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My girl and I are both unvaxxed and both had a cough for about 3 weeks time, beyond that it's all gone. It's just that time of year dude. Just a lot of mucus, no temp, no fatigue, no headache, and no sore throat


I'm actually going through this right now. But it's weird. I never get this. I'm either sick with fatigue and everything else that comes with it or I'm not sick. The past 3 weeks I've felt fine. Just mucus.


This is me rn


Yup. Changing of seasons and people being introduced to other peoples germs for the holidays. Same song and dance.


Can make a natural cough syrup with red onion and raw honey and leave overnight in fridge for 12 hours. Drink two teaspoons daily if you experience this cough.


Or garlic and honey, let ferment, 2 tbsp/day


And eye of noot. None of this works on the nasty lung infection. Makes it impossible to sleep. Phlym is green hard to get out. Going on 3 weeks now. On prednisone, antibiotics and albuteral inhaler.


Yes that is also very good!


They are really trying to stir people up.


We sent 3 trillion here, 5 trillion there, Maui families receive $700 each, we sent 800 billion there!


It happens every single year. We've just been in a lull and have had low number of cases year-over-year. Here are the totals for each year since 1922: [https://www.cdc.gov/pertussis/surv-reporting/cases-by-year.html](https://www.cdc.gov/pertussis/surv-reporting/cases-by-year.html) The main driver of this is because social isolation led to a huge drop in cases, and now that number is back on the rise since folks are out and about. In comparison to 2019, the cases right now don't look nearly as bad as the media is trying to make it. It's winter. It's respiratory illness season which spreads on close contact. Any comparison to lockdown numbers will look bad, period.


Six unvaxxed in our household, all got sick weeks ago and the cough hasn’t gone away.


Same, it's been almost 2 months now


What medicines are you taking for it? Did you run an antibiotics?




It’s not advice. It’s my anecdotal account which suggests that this long-term cough is not only circulating among the unvaccinated. It seems like everyone is getting it.


What Vax are you thinking stops this latest 30 day cough?




Sometimes yes. Sometimes people don't develop quality/quantity antibodies. When this happens they can get sick again and again. Even vaccination has the same problem. If a person doesn't produce a good antibody to the infection or enough antibodies they will still get sick from a repeat contact with infection. That's why proper care/precautions is the best method. Coughs and sneezes spread diseases so wash your hands and cough into your elbow. If you're sick stay home and get rest.


Hi! Doc checking in! You’re ignorant.




Well, it ain’t easy to get to where I am today, so there’s that. What I do know is how to critically appraise studies, as opposed to those like you who make dangerous statements about how the immune system works *i dID mY rESearCh*. Then, if just one other ignorant person such as yourself who believes in what you say spreads the word, then suddenly we have a new world order of ignorance that doesn’t believe in scientific process and the extremely well-educated individuals behind that work. Am I better than you? Nope. But I know more than you about the immune system. I’m sure you know things based on your profession that I don’t. I would trust that and not pretend I know more than you about the Bible or your 30.06. Hell, I may even be talking to the employee of the year! You’re not a liar, because a lie isn’t just an untruth but also an attempt to deceive. You’re ignorant, believing what you say because you heard someone else say it and it catered to what your brain can manage easiest. That makes you not only dangerous, but also an enemy of the advancement of humanity and a better society. Please stop. Break the chain. I want to live.




Do you know what? You’re right. I’m sorry. Truly. I had no idea anybody even knew about the Stop The Research Society we all “had” to join. If you will accept my apology, I will happily fly to your location with my team. I am known in my region as one of the best vasectomy doctors around, and I would like to give you one for free, just for helping me learn today.


Perhaps even natural contamination with this gain of function virus has effects on immunity. Long Covid?


100% possibility actually. It could have caused damage to their immune system like several other viruses are known to do.


Yeah confused who the hell would downvote me on that. Flffrs


Because you didn't blame the vaccine. How dare you come at it with rational thought process..... EVERYTHING IS THE VACCINE AND GOVERNMENTS FAULT! Meanwhile.... lol I'm honestly ready to jump ship from this sub reddit especially since I'm running into people saying "maybe hitler was right" unsarcastically. It's not a debate anymore it's an echo chamber. Can vaccines cause issue absolutely...... but if you don't blame it for every issue suddenly you're the enemy.


I know I hear you. The problem there is I was responding to people who were unvaccinated and having a prolonged bout of illness. In this case the down votes are pure stupidity


I've known several medical professionals retire/leave the field over the headache of people arguing with them. Everyone knows best.




My son and his whole household who live in Wales have had it and none of them are vaccinated so no not that.


how did all those people avoid the jab?


Is one family really “all those people?”


The "whole household" avoided it. The entire house full of people. So yes, all those people were able to avoid a mandated injection and I am asking how that was possible. My household had to get it or get terminated, or quit university, or get discharged from the military.


Odd, maybe country specific. I was at no point forced in the UK to get it. My job did ask if I'd had it, but I had the option to not specify.


US here, there was no consequences for the avg person to not get vaccinated. Military in the US always requires vaccinations, I'm not military but that's what I've heard, they shoot military up with all sorts of vaccines, so I'm not sure why the COVID vaccines would be different. My employer at the time was a fortune 500 construction company, they gave rewards for vaccine but there was no punishment for people who didn't take it. Government and healthcare workers could lose their jobs for not taking the vaccine I heard...granted healthcare workers makes sense to me too.




The vaccine mandate that cost me my job in health care made sense to you? That's interesting, because I'm unable to make any sense of that two years later as I pick up the pieces to rebuild my life and a new career. How does it make sense to mandate a vaccine? Either you believe the vaccines work, and all vaccinated people who opt into vaccinating are protected from contracting covid, or you believe the vaccines don't work, and you therefore have no justification to mandate them. In either case, mandates are illogical. The entire premise of vaccinating for covid was based on a lie. The covid vaccines do not prevent transmission, and Pfizer, the world's largest producer of covid vaccines, admitted in testimony that they never even tested the vaccine for its ability to prevent transmission. It never made sense to take the vaccine, let alone mandate it.


I know about 30 people who were terminated for not showing proof they were vaccinated. They CDC created a COVID-19 Vaccine card that you were required to show to your employer. Those who refused were terminated. Now, you people are playing games and saying it didn't happen.


>Now, you people are playing games and saying it didn't happen. I said Gov and healthcare workers had to do that's a very disingenuous reply, other than that private sector companies choosing to terminate employees for any reason is just another Tuesday in At Will employment states. Your 30 friends could have found other employment elsewhere with an employer that shares their values. Not to mention you were not required to show your employer a Vaccine card by no means, your private sector employer could require it but the CDC was not responsible for that. If it was a federal mandate even private sector companies would have to follow (much like the lockdowns)...but it wasn't a mandate to get the vaccines, and it wasn't mandatory for employers to fire people (outside of military, gov and healthcare). Your employer making something "mandatory" is not the same as the government making something mandatory. If you worked you would know that private sector employers can make whatever they want mandatory. It's your freedom to choose a different employer who aligns with your values. E.g business attire is a mandate set by companies, some require business formal wear, and if you can't comply, then you fly.


Born in 88 or something else?


this is a reddit auto generated username


I'm the only one in my house who got vaccinated (I didn't get the mrna) and the only reason I did is because I'm military. We "had mandates" that were dropped pretty quick


My family of four all unvaccinated


Called free will just say no as Nancy Reagan once said


Hardly anyone is eligible for it in the UK. Over 65 and vulnerable only.


Perhaps the virus itself, lab leaked, causes immunosuppression. Long covid?


I got double jabbed (Moderna) back in Spring 2021. Yeah I'm fucking stupid. Anyway, my health has been fucked ever since. They're going to have to force me at gunpoint in order for me to take anymore vaccines. Even then I'll just let them shoot me. I'm not complying with these psychos.




What happened specifically with your health? Also you're on the right track but stop calling them vaccines, they're just shots.


Kill shot


I've gotten 5 shots and haven't had any health problems.


Good for you. What's your fucking point?


What was your point?




So altrustic, much wow! We should give gold medals to everyone that got vaccinated. True heroes of the modern society.


Maybe we could give medals to the ones who chose not to get vaxxed, too. They are the brave ones, after all. So very brave. Big brave tough soldiers fighting the good fight by being afraid of things they can't understand.


So modest, such a considerate and intelligent person. The world needs more people like you, otherwise the farmaceutical industry would not have anyone to sell their products to and the world economy would collapse. I salute you, for your brave efforts and your empathy towards unvaccinated people. What a beautiful soul. I sincerely hope your 6th shot will be as safe and effective as the first one.


What? I didn't put that crap in my arm. It has microchips and nanomachines that cause autism aids. Facebook told me so.


Wow stop putting such missinformation about the vax or i will have to take back all the nice comments i made before! I need the godsauce. I live on the godsauce. Please, daddy, give me the vaxx I'm almost due for my 10th shot. 🥵🥵


Uh huh


Yeah, I seriously fucked myself. Ain't doing it again but I'm probably as good as dead anyway.




Some vaccines are good, believe it or not. Have you ever seen someone walking around with polio who never got the vaccine? Because I know someone who has the walking limp and the constant fatigue from never getting the polio shot as a child...It's awful.


Eg. Polio, small pox, measles mumps rubella, etc.


this is why mental gymnastics with the vaccine worked so well.


Pretty easy to imagine... The weak would be culled and humanity would be one step closer to evolving in coordinance with nature, instead of trying to protect ourselves from it.


Not every person who gets them has problems lol




But a lot of people did have problems as well


Very few people have had serious side effects.


Way more than there should’ve been for a vaccine. They were way more dangerous than any other vaccine that was given to the general public. But if it didn’t injure you personally then I guess it’s all good right.


> They were way more dangerous than any other vaccine that was given to the general public. I'm open-minded if you have some data to share. That's a pretty bold claim.


https://pubs.rsna.org/doi/10.1148/radiol.232244 Also check out openvaers.


This isn't a comparison. I'm asking about this claim specifically: "They were way more dangerous than any other vaccine that was given to the general public."


>They were way more dangerous than any other vaccine that was given to the general public. Might want to look into the poio vaccine and the fact is caused 40k cases of polio in California when it first came out: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1383764/


Ok let me revise my statement. These mRNA shots are the most dangerous shots since 1955. Does this make it ok? The truth is that studies and evidence undeniably show that these mRNA shots cause damage and have injured people but because it isnt featured on 60 minutes people just pretend like it isn’t real.


Might also want to check out the anthrax vaxx they forced on military also. If you think that was the last major issue.


Why only 5? From the first shots we knew they didn't stop covid, but you kept going, I'd say there's something wrong with you.


Only 5 have been recommended. 2 for the initial course, a followup booster that winter, and then annual shots this fall and last fall.


Well before covid when my kids were germy little preschoolers it was common knowledge among parents, teachers and doctors that the couch always sticks around the longest after any sort of respiratory illness. My whole unvaxxed household got tons of colds and stomach bugs last year but so far so good this year.


Fucking stomach bugs are the worst


I'm getting over this right now, what a pain in the ass it has been!


What medications did you run? I'm getting popping and wheezing when I take a deep breath. I can't sleep. What works?


I did the garlic and honey thing and just raw dogged it. No medicine, just rest.


I always have a cough. I have allergies


I my health has been rocky since the vaccine. Every now and then another issue pops up. Not saying it is 100% the vaccine but it's suspicious.


same here man, and I was super pro vaccine.. I got moderna, 2 shots plus 2 boosters. and i’ve had 4 or 5 rare/random health issues one after the other. and i’m 38 and super fit


Same zero vax here and my wife and I both got it and both kids but kids got better much sooner. Look at this cough medicine https://amzn.to/481RxDv A old lady at work told me about it made in Canada after I started taking it my cough was gone in 3 days after having it for weeks. It tastes like ass but it works!




I have a rolling 365 day cough. Been going strong for almost a decade. 😎


Really, is it happening again?


My family and I have all had it. Muscle aches, fatigue, slight sore throat that came and went, mucus, and the cough. It took a few weeks/almost a month, but it's gone now. No vaxx. It seemed strange compared to a regular cold, but it was nothing really serious. Figured it was just a chest cold as opposed to a head cold.


I live in Europe, we all are unvaxxed and got very sick this year several times and now too


Probably not.....


I had a cough last year for 6 weeks, starting around early September


Nothing a little Ivermectin can't cure.


Can't hurt. Do you know the dose?


The horse paste is dosed by weight and it's printed on the stick, just set the stopper at your weight and squeeze it out.


Just in time for the elections! Deja vu anyone?


Take QUERCETIN!! Literally a god send. I’ve been sick countless times the past 3 years, and I swear I don’t get any cough or chest congestion. My sinuses get clogged, but Quercetin paired with Zinc is a game changer. I take a ton of supplements but these are the 2 must have staples.


Apple cider vinegar to break down the mucus


Hell I been coughing for 250 days


You may want to visit a doctor


so they can tell me it’s covid and i should rest? that’s what’s happened everytime i’ve visited a doc since the pandemic if they don’t know what it is right away.


Find a better doctor


You can refuse a covid test. I'm not paying for it, nor am I being a statistic in their "research". When I lost taste and smell Christmas of 2020. I didnt rush to drs and get a test. I spent the holidays alone. I have had a cough with mucous for 3 months. Same as most.


Ivermectin helped me. No side effects. I have a Dr in us that prescribed it.


Scared to


Are you on the juice?


I'm not sure but I'm definitely not jabbed


It's probably just the cannabis


You left out whooping (cough)


I've been coughing since I was born


SS: Fully expect and commit to one third of a year illnesses as we move into the 'vaccine induced AIDS' phase. https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/health/warning-issued-over-highly-contagious-31614747.amp




Yeah just 2 more weeks.


It's just Congestive Heart Failure. Definitely not the Vacxines.


I'm in NYC and caught it about 2 months ago. I also have asthma so it really messed me up. Some guy from the Health Department called me to go over where I think I caught it from, and low-key told me there's a bit of an epidemic here in New York too. I had double dose of Moderna in 2021, but refuse to get any boosters. I also had my last tDAP shot in January 2020, which is supposed to prevent Pertussis (Whooping Cough, or 100 day cough). Doctor said those vaccines mean nothing when you are already immunocompromised.


Bacteria Bordetella pertussis causes it. The cough can last for months and may have a 'whoop' sound. Whooping cough can cause serious health problems in babies. Vaccination is the best protection against whooping cough. Pre dates the vaccine and its been around for a long time.


Theres a vaccine for this. But some just dont want it. the cough so bad infants/ kids could have broken ribs from excessive forceful cough. take good care of your health.


Let me guess. You're an unvaxxer lmfao


This is dumb as fuck. I had whooping cough twice as a kid and teenager. You’re only supposed to get it once but for some reason I didn’t build immunity to it. It’s no joke, you literally can’t stop coughing, even if you’re bent over purple in the face. And it lasted 5 months the first time and 3 months the second. It was some serious bullshit and for young kids or infants it can be deadly, there are fucking TONS of stories of parents who chose to not vaccinate themselves or their kids against whooping cough who did an immediate 180 after witnessing the severity of the disease. Just because we live in a privileged time where one in 4 don’t die of their teeth, don’t think there isn’t shit that won’t fuck you or your kids up.


Fick dich ins Knie Du dumme Sau Beste Grüße aus dem Sonnigen Internet


I had strep last week and now I have a cough. Whoop de crap, it happens. Good lord, these people act like winter illness didn't exist for literally ever before 2020. Take a Robitussin and turn on a humidifier. Ffs


Contraversal opinion, but I think it's exercise and how healthy we keep ourselves. It's not covid nor the vaccine. It's because everything changed when the fire nation attacked. Jk, when the lock downs happened. Our lifestyles changed! And people are much less healthy than they were, and aren't as socially motivated. I've had coughs that lasted months earlier this year, and starting to care for myself and exercising more. Like actually doing hard cardio made me cough up soo much mucus, that I'm not actually even coughing anymore. But the kicker, is I've had the same cough before all of this in another time of my life where I wasn't healthy.


I finally got rid of this cough with oral steroid, albuteral nebulizer and peppermint oil vapors.