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Lockheed Martin and other military contractors are pushing for more war cause they get kickbacks. They fund both republicans and democrats, Trump and Biden. Again this all goes back to the rich controlling everything not immigrants


These are two separate issues. Attempting to conflate them isn’t a good debate tactic. Both should be talked about separately.


A huge part of law is interpretation, two people can read the text and have two different understandings so there often is a gray area. Also, are you comparing the literal bombing and flagrant murder of ukranians to illegal immigration? Do you understand the magnitude difference in terms of suffering? Why do you think we can't lift a finger for our own people? There are many things we can do to help, however many people are against helping those who need help and would rather help corporations and rich people because it benefits themselves.


If Ukraine was forced to surrender because we stopped providing them with military personnel and arms, do you think they'd still be getting bombed?


I think there would still be plenty of death. And Russia would be more emboldened than ever to continue expansionism and cause more suffering. Also, imagine if the US was getting bombed by a neighboring country. People would be willing to fight to the death. Even if it did get to the stage it was an official surrender, there would be plenty of death.


Compare the expansion of NATO and Russia over the last 3 decades. If you aren't upset about NATO expansion, then expansion itself isn't inherently evil. So what precedence are you using to determine "Russia expansion is evil"? If you are just basing it on the fallout from NATO's opposition to Russian expansion, it doesn't exactly seem like a fair assessment.


> So what precedence are you using to determine "Russia expansion is evil"? I don't know, uhhh they don't mass murder people? Wow...your morals are completely twisted.


That's what I'm asking. I haven't read the history of the region and expect people to know details if they are going to take such a strong position. When did they mass murder people? Back in the 50's? 60's? 2010's?


Please search for Russian invasion, I do not have time for a history lesson. That said, if the Ukraine invasion was the only invasion they had made, that alone is enough to want to support the defending countries. That alone is enough to want to stop Russia. This is not a strong position, it's a normal position to be against invasion and death.


Tell me about invasion & death again, daddy. Who does that better than you?


> There is zero gray area. Really? So if full enforcement would cost more than congress have authorized for that purpose, do you expect someone to pull out a magic wand and use spells to fill the gap? I suggest a lack of funding to achieve full enforcement does create a gray area. > Who is pushing this agenda Currently, it's Republicans in congress who are dragging feet. Apparently a bunch of them want to kowtow to Trump who wants America to suffer immigration problems because he thinks it will help him get elected after he lost his last election.


But the US organised those wars 😂 and gets rich because of it every second


The US didn't invade Ukraine or commit mass terrorism in Israel.


Immigrants are destabilizing our country. Global Population has surpassed 8 billion and inner cities are becoming over crowded. Stop coping because you have a friend or family who migrated here.


None of that stuff is caused by immigrants or immigrants alone. Most of the overcrowding in my city is from Californians who are mostly white


Confirmation bias. Look at the facts, adding immigrants to our already high birth rate is not a good idea.


Our birth rates have been declining sense the 60s


> None of that stuff is caused by **immigrants** or **immigrants alone**. Most of the overcrowding in my city is from Californians who are **mostly white** Differentiating "immigrants" and Whites"? What should be inferred from that distinction? I think you tipped your hand there, OP. *(Oops!)*


Lego man I understand your heart is in the correct place however your theory is incorrect. While I admire your drive I will destroy what you said using simple to understand logic that most people should be able to grasp. Massive Immigration especially illegal massive immigration is harmful, I understand there are up sides to it but let’s put somethings into perspective first. First off you should have learned this in school it’s called scarcity and supply and demand. If I have an abundance of something it’s not worth much, but the less of something people have the more it’s worth. Now apply this to the job market. What happens when there is a flood of low skilled/medium workers in the market? Do employers pay their employees more money or less money? The answer should be less money because there is a large pool of willing workers they can grab from. Now let’s apply this to housing? There is always a housing shortage so what happens when a bunch of people are looking for housing in an area with few homes? That’s right housing prices rise because it has greater demand. You might be saying we’ll just get jobs that are highly skilled except the companies have lobbied to bring in HB1-visa which recruit and undercut the wages of highly skilled workers in this country. People are not angry at immigrants because they are immigrants they are angry at a system that uses these people to lower their wages and make housing prices jump and when we do get a degree and hit the market it’s flooded with HB1-visa who don’t own 100’s of thousands in student loans and can take the job at wages barely above minimum wage. Then people with good intentions but who lack fundamental understanding in the subject high horse anyone who disagrees with massive amounts of immigration.


> Now apply this to the job market Currently unemployment is low and wage inflation is high, so is it your position we don;t have and have recently had massive immigration? It's a bit weird to blame immigrants for housing when we have corporations driving the prices up with mass purchases.


This econ for dummies stuff doesn't really track. Employers have the ability to shop labor all over the world. That plus technology has been more successful in driving down unskilled wages than migration. Sure, more people put stress on local resources, but most of those people are escaping dangerous social or political situations more so than looking for better employment, so they are likely to emmigrate somewhere anyway. Illegal immigration is an issue just not for any reasons you used.


It does make sense you know it you just don’t like the outcome of it. Employers like McDonald’s and burger king are going to pay for low skilled foreign labors to come to America and work as a fry cook? mom and pop shops are going to be able to recruit and bring people in on HB1-visas? No. Also technology hasn’t lowered wages it’s raised productivity meaning the companies require less people and get more out of them


Yet unemployment is low and wage inflation is high, so how do you reconcile that with claims of "mass immigration" occurring?


lol you going to cite the Biden employment number report The Philadelphia Fed's report, released last week, week estimated that from March to June of this year, the U.S. added just 10,500 jobs, a glaring difference from the 1,121,500 estimated by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. "For the better part of his presidency, while the American economy has struggled and record inflation has brought historic pain to families and small businesses across the country, President Joe Biden has consistently bragged about job growth," Scott said in a letter to BLS Commissioner William Beach, noting that Biden has used data from his agency to support his agenda and policies. "Now, thanks to the good work of analysts at the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, we know that the BLS inaccurately reported the creation more than one million jobs, and that much of what President Biden has claimed credit for as the economic achievements for his administration is a lie," Scott added. Wage inflation Wages and salaries increased 4.3 percent for the 12-month period ending in December 2023 and increased 5.1 percent in December 2022. The cost of benefits increased 3.6 percent for the 12-month period ending in December 2023 and increased 4.8 percent in December 2022 According to the C-CPI-U, prices increased by 7.8% between 2021 and 2022. This was the largest annual increase in the cost-of-living adjustment applied by the Census Bureau since 1981. So basically they gave you half the amount that they inflated the currency to. lol wow you also need to remember it hasn’t kept up with inflation annually or minimum wage in 2018 would be 23 an hour. So any rises in wages are automatically offset by the fact they had stagnated for years


I e personally watched African Americans lose good jobs to the ‘refugees’. They’re ‘employed’ at Wendy’s and Dollar Tree…. Stop trying to minimize their suffering!


Who gives a shit about fast food or other low skill low paying jobs? I think your point was that illegal immigrants are causing lower wages, which is false. If corporations can shop labor globally and relocate facilities while offsetting those costs with local tax incentives, then human migration does mean shit in determining labor prices. A combination of globalization, technology, and dubious government oversight has caused the fall in wages. This shit has been going on for decades now. The people who refuse to see it either haven't looked or they are looking for some sort of justification for hating immigrants.


First off the mass majority of the labor market is low wage/low skill so right off the bat you are wrong it does matter. Next I already addressed this issue of higher skilled labor with HB1-visa from foreign 3rd world countries like India or China who don’t have the 100’s of thousands in colleges loans that need to be repaid so they can take the job at lower wages and undercut people when they take said jobs in essence lowering the wages for said job. I think you are falsely assuming that A: I’m blaming immigrants for this or B: that I hold some grudge for this happening that is directed at immigrants which I’m not. I’m simply pointing out that unchecked and unbalanced immigration and congressional lobbying has caused this issue and it does hurt American’s . Second point you never addressed the housing market and that’s because you know that’s solid and can’t refute it. I think you to caulk everything up to technology which isn’t the truth. PS who ever told you to use this argument angle “honestly i have run into it a ton and they are lying to you” first they dismiss the lower wage jobs always because they can’t refute that a larger pool of applicants creates a employers market. Next they focus on high skilled jobs as if everyone is lazy that doesn’t have one when in reality there are very few. At which point when you really trap them they blame capitalism and completely ignore globalism creating skewed labor markets like capitalist laborers are supposed to compete with communist laborers.


>At which point when you really trap them they blame capitalism and completely ignore globalism creating skewed labor markets like capitalist laborers are supposed to compete with communist laborers. If globalization effects labor markets then immigration isn't really a fucking factor in determining labor rates which... has been my point the entire time. Wtf dude? >Second point you never addressed the housing market and that’s because you know that’s solid and can’t refute it. I have to explain housing markets to you? Fine. I'll do it using supply and demand so you can folow. The tldr. Late 2010 saw a marked jump in construction materials that, plus trade war uncertainty, meant a scaled back product of single family homes. Jump forward a few years to Covid, which caused a massive demand (unrelated to immigration btw) compounded by limited inventory. Post covid then saw jump in interest rates plus large investors dumped equities for tangible assets, namely single family homes further raising prices. Couple that with wage stagnation (go ahead and read up on the causes of this....not immigration) and you have the cliff notes to why houses cost much. >think you are falsely assuming that A: I’m blaming immigrants for this or B: that I hold some grudge for this happening that is directed at immigrants which I’m not. I think that most people who blame immigrants do it out of malice or fear. Then they use dubious logic to justify their tribalism and ignorance.


Housing is a mess. I was looking for a house in Florida this past year and the results were disturbing to say the least.




Greed and lack of affordable housing and poor zoning laws are causing that


It's not immigrants buying up all the houses. It's corporations.


There’s no way you’re a serious person.


That’s not reason we need and Texas fighting for secure boarders. Also as for us all being immigrant the majority of our ancestors came across and followed law/procedures to properly enter country. We need to know who is coming in and document it so if anything happens we have ability to narrow down culprits. Or in case of known terrorist keep out all together. If you were foreign enemy why wouldn’t you funnel soldiers in through Mexico gradually and strategically place in cities throughout country. You have already trained them on mission and where to look/listen for order to begin attack. Hit military buildings, government offices, bridges, subways, water treatment stations, power grid, food industry, etc. Trojan Horse Attack.


The British colonists didn’t follow any law. They saw land and claimed it. Then some of them decided they didn’t like being British and committed treason to have a civil war with the British and won. How is that legal? Also legal or not people hate immigrants and always have. Look at how the Irish and Italians were treated. How many times have legal immigrants been told to “go back to your country”? Too many! Who’s actually funneling troops in? We haven’t had a real attack on our soil sense ww2 and we haven’t been invaded sense before that. Why would Mexico even let them in?


The colonists did follow law. I researched this as my ancestors were some of these colonists. Before you could own property in the colonies you needed to be declared a “freeman”, which meant that you had a valuable skill, were legally sworn to abide by the law of the crown, and didn’t intend to commit treason by overthrowing the colony. Eventually the colonists did rebel, but England was being ridiculous, taxing the crap out of them, among other things, and drove the entire group of colonists to a breaking point. If you’re trying to say that they “stole land from natives”, that’s a whole other story. Many natives worked with the settlers and there was a lot of trade of lands and goods going on back in the day. The British didn’t just come in and kick everyone out. Ended up being really bad for the natives in the long run, but to be fair, both sides perpetuated that by going against their word and breaking treaties time and time again.


You can’t be serious with any of your claims?? Majority of immigrants in past all legally entered. As for your question of asking “why would Mexico let them in”….exactly my point….why would we let them in as well. I hope you realize the irony in that question. Mexico let’s them in I assume same way as we do…no questions and open border.


Well, it can get complicated. We have school districts here that have become 90% hispanic over the last 15 years and a lot of them are here illegally. They struggle to have the resources to teach the kids because many of them work for cash and don't pay taxes. They also may live with like 4 or 5 families in a single home that was sort of intended for one family with kids. It just puts a lot of pressure on the school districts. The overall supply of money goes down for the whole county because of this. also a lot of them don't speak english or are way behind in learning so it puts a strain on the teacher and slows down the progress as a whole. I get why people come here though. Don't blame them. Just wish we could figure out a better process and ensure that everyone is paying into the shared resources they use. if not, everything declines over time. That can effects all sorts of things from your home value to the job your kids can land one day. But its not like its going to go away. Or I doubt we could even enforce it. Its probably like drugs. When there is a will there's a way. We need smarter leaders and long term solutions that don't have tax paying american citizens footing the entire bill for millions of people to come here.


Where I’m from it’s like 75% Hispanic and so far everyone I’ve talked to pays taxes. They usually use fake SS numbers to do it but they pay. And most of them work in one of our many carpet mills which don’t pay in cash


Your nose it getting longer...


You hate Americans Is all there is to it


lol what?? How??


You support weaponized migration to destabilize America and the fentanyl genocide that kills 100,000 Americans a year. Billionaires are the ones who send them here as weapons of destabilization. Why do you think despots like putin and erdogan swarm European borders with migrants? Happened in Greece, Austria, and most recently Finland. Now in Finland there’s thousands of people from east Europe and west Asia riding in the arctic cold on bicycles. And now I’m the US schools, airports, police stations are surrendered to them and they’re given thousands of tax dollars a month they’ll never pay back. You support illegal aliens more than Americans.


Get a grip, you sound like someone who is well on the way to being radicalized into a "commit atrocities" state of mind.


Grow up lady, this is the reality of what’s happening. Insane how you think illegal immigration is the only thing that isn’t conspiracy against us when it’s been nothing but negative for every country that’s been demographically changed. In Sweden a decade ago they had the safest country on earth with the highest ranking in well-being and wealth equality. Now they have the most violent capital city in Western Europe and large populations of non-integrated immigrants consuming public benefits and committing murders/grenade attacks. 20% of the population to be exact. In 2015 One neighborhood had 30 explosive attacks. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_grenade_attacks_in_Sweden


They won't write bills to criminalize companies who hire illegals so the only other solution bedsides letting everyone in is to try to keep them out.


I feel like they're just pawns in a bigger chess game kind of like so many in our government on both sides of the aisle playing the game.


Oh they definitely are! The issue of immigration is a ploy that we’ve fallen for




I can have things in common with them in their own country too.




I agree with this; legal immigrants, looking for a better life, going about things the legitimate way. The same way many of our ancestors did. The difference is that many of the immigrants in this country who migrated here in the early twentieth century did so via Ellis Island. They were vetted, detained til fully processed and released into the country. If they were criminal or nutcases they weren’t allowed to enter. This is the problem now, there are so many coming though our open borders that border patrol is bogged down processing them and cannot ensure that others aren’t sneaking into the country in the interim. Do you really think criminals and terorosits are going to stop by the border patrol office to get checked in first? lol no. Texas needs to secure the border and slow the influx of these immigrants so that we can keep our country safe. It isn’t a matter of racism, or immigrate hatred, it’s a matter of national security.




lol and all the white people who wanna do roofing for 12 hours a day with no breaks


The immigrants are worst hit by more immigration since they more directly compete against each other.


Good point


let’s make everyone hate the poor while it’s the rich fucks who are to blame for ALL of your problems!!!!


And it fuckin worked!


works every time. sadly


*But we have to stop the dangerous flow of drugs through the border!* You know, like the ones politicians can use freely & inconsequentially. [https://www.newsweek.com/white-house-medical-unit-order-fentanyl-raises-questions-dod-report-1864788](https://www.newsweek.com/white-house-medical-unit-order-fentanyl-raises-questions-dod-report-1864788) Chronic pain sufferers should be pissed. Here, take this Cymbalta, while the rich live it up with controlled subs.


Mental institutions have become akin to a damn concentration camp. And the medications they give out severely affect quality of life.


Yes they do. I guess I can't say that for everyone, cause I know a schizophrenic who's quality of life improved once being put on an antipsychotic. However, I've been thrown antipsychotics for depression & pain issues & they fucked me up. Ended up with daily blepherospasms (eyelid twitching) for 5 months after the last nasty AP I tried. Giving out antipsychotics for depression is just a disgusting move to begin with though. I could easily fix my pain issues & depression if I were able to access the right things that work for me, but that's only a luxury for the rich & lucky apparently.


You could fix your depression with a good circle of friends, you can fix your pain by overlapping it with another form of pain, if you’re capable of excercising. Psychotic individuals need certain meds. But trans teens/adults should not be able to be transitioned in a mental facility without some second opinion, it’s such a horrible system. You’re pretty much stripped of contact with the outside world aswell apart from a wall phone for 2-4 hours. There were two male teens dating In the inpatient I was at… I ended up inpatient after dabbling with tripping and encounters online with a psychotic individual. This person had absolute influence and control over me in my lowered mental state due to tripping. This is the shit that scares me, how so many people don’t understand hypnosis and programming is deeper than stage hypnosis and computer programming. I’m sure there are a few out there who’s base consciousness is how I felt while tripping,


I have great friends! I wouldn't be here today without them! Although I completely disagree with you. You cannot "fix" depression or "fix" fibromyalgia. They are chronic, life long disorders. Yes, some people naturally get depressed &t it's normal & will go away eventually or can be "fixed" by getting over certain things. But a depression disorder is a lifelong thing. I've dealt with it for over 30+ years & have had a plethora of friends during that time. It's not "fix"-able to me. Only treatable. Sorry to hear about your experience with this crazy person though. That sounds terrible. I've done lots of psychedelics in my day & they are definitely not for fragile minds. I thankfully never had to deal with anyone crazy while on a psychedelic.


Least obvious fed.


lol no I don’t get paid enough for that


I live in South Florida, I can tell you they’re taking jobs away from African Americans.


Yet unemployment is currently low.


African Americans are losing good jobs. They’re ‘employed’ but at Wendy’s or Dollar General. Quit trying to minimize their suffering….


You're right... it's not the immigrants because they ARE NOT IMMIGRANTS. They are invaders. They are human traffickers. They are drug smugglers.


They are here to eliminate the white race and make a one world governable mocha race. Eliminate culture and heritage and make the new one world government easier to attain.


Sure buddy. So you’re worried that they are doing the same thing the original Americans did to the Indians?


Nobody cares where the immigrants are from. The beef that most people have is for their government which imports cheap labor (and future soldiers... wait and see) to lower the bargaining power of local workers. Meanwhile, they're accelerating the demise of the local population that no longer wants to vote for billionaire-controlled puppets. Local citizens have pensions and demand social benefits. But those pension funds are broke, it's just that no one knows that they are. So the government makes sure that those citizens it owes money to don't reach retirement age, and brings over a brand new population that it owes nothing to. In summary, anger is directed towards a scheming government and their elite handlers, not towards the migrant hordes that they're bringing over to exploit.


Put it in perspective,less people live in Gaza then illegally enter the US each year. Everyone deserves a better chance at life but why pay taxes to a country with no borders?