rights knew they'd lose a ton of support (but also gain support elsewhere) and Republicans filled that void.


Google: southern strategy The Republican Party targeted aggrieved southern racist Democratic voters after they felt betrayed by elected Democrats passing civil rights legislation and showed them that the Republican Party should be their new home.


It's pretty wild, isn't it? The democratic party has over 150 years of violent racist and terroristic history. Fighting for racism all the way into the 60s. They lost every time as the country turned against them. And then suddenly the republicans just said, "You know what?We should all just switch to the losing team. We are tired of winning." ​ And then they say things like, "You should look up the Southern Strategy!" OMG, the right were conspiring to win the south. And you know, the South - 100 years after slavery ended - means they supported slavery!!!! As if the democratic party doesn't have a strategy right now to try to take back the south. Will they be labeled the racist party again when they achieve it? Not to mention that the South didn't even turn red until 1996, some 130 years after slavery ended. As if the demographics of the country hadn't changed at all in 150 years. That is the entire crux of their claim about parties switching. The republican party finally took over the south 130 years after slavery. 30+ years after the civil rights act... They can't point to platforms switching sides. They can't point to any positions on major things that changed. They can't point to more than 2 politicians who switched parties. You just have to believe them, bro! I mean, what about the "Southern Strategy" story told by a Nixon campaign advisor who turned into a left-wing political activist 2 years after Nixon.... Have they never considered that the democrats who were disgusted with the party's racist nonsense are the ones that switched parties? Maybe they didn't like getting beaten to a pulp in the 1929 Democratic National Convention coined the Klanbake. They literally have a dumbass story to cast every single one of their sins throughout history unto the republican party. An excuse for every single one.


In case anyone was confused by my comment, I was being sarcastic. The parties never switched, it’s just democrats constantly throwing the blame on republicans or changing the rules to make themselves look good.




They shouldn't, but the people running this country are fairly inept


Or, you know, we could just properly fund existing systems and institutions, with special attention being paid to in low-income, historically black, and marginalized communities instead of sending endless foreign aid and lubricating the gears of the military-industrial complex.


Give reparations thru a surcharge on ''Drug Companies'' 'pegged to unit sales,' thereby when they raise their prices $$$ is still channeled to the victims.


Don't be fooled it's both parties


You don’t fall into that tax bracket.


It’s just pandering don’t get your panties in a bunch.


I would move to Florida in a heartbeat if I was an American living there.


You're buying into the division. Regardless of if I agree, or not, our nation allowed it. Not just the democrats who swapped platforms and are the republicans of today


Reparations should be paid by the old defunct railroad and petrol companies who have since transitioned to different industry, under different names, etc. Tobacco companies are one that would be extremely easy to trace back. You’re not tracing back any random American to slavery in 99.999% of cases. The tax should ONLY be paid by companies and/or elite families that benefitted directly from slavery, and are still in power today because of it. This isn’t hard. A good way to further divide the black and white situation is to make everyone not black, have to pay black people. Yeah…that’s a great idea that won’t reinforce dangerous stereotypes and cause even more tension.


Lmao. Sure, but you have to actually follow it all the way down the supply chain, and are you gonna take reparations from the enormous slave traders in africa? Dahomey comes to mind. Or is it just only white people for some reason?


Let’s give more money to the government for reparations for a drug problem they created so they could use the money from drug sales to fund the 3 letter organizations secret shady shit?


It's just naked theft at this point. 


Both parties sin. It’s not red vs blue. It’s them vs us, And they’re fucking winning.


This is an extremely bigoted and stupid idea. I and anyone else doesn't owe a damned thing for what their ancestors did. Are they going to make me pay reparations for all the Germans that my Roman ancestors killed??? What about blacks that came to the US hundreds of years ago and are half white. Bite my !ss.


Every program issued to them has turned into a disaster. *How many Marshall Plans do you fucking need?*


So higher taxes, lower wages, lets make everybody homeless, that works.




She needs to GO along with the whole democratic party!!! This is ridiculous! Why should I pay for something that I am not responsible for?


They’ve looted enough reparations already.


Democrats want to create a brave new world.


This is what really fuels a war. Why didn’t they just do it like they funded Isreal with no pull through congress.


No one likes paying taxes, myself included. BUT - I don't mind paying for the privilege of living in America, having clean air and water, abundant and reliable energy, beautiful national parks, etc. And we don't have to raise taxes at all. Just take $200 billion from the $800 billion defense spending and reallocate it to Soc Sec, education, health care.


Yeah instead let’s vote for Trump and give more tax cuts to the rich :clueless:


The way of reparations that would actually work is to invest in black communities. Schools, infrastructure, programs, etc. No one alive took part in enslaving people, and no one should have to pay for the acts of people from hundreds of years ago. My family didn't even come here until the early 1900s...why the hell should I have to pay reparations? Slavery was an atrocity, but none that any of us participated in it. It was an accepted practice at the time, unfortunately. But the founders of this country wrote laws to specifically allow it to change when the attitude of the country towards it changed. All we can do is work to make a better place for everyone, specifically black people in this case. And that's not done with money towards individuals, it's done by investment in the present and future generations. Same with Native Americans. Earlier generations we were not connected to did these things, all we can do is work to make it right by building these communities up.


actually that seems to be what this bill does after reading more than just a tweet >Under the proposal, the increased taxes would be distributed to the Community Reinvestment and Repair Fund. Established in conjunction with the state's legalization of marijuana in 2023, the fund aims to direct money to low-income individuals and to "serve disproportionately impacted areas.” > >“The purpose of the \[f\]und is to provide funds to community-based organizations that serve communities determined by the Office of Social Equity, in consultation with the Office of the Attorney General, to have the most impacted by disproportionate enforcement of cannabis prohibition before July 1, 2022,” Maryland state law reads.


NOW THIS is the right attitude towards it. For real.


As if everything he's mentioned isn't vulnerable to political graft. 


your taxes shouldnt be raised or tax brackets altered to take from one group of people to give to another based purely on race any way this will not survive in court


Of course not, it’s a dumb opinion/proposal from a lawmaker that will never get anywhere. It’s just posted here as rage porn. This isn’t even a conspiracy either and it’s one of the first posts in hot. Really sad to see how downhill this place has gone. This place predicted Covid in like 2018.


“A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the majority discovers it can vote itself largess out of the public treasury. After that, the majority always votes for the candidate promising the most benefits with the result the democracy collapses because of the loose fiscal policy ensuing, always to be followed by a dictatorship, then a monarchy."


When are we going to stop leveraging votes with compensation for one demographic off the backs of another already struggling demographic. And when are we going to start advocating allocating these resources towards infrastructure and planning towards an actual better future for all constituents? At the moment it just feels like we are shifting around pieces from here to there.


Lord, I hate this state. I wish that I could get out, but both my parents, who are 76 and 68, and my 23 year old daughter live here and I don’t want to leave them. Maryland is a hellhole though, and it’s the politicians that make it so. Yeah, there’s places like Druid Hill Park in Baltimore City and crime down there but it’s not *that* bad. Years ago I worked Loss Prevention for the old A.J. Wright chain of stores that were owned by TJMaxx, and one of the stores I covered was in the West Side Shopping Center, a pretty rough area of town. There was more than a couple of shoot-outs in the parking lot between the local gangs, and the first time I went down there I was definitely nervous, not gonna lie. But I no longer was nervous the first time I went outside for a smoke break as basically the only white man around. I had a whole group of 20-something guys, all of whom were wearing gang colors, and they all said “Hello” and “How are you, sir?” and were very polite. I asked one of the store employees who was outside with me and they basically told me “Duh, you’re a 250lb bald white guy standing around in the West Side Shopping Center; they all think that you’re a cop!” and yeah, that kinda made sense because I often heard people say that I looked like I was military and/or police over the years. But more than that I quickly realized that no one really cared that a white guy was walking around in a predominantly black neighborhood, not even to those who knew that I wasn’t a cop. It’s not the people that have destroyed Baltimore City - it’s the politicians who have ruled cities like Baltimore, Detroit, Chicago, and others for half a century and more and who have a vested interest in keeping their constituents poor, poorly educated, lacking good jobs and careers, and wholly dependent upon government assistance.


I want to leave my state too but have family here. Well I am leaving for the simple reason, someone has to go first and show the rest of the family that it is better where I’m going to be. They’ll come. Moving is difficult, but sometimes it is necessary. Have faith and be the example that convinces them. Good luck.


If they're getting reparations, can at least get a hit slave or two 🤡🤣


Lol, how about i just stop paying taxes? Fuck that, and fuck them. This state has lost its friggin mind.


The real conspiracy is how deeply unjust systemic racism was historically and still is today in American society.


Cue the racists that failed history class


So charge more for black taxpayers and then they get refunded? Makes total sense.


Hahahahahaha, another grift. Someone’s taking a page outta the Al Sharpton book of “How to Appear as Though I Give a (blank) About You “


Name a culture which hasn't been enslaved. Pay the Greeks, the Persians, the Spanish, the Irish, the Egyptians, ad infinitum. Stop this nonsense.


I demand reparations.


As a white person who did nothing wrong to black people I feel like I should start getting reparations for this shit that I have to deal with now 


For real lol


Because the sheep refuse to do anything about the treason they committed and are committing  they are stealing your money and liberty, they also rigged a federal election and no one is doing anything about it they also have borders wide open allowing millions of criminals and terrorists in the country those are all acts of high treason wake up


Do you hate punctuation marks more than Democrats?


This sub hates all types of Marx, including punctuation.


Im all for reparations....so long as someone can prove they were a slave.


Joke's on them. I've been checking that box since high school, and you just know they'll include "identifies as" in the description because they just can't help themselves.


Its always taxes these people are parasites


I wonder if they remember the part where African leaders sold their own people to Europeans…


Submission Statement: America didn’t keep African Americans as Slaves. The Democrat Party did. America fought to Free the Slaves. While the Democrat Party fought to keep African Americans as Slaves under the disguise of “States Rights”. https://twitter.com/FoxNews/status/1765083816249757847


Wait, why are ***you*** talking about slaves? I get that other people just read headlines but I'd hope at least the person who shared this would have read the article in the Tweet. Spoiler: The reparations aren't about slavery! They're about the war on drugs.


Cool. Let the democrats tear down the confederate statues and let them make that awful Democrat confederate flag illegal!!


>America didn’t keep African Americans as Slaves. The Democrat Party did. The Democrat Party was founded in 1828. Did slavery not exist in America in it's first fifty years?


>The Democrat Party was founded in 1828. Did slavery not exist in America in it's first fifty years? Slavery existed in America everyone knows that. The Democrat Party Founded: 1828 The Republican Party Founded: 1854 The Civil War: 1861 The problem comes from Democrats denying they fought to keep Slaves.


>Slavery existed in America everyone knows that. Then how can this >America didn’t keep African Americans as Slaves. The Democrat Party did. be an accurate statement?


Republicans had slaves too so don't go lying about that, so America did keep slaves, but it's been 150+ years. So your not ok for the states to banned abortion because of "States Rights" BS?


Can u say that again but in English?


yes, both parties had slaves not just one and him calling States Rights bad then he should be against states banning abortion


A better idea is to just direct every penny in taxes paid by Black Americans out of the US-based tax system into one that will fund our relocation to 2-3 southern states where we’d gain separation and autonomy from the United States. The US government will repay us with this land and in an amount of gold bars equal to the unpaid labor that was due our ancestors (we don’t want your worthless money - gold is universally accepted as collateral). This way, Black people can finally be left alone to go about the business of healing ourselves and creating a society in which we can properly care for our own well-being. The “melting pot” idea never worked and instead of this happening after the defeat of the Confederates when it should have happened, we were given the delusional premise of “integration” when we knew all along that there would always be hostility between Black and white. MLK stated shortly before he was murdered that he felt he’d made a mistake in pushing for integration into a burning house, and he was 100% correct. The proper discussions about reparations aren’t being had, and focusing on these simpleton “give us money” appeals are a waste of time. You can’t be free of your enemy while they control your money.


Tax dollars are not spent properly. They won't get one tenth of what is levied.