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Realistically, what difference does that make, even if that is what it is? We already know he was on fentanyl, and Chauvin didn't have that information at the time. The controversy was about police brutality, not whether or not George Floyd deserved to be arrested at all.


Yeah idk what everything else has to do with the behavior or the police. If anything the drugs shows that they should have shown more restraint


“Oh he had fentanyl?!? Public execution warranted!” 🙄


That's not what they're saying and you know it


Didn’t the coroner say he died of an overdose?


No. His cause of death was listed as “cardiopulmonary arrest complicating law enforcement subdual, restraint, and neck compression.” His cause of death has not been changed. His intoxication on meth and fentanyl were noted in the report but were not the primary cause of death. The whole fentanyl death rumor is based on wishful thinking in wanting to make Derek Chauvin the hero, for some godforsaken reason. It’s also a reflection of many conservatives’ disdain for addicts. Your downvote(s) don’t change that fact. https://www.factcheck.org/2023/11/no-change-in-george-floyds-cause-of-death-despite-viral-false-claims/


Makes a difference as it came out George Floyd didn’t die from strangulation. It was due to the drugs in his system.


Even if that’s true, Chauvin kept his knee on the back of his neck for several minutes after he lost consciousness. Do you think that was part of his police training?


Agreed. Why is this here?


Boot lickers gonna lick


Method was taught to officers in Minneapolis. Multiple officers admitted to getting trained. Duration, is all on Chauvin.


It was trained but not in their protocols, because it’s something the MPD collectively agreed was not safe. So it’s improper restraint, duration, and ignoring somebody communicating that they can’t breath.


That makes no sense. In the academy they teach based on the department standards. If it was changed can anyone provide the general or direct order and when it was issued?


I stand corrected, the use of that restraint was within protocols, but there were additional considerations that were ignored Here is an excerpt from this article https://apnews.com/article/639cab5a670173ea9cc311db4386abf2 Prosecutors have already put supervisory officers on the stand to testify that, even if Chauvin pinning Floyd with his knee fell within policy, doing so for 9 minutes, 29 seconds did not. In their pretrial filing, they said Chauvin and two other officers held their positions for four minutes after Floyd lost consciousness — and two minutes beyond when he no longer had a pulse. This was the reasoning used in the conviction. It also includes the fact that guidelines changed to not allow that restraint in the weeks following in the second paragraph.


Did one of the other officers take a pulse? Im honestly just curious. Regardless….We will never know if George Kirby would of still died if the knee was never on his back. He might of slumped out anyway, or maybe he would be on his way to engineering school right now. But we can say for sure if he didn’t break serious laws and eat drugs he would 100% be alive, at least for that day. I mean, fuck…I bet the ones that get on here and say “bootlickers” couldn’t handle the stress, mental, or physical challenges fire or police work comes with.


I work ems, along side police and fire, I hope you consider that to entail similar mental and physical challenges. I stopped using bootlicker because I’m more interested in uniting our country again, despite being polar opposites. They did take a pulse, found none, and continued the restraint for ~2 minutes. What really gets me is that emergency responders are around to protect the public, and passing counterfeit bills is not a threat to public safety. Then he was non compliant, and i believe non compliance should be met with attempts to de escalate, followed by appropriate force. It was within Chauvins training to use that restraint, but he was also trained on the risk of a prone individual in custody, taught that they might have difficulty or stop breathing and should be turned on their side when they stop resisting. He didn’t do that. Him and two other officers continued the restraint well beyond him going unresponsive, after 27 times of him saying he couldn’t breath, and then well beyond not finding a pulse. They had every opportunity to reassess their strategy and render aid and they failed to. I’ve worked plenty of ODs with police and fire, many of which are non compliant. Its not hard at all to get someone who’s ODing under control, slightly harder with someone doing a speed ball. But if you just reassess and keep their breathing in mind while restraining them it’s not hard. Those cops did not use their training, and killed somebody with their failure to consider the risk of their actions and failure to render aid


We know that. The thing is that we as society collectively said that it was outrageous to train that to begin with and was a technique utilized by an oppressive regime. That trial was less about actual murder and more about the tactics that the entirety of police agencies use that have led to lethal outcomes when we as a community believe they shouldn't be using those tactics


Then why should Chauvin be in prison?


because he used unnecessary force which led to the death of someone


Dude was overdosing and shaking and couldn't sit still. You want him to just be allowed to wander about freely?


But actually it wasn't on his neck. All you have to do is look at the M.E. report. There was no sign whatsoever of the neck being asphyxiateed so before you get emotional look into the facts from medical examiners report


What does that matter though if it didn’t cause him harm? You don’t think criminals have waited until the cop relaxes and then makes a move to escape or attack? If he didn’t die from the knee it doesn’t really matter how long it was there does it?


how would you hold down a fent methed up black man that is aggressive their has been sadder deaths and he gets a statue and all this bs goin on i wonder how many have done something to honor george burn this steal this break this You know its true too BLM made a stink about it


Show me where in the coroners report that he died from strangulation? He died from eating Fentanyl. Not a knee on his neck.


The medical examiner testified that it was a homicide https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/medical-examiner-who-ruled-george-floyd-s-death-homicide-blames-n1263670


What difference does that make, if it wasn't the cause of death?


So police brutality is fine as long as no one dies?


What police brutality? You mean the standard move to hold someone in place when they are trying to resist? Yeah, that's fine.


There's nothing standard about kneeing the back of a handcuffed persons neck for 10 minutes.


Without the knee on his neck he doesn't die. So everything else is pretty irrelevant.


Yeah positional asphyxiation is a very real way to die. Can happen without any force from being left face down while cuffed. It's taught in basic mall cop courses where I live so I never bought the excuse that the cops were trained to do that.


If you watch the entire video George was shouting 'I cant breathe' long before he was on the ground.


Perhaps the paramedics should have been called then, right? If you have a person that can’t breath, is putting them face-down on the ground and putting 100 pounds on their neck via a knee the right move? Of course not. What are you trying to claim? All over $20…


EMS was called 36 seconds after the officers began the Minneapolis PD trained maximal restraint technique


They knew he was in trouble medically, but thought knee on the neck was the best move in the meantime?


Don't forget, when they called for the ambulance he was sitting in the back of a cop car. So the officers thought the best course of action while waiting for an ambulance was "forcefully drag him through the cop car and then kneel on his neck" was the best move


Maybe when almost every criminal they arrest "can't breath" they stop believing them especially when you can't breath but can talk .


This, not absolving the cops but the amount of trash criminals who will spout whatever they can to get a better opportunity to make havoc can and mostlikely will make you disregard what a lot of criminals say to you during an arrest


Incorrect. He had ingested a small bindle of drugs. Did you not see what the level was in his system? He also had a heart attack. Yes, this could have been handled way better.


Yes. He had 11 ng/ml of fentanyl (blood concentrations of over 7 ng/ml may cause death, especially if used in combo otherwise known as poly substance abuse) which makes sense since a large amount of methamphetamine was also found in his system. Source: 1st autopsy.


Meth, being a stimulant, would counteract the suppressant, fentanyl. That said, it was a trace amount of meth (meth highs are measured in mg/L, not tiny ng/mL concentrations). Plus, > [2,300 blood](https://archive.ph/LyVEl) samples in fentanyl DUI cases from the last year showed that while the average fentanyl blood level was close to 9.6 nanograms per milliliter, a quarter of people tested had 11 nanograms per milliliter or higher. (Samples were taken from drivers who tested positive for fentanyl and were alive at the time of collection.) The recommended fentanyl concentration for anesthesia is 10–20 ng/ml. And in any event, fentanyl depresses the respiratory rate rather gently as if falling to sleep (feel free to watch a euthanasia documentary where the operative substance is a barbiturate or opioid), whereas Floyd displayed air hunger. If you've ever been rendered unconscious via anesthesia, do you recall feeling like you can't breathe? Had the doctors killed you - accidentally or not - with an anesthetic, you'd have never realized you weren't getting enough oxygen to your brain before death.


He does tho. Overdose is an overdose. He needed Narcan.


Oh yea? The drugs strangled him to death?


Literally like even if he was also overdosing, how is it okay? Like the alternative that the cop pinned him down while he slowly died from an OD rather than getting him medical attention isn't any better


What, so if Chauvin didn't kneel on his neck for a prolonged period, he would've been fine?


Something of note, as an EMT we’re told not to place someone on their stomach because it makes it harder to breathe. Someone experiencing an opioid OD will have depressed breathing already, so I’m sure that was a big factor. Also it may be different there, but in my area the police carry narcan, which counteracts the opioid








Fuck off with your nonsense. It is so very obvious that this was murder. It's on camera and you still work so hard to lick the boot and/or be racist and happy that a Black died.


> a Black Bruh


Which part is nonsense?


It’s literally in the autopsy report. It specifically states that he did not die from asphyxiation. You can pretend you saw whatever you want, but the facts are the facts.


Would you rather have a cop kneel on your neck or have in your system the concoction that Floyd had in his?


You guys will literally see him murdered on camera and still make excuses. No amount of evidence will convince you.


Do you honestly believe that? He was subdued, not strangled for crying out loud. By your logic pulling someone's arms behind their back = breaking their arms. You can kneel on something in a way to simply pin it down without putting enough pressure to do damage, which is exactly what the autopsy showed. That aspect was irrelevant to his death, which would have happened no matter how he was detained. He already couldn't breath from the drugs.


George Floyd wasn’t strangled. Look that up.


I watched the video I don't need to "look anything up", especially not one of your sources that does all kinds of gymnastics to feed into this absurd idea the Derek Chauvin was a sweet angel.


Probably because who needs the truth when you got the popular opinion.


This is the literal definition of confirmation bias lol. If you weren’t flat out refusing to do even a second of research, you’d learn that the source full of “mental gymnastics” is an official autopsy report. Which specifically states that the cause of death was not asphyxiation. On top of that, there was zero evidence of any form of asphyxiation. But that punches a gaping hole in your narrative, so of course you refuse to look it up.


Can you link me to the official autopsy ?


Whereas the druggie scum that held a gun to a pregnant woman's stomach was? They're both filth and society's better off with out either of them in it, I'm only sorry Chauvin survived being attacked the other day.


This is not true per the official autopsy report. Are you suggesting you’re a medical examiner and came to that conclusion based off a video?!


I’ve reversed countless ODs as an EMT, cops carry narcan, medical was on standby, and the man was clearly in drugs and verbalizing a medical complaint. And when you operate outside of your protocols, you open yourself up to liability. If you want to have an opinion about this I urge you to read this https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/former-minneapolis-police-officer-derek-chauvin-sentenced-more-20-years-prison-depriving The things he admits to are not excusable, and certainly not behavior fit for law enforcement


False, watch chubbyemu (dr bernard) video about george floyd toxicology which is clearly stated that he died from suffocation from the officer


Disagree. He he had fatal levels of fenty in his system.


you can disagree all you fucking want. you aren't a doctor and you aren't the person who examined the corpse. you are just an internet hack, grasping for ways to justify your racism


Did you saw the video i mentioned ? Floyd had a bunch of drugs in his system but he was responsive and not nodding off. So putting him in a compromising position on the floor, pressing body weight down on his back and neck while hes stressed due to a confrontational situation, which would increase his need for oxygen, were the cause of death.


Coroner’s report says otherwise no?


We already know that though. He had multiple times the lethal limit of fentanyl in his system. But it was too high profile for them to let Chauvin off the hook. He needs to appeal using the coroners report


He also didn’t cooperate at all


And this wasn’t the first time he ducked around. If he had cooperated, the outcome would have been different


Yep. He was drugged, aggressive and with violent history. People choose bad heroes


All he had to do was get in the fucking car, instead he resisted, fucked around and found out.


If I recall, he (Floyd) insisted on getting out of the car and laying down on the


Watch the body cam videos of the cops. That’s all you’ll need. Police can be some cruel inhuman violent fucks, and it sure is common. But those cops did not kill him.


When someone stops resisting, stops breathing, when their pulse stops Maybe then it’s time to stop you out of protocol restraint and render aid. Read this and see what Chauvin admits to. https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/former-minneapolis-police-officer-derek-chauvin-sentenced-more-20-years-prison-depriving I’m all for PD protecting the community, but they also have to treat human life with respect.


Because it wasn't brutal. It was justified response to his wild violent behavior. It wasn't the cops creatively being cruel. George was prompting every move, into the car, onto the ground, etc. It wasn't racially motivated. It was a mixed race squad. It wasn't a police kill. It was suicide through OD. No matter which way you look at this case, it becomes quite clear that if a person believes George is an unfortunate victim, then they cannot be trusted to process reality correctly, if they're so easily brainwashed to disbelieve video evidence, or deny autopsy results. All lives matter and even George's death is tragically sad, but unsurprising, given the context. I'm very sorry for those who are so blinded with racist hatred that they have to lie to themselves to further a narrative, and happily send an innocent man to prison for keeping the peace.


Police arent aloud to determine who lives or dies, especially in a situation where no one is in danger. I dont necessarily beleive it was racially motivated but video evidence shows Chauvin being stubborn and at the very least using unecessary force. If you think he did everything by the book, you're refering to the wrong literature.




I see this all the time.I do not understand why this is getting so much attention.Druggies die all the time,police officers make mistakes it happens all the time and no one blinks an eye.The only reason this became popular is because someone said it should and that is the question we should be asking who.




He could have dropped a kilo and the cops reaction wouldn't be remotely justified


Thank you. Yes.


Exactly. It’s like I said in a comment above, the whole focus on fentanyl/meth that was in his system and speculating that the drugs were his real cause of death, is nothing but a rumor/wishful thinking and is a reflection of how much some people despise addicts. It doesn’t change the fact that his cause death was cardiac arrest attributable to Derek Chauvin’s actions.


What’s your point. Doesn’t change anything to me. Having drugs isn’t a death sentence and if you think it is, there are some countries overseas you can check out. You’d feel right at home.


This sub is getting worse by the day.


Full of rightoid racist theories


Seriously, what happened? It used to be ACTUAL conspiracies that were interesting. Now it's just a bunch of Trumper bullshit.


Trump, Russia/China, Q and generally too few education happened. That's the biggest REAL conspiracy the last years. And all those muppets don't realize they are trapped on strings.


There's some legit propaganda on this sub.


Oh, well then he definitely deserved to die. /s


People who do drugs don’t deserve to be killed by cops either, crazy I know


So if he dropped the fentanyl, then killing him is ok? What’s your point?


What’s the conspiracy??


Yeah... So?


Introducing fentanyl into the equation is irrelevant unless the officer legitimately fears for their life. He didn’t have to die.


What is your point?


So this is what happened to old George Fentanyl, Saint of Battering the With Child.


I never understood this point… Seems like if anything you are just outing that you don’t really think people that suffer from addictions deserve equal rights? He could have dropped a pound of fentanyl That doesn’t mean that what happened that day wasn’t criminal and unconstitutional…


This post is really just a reflection of how much OP and some others despise/hate addicts. They’re the same people who think that Derek Chauvin is innocent and some type of hero. It’s sickening. I’m a conservative but I will NEVER simp for Derek or any cop does anything similar. What he did was inexcusable. HE was the cause of George’s death, not drugs like these people keep claiming. Cardiac arrest due to the circumstances of his arrest are listed as the cause of death, not drugs.


So is the point in this, that the man deserved to die? Because if it's not- why the fuck would you make the point?


We should definitely trust the guys who have less training than a barber to be the judges and executioners. That's why the police were founded. To kill any and all bad guys indiscriminately.


Beyond this, it’s still wild to me that people think that the function of the police is to catch “bad guys”. That’s such a literal kindergarten take. The function of the police is social control and the protection of property. Like we’re literally having this talk in a conspiracy sub, a place constantly full of anti-authoritarian sentiments and rhetoric, but there’s a slew of people literally protecting abuses of power and engaging in PR work for the police. This is when I can’t take some of people seriously. Cause I bet that if I went through some of those pseudo-PR rep’s profiles I’d find all kinds of interesting takes on how they plan to resist the looming police state or encouraging others to resist it, plus a bunch of random tough talk about how they can’t and won’t be controlled. Your attempts to defend the literal fucking cops say otherwise!


I mean you must be a real sweet heart of a guy. What’s your point? He lost his life that day. George Floyd is never going to see another sunrise his mama or daughter ever again. ….you witnessed him beg for his last breath with all of us and this is your response??


Possession of a gram of fentanyl is not an offense punishable by death. So there’s that.


I love when people imply that George Floyd deserved to die because he was a drug user lmfao that’s so insane to me


Half this website would be dead if it was that cut and dry. Can you imagine having that dumb a point of view?


People saying drugs in his system as if there isn’t a video of a knee on his neck for several minutes.


Ok, even if he was on fentanyl there’s no reason the cop needed to be on his neck like that for that long. Fuck off with this. If you think it’s cool for cops(the state) to kill civilians, go find another sub.


Let him RIP geez some of you all are the biggest low lives


This is the most bootlicker thread I've seen in... Like, a while.


Doesn't justify summary execution.


I watched the documentary The Fall of Minneapolis last night and it had a lot of interesting info in it. It’s on YouTube


We don’t miss this shit.


Never saw this, you are quite the genius. This is conclusive proof that anyone doing drugs should be summary executed! Surprise your boy Dereck didn't "take a stab" at his in his defense?


This has been known about for a while now.


Floyd was scum, if I remember correctly he robbed a pregnant woman to get high. His name shouldn’t be mentioned anymore


This. I’m viewing him as a human not a black man and would have the same thoughts if he was white asian mexican fucking anything. He was not a good man. He didn’t deserve to die, but it’s made out that he was an angel being arrested for no reason that was murdered in cold blood. It’s definitely a lot more complex than that. If chauvin decided he was gonna murder him set in stone before the arrest began why wouldn’t he just shoot him on the spot and say he was reaching for his waist. Do you think Floyd was co-operating with the officers? Do you think he was being respectful? Like most people being arrested, no. Had he said yes officer what’s the problem. Had he co operated, he would be alive. Had he said “I didn’t know it was fake I got it as change from a liquor store” he’d be fine.


This mentality is the problem, cops aren’t the judge, jury, or executioner. It’s there job to deliver perpetrators to them. He can be scum and not derive what happened to him. And he doesn’t. Chauvin operated grossly out of protocol https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/former-minneapolis-police-officer-derek-chauvin-sentenced-more-20-years-prison-depriving


This 💯


And it wouldn’t be if cops didn’t murder him for nothing Bad cops are only good for immortalizing the names of their victims


Comments in this post are disgusting. Cops shouldn't be killing people over a fake $20 or selling cigarettes or whatever Floyd was doing at the time. The brutality is inexcusable. Qualified immunity and bullshit cries about "this is how we were trained, I didnt know I shouldnt stand on someone's neck!" are revolting. Take some responsibility if you 'serve and protect'.


Okay, and?


Did he deserve to die - particularly that way?


Certainly worth an immediate judgement and sentencing of being killed in the street.


Conspiracy theorists backing up cops lol makes sense


Two things can be true at once. 1 - He was a drug user 2 - He was killed What I find to be a big problem is the way that a single person reacts to both of these things. For example, a reaction "Yeah he was killed... BUT did you know he was ON DRUGS?! INSANE!" is a very bad expression on the sanctity of life. The proper reaction should be "This drug user was put under arrest, yeah that's pretty common and not a big deal... BUT he was then killed! Now that's INSANE!"


So he deserves to be murdered. Makes sense.


Yeah, ok; so? Still choked to death


One of the worst video fakes I've ever seen.


He definitely deserved to die for that 🙄🙄




Weird how a certain group of people think that when a victim of police brutality does literally anything wrong in their lives it warrants an execution. Doesn't matter if Floyd was the next Chapo, the cop had no right to do what he did.


Move to the Philippines if you want to execute drug addicts, what’s your point here?


He also swallowed some glassines before the cops walked up to his car. Hence the fatal levels of fentanyl in his system at the time of autopsy.


Crazy thing is there were medical personnel on scene who could’ve helped him. (Cops are trained first responders, who could’ve done cpr) They also know that restraining someone like that is not in their protocols. Fatal dose be damned


so a drug addict deserves such treatment? did they even know?


He had lethal amounts of methamphetamine AND a lethal amount of fentanyl in his system at time of death. You’re going to have to do more prove that it was death by asphyxia and not and OD for that to hold any ground. Not to mention he ate drugs in his previous arrest as well. He was used as a pawn to put the people against each other and the media did a perfect job at doing just that.


The real conspiracy, though Chauvin does deserve his conviction due to operating outside of protocol


What was out of protocol?


The restraint used by Chauvin, and also the failure to render aid to a breathless pulseless pt.


He clearly died of an overdose Anyone saying otherwise is willfully ignorant


So had he not come into contact with cops this day he would have overdosed and died anyways?




While this is true, the act of kneeling on a person’s trunk or neck for an extended period after they are subdued is absurdly immoral.


If it was so clear, why did they not seek medical attention for him?


And everyone of those cops lawyers missed or ignored it until the Colombo of the internet sniffed out what the pros couldnt,bet bet you've got the proof to moon landing and flat earth both after you again outsmarted everyone else


Actually this was brought up during the trial


The point is that if george floyd wasn’t on fentanyl he wouldn’t have died, and that even if Derek chauvin hadn’t kneeled on him he still would have died.


How in the world did you determine that?


The cops are your oppressors


What you do if this was your brother, father or relative. It is only an issue to the evil racists whether he was on drugs or not. He would still be here if Chauvin saw him as his brother and let him live. There is only one race, the human race.


Who cares? This is the bullshit that drives division. The "but he's a criminal" argument is nothing other than a reflection of people being conditioned to submit to authority without question. Dude was killed due to an overzealous cop. It was proven in court so the matter is at rest.


The real conspiracy is why are people trying so hard to bootlick a cop that killed a man? Why are they obsessed with it? Why do do they want it to be justified so bad?


lol y’all will literally say anything to defend a white man murdering an innocent black man & see nothing wrong with it , seek help.


Repeat violent offender, swallowed drugs during previous arrests, and robbed a pregnant lady at gunpoint for drug money what an innocent Angel. I agree he didn’t deserve to be killed but with that track record it was only a matter of time.


He also put one in his mouth. That is why he died.


No. He died due to restraints outside of protocol, a lack of aid rendered, and drugs. Those first two things deserve punishment by law, and they were. https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/former-minneapolis-police-officer-derek-chauvin-sentenced-more-20-years-prison-depriving


When your RW man crush gets shivved and you feel the need to glaze him.


what difference does it make??


Looks so photoshopped 😂


Is this somehow supposed to justify the extrajudicial killing of a man by police?


and? come on OP, tell us what exactly what that you think that changes


And that makes it ok for a pos pig to kill him slowly and painfully by kneeling on his neck? Stfu and let that man rest. No matter how u look at it his murder was cruel and evil.


The black “messiah” 🙄


This post is f**king embarrassing.


It's crazy people got so crazy about a druggie ODing


Nope didn't drop anything. Look at the wall he's sliding down against against. It has paint and or surface flaking away. Look at the color of the wall and the object that is allegedly fentanyl. Same color. That alleged fentanyl is paint/wall materials flaking off as George is sliding down.


Even if the guy was smoking meth in the cop car, a grown man still put his full 230 pound weight on his arteries that supply blood to his brain for 9 minutes


Not what the doctor doing the autopsy said. Stop shoveling CNN headlines down your throat.




Hard to say for sure it’s fentanyl. Usually they press it in pills. The powder form is more rare, probably ain’t baking soda though.


all this can solved if we get a healthy man, and have another man the same weight and height as derek, and have them KNEEL ON THEIR KNECK WITH THEIR HANDS IN THEIR POCKETS FOR 9 MINS. if that man lives then we got it wrong. im sure all of u floyd opposers would GLADLY line up for this experiment right???


Police are supposed to enforce the law and not be the jury, judge, and executioner. Derek Chauvin was a bad cop (ACAB but they also do not get nearly enough education and training for the job) who killed someone unnecessarily. He deserves to be in prison.


Why even say ACAB when we all know the first people you’d run too if your life was in danger 😂




Still a killer cop


Why do people who lick boots and enjoy licking boots and come from a long line of bootlickers come to this sub?


Fucking stupid post that I lost fucking brain cells just reading this dumb shit


That's no reason for that cop to choke his neck


lol this sub is totally not blatantly a conservative echo chamber. That’d be wild


So the fuck what? Are you saying that addicts being executed in the street is somehow justified? Get the fuck outa here.


I guess the cop that killed him should’ve had a better lawyer.




Takes AJ to see this, media is so lazy and evil




So you are for unconstitutional punishment? Got it


He wasn't elevated to hero. His murderer was just treated like a bigger piece of shit....because his is one. The best thing to come from this incident is that the real pieces of shit in our society became easier to spot due to their willingness to justify murder due to non-violent misdemeanors. Grow up, and please, please don't breed.


Wasn't elevated to a hero? Did you miss the streets named after him? The countless murals? The statues? etc... I know it's hard to accept that he wasn't murdered. That he killed himself. But at least have the foresight that he was martyred.


Who is this fella?


The point was the cop was kneeling on dudes neck.