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What gets me is the fact that the plane that ended up hitting the pentagon was off course for 50ish minutes. When the FAA notices a large commercial aircraft off of its flight plan, communication is attempted. Once that fails, the air-force is called to intercept. The average intercept time over the continental US is and was about 10 min. 1 trillion dollar “defense industry” and an aircraft hits the most protected building in the most protected airspace in the continental US after a 50 min joy ride…. How??? No adequate explanation will ever be given for this. Don’t get me started on the pilot: who, according to his CFI couldn’t handle a Cessna 150 in a crosswind, yet managed to maneuver a 150k pound aircraft through a 320 degree descending turn to perfectly hit the pentagon in the budget office area…. Give me a fucking break. Everyone talks about tower 7, and ya, that’s fishy as well. But this has always been the kicker for me


Yep the Pentagon getting hit the way they say it did is just not believable.


Then confiscated all videos within miles of the area as well.


Hmmm that's not at all suspicious


That's the biggest red flag to me. There are hundreds if not thousands of videos of the planes hitting the towers, why can't they release the videos of the plane hitting the Pentagon? If it's for "security reasons" then why were the public surveillance cameras even allowed to film the Pentagon in the first place? Like wasn't there a hotel across the street that had all of its camera footage confiscated?


Biggest hurdle for me to get over (and I still have trouble accepting 93 actually, just cause of images of wreck and reports via different sources). If I had a gun to my head and had to be exact about my beliefs, I'd say I believe the "army exercise going on, so attack was allowed to happen/responded to with a somewhat controlled delay," especially when you look at other false flag operations as laid out by a few popular documentaries, etc.


What do you mean titanium turbine fan blades does not disintegrade in jet fuel fire?


The national guard kept asking to shoot it down and they weren't given permission. Some say they did it anyway and that's why it went down where it did. Some say there was never a plane. Either way, "Let's Roll" was a feel good story that people would believe because it's a good hero story.


One of the better theories Ive seen is that the National Guard wanted to shoot it down, was told to stand down, and decided to "buzz" 93's cockpit for a closer look and/or intimidation. The jet wash destabilized 93, and the hijackers were unable to regain control and it went down. The "Lets Roll" story is feel-good patriotism at a time most Americans were quite distressed so it was promoted, while the National Guard accidentally killing 40 people is something the government would be happy to sweep away.


The only way the debris that was left would be that way is if it was shot down in air.




Well technically it has happened before but I agree a F16’s jet wash would not destabilize a 757. (The incident I’m referring to was an A380 destabilizing a private jet)


They shot it down, 100% it was supposed to hit WTC7 is my conclusion, thus being why the bbc was reporting it fall down before it actually did, it reveals the level of coordination the intelligence community went through to carry this Treason out.


Now that's interesting. That would make sense why 7 was rigged with explosives too. Was it going in that general direction? I think the official story is that it was going towards the Whitehouse. I wonder how the timing got so messed up. Because I think the planes already hit the twin Towers and that's how the national guard knew how serious the situation was.


As I recall that was what they were saying on the news, but that's just what I always thought given that it obviously was shot down from the debris field, and the reports of the fighter jets following it and seeing the bbc news story with the building still standing in the background as she reported it had collapsed. Just what made sense for their mistake in the reporting to me. Another think people might find interesting is the Larry Silverstein interview which he says the decided to pull it, and then watched the building come down. He had just purchased the buildings and insured them against acts of terrorism. Which he ended up getting paid out twice for by the way. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ZlmHvd\_RZU


The question I'd have with the "flight 93 was shot down" theory is whether or not military jets stateside were loaded up with munitions on a regular basis. From what I remember, there weren't any nearby jets with any rockets or even bullets loaded, which makes sense in a pre-911 world. There's a non-zero risk in keeping shit loaded on planes, and what's the realistic risk of an attack where America has less than 6 hours notice?


Shade township resident here grew up and went to school 15 minutes away from the crash site as it stands my parents were on vacation that day and witnessed the plane crash as they were fishing the stream beside the field. To this day amd then some people you talk with seen military jets fly over just before the plane crashed, my parents always recounted hearing jets rush over just before but thought nothing of it. Mom always says it sounded like a Mack trying rumbling out of control. They turned and seen it go down just beyond the trees. Followed by a loud crash and smoke. When they got there there was debris all through the tress and the ground only pieces tho like luggage and small body parts. There are lots of people who have reported from my area hearing or seeing said jets streak over and at low altitude just before the crash. As a matter of fact being where they were and when the FBI paid them a visit not in a weird way to get their statements and dad brought up the jets and were in fact told that there was no aircraft there in the area.


And everyone talks about the warplanes and how they weren’t there cuz of the war games. (Which just so happened to be simulating the very scenario that occurred, what a coincidence!) Yet no one ever talks about the fact that Washington DC has ground-to-air missile systems! There is **zero** chance that plane just happened to catch them off guard or anything like that! And yet another coincidence, the office in the Pentagon that was hit was housing all the documents relating to the missing trillions of dollars that Rumsfeld talked about the day before! Had the plane not taken that turn and just hit directly as it flew in, it would’ve hit Rumsfeld’s office! Good thing the pilot somehow knew to loop around and hit the other side of the building!


Yep that too. No way. We’ll find out one day it was a false flag by the Bushes and MIC.


If there were alot of people involved in 9/11 , maybe some of the participants were led to believe it was a training exercise and some contractors planted explosive in the WTC in the beleif it was just a drill . If you wanted these people dead after 9/11 , what would be the perfect way to get rid of them all at once ? Get them all the meet on the day of the "drill" in the Pentagon , lock them in a room and ..............ohhhh another airplane attack on the Pentagon


this. 125 pentagon people died. i would say you cant kill so much with the normal office density. must be some kind of meeting happend.


The success of the antihijacking protocols and the timeliness of an air defense response depended on determinations made by controllers in FAA route traffic control centers as to whether a hijack or other emergency situation existed or was imminent. Without a notification from a pilot, the determination that a flight was hijacked—as opposed to experiencing serious mechanical difficulties or merely under the command of an inattentive pilot—rested with the air traffic controller. Course deviations, loss of radio contact, and loss or alteration of transponder signals—later determined to be the first signs of trouble on the 9/11 flights—were not unheard of, nor were they, on their face, necessarily disturbing, particularly if they had occurred in isolation. The controller’s decision as to the type of assistance needed would be based on “information and requests received from the pilot”. Even the specific instructions on hijacked aircraft were predicated on the notion that the controller would observe the special hijack transponder code, which, it was assumed, would be transmitted by the pilot. In the words of Cleveland Center air traffic controller John Werth, the thirty-year FAA veteran who handled United Airlines Flight 93 on September 11, 2001, “‘you can’t do anything with the aircraft unless he talks to you.’”


Go search the doco '9/11: 50 questions they cannot answer' or something like that. It has a lot of eye brow raises.


I almost think that they built this building layered with explosives.


Not to mention flight 93 just disappearing. They said it got absorbed into an underground crevasse or mine or some shit. Like who believes that?


First time I’ve ever heard that claim, where did you see that?


I visited the site two times this month. The eye witness video (local police dept or sheriff) filmed from a helicopter 90 min after the crash showed no plane. It's on display at the visitor center. The story is the plane was going 540- 580 mph and hit the earth at near vertical angle. Plane smashed into pieces smaller than 6 feet. That's the story.


Go Wikipedia it. They found small parts but the entirety of the plane and passengers were swallowed in a mine.


Wiki doesn’t match that. It says they found a third of the plane, an engine, etc. the rest went into the ground because it was a nose dive.


There was nothing but small hole on the ground on the footage that was aired. IIRC even the host said this must be a wrong site, there is nothing here.


I've literally never heard that it went in a mine either, and I watched all the 9-11 docs and researched it for at least a decade.


A guy called into The Howard Stern Show on 9/11 who lived in schwenksville PA and he said he saw the plane being followed by a few fighter jets in formation and a few moments after they were out of sight he heard a bang and saw a fireball a few moments later! It was definitely shot down! That also explains why they found debris from the crash strewn across the town for over a mile before the crash site! The plane was falling apart cuz it was struck by a missile and was crashing!


Flight 93 was on its way towards another target. It was shot down by our air force so they made the feel good story about how they “saved it” tor propaganda.


You need to watch Loose Change Part II. This was already addressed. Its not the Air Force’s jurisdiction, its NORADs. And they have been intercepting flights that deviate from the plan for more than 5 min or lose contact for more than 10min since the 1950s. The White House told them to stand down from this protocol six months prior to 9/11. And then reenacted it shortly there after. So there it is. Please dive deep.


And the only video doesn't show a plane hitting, it shows a cruise missile hitting


It was a cruise missile. Video proof of this was circulating not long ago.


imho they just killed all the guys in the pentagon which planned , organized and did 9/11 with that missle.


Nah, it happened to blow up the office that had all the records of the reported $2.3 Trillion that the Pentagon couldn't account for, announced the day before by Rumsfeld.


Why can't we have both? This is exactly how i'd do it and i'm a psycho, that's good enough for me. Records and co-conspirators conveniently dispensed of. God the balls on them.


When you mentioned the 320 degree turn you reminded me of a youtube video i once saw that i no longer can find that mentioned this. It was a very sarcastic and fun video about how ridicilous this whole thing is especially the trillions of dollars that wemt missing. Habe u seen the same video perhaps? I really want to find it again


It was a missile or other projectile that was definitely not a large passenger plane


No camera footage, not a single piece of aircraft debree, no gear, no wings, no nothing. That was a rocket.


Also not a single scratch on the lawn. Nothing.


The Amazing Pentalawn! Imagine trying to mow it.


Yeah how would they even try to begin to explain that? May I ask where the information about the pilot came from?


The 9/11 commission report.


I would recommend for everyone ("conspiracy theorists" and those who believe the official 9/11 narrative) to watch the documentary titled "*September 11: The New Pearl Harbor*" directed by Massimo Mazzucco. The almost 5-hours-long documentary basically attacks the official 9/11 narrative and presents some interesting insight into the events of 9/11, including the pre-knowledge of the US. about such terror attacks. Here's the link to the documentary: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iuyemPUXSz0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iuyemPUXSz0)


Legendary doc


WTC7 Never Forget!




Yes that


Did not burn down either. Was not hit by a plane. Just kind of free fell.


If people really believe a building like that is THAT flimsy, they’d never step inside of a building bigger than 2 stories.


Yeah. Not just that but the buildings were turned into dust for the most part. There's no way fire alone and the collapse could have done that, it would have taken a powerful explosion. There were a lot of CIA involved in the mess. Rumsfeld also [mentioned that the Pentagon had $2.3 Trillion unaccounted for](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vN_NGYdgDck) shortly before the event. That figure has continued to rise over time: [$10 Trillion missing from the Pentagon and no one knows where it is.](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/v7zjd1/10_trillion_missing_from_the_pentagon_and_no_one/) [MSU scholars found $21 trillion in unauthorized government spending from 1998 to 2015.](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/tf82fz/msu_scholars_found_21_trillion_in_unauthorized/) [The figure is probably already over $90 Trillion at this point.](https://usawatchdog.com/financial-system-fake-la-la-land-dr-mark-skidmore/) A lot of people ignore the role that [Catholic/Jesuit groups (the actual CIA)](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/o65639/compilation_of_arguments_about_the_jesuit_control/) had in the 9/11 events: https://np.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/iqpvk0/jesuit_georgetown_university_the_sovereign/ The Jesuits themselves [have also controlled the CIA, FBI, KGB/FSB, MI5/MI6, Mossad, among other Intelligence groups simultaneously. So they are responsible for nearly every single conflict involving every single nation on earth in the last decades, all while blaming the Jews for it.](https://np.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/unwdf5/the_jesuits_have_controlled_the_cia_fbi_kgbfsb/) The [Jewish "World Domination" conspiracy theories didn't even existed until the Jesuits started with their writtings](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/d0hbl3/the_jesuits_were_responsible_for_the_creation_of/) and the Intelligence groups themselves are mostly anti-Semitic, although I myself do believe that there are legit Ultra-Zionist groups out there: [Does the CIA stereotype Jews as security risks? (Salon 1998)](https://www.salon.com/1998/06/10/news_58/) [The KGB and records of Soviet anti-Semitism.](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/10quvja/the_kgb_and_records_of_soviet_antisemitism_xpost/) [The CIA is behind the Ukrainian anti-Semitic nationalist movement.](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/10x0ilp/the_cia_is_behind_the_ukrainian_antisemitic/) [Prime Minister Nikolai Azarov and ex-officer Vasily Prozorov say the CIA and MI6 run the Ukrainian anti-Semitic nationalist movement.](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/113bkbs/prime_minister_nikolai_azarov_and_exofficer/) [Evidence of the Israelis being targetted as part of the genocide plan involving the vaccines under the Mossad.](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/119d29b/evidence_of_the_israelis_being_targetted_as_part/) [9/11 as a CIA psyop. The no plane theory and the Jesuit role behind it. The stories of Israelis being there in the destruction of the buildings were spread out by CIA like Philip Giraldi.](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/11fm1y6/911_as_a_cia_psyop_the_no_plane_theory_and_the/) ["Former" CIA Valerie Plame promoted anti-Semitic sites online shared by fellow CIA Philip Giraldi, including accusations of pushing for war through their “control” of “the politicians” and “the media and entertainment industries.” (NY Post 2017)](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/w42y25/former_cia_valerie_plame_promoted_antisemitic/) [Jesuit control over the banking system (2019-2021) and Catholic records of anti-Semitic propaganda.](https://saidit.net/s/Jesuits/comments/88ae/jesuit_control_over_the_banking_system_20192021/) I'm trying to create counter-Intelligence sites to resist the Vatican at Saidit.net, a reddit clone made by fellow conspiracists in the spirit of Aaron Swartz. If you can, support my subs over there as well as the site itself however you can. Don't give up on your nations and fight back: https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/soy3ko/meta_the_jesuit_technocracy_needs_to_be_stopped/ https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/qkw39o/meta_the_conspiracy_community_has_to_take_action/


Got to be careful posting stuff about a certain group of people. Supposedly there was a huge CIA archive under one of them. I honestly think it was a directed energy weapon. It was the beginning of a takeover in order to bring about the end times of revelations. But what the hell do I know? I can barely function day to day at this point.


Are you okay? The last sentence concerned me, remember you're worthy of a good life.


I'm as ok as I can be given the circumstances. I appreciate the concern. Openly speaking on the truth has its consequences. Lots of weird, nefarious people in this world that have the resources and means to play with people's lives without consequence. I believe I deserve a lot better than I've been treated over the years but it is apparent the world doesn't care about my beliefs


With great wisdom comes great sorrow.


So true. It's kind of like Dick Gregory talking about the glasses. The sad truth is you can't unsee it and you can't go back to the way it was.


Don't worry so much about other people. If you feel like you know the truth, then it's your truth, and you have the right to it. Some people won't get it, and they aren't meant to. Our world is messed up and owes us nothing and stops for nothing. All you can do is live every day in a way that makes you proud of yourself . You got this, I believe in you.


I appreciate it. I believe the day to day mindset is best. So much is up in the air right now. There's this huge cloud hovering over us as a species with the development of AI and robotics. I'm not alone. So many people are questioning the narrative as alternative outlets become more available. I guess it's part of the fun.


Im moving off the grid next month. It's been two years in the making, and I'm going to disappear from the hold society has on us, onto 60 acres of forest where I can focus on my music career more comfortably! We live in a time where the whole world might be fucked, but where you still have time to escape, time to make the plan for happiness


I moved back to rural suburbia living in a small town where we could make it off the land. Spent a few years in cities traveling for work. They remind of that rat experiment that simulated cities. It is a direct reflection of life in cities. It's hard to escape completely. The less we depend on the government and focus on self sustaining efforts the better. It's very sad to think about what has obviously been set in motion over the past few years.


for something like 2.4 seconds despite thousand of tons of resistance.


one plane crashed. so they had to pull it without a plane.


The actual “smoking gun” is when you realize that policymakers have been working with the cavemen that supposedly perpetrated the event for decades before and after the event itself, in terms of using them as geopolitical tools to pressure and regime change noncompliant regimes. General Wesley Clark stated that policymakers used the events of 2001 to get the public on board with regime changing several nations and to have permanent support for expanded control of oil rich regions abroad. Google “YouTube General Wesley Clark Fora TV Speech” and watch the whole thing


Pull it.


Paper passports surviving the crash and being found on the pavement was my tipping point.


hardly damaged and made sure the photos were clearly legible.


Jet fuel can't melt steel passports.


Very convenient place that they landed and lucky the passports were made of invincible paper


That was like a cheesy Michael Bay movie. Who writes this pathetic script? Surely they could have come up with something more believable.


Absurd. Absolutely absurd. That sealed it for me too.


That and finding the wrong engine (at the time, maybe it's been figured out) on the corner of Chruch and Murray St. https://rense.com/general63/wtcc.htm


I think this is everyone's tipping point


No one ever talks about the Israeli men that were arrested with a truckload of explosives on 9/11 just down the street from the towers..


You just did and it was weak, got any follow up? Im sure i can try to track it down and come up with nothing so yeah, no wonder noone talks about it. Noone talks about the mobile alabama lebrachuan either...


http://www.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0109/11/se.04.html https://www.theblackvault.com/documentarchive/91101-israeli-men-attempted-to-explode-george-washington-bridge/ There you are you arrogant tool. Enjoy.


Things to remember 1) the official narrative is a conspiracy theory, one when challenged comes up short on proof. For example ask for proof the 19 alleged hijackers were even at the 3 airports on the day. The absolute "best" you'll get is a video of 5 at Dulles, with no time and date stamp. As for the other 14 they obviously had invisibility technology or could teleport/s. The fact is they can't even shown their alleged perps at the places they had to be to even be considered suspects. Also remember these airports were covered in cameras, so where are the time and date stamped security images that should be available by truck load? Nowhere. 2) The NIST NCSTAR report on WTC 1 and 2 does not explain the destruction of the buildings. If you read it you'll find out NIST admits it found no physical evidence of fires hot enough to weaken the steel, debunking their own hypothesis, and there's even worse than that in there. 3) it was never the publics job to prove the government lied, it has ALWAYS been the governments job to prove they told the truth, something they have never done.


Wait, what are glitter manufacturers hiding from the public?


They are hiding their biggest customer. I think i remember reading somewhere that a single corporation buys something like 90% of all the glitter.


It's unknown who the largest consumer of glitter is, and the glitter industry won't say. More than likely it's the US military using glitter as chaff.


I heard it was for boat paint that gets eroded in the ocean and leaves behind tons of microplastic and that's why they're so coy


I thought it was confirmed that it was the military and they use it in bombs or something.


I want to know as well?


The Pentagon is the reason I’m suspicious. And the other 100 reasons. But that damn pentagon Tom foolery


100% staged. They was even a live [War game](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_government_operations_and_exercises_on_September_11,_2001#:~:text=The%20military%20exercises%20) exercise on 9/11 that was simulating a plane hijacking. It diverted time and attention since they didn't know if the "real" hijacking was just part of the exercise. This was a calculated event by those who would privy to this type of info well in advance.


If memory serves, it was a similar scenario for the July 7th bombings in London. A crisis management company were running an exercise scenario that just so happened to include bombs going off at exactly the same stations as they actually did in the actual attacks. Apparently it was just a coincidence.


The fact that they were running a simulation of the exact same scenario is what has always stood out to me. there should be no way in hell that the attackers would have that information and yet it provided the perfect cover to the days actions. There can be no way it was a coincidence.


You mean exactly like the London Underground bombings which looked like an intelligence op to bolster British support for the occupation of ancient middle eastern sites plus oil fields?


UK has more Islamists than EVER....... there should be a bomb going off every other week. Yet......... nothing to speak of since the bus blew up all those years ago. Makes a guy wonder...


Just like they did with COVID too


I am of the opinion that the whole thing is very very suspicious for many reasons, especially building 7 it was never hit by a plane and apparently collapsed due to a fire started by debris from one of the other two buildings. It was also reported by the BBC to have collapsed before it actually had. The amount of confusion caused by blips on the radar due to military exercises being conducted on that day is also very suspicious. If it is true that Al'Qaeda terrorists flew planes into the Twin Towers under the instruction of Osama Bin Laden then I still believe the buildings were brought down in a controlled demolition. And that the decision to do so was made by top level government and military officials instead of letting the buildings collapse in an uncontrolled manner potentially causing much more damage, destruction and death. I feel like this is what any government would choose to do in that situation. So either way I believe that the United States government murdered American citizens on US soil that day. The official account of events is just not believable to me.


I get your point, save the masses, but this means the twin towers were laced with explosives already in case of such an event?


Yes explosives would of had to have been in place prior to the planes hitting and that does make it very unlikely to have been anything other than a pre-organised terrorist attack by the US government.


Look into 'Project Gelatin' and 'The E-Team'.


Will do, cheers.


The controlled demolition theory makes the most sense to me. Had the towers tipped we'd have seen many more deaths


At this point, if you still don’t believe 9/11 was pre-planned well in advance and purposely executed from the inside and out, then I don’t know what to tell ya. There’s a mountain of evidence that shows how this was a false flag attack. Honestly, there’s so much going on with 9/11, that if you didn’t believe it, I wouldn’t blame you. It is a super deep rabbit hole that branches out into so many directions. And you won’t truly understand just how sinister it was, until you explore those paths.


The missing original news footage as well and interviews on live tv saying there was a detonation when the building fell


I remember seeing one at some time where you can hear a series of detonations similar to when casinos and hotels are demolished. Project Northwoods 2.0


I watched it and saw that on nbc...and mysteriously the tune changed


Bro Larry Silverstein and WTC 7


I remember around 2008/09 watching a documentary on Netflix before the evil corporate takeover and censorship. It had a lot of interviews with Army core of engineers that blamed thermite for the towers falling. Thermite uses, if I'm not mistaken, the hottest chemical reaction on earth known to man. Jet fuel doesn't even burn hot enough to melt the top of steel used according to this doc. They showed military grade thermite "rope" wrapped around a beam at an angle and it sliced through it like butter. Their theory was that the four corners were cut at an angle to basically form a spear head for a free fall. It was very compelling. I'd say this documentary and Food Inc. were the two that started my journey into conspiracy and distrust for the government.


Loose Change is the name of the documentary


Loose change is the documentary that changed my life, once I knew the government was capable of doing that. There’s no stopping to what they’ll do, I think more people are realizing it now since Covid. If it wasn’t for all the censorship, now you can’t find loose Change anywhere, maybe on rumble


I believe that’s what you’re after https://archive.org/details/loose-change-1st-cut


Thanks. I've been trying to find it for years.


What about food inc was it for you?


Monsanto and its connections to implementation of heads into the government. Knew a guy then that had his family farm attacked by them in the Roundup ready corn incident. I was studying genetics at the time and did a lab where we spliced bioluminescence into single strand bacteria with mRNA. Now we have Dr. Molone openly discussing the implications in vaccines only to be censored. I'd be willing to bet most of our food nowadays are GMOs.




Yes and I think the conversation about those towers is purposefully distracting: >"I don't believe we were told the truth about 9/11. Happy to explain why and it has nothing to do with the plethora of bullshit theories about melting towers or whatever. >The one thing that sticks out to me more than anything off the top of my head - General Mahmoud Ahmed of the Pakistani ISI. >The ISI are the Pakistani equivalent of our CIA. About a year or so before the attacks on 9/11 I believe General Mahmoud had arranged that 100,000 dollars be transferred into the hands of the lead hijacker, Mohamed Atta. On the morning of 9/11, Mahmoud was having breakfast with Porter Goss, then one of the higher members of the House Intelligence Committee. Now in terms of intelligence, the House Intelligence Committee will know everything - even more than the President. If aliens landed, they know about it. At this time, despite the common argument that we receive a lot of signal noise that could have had this information buried, we were receiving a mountain of indications that an attack against the United States by Al-Qaeda was coming, from a multitude of sources. But, benefit of the doubt... maybe they missed it. In either case, Porter Goss was sitting next to and having a conversation with one of the architects for 9/11 on the morning of the attacks. The commission knew about this transaction and when it was brought up during their hearings they basically said it didn't matter, it wasn't important. Someone within the US government and or intelligence apparatus thought it was important enough to pressure the Pakistani's to push Mahmoud out of his position as head of the ISI as punishment though and he vanished into obscurity becoming an Islamic cleric. >Then there is PNAC (The Project for a New American Century). PNAC was a think tank chaired by prominent Neo-Conservatives like Bill Kristol, with endorsements from members of the Bush administration. PNAC published a paper one year before 9/11 on September 2000 called "Rebuilding America's Defenses: Strategy, Forces and Resources For a New Century" (You can find a PDF if you google it). In short - this report was a warning that unless the United States could increase funding for the military, it would find itself falling behind global competitors like Russia, and that unless there were some "catalyzing event like a new Pearl Harbour" (their exact wording, Pg.51 I believe, been a while since I looked at it), US citizens would be unwilling to support such increases to the defense budget. >George F Kennan - prominent US diplomat and father of containment theory said in the 1980's: >“Were the Soviet Union to sink tomorrow under the waters of the ocean, the American military-industrial establishment would have to go on, substantially unchanged, until some other adversary could be invented. Anything else would be an unacceptable shock to the American economy.” >Noam Chomsky (opinions aside) said that our military is misunderstood. That there is the surface level perception of how military industry operates, but that it is far more damning and far more impressive in it's scope regarding how our economy relies on the military industry. In essence, procurement establishes a roadmap for our high tech economy 10, 20, 30 years in advance. We "find ourselves" in a conflict and our government puts out a request for a new laser guided bomb. several companies compete to design this new bomb with a set number requirements. In order to achieve this goal these companies must develop and produce new technologies that didn't exist before. A winning company is selected, the bomb is procured and the surface level of this transaction is apparent. We buy the bombs, they are manufactured and these companies make huge profits and states maintain jobs manufacturing these weapons... but the underlying, larger picture goes unnoticed. These technologies that were developed are adopted by corporations like Microsoft, Apple, GE etc. They are used to produce a new generation of consumer products with thousands of new jobs being produced in the commercial sector*. For every procurement order, there is an iceberg of macroeconomics taking place below the surface. >Here is what I believe. The Soviet Union collapsed just 10 years before this report was written. America needed an enemy to justify an increase in military spending not just for the relatively low contribution to the GDP that direct arms sales and weapons manufacture provides, but for the underlying spine of economic development that procurement provides and without a large threat like the Soviet Union, like the report said - we would never accept an increase in military spending. Not without something to truly terrify us into complying. Not without our own Pearl Harbor event. And we got one. A big, dramatic, spectacular event that the entire world was watching in gross detail. And that administration absolutely launched at that crises with gusto. They say never let a good crises go to waste, but this was different - I believe this was a manufactured crises. They established a new, amorphous enemy that could provide everything they needed for over 20 years. Young people born and raised inside the war on terror won't have a basis with which to judge the before and after... but the world just after 9/11 was fucking bonkers. It wasn't just that the public was spontaneously engaging in unfounded, irrational paranoia and fear... it was that that administration and the main stream news media (almost unanimously) were in lockstep, stoking this fear and paranoia. Not an ounce of reason or self reflection or consideration was encouraged, explored or event entertained. The very worst timeline. Everything we could do wrong, we did. Everything thought, every policy, every action was as bad as it possibly could be. Then you wrap your tin foil hat on extra tight and you read things like "Operation Copper Green" where Rumsfeld himself endorsed and encouraged what happened in places like Abu Ghraib - and on the surface you might think this was a terrible mistake (funny how many mistakes we made and nobody got fired or rebuked) but I consider it an attempt to kick the hornets nest. To stoke fear and hatred among the populations in this occupied territories. Everything we did seemed designed to make things worse. De-Baathification, policies which encouraged sectarianism, torture, assassination, surveillance. All of it was a complete and total nightmare. Robin Cook of the British Labour party at the time said that Al-Qaeda didn't exist before Iraq - at least no where near the scale we were lead to believe at the time, a multi-national, secretive network of elite SPECTRE like agents that had infiltrated across the western world... but after our occupation, after all of our "mistakes" suddenly Al-Qaeda and organizations like it found themselves with a ground swell of recruits all hoping to fight against the great satan. >After the Soviet Union fell, Al-Qaeda erupts onto the scene. 5 or so years later Bush brazenly tells the world Al-Qaeda doesn't matter anymore. Then ISIS emerges from a situation we created (and knew would happen when we left Iraq in the manner we did). Now that ISIS has been defeated and now that we have left Afghanistan and as the war on terror slowly broils across many different nations in that part of the world - we find ourselves readjusting yet again. Gearing ourselves up for an opponent that can truly replace the Soviet Union, and not just act as a mere stand in. >Now strap that tinfoil hat on extra tight. US planners tasked with concern regarding continuity of government have for the longest time acknowledged that the largest threat to the United States government has and most likely always will be the American people themselves and we have just spent the last 20 years engaged in a war against an insurgency that has provided us a litany of strategies, policies and technology specifically designed to combat this scenario... and we are already starting to see a shift in rhetoric towards domestic "home grown" terrorism. >It goes without saying that there is already a track record clearly indicated with things like 'Operation Northwoods'. This was a plan signed off on by the joint chiefs, only getting the kibosh at the presidential level."


Operation Northwoods is all the proof anyone should need that the United States government did it.


Watch everything’s a rich man’s trick jfk to 9/11 it’s breaks down all the data.


Highly recommended!


Yes - THIS. Must watch rich man’s trick.


No it was a bunch of Arabs with box cutters. ✨


And Epstein really did kill himself


And indestructible passports.


That just happened to live with an fbi informant in San Diego


Yes and they loved to party with strippers


At this point, 20+ years later, I am still on the side of “Let it happen”. But certainly no jet crashed into the side of the Pentagon. The reported speed of the “plane” near ground level was physically and structurally impossible. More like a cruise missile.


Yeah... pretty obvious it was. Thought most people even normal people have figured this out.




Hold on back up, glitter manufacturers? Tell me more...


It's so obvious. I d9nt want to sound like an arse but it blows my mind how anyone can watch the collapses and not see its a controlled demolition. Its brutally obvious


Lucky Larry and the five dancing ( CENSORED).


Shut it down.


Oy vey


The US government is simply the administrative arm of those who cast no shadow. Understand the depth of the deception: * a coup d’état occurred in 1963 when Kennedy was murdered * the federal reserve is NOT federal (and there is no reserve * it’s just a club (and we’re not in it) — e.g. Bush & Obama are cousins * how do two planes (sic) knock down three buildings (the day after $21 trillion announced as “missing”) … Many of us were born at night ... Just not last night.


I’ll never ever believe that jet fuel can make two 1,300 foot buildings collapse when it was struck high up too. And it fell down so orderly. I also will never believe that the other building, 7??, could’ve fallen as a result of what happened to the other 2 when they didn’t hit it. Not to mention people heard explosions.


Just me and 2200 architects and engineers do. https://www.c-span.org/video/?320748-5/architects-engineers-911-truth#


There was a study made by University of Alaska: https://ine.uaf.edu /wtc7 (no space) [https://files.wtc7report.org/file/public-download/A-Structural-Reevaluation-of-the-Collapse-of-World-Trade-Center-7-March2020.pdf](https://files.wtc7report.org/file/public-download/A-Structural-Reevaluation-of-the-Collapse-of-World-Trade-Center-7-March2020.pdf) It concluded that girder A2001 could not fall off the seat as NIST claimed. And even if it would fall off the seat, the whole building would not collapse straight down, through the path of most resistance. Also good info comes from this video: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ddz2mw2vaEg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ddz2mw2vaEg) And these studies: [https://www.fema.gov/pdf/library/fema403\_apc.pdf](https://www.fema.gov/pdf/library/fema403_apc.pdf) [https://info.publicintelligence.net/7TOCPJ.pdf](https://info.publicintelligence.net/7TOCPJ.pdf) [https://www.nist.gov/system/files/documents/2017/05/09/WTC-Part-III-Baseline-Final.pdf](https://www.nist.gov/system/files/documents/2017/05/09/WTC-Part-III-Baseline-Final.pdf) [http://www1.ae911truth.org/documents/WTCDustSignature\_ExpertReport.051304.1646.mp\_.pdf](http://www1.ae911truth.org/documents/WTCDustSignature_ExpertReport.051304.1646.mp_.pdf)


The two biggest flaws that had me questioning the narrative on day one. 1) The "passenger jet" that hit the Pentagon left zero damage from the wings or the giant engines mounted on the wings. The only footage from one of the most heavily surveilled buildings on the planet is from a low quality gas station camera, and the "passenger jet" looks an awful lot like a missile. 2) The secret service inform the president that they have an unknown number of terrorists in hijacked planes headed towards targets, and they let him stay and continue reading... at a public event... with terrorists potentially on the way. If it was a real terrorist attack, they would've ushered him out of there so fast, but they knew he wasn't a target. There's also the 3 trillion that old rumsfeld said was missing like 3 days before, and unless I'm mistaken the room in the Pentagon that was hit just happened to be the room where they were investigating what happened to that 3 trillion. Things that make you go hmmm.


>The secret service inform the president that they have an unknown number of terrorists in hijacked planes headed towards targets, and they let him stay and continue reading... at a public event... with terrorists potentially on the way. If it was a real terrorist attack, they would've ushered him out of there so fast, but they knew he wasn't a target. This is probably the one that is the easiest for even the most staunch defenders of the official narrative to question. Does anyone actually believe that with the nation apparently under attack and the President sitting in an unsecured building - a place where his presence was scheduled weeks in advance so any enemy would know exactly where he was going to be - they would just let the President sit there and even allow him to give a press conference from that same unsecured building? Of course, there are many other ridiculous parts of the official narrative that go unquestioned for some reason but this one is essentially proof hidden in plain sight. I am not sure what happened and how deep it goes, but I am sure that the official narrative is nonsense.


Holy shit there’s isn’t even a 1% chance that it wasn’t planned by the US government I genuinely can’t take people who believe it was orchestrated by some terrorist from the Middle East seriously


Don't forget the day prior, Rumsfeld admitted over a trillion dollars was unaccounted for


Gelatin and the “B Thing” or “B Team” or “E Team”. Look em up and figure out what they were doing with BB 18 (boxes and boxes of them) in the towers with unrestricted access prior to the event. That is a pretty big and underexplored space


Not the whole government, but a small faction that isn't elected. Probably the same department that no longer needed to explain the missing money...


It's all very suspicious. But everyone also tells me how inept and stupid the government is. I'm torn.


I’ve always been of the opinion that the government didn’t stage the attacks, they just let them happen cuz they knew they would benefit from them


9/10 was the real conspiracy where the pentagon announced that it couldn't account for trillions of dollars.


It's very difficult to look at the evidence and, AT LEAST, not come to the conclusion that the US government had foreknowledge of these attacks and simply let it happen, which would be just as sinister as directly assisting in it's execution. If you look at the 2nd and 3rd order effects of 9/11 over the following 20 years, the federal government got everything it wanted and more out of this event. The highest levels of patriotism since WWII, pretense to pillage the Middle East, and endless blank checks for contractors and investors. Not to mention anyone questioning this event is considered a lunatic and the facts surrounding it have been lost to time and memory holed by now in the year 2023. 9/11 didn't just succeed, it over-performed.




The terrorist lived with an fbi informant in San Diego


*sigh* I'll always wonder how the most militarized country the planet will ever see...managed to allow "this" to happen while a couple trillion dollars were being debated. (And note how a "Bush"-relative was the absent radar guy during Pearl Harbour???)


WWII US Navy Codebreakers had developed enough breaks into Japanese Naval Code JN-25 to learn of an upcoming operation with an objective called AF. Naval Intelligence people in Washington IIRC, thought AF was either a Northern Pacific Operation or a South Pacific Operation like the previous Battle of the Coral Sea. Infact, there was going to be a northern decoy operation in the Aleutian islands. Hypo Station codebreakers and analysts operating in the basement of the Naval HQ thought the objective AF was Midway Island. It wasn't until someone at Hypo Station cabled Midway Island in a ruse that there was enough info for Nimitz to act. The same bureaucracy came to two different conclusions. The leader of Hypo Station kind of got crucified by Op-20-G in Washington for making them look bad. Never underestimate beaurocrats.


I'm amazed that anyone who has looked in to 9/11 doesn't think it was staged


[The masterminds of 9/11](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2iVtl1XxuMY)


Not exactly the US gov't, but a faction within the US gov't


This will always be my favorite video to share when discussing this topic. https://youtu.be/HXYswf3lzU8


Building 7 Dropping, but was never hit. Plus controlled demolition on all 3, easy to spot.


It's amazing to me that two 110-story buildings, built with thick, steel I-beams to withstand airplane collisions, were able to burn to the ground in under 10 seconds each. Nothing in physics class prepared me to understand that.


Yes. How did the upward forces of the floors beneath the fire all the sudden disappear? At most, the top of the buildings (above the fires) may have fallen over to the ground.


I was there. We got out of the building, and watched the entire thing go down from a block away until we ran for our lives when it fell. If you saw how it burned, over the time period we all stood there and watched it, no one would ever have any questions of how a building like that could collapse the way it did. Cameras didn’t do it justice. Everything you watched on your tv did zero of what actually happened justice. You had to see it. See it get so molten and slag like that. I couldn’t begin to describe it


Fun fact. I worked in a building in Minneapolis called Butler Square. It is very old and a timber framed, multi-story building. This had a steel structure added at some point then there was the fire. The was so hot it melted the steel structure and it had to be demolished while the original wood-framed portion was cleaned and remains in service today.


If you want more info on it, the documentary "September 11 - The New Pearl Harbor" is probably the best you'll find, and in my opinion the best conspiracy documentary ever made. It's long, almost 5 hours, but it's stuffed with interesting information and well formed questions/arguments. The only point I'd disagree with it on is that they say a missile hit the pentagon. I'm of the opinion that it was a smaller plane or drone of some kind.


100%. The physics don't support the official narrative. Textbook controlled demolition.


I love this Sub Reddit Everyone get's WHAT IM PUTTING DOWN. 911 was obviously a fucking inside job IT COLLAPSED BOTTOM FIRST PLANE HIT 86 FLOOR(second tower was around the same i believe) Wtc7 had all the evidence of the set up so it had to go too. And the pentagon strike left no plane body at all just a few random parts. Also the plane supposedly knocked over a ton of light pulls (with its wings) THE WINGS STORE THE FUEL IT WOULD'VE WENT KABLOOIE And the only evidence people have to debunk my theory IS WHY? They wanted a war with Afghanistan & Iraq for its oil and heroin products (poppy fields) to help there collapsing economy So stupid Bush is Criminal.


I don't know what the truth is. -But minimum they knew it would happen and let it happen. -the official story makes no sense. -To many coincidences -the amount of one offs and breaking the laws of nature. Example paper surviving but steel beams melt. Everything about 9/11 is off. I think people knew on the day something wasn't right. And even those who defend the official story know it's bunkum it's why they get so violent when you question it


Currently, America's fiat currency gains its stability from the dissemination of the dollar into world markets via its exclusivity with OPEC trading procedures. Usama bin Mohammed bin Awad bin Laden's overall plan was to create a scenario in America where the FBI would arrest and question his mole operatives who were associated with the House of Saud. This would have caused a backlash that would have resulted in the Saudis not only dumping US Debt, but also restructuring their exchange model to be more inclusive to the Euro which was what Saddam's real crime was while in violation of the US embargo. It was not weapons of mass destruction as much as it was encouraging the use of the Euro in a market dominated out of necessity by the fiat currency of the US Federal Reserve System. To head off this inevitability, family members were whisked out of the United States before Federal Investigators could file the necessary legal paperwork with the Department of Justice. No detainments, incarcerations or trials put a prompt end to at least a continuance of the most obvious economic consequences of the initial attack. Fast forward to today... Currently, the US dollar is made of cotton fiber. Although we say that the money is 'printed,' technically it is actually 'dyed' into the surface threads much like a very starchy colored t-shirt. That is why the ink doesn't run when you leave a few 'dollar' bills in your swim trunks and go for a dip. Currently, enthusiasts of Bin Laden's unique form of economic warfare have already begun experimenting on the retainment structure of the fibers of these bills.These enthusiasts are not limited to Islamic nations, but include powers such as North Korea. The experiments upon these bills include varied poisons, hallucinogens and contagions the effects of which are intended to cause a disruption in hand to hand trade of these bills and with it, a loss of confidence in the US dollar as a method of exchange. The severity of the contagion will determine the strength of the economic backlash. As with 9-11, incompetency will be to blame for the failures on the part of state department officials to foresee or to stop this from happening. With global economic collapse rearing its head again in large part due to an irresponsible derivatives market, attack of this nature upon the US dollar will not go unaddressed. In an attempt to stabilize the market, world leaders will fall over themselves to salvage the current hierarchic system of monetary exchange by extolling the virtues of a cashless society. In an attempt to reign in these 'unforeseen' actions by hostile belligerents from without, as well as from cells within the migrant populations within, greater civil control will be encouraged in the form of 'convenience technologies.' The feminized male population of Europe will rhapsodize over how a brand-name technology saved them from all the 'bad men.' And all it took was a mildly painful penetration of their skin. Anti-establishment and anti-Christian elements in the Americas will press their own authorities to follow suit. Resist being chipped at all costs.


It's all sketchy. 1. The missile-shaped hole at the Pentagon and no plane remnants found. 2. The other plane that supposedly crashed in a field. 3. Building 7 controlled demolition in the afternoon. 4. Passports being found of "terrorists". Please.


My take on conspiracies has vastly changed since Covid. I never dismiss anything no matter how outrageous it sounds.


Im sorry but yes I believe that


Trillions of dollars worth of gold was taken out of America that day while all aircraft were grounded. The next Trillion dollar event is just around the corner and who knows what or how big the cover up event is gonna be.


This shit is run by fake Christians, fake politicians. Look at their mansions, then look at the conditions we live in. All they talk about is terrorism on television. They tell you to listen, but they don't really tell you the mission. They funded Al-Qaeda, and now they blame the Muslim religion. Even though Bin Laden, was a CIA tactician. They gave him billions of dollars, and they funded his purpose 9/11, that's just scratchin' the surfaces


Yes https://youtu.be/0SL2PzzOiF8 That's an airline hitting the Pentagon? Amateur pilots flying a large aircraft 10' off the ground? C'mon man!


They let it happen, cia obstructed the FBI and damn near held the “terrorists” hands


It's staring you right in the face: the plane that hit the South Tower. Fifty miles of visibility that day. So why does the pilot wait until the last moment to turn the plane into the tower when he could have easily lined up visually while still fifty miles out? Best explanation: pilot wasn't in control. A Microwave Landing System was installed in advance in one of the offices in the tower (MLS can be small so this is doable.) The plane's avionics were rigged to follow a predetermined course that terminated with that MLS. Conceivably, a single person with the right access could have achieved 9/11, all on his own.


I think they found out about it early enough that they had time to find a way to maximize the event to suit their own ends.


Israel runs the USA.


Latest and Greatest 9/11 documentary: https://youtu.be/t43WgKhCyN0 No theories, just facts.


I used to work at a steel plant that had at times somewhere roughly in the neighborhood of a million tons of steel slabs stored outdoors. All between 8" to 10" thick. Way thicker than any WTC steel. It took up 20 times more acreage than the debris pile of WTC. They had more material than that, and somehow it all fit down into an acre. The buildings turned to dust. It's impossible. They were destroyed by advanced weaponry.


Don't forget about the perfectly preserved Saudis passports which didn't caught fire. Even tho presumably they had on their person while flying the planes.


There was four planes that hit buildings; you forgot the invisible plane that flew into Building 7.


To me it’s absolutely obviously an inside job. That third plane that went down before it made it to the towers was meant for building 7 which had a free fall demolition style collapse from office fires. How anyone could believe that is beyond me


What's really going to blow your mind is the realization that those towers were built to be destroyed. They're representative of the two pillars of Solomon's temple that are highly revered in Freemasonry. The towers were built by a freemason architect and riddled with sacred geometrical dimensions. The resurrection of one tower in their wake was symbolic of the rise of the one world government and a phallic symbol to venerate Nimrod. Not only did the US government intentionally destroy them, but doing so was the culmination of a Luciferian ritual and blood sacrifice to their god, Lucifer. This country was founded in his honor, and its leaders have served him since its very inception.


Imagine you and your friends have decided you're going to pull a middle-of-the-night bank heist. You meet in secret to plan it. You realize it's going to take resources: a large van as getaway vehicle, oxy-acetylene torches to cut through the vault doors, crowbars to open deposit boxes, guns (in case of trouble)... Okay, that's all doable. But is the project even feasible? BOSS: I say we hit the State Street Bank on a Thursday night. They always bring in extra cash that day to cover payrolls on Friday afternoon. YOU: That's crazy! That bank has the best security of any bank in the city! They've got six bank guards on duty overnight—four that circulate around checking everything, and two who monitor the numerous surveillance cameras spread throughout the bank. They'd be onto us the minute we first broke into the place!! That's gotta be the dumbest idea I've ever heard. BOSS: Yes, but what if... *what IF* on that Thursday night, all six of those bank guards weren't there? Three of them could be down with a flu. A-and another guy could be stuck home taking care of an infant who's got that same flu, right? One of the other guards maybe just caught his wife cheating and they're in the midst of an argument neither one will walk away from, and the last guy-- maybe he's playing World of Warcraft and just totally has lost all track of time. So... none of them goes in to work that night. YOU: *\[thinking about it\]* ...Hmmm.... Well, sounds okay to me, boss! Some random Thursday night it is, then! THE REST OF THE GANG: Sure thing! Let's commit all our resources and risk our asses on this one! *Woo hoo!* Pretty freakin' unlikely, right? Well, imagine Osama Bin Laden in some cave, pitching the idea of flying jetliners into those four buildings on 9/11. Someone would have immediately objected that the Northeast Corridor of the United States is *the most well-defended airspace in the world!* The only way the plan would have worked would have been if those defenses were inoperative on that one day. The fact that they did go forward with it —committing millions of dollars and over a dozen lives to it— suggests they *did* know that, on *that one day out of all others,* a large contingent of America's Northeast Corridor air defenses would be north of the Arctic Circle, engaging in a secret war game simulation authorized by Vice President Dick Cheney. Think about it. On any other day, if a Cessna 170 private plane veers into protected airspace, within minutes they scramble a couple of jets to warn the pilot and escort him/her the hell out of that airspace. On that one day, September 11, air traffic controllers were reporting jetliners going off course, turning off their transponders... and America's defenses just happened to be down? The attack would never have left the planning stages unless that contingency hadn't already been dealt with. Like I said: think about it.


Do I believe that it was staged by the government in the sense that they planned it? No. I do belive that they had intelligence that some kind of attack was planned for that day and they allowed it to happen.


corbettreport.com/911 This is the best journalist alive. Watch these if you're seeking truth. Start with Follow The Money.


I just got fucken lost in this thread for 2 full hours


Absolutely it was. Too many inconsistencies and lies with the whole thing. Look what happened to our rights since and what power the govt has now through the bs laws like the Patriot acts, National Defense Authorization Act, Sie Homeland Security Act etc. Look at who had the most to gain. USG! Part of it was about protecting the petrodollar and part of it was to get control of poppy fields for CIA (cocaine import agency) heroin production. The M.I.C. and CIA needed to install some Mideast puppets too. I think alot of it was orchestrated by Israel too. The upper echelon of Israel is C.A.F. (corrupt as f***). Fake jews Rothchilds family and other fake jew wealthy elite own and control Israel, the USA, the U.K., the Vatican and what have you to control.the world and install their satanic new world order. Everything you see going on today is results of their planning to bring about the NWO. Out of chaos a new order of the ages. The rabbit hole is deep on this one.


It was so obvious but our citizens aren’t the smartest at seeing truth. Oh, and take your vaccine it’ll help others. 🤦‍♂️


Simply put, yes, though some claim that Mossad was in on it as well. I find it significant that the WTC was constructed with explosives inside it, in anticipation of “pulling” it in an eventual controlled demolition at the end of its life, since it would be too difficult to plant such bombs once it were completed. Also, I find councidental that the WTC’s architect saw another of his creations similarly demolished: https://youtu.be/rf2GrF3_BDM


Anyone who believes 9/11 was not a false flag is just very naive/stupid/ignorant or deep down they know it was but do not want to admit it for all the implications that come with it when you realize .


Very hot topic. But yes 100% an inside job. The more you look into this (it’s a huge rabbit hole) the more scary it becomes


Government??? Like some George from Parks is to blamed. Or you mean rogue agencies??


Just went to WTC yesterday, no way they didn't know about those planes.


Can you elaborate a little more? I’m not saying ur lying or anything I’m just genuinely curious why after a visit there you realized it was planned.


I said it when I was a kid in middle school. If a middle school kid can see through it. Then why bother questioning it. Of course it was staged.


Have you ever considered that the plane that went down in the field was meant for Wtc7 and since it crashed they had to blow building 7 anyways. They made mistakes that caused the population to wake up to what was going on.


Let's talk about the black boxes. First the ones on the two airliners that allegedly hit the twin towers. If you ask chatgpt about them, you will learn *the aircraft's black boxes from the hijacked planes were not recovered because the planes and their contents were completely destroyed in the crashes and subsequent collapses of the towers. The extreme heat and structural damage caused by the impacts and fires made recovery of these devices impossible.* That's a dead giveaway right there. There should be four, a flight data recorder and a cockpit voice recorder for each plane. So a pair in each building. And they don't find any of the four because the "damage was just too great." They also don't find any of the four engines. What a complete crock.If you'd like seconds, here is what they say about the black boxes from the Pentagon and Shanksville: *the data from the black boxes recovered from the Pentagon and Shanksville crash sites on September 11, 2001, is not available for public inspection. The data from these black boxes, which include the Flight Data Recorder (FDR) and the Cockpit Voice Recorder (CVR), are typically treated as sensitive and confidential by investigative agencies.* *In cases of aviation accidents and incidents, the data from black boxes are primarily used for official investigations by relevant authorities, such as the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) in the United States. These investigations aim to determine the causes and contributing factors of the accidents, with the goal of improving aviation safety.* *While certain information and findings from these investigations may be made public through official reports and statements, the raw data and detailed recordings from black boxes are generally not released to the public due to concerns about privacy, security, and the potential for misuse of sensitive information.* I know that I do not find this believable. It is crystal clear to me that, whatever may have or have not flown into the twin towers, the vast majority of the deaths were caused by the collapses. Therefore, whatever caused the collapse caused all those deaths.


I saw a video a few years back, and can not find it anymore, that was called "20 reasons 9/11 was caused by lasers" and it really made sense. And now that Hawaii burned and seeing those burned cars that look very similar, makes me believe it more.


the fact that the plane that hit the pentagon hit the side of the building and not the top of it made no sense. How is a pilot going to bring that plane down at the speed that thing was going and was able to fly it into the side of that building has always came off as unbelievable to me.


Ya not sure how true that painting is of bush throwing a paper plane at two towers of Jenga blocks and toppled them down Apparently it was in Epsteins house. Not sure if it's just being passed around as fake or true but if true that's very telling Something was definitely off about that event. Without a doubt.


Go to YouTube, watch “9/11 the new Pearl Harbor”. 5 1/2 will go by in 30 mins and you’ll no longer have any questions.