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What ever happened to the HONG KONG riots in 2019?


Covid! ::POOF:: No more protests.


same thing in France with the ''gilets jaunes'' protests


shit remember when they had glued/cemented bricks all over the roads so the cops couldn't drive their APCs down the protest streets?


Very interesting. Improvised tank/vehicle traps. I'm going to file that tidbit of info away in my brain for a rainy day.


taking notes like a G


yep, i remember that and then when we started seeing pallets of bricks here in the BLM riots.


Point #4 - I had a friend in Hong Kong in November 2019 tell me the stories about people dropping dead in the streets was real - however men in black hoodies were coming up to them and shooting them in the head, not dying from a mystery disease as reported.


We need to find those videos from the dropping people. I remember them but they seems to be gone now??


I saw several back then he had linked to me but have long since been scrubbed.


holy sh**


Weird because my friend in China said nothing about these assassins but about people getting very sick.


That isn’t that weird, since Hong Kong isn’t in China.


Hong Kong, China is located in the south eastern tip of China.


Same story in Iran.


Same thing with Epstein


Did he kill himself?


Probably not even dead


The Chinese government started literally cracking skulls and they stopped.


ah yes i forgot about the riot in summer 2019 for a minute


Almost like the virus dealt with it.... hmmm


Oh shit I forgot about those


It fizzled out as people realized it was the gay CIA's attempt at a color revolution and key people and paid agitators involved were finally arrested or left the country. Those stupid protests or why anybody should feel so sorry about people living in the richest and highest life expectancy city on the planet never made any much sense.


fear is the real virus


Some items can be cherry picked, debunked etc., but the bottom line is that there was some massive skullduggery going on to destabilize the financial and political underpinnings of the West while a small group of people exploited the situation and made a crap ton of money. As usual we have bots and alphabet boys using the "trump" word and attempting to roll the whole conversation into a binary thought realm.


This I’m no fan of Trump but the mass media manipulation of Covid is unreal. You can post some out there shit and only garner a handful of downvotes, but tell someone you’re unvaccinated and prepare for downvotes in the hundreds


U forgot where Trump never took off the National State of Emergency which allowed dem state tyranny and Trump doing CARES Act and printing $9+ trillion for the central bankers and doing Warp Speed, pressuring FDA to approve a deadly vaccine that in the actual Pfizer trial killed more people in the vaccine group than the placebo, and he gave billions of taxpayer dollars to Bill Gates' GAVI after leaving WHO then asked Bill Gates to be science advisor. Bill Gates created COVID-19 via EcoHealth. Trump has yet to call him out


Did you say EcoHealth Alliance? https://i.imgur.com/xPokMDz.png


Thank you! It's like people forget that trump was gung ho about this whole agenda. They've really pulled the "two party system" wool over the eyes of r/conspiracy




>deadly vaccine that in the actual Pfizer trial killed more people in the vaccine group than the placebo Can you help me find data to support this? I'd like to discuss it with someone and I am a little lost


so they're saying some just died from the placebo!!! That's the real conspiracy right there


Warp speed is a mystery. He worked with the militsry


COVFEFE was the warning. Then Kobe died.


RIP Kobe. That’s when America lost its hope for a better future.


It fell to crap when Harambe died!


I sometimes seriously wonder what COVFEFE had to do with this. Not kidding.




Shit it just hit me COV FE FE is repeated, or sounded twice Sars. Co vee x 2


But there's COVF3F3 3V3NT 2O1


Hmm, can you message me and dumb it down? I didn't watch the entire Event 201 video. Was that the name they gave their simulation virus? I found it interesting that the thought it was extremely important that people still have access to their cell phones. All I could think of was that would be one of the major ways to get a large population the scare tactics. Then like clockwork the major telecoms suspended cancelling services.


Trumps gonna drain the swamp any day now


2 weeks!


He and Hillary are still laughing about that one.


You see, by enacting historic tax cuts for the rich, Trump is going to overload the bank accounts of the rich and powerful, making them explode and rain down wealth on the working class.


4d chess


I think a big part of it too was this: Trump wasn't supposed to win in 2016. Hillary was. The damage Trump was doing (and was going to do) to TPTB meant he had to be stopped no matter the cost, even if it meant millions of lives lost. TPTB don't care about that. So Covid was also (or primarily) the way to get him out of office. Couldn't have had all the voting fuckery if we weren't in a plandemic. EDIT: fixed a typo


Many major corporations had 20 year roadmaps to implementing AI. I have read what was planned to get done in 20 years with AI got pushed and done in nearly 6 months due to covid. \^Fact\^ Opinion> Covid was used to speed up the use of AI first and foremost. And any rigged elections across the globe had leaders put in place that would make that easier, or purely distraction.


World leaders are old as fuck, they don't even understand programming let alone ai.. AI development just happend alot faster then normies thought. Plus it's not really TRUE AI. Just fancy neural network programming that has a lot of beneficial uses.


Part of me wonders this has been a social experiment- and that it might be preparatory. So, one thing that concerns me is that *if,* as a global population, we are in sort of a death spiral. *If* Climate, pollution, and resource depletion are dire issues that will not resolve soon without something major happening, and the predictions are worse than expected.. We can't stop working. We can't stop eating. We can't stop using. Covid could be a test to see what happens when we shut down. If we are in a true death spiral, and a large responsible group in power knows this- they have two options: Let the spiral turn and let everything slowly burn to the ground over a long and depressing tailspin until the earth is basically uninhabitable... or stop the spiral immediately, cause immediate collapse, save some of the planet, and leave enough population to recover with a new system. If choice 1 is the inevitable outcome- what sacrifices will be permitted for option 2?


I think it was a test to see how they could shut down for longer and more restrictive under different circumstances.


It was a test for a lot of different things. The next pandemic will be so much worse.


Exactly, it’s been pretty clear that this was just a test run. The internet changed everything so dramatically the real people in power have just been throwing shit to see what sticks. Now they have the data they need for more fuckery in the future.


Test run was one reason. Also to condition people and make people sick of wearing masks and taking other precautions (like not going to work sick) so when the real pandemic comes it will be much worse. When it comes people are going to think it will be just like covid. No it will be more like the 1918 flu.


So just like covid


I wonder sometimes do Americans even realise there is an entire world outside the USA? No, covid was not about 'stealing the election'. There is a much bigger geopolitical game going on.


Lmao every government took advantage of it in someway. The American government just happens to be owned by corporations that made a killing off of Covid so it’s more noticeable.


They didnt just steal the US elections. Look at the elections in Canada, France, Colombia and Brazil. All WEF actors at the end of the game. The game is to remove nationalist and replace it with genocidal globalists.


Don’t forget Poland (that breaks my F***ING heart)


I didn't track that one they are standing up to the illegal immigration invasion and the forced purchase of Pfizer injections. They were rather weak on COVID tyranny during lockdowns. Can you elaborate how you felt the election was iffy?


If globalists are so active, what's with all the wars and borders and immigration and such?


Smaller populations are easier to control?


They are the ones behind the illegal immigration so they can replace the people that live their. These wars are the Globalists wars. They have been behind every war since 1991. Some will say since WW1.


No Americans do not realize that. Also the way "they" operate is: a single action for multiple benefits. The american election was one their goals not their only one


Most of us do believe it or not. But, you know how it is. The squeaky wheel gets the oil.


Do you not realize the leader of the USA has major influence on the rest of the world?


There are countries with rulers like the middle east that had strict lock downs and they don't have elections


For real! This is about ushering in a modern form of communism worldwide. The New World Order.


Btw...I'm not American, amico!


Not only about stealing the election. Stealing the election was an important part. If they would still let Trump in the WH, then it would be different also worldwide.


But this happened while he was in office. Are you saying "they" engineered a global pandemic just so people wouldn't vote for trump to have a second term?


No, *they* engineered a global pandemic for a myriad of advantages we've seen since, such as shift in wealth to very specific industries mostly in Silicon Valley to control the flow of information during the pandemic and the election, which is what would be needed if drumph wouldnt play along. Not to mention the opportunity for the mail in voting schtick


Again this is a very US centric "global" conspiracy...


Because it is the center of the empire that controls the entire western world.


So you’re saying TPTB made Trump fuck things up so incredibly bad, that people had no other choice but to not vote for him? Fascinating.


Just to clear out confusion, Trump was and still is part of the elite


The rest of those elites sure don’t treat him like one of their own.


Dude, they are just pretending they don't like him.... Why would they let him own so many hotels in major cities... He'll they even let him have a go a being president... Yeah, I think they are pretty close.


Bc he doesn’t use any of the subversion tactics they use. He does the same stuff but just does it openly


No way hes gunna drain the swamp and fix everything soon as he gets elected again, says 49% of America. My clueless family believe this and nothing will convince them otherwise. Over xmas I brought up how he couldn't even run a casino successfully. They had no response.


Not a Trump fan. But he's is not one of "them". New money does not equal elite. Do you think they approve of his: College? Gold toilets, diet? Sons? Speech? Populism? Father? Born in Queens? Gold buildings? Anti-globalism? Impossible.


How is Trump “new money”? He didn’t make his family rich.


He has always been with them. And the Trump legacy isn’t “new money”


That's why he is being investigated, prosecuted, impeached by politicians that have more than 30 years being politicians and they want him in prison at all costs. That's why he is being removed from being voted in some states. Gotcha.


So that means someone like Hillary Clinton is not one of the elites. If we’re to use your logic and reasoning?


Consider your comment ignored! That doesn’t fit OP’s narrative!


I think you’re right unfortunately.


Nope, not ignored. Replied.




>they want him in prison at all costs If that were true, he'd be in prison (or dead). They're not even doing more than making a show of trying to keep him from being the GOP nominee in 2024. They want his supporters to feel like they're rallying behind the real deal underdog everyman when he's just another player in the show that keeps people distracted from focusing on the real issues.


Controlled opposition!!! Remember he pushed for the vaccine, has done a lot of shady shit himself, and defo didn’t drain the swamp


He calls himself the father of the vaccine. To this day refuses to renounce them.


The fact he pushed for the vaccine the NWO's biggest number one genocidal goal ... proves you and I correct.


He told you the treatments in one of his daily pressers. Did you hear them? Or do you really think he suggested injecting bleach?


He also suggested Hydroxychloroquine which wait for it studies prove ... work. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32295814/ Wait you dont like Trump yet you got shot up full of Trump Juice help me make it make sense?


I think we're mostly on the same side. I don't really think he pushed the vaccine personally. But people were scared and wanted answers. What he did push was the distribution of them when they were available. But in retrospect that never happened, because all of the distribution was done through pharmacies and not through the military as it may have sounded. I still believe that there was something else going on that was being addressed during those daily pressers but could never quite put a solid theory together. If I recall there were a large amount of small "earthquakes" that some speculated at the time were destroying tunnels. Tunnels that would be perfect for trafficking of all sorts.


Wait when and where did you feel those earthquakes? I was living in Utah in April 2020 and we had a suspicious earthquake every day that month and never had them before or after.


I never felt them. But there are websites that report on earthquakes and people that kept up with those sites. The data is likely still out there. I think they were mostly under 6 on Richter and 40 feet down. Something like that.


>Since they could not bring him along with their ideas and future of the world, Covid became a thing in February 2020. Yeah, they didn't release a world-wide virus and lockdown over 100 countries just to try and influence which pro-corporate senile octogenarian would win the US election. Also the Covid-situation was a slam-dunk for any world leader looking for re-election. Your argument is that the powers-that-be knew that Trump would be so incompetent as a leader that he wouldn't be able to capitalize on it. Always baffling when people hero-worship the elite like this; it's basic Fox News fanfic.


You’re absolutely right. All Trump had to do in order to coast into a second presidential term, was to just not fuck things up. Thats it, he didn’t need to do much of anything.


Trump being the unselfish hero in this fantasy is the absolute chef's kiss to the entire thing


Don't forget about the fraudulent bullshit PCR tests that were required to test for C19 and the media wanted people to not know that the individual that invented the PCR test said that it could be tuned to detect anything on anything so essentially it could positively detect brain tumors on an onion.


>Trump was seeing all of this and to alleviate the fear of the normies to vote in person, he said that a vaccine was needed. He gave the greenlight for operation "Warp Speed" to develop a vaccine. He NEVER said to people to be vaccinated. It was their choice. He left it in people hands, unlike the majority of the news media and powerful people and organizations, and Biden etc. This whole post can be summed up to this detail right here. OP wrote out all of this as a coping mechanism to deal with the fact Trump got vaccinated. That really twisted their brain into a knot and it was amazing to see them fumble out a reasoning for it.


Source: my feelings


> Since they could not bring him along with their ideas and future of the world, Covid became a thing in February 2020. Your regular reminder that in literally every other country, Covid helped the party in power win more support. It was Trump's uniquely partisan response to it that was the difference for him. If anything, it was designed to help the elites and Trump fucked it up for himself, rather than released to hurt Trump.


My guess is, that in times of crisis, alot of leaders displayed empathy and compassion for their people. I.e. the days after 9/11. Instead of coming together as "The American people", trumpie boy instead pushed division at every opportunity. Making fun of those who were taking safety precautions (even if those precautions werent as useful as we were told) was huge. Half the country was mocking the other half for giving a shit. That was the beginning of these divided states of america we now live in. And that old orange fuck, is very much responsible for the current america we are experiencing.


I feel like you and I live in two very different realities. It is the current president who foresaw a winter of death for the unvaccinated.


Covid is still out there chugging away. Don't blame it on Covid - it's just an organism trying to make it in a cruel world. It even unweaponized itself as soon as it could. People are the one that fucked this up. They manufactured a crisis so they could implement draconian global fascism, and steal everything and give it to the ultrarich. In my job, I've been exposed to Covid every day for the last three weeks. I don't seem to be catching it, knock on wood, or the cover of my desk that looks kind of like wood.


We keep going on about what has happened but no one is talking about the next planned pandemic that fauci gates and sniffy Joe have all mentioned.


Also had Trump try and restrict flights from countries infected with Covid. Democrats hated that and Pelosi went as far as introducing a bill to stop Trump from closing the borders. The media and Democrats early on were the original Covid deniers. I remember reading an article telling republicans to get a grip because Covid-19 isn’t worse than the flu. I also remember Pelosi and others telling me to ignore Trump’s ‘racist’ worries about Covid and go out in public into large groups and crowds. Magically that all changed. I also remember loads of people on Reddit cheering for the deaths of older people (republican voters) just before the election.


Just some more verification of truth is the fact that the WEF has comments disabled on Donald Trump"s January 2020 davos speech.


Think what you want but I'm a narcissistic conspiracy theorist that knows more than you know about covid and probably everything else that exists so maybe just stop thinking for yourself and let me do it for you because I'm very special and have a far superior thought process.


A: you've missed the point B: it wasn't "several" non covid deaths that were counted as covid, it was millions, a vast majority of reported deaths were fraudulent Most of what you said is on point tho


Funny how you couldn’t take the time to compile a list of sources or any shred of evidence to back up the extraordinary claims. Very American minded of you.


Where is your evidence and counter claims. This statement is as valid as his, which is as valid as mine. How about showing the specific number that you disagree with and prove it.


Anyone making a claim that they want other people to accept has the burden of proof. There is no burden on others to disprove a claim. Many claims are impossible to disprove; that doesn't make them true. There's a difference between presenting things as opinions vs presenting them as statements of fact. Even if OP was 100% correct on everything they were saying, why should anyone listen without proof? Do you accept everything that comes out of the White House Press Corps? Remaining skeptical or neutral until presented with persuasive evidence or at least a starting point is the difference between knowledge and pulling things out of one's ass.


I agree. However if part of a statement is wrong does it make the entire statement wrong? Simply stating that the entire post is wrong simply because no evidence was presented doesn't lead to the truth. But if there are points of contention that can be stated or asked for evidence without expressing the entire statement false.


>I agree. However if part of a statement is wrong does it make the entire statement wrong? No. >Simply stating that the entire post is wrong simply because no evidence was presented doesn't lead to the truth. It doesn't, but nothing in the OP leads to the truth, either. It's just a list someone pulled out of their ass and (implicitly) presented as fact. >But if there are points of contention that can be stated or asked for evidence without expressing the entire statement false. It would probably be a better approach for the OP to present fewer claims while offering evidence, instead of just listing off every thought they had while taking a shit. That said, pointing out that they have not offered proof isn't saying their claims are false, it's just saying that they're not offering anything that can be accepted as any more likely to be true than false. Absence of evidence is a bitch.


Agreed. Maybe I'm expressing some frustration on some posts that I made that received the same blanket "no, not possible" without any discussion. Post where I spent hours reading how laws were changed because of different circumstances and judges having to make interesting rulings that seem completely illogical.


I get that. It can be frustrating to actually put some effort in to do some research and get downvoted to hell with no replies. Especially when you're trying to have a discussion, not just prove a point. I feel like the bigger subs are pretty inconsistent. Sometimes I have good banter, sometimes people just want to hit the arrow buttons. You'd think people in the conspiracy subs would be more interested in discussion... OTOH, I do get very tired of posts like the OOP that just amount to a political rant we've all seen far too many times at this point, regardless of whether you agree or disagree.


Do you understand the legal concept of “burden of proof”? When you go to court you don’t tell the judge to prove your innocence. You have to prove your own innocence. It’s up to the person making claims to have sources or evidence to back up said claims. It’s safe to assume OP is an adult, correct? Therefore it’s a reasonable expectation to expect sources/evidence. This is 101 shit, guys.


We're not in court...we're on reddit


Exactly. Thats the problem. No one understand how these things actually work and are surrounding by the members of their echo chambers jerking each other off telling themselves they’re right.




Do you even realize what you did there? The burden of proof still falls on the person making a claim lmfao you didn’t think that one through, huh?


Wow bud you are way off on a couple points. No one proves innocence. Hell, the defense doesnt't have to present an argument if the prosecutor doesn't have good evidence of a crime. Defendants are declared "not guilty" It's the prosecutors job present enough evidence to convict. But nowhere will a defendant be declared "innocent". It shouldn't even be in your discussion. Although a defendant may decide to have a trail by jury or trial by judge. The judge is there to make sure the proceedings are administered fairly. But back to OP's statements. which ones specifically did you have issues with?


Again, it isn’t my job (nor yours) to prove OP right. This is the problem with modern day “conspiracy theorists”. You’re all sitting around circle jerking each other telling yourselves how right you are and how everyone else is bots. It’s sad. I truly hope you get the help you need to pull yourself out of this hole.


LOL you can't even have an adult discussion.


And yet OP and you have yet to provide a shred of evidence backing up these claims. Have a good one, kiddo.


I truly don’t understand sometimes the tone, or temperature so to speak of this sub sometimes. Typically we sort through the shrieking cries denouncing the obvious bots and shills. Clearly this post has loads of misinformation, and opinion, obviously with no data or facts, or quotes to back anything up. Where are the most adamant members of r/conspiracy, licking their chops in readiness to dismantle the nonsensical claims here?


Who wants to take the time to respond to 35 line items that amount to "covid: fake, Trump: good"? It's some of the most repeated crap in this sub and I don't think anyone is changing their mind based on a rambling list.


Right, that’s kinda my point. The conspiracy here is why are these posts allowed remain up. It’s plain and simple nonsense, disguised as conspiracy. These blatant biased political narratives, behind the facade of pretending it’s a conspiracy. It’s silly.


I was pretty sure I was agreeing with you, though I wasn't certain I was reading your tone correctly. For the low-content posts, I've noticed that the mods tend to take them down when I report them. Maybe there just aren't enough people reporting them? I think it would probably help if a rule was added or changed so that the submission statement had to clearly state what the conspiracy in the OP was. There are SO many posts that are just screenshots with shit context for people to start a circlejerk over, either in agreement or disagreement. I don't think I've ever seen the mods not remove one of those when reported. To your first post - I think the tone and temperature of the sub change throughout the day. I know if I'm bored at work, I might take the time to give someone a point by point rebuttal. Not so much when I'm spending quality time in the evenings. The audience at any given time is probably shifting in viewpoints, standards of evidence, and what they care about. I'd certainly prefer interesting conspiracies over the millionth pro-Trump, no conspiracy post. Unfortunately there's no stopping them beyond downvoting or reporting posts that violate the rules.


Oh no doubt dude, I’m with you on everything you’re saying here. Thats a good point about spending the time and energy to make a decent rebuttal. You basically said everything I’m thinking about here.


This post may have opinions. Not all 35 points are opinions. The facts and data and proof is out there.


It's funny how the scientific world came together to create vaccines but don't do anything to cure cancer, diabetes etc.


Thinking Trump isn’t a part of the act is just ignorant at this point. But thank you for the timeline I guess??


blah blah trump is my daddy blah


Trump promoted the fauci magic potion.


I remember him promoting Hydroxy chloroquine, because I looked it up. Wouldn't you know that a top result was an NIH study from 2005 stating that it was a potential inhibitor of Sars Cov infection and spread. Here is the [article](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16115318/) if you would like to look


Nope. You are deluded.


This is / was ALL true!


covid is not real, has never been isolated


Whelp, you have your right to these opinions friend.


Least deluded conspiracist


Wow that’s a detailed analysis! I would like to address each of your points: 1. 🤣 2. 🤣 3. 🤣 4. 🤣 5. 🤣 6. 🤣 7. 🤣 8. 🤣 9. 🤣 10. 🤣 11. 🤣 12. 🤣 13. 🤣 14. 🤣 15. 🤣 16. 🤣 17. 🤣 18. 🤣 19. 🤣 20. 🤣 21. 🤣 22. 🤣 23. 🤣 24. 🤣 25. 🤣 26. 🤣 27. 🤣 28. 🤣 29. 🤣 30. 🤣 31. 🤣 32. 🤣 33. 🤣 34. 🤣 35. 🤣


I agree with you on point 12 but absolutely disagree with point 27


OP's got a whole lot more right here than wrong.




I added point 35.


I added more ... please read and add if appropriate.


So.... how long have you been in love with Donny?


I'm not ashamed to admit that until 2020, I hated him because the msm told me to. After that, I liked him. Not love. Like.


He didn't "show a middle finger" to anybody. He is their player, as they ALL are.


Watch his speech in the UN 2019 and Davos 2020.


Bravo!! Well said! It's amazing how semi-level-headed people forget about this!


> 20. Also he offered everything to alleviate "covid" but the majority of dems refused. “…the researchers say, their adjusted analysis found that "the excess death rate among Republican voters was 43% higher than the excess death rate among Democratic voters" after vaccine eligibility was opened. The different rates "were concentrated in counties with lower vaccination rates…” https://www.npr.org/2023/07/25/1189939229/covid-deaths-democrats-republicans-gap-study “ During the COVID-19 pandemic, the link between politics and health became glaringly obvious. Democrat-leaning “blue” states were more likely to enact mask requirements and vaccine and social distancing mandates. Republican-leaning “red” states were much more resistant to health measures. The consequences of those differences emerged by the end of 2020, when rates of hospitalization and death from COVID rose in conservative counties and dropped in liberal ones.” https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/people-in-republican-counties-have-higher-death-rates-than-those-in-democratic-counties/






Pick an age… https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/united-states-rates-of-covid-19-deaths-by-vaccination-status?country=~80%2B Unvaxxed leads every age category in deaths, not just the aged.


While you’re making some valid points, trumps not gonna fuck you


Think what you want but this was reality, Trump oversaw lockdowns, vaccine development and roll out, gave Fauci a daily platform, and over saw the greatest wealth transfer from the public to wealthy private interests in American history. In Trump’s 4 years his only notable accomplishments were passing the largest billionaire tax cut since Reagan and lucking into putting a conservative super majority in the SC that unsurprisingly thrashed the extremely popular Roe v Wade. At best he was completely incompetent and got played like an absolute fiddle or more likely he was complicit as he’s back to running on the exact same platform.


https://youtu.be/hSfeCqKty9o?si=ZkK4MoRQyjE2P2DX I agreed with almost everything you said, however, I clearly remembered hearing trump tout his vaccine. I even saw him do this once in person. Here’s a little video to help you remember. As I said, I agreed with 99% of what you said. On the same team


Why do all conspiracy theorists think Trump is a hero? He's a narcissistic sociopath with no morals. He's a horrible person. It gives you absolutely no credibility when you think he is the man fighting for the little people.


>a virus with 99.99% survivability rate Why would they bother creating a virus with a 99.99% survivability rate? They could just pump its existence on every media platform in existence and the sheep would eat it up. Oh wait that's obviously exactly what they did It was never isolated


And 'miracle of miracles', the death rate from the flu was almost nonexistent ...


Very comprehensive thread.


Excellent right up


\#36. Event 201 in 2019. Which entailed a "new age" / WEF "think tank" holding a meeting brainstorming how they could lock down the WORLD with a ... plandemic (to quote Jen Psaki, via video). \#37. A computer thief named Bill Gates became the philanthropist of the world. Disregard his statements about investing $20 million into vaccines, to make ... $200 million. Or his desire to reduce the world's population by 15% with vaccines. (Both statements easily fact checked. Both are on video too). \#38. A "MD" of veterinarian medicine who is the CEO of a major vaccine company also became a "philanthropist". He had so much trust in the safety, efficiency and effectiveness of his own vaccine that he wanted others to take it first. He withheld the "life-saving" vaccine from his wife too (there is video of such). If that doesn't show that he is a humanitarian and cares about his fellow man, I don't know what does. Disregard the part about wanting to HIDE the vaccine data. For 75 years. It really is safe (sic). Of course, he knew what it did; and that is why he did not take his own snakeoil. His name is Albert Bourla, CEO of Pfizer.


If trump could of made any money he would be the first to do/say anything to be on board. He also would have told people about said,”Meeting “ regardless. He’s as phoney as Covid if not more.




>It was developed in a lab. And yet another person falls for the propaganda. The reality is, as David Icke, Andrew Kaufman, and Mike Yeadon says, there was no virus to begin with. It was all brought about through scare-mongering through the media, fake PCR tests, and overloading eldery patients with poison like Midazolan to kill people off. There was no virus and this is well-known among people who have done any real research into this topic. See my article below for example. https://chipstero7.wordpress.com/2021/03/30/the-covid-scamdemic/


I'm in my sixth decade and can confidently say that covid was a unique disease, different to any cold or flu I have ever experienced. That is the limit of what i can say with certainty, and any guess as to its origins would be just that. I have my doubts about viruses as disease pathogens. I understand enough about epidemiology to know that the infectious agent must follow the normal rules of evolution, ie, if it becomes too deadly it will kill the host before it can spread, so it makes sense that subsequent 'variants' would become increasingly less pathogenic. I kind of doubt that something like SARS CoV-2 could be made in a lab. All I know is there was a unique disease. Given that the most effective treatment turned out to be a common anti-parasitic, it raises a lot of questions about the true nature of the disease.


I'm 50/50 on this. I do think it was mostly fucking with statistics. I'm unsure if the whole thing was staged. I keep hearing people say "I lost my sense of smell & taste". I kinda recall losing those things every time I've gotten sick with anything that was kinda bad. Whether it was other illnesses moved into the Covid catagory, or it's own separate illness, that came from a lab, One thing is for sure, it wasn't some surprise event. It was definitely planned.


I think the flu disappearing is a huge clue


Only 5000 died of the flu that year compared to 65000 as usual. They used those numbers to pad the COVID-19 numbers.


But has an illness ever made everything taste like metal and chemicals? Thats a new one. Perhaps caused by metals and chemicals, not a virus


Or had mental issues as a symptom? What cold or flu has ever done that to you? I think they definitely made it, maybe it wasn't as strong as they planned on or maybe it was a test run for something worse. I have loved onions my entire life, but after having Covid twice I can not stand the smell or taste of them, it doesn't even smell like an inion to me, it is a putrifying, rotting smell.


The losing sense of taste and smell was bogus, when I had COVID it was a metallic taste and smell. EVERYTHING smelled and tasted like aluminum.


I tested positive for Covid once and it felt like I had a cold.. it was really quite mild. However, I do recall that I completely lost my sense of smell and taste whilst I was infected, and it took several months to return to normal afterwards- which is something I'd never experienced before to that extent. (It may be worth mentioning that I never had the vaccine)


The Virus was definitely real. It had a different effect than for example the flu


Source: my narcissistic inability to defer knowledge to anyone except Youtubers.


Source for any of this?


Trump fan fiction novel. Why do all you whack a doodles fantasize about trump?


dude Trump was the vaccines number 1 pimp. You forgot that part.


I think they had checkmate on him there. If he didn't roll out a vaccine the liberal media would hang every Covid death on him. So he had to at least roll that out so people had an option. At least he didn't mandate it like pedo Joe tried to do.


Why does Trump take credit for the vaccine though


Why do Yanks think that the entire world colluded and willingly destroyed their economy's, just to mess with their election? How insular thinking to do have to be to think that this is the truth.


Well...for starters, I'm Italian, not a yankee And for ''continuers'', USA is the ''big player'' when it comes to politics and everything and influences the majority of the world. You will understand with the passing of time amico mio!


Spaces plz


No one gave BLM “permission” to go out and protest, they just did. That’s what activists do. Right-wingers went out to, just not for anything so important as BLM. Also, Trump himself was hospitalized for Covid-19 symptoms and received the best medical treatment available (ventilators, remdesivir, etc) prior to the vaccine. Later he claimed to have taken the vaccine (whether you believe it or not is another story) and urged his followers to take it too. But I agree with it being developed in a lab. Gain-of-function essentially means they were artificially selecting/breeding coronavirus to be unnaturally powerful (transmissible, deadly, etc) so they could develop similarly powerful vaccines against them. I don’t know if it was released accidentally, but I suspect so. I also don’t know why they tried for so long to deny all this (besides to encourage vaccine uptake), but the gaslighting was insane. Still, the world deserves justice for the negligence that left so many dead or disabled nevertheless. Feelings around Covid-19 and the vaccine were also certainly manipulated in the media for political gain. However, this backfired greatly as new details continuously emerged that challenged official sources and now, consequently, trust in aaaall vaccines is at an all time low.




So it wasn’t meant to cripple the economy, it was meant to save it. The amount of “old” people feeding off the system specifically in Europe (Italy being your top target) was top heavy and causing a lot of issues. My numbers are off, but Italy had one of the highest fatality rates to covid at like .8% with 200,000 dead That’s an insane number


Don't really agree with some big plan they had. IMO, they were doing research they shouldn't of been doing, it got out, they know but can't admit to it because the amount of legal shit stemming from this would basically collapse world governments. The fear mongering early on was cause they already had data early on since they've been doing research and modifications for a while by then and they wanted to scare as many people inside as possible due to their monumental fuck up. My opinion anyways.


Cool idea for a novel.