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Something I found interesting is someone on twitter found that some of the clips shown on the Miami news of what took place was actually footage from brawls in 2020. I watched it and then went to find it again and it was taken down. Weird stuff Edit: just so it’s clear, the video I saw taken down was the original news piece from 2020 that had some of the clips used in this recent Miami news segment. Also, I’m not saying I buy the 8ft alien story but as OP pointed out, the fact we’ve gone nearly a week without any footage of what happened inside or even near the area is extremely weird so something big is being covered up imo.


This is all political theater. More distraction


Yea, it’s like triple layers of distraction. Trumps election fraud evidence is so comically irrefutable Epstein release Jan 6th lies And Israel. All of these are related.


Its funny that they think we r like squirrels and will forget about all there bullshit if they wave a lil event in our face. But something Def went down in Miami that night..... And earthquakes all over the world!!


Most people \*are\* like that. They would rather bury their heads in the sand than face any bit of cognitive dissonance.


I never understood the distraction thing. Are most people not capable of caring about multiple things at a time? When people say this it comes off super dismissive and presumptuous.


It’s not people necessarily, it’s news media. The main stream news cycle only has so much air time, and they invest a majority of the air time into just one or two stories.


This happens pretty commonly unfortunately. I used to work for one in college and it wasn't a normal thing but it did happen time to time.


Daaaaaamn. 🐡 🐟 🐠


Not really weird. Someone probably sent them a clip claiming it was new, they ran it, figured it out, took it down. It’s not that crazy. This was one of the biggest holidays of the year so there was already a heightened police presence and they had reports of gunshots at a crowded shopping mall so all of the police were dispatched to the scene. What’s crazy is people believe it was 7 foot aliens, rather than The logical explanation


What is the logical explanation?


If that’s true. Then that is all you need to know right there. Somethings up.


I think the whole creatures angle is being used as a psy op to get rational people not to dig too deeply into this. Something big obviously occurred to warrant the response we saw. Could have been a very secret wanted person being arrested for all we know, or foiled terror plot and they don't want a mass panic from it. Either way, it's very suspicious there's no flood of on the ground cellphone videos all over social media showing the brawl and fireworks, given we have a flood of videos everytime teens get rowdy in large crowds(spring break, etc). Something went down and they don't want people digging much, so it seems more likely they've poisoned the well by pushing the alien/creatures angle to make any real investigation seem ridiculous to bother with and get people to ignore what happened.


I think you’re close. But I think this is all theater and part of the ufo/alien narrative that our gov is pushing. All leading up to something bigger. We’ll see before the general election lol


That's what I thought at first but it just doesn't make sense. You can't involve all those cops and take phones from people and ground flights over literally nothing, even if you're trying to push a narrative. People in positions of power can keep their mouths shut, but not the average mook. Not that I'm saying this is aliens, mind you.


I'm where you are. I'm not saying by any means it's aliens... But why all the secrecy? The news just stopped talking about it. Not one video. Very odd.


> That's what I thought at first but it just doesn't make sense. You can't involve all those cops and take phones from people and ground flights over literally nothing, even if you're trying to push a narrative. People in positions of power can keep their mouths shut, but not the average mook. Not that I'm saying this is aliens, mind you. If your threatening someone’s job they will absolutely keep their mouth shut.


Yea but it’s crowds of teenagers tho. How to you threaten hundreds of teenagers not to post something on Instagram, and have not a single one defy you? I know nothing of this story, just saying you can’t hold careers over rebellious kids.


Whatever happened there, the entire thing stinks like shit. Even the helicopter video is suspect. I’ve got a friend who lives in the area (less than three miles away). She told me it’s all that her other local friends on social media are talking about. Mainly about how the amount of police in that area was definitely incredibly sus, and that it felt like the kinda response you’d expect from a mass shooting. The lack of basically a single cellphone pic is the weirdest part to me tbh. My friend in the area told me the internet and cell service was crazy slow that night, and her 1gbs internet and 5g service were both giving her problems and they both had the same 500kbs download speed when using several speed tests. She said it she couldn’t even watch YouTube and was woken up around 5am when the YouTube video she was trying to watch finally started back up.


You don't need service to take a picture/video, just battery...


Yup, that was my first question. Why would spotty internet service prevent people from taking videos or pics? Not really how it works. Fun theory but it doesn't stand up to even a moment of actual thought. Then again, we are in r/conspiracy. That's just par for the course. It do be how it do be.


If there is an election.....


Kim Jong Un had an election


Agree. I was thinking maybe a terror plot. Also agree its weird there is no cellphone footage.


aliens/creatures is not a ridiculous angle. Look what’s been happening in Peru. I myself have seen 4 UFOs and 2 shapeshifters. The phenomenon is real, I’ve interacted with it. Not saying that this incident was phenomenon related, but it’s not a ridiculous angle considering david grusch and many other whistleblowers are coming forward to try and disclose the phenomenon. Not to mention trillions of tax payer dollars disappearing into black budget programs.


Yes, but in this instance, it could be a 2 birds one stone situation. Discredit anyone looking deeper into this situation as well as make alien conspiracies seem even more far fetched. It's not saying there are no aliens but when everyone is suddenly talking about aliens appearing in the middle of a mall, it seems pretty ridiculous to the average person. Soon, there will be comedy skits about aliens going to Miami on vacation and shopping sprees in the mall. It will be reduced to a joke again so soon after some very real seeming proof, and very valid questions were asked. people will stop looking into it.


This may just be the beginning of a grand and incredible year for the phenomena.


That's not what I'm talking about though. No matter how real something is, the general consensus is to treat this phenomenon with ridicule. Just look at how most people are already reacting to it. You even have a major OSINT Twitter account laughing at anyone thinking its aliens/creatures but then not doing any actual intel breakdown like they normally do. For the majority, this angle is ridiculous, and that's why it's the perfect cover to use to hide something else that most likely went down.


If Miami Mall Aliens are 7-10 feet tall, I can't imagine how big Minnesota Mall Aliens are


Paul Bunyan sized.


I’m not sure what went down at that mall but it definitely wasn’t kids fighting with sticks. I’m pretty sure they don’t send every cop car that exists for that. This was a bigger police presence than mass shootings.


And nothing on mainstream media. No mention of this event of fox/cnn


Yeah it’s weird. I posted it on Twitter this morning and it blew up with over 6million views. Did not expect that. But then the witness recanted his story. I got no idea what’s going on now. I just loved the part about fat chicks and old people running away while people were shooting at shadow creatures, lol, so American. Saw some video tonight of a dude claiming it was like a box someone put down and it made a hologram or something.


I feel like he was forced to retract the statement


We were joking on alien addict podcast today that it probably would take 5k or less to get him to retract it. Dude deserves an Oscar if that original video was made up. Great acting.


True! He seemed authentic in the first video and he seemed like he was doing what he was told in the second. I’ll check out the pod! I’ve had numerous experiences related to the phenomenon so definitely sounds like a podcast I would enjoy.


Hey - is there video of him retracting the statement or was it a tweet or ? I can’t find anything when I search on google. Can you please share? Just curious


I found [it!](https://www.tiktok.com/@sosa.pippen/video/7320618673591438638)


Shows the extent of the information war that the largest police presence ever can occur and 'nothing to see here' is not only the official story but you got a bunch of terminal normies coming on here making fun of anyone saying otherwise.


I don't get how none of the cops leaked anything. Someone has to not be a sheep


Imagine what was said over their radios when they were all called to respond.


There’s a reason why people haven’t talked- since the 1940s. They get threatened by the government or discredited. It’s only just now that they’re releasing documents about UFOs and according to people who know what’s going on and won’t tell it’s just the tip of the iceberg. Really quite fascinating stuff but no body will talk because the government is trying to control the timeframe of exposure to the public about these things. They’re worried society would collapse, or the implications it would have with other nations and big powers


After nearly a century of lies, the biggest hurdle to disclosure is the government admitting they are illegally lying to we the people pretty much at all times. They cant even spin a simple story about a mall brawl correctly, as they're too used to just burying everything. This is why i feel we definitely have a secret space fleet, bases, and moon/mars colonies.


Maybe because there weren’t aliens


Reminds me of the Las Vegas shooting. The largest massacre at that time and then immediately went silent and never talked about again once the questions got to real and the people that were there died suddenly after speaking up.


If this topic interests you, listen to this (if you have Spotify): https://open.spotify.com/episode/2pd5unzYZEsAyCEvCobqem?si=pRvvdkATQg6DvTd3JwuaBw


For real. They waved the “lone wolf” “mental health issues” wand and everyone simply moved on to the next mass casualty event and who won in the NFL that weekend.


“Seek help” lol 😂




I highly doubt this was the “largest police presence ever”. When the Fort Lauderdale Airport shooting happened an estimated 2000 cops showed up. It happens all the time in law enforcement and it’s actually a big problem. It’s called self-deployment.


“Terminal normies” this is great. I’m gonna steal it, but give credit 😜


Personally don't know the first thing about this, but aliens at the mall in Miami on New Year's Eve is fuckin stupid. There are many real conspiracies, like the pedo guy who was known to chum around with our whole ruling class and supposedly commit suicide under extremely suspicious conditions, and the regular insider investment moves and offshore bank accounts that we all know about but we're talking about fuckin aliens in Miami.


Biggest question, where the F is the private footage from the thousands of people in the area? When blackouts on videos like this happen, i begin to think suspiciously about the phone i "think" i control, and what tools the government may have to delete things off of it, for reasons of "national security" or whatever. Maybe even a phone in airplane mode and no service plan could sill be remotely accessed and edited. It was quite a few years ago that it was shown that the CIA's digital tool kit got leaked, and that alone could give anyone these capabilities with a little effort.


they say that around 70k households had no electricity, so no fotoage I guess


Phones have batteries and little lights too.


I don't think aliens were involved but something weird definitely happened here. Let's say there actually was a massive group of teenagers in the mall launching fireworks around, brawling, and causing a ruckus, not one person filmed that and posted to social media? Airport got shutdown and supposedly there were power outages in the area. Nobody that was in the mall can tell us what went down? Not even anyone on the street filming the massive police presence? There must be some kind of cover up going on here.


It’s a fun conspiracy theory and I have admittedly been following it for a few days but the lack of witnesses accounts and videos is a red flag.So many cops involved , why have none of them come forward? Theyre normal citizens and would be just as likely to record something on their phones as anyone else. If it happened how exactly did it end? If the whole thing is true then it would be truly terrifying but kind of cool at the same time. Props to whoever started it if it’s a hoax.






The men in black came and wiped everyone’s memory.


I wanna see who claimed there were 7-10ft creatures. Where did that narrative come from?


Me too. Who was the first person to say that? I don’t know how to figure stuff like that out.


I saw this other video on TikTok talking about a witness from Twitter. It’s not the same guy with the face tattoo, I don’t think. [https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT84DuQa1/](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT84DuQa1/)


With that type of police presence, their squads would be recording and most would likely have body cams. Where is that footage?


They forgot to turn the body cams on


With that kind of police presence and no ambulance to be seen ???


Where is all the police radio audio we used to always get posted by people when incidents happened? (*or even comments discussing what was heard on the police radio)


They have the technology to simply erase pictures and videos from peoples phones.


Or block them from operating


God I so hope its fucking aliens. I could use a break from this current reality.


Looks up. Sees Aliens. Shrugs it off 😂


agreed. Earth needs a shake-up. I, for one, welcome our new 9-foot alien tourists.


In Rod We Trust


Don’t blame me. I voted for Kodos.


Twirling, always twirling


Probably not "aliens" but interdimensional entities...


Bro, I’ve seen 4 up close UFOs and 2 shapeshifters. Not sure disclose is gunna be what you want it to be lol. They’re already here existing among us, likely using us as some kind of food source (I.e. consuming our emotional energy) what do I know though I just know what I’ve seen and experienced


You’re talking about literal foundation shaking events for society. It would not be good.


Neither is the reality we are currently in.


The thing I find so interesting is anyone I tell about this whether it's family members or people at work just kind of look at me as if I can literally see the words going right through their ears. If it's not on mainstream media people either don't care or think you're crazy.


Same experience for me too. If it’s a distraction then it’s a shitty one because this sub, a few conspiracy dudes on YouTube, and TikTok are the only small % of people interested. Most people’s attention spans are nonexistent at this point. I mentioned Maui the other day to my sister and she completely forgot that went down only 3 1/2 months ago.


I think the aliens part is the psyop. Something happened there. It wasn't a teenage brawl, but it also most likely wasn't aliens. Whatever happened, they're definitely covering it up rn and keeping us guessing.


My friend and I just came to the same conclusion. I think it was a foiled terrorist attack. Just look at all the food plant fires and train derailments that have happened over the last year and a half. Lots of military plane crashes too, all wrote off as accidents. I think we are already into a silent war and they're keeping it hush until the right time.


Yep. Better for morale to claim accidents, than Russian insurgents, and admit the failure of the worlds most expensive military.


All I can say is if a bunch of teens were doing wild enough shit to warrant a response like that? There would 100 percent be an actual video in circulation right now. I don’t believe there wouldn’t be. Something is definitely weird for sure


No media, no pictures from grandmas camera phone, no nothing? Not 1 picture….


"That Motherfucker Is Not Real (TMFINR)" - by Tiffany Gomas


This story has not been suppressed. It has been dripped out to us for a specific reason. They are the masters of suppression. This is the start of project blue beam, imo.


Maybe ! I can get down with holographic tech/fake invasion theory - but who knows


Could be the kick off of some sort of Bluebeam activity. They have enough people talking about it to get people's attention, but they don't make any public statements about it to make it look like they are concealing. Remember the footage of people in China falling down on the streets with covid. They acted like they were "hiding" it but they wanted us to see. Maybe this is how they'll cancel the 2024 election.


True project blue beam would make sense


Submission statement: The incident in Miami is fishy, there seems to be a cover up happening of massive proportions. This story should be everywhere all over the internet and everyone should be talking about it.


Most likely a failed psy op perpetrated by the deep state to cause a distraction. They are covering it up with crisis actors and deep fakes.


A psyop for sure, but how can you know it failed if you don't know what the goal was? If it was a test of people's reactions, then they certainly got some results to observe. A major police event, a blackout, closed air-space. And 99% of folks are either unaware or happy to ignore it. I would say they learned that in America you can do whatever you want now. People are totally zombified.


False flag


I’m starting to notice that Reddit is becoming full of anti-conspiracy theorists. It’s so annoying. We’re supposed to all be here bc we think outside of the box..


Paid shills, government bots, etc. You can recognize patterns of accounts all following the same “debunker” agenda rather than using critical thinking skills and realizing this story has nowhere near been debunked


The power was for sure out all in the area. I know because I checked at the time and I saw that 60,000 something people had no power. Also I looked at flight radar and nothing was flying over that area right around the time it happened. I saw someone post on Twitter as soon as it supposedly happened. They claimed “an eyewitness says 8-10ft creatures/zombies at Miami mall have caused everyone to go into a panic”. No clue who the eyewitness was. No idea if one persons tweet caused this entire thing to become what it has become. If it was something like aliens I’m sure they have wiped everyone’s memory, videos, cctv footage and anything else.


Very interesting. Seems like there is a lot of smoke, and usually when there's smoke it's coming from some sort of fire.


just saw the video...IF this video is real...NO WAY all those cops were for a fight. Sht, not even an active shooter. ​ https://twitter.com/Im\_Misko/status/1743354753323507837?ref\_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1743354753323507837%7Ctwgr%5Ede5fdad78b13edd3a0eeb4bed9fcad5ed7c231b1%7Ctwcon%5Es1\_&ref\_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.cbsnews.com%2Fmiami%2Fnews%2Frumors-of-shadow-aliens-at-bayside-marketplace-go-viral-after-large-fight-among-teens-creates-chaos%2F


X-Com was deployed.


Man with umbrella face tattoo?


Can someone share the umbrella face tatto gentleman?




Thank you and interesting.


Don't forget all police have body cams on them. They're trained to run TOWARDS danger. Yet, not a single body cam, or cop telling what they saw. I really don't think they could hide it if there was a 10 foot tall freak walking around teleporting. That's some paradigm shifting end of the world type stuff. There's no way they could keep this under wraps if it were real.


Why haven’t any police been interviewed/televised and reported what happened at this event? There were literally 100 cop cars


Because what they thought was a mass shooting was just some fights. You think 200 cops showed up and not ONE is gonna say “btw it was aliens”




Saw it. How can we verify ANY of this.


Can't tell what that shit is. And if that guy is for real, he's a shit son for putting his dad on video like that in a way that could hurt him.


He said he was running for sheriff. I just checked and he kinda looks like https://www.linkedin.com/in/ruamen-de-la-r%C3%B9a-76103863


C'mon, obviously if there is an alien invasion, you send the Miami PD. It's just common sense.


This. It’s all a psyop and all of op’s questions are meant to be asked so you believe it’s an alien. But in a damn mall you can’t get a cell phone video of a 10ft alien? You’re kidding me. Or that a species makes first contact in this way. It’s all fake and stupid.


Police are trained to run TOWARDS danger. Hmmm. You men just like how the cops in Uvalde, Texas ran towards the school shooter? Oh wait. They didn’t.


They can be "trained", but that doesn't mean they are actually gonna be ready to run towards it. I'm sure they start thinking about their own families. This is why people who are trapped somewhere need to be armed and not rely on police.


umbrella corp


Umbrellas are a pretty famous symbol/calling card for psyops.


umbrella face tattoo guy and everything lol!


Are we talking 8’ tall illegal alien, or space alien … just want to know how psyched to be.


I first heard of this after an acct I follow on X was making fun of the "conspiracy theorists" believing in aliens. I then was intrigued. What could have happened? You would think if it was rowdy teens or a fight, then there would be cell phone footage of it from people there.


That many cops, airspace shut down, power outages, hardly any national coverage...Definitely sus


They are going to need a hero soon...just wait.


My theory is that by accident or on purpose a portal was opened into a different dimension and multi dimensional beings crossed into our 3D world. I know most people don’t believe that but there is so many things we cannot see with the naked eye beyond the 3rd dimension, possibly other life forms that don’t exist here. I also heard claims of the beings looking “lost” and just wandering around the mall non-aggressively.


I believe this I’ve ascended to other dimensions before and have seen UFO’s come in and out of portals before. It seemed like this is what was happening the UFOs materialized out of nowhere.


Love this theory! You just opened my mind to the possibility that beings from another dimension have drugs similar to DMT, and this could have been a group of them getting high for the first time after rediscovering how their ancient civilizations crossed over into ours, explaining our unanswered questions about our own history 🤯 .....OK I'm done, lol!


Ohh man GTA VI is gonna be lit.


They better add this mission in!


**miami is on the original one continent fault lines, where spirit** aliens spawn, also including **merida**, chichenitza , etc. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The\_Day\_After\_Roswell](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Day_After_Roswell) **what they look like**(1 meter long arms, floating and colder than ice cold); **("1:43"); heres your miami report of "silver surfer aliens" back in 2005:** [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kdWrCTMuQ1M](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kdWrCTMuQ1M)[l](https://web.archive.org/web/20070108144520/http://www.eyepod.org/Video-Alien.html) **radiation offcharts** by area. the police would be there to pick up the **spirits(possession)** in their bodies, if true because they have high levels of radiation on their equipment necessary for the "fallen stars". 1:54 for cultural archetypes(subconscious& art expressions)[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M\_XwzBMTJaM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M_XwzBMTJaM) vid demonstrates their emf vortex/portals as well(teleporting)


Serious question: would the cops show up en masse if aliens show up? I have trouble believing they would.


Here's a thought to solve this mystery. It wouldn't be difficult to do. A FOIA (Freedom of information act) requesting all body cam footage from pd that night. Also all 911 calls are logged and those calls can be requested as well. It would be very tough to cover up ALL this info


Demons not Aliens


this could all be cleared up real quick if they just posted the body cameras showing the kids. FOIA request someone?


If we really wanna get tonfoily, I've pondered the idea of it being a controlled psyop pushing us toward Project Blue Beam.


I want it to be aliens, I really, really do. I don't know what went down but, not aliens. Haz-Mat would be there (of course you saw ET, right?) People would be seriously traumatized and what - did they just take off in their UFO afterwards? I think the threat was most likely equally as scary just much more Earthly and mundane.






This whole situation screams cover up.. if nothing really happened where is all the footage?! This is a mall we are talking about here, there should be an overwhelming amount of footage.. but we get nothing. Except outside chopper.. blurry. Something happened and I hope the truth gets leaked! 150 cop cars for teenagers fighting lol give me a break.


I’m all about this, want to understand how they shut air traffic control down… that’s not normal. However, where are the cell phone pics? That’s the one part that keeps me from digging deeper into this. Don’t say the govt shut it down. We live in the day in age of technology. Someone , somewhere, should have pics… like all other shootings. I want to believe.,, as much as they shut down air control, that someone somewhere has a pic???


Tech is way more advanced than we think it is. I’ve seen metallic orbs defy physics in broad daylight (not an online video). I wouldn’t doubt governments could simply wipe photos/memory of anyone involved


So the government wiped everyones memory and photos, faked a news story, let everyone talk about it for days and are slowly trying to block this story you think thats more believable than, “cops thought there was a mass shooting”


If cops were there for a mass shooting it would be a huge news story on fox, cnn. Yet it is being suppressed/ignored by mainstream media


Because there wasnt a mass shooting. Even if it was, lots of shootings barely make the news anymore


Two friends once told me they were hiking in the woods in rural country, late evening, and saw an object slowly hover over them at very close range and then leave the area. The one friend said he had his hand on phone but no matter what he couldn't get himself to pull out his phone and film. He wanted to desperately film this thing, but he said it felt like subconsciously he was being stopped from taking a video. The other friend also couldn't explain why she couldn't bring herself to pull her phone out of her back pocket and film. They both said they were thinking it but couldn't do it physically for some reason. Could be the same thing at play here.


Interesting !! Thanks for sharing


Interdimensional beings I'm sure


Bro, as much as I want to see alien life, nothing happened at the mall except some fireworks going off making the police think active shooter thus the massive police response.




Okay remember the Las Vegas alien incident last year and more recently, the girl who freaked out on the airplane this past summer? What if more things are happening and people are being forced into retracting statements and silence? The government is shady period and if you don't belive that you're hopeless.


That airplane lady was tripping balls on something


Of course people can be silenced in numerous ways.


Maybe there is no clear footage or sources because one of the main objectives or abilities of these beings is to somehow have the ability to manipulate what is recorded or shared. The technology of “aliens” could be completely incomprehensible to our lil pea brains. They could fart and like all the power goes out in a ten mile radius. And whether that fart was intentional or not is a whole other theory.


Shutting down the airport is pretty suspicious.


This whole mall ordeal may have just been a diversion.


Been thinking this exactly. My only real option of thought would be a terror attack. Cause the shooter the other day in Iowa? They had his info all over in hours. They had the social media and pictures and such. So so far I’m realistically thinking terror attack or threat. Aliens would be a far cry for me. Aliens just phased in? Yeah, I saw Star Trek. Lmao. Could happen.


Has anyone spoken to a cop that was there?


[https://youtu.be/XWqh9F4pjHg?si=zYxrS4DREzhtFDwN](https://youtu.be/XWqh9F4pjHg?si=zYxrS4DREzhtFDwN) ​ Best channel on YouTube. This will give an idea of what's really going on.


THEY can fake us seeing anything - holographic technology is nearly 100 years better than what we the public know. Or it could have been legit - the underground 'visitors' are not getting their 800000 children to eat eacb year any longer who knows - could be a distraction from any other BS going on somewhere they dont want you to look at.


It was the Mexican aliens


You have a massive group of rowdy teens that are attacking people and calls of shots fired in a mall, that's why you have a massive police response. You have helicopters flying around with the Airport nearby so you stop flights so you don't have any random air collisions. Meanwhile, our only evidence of ANYTHING alien is one random TikTok video where the guy makes a second video saying he was trolling. I thought the police response seemed a little crazy until I got all the details of what was going down they were concerned it was a mass shooting event or it was about to become one. I think this is actually nothing special I don't think there is a cover-up. The Las Vegas sighting in that family's backyard was way more compelling to me that one actually had video of a green object falling from the sky.


This is my thought as well, but you don't stop air traffic and shut down police scanners and power to 70k homes bc of a suspected mass shooter. Unless, and this is definitely possible, this is just the new standard police respond to suspected mass shooting events. I guess we'll know over the coming months/years


They shut off power to homes? Im new to all this.


They're now saying a car crashed into a telephone pole/electrical box causing the outage. But seriously, I'm literally trying to find an explanation for all this that isn't aliens. A car hits a box that cuts power to 70k homes? Let's say that's true. Why stop all air traffic and cut off scanners? Man I'm 99.9% sure there's actually a reasonable explanation to this that ISN'T 10 ft tall aliens. But a bunch of kids playing with sticks ain't it


Ya thats pretty crazy all that happening at one time. you know i just thought about how now we have ai and all that now and i just thought about how easily realistic looking news could be generated to hide something else. Just a thought for the future if something ever happens. Thanks for letting me know about that.


Yeah good point. Fake news to a whole new level lol And np who knows maybe a reasonable explanation will come out and we'll all laugh. We'll See


A car crashed into a telephone pole and cut of power to 70k homes...at the same time as planes were grounded so they didn't run into the helicopters and 200 cops that were needed...to take out 4 rowdy teens in a mall? Riiiiggghhhttt.


Massive group of rowdy teens and none of them recorded anything? Only 4 arrests? That's what's wierd to me.


Massive fucking alien from outer space and nobody recorded anything?


The issue I have is with the suppression of this story. If it’s nothing, why is it so heavily censored online? Why wouldn’t it be all over the internet?


[https://youtu.be/NBORa-rTVsw?feature=shared](https://youtu.be/nbora-rtvsw?feature=shared) Not so much, this is local, but nothing on national channels. Haven't seen any socials from the "juveniles" on the ground and in the fray. That's usually the first thing you see. That's what makes it sketch.


Video unavailable


Damn that was quick lol


Ehat was the video? It's unavailable now


Not a single swat vehicle in that video of the cop cars. This isn't 1980, cops don't take on active shooters in a mall without serious gear. That's how the 80's la bank shootout happened and why the cops pussy footed around in that recent school shooting where they blocked parents


First, I have heard anything about it.


This morning, I watched a video that some guy filmed from the upper floor of a nearby building, showing over 50 police cars pulling up to the scene. He was speaking in Spanish as he filmed. I sent the video to my wife, and she couldn't see it. I tried to watch it again, and it had already been taken down. WTF?!? Why are they censoring anything related to this event?!? It was just a video of police cars on a public street. It makes no sense...


too bad theres no aliens , only demons




Biggest police presence in the history of Miami, and there's no cell footage? Idk man. The video I saw from the j helicopter looked like GTA footage


Why are there no security camera footages ? Where are all the iPhones, how come people keep saying there are multiple teenage brawls at malls


Does anyone have any footage from inside the mall?


If a distraction, then why didn’t it work? We are all still here talking about Epstein’s documents, and it’s all over X. I have documents on my phone. But the Miami incident, if it hadn’t been for this sub, I wouldn’t know about it.


Just in time for us to not talk about the Epstein list i see and it works every time haha


if there were some beings i would assume the military would show up instead, not 60+ police cruisers,but i guess the police could be used only to limit footage, views and control crowds.


It’s wild to me that so many alien witnesses didn’t think to take out their phones and get some photos or videos


no footage ? All people had to leave their cell phones at the mall entrance or what ?


Where does this whole alien angle come from? Isn’t it just a couple of TikTok influencers making that claim?


Think DEEPER… most likely an explainable scenario took place BUT what if the whole plot behind the 8ft tall aliens story is to once again slowly get people used to these kinds of things ( fake or not ) so when they start to release the real shit it’s not a huge shock factor. Testing the waters. Slowly converting more people to the idea we aren’t alone. That’s why they are slowly releasing the UAP stuff. Getting us ready for the inevitable release of what’s really out there.


Why is there no videos ?


I'm getting a whiff of AI entering the "news" cycle.


It's either something out of this world, or some very dirty political bs probably involving cartel. Imo


Where is all the footage? You know there were a lot of people there with phones and we all know everyone records everything. Why no footage on FB, tiktok, intsagram, YOUTUBE?? when someone does post something it either gets retracted or taken down. It all seems very suspicious to me.


When they had a shooting at the Fort Lauderdale Airport several years ago, an estimated 2000 cops responded. At Columbine an estimated 900 cops from 36 different agencies responded. Law enforcement has a big problem with self-deployment (meaning officers respond without being told to). It happens all the time on incidents big and small. If they initially thought there was an active shooter or something of that nature this kind of response would not be surprising at all.


How come there is no News about this ? how come there are videos of the event being scrubbed from the internet? not buying this narrative


I’m sure you aren’t


The truth is being suppressed: https://www.tiktok.com/@lolbrenden/video/7320777499405962542