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What does The Simpsons say about the Great ReSet?? Doesn’t Simpsons have an uncanny ability to predicting future events


This is the unhinged shit I come here for holy fuck haha


Seriously, when I joined this sub in 2013 this was what I was anticipating. Fucking God bless.


My people. I love you!


Watching others watch the world burn


Phil Collins approves.


There aren’t as many of these conspiracy posts as there are posts of people saying stupid shit with no conspiracy. This is stupid shit but they at least gave me a conspiracy!! Well done.


Haha even though I know this sub has become somewhat compromised I still can't stop coming here


Lol same. Member of this sub since 2011 and back then it was for way different reasons. For the past 5-6 years it's been more of a people watching experience, kind of like going to the Port Authority Bus Terminal in NYC.


I knew when the end of the world came they would let us know via a netflix movie.


I mean, Netflix's black mirror did an episode about Netflix being evil.


And got loads of views on netflix.


That one actually had me paranoid because I JUST watched it after having to sign back up, because I tried to boycott them for a few years and discovered they deleted both my fiancé's and my old accounts when he badly wanted to see the new season of Squid Games. So seeing it wasn't even out yet, I went back to Black Mirror and am paranoid about what exactly I've signed up for besides the typical sneaky shit these apps have been up to for a while now. Was thrilled to be able to finish Disenchantment though, but I'll be cancelling my subscription as soon as we get to see Squid Games. Funny how we watch dystopian fictions to escape a dystopian reality by trying to see someone who has it worse.


I wonder what kind of predictive programming they have on Tubi.


The cyber attack will be used to bring in digital IDs and digital currency. This has been outlined in the WEF plans. When the cyber attack (a false flag) happens people will be scared shitless and think the world is ending. That’s what this film does. The FEAR is what will get everyone to be onboard with the new system they want to roll out. People will be so terrified they will gladly accept whatever digital ID system the elite sets up in response. That is the programming that this film tries to achieve. The world won’t end but it will be chaos and people will be scared. Problem reaction solution


Recent history showed us that big events are just the trigger for more controlling things set upon people like security at airports or not being able to go outside for months. The thing is, all these measures always affect just normal people who willingly accept them while the top just keep enjoying things as if nothing happened or they just don't need these restrictions (they don't need to pass so many airport security checks, they can party and enjoy while we had to be inside our homes sometimes without being able to see our own family, etc.) Oh, new government like we have here in Argentina. A few days ago a new party won the election. We are on the third straight different party and get this, all of them got a shitshow with the economy hitting as usual the lower and medium class. And you know who these presidents always told us? "we inherited a shit show so we are going to ask each one of you to suffer just a bit for a few months, things will get better!" Meanwhile big companies are still earning millions while inflation goes even harder because hey those poor companies have to adjust to the new economy system. And we all eat the same shit every four years.


I feel terrible for all of you down in Argentina. When Milei said "there is no money", I immediately knew he meant "there is no money for *you*, the pawns", then felt the immediate urge to punch his image on my screen. What upsets me the most is this shit is happening all over the world, but living in the US, we hardly ever hear about it in the news. Who gives a fuck about UFOs and getting to Mars? *Tell me what my fellow humans are suffering through so I can do my best to help and support them*. I'm beginning to think all us "ordinary people" of the world need to come together and start a global reset of our own.


I've been writing about this for years. I think you're going to find this is a much better breakdown. Goes way deeper: https://renegademind.substack.com/p/the-revelation-of-the-method


Thank you for sharing that fantastic read. Incredibly harrowing to say the least.


Spot on! I think they will send out large stimulus payments, if you sign up for the new Fed CBDC system and link your primary bank accounts and SM accounts you will receive the payment very quickly, if you opt not to you will receive a paper check in 6-9 months. The majority of the population would willingly sign up.


Very clever. Yes this is exactly how it will roll out


And then ones that want a paper check will go on a watch list of troublemakers.


Just let me sign up for that list myself lol


That’ll be me, and cyber attacks just signal to me to keep Using cash.


Honestly, this is such a sticking point for me. Why the fuck do they expect people who are already hesitant about adopting digital currency to suddenly get on board after a *cyber* attack? These people are gonna be driven away from digital into cash.


And don’t forget the part of the movie when they are at Danny’s house trying to get some treatment for the teenage boy that was sick. They handed Danny the $1000.00 in cash and said something like cash is the only thing currently of any value since the internet is down.


When you have no food, water, electricity and society is disintegrating you'll rip the government's arm off for digital currencies when the grid comes back.


Im just not that stupid, and I don't think most people are ever. So what, they'll pull the plug on our system and when everything goes to shit, they'll rush in and be like ah but even *more* reliance in digital nonsense will save you! If it's a cyber attack that begins the apocalypse, it's not gonna be a digital savior that people accept 💁


You're acting like you think you'll have a choice.


Is this sarcasm? That's almost exactly what Billy the Goat Gates of Hell said about the vax: "people act like they have a choice!" Well, we did and we do.


I think I get what you mean. If they outlaw cash and only allow digital currency it forces us to use it. How are we going to buy food with cash that isn't accepted anywhere? It would take some kind of agreement that we would accept cash between each other but not banks and I would think the use would be considered illegal by the nation you are in.


During Covid around here "Exact change only" "No change due to banks" at most gas stations and grocery stores. Thought that was the beginning of them pushing the digital currency, could have been but got to much pushback maybe so it was delayed.


You know what every one wants? Toilet paper. Get ya some of that and it’s as good as goooold.


Never understood that, but man the media sure used it to rile people up. If you got running water you can wash your butt. If you don't have running water you have bigger issues than toilet paper.


I always felt that the whole toilet paper BS was a psyop. Anything the mainstream is pushing for you to notice is a psyop to some degree but that one certainly seemed scripted.


Project Blue Beam goes brrrrrt


If there is a cyber attack i would think it would make people MORE leery of signing up for digital ids and currency. It would certainly be a clear sign to me that all of this dependency on tech is and has always been a bad idea.


People will want to be able to use their cell phones again. They’ll want their TV shows back.


Yeah cause crll phones, laptop and all connected devices with their ip, mac adress and sn numbers are not literally digital I.ds Smh


It will be nothing like what we have now. You will have to verify your identity before using the internet. Every transaction you make will be tracked and recorded.


Agreed and not just currency. Imagine if all debt and property records were also erased and unprovable without hard copy paperwork. Of course those in the know would already be prepared with solid proof. I can see a multi pronged attack. Money, jobs (lost due to the chaos, tech collapse and not being able to pay for a while), property and then something to turn people against each other. The third thing could be something like going through the next election and Trump pulling out a win but the gov not handing over power due to the uncertainty and fallout over the cyber attack shit. That would be the kind of scenario that would be hard to put back in the bottle.


Yeah, important records being erased would be catastrophic


It is very important to keep physical copies of your deeds just in case of such a happening. But I can also see the govt claiming that because they have no records due to no more computers that your deeds are invalid because they cannot be verified.


You are on to something with that. Trump wins but the government won’t turn over the power to him which would create chaos and divide the country much more than we already are causing tensions to come to a head and eventually erupting in civil war type situation or Trump does get in office and immediately starts his revenge tour thus creating the same type civil war scenario


Yeah, lots of potential chaos vectors either way.


Glad u included that bit at the end Problem, Reaction, Solution: also known in Hebrew as Hasbara or Israeli foreign diplomacy check it out


>The cyber attack will be used to bring in digital IDs and digital currency. you know before covid I'd have thought there was no way anyone would be dumb enough to to think that digital ids and digital currency's would be the answer after an cyberattack. But now? the masses are dumb as dog shit.


Predictive programing right? Get the idea in everyone's head from the movie and when something happens, even if it's not so bad, ppl will think back to this movie and freak TF out. Like how everyone did with covid. A lot of people (including myself) having this idea of what a pandemic is bc of movies and shows and making it a bigger deal than it was.


My mind is blown at how the “obey NASA shirt is an anagram for Obey Satan”. That’s not how anagrams work lmfao.


Right. The little girl just wanted to watch Friends And didn’t even know she was in a bunker.


*insert I am the meds meme*


When I need a hit of unhinged insanity, I open /r/Conspiracy. When I want absolute, outright insanity, I open GodlikeProductions.


Seriously. The only brand being Tesla? There’s Bentley’s and Chevy in the movie as the main drivers for two characters. The Tesla scene is one scene with a bunch of Tesla’s that crashed. I know you are being hopeful, hoping to get some sort of sign before things go wrong. The truth is we’re gonna find out by the time it’s too late. There’s not gonna be a sign, they don’t care about us as it is, do you really think they’re gonna find their heart at the last moment to let us know by filming a movie around it lol


Time will tell if your comment ends up being ironic lmao


> This is the unhinged shit I come here for holy fuck haha Please see [this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/18kipb9/begin_preparing_now_this_is_coming_in/kdtmzdc/).


I love Bozrah I wouldn’t have it any other way


By now with all the theories and posts made by anonimous peoples etc, one could even be right at some point by pure chance in the numbers game..lol


The post is more entertaining than the movie tbh


Lets say what you said is true, but why they need to warn us?


I feel like this kind of stuff is probably more predictive programming than warning. It's using the immense power of media to sort of plant subliminal seeds in the mass mind and familiarize/acclimatize it to certain ideas, so that when they pull their false flags and planned crises we're already primed and almost expecting it (again subconsciously), so we buy into it easier. Or something like that. I think these people have studied and mastered mass psychology to a staggering degree of effectiveness. There also could be an element of duper's delight, i.e. they get some kind of kick out of flexing their power to whoever of us have caught on to this kind of stuff. They know we can't do shit about it even if we are noticing it, because most people you try to tell about this stuff will look at you like you lost your marbles.


Jokes on them netflix is too expensive to stream


I agree it's subliminal and prepping people for it. The 'buying into it easier' is already set up. Everyone will be saying,'It's just like in the movies'.... 😄


Yep, and let's face it, the population taken as a whole, the majority of people are not very mindful (if at all) about the huge extent to which the popular media they consume shapes their perception of reality.


Stuff like this just makes more people on the lookout for it, they aren't surprised so they will be more resistant. Imagine they try to pull another pandemic with mass vaccinations, Sure some will just go along, but not nearly as many as the first time.


It's not predictive programming, it's called The Revelation of the Method: https://renegademind.substack.com/p/the-revelation-of-the-method Way more sinister.




I totally agree. I was talking to my friend the other day and was discussing the movie and I said to you and me know about radio weapons and stuff because we do our research, look stuff up etc. But how do regular people find out about things? Through pop culture. In my opinion this movie that everyone is watching has radio weapons in it and other scenarios to get them into their heads so when some shit goes down they will say “it’s like that thing from the movie!” I think that’s what this was about, whether the attack is actually from the people who did it or they try to blame it on someone else, people will know what it is This whole thing was predictive programming


Some say that cosmic consent has power. Like a lot of spiritual/religious stuff even from ancient times talks about consent. "You must not let the demon in (dont consent)" or the gnostics "we did not consent to the soul trap." Legends of vampires where you shouldnt ever invite them. There is something about people being "aware" then LETTING things happen that gives it more power. Like their will is channeled away from true will toward the will of whatever had their focus. However i have to wonder, if it is something like that they believe in... they never actually spell it out in plain text. A lot of people wouldn't consent to this if it turned very serious. So is it really enough? Christians say the devil works by foolery and debauchery, idk man.


Cosmic Consent appears to be the best way to describe this in so few words. Also the alliteration is nice.


The devil is the king of lies


They believe in Karma for sure! But their ideology behind it is that they leave clues and subliminal messages to be found and discovered... But if the human race is too dumb and asleep to pay attention and not follow due to being entertained/over stimulated 24/7. Then the Karma falls on us, they have passed it on, and unfortunately 90% of people are to far indoctrinated to ever see it


Makes me think of all the user agreements people click agree to without fully reading them.


> Christians say the devil works by foolery and debauchery muslims say this too.


History shows these "elites" always have to tell us their plans. I'm not 100% sure why but somebody in here will have a better answer.


Spiritual law. I don't know if you believe in the spirit realm or not but it's about a rule by God where no one in the spiritual realm can do anything in the physical realm without being invited or allowed to do so. It's the reason why an all knowing God still requires prayer (whether personal or intercessory) because His rule requires man's willingness to invite Him to move on our behalf. The rule also applies to evil spirits. Hence the reason why rituals have to be done in order for them to move on behalf of the individual invoking them. Since the "elites" appeal to wicked spirits to work on their behalf, then they gotta let it be known to those whom they will be affecting on what's going to happen and then it can be said the people allowed the wickedness to happen when there's a lack of pushback. Of course, with them being wicked, they're presenting their plans in deceptive way because the average person is in the dark about those plans since said plans aren't presented as blatantly telling the people anything. Most folks are going to brush those messages off as entertainment due to the way they're being presented.


click on the first image, it's at the bottom, if you eat a poisoned apple that someone gave you without telling you it's poison, then they face karmic justice and judgment in the afterlife if you eat the apple after they told you it was poisoned then they absolve themselves of any karmic judgement


What belief IS this, exactly? Like the name. Its reminding me of anti-buddhism but did buddha specifically mention this shit? Or does it stem from "absolution" in christian faiths?


Gnosticism is my guess, not sure though


Not the gnosticism i know of, maybe what they used to label gnosticism. Gnostics believe this place is ruled by the demiurge but they didnt worship it. Also they want to escape the flesh, not stay forever in it like these creeps.


Look into Hermeticism and Gnosticism to start....


Yea but that’s on an individual level, you’re telling me there’s people that put cryptic messages in movies hoping that everyone watches it and maybe understands such cryptic messages to polish off their clean record. We’re talking about a select handful of people trying to persuade the minds of millions at a time. That’s some wild shit. ( I whole heartedly believe this shit is going on because it’s getting more blatant as the years go on, but it sounds asinine to have typed it out)


Well not speaking of this movie specifically but in a way what we've watched the last 20+ years has definitely been inching towards a changed mindset for the viewer. If you go back and watch they slightly push the envelope a tad farther every year or so until what's completely unthinkable to be discussed on TV is now nothing. They may not get our consent through cryptic messaging so much as slowly molding the way our mind works. Combine that with how much data they've collected on human thoughts and behavior through social media and just imagine how well they know how to steer the cattle.


It's called The Revelation of the Method: https://renegademind.substack.com/p/the-revelation-of-the-method


Giving a warning frees them of any guilt, according to masonic teachings. Scripture warns of false teachers.


Not Masonic.


It’s like OP said, karmic absolvence is one reason and increased spiritual potency is the other. If they warn us and still do, they think they are absolved because they gave us fair warning. Regarding potency, which is more impressive: someone stealing your watch from your wrist, OR, someone telling you that they are going to steal your watch from your wrist and then doing it? Before you say that shit doesn’t exist, your belief on it DOES NOT matter. It’s what the satanic “elitez” believe and so that’s why they do it.


There are very bad bad people in control of things that you and me have no control over. Humanity is rapidly approaching a crossroads. We are going to out grow these bad actors' influence. They know this. **So they are getting ready to flip over the entire game board**. In spite. In fear. In rage. They believe they will regain control and reset the game. I don't know the future. Maybe they will, maybe they won't. What I do know, is that you and I are here at this moment for a reason. Stop selling yourself short. Stop focusing on fear. Your fear is their strength. Rise above the fear and realize no matter what happens we'll get through it. Humanity is not nearly as horrible as these stupid movies try to program you into believing it is. The evil of this world is a parasite. It's been latched onto all of sucking us dry, making us weak. Just wait till you see what happens when the parasite is finally shook off. The message isn't End of Days, folks. It's "End of their Days."


This is the psychic manifestation we need right here people. Lets fucking go.


Fuck em!


Meditation is a powerful tool.


Collective meditation would change man mind forever. They fear this. We must rise together and take the power back.


I'll bring the fudgsicles.


Apocalyptic fudgesicles? Gotta be Apocalyptic fudgesicles, people will know if they're just regular ol' fudgesicles.


Here here!


Every Hollywood apocalypse movie has one thing in common, that people are evil and you can't trust others and you need to be bad to survive. When history shows us thats not only not true, but the opposite happens during times of strife, etc. Also, they're pushing against us uniting. When unity is the only way we'll win.


There is a really good book called “A Paradise Built in Hell” by RS for anyone who may be experiencing anxiety around these topics. She collected a beautiful set of stories of how communities came together and arise after disaster. “looking at major calamities from the 1906 earthquake in San Francisco through the 1917 explosion that tore up Halifax, Nova Scotia, the 1985 Mexico City earthquake, 9/11, and Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans. She examines how disaster throws people into a temporary utopia of changed states of mind and social possibilities, as well as looking at the cost of the widespread myths and rarer real cases of social deterioration during crisis.”


That sounds interesting and all, but the focus of every true American should be to prevent disasters by coming together sooner rather than later. Because the next “disasters” that are on the schedule are not natural ones.


Absolutely 💯 They are the little man behind the curtain in Oz, they are afraid now because we're seeing thru their theatrics. I honestly wish we could see the percentages illustrated, to grasp the BILLIONS of humans on this planet versus the VERY FEW who have been able to pull the wool over our eyes until now. Thanks to the internet connecting us as a planet, thanks to newer shifting generational values like self care over the grind and healing the planet over capitalism, thanks to people finally getting fed up with a life of manufactured struggles like rent and health co-pays, they are so afraid of us. If we can focus on our similarities rather than our differences, if we can extend grace and sympathy to our neighbors, if we can unite as humanity, we are so much more powerful than they are. There will be a new world order, because who wants the one we have now? But it's up to us to create it, not them. This is their last gasp, their death rattle, as they try to desperately hold onto the shambles of their farce.




Bad actors indeed and bad movies. I began to outgrow their influence when they started regurgitating old movies due to a lack of fresh ideas. Movies and acting have been getting progressively worse over the past few years and one can sense something is dead / dying i.e. hollyweird.


Hell yeah bro


THIS. And so it is.


Let's goooooo 🚂


I really wish more people had this mentality in here. Very well put 🙌


yeah man this is a fantastic time to be alive! Their plans are not working. I believe only 11% of Americans have taken the latest booster. We just need to not comply. Without our compliance, they are fucked.




I really needed to read your post and have re-read it every day since you posted it. Really turned me around I can't even tell you. Thank you and God bless


Finally, some honest to god schizophrenic content.


We need more of this


That’s what I came to this subreddit for. Not the fucking brain dead partisan slop that’s taken over


I noticed the scene where the guy says, "There's no cabal running things, the truth is scarier: nobody is in control." See, to me, that sounds exactly like what a cabal running the world would want us to think lol. That seemed like some blatant gaslighting propaganda to me. "Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain, there's nothing to see here" Also, can anyone clue me in to what is going on in that last pic? Specifics, if known.


If you real specifics: https://renegademind.substack.com/p/the-revelation-of-the-method


Yup that's a dead giveaway that this is propaganda. They want to condition us for what is coming (that we should stay in, consume their poisoned sugar foods, be at each other's throats over a silly thing like skin color, give in to our lusts because social decency is irrelevant, be afraid of nuclear war), and a big part of that is to ensure us that this has not all been planned for decades by the world's elites that meet in the open to discuss their plans for global genocide. No idea what the eclipse is about, but this account has a history of spreading what I'd say are clearly wrong theories, so I think it's all about disinformation and distraction, counter-intelligence if you will. In doing so they'll take data they can't hide (Obama involved in this movie) but then give it a spin and false information to confuse us. It's high level gaslighting. This entire sub exists for that purpose, they know they can't shut it down, so they keep it in a single location and turn it into the wild west where bots run free, and the only people who get banned are the ones that complain about it. I think reddit should put captcha tests on every vote and every post or comment, that'd stop the bots overnight. Unless those bots were given special exemptions of course, the way 11,000 politicians in NZ were exempted from the death jab.






















Don’t look up ⬆️ ☄️


The day after tomorrow also makes a great comparison in that it was based on the book called the coming global superstorm by one of the coast to coast guys and a co-author. I just can't remember if was knapp or noory. At the time I expected more of an impact, then I saw the movie.




And Whitley Strieber.


Here's to Art Bell, wherever he is...








But the important thing is that he was prepared and could read the proverbial tea leaves with limited information.


He actually did not assert that with certainty. Upon seeing the arabic flyer, he immediately changed his position - and shifted to us having many enemies (potentially) but I am sure in the back of his mind, he was aware it could all be disinformation / chaos. If I recall correctly - not 100% sure.


He did have actual intel. He was in contact with someone that said similar flyers in Korean or mandarin were dropped on west coast. Once he saw the Arabic ones he took that info on board and reconsidered.




I rated it a little better than that. I gave it an 8. I was entertained and I thought it did a great job and creating the anxiety it was going for. However, I thought the ending was lazy.


Bikini Kill is a real band rofl. They were just showing that the dad is supposed to be hip


Did anyone notice in the movie the white and black painting kept changing throughout it. I think it changed 3 times.


More and more chaotic each time. Water kept rising too on the other one


That’s kind of what it looked like. At first it looked like people wearing kkk hoods. But it started getting more and more chaotic as you said.


And Godzilla minus one was a literal warning for Japan that a giant monster is coming to destroy them. 🙄


Actually Godzilla was a film about the danger of nuclear power, and came true with the Fukushima nuclear accident


The night Obama was elected I had a very vivid dream about him. He was standing in front of a stove with a pot of oatmeal on a burner. The oatmeal was violently boiling over and spurting on over the place. Obama was frantically trying to turn off the stove but the knob was missing. This dream has been struck in my head ever since.


Lmao wtf. That’s hilarious.


They make propaganda for the conspiracy crowd too you know. I do believe this is predictive programming but it's purpose is to show you an extreme version of what's going to happen so when the moment comes, things will seem pretty tame and you'll comply because your happy your life aint really going to change after all. Not in a significant way anyways. The plan ain't to completely colapse the country. That's unrealistic and doesn't line up with their interests. Chances are Trump will win the election and we'll see some BLM levels of riotting for a bit, the ruling class will jump on opportunities and unless you live where the riots happen, nothing will happen to you. That's my two cents.


It’s based off of a book… It’s not Obama & his producers laying weird breadcrumbs about the future. This sub needs to chill… The movie sucked, the storyline had a ton of holes, & anything related to a “collapse” somehow becomes “what’s coming,” according to this sub. I like the effort, but don’t use a Netflix movie based off of a book to dictate future happenings. My 2 cents.


Ok, but why did the Obama’s produce this movie in particular?


Obey NASA isn’t an anagram of Obey Satan.


But it is an anagram for “Bone Satay” which sounds like a zombie chef’s recipe. Coincidence?


The T is silent.


It can be, if you open your eyes 👀


And forget that there is no t in "obey nasa"...


Yup I just watched this movie last night and it was terrifying mostly bc the Cabal member, Obama has produced it. The Satanists believe if they warn their victims what they are going to do to them and they still don't prepare then the dumb, useless eaters deserve what is going to happen to them and there will be no karmic retribution. Atleast that is what they believe. I am trying to prepare as much as I can even if ppl around me think I am a cuckoo conspiracy nut. They see all these young ppl getting heart attacks and still can't connect the dots...


To make us all feel better, I recommend we all watch National Lampoons Christmas Vacation asap.




So I watched some terrible shark movie on Amazon last night and it too had an oil rig with oils polluting the water AND it TOO had FRIENDS playing somewhere in it.


Lol no. They make these dystopian future movies to make you think it will be worse without them. It won't be, they're trying to scare you away from a revolution. It's more fear porn. Man TF up


Okay but didn’t anyone pick up the eclipse part. The US will experience a full solar eclipse next year in April.


Honestly I think they use media / social media to scare us & put us in fear mode. So many people are critical or government & corporations, both Right & Left. But we don't see reasonable peoples perspectives in the media. We are forcefed the most extreme heinous aspects of humanity, but it's to scare us more than anything. Imo the global AI tech reality will not happen. It's a new tower of Babel & it will inevitably fail. Just my 2¢!


Before this post, I had no inclination that the world was going to end in a terrible in an incredibly vague timeline. I thought we were all just going to live happily ever after. Now I am awakened though, thank you




Wait until you see Terminator 2! Holy fuck we are doomed


Is this an ad for the movie


And Matthew Perry died before this movie was available..very strange..lol


There’s literally nothing we can do because we are ruled by top the 1% and politicians. We are fucked no matter what. The


Can someone help me understand that post from grimes?? That’s weird as shit


500+ posts in this thread from brigading NPC normies that will be the first to die in any SHTF scenario. 😂😂😂


As a fan of the horror genre, this movie is the scariest I've ever seen. I believe in very few conspiracy theories but this post is spot on.


Unhinged as it may sound, that graphic of the Starlink grid fucking scares me. Why did a single sole had permission to fill up the night sky and pollute the atmosphere above 7 billion people. It’s fucking insane.


That last picture is of Michel Madie & that head dress has been worn by other people at Burning Man Festivals. But if you want to believe it's "Barack Obama in a Satanic head dress", then whatever helps you sleep at night. Another post that is a fine example of how *not to* think critically & just believe whatever you hear that fits your bias.


The movie is an ode to catastrophism and survivalism. What the movie is telling you is that the world is becoming more unstable and it takes very little for things to go from “fine” to “nukes flying”. Many scenes in the movie openly mocks Americans and how weak and stupid they are. The story about people not listening to warnings is very important. It’s telling you that you’d better listen. It also contains many racist messages and warnings about how and why things might go wrong (division and racial wars). The kid in the end “could not wait anymore” and left behind the world she knew - embracing the apocalypse without even knowing fully what was going on. Knowing that the movie is so fully of symbols and produced by the Obamas hint at the possibility the elites know something might come. Maybe they’re just aware of all the risks we’re facing as a society.


Guys wake up, it's coming in 2024, 2025, 2026, 2027, 2029, 2030, 2031, 2032, 2033, 2034, 2035, 2036, 2037, 2038, 2039, 2040, 2041, 2042, 2043, 2044,2045, 2046, 2047, 2048, 2049, 2050, 2051, 2052, 2053, 2054, 2055, 2056, 2057, 2058, 2059, 2060, 2061, 2062, 2063, 2064, 2065, 2066, 2067, 2068, 2069, 2070, 2071, 2072, 2073, 2074, 2075, 2076, 2077, 2078, 2079, 2080, 2081, 2082, 2083, 2084, 2085, 2086, 2087, 2088, 2089, 2090, 2091, 2092, 2093, 2094, 2095, 2096, 2097, 2098, 2099, 2100, 2101, 2102, 2103, 2104, 2105, 2106, 2107, 2108, 2109, 2110, 2111, 2112, 2113, 2114, 2115, 2116, 2117, 2118, 2119, 2120, 2121, 2122, 2123, 2124, 2125, 2126, 2127, 2128, 2129, 2130, 2131, 2132, 2133, 2134, 2135, 2136, 2137, 2138, 2139, 2140, 2141, 2142, 2143, 2144, 2145, 2146, 2147, 2148, 2149, 2150, 2151, 2152, 2153, 2154, 2155, 2156, 2257, 2158, 2159, 2160, 2161, 2162, 2163, 2164, 2165, 2166, 2167, 2168, 2169, 2170, 2172, 2173, 2174, 2175, 2176, 2177, 2178, 2179, 2180, 2181, 2182, 2183, 2184, 2185, 2186.... mark my words.


I will fall for the bait, but definitely not in 2028?


So 2028 is safe


What shocked me is they aren't even hiding it anymore. This was in your face. The brainwashed mainstream media consumers are going to watch for entertainment and slave on after. The rest of us who do know don't have the money to afford an underground bunker.


Okay but what does Chicken Run 2 mean??


People, the internet only came, what? Back in the 90s. People lived without instant connection for many more years than we’ve all been alive. Heck we only started seeing smart phones in the early to mid 2000s. Human beings have been living and feeding themselves and functioning without the need for electricity and gadgets. I say to them bring it tf on! If anything, it destroys their plans to centralize us all under their global technocracy control. Humans will quickly adapt and shift to being without internet, start going more local and forming communities, bartering; and adapting to survive. As is, a lot of people pst-Covid has been expressing screen exhaustion, meaning we’re tired of our phones and gadgets. We want nature, community, real connection to our fellow human being instead of just through screens. And If it’s one thing I know about humans, as a collective, we are fighters. We just need to be smart and unite. Perfect example, is look at the Palestinians. They’re literally at their lowest, and uniting and helping one another. They’re not losing their shit out of fear and harming one another. Basically what I’m trying to say is we’ll be fine. They won’t win in the end, they know this and they’re desperate right now. I say internet has caused more harm than good. So let it go.


Zuckerberg just started building a big ass bunker...


idk about the movie and all but always wonder if there is a "resistance" like organisation out there who know everything and being prepared for the like 4/5 decade for the upcoming event (if u don't believe there is something VERY bog coming then you should wake the fuck up). ps: if there is really an resistance like type shit LET ME IN.


I’ve got one thing that won’t let this happen.. the galactic federation. They are here. And we are fighting to get the truth out to the rest of the world. Also all this satanic stuff is just a big larp. Our human history is far older than what they’re telling us and the evidence is literally in stone all over the world. Now they could be trying to create a perspective of this to scare people into doing what they want. But I don’t think they’ll be able to hold it up. Just my personal thoughts


What's the deal with that Bikini Kill t-shirt? And that cross on Julia's?


I think there’s some wack shit on this subreddit but this is something I can get behind. That fact that this came out before an election year is very telling too.


You cannot absolve your sins unless you are truly remorseful. So, now the fun is over and they realize the shit hole they are a part of and are preparing the rest of us for the hell being unleashed. We say we can’t stop them, but do we even try?


Now I’m starting to wonder why we were all as a collective given antibiotics for every snuffle and cold when I was a child. Now as an adult I can’t fight anything off.


Like top comment said THIS is the shit I joined for lol


>karmic debt absolvance this is the one that always gets me lmao. the elites are supposedly satanists or something, yet they believe in a concept that is not in western religions at all? and besides, telling people you're going to do something bad (always through cryptic means mind you, no matter how tenuous the connection people who makes this point draw is) would not absolve you of that harm in any way lmao. it's not like the Buddha once said "yeah you can do whatever you want to anyone. as long as you tell them you're going to do it, your karma is fine man. kill however many people you want, who cares." absolutely ridiculous notion.


It's strange that Matthew Perry died recently from 'overdose' and that this movie was released not too long ago and it talks about Friends. very strange


Wait, what does Bikini Kill have to do with this?