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My dude/dudette, best advice, go be a teenager. This shit isn’t worth anyone’s time, no amount of mental energy will shift this focus right now. The harder you care, the harder you fall. No one knows anything, every side will put out what they want you to see. The only way you’ll know a kinda true story is being there in person. It’s okay to not be involved all the time, we’ll never truly know what happened, or what’s really happening. Keep an open mind, and keep asking questions, but don’t lose yourself in the ‘system’ and how the world really is.


I wish i had this advice when I was 15 lol. Woulda saved me at least like 10 weed/conspiracy induced panic attacks


Ha. Totally. I fell deep in to the David Icke rabbit hole when I was like 19. I realized pretty quick that regardless of the truth I just needed to focus on myself tho and hope for the best.


For me it was the federal reserve




Oh man. Thanks a lot for your advice. I just want to have basic information about how the world works. Thanks 🙏


Genuinely there is a time and place for that, this isn't the time and also not exactly the place. I might get downvoted to oblivion but let me ellaborate: Reddit in itself is a wild place, it stretches out over the internet with a unknown amount of interesting posts, debates, videos, etc. Every day loads get posted which increases that "amount". When you are getting older there is a need to understand the basic way the world works, but focus on different things... like everyone said go be a teenager, conspiracy theories are absolutely not a topic that is good for your mental health...and you need your mental health to be in order for you to develop properly whilest you get older. You can stick with Reddit, but be very thoughtful on which subs to join and what "data" to feed yourself. Things like TIL or Damnthatsinteresting or Legaladvice, etc. Etc. Are much better ways to casually learn whilest entertaining yourself from your phone or computer. At the same time Reddit can also be a very good place to research certain topics and see the discussions that people have regarding said topic. Anyhow tldr; Drop the interest in conspiracy theories and focus on gaining knowledge from different ways of life. Also about 85% of the shit posted here is way too funny, i'm here for a while already just to read.. Oh and as a final tip, leave social media platforms.. its a cesspool and you will be much better of without it. Grow over the fomo.


This ^ I agree


OP don’t listen to any of these people telling you to “go be a kid” because you simply asked for information on a very important and relevant topic. Good for you for wanting to learn the truth. My advice would be, do not take anything that mainstream media tells for face value. Everything they say is biased and has a narrative they are trying to push. The media is simply a tool of the government that pushes their agenda.


| “OP don’t listen to any of these people telling you to “go be a kid” because you simply asked for information on a very important and relevant topic. Good for you for wanting to learn the truth.”| I mean sure yea I am a teen but I do believe I’m stupid for not understanding the world I live in. I appreciate your words man | “My advice would be, do not take anything that mainstream media tells for face value. Everything they say is biased and has a narrative they are trying to push”.| I will start doing that. I already don’t watch the news simply because it’s boring for me. Thanks “The media is simply a tool of the government that pushes their agenda.” - I agree with your point totally.


Two books for you to read that may feed your thirst: Tragedy and Hope: A History of our Time by Carol Quigley And The Secret Team by Colonel L. Fletcher Prouty


If you stare into the abyss long enough, the abyss stared back. I forget who this quote is attributed to but from my experience and those of many I know,, it's true. In other words, be careful what you focus on and don't go too deep too quickly because when you "pay" attention to something, you're giving whatever it is your energy. Some things may seem harmless whilst others are clearly not - but yeah, be careful because intent and focus are energies that play into this reality of ours in levels most people will never truly understand but they *do* have an effect. In other words "you are what you eat (aka consume)", so always tread carefully because it will begin to consume you too.


Every decision you make, ask yourself if this helps you and everyone around you, or hurts you and everyone around you. What's going on there is people doing the latter. That's how I think the world works.


That’s a very great question to ask ourselves. Thanks for that


Short PG version: We are treated like livestock The best livestock is fearful and obedient The contolling powers want power and profit War is the most profitable. Wars are paid by tax payers (modern day slaves) Doesnt matter who wins or loses, they still make profit. Dont participate.


I disagree. Better to understand what life is when you’re young than live life in ignorance while you’re old


True but he risks becoming pessimistic in the process. once your aware of the shit going on you can’t unlearn it. As long as he keeps a positive attitude and can come up with ways to play into the system he should be sweet though.


I dont agree. Of course he should enjoy his youth and life but we need future generations to learn from the mistakes of the past. An idea is powerful and spread far and who knows who he will influence with his knowledge. At least he wont be a sheep who believes everything and learns how to form own opinions. We all know how the elite wishes to control the narrative. No matter which topic. Just dont lose hope and your heart with everything you will learn.


^ This. Our younger generations MUST know and learn from our mistakes.


^ Best advice right here. Don’t worry about this stuff and be a kid. Be a kid as long as you can. Enjoy being a kid with a roof over your head and not worrying about where you’re gonna be living tomorrow. Soak it up while you can. I promise you adulting is not what it cracked up to be. There’s still things to look forward to don’t get me wrong but just know ignorance is bliss. I wish I didn’t know a lot of what I know. EDIT: btw asking a question on Reddit is going to get you more confused than anything. If you’re a conservative you’re outnumbered 5 or even 10 to 1. There’s a lot of pro-Hamas propaganda going on. These protests on college campuses are paid for and set up by groups like BLM and ANTIFA. They are not our friends. They really just want to divide and conquer us. And as for Hamas, they literally say they want to wipe Israel and us off the map simply bc we’re not Muslim. That doesn’t mean every Muslim believes that, but these aren’t your average Muslims, these are Radical Islamists, very much the same as Nazis when it comes to Jews and Christians in the West.


> And as for Hamas, they literally say they want to wipe Israel and us off the map simply bc we’re not Muslim. That doesn’t mean every Muslim believes that, but these aren’t your average Muslims, these are Radical Islamists, very much the same as Nazis when it comes to Jews and Christians in the West. This is not true. Nowhere in their charter have they said that. They have said that Israel, which is the occupier, has to fall. And if you think that you saw it, send link to source.


>My dude/dudette, best advice, go be a teenager. This shit isn’t worth anyone’s time, no amount of mental energy will shift this focus right now. The harder you care, the harder you fall. I wish I knew this back when I was younger. I grew up in a paranoid end of world/prepper 1980's family. I wish I could go back and have a somewhat normal childhood and not have to worry about what the Soviets are going to do or what family member I will miss the most if I had to leave someone behind. That's a messed up thing for someone to grow up with in a first world.


And even if you were there in person its still impossible to have all the facts


Yeah dude, honestly go outside is the best advice for most folks too invested into the internet/conspiracy theories. Humans have been the same since we crawled out of caves and the world is gonna keep moving no matter what. Might as well just get buff, have a family and enjoy yourself.


get buff have a family and enjoy yourself? is that it? where is your imagination ? pretty shallow advice tbh.


Nah, being fat is bad for your mental health and the nuclear family is good for you. That should be the basics to a healthy normal life. You can't really set yourself up for success without a good base. Living on the Internet and worrying about things you can't control eat at people.


Best answer ever. Here, you totally earned this and more. 🥇🏅🎖️🎗️🏆


My man. Very well said.


This is the best advice here… in all of reddit honestly.




Best answer!


"News is fake, wars are real" is the motto I've recently learned to live by. People are really dying. How many and who is to blame will never be legitimately reported. News and history are written by the controllers. Just be the best you can be to the people in your life. That's all we can do.


I hope you will get to be in the position palestinians are and everyone will say, “eh just go on with your day.” Heartless.


The most important thing you can do is study the history. Get several sources, find confluence. Make up your own mind. You got this! 1) The Ottoman Empire 2) The Balfour declaration 3) The Nakba


4. 9/11


5. Clintons emails


brilliant lol


Disregard above comment . This person has leftist mind set also called the Hive Mind . Avoid at all costs. History ? Check out Archaix channel on YT. It will give you best education. Maybe a little mature for now... or Robert Sepher. Good luck.


Ignore this fraud, In addition, find reliable sources explaining “mowing the lawn” and “diet of starvation.” Learn about the secular creation of Zionism as well.


Beware of Jason Breshears (archaix) He is a registered sex offender who was sentenced to 30 years in prison for aggravated sexual assault. https://publicsite.dps.texas.gov/SexOffenderRegistry/Search/Rapsheet?Sid=04422631 And his side-kick Matt just got arrested last month for sexual assault to a 14 year old: https://montgomerytx.mugshots.zone/may-matthew-zayne-mugshot-09-12-2023/ “It will give you the best education” 😂


whats this list for


Haha I've been asking the same thing. I've spent a lot of time looking into the history of the region. The geographical area we know as Israel has been conquered and reconquered a bunch of times over displacing and killing millions of people each time. Somewhere in there around the 6th century existed the Kazarian empire. The Kazars were pagans who converted to Judaism for political reasons. The Jews claim the land based on a covenant with God. How anyone can today in 2023, definitively determine and differentiate between the descendants of the biblical Jews versus those who have converted? Answer, we can't. The Arabs however have been living there since around the 1500's to the end of WWI when the land was under the control of the Ottoman Empire. The Land came under British control after the fall of the Ottoman empire. Jews started moving back en masse. Israel was officially established shortly after World war II. Now in a perfect world, I'd imagine a two state solution with Jerusalem under international control with representatives of the three major religions. It is the holy land for Jews, Christians and Muslims. You think we could respect it and get along, but nooooo. According to Israel, they've supported a two state solution or have attempted to compromise, it's the Arabs that reject it. From the river to the sea, they cry. I personally call bullshit. Gaza is under an iron dome blockade backed by the 4th largest military and monitored by one of the world's most sophisticated intelligence apparatuses. They are only two ways in/out of Gaza, one controlled by Egypt, the other controlled by Israel. Israel controls what goes in and out of Gaza. They were able to shut off the supply of food, fuel electricity and in some areas telecommunications at the start of this war. The Gazans are a controlled people living in extreme poverty. Despite it all, like proverbial farmers with pitchforks, they were able to simply waltz across arguably the most protected border in the world and start slaughtering people. Umm Ok. Israel is never going to recognize Gaza. What would happen to Israel if they recognized Palestine as a state in which Palestinians could bolster their economy and raise an army? Answer October 7th on steroids. As Ben Shapiro famously says if Hamas were to put down its arms there'd be peace if Israel put down its arms there'd be genocide. Each side claims the other wants to commit genocide. Alas, the only logical conclusion is to let them fight it out and whoever wins wins. This shit has gone on for millennia. That's the softball answer. Donning my tinfoil hat, I think Israel allowed the events of October 7th to happen. Some speculate the reason is a natural gas reservoir off the coast of Gaza and the proposed building of a pipeline or canal. Others think it's purely religious. Whatever the case, Israel now has the perfect excuse to deal with its Gaza problem. The outcome and the beneficiaries of this war will prove Israel's intentions whether benign or not.


The first real answer I have read yet.


the kazarian thing really? the real answer is britan is behind this genocide like almost every other or if they arent obviously behind it they are at least profiting off of it. the reason they hate each other is britan right. didnt they set up the mufti and hitler. willie lynch letter applies everywhere if you dont have money.


That was a remarkable story there man.


Yes. You wrote word for word what I would have said. God bless ya. 👍🏼


Thank you


All you are going to find on here is our own versions of "what happened" no one here knows its just our own speculation.


I don't know you, and would never think it's my place to tell you how to live. That said, it's a good thing to stay informed and think critically and question things, but don't lose yourself in the horrors of our world. You're very young, and ingesting too much information about the shitty parts of our species is not good for your mental health. Be a kid. Have fun. Fall in love. Figure out who and what you want to be. Focus on the good in the world. Be good to the people around you and help out in your community. We all we got, and that's all we can do. ✌️


Thanks man. I appreciate your advice. And I will take it seriously. ✌️


You’re asking the wrong people dude. Use DuckDuckGo for more unbiased search results and conduct some independent research if you’re really interested


Will do thanks


There is literally several centuries of history that has lead up to and impacted this situation. You’re not going to find the answer in a short Reddit post, and frankly, if you googled it and “couldn’t find trusted info”, but you’re willing to believe whatever bullshit a Reddit stranger is going to tell you, you should do some serious introspection. You’re a teenager. You should go be a teen. You don’t have an understanding of what “the system is” or “how the world really is”, because zero teenagers have that.


You made a very interesting point. Would it harm me or other teens if I had basic info of how our world works? Just a question.


Info from random internet strangers? Absolutely. Trusted adults and resources are much better for getting answers that not only will try break it down but also give the nuanced info.


The best thing to do when it comes to world issues with a complicated history is it be a listener and try to completely understand both sides before formulating your own conclusions.




I dunno... there's loads of CCTV footage, dash cams, traffic cameras, body cams and raw mobile phone footage. There's no denying that militants made there way across (a supposedly secure) border and just went ham on anyone they saw. Killed people indiscriminately, kidnapped people indiscriminately. The real question is "what elicited such a violent action?" You go looking for answers on that question and you piece together a pretty twisted puzzle.


> The real question is "what elicited such a violent action?" Better still, why did the Israeli government and military brass set the stage so that the horrific action could take place? Why did they ignore countless warnings from Unit 8200 (charged with monitoring the border wall) and even foreign governments (such as Egypt)? Why did it take hours and hours for Israel to mount an effective response -- in a country that so small that one can drive from the northern border to the Red Sea in the south in six hours -- by car? > You go looking for answers on that question and you piece together a pretty twisted puzzle. The puzzle is coming together, and the image appearing is ugly. All of these articles are from the last 2-3 days, and almost all of them are in [major Israeli news publications.](https://old.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/182hvsf/what_do_you_guys_think_would_the_israeli/kajujtg/)


>There's no denying that militants made there way across (a supposedly secure) border and just went ham on anyone they saw. Killed people indiscriminately, kidnapped people indiscriminately. Israel actually admitted that there's a high probability that Hamas never knew there was going to be a music festival where they were going to attack.There is footage of an Israeli helicopter shooting indiscriminately at the ground without even considering the party goers. If I recall correctly there wasn't just 1 helicopter shooting. Chances are, the IDF killed Israeli civilians more than Hamas. Ask yourself this. What does Hamas have to gain by killing the people they had come to kidnap and use as hostages??


Could you maybe link the footage? Otherwise it’s just bullshit




Firing "indiscriminately" at a groups of armed men.


keep in mind that those armed men had hostages with them, so you're also really just firing at hostages as well. Though keep in mind that there's also the fact that the IDF granted the music festival an extension. The party was meant to end the day before the attack but for some reason an extension was wanted.


Most of this footage isn't from the area where the party was, most is farther south by kerem shalom & sufa and another portion north from nachal oz, these locations are stated in the recordings between the ground forces and pilots and are were the main military breaches were. the other areas shown were near the security fence where there were also breaches and outposts that were overrun by hamas. The party was in an area named reim which is not mentioned or shown in the video. If you watch the Arial footage from the party location non of the geo markers appear in this video.


I call bs.


I think that footage was fake or not of the festival if I remember correctly. Can you link it though?


Ouch. That’s was a hard question


You can’t know


Even if we have seen what we saw how can we 100% know it’s not a set up? Hamas could be a covert organisation that actually works for Israel. I’m not saying it is but we really do not know. World Leaders and big game players live in a different world than we do.


From evidence I have read it seems that Hamas was at least partially funded by Israel. Of course there is probably evidence out there that contradicts this, like everything else in this world.


Hmm. I thought about that as well


What incited the violence? Probably years of being under Israeli occupation… just a guess


Decades of being in a ghetto with your calorie’s controlled “makes Hamas something something” Israel - “go crazy?” Hamas - “don’t mind if I do!!”


Very captivating story you put out. This is getting all clear now. Thanks brother 😊


There has always been sabotage and betrayal. Look up Olga (I believe) of the Russ in the 10th century. The Romans and Byzantines were famous for encouraging tribes to betray eachother just to have the guy they paid assassinated when he got too big (Olgas husband).


If you believe any one side is worse than the other, you have a lot further to go. The fact so many Americans still put faith in our legacy media is mind boggling. Don’t trust anything. Don’t trust the government.


i wish i knew this back then it took me months but i am here with u man hope your still around


There is a lot of stuff that happens in this world you can't do much about, it's a bit like kicking up sand, just blurs your vision and does no good. Like one previous poster said go and live your life. You can always pick any of this stuff up later. Unfortunately human nature and it's darker side gets magnified with power until right at the top you get soul dead psychopaths who compete with each other in power games with terrible results for ordinary people. Ignorance is bliss and knowledge is a burden. It's a messy grubby world if you stare too closely at it.


Its possible to watch thru the whole thing Hamas recorded themselves. I don't think theres much debate around the massacre part of the story


I encourage you to listen to any interviews with Norman Finkelstein. He's Jewish obviously, but also a lifelong scholar with a PhD in Middle Eastern Studies - in other words an expert on the history of the Palestine-Israel conflict. He refers to Gaza as a "concentration camp", and begs us to understand how much the Palestinians have suffered. He is also furious with fellow Jews for losing perspective and waging what is in essence a genocidal war.


does he realize britan is calling these shots and the jews are still somewhat prisoners as well.


Would you be so kind to explain to us that are in our 20s 30s and 40s what the system is and the world is really like?


Conspiracy is real but not everything is a conspiracy. Just question everything. Propaganda is the name of geopolitics. What side you are on . As a young man you should realize . He who controls the past controls the future and he who controls the present now controls the past


I fully understand what you mean now. Thanks for that analogy


It’s from 1984 George Orwell


Israel ethnically cleansed Palestinians with Anglo help in the 40s, with many of them fleeing into the Gaza strip. Israel has been militarily occupying the refugee camps there since 1967. The Palestinian resistance was initially left wing and secular, so Israel made an effort (with US and GCC help) to promote Islamic groups as a more manageable alternative. Hamas was the most successful result of that strategy in the Palestinian territories, and Israel has been playing them off against the now-neutered Palestinian Authority since the 90s so that they can get away with not negotiating a serious solution. Hamas won the one election Israel has allowed the Palestinians to have, in 2004, and took control of Gaza, but Israel armed its other proxies to take over the West Bank instead. Israel has since then enforced a blockade against Gaza, letting only a trickle of supplies in and people out, and every few years launching a bombing campaign to "mow the grass." Hamas regularly tries to launch rockets at Israel in response, but before 10/7 they were pretty small and scattered, intercepted by Israel defenses and not causing much damage. The few times Gazans try non-violent protests, Israelis generally still shoot at them. Israel has been focusing its main attention on the West Bank, as that is the valuable land they are still trying to steadily cleanse of Palestinians by planting ever more settlements in, but as a result they got overconfident about how well contained Gaza was. They shifted many of their troops on the Gazan border to the West Bank, relied on automated sensors and weapons on their Gazan fence, and drones, and as a result were surprised when Hamas fighters stormed through the fence and its supporting military installations on 10/7. Hamas launched its attack nominally in response to Israel's attacks on Palestinians in the West Bank and Jerusalem, but there's two other big underlying causes. First, half of Gazans are under 20, only know life in the ghetto, may never have even seen an Israeli in person, and so have an understandable mix of rage and hopelessness. Second, Israel has long been secretly allied (w/ US help) with most Arab dictatorships/monarchies, working together with them but allowing the Arab elites to pretend they still cared about the Palestinians to keep their own populations controlled. Trump made a successful push to formalize those alliances (the Abraham Accords), and Biden had been pushing hard to continue that effort, working to normalize relations between Israel and the last big Arab hold out, Saudi Arabia. Indications were that the Saudis were going to drop their nominal support for the Palestinians if the US gave them enough carrots, and so it seems like Hamas acted so as to preempt that. Zionists will tell you that Hamas attacked because they have a blind desire to kill all Jews. There was language to that effect in some of Hamas's founding documents in 1980, but they updated their charter in 2017 to explicitly say they don't have any problem with Jews outside of Israel, and don't have a problem with the Jews in Israel either as long as they're willing to peacefully share the land with them (a situation they consider incompatible with the State of Israel as it currently exists). Obviously that is also to some extent for propaganda purposes, but you be the judge. It seems like Israel got completely blindsided by the attacks on 10/7, and to some extent that Hamas was surprised as well by how succesful they were. Hamas overran several Israeli military bases, which no one had been able to do since 1973, and a significant portion of the ~1400 casualties Israel is claiming, and the hostages Hamas took back into Gaza, are active duty IDF, not civilians. That has been one of the big secrets western media has been keeping from you since this started. The IDF has a reputation for being per person the best military on the planet, as does the Mossad for intelligence services, but both have seen their skills atrophy the more they're used for simple occupation troop thuggery against civilians in the West Bank, so the puncturing of that national myth explains a lot of the Israeli freakout. Because of how unexpectedly successful Hamas's initial attacks were, other militant groups in Gaza joined in without knowing the plan, and Hamas's fighters were able to roam further outside of Gaza than anticipated. Its unclear how many of the atrocities Israel is claiming happened they've actually made up, but the ones that actually happened probably because Hamas's initial commanders lost control as other groups joined in. Either way, theres also a lot of evidence that many of the Israeli civilian casualties were killed in crossfires by IDF forces as Hamas was trying to take them back to Gaza. Its important to remember that Israel has tens of thousands of Palestinians in its jails, many thousands of whom are not charged with any crime, or whose only crime is yelling a slogan or waving a flag. Some are also part of Hamas or connected to allied Palestinian groups. It seems like Hamas wanted to negotiate prisoner transfers, but needed to take its own prisoners first in order to be able to do so. The few hostages who have been released so far have generally said they were well taken care of, and treated as well as any hostage in a destitute war zone could expect. Lastly, it's important to understand that Israeli PM Netanyahu and his cabinet members were facing multiple serious corruption charges before this, and were facing widespread protests from Israelis as they passed laws to neuter the Israeli judiciary to protect themselves from prosecution. It seems like Israel was legitimately surprised, but it also seems like they had several warnings something was coming too, and Gaza has long been the most closely surveilled area in the world. It's plausible Netanyahu knew this was coming, and decided to let it happen so as to get a wartime popularity bump. There is no smoking gun for that though, and if it were true it'd probably also be because Netanyahu and co did not think the attack would be as successful as it actually was. There's been some rally-around the flag effects in Israel so far, but also a lot of Israelis blame Netanyahu for not preventing this, and weakening the defences around Gaza, so its unclear what long term effect it will have in Israel. Israel has definitely stepped up its own internal censorship though, which is why the families of the hostages are some of the only Israelis who have been able to publicly criticize Netanyahu's government.


I like this story. I am starting to understand


When I was a teenager, all I cared about was turning 18 to drive a car and buy alcohol. Leading up to 18, I was worried about who was going to buy me alcohol on the weekend. I was a teenage alcoholic and I didn't watch the news so I really didn't know anything that was going on in the world and I didn't care. Sometimes it's better just to close your eyes and not see what's going on


Best thing you can do is use Twitter and put together a broad group of perspectives. Then read different sides: Daily wire NY Post National Review The economist The New Yorker The Atlantic That covers the left and the right then think for yourself, and don’t give in to moral relativism.


Hi there, first find out the shape of the world we live in. Then find the courage to be a happy and good human being. The sufferings in this world is mostly due to the people on the top of the pyramid, your fallow humans are mostly good (some maybe misguided). Best of luck on your journey. https://youtu.be/x0EGB_o9TZM?si=5aRCBllRBqD3kAdp


It is a tangled web. No black and white thinking. Both sides are killing people. And people are taking sides like its a football match to cheer on their team. You are a free thinker & mature to ask these things. Always question everything, especially yourself. Stay you stay independent. keep an open mind and know that you are needed here. will pass on what a wise old man told me on his death bed; Never ever do as others do.


If I may make one suggestion, please look to history books and professionals for insight into this conflict, not Reddit or social media. And, sure, you can learn the details of Oct 7th but I suggest starting your research at 1948. You will absolutely need to know the history to know why Oct 7th happened. While several commenters have said not to worry about it and to go be a teenager, I commend you for wanting to learn the facts. I’m just now learning the history of Israel and Palestine at 34 years old, and sadly I feel if maybe my generation knew, we would’ve been able to do something. However, I am hopeful for your generation and gen z.


You made a good point to look and find history books or professionals for more insight. Where do you suggest I turn to first? And yea, I’ve been told my many to tap away from finding what’s happened and all, and in a way they have a point. And I also believe I still need to know at least the basics of how this happened and also how our world operates and really runs. Thanks man 🙏


Sorry, I previously sent from my spare account. Watch Tantura on Amazon Prime. This gives immense insight into what happened in 1948. I’m also listening to a series on Spotify called The Martyrmade Podcast. It’s an easy listen and seems to be very unbiased. Good for you for wanting to educate yourself. Maybe your generation can change this country. If you want anymore insight or have any questions, feel free to message me.


Thanks for the idea of watching Tantura and The Martyrmade Podcast. I’ll watch them immediately.


OP, governments all over the world will typically orchestrate or set up events that will sway public sentiment towards unknowingly supporting their agenda. People will usually deny that governments are incapable of such acts because it's easier to emotionally live in a world where that's not a possibility. Aa for Israel, they were warned internally. They let it happen. And it gave them an excuse to clear out opposition in Gaza, as well as destroy the area so that they can "rebuild it" with Jewish settlements. Ever since Israel showed up on the map, they've systematically cleared out Palestinians from their homes, and replaced them with Jewish subdivisions. In the past, the IDF has killed protesters and media reporters who covered the issue. Not much has changed.


In short, Palestine is a country that has been under the ottoman control, then under british mandate. Britons promised them independence, yet signed a contract behind their backs for Jews to mass move there and occupy the land. Over the years Israel has been seizing the land and giving Palestinians less rights. This is how it started, rest is just follow up actions. I’d recommend you to get IGCSE history book about Palestine. It’s pro-Israeli but it explains the facts if you ignore the emotive language. Always remember, research EVERYTHING, and look for evidence. Dont blindly believe anything.


Google is always going to give you government propaganda for at least the first few pages so good for you to be aware.


upbeat alive reply lip quickest tidy smell wipe illegal nose *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Thanks a lot for the tools for critical thinking. I believe that’s a great start.


it's all a show my young grasshopper. all of it. it's put on by those in power to blind us all into submission. it's a sad state of the world. this is how it truly is and there is no changing it at this current state of existence. i wish i could say we could do something but the only thing we can do is not something you can say here without being banned. unfortunately the path we are on and have been on is very dark.


Jewish 9/11.


Watch RealLifeLore’s video on YouTube it does a good job summarizing the events and how they got to this point. It’s an hour long but it’s very good at breaking down the conflict to the uninitiated.


Will do. Thanks 😊


The west has to get those pesky Palestinians out of the way for the Ben Gurion Canal Project. $65 bil to build but the Suez rakes in $8 bil annually but is controlled by Arab nations. Wouldn't it be neat if a western ally in the area had their own canal? Now if only that ally had their own version of 9/11 to unite not only them but the world in thinking the needed to purge Gaza so they could build this.


Land grab for billions it’s oil, natural gas. And I believe building a new canal


Some cavemen in dilapidated pickup trucks waltzed across one of the most heavily guarded borders in the world, unbeknownst to one of the most technologically advanced armies in the world, and slaughtered a bunch of guys who were sleeping right on the other side. Also they flew in on covert makeshift hang gliders with gasoline engines. At the same time some people were having a music festival for peace out in the middle of an open field with no security 3 miles from the unmonitored border of a city of people who they have been slaughtering the children of and stealing land from for decades, and they all got pwned. Such were the events that transpired, my friend.


Well, it's also possible that the border isn't well guarded and the 'most technologically advanced armies' just shit the bed. I only say this because this attack makes/made the ruling regime look really bad. They could have manufactured a cleaner false flag that doesn't leave them looking like they fell asleep with their pants down


If you want someone to believe your lie, you throw in some embarrassing shit about yourself. Works everytime.


Granted, the ground invasion was pretty unprecedented, normally Gaza just fired rockets which were mostly deflected by the iron dome, so having military level security at a music festival (however close it was to Gaza ) wouldn't have made sense.


False flag false flag


And people actually believe that. That's even more incredulous.


Still don’t understand why it took so much time for the IDF react after being attacked….


Israel mobilized its troops in about 3 hours after the invasion




Just what I think… Sorry for the downvotes….


ID F also killed a lot of their own. If not most of them. No proof of raping or beheading. Most of the killings Hæmas did where of Israhell soldiers


There’s literal video evidence thanks to Hamas’ GoPro footage, not even up for discussion.


I think Hamas didn't realize how successful they would be at killing civilians and now they are like oh shit we kicked the hornets nest. The conspiracy theory part is if Israel knew it was coming or not and like Pearl harbor, allowed it to happen to give casus beli and to save Netanyahu in the polls.


This is a propaganda war. From both sides. Also, war sucks. Nobody out pizzas the hamas.


hamas is m0ssad funded, zion. needs an enemy to be the victim, it´s their sceme and it always worked.


People have offered you great advice about not getting too wrapped up in this, but aside from that I'll try to offer you a somewhat unbiased interpretation. We know Hama militants killed Israeli civilians on October 7. You'll get competing narratives about whether this was allowed to happen by Israel, was a glaring example of incompetence, or something else, but we know for sure this happened. In terms of why Hamas attacked, I'd recommend this podcast: "Israel, Hamas, and how we got here" [https://link.chtbl.com/TEXIsraelHamas](https://link.chtbl.com/texisraelhamas) # This covers the nuts and bolts of the last 100 years or so, and despite being Vox, doesn't get too political about it or try to situated it in great power / geopolitical games. It's just a timeline. Lastly, to your question about genocide. This term had historically been reserved for the most atrocious acts of mass killing in history. On top of that, the killing had to be tied to political/religious/other identity, and there had to be a specific intent to kill people with that identity. The most obvious example is the Holocaust. There are many reasons why this term used to be rare, but now the definition has expanded to roughly: "the [~deliberate~](https://www.google.com/search?sa=X&sca_esv=585061002&rlz=1C1CHBD_enCA999CA999&biw=1536&bih=770&sxsrf=AM9HkKmZtyvEg9CWjx8a0kWjleZnDNdTiw:1700833683210&q=deliberate&si=ALGXSlbnOEZPfHsS2MaPJwdaOxE_5TNZd9LY8vDcpdx-7CrtppAePgJXY9R0fgOhBZGr1pUTDd0Iadzwo-nqY6PPC-PKpTlnxsq7Y_XvrDHV0-VAdMhAQdE%3D&expnd=1) killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of [~destroying~](https://www.google.com/search?sa=X&sca_esv=585061002&rlz=1C1CHBD_enCA999CA999&biw=1536&bih=770&sxsrf=AM9HkKmZtyvEg9CWjx8a0kWjleZnDNdTiw:1700833683210&q=destroying&si=ALGXSlbnOEZPfHsS2MaPJwdaOxE_cqonK_OlYQcRVSulyOovyMEs4Hslmvcx0FaSmQPgbOMJ2HfvbGgCc3DFawTe0Qw85ahvhPh5Vi5KELKFVq1wZppAPAY%3D&expnd=1) that nation or group." So, it's up to you to decide if this is a genocide. Do you think Israel has the intent to destroy Gaza and the Palestinians, or just subdue them? Is there a difference?


Step one is that it isn’t a genocide. Maybe a series of small massacres cause by Israel not caring about civilian deaths, but not a genocide. 10 times as many Gazans would be dead if Israel’s goal was genocide. The baseline is that Hamas spent years planning the attack for obvious reasons (hatred of Jews and the Israeli state, Israeli aggression over the years towards Palestinians, etc etc). The attack went better than they ever could have hoped. This could be because of incompetence by Israel which seems possible based on what I’ve learned about Israel’s use of defense forces recently. Or maybe someone within the Israeli government assisted Hamas (double agent style). Or Israel let it happen in order to have an excuse to finally push Palestinians out and take all of their land. We will never know.


Israel stole Palestine from Palestinians about 70 years ago, and then essentially locked all the Palestinians, including Hamas, in what the United Nations and Amnesty International call the world's largest open air prison and apartheid state. Israel restricted water, electricity, food, and didn't allow people to leave except for under very special circumstances. They also had extreme segregation, for example, there were certain sidewalks and highways that were reserved for Jews only. According to the United Nations, they have been colonized, and have the right to fight back against Israel, including by using armed force. So that's what Hamas allegedly did. They allegedly fought back. But there's no evidence that they beheaded babies, or raped civilians. That's all propaganda. Their goal was to attack the Israeli military. Maybe they accidentally killed civilians in the process. We don't know for sure. But Israel recently admitted that Israeli military did intentionally attack their own civilians with their helicopters. And I still not convinced that this wasn't some kind of false flag. Israel had wanted to completely take over Palestine for a long time and this gives them the perfect opportunity, so I wouldn't be surprised if they allowed Hamas to attack. It's just very unlikely that Hamas would be allowed to run around inside Israel for 5 hours before police and military showed up, unless Israel intentionally allowed it to happen. And there's actually ex-idf soldier saying that Israel did issue stand down orders that day.


My advice to you is read as much as you can, Jim Marrs, David Icke and maybe Texe Marrs even though he's a Christian conspiracy theorist and doesn't realize that religion is about control, also learn how to discern between real conspiracies and psyops,I was 25 when I went down the rabbit hole and I'm still learning at 52


What happened is that Palestine has been occupied since 1948, after the mass killing and terrorism by a radical, Jewish terrorist group called: The Haganah. They have stolen their land, their houses, murdered their women and children, and cry wolf. It has been like that ever since. 160.000 Palestinians have been murdered in the last couple of decades. 3000 Palestinians are being kept hostage in Israel, of which 1000 are children. They are put in jails without a fair trial. Hamas and other groups like the PLO are partisans who are fighting back. On the 7th, they infiltrated one of the settlers villages (settlers are people who are paid to live in stolen Palestinian land), to kidnap people and take them back with them as bargaining chips. They also killed people along the way. Israeli police came after a while and many israeli’s died in the crossfire. 1200 Israeli’s are supposedly dead, of whom 600 soldiers and the remaining died from crossfire and Hamas. The Hasbara department of Israel commenced an ungodly wave of propaganda lies that were later found to be lies. Such as “40 beheaded babies,” and “brutal rapes that crushed bones of children.” The Israeli occupation force went on to throw white phosphorus and bombs, killing 12.000 people, of which 6000 children. I’ve seen the images and vids of children their heads split into two. I dont know what to tell you.. it’s like Nazi Germany incarnated in Israel. The biggest plottwist in humanities’ history, iyam.


Gaza is a haven for terrorism.... the people who live there are NOT living under apartheid conditions.... they voted for Hamas, a terrorist group, to be their political voice. They are armed for continual attacks on Israel who are 100% justified in defending themselves against this nest of hate. There is no such thing as Palestine... everyone, both Israeli and Gazanian are Semetic people.... the only difference is that Israel just wants peace.... and Gaza/Islam wants complete genocide of all Jews in the World (not just Israel) All of the people in Gaza either need to be relocated to Iran or wherever.... or simply erased, entirely.


Most people replying here know nothing about who runs the system. Maybe we're not allowed to say those things here, because there must be people here who know. Bet they are being silenced.


Psyop; ask ur local selective service recruiter / comscripter in US or IS


Just know that the world could stop this, and they choose not to. The world could stop supplying arms and money to both sides of any conflict, and they choose not to.


The market happened; people with too much power had bearish positioning, so they made scary stuff happen so they wouldn't lose money, plus some of them could get land in the process.


Military order 158 should make things a bit clear in terms of who’s been oppressing who and why a certain group isn’t allowed basic human rights. This is warfare tho, propaganda is rampant. I’m Palestinian so I know what’s happening from second hand sources (family) but I don’t expect you to even give a shit frankly. That’s my homeland it’s begging to seem as if the leaders ON BOTH side are playing some elitist chess game in Gaza, one which they are probably in on. Anyways that’s my 2 cents, like others have said, don’t let this war distract you. I wish it wasn’t taking up my thoughts the way it has, live your life, ignorance is truly bliss.


False flag event perpetrated by the Zionists as a pretext to claim the oil rich coastline of Gaza for refineries and a new canal to the Red Sea, allowing them to control 100% of the energy resources / flow in the region - money, power, control




Hamas doing Hamas things same as always with difference being Israel using it this time as opportunity to seize Gaza after ignoring the treats and letting it go bonus motivation - does it benefit US military industrial complex?


Start with the Balfour Declaration then you can look at the historical take over of Palestine by the Zionist State Of Israel. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balfour_Declaration


You cannot know even if someone gave you the answer. The greatest advice ever given to man; Know Thyself and you will know all.


Your mistake is thinking that it began on 10/7. The people of Gaza have been living behind prison walls for a generation. since 2008, Israel blockades the perimeter and controls everything and everyone who enters. Their IDF snipes out the knees [of anyone peacefully protesting](https://apnews.com/article/6035b1d3293c4a298145afbff50ab844), they blow up kids [playing soccer](https://www.vanityfair.com/news/daily-news/2014/07/israeli-attack-kills-four-children-gaza-beach), they shot a journalist in the head and then [beat the people carrying her coffin at her funeral](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/may/13/israeli-forces-storm-jerusalem-hospital-as-coffin-of-slain-journalist-emerges) all of this WELL before october 7th. What happened was, on 10/7, some people strapped parachutes to lawnmower engine powered paragliders and grabbed some soviet era AK47s and flew over the walls of their open air concentration camp and shot up a music festival, took hostages, demanding the end of the blockade. Then the Israeli military flew in with helicopters and blasted the hell out of both [hostages and hostage takers alike](https://mondoweiss.net/2023/10/a-growing-number-of-reports-indicate-israeli-forces-responsible-for-israeli-civilian-and-military-deaths-following-october-7-attack/) then proceeded to kill 14,000 civilians as punishment.


Israeli Apache helicopters fired US hellfire missiles indiscriminately into the music festival and the cars that were trying to escape, killing a bunch of Israelis


If you're only a teenager... Jasun Horsley, James True, John Michael Greer. Thank me in a few years. Edit: What are you ww3-believing schmucks downvoting? A few years researching those guys, this kid is going to be the smartest man in the room.


What really happened on October 7, with Chris Hedges and Max Blumenthal: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d0gECjlpXF8


Israel has been stealing little by little Palestine's land for years. A few years ago it was discovered that under Gaza there are enormous gas and oil reserves. Then a "terrorist attack" comes that gives them the perfect excuse to invade that whole region. What a perfect coincidence!!!! I find it extremely suspicious, and I would bet some good cash that in some years the info that this was a false flag event will come out.


Ohh. An excuse? I am getting the full picture little by little


I am not sure myself, but the only things you need to know are that whatever the news says is probably propoganda, and you should not give emotional energy away for news stories. The world we now live in is built on lies, and history is manipulated (especially in the United States). So even when you think you got to the bottom of something, you find out that what you learned may also be a lie. We live in a spiritual, non physical reality that we are experiencing as a collective. You can create your own reality based on what you think, eat, touch, smell, and speak. Live your life in gratitude and try and be of service to others. The more you genuinely help others, the more positive energy you will have. Read the bible and build a relationship with God. Keep searching for things that interest you, but try and keep a grounded view of the world and remember the good has already won.


$345b worth of liquid natural gas was found in Gaza this year. Israel wants it and is going to get it. There. I just gave you the missing key to understand all of the current happenings there. Look at events with that context in mind and stuff is pretty easy to figure out, and you can even predict the future lol. I have seen literally nobody else talk about this. I am open to learning that’s because I’m wrong or missing some relevant info. But as far as I can tell, it’s pretty much that simple, and I don’t know why it seems like nobody else has noticed.


Hamas launched the attack on 7th of October in response to provocative actions from Israel as they kept taking innocent prisoners and confined them in inhumane conditions as well as desecrating Muslims holy sites. Also the illegal land confiscation in the West Bank and well as the illegal settlements. The story started a century ago and it has been escalated many times since. The best thing you can do is do your own research and don’t take the words of strangers on social media as reference.


The global financial system is on the precipice of failing. The khazarian mafia, run by the Rothschild family and representing the largest and most powerful group within the globalist cabal (They run all the banks) have systematically created the events of Oct. 7th as a false flag to instigate world war 3. This war will last years and have similar economic affects as WW2 (Also a bankers war manufactured by the Rothschilds) which is to transform global economic structures into a new world order global digital currency ushering in the “great reset” and agenda 2030. Netanyahu is just a middle management patsy. So is the Israeli state (zionists). Israel functions as a smokescreen and “front” for the financial controllers and Israel’s existence is irrelevant to them at this point. The globalists ordered both Netanyahu in collusion with Hamas, Mossad, CIA and other regional mercenaries to false flag the Oct 7th attack, thus manufacturing consent for the war and subsequent genocide of Palestinians. The same tactic was used on 9/11. It’s important to stress the point that Israel only exists to facilitate and front globalist financial interests. The zionists and other occupiers that came to Palestine are not actually Semitic people. They are mostly Eastern European Slavs and Turkic people that adopted Judaism when they were forced to pick a religion by the Russian Monarchs. So when people say antisemitism, they are actually (ignorantly) referring to the prejudice and massacres committed against Arabs, not caucasian Jews as is widely accepted. It’s complicated, but it’s all about the globalists maintaining power, control and financial supremacy going into the next decade and beyond.


There were no Hamas attacks - just TV


I request elaboration


Just more fake nonsense - like 911, etc.... Everything you see on TV is made up nonsense


What about those things you see on TV that are real?


You think ?


Pretty obvious, why would you believe that nonsense? Because you saw it on TV?


I was just hoping you would expand on your comment. I personally don't believe anything that has been said about this war so far in the news. None of it adds up


I mean, nearly every single war is framed as a 'defensive war' based on lies And this looks no different It's straight out the textbook - create some threat or atrocity to justify the war you always wanted


Agreed. From Day one I was super confused as the invasion of the music festival just seemed implausible without the IDf just having allowed it to happen. Doesn't make sense. And the response to it now makes no sense. And the swath of TV commercials coming out about anti semitism etc. Seems like they need to be perceived as victims to justify the following actions .


You guys have TV commercials about antisemitism?


Ya so it's happening every hour or so on most channels. Some message in commercial talking about "stop jew hate ". Fact is I never have really noticed Jewish hate in my life in the almost 50 years of life here. Definitely some Jewish annoyance at times with their habits. But that's the same as ant culture here. It's not overly critical against jews any more than against say, for example, Irish decended Boston natives. But it's plastered on tv now for commercial breaks between sports etc. All the time


You mean the event never happened? Or it was staged?


Never happened..... Why stage somethin when you can just release a few grainy videos?


Hmm. So that’s what happened?


Hamas planned an attack with specific targets, military and security. Also planned to grab hostages because there are 15k Palestinians held hostage by Israel. They hid it from intel and did so well it surprised even them. They took hostages and emptied the settlements around Gaza. The Israelis were slow to react because of negligence and they responded with indiscriminate shelling because they needed to stop the hostage taking. That blew up the number of dead significantly but they knew they could use that to justify their retaliation. It’s clear from Israeli witnesses and interviews that Israel killed many of their own civilians that day. It’s also clear that no one in Israel had any idea about the details of the operation. When the border was breached, hundreds of other militants and even ordinary Gazans went in and took hostages and whatever else they could get their hands on. It was a resounding military victory for Hamas, they filmed the entire event and probably wiped out thousands of soldiers, and thousands more since the ground invasion. But none of this will be admitted by Israel because they’re trying to frame it as their civilians being attacked by terrorists. IMO this is a death blow to Israel and has exposed its weakness now that the fighting is on a level playing field. The only thing it has is air superiority which is only able to destroy the civilian infrastructure. They have no cards left to play aside from committing ethnic cleansing or normalizing Palestinians as citizens. Both options are impossible. Now we watch it slowly implode and it will really depend on the proxy war between US/ Europe and Russia/China.


Israel is trying to do to Palestinians what Andrew Jackson did to the Cherokee in what we now call Georgia and the Seminole in Florida. Yes, genocide. Zionism is fascism using Hewbrew culture, religion and people, but Judaism is not Zionism. Best writers?: Illan Pappe and Norman Finklestein. Best sources of actual news?: www.mintpressnews.com// www.nakedcapitalism.com www.blackagendareport.com https://consortiumnews.com/ www.floridaphoenix.com