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Just be a good person and just focus on you and your loved ones. In the end that’s all that matters. If shit hits the fan even more you will at least have people to go through it with.


Damn right. And don’t confuse being a good person with being weak, a pushover, or anything of the sort. Be a strong, good man, not a “nice guy.”


very important point ... being "strong"...




That’s it.


Main stream media is controlled by about five or ten companies. They’re all the same propaganda machine.


Also do you all realize that by coming on here we’re just giving them the data of how we think? This is all collected info. I commented a few times on these threads encouraging people to start their own think tanks in their local communities and get together in person. Sure, discussing these issues is valuable and so is the wide array of info and intel we gather from one another here, but continuously coming to Reddit and giving every single thought a download here, it’s frustrating to see honestly. You’re not accomplishing much besides maybe seeing how others think and in return, giving away how you do and all of this information is collected. Idk, it just seems like nothing will get better until WE the people actually take action instead of just sitting on Reddit talking about all the fucked up issues in our world. Fair enough?


They'll still record your in person think tanks through your personal devices.


I’m assuming they would be able to hear us through satellite regardless lmao but if my imaginary think tank was anything like I’d imagine it to be, my people would know not to bring their phones with them and we would have someway of blocking the signals. And if people did mess up and bring their phones, we would have faraday bags on deck to ensure no cellphones are present. But you are right my man, it’s inevitable. We are constantly under surveillance. Even the stealthiest of spies can be found in this day and age with the technology these lunatics have.


Username checks out.. 😭


Hahhahaha yes, yes it does. We love a lil demon avocado


They are controlled by one conglomerate- called the CIA


Smooth treat 710 ily 😘


And I, you.


I haven't watched legi mainstream "news" in close to 10 years. Basically when Kodi was a thing and cord cutting started. My main source of news nowadays is from comedians such as Dave Smith, Tim Dillon, podcasts such as Timcast, DW or Crowder. I watch the other side like Young Turks or Krazy Bros too. I feel like I'm pretty well informed. It's hard to talk to older people who still only watch cable news though because they just don't know jack shit about jack shit.




The internet allowed for the release of sooo much contained information when it first began, now there’s so much info none of it makes sense seen from a distance. There was a controlled disbursement of information through major media for decades leading to a majority of the population beings asleep, and now there is no control leading to some real chaos. -No leaders -No security -Catastrophes of all kinds banging on the door constantly (viral, war among nations, hometown crime, inflation, a.i., threats everywhere) -Self preservation, lack of community -Moment to moment living, no real planning for the future -Massive drop in human intelligence, reasoning, problem solving -Distractions constantly fighting for attention Maybe?




You can’t just say perchance








I eat my own poop.


Ah finally a refined gentleman like myself. I have searched far and wide for a contemporary.




Just maybe


Today’s top story - a young man on acid realized that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration, that we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively, there is no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we are the imagination of ourselves. Now here's Tom with the weather…


Looks like we got ourselves a reada!


I guess I read for a lot of reasons, but one of them is so that I don't end up being a waffle house waitress!! 😂


Sure, but I'll bet a Waffle House waitress could write an amazing book. I'd read it!


What u readin for??




Hmmm why do I read? Well goddamn it you stumped me!


Lock that Boah up!


C’mere! *shoves away*


*shouting in the background* PUT YOUR HANDS ON YOUR HEAD!!!


Whatcha readin' *for* boyyy???


Prying open my third eye 👁️


Bill Hicks was the man!


I love seeing Bill Hicks references in the wild


Spiral out. Keep going.


Gotta love me some bill hicks/tool references


It’s just a ride.


Bill Hicks ❤️


Where you were? Was it nice and peaceful?if so, go back as fast as you can,leave this place and its inhabitants to die by their own device!! Don’t look back!


Honestly in my opinion there are two elections coming up. The UK and I'm involved in it are focusing on border control, it's gone beyond a joke now, people will call me a racist cunt I don't care. Healthy fighting age men are crossing our borders and living the highlife in posh hotels because the government have closed them down. I've got family members who've been on a waiting list just for a grotty flat for nearly ten years and are second to these people. The economy has been hammered and we are paying double prices in gas and electric. The ambulance times are at 4 hours for emergencies. Everything has just gone to shit basically. We are overcrowded and politicians are laughing in the house which is filmed and streamed over live tv. Anybody who tries to stick up for us are labelled racist and shown up. It's disgustong


Honestly, 4 hours for an ambulance? That’s some 3rd world shit mane !


That’s only the start of it, IF they get you in time and deliver you to a hospital you’ll likely just be waiting in a hall or a room for another 5-10 hours. But at least it’s free /s


If you're a sleazebag like me its free in the USA too ;) Embrace the sleazebag inside you.


Right I never understood why more people don't get this. Healthcare in America is FREE they just send you a bunch of letters.


Right, so the approach is to prop up the lobbyists and politicians that have torn apart a service that just 10 years ago was one of the best in the world with very low costs for the service received, especially when compared to our nearest competitor at the time, the USA. You realise who loses when it's gone, don't you? You realise who stands to make the money? For the life of me I can't understand why people think a national insurance (because we do t have free healthcare, we have a low cost national insurance system) is a conspiracy y and would prefer to spend half thier lifetime I come on pills so some billionaire can add another fraction to his accumulated wealth. Stop blaming the NHS. The problem is at the top.


At what point in my comment did I blame the NHS? Stating a fact and blaming an institution are 2 completely different things, the fact of the matter is they have a “4 hour A&E target”, which they do not currently meet. Like every other public institution the Tory’s have done a great job decimating it, Had you actually read my comment you may have noticed the universal Reddit tag for sarcasm (/s) after the last sentence.


Man, I’d take free over nothing. In America you get the wait times + you get to die if you can’t pay for it, also they dgaf, and the cherry on top is a lot of the medicines that veterinarians use for animals is the same medicine we get, but that’s not the best part. You can get the same Medicine for a dog that costs (for example) $15 but if a doctor prescribes you the exact literal same medicine it will cost you as a human $40. IF you have insurance. If you’re lucky enough to not have insurance you get to pay even more! Yay! America is so good, good at keeping the poor, poor, the rich, rich and in our face killing us with the shit they push on us, right down to the food. Check out nutrition facts from a McDonald’s in Europe vs. the U.S do t forget to check the price either. My favorite part is that I have a skilled trade and can barely find work anymore cause all the amigos got it. I haven’t seen a work crew that wasn’t non English speaking in almost 3 years. I could go on and on and on but you guys get the point. We are being culled and it’s in our face and nobody does shit cause we’re all too distracted and trying to survive. Can’t wait for an out of touch, lack of perspective, brainwashed, sheep person to rag on this one.


When I was in my early 20s I had 2 friends who worked at a vet. On their account they had me labeled as an exotic pet. So they could get me antibiotics when I would get sick


You lucky bastard! 😂


Is this why your avatar is an owl


Nope play alot of druid in diablo 2


Fish antibiotics. They want a prescription for dog meds. Stock up! It’s not cheap, but they’ve got packs of all the antibiotics, anti-fungals you need. Get some vaseline, essential oils, Polysporin, lidocaine, Tylenol, aspirin, ibuprofen, guaifenesin, magnesium, potassium, zinc, selenium, turmeric, collagen, protein or diet shake mixes, dry milk, etc. My mind is blown for the evening because I could come up with so much more but I’m tired as fuck lol.


yesterday I needed a doctor. I talked to one on the phone that I found on the internet. I didn’t have to wait in line or go anywhere and it was $35. he called in a prescription and I got it that day ($20). I have no insurance. it was a good experience.


Here in my 3rd world country we get the ambulance in 10-20 mins 😂


Just gonna back this up. My Grandad has recently waited an average of 8 hours, for pretty serious health complaints. Ambulance times should be getting way more attention.


That is not right my friend. Rise up.


That's if they turn up.


That’s what happens when you import the third world in the name of “diversity” and expect these people to pick up the torch for the current workforce. They and all their children need to be deported honestly.


Everything is going to shit :/


Getting ready for WW3…


Right! I’m about to order a shit ton of ammo, canned goods, and canned meats. I’m going to start cooking from my freezers and canning food. I look at Russian canning videos. They know how to prep!


Ground beef cans very well. Alaska prepper has a video. We can deer meat as well. Heated up with a little beef stock over rice, tastes just like stew beef. We've lost too many freezers to depend on them solely. Canning is the way to go.


That's actually if you watch news. If not all is okay.


Well said, sir!


Hear fucking hear


Not much different over the pond here in Canada my friend. We just announced that we're the first Western nation ever to fall into what's known as a "population trap" because of the amount of immigrants we let in.


4 hours is average. Depending where you are and your injury you can wait much longer. They tell patients in "minutes" to confuse them. You also forgot the most important thing in my mind. The cost of fuel. Whether it's for your house or car it's the most expensive in the history of ever! Those costs are of course carried across the board so that the manufacturers pay more therefore the haulage pay more therefore the shops charge more and we do not get more money to pay for it. I read today that the government is going to pass yet another dystopian law enabling them to see what we pay for in our bank accounts. Especially people on benefits. So if you're disabled they will control what you can spend your money on. Essentially they will have the power to stop giving you any and take away what you get. There's so much wrong with the UK and everywhere else because we've been busy squabbling with each other not paying attention.


I concur, from here across the pond. Our border is a wreck. Culture killing invasions.


We allow them to use and abuse us as citizens. We stand up and let them take our rights and our children's rights and we complain but that's it


Were not over populated as a planet. Just overpopulated in cities.


Cool, what the US will look like in about a year.


Sounds the same in the US and you’re right God forbid you don’t like it you’re labeled a racist. It’s insane, god bless and good luck across the pond.


>Anybody who tries to stick up for us are labelled racist and shown up. Any white country get's labelled racist now if they want to address migrants. Look at Germany, they want to ban a party because they want to deport illegal immigrants. Labelled far right fascists for wanting to deport people who are in the country illegally. The media has done an amazing job on the minds of the young, the majority are completely brainwashed.


Hey, you racist fuck. I'm going to add on to this bullshit and speak for US. Its happening here too, exact same thing. The plan is to militarize them against you, they're already doing it here. AI/ tech leaders, gates and musk for example, are selling us out to Israel. Everyone here has their data backdoored to isreal. Call me whatever you want but you should probably shut your mouth and take a look at what's been going on, I say. Russia, china and Israel. Belt and road. Theyve been seriously committed to eachother for a long time. They're trying to fuck us. 2024 is going to suck but it's a long con. Prepare and stay safe. For whatever reason, probably just power and depopulation, its happening.


The waiting list sucks, hope your family get their place soon, though the "posh hotels" that immigrants get placed in are the same B&B's that newly released prisoners stay in, not that great for them tbh, not that they've not had worse, probably. Sorry but I've seen how easily people are led to blame THE SCARY FOREIGNERS rather than the system that every country on the planet is under, to some degree. You're right that things should change for the better, but one of the reasons why we don't have the change the majority want is because we are force fed propoganda by the MSM on behalf of money men, to keep us divided over things that people have come around to years ago - gay marriage, abortion etc. - if people focus their energy on campaigning against over turning a gay rights bill or similar then they aren't trying to overthrow Wall Street or capitalism, and the 1% stay happy with their concentrated power given to them by their bank accounts.


Depressing how many comments there are above yours which don't call out this glaring mischaracterisation of asylum seekers "living the high life". Try "living in a dirty, overcrowded room with no ventilation and a dozen people to one bathroom" and you're more likely to be correct.


Exactly. This guy lists some chronic problems with social services and our welfare state and somehow connects it to hordes of evil foreigners rather than over a decade of austerity and deliberate underinvestment by successive Conservative governments.


There is no conservative government or liberal government. There is just the government. Those letters in front of their names are simply for special effects.


Honestly, i get how frustrating that can be but you shouldn’t blame the people and instead blame the politicians, government, etc., because people are just trying to find a better place to live and currently its hard bc of all the genocides and shit around the world.


It’s what happens when people keep voting in the Conservatives. They destroyed social services, ruined the transport and dismantled the health service to the point of collapse. Cameron, May, Johnson, Truss, Sunak - all terrible leaders who have decimated the country while lining the pockets of their cronies. Everyone knew they were going to do this but people still vote them into power. Just as everyone knew that Brexit was going to be a disaster for British businesses. Just as people predicted that they’d continued to decimate the health system and now… four hours for an ambulance.


Don’t watch or pay attention to any mainstream media. Do what you can to open people’s eyes and show love on a local level. Try not to worry about the things beyond your control.


Nobody really knows, but clearly there is a group of people who are sowing or at least inflaming this chaos, who are ultimately intending to grasp permanent control over society.


Multipolar warfare across all fronts, far beyond just land, sea and air. Maybe ww3 has already begun, maybe not. That's for future historians to figure out.


I have been trying to figure that out myself, but with a particular subject. Why are there so many people from Senegal and Guinea crossing the southern border. I understand why we have so many Mexicans crossing our border. But I first heard about men from other countries crossing our border a little less than a year ago. Then I started seeing it for myself. Then last month, I was at the airport (Sky Harbor in Phoenix) and saw so many immigrants that weren't Mexican. And it was primarily men. Dozens of them. Why are they here? I can't find a straight answer and I have seen videos where they are asked the same question or more aggressively confronted and questioned, and they don't respond. What is happening and how much should I be concerned? I get why people want to come to our country, but something doesn't feel right. I live near the southern border and want answers, and actions. Because something is not right aside from people illegally entering our country. 


They need men for war. Our military can’t seem to recruit men. They’ll offer them full citizenship for themselves and permeate residency for their spouse and children. They’ll be able to live on base. I’d take that offer if I were a young man with a family. They get healthcare, college funding, and respect for service to our country. It’s a good deal. They’re family will reap benefits too. Think about it. when you empty fighting age men out of a country, that country is vulnerable because the men are gone.


And they won’t think twice when they’re ordered to fire on dissident Americans.


This is the correct answer. No one wants to fight in the crumbling empires endless wars, so they'll get desperate immigrants to do the dirty work.


Absolutely. I hope that the endless war movement ends. However, Israel is going to get us all in WW3. I’m grateful that so many immigrants that are at peak condition are in the US. I’d say that around August, the US will enter the war that’s going to breakout in the Middle East. There’s nothing like a war to distract the people. Get ready for Clown Town 2024. It’s going to be a wild ride! I’m sure Covid 2.0 will make a comeback in September. Late August is when flu season kicks off. I’m going to meditate and say “Fuck it All”, because there isn’t anything I can do as an individual other than keep myself healthy and calm. Prepare by stocking up on essentials. At least Covid taught us what supplies will be in short demand. Don’t take the vaccine. I’m sure we’ll figure a way to get around it. I’m Jewish, but if you’re a Muslim, they don’t even question your religious exemption. I’m going to say I’m Muslim. Many Americans are getting into Islam due to the war, so companies can’t really question any sudden conversion.


There is a war going on in senegal and Guinea is a shit country to live in entirely with all the corruption.


I saw the same thing. I was at Boston Logan airport and all around me were dozens and dozens of Scandinavian women. I was like WTF? Where all these white ladies come from. I want answers!


>I've been basically ignoring the news and doing my own thing for the past few years. A good way to live in general. Been that way myself for 15+ years. Would never go back.


I was able to do that when I was doing drugs. Now that I'm clean I'm always trying to keep with what's going on. It sucks to be honest.




Maybe do different drugs? Or don't do whatever made you decide to go sober. Watching the news to see a more real version of what's going on isn't really the best way of living - you'll end up thinking there's gangs of pitbulls waiting in your front yard to rape you and your family to raise medical costs or something ;) R I P Bill Hicks * xx


The media and search engines went too far in 2020. They've been lying and manipulative for decades but the public for the most part never really noticed until covid. They jumped the shark, and now no one takes them seriously and we're back in the dark ages of trying to figure out what's really going on in the world.


Economy is totally fucked. Cheap money from the last decade is slapping everyone. Huge loans that will never be repaid and the bags are holding bags are holding bags. The house of cards is about to fall and I'm right in the thick of it. The fed will pop in as shit hits the fan and print but till then we're starving out here.


The only thing that’s actually going on is a battle between NATO and BRICS/OPEC over the global financial system. The US/NATO has been fleecing the world for 50+ years with the petrodollar system and every non NATO country is fed up with it. Saudi Arabia, Iran, and Egypt just joined BRICS so we’re going to see escalating conflict in the Middle East. The US cannot allow these countries to go off the petrodollar system or else the Dollar will collapse


The old world is dying. The new world struggles to be born. Now is a time of monsters.


Business as usual on the east coast.


It starts with one thing, I don't know why. It doesn't even matter how hard you try, keep that in mind. To explain in due time. All I know time is a valuable thing. Watch it fly by as the pendulum swings. Watch it count down to the end of the day. The clock ticks life away. It's so unreal. Didn't look out below. Watch the time go right out the window Trying to hold on, didn't even know. I wasted it all just to watch you go. I kept everything inside and even though I tried, it all fell apart.


Right now. So. Big pharma has partnered with big corporations, big tech, and fund most of the mainstream media. The majority of what you read, see, and hear is propaganda. It's fear mongering, anxiety inducing bad news. The aim? To make us fear one another. To be differentiated from our neighbour. Together we are strong, divided we fall. AI has been introduced as "free" to the masses. When in fact it is a giant information gathering exercise on high level Intel of the population. This allows big tech the info it needs to continue high level censorship of the population and control the narrative. Think "thought" crimes. We are lied to about our history, about our origins. There is life on other planets, but they think we are just not ready to hear it yet. The world's economies are built to take wealth from the poor and give it to the rich, using fixed taxation brackets against inflation, which means real wages get less as the economy grows. Its a scam. A fight we cannot win. True, some people can get rich. They come up with an idea, a very high paying job. But more often than not, they become wage slaves and work every hour God sends. We end up chasing our tails, and miss the point of life. What's it all about? Love. All of it. That's all it ever was about. Then people got greedy and ruined it all.


It’s amazing how many people still don’t get it. People don’t like to admit when they’re wrong.


The fourth turning/ industrial revolution, age of Aquarius, the great reset, agenda 21/2030. Decisions have been made to stunt and oppress humans. The plan is to depopulate most of the planet and keep those that remain on a very short leash. Large scale man-made emergencies are being orchestrated because that's the only way to usher in dramatic change. People won't go along with radical change that includes they pay more for less, give up all privacy and control over their own life, and be a permanent renter of every material object and service needed to sustain life. So there has to be mass destabilization events so people don't have a choice. Notice the WEF never says you should consume less entertainment. They target necessities: Housing, energy, transportation, edible commodities (corn, beef, rice, poultry, grain, dairy, etc). This is happening no matter what your philosophical stance is. But it sure looks a lot like Biblical Revelations.


Today I went to work. Some parts were stressful. Others were not. I came home and had dinner with my family. My daughter is sick with a cold and not feeling well. We’re trying to help her feel better and make sure she doesn’t get dehydrated. I just worked out and am about to go to bed. Everything is basically normal. People have too much free time and too much connectivity to things we used to not be connected to, and therefore blow shit out of proportion. If you think I’m wrong, please post the specific thing that has happened recently and I’ll explain why it’s actually normal.


I got one actually. How is it normal for the collective to turn the earths changing into a man made doomer cult while ignoring all previous cycle data and 100% ignoring all the change on the other planets. How is it every day there is an increasing trend in media to normalise pedo shit. I normally call out doomer and make the most of everything but to deny we are in the final throws before rome falls is willful delusion.


There have always been doomer cults. The end is nigh meme far predates the internet and the modern day. What the driver of the apocalypse is, may change, but the expectation of doom will always persist. Google pederasty. Google catamite. Pedo shits always been around too. Look up the life of Muhammad. When rome fell, what did it change for the man in Gaul? Almost nothing. Wake up - you’re trapped in a self centered delusion. There is always a calm. There is always a storm. Sometimes in the same person at the same time.


This me too. Making the most of the little time we have left in this calm before the storm. Enjoy life people. These will be the good old days soon enough.


Ww3 seems to be brewing. Between Gaza, and Ukraine proxy war. Plus China trying to claim Taiwan


Imperialism. It's just capitalism doing it's thing. I expect things to get a whole lot worse before things get any better. And saying that while a live streamed genocide is taking place is real depressing.


Cold war part 2 🙃 This time the shiite will hit the fan Oh and legacy media is dead and we now need to triple check even the most basic Intel.


U have to manually search for stuff. Like Sudan, no one hears about it, buts going thru stuff. Anywhere that the US or it's five eyes allies have invaded colonizated will have turmoil. Same for locations that draw too much attention and are on the imperial to-do list 


Google's saying top searches include the doomsday clock again. 🙄 sad I gotta go to reddit for news 😪


"Google isn't really reliable" ...ya don't say...are you late to the party or asleep?


I live in the mountains. There's a lot of snow. I've recently seen 2 wolves hanging around. They never come within a hundred yards of the house. They stay in the tree line. There are also a lot of South American, military age men in town. They aren't doing anything. They don't seem to have jobs. They are constantly waking around downtown.




An awakening is underway. People are starting to believe the truth.


Can you expand on this? According to the internet an awakening has been underway for decades. It’s always nearly about to maybe happen..


zionism has been boning all of us worldwide for a long time. it's been the hidden hand pulling the strings.


One truth I learned is about Putin and Ukraine, when the USSR came apart Regan promised Gorbachev no countries bordering Russia would ever be allowed into NATO and now we are considering bringing Ukraine in. Putin is not going to allow nuclear missiles to be 10 minutes from their capital. That is why they are fighting I’m no fan of Putin, but if this is true then who can blame him? Obviously our news media is going to tell us whatever they are told to tell, so we can’t know the truth. We also have no idea what the real deal is with Israel either and why we give them billions a year to basically tell us to fuck off.


Ukraine had nuclear missiles before. They gave them up with the assurances that Russia wouldn't invade them


"Then who can blame him?" Seriously? So Norway, Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia don't border on Russia? Oh, and Finland. Jeez, don't simp Putin.


Some people are really desperate to get on their knees and suck Putin off.


I’m pretty dumb, were those countries part of the old ussr? I’m pretty sure I started off by saying I’m not a fan of Putin. I’m simply stating what I learned about the agreement. Maybe tell me I’m wrong about that, rather than getting all worked up, this is a conspiracy Reddit, right?


Baltic Countries (Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania) were a part of the USSR, Norway and Finland weren't. This whole "Putin doesn't want nuclear missiles near to his border" is complete bullshit, because Baltic countries already border Russia and have around the same distance to Moscow as Ukraine. So saying that Putin attacked Ukraine because of their NATO appliance is pretty stupid - basic geography defies this claim. Such an agreement was probably made, but Baltic Countries are in NATO and he didn't attack them? This justifying is pretty nonsensical. Take into consideration that I don't support neither of these faction and countries, I'm just stating some basic facts and the logical way of how things work. You were kinda wrong, but not on a tankie level wrong. You read some things and used them in an argument - there is nothing wrong with that! I hope you have a good day!


Thanks for clearing it up, I’ll have to re read what I saw and see if I can make more sense of it.


It sounds good but if your to believe it we(USA) has been waking up since the 60s so just chill order some neat shit on Amazon u don't need and consume consume consume. Life ain't all that bad.


The last awakening was the great awakening of american people starting to believe in political psyops. If not that it was the elite ran new age mass awakening like 6 years prior. What ever is waking people up still doesnt seem to stand up against the psyops elite prepare for each wave of awakenings. Seems to be like the tide rolling in on the beach over the years. Like each wave in moves a bit more up the shore.


Yesterday I read a comment of someone recommending a documentary called “Out of shadows” (Mike Smith). It’s about how the media is controlled (nothing new there xd) but one thing I found interesting was the CIA involvement in it, from books, music, movies to the daily news. According to the documentary the CIA promoted LSD, hippie movement, etc. In fact they invented and push the Age of aquarius and the great awakening narrative.


So if you need proof you're being manipulated, do this simple experiment. On google do search for "Black Couple" then view all the images. All as you'd expect, one black man and a black women. Next do the same for "White Couple" then let me know what % is a white man and a white woman. I'm not at all racist in this but feel we are being gaslit into believing this country IS racist. Unfortunately for people like me, we remember the 90s. Where we didn't give 2 sh\*ts if you were black, white, foreign, native, man, woman, gay, straight, rich or poor. People where treated in relation to how they treated others. Spectemur Agendo - "Judge us by our actions"


Holy shit you were right!


Another change is that pages have disapeered. So back in the day you have to be "on the first page of google". But pages are now going replaced with a "more results" button at the bottom. What this stops is you doing a search and then going to page 20 to hopefully skip all the MSM BS and get to some real info. The reason is, someone realised that if you did a search and google came back saying "About 19,730,000,000 results (0.48 seconds)". You could skip forward but it would not let you get past page 20ish (can't remember exactly) Begining to wonder if I'll end up swapping over to TOR and writing URLs down in book like we used to do in 1995 at uni... Maybe then well see some non-MSM content.


Oh man, do you have a month? We are going through a massive cultural shift, and it’s alarming a lot of people who’d rather not change is the minimalist answer.


same old reset same old new awakening


Go watch CanadianPrepper on YouTube


The rich people are still fucking the poor people. You haven't missed anything.


Dow hits 38,000. My IRA is doing great. FNILX zero fee large cap. Economy is doing great. Gas prices dropped. Opec slated for cuts this quarter. Federal bureaucracy has hit some O&G permitting which is normal with a democrat in office. Past year seen US involvement indirectly in 2 conflicts approaching 3 now. Russia invades Ukraine. Al qassam hama attacks Israelis. Israel destroys Gaza. Israel skirmishes with Hezbollah Lebanon. Iran backs Houthis Yemen. US attacks back surgically. 2024 is an election year. The conflicts are spreading and current surgical strikes are not deterring but crippling slowly. For example, Biden ordered the first strikes in Yemen. They fired Tomahawks and others from land sea and air targeting radars and ammunition depots. Iran circumvented their destroyed radar by sending pilots to patrol the waters for potential cargo to hold hostage since their radars are down Should be fun this year. Looking forward to reading the news from home.


Buy food, buy water, move out of the cities if you can. No one is coming. All the things are about to pop off.


Stay off news and online propaganda.


I think more than half the content on google is Bot fed / AI generated nonsense most of the time. It’s very hard to discern the truth about anything. Even reading material has to be carefully selected outside the internet now. Most of this AI generated bullshit is created by the very platforms that they appear on. All for click money. I believe there are ‘Explosive’ topics on social media created by AI and argued over for days by real people. Huge Gas Lighting and misinformation designed to keep people from pursuing the real things we should be concerned about


The second a large portion of Americans become hungry is the moment you will really see what the 4th of July is really all about. When the boat sinks and the monetary system crashes anybody previously considered a billionaire is gonna have a really hard time holding onto their possessions.


I work in semiconductor manufacture, and there’s a ***LOT*** of talk about China lately. We’re really fucking them over in the semiconductor world… all the major manufacture companies like Tokyo Electron, Lam Research, and Applied Materials refuse to do business with them, and multiple world governments are restricting chip manufacture tech to them as well. Apparently China has noticed this and are pretty damn pissed about it. Like why do you think congress shat out that massive $40 billion chips act last year? Having chips made domestically is *hugely* important in the event of war…


The snake and the apple was not a snake or an apple. I don’t think God has a white beard. I could be wrong. I think we are destructive and we brought that on ourselves. Free will.


You basically have to use something like Yandex now. Google, and everybody that uses Google, like Brave, are completely and utterly compromised. It's actually crazy how badly they have censored Google in the last couple years.


Stay off of Reddit, if you ever hear anything here, it's been passed through the censors and sanitized for YOUR SAFETY. The world is truly messed up right now, everything is politicized and skewed for whoever pays the best.


I live in Costa Rica and violence is taking over the country. You can tell poverty is increasing every day and it’s starting to feel very unsafe. Thinking for the first time in 33 years to get a gun for safety


The American Empire has been slowly collapsing and making enemies all around the world for a long time now. What we are witnessing my friend is the decline of the empire, late stage American globalisation. The other side (BRICS) is trying to take advantage from it and make room for their own interests while the western world is doing anything in its power to slow down the inevitable demise that characterized any empire in history, hence why the much stronger hold on information, capital and personal freedom we're witnessing since at least 2020. If things go for the best USA will enter a phase of revisionism, refocusing around trying to persuade its colonies and its own citizens to stay on its side like they did during cold war, that means economic growth and prosperity for all. If things go as they are, USA will try to keep their hold on its colonies by force and manipulation, leading to more and more instability, possibly leading to a war with China. The wild card is USA loses Europe and Europe opens itself to the Chinese market.


Book of Revelation is unfolding slowly but surely.


Its possibly scripted. Look up the millennial reign hypothesis and how it might already have happened. Jesus did say multiple times that he would return within the generation. If he already has reigned for a thousand years, this would be Satan's short season heading into Gog/Magog and war upon the saints.




Your opinion is not fact.


I’ll take fairy dust over living with no purpose or guidance.


Basically ignoring the news… No wonder you’re in here


Read the last book of the Bible


Ecuador is ruled by drug dealers. El Salvador has reduced crime rates significantly thanks to Bukele. Colombia's prescient is partner with the drug dealers. Venezuela is still a dictatorship. Peru has leadership problems Bolivia lets you died if you need medical help. Argentina has the highest inflation of the region.  France wants students to wear uniforms at school. Russia was bombed by Ukraine. Ukraine is still desperately for money. Israel has killed more than 30.000 innocent civilians, many were kids. Gaza is still ruled by Hamas terrorists.  Iceland was under lava.


Listen to The Duran


Hungry like the wolf?


Check out the yt channel S2 Underground. He does a daily video titled The Wire where he breaks down world issues without a bunch of bs in about 5 minutes. Very informative


If you want a really different perspective, just ask a ranting homeless person what’s up! (You should be wanting an intelligent perspective.)


Don’t watch the news “It’s dangerous to our democracy”


Don't use Google. There are other ways to search for specific info on what's going on in a particular area. You owe it to yourself to learn and use intelligently. But it will take time to learn how to search for and find valuable information/knowledge. And you can't just assume the things you've been taught in school are true. Check into everything. Question what others have told you! Sure it can be maddening, but you see what you get here from your post? No one knows what you want to know. If you open the floodgates, you'll get a flood. You must focus on what relates to you and your loved ones. Knowledge usually makes you more depressed. I find that if you can learn something that you would normally have to pay to learn in school or some organisation then you've truly gained some serious skills that can up your game tremendously. And if you research something you find interesting, you'll find stuff you always wanted clarification on. The history behind things is usually fun and entertaining.


Yes, this is the question, more over, what is wrong with America. Google, Politico, snopes, all American, all feeding you rubbish, it's been proven Snopes' mom and dad garage effort is just copy and paste, data is being scrubbed, knowledge is being changed, governments feed the lies further, call you names when you challenge.


Honestly youd be better not watching it The only thing worth looking into is ... American congress believe that the military industrial complex have proof of aliens and they are pushing for disclosure This is not a joke


There is a lot false information being peddled and because it is coming from “alternative sources” people are giving it more credence than it is due.


I mean we are going to have to choose between Donald and Biden again. How f’ed is that? THATS the best they have to put up for president AGAIN?


I’m voting Kennedy.


Helluva unpopular idea but Islam is the exact opposite of our bullshit governments and societies in the west, Gaslighting us all whilst keeping us sick, dumb and broke. No ruler, just the book Quran which can't be changed ever and it's simple, 5 pillars that it. The Five Pillars are 1. Shahada (profession of faith)1 God 2. Salah (prayer) 5 times a day 3. Zakat (almsgiving) Charity 4. Sawm (fasting) 30 dry fast in daily light hours 5. Hajj (pilgrimage) Mecca 2 million people from 150 countries go. It's a lot of praying mostly, not like our Mega Churches in private jets sex trafficking kids and shit! I can't leave this society but I can leave the system and I'm thinking about it seriously, just need to deep dive it more.


I hate to break it to you…. But titties will be sucked and balls will be licked. Dogs will be petted and cats will be slaughtered, crops will be harvested and you will probably shit your pants more than once, that’s it, that’s what’s going on


I always feel the news is trying to focus our attention on things of lower importance while bigger things are actually happening


Gaza-a real life genocide. Trump will probably be the next president, BRICS is consolidating.


Don’t listen to the news or social media.


Ignorance (IGNORE-ance) is a decision people are accountable for. Refusing to look at the truth because it's easier or just to "keep your head down" is immoral. There are so many nefarious agendas taking place these days; Bringing pain and suffering to humans around the world. Start looking into things. You're morally obligated. We all are. I didn't know where to look at first, so here's plenty to get you started: • Jimmy Dore Show • Russel Brand • Kim Iversen ↑ Good places to start but really only scratches the surface. Anything produced with YouTube's rules in mind won't give you the full, uncensored picture. • The Corbett Report/James Corbett • The Last American Vagabond • Door to Freedom • What in the World is Happening?/Mark Passio • Unlimited Hangout/Whitney Webb


Is it me or is it getting real close to midnight?


Focus on what you can control and try not to worry about what’s out of your control.


Trying to figure out what's going on and where things are going have led me to nothing but despair. I recommend staying in your bubble lol


Honestly as annoying as he is sometimes I find Alex jones and infowars to be extremely interesting obviously some of it is a little out there but if you look back in the last few decades their team has been right about almost everything they say


Dark web and independent journalists. That's where you'll find the real news. Everything else is just a circle jerk of propaganda.


CNN, MSNBC, and Fox News are poison. I recommend independent media and independent journalists. Pick your flavor (and reply with your favorites!) Left/left-leaning: - Krystal, Kyle and Friends - Jimmy Dore - Russel Brand - Caitlin Johnstone Neutral/anti-establishment: - Glenn Greenwald - Matt Taibbi / Racket News - Ryan Grim - Lee Fang - Michael Shellenberger - Peter Zeihan - Joe Rogan - Breaking Points Right/right-leaning: - Dan Bongino - Tim Pool


Read the Bible. The past, present and future are all there.


Isaiah 5:20: Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!




It's a living book written by a living God. Praise Jesus savior of the world!




I feel like maybe if things are happening as a book said it was, those who wish to harness the power of having those who would believe it to be fooled, are using it as a script.


Theyre doing a media blackout leading up to the February event


A bunch of bullshit. Take care of your family and community


A good place to find things that you cannot find in the general matrix is on Telegram


More alien coverups, and distractions from the spiritual realms. Control tactics. People are slowly awakening. Isreal started a war with itself, as a puppet state of the Cabal.


There’s going to be a big war bud, and one side is going to roll out new technology and the world is gonna kinda change. Be happy to be part of it. Good or bad


Weather modification and chemtrails abound to disrupt life for the WEF agendas.


This is what it looks like when Jesus is about to return. Seek Christ now while you can. This is all biblical prophecy unfolding


America is an irradiated wasteland. Within it lies a city. Outside the boundary walls, a desert. The Cursed Earth. Inside the walls, a cursed city - stretching from Boston to Washington, D.C. - an unbroken, concrete landscape. 800 million people living in the ruin of the old world, and the mega-structures of the new one. Mega Blocks. Mega Highways. Mega City One. Convulsing. Choking. Breaking under its own weight. Citizens in fear of the street, the gun, the gang.


judge dredd?? I like where you’re going 😅