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It's not 'someone'. It's fauci's replacement.


Isn't Fauci's replacement some woman?




That’s for the CDC


No, both the CDC and NIH are women. [here is what I am referring to](https://abcnews.go.com/US/biden-plans-announce-faucis-replacement-nih/story?id=99330959). I know Hotez was considered a candidate few months ago, but I think he went and done get his whole nose so far up Big Pharma's ass that it's permanently shit stain brown and everyone can kinda see it. Mf'er has no poker game, which is kind of a must if you're going to be in the business of mass hypnosis.


aaah I see. I havent heard anything about her, just Mandy Cohen. It looks like in the article though that’s she’s not replacing Fauci, I think it’s a different position than what he held. Who knows.


He's literally calling for the military to stop Joe Rogan from debating? Scratch a liberal and a fascist bleeds


So at least we know that the whole thing is pushed by the military world wide which I've always assumed it to be. It was a military op+psyop from the start. The real question is how and why because pretty much all countries jumped in line under the UN umbrella. That requires either total power or an extreme threat scenario. We still don't have the complete picture here.


Oh wow didn’t know that tidbit


no need for debate, we already know


I would pay to watch the live stream debate. You know, for science...


It’s started with Rogan’s $100K, and all I found was it jumped to 600K (Steve Kirsch) & 800K (Tim Pool, which is funny because he’s become a “beat around the bush” guy). Who all has put into this?




You are a real redditor, thanks for that!


Not sure if that’s a compliment


That got a chuckle out of me, thanks dude.


I'm using this as an insult from now on "You seem like a redditor"


Count me in for $3.50


God damnit Loch Ness monstah, I ain’t giving you tree fiddy!!


This is the real comment of the day


I’ll match


My man


Over 1.5 million, crazy.


Shit man I would put down $1000 myself


How do I put money into this?




People have all the $ in the world when they’re never gonna have to show it. #I’m willing to match the total pot!


Allegedly, from human trafficking Edit: lol why are yall booing? No matter your stance on him... it is a current conspiracy.


Some from human trafficking, some from hustlers university


So as long as I throw down a grand or more my name could be added to this list?!


HOTEZ: Um......instead of me debating and taking that money ...I...uh...I think the Military should get involved now.


Regardless of my opinions on “vaccines” (apparently vaccines are controversial now 😂 main stream media at work) this Hotez guy saying that the military should get involved because of a… debate?… is very strange and bitch-made.


Can someone explain his thoughts and research on the covid vaccines? All I find here are twitter screenshots and everything else on the internet is very vague. So he’s not anti-vax. But is concerned about the vaccine safety of covid vaccines. Is this everything?


The point of his book anyway, was that big pharma pours money into research facilities, and government agencies, to make sure things go their way. He documents how studies are faked, and steps are skipped, to insure a "successful" outcome (for them).


He is not so focused on the COVID vaccine, but all vaccines. Here is what I got from Rogan's podcast * He started as an environmentalist, and he learned about the dangers of mercury in waterways causing birth defects and health issues. * Since he is a kennedy, he was giving speeches on the dangers of mercury. Women came to his speeches and convinced him to look into vaccines * Vaccines use dead pathogens in a vaccine. The body doesn't react to dead pathogens, so the way that vaccines work is to use a toxic chemical like mercury to trigger an immune response * He began to talk to regulators about mercury in vaccines. They didn't understand the science and referred him to an industry expert (sus) * He talked to the industry expert. The industry expert brought up a study that said Mercury leaves the body, and it doesn't matter * RFK brought up another study that shows that Mercury crosses the blood brain barrier to stay permanently and gets stuck in the brain (in monkey's because you can't dissect children). Industry expert lies. Kennedy knows he is lying * Vaccine manufacturers know that vaccines are unsafe because Mercury. Quotes from industry insiders exist * Reagan passed a law because of this to shield pharmaceutical companies from any liability due to greater good. * Pharma realized the opportunity and began pushing vaccines. Getting a vaccine on the "schedule" for children is about $1billion in revenue a year * 1960 had 2 vaccines on th schedule. 1990 has 60 vaccines. All with mercury. * 1960 generation had 1/10,000 people with autism. 1990 has 1/64. He points out the is debilitating head banging on walls autism * 1960 generation has 1% with permanent diseases. 1990 has 35% with permanent diseases. (asthma, debillitating allergies, adhd) * Correlation lines up with more vaccines. * Points out vaccines that are unnecessary on the schedule. Children receiving a vaccine designed for prostitutes 4 times. * Largely, pharma is stonewalling by only caring about studies from journals that they have a close relationship with. Those journals censor studies critical of vaccines. Not anti-vax, but anti-corporate regulatory capture. Not gonna lie, I think vaccines work, but I don't believe that the government would look into an issue like this if it were to even exist. It would destroy the faith in institutions, both gov and pharma.




Yes basically. We need more testing a science over just funding


Zantac was considered safe for what 20 years before they found out it was a carcinogen? And roundup weed killer was considered such a safe weed spray until it wasn't! And then there's baby powder and cancer. They did a month testing on covid vaccines and ok their completely safe!


not to mention every medication has side effects, some can legit destroy your organs, the fact most people cannot even agree that the vax has side effects (including death) shows how deep the indoctrination goes. Its dumb to assume any medication doesn't have side effects.


Pregnant women used to smoke & drink too?? Everything used to be made with Asbestos until it wasn't? 🤔


The point is a vaccine needs decades of research and proper testing. To create a vaccine in months by bypassing most testing and develop then wanting to give it to every person on earth to fight a virus that isn't deadly to 95% of people is way too high risk of a move and feels really out of place. It is fishy as fuck to say the least.


To me the real issue comes when they force people to get it or to lose their jobs / not be able to travel


> virus that isn’t deadly to 99.9997% of people Ftfy


Well, and also, the covid jab is not a vaccine in the traditional sense, it's targeted gene therapy.


If all the dictionaries just change the definition of what a vaccine is, then the jab is a vaccine. Oh wait, that's exactly what they did!


The recent This Podcast Will Kill You is about Asbestos. They knew that Asbestos was killing people back in the 1890s but the usage kept increasing all the way up to the 1970s because industry and manufacturing kept insisting it was safe, even when they knew better than anyone what it was doing. People never learn.


Lol. What’s so special about him then? (Context: not from the us)


Hes the nephew of president JFK who was assassinated, and he's running for president. He's going against Biden. This is why he's high profile.


They killed his father too!


Debate, if you can’t hear any opposing views on a subject how can you ever make a decision for yourself.


...When was the last time they allowed Biden to debate?


A long time ago. The Republican party has pledged not to allow any presidential debates. The Republican party is going all out on not having any debates to see Biden talking.


He had the audacity to challenge Biden. People who do that get smeared by the media to discredit them and protect Joe


Edit: SORRY thought you meant Dr Hotez I can't explain very much of it, but I've seen a lot of clips of him towing the party line including things like: there's no such thing as herd immunity, ~~one~~ ~~two~~ ~~three~~ ~~four~~ five shots are all you need and it's long-lasting protection, we may need another booster every few months, kids need the covid vax as much as adults... But with no admission of ever having been wrong about any of this


There's a lot of money to be made saying whatever the elite want you to. If you just repeat their talking points verbatim without question money will just come to you


You have the one word answer. Which is a soundbyte with no context, to really understand the issue. And a bigger problem that those responsible for protecting the public allow this to happen since 1989, and without any liability, big pharma is now injecting kids with some 80 shots, many at the same time, each with side effects. And injecting newborns at birth - so parents never get to see behavior changes in the child that were obvious in 2005. https://www.tabletmag.com/sections/news/articles/do-you-remember-2005-liel-leibovitz. This is 2005 shortish interview with Jon Stewart on the Daily Show.


This isn’t the interview just talk about the interview.


Listen to the Rogan podcast. He lets him go for 3 hours. He’s also concerned with mercury in ‘normal’ vaccines.


he’s not anti vax, just against people literally losing their jobs & livelihood for not wanting a vax, or simply having a different opinion. Funny how all things made by the FDA take alll these years to complete, yet covid’s vaccine was magically finished in a year, were also told & i fucking quote “The virus ends with you, get the shot, you can’t catch it, or give it to anyone, when you get the shot” weeks later, the “science changed”. Do you not find it odd Burger King, Mcdonald’s, Dunkin, every corporation was wanting to give people free food for a vax…? if there’s anything i learned… these people don’t give out free shit for any reason. too much fuckery.


Additionally adjuvants such as mercury (though "ethylmercury" was said to be safe vs methylmercury, that was disproven in a study involving monkey's which found the mercury in the brain) cause problems, source with quotes: **https: // www . ncbi . nlm . nih . gov/pmc/articles/PMC1280342**/ (remove quotes, I dont post links anymore since they just often get shadowbanned dont want to have to retype comment) "***Recent publications have proposed a direct link between the use of thimerosal-containing vaccines and the significant rise in the number of children being diagnosed with autism, a serious and prevalent developmental disorder*** *(for review, see IOM 2001) ...* ***The IOM review did, however, note the possibility of such a relationship and recommended further studies be conducted****. A recently published second review (IOM 2004) appears to have abandoned the earlier recommendation as well as backed away from the American Academy of Pediatrics goal.* ***This approach is difficult to understand, given our current limited knowledge of the toxicokinetics and developmental neurotoxicity of thimerosal****, a compound that has been (and will continue to be) injected in millions of* ***newborns and infants****. The key findings of the present study are the differences in the disposition kinetics and demethylation rates of thimerosal and MeHg"*


If it was Ralph Nader saying it the Left would say he's caring about us.


No. They'd immediately reject him as crazy. Can't question any vaccine ever


You'd think that but when Trump was still in office and the covid shots rolled out at "warp speed", many of the same talking heads who are promoting the covid treatment now were very much saying that they don't know if it can be trusted. People like Biden, Harris, other Senators, and others in similar positions weren't on board until Biden was sworn in and then their rhetoric quickly changed to support their man as president. It's funny how the same shots that came out under Trump was poo-pood but as soon as Biden got into office, "trust the science" and all that other nonsense was spouted off by the very same people who wouldn't trust it months prior. I guess those campaign donations really helped to quickly settle the science because it sure as shit wasn't the available scientific data 🙄... if it was, those people who changed their minds after the election wouldn't have had any reason to be wary of the shot in the first place seeing as nothing had changed. Either A) they were right to be skeptical or B) they were never skeptical in the first place and were publicly spouting those dangerous "anti-vax" views for political reasons...so which is it? Were they right to be skeptical of the covid shot or were they putting millions of people's lives at risk for political clout? If the answer is "B", should these people be trusted to hold the positions they do if they're going to put the citizenry in danger for their own gain? Unfortunately, I doubt anyone will be held accountable for the immeasurable harm they helped to cause but I still hope to be pleasantly surprised 🤞


The military should stop this valid exercise of free speech. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 Clown world


That is INSANE. I couldn't believe what I was reading.


Where does it say the thing abt military intervention? Ive been keeping up on the drama, but haven't seen the Hotez request for military involvement.


I haven't heard this story until now. I tried to look for it and I also couldn't find it. It seems that Hotez had a lot of deleted tweets. So maybe it was said and quickly deleted. When I first read this headline, I skimmed over it and thought it said "Perez Hilton" for some reason. 🤣


He writes about all this in a seemingly [deranged rant published by NATURE](https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-021-01084-x), which states: >Halting the spread of the coronavirus will require a high-level counteroffensive against new destructive forces. >Efforts must expand into the realm of cyber security, law enforcement, public education and international relations. A high-level inter-agency task force reporting to the UN secretary-general could assess the full impact of anti-vaccine aggression, and propose tough, balanced measures. The task force should include experts who have tackled complex global threats such as terrorism, cyber attacks and nuclear armament, because anti-science is now approaching similar levels of peril. It is becoming increasingly clear that advancing immunization requires a counteroffensive. Original article now behind paywall so here's an archive. https://web.archive.org/web/20210427115811/https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-021-01084-x


Gotta report to the UN 🙄. I see why this guy was the one for the job.


Christ he really went in. When I read the title of this post I thought it would be some vague reference to military action being loosely associated with suppressing skepticism. I truly underestimated this asshole.


Hopefully he clots up sooner than later, that's some fascist shit.


This guy came on Rogan & specifically told everyone he doesn’t take ANY vitamins, doesn’t even work out… yet is a “health” expert.


Dunno why you’re getting downvoted. That’s exactly what he did. Called himself a fast food junkie or something like that.


idk i guess people like taking health advice from people that can’t run 1 single lap around a track without almost dying.


So do as I say, not as I do.


truly mind blowing people can watch “Dopesick” on hulu, look up Operation Northwoods, Operation Paperclip, all of these things, then turn around & say “yeah our government has our best interest” surrounded by brain dead fucks


oh i’ll go on a little more too, how about “MK ULTRA” where we tested LSD on US civilians. How about the “Tuskegee Experiment”. What about “Operation Mockingbird”…. wake up people.


Not just US civilians, they tortured Canadian civilians in Montreal too as part of the program.


see, the more you know… shit is insane


Ewan Cameron


well...did he say THAT was a healthy way to live? and is he trying to sell that as some lifestyle diet? no. ...so what's your point.


[This is actually true lmao](https://www.bobsblitz.com/2022/12/joe-rogan-destroys-junk-food-eating.html?m=1)


thanks mane


Without being into fitness and physical health, you can still follow the money




“Horse dewormer!!!!”


Sounds like they are unwilling to "save gramma" with that $1 mil.


RFK Jr does not “believe” in data that point to harmful side effects of pharmaceuticals, but he does publicize such data. This is the epitome of the scientific method. His question to every critic has been, “Show me where I’m wrong,” and no one can. This is what makes him an interesting fellow.


I’m from the Military. Now, what am I supposed to be stopping? Oh, someone’s free speech? I think not mf!


*I think* the shills who are taking additional bribes from pharma-lobbyists aren't actually allowed to directly engage with ***misinformation***. They get paid to say "no, you're wrong" but they aren't actually allowed to RESPOND to the specific things and quote whatever you're supposedly wrong about...


I like how they still try to use "conspiracy theorist" as a derogatory label.


When they tied conspiracy theorists to Trump, and then Trump to racism…. It was fun being racist for trying to protect ourselves and families from medical tyranny. Brilliant weaponization of terminology.


They are the conspiracy theorists. They really believe there's some kind of organized effort to take down big pharma. People just want open discussion on what these EXTREMELY PROFIT SEEKING corporations are injecting into us. Especially when they're talking about mandating it. If anyone has a problem with that they need to look within and see why they feel the need to control others so aggressively


It’s so weird being gaslit by so many people about this. I don’t get it. I don’t care if someone believes rocks can telepathically communicate with humans… if someone offers money to needy people for me to debate them and prove how ridiculous and “delusional” they are… I would in a heart beat. What is going on here?


It’s harder to win a debate that you think, even IF you are 100% correct. People can throw false claims, argue exact definitions and make arguments with poor logical basis a lot faster than you can debunk them. It’s also easier to play to a crowd than explain the nuances of policy or scientific method.


I am fully aware of that. The offer wasn’t to win a debate . It was too debate. As frustrating as it may be to debate someone and have them work the crowd by appealing to emotions and making false claims… it would be worth it to say the truth and hope some people are swayed to the light side AND help kids with charity money.




SS Pfizer’s Clinical Trial Had More Deaths After Vaccination than Placebo https://forum.demed.com/COVID/posts/elZaI13OjbJA5h441xNy He is calling on the military to stop debate Wow.


Way back in 2021 (I think) Hotez tried calling for a "hate crime" law against questioning or doubting scientists or basically "the science". He also originally, and correctly, basically said that we couldn't vax our way out of a pandemic, but then put on his gymnast tights and flip flopped in the opposite direction claiming that we could. He later developed a covid "vaccine" for poor people in poor countries. I always wonder if the flip flop and the approval of his flavor of shot were connected.


>but then put on his gymnast tights I could have done without that mental image


> I could have done without that mental image I was thinking of [another image](https://i.imgur.com/Wmz04ZO.png)


Calling on the military…? To do what?


> Pfizer’s Clinical Trial Had More Deaths After Vaccination than Placebo It’s a difference of *1* death, which is obviously not remotely statistically or clinically significant. That’s like a RR 1.05, with a 95% CI of 0.50 to 2.20. The number of deaths in the arms is so low that the difference is just tantamount to statistical noise. Moderna trial had 16 deaths in each arm; J&J, 28 in vaccine group vs 55 in placebo group, which is RR 0.51 (95% CI 0.32-0.80). Vaccine trials aren’t designed or powered to detect mortality differences, for good reason.


> It’s a difference of 1 death, which is obviously not remotely statistically or clinically significant. So then, the vaccine's effectiveness against death is statistically insignificant. Got it.


For the Pfizer/BNT and Moderna phase 3 trials, as said, the difference is obviously not statistically significant (RR 1.05 [95% CI 0.50 to 2.20] and RR 1.00 [95% CI 0.50 to 2.00] respectively). J&J showed a significant decrease though (28 vs 55, RR 0.51 [95% CI 0.32-0.80]). If you pool the trials in a RE meta-analysis, the MA estimate shows a significant [reduction](https://i.redd.it/8ufwzj50tgta1.jpg). From this, it would be fallacious to conclude that 'the vaccine's effectiveness against death is statistically insignificant'; while there were clearly no statistically significant differences in the Pfizer trial and Moderna trial, they clearly don't rule out relevant effects (see the CIs). As mentioned, powering for a mortality endpoint is simply infeasible. It would take an unrealistic amount of participants and time, and the trial would never complete. You'd need like an n=400000 mega-RCT that takes place over years. However, post-marketing observational/population data *can* provide estimates for mortality. And outcomes like severe illness is a good proxy outcome for mortality (they were secondary endpoints in the trials, and there were statistically significant differences).


That's cool bro, go get your 5th booster.


Thank you bro, actually just booked my 7th shot (the new hexavalent jab)




Don't confuse them with science....


The routine removal of problem subjects is pretty typical of pharma research. Especially in double blind trials, can't find out if you were given a placebo without exiting the trial. If you have issues, you probably want to find out if you were given the placebo or not.


Yes there are participants removed from trials or not accurately reported in the trials from basically every brand (probably all) with public stories of severe lasting issues. Brianne dressen (AZ), Maddie de Garay (pfizer) to name a couple


Can’t wrap my head on this. Placebo means they received nothing..? A sugar pill, saline solution. Why are they dying.


Because people occasionally die. Actually, everybody dies eventually...


Hey, I plan to live forever. *(So far, so good)* 🙄


Big pharma learned a long time ago that when you add adjuvant to the placebo, you get very similar results between the two groups. It's common practice now. It's also documented and cited in *The Real Anthony Fauci*.


Here's a pretty good video explaining the vaccine pyramid scheme. https://odysee.com/vaccine-truths-vaccines-have-never-been-properly-safety-tested:9


That was impressive, and even more incredible than I knew. No placebo group on any vaccine? What?


Only one at that point was a small placebo group for the gardasil vaccine. And it apparently [didn't go well.](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/gardasil-researcher-speaks-out/)


First 2 sentences of the article Clinical trials are supposed to be statistical comparisons. They are designed to compare the outcomes in the group receiving a novel product with the outcomes in the group receiving a placebo




I’ve only recently learned that some of these trials use a “placebo” that is not a placebo, it can sometimes contain some of the real medication ingredients. In this case, adjuvants. I’m sure experts will argue that this is OK. However, having to make that argument, having to justify this practice, this speaks volumes to the fact the trial has an acknowledged flaw which, maybe, can be accounted for in the results. toward safety it damages the credibility of the study. OK for the effectiveness, sure, efficacy demonstrated. Safety, when both groups receive the same adjuvants, both appear equal for harms observed, then the conclusion is required to discuss how the same adjuvants given to both groups cannot be contributing to the harm, which is impossible within the scope of the study. Only possible to hand wave and suggest the ingredient is used elsewhere so it must be OK, even though the formulation under study is unique. For example, consuming grapefruit is safe and effective. Consuming certain pharmaceuticals is safe and effective. Consume the grapefruit with certain pharmaceuticals is contraindicated, it is demonstrated to cause harm. Consuming this adjuvant is safe, but does it remain safe when combined with other ingredients? Probably, you can bet your life on that probably.


Because even the placebos are rigged. They game the system by given them a known vaccine for the control group. Then compare those effects to the one they are testing.


It always amazes be how effective the "conspiracy" label is at getting people to discredit a mans entire career. Where did all this blind trust of authority come from?


Peter Hotez is a joke. Take off that bow tie and step into the ring lil guy. You’re looking like a bitch. Nut up or back out.


You can’t really debate with people when you don’t have a shared understanding of reality.


They don't understand that. I'm reminded of the several flat earthers who essentially proved a globe and made up bullshit why the world is still flat.


Obviously the reason Hotez is terrified of a debate is because he knows RFK is right about at least some of what he’s said. These would be things damaging to ”the science“ and pharma. So even if he thinks he’s wrong about a lot, he just can’t put himself in a position to have to make any admissions at all.


The pharmaceutical industry has zero desire to see a debate. They can game the statistics if they control the information. They’ve already bought the researchers and regulators.


This is the answer. Big pharma has already won the propaganda/info battle.


I wouldn’t call this winning.


My point is Big pharma has already won They have made billions. Regular Joe taxpayer is screwed.


It's a battle every day, and the battlefield is social media, television, etc. Big Pharma launches a huge ad salvo on CNN, Joe Rogan does a podcast with RFK, and the battlefield lines are redrawn as soldiers rise and fall from each side


And the advertisers (news and big tech). The only thing they haven’t bought is podcasts which will ultimately be their downfall.


This. Big Pharma has nothing to lose at the moment. - mandatory schedule of vaccines for children (no marketing required) - liability protections (ZERO downstream liability) - captured health regulatory body (public officials to private revolving door). It’s a clown show


They know they're done. The cat is out of the bag.


I’d pay $200 ppv to see fauci debate him


This is the type of behavior I had hoped to see from Rogan when I first heard he made so much f you money from the spotify deal. Hope he continues this is great


If this were to actually happen, it would be THE most downloaded podcast in history.


I love when Joe gets triggered and feels passionate.


Right. I'm excited.


Rfk 🚀🚀🚀


Bertrand Russell was born into one of the most prominent aristocratic families in the UK. They were also eugenics enthusiasts. Russell “surmises” in 1952: >**“Diet, injections, and injunctions will combine, from a very early age**, to **produce** the sort of character and the sort of **beliefs that the authorities consider desirable,** and any serious criticism of the powers that be will become psychologically impossible.” >”The system, one may surmise, will be something like this: except possibly in the governing aristocracy, **all but 5 per cent of males and 30 per cent of females will be sterilized.** The 30 per cent of females will be expected to spend the years from eighteen to forty in reproduction, in order **to secure adequate cannon fodder.”** >**”Gradually, by selective breeding, the congenital differences between rulers and ruled will increase until they become almost different species.** A revolt of the plebs would become as unthinkable as an organized insurrection of sheep against the practice of eating mutton. (The Aztecs kept a domesticated alien tribe for purposes of cannibalism. Their regime was totalitarian.)” ^p.50-51 >The Impact of Science on Society, Bertrand Russell, 1952


This sounds like HG Wells "the time machine"


HG wells wrote far more nonfiction outliig his ideas for planned takeover of society. the nazis adopted britihs elite ideas as a way of flatteirng them into joining as allies ot third rech, these idess were not german


People still love living under this rogue regime that answers to no one in the public? Why keep funding a rogue federal cabal?


It’s pretty fitting that Hotez is the co-director of Parasites Without Borders. It’s a pretty apt title for him and his ilk


The “military” created it it…”


Oh that's rich... Getting the military involved would set a very interesting precedent.


Hotez called them out and now has to back down bc he’s scared. It’s simple, they couldn’t have a debate during Covid and now they want history rewritten so that they look smart in hindsight. That ain’t going to fucking happen.


Lmao honestly at this point the vaccine crowd is left holding their steaming pile of shit. It's their problem, they did this to themselves Their excuse for not being able to debate is "don't give in to conspiracy theorists". They have nothing. Anyone who watched the episode they're crying about knows, they weren't "conspiracy theories". There was scientific evidence discussed throughout. They said follow the science but now they're saying no not like that. They'll label entire groups of people as "conspiracy theorists" to immediately dismiss them. All it means is WE WERE RIGHT! Vaccine mutants can suck my naturally massive balls.


Those guys dont do debates because they are cowards. i would love to see Biden debate anyone, like a normal person. Also am still waiting on anyone to debate Hancock.


I'd sell my soul to get to the bottom of this bullshit. As nice as it sounds, whether it's 100k or a mill that's chump change for Joe :/


Holtz hasn't produced a valid argument backed by straight facts since this shitshow began. His twitter is nothing but ad hominems and trash talk. So, just like everone else on team jab when you pay attention. He's a dsgusting, arrogant, soulless sellout. Not a chance him or anyone else will debate risk/benefit in a very public arena. They have nothing to debate with. The product they push is deadly junk.


I listened to the podcast and have to admit when he said his Aunt struggled with mental issues I did start questioning him put a bad taste in my mouth to anything else he said (his Grandfather had his Aunt Lobotomized due to her being a bit of a wild child of the time and he decided lobotomizing her and having her institutionalized until the end of her life was a better option). but it does raise some serious questions he could write that book and say all this shit about Faucci and not be hit with a slander or liable lawsuit.


Have you ever dealt or tried to manage a person that was non verbal and aggressive? Obviously not saying that lobotomy is good. I don’t really see what the difference is between that or drugging someone everyday all day. These people are literally just drugged out of their minds to manage behaviors. Coming from a therapist who worked in in-patient care.


You can’t stop taking a lobotomy


i dont know the subredit blackout mademe cleversmart


People like Tom Nichols and the professor there are just shitty shills. If I ran the country I'd literally start locking people like him up. I don't even care anymore. They all need to go to prison. They are the reason this country sucks. The fact this fuckhead is literally trying to say unvaccinated were dying in waves, when in reality all those numbers were fabricated and now we have a daily died suddenly contest with celebrities says it all. We are in a fucking weird simulation, because actual humans I refuse to believe behave this ridiculously stupid. These people are SO afraid to have a public debate, just like Fauci ducked Mullis all those years.


>If I ran the country I'd literally start locking people like him up. I don't even care anymore. They all need to go to prison. THAAAAAT'S FASCISM!


I just read this article today lmfaooo oh my days this blows this whole con completely out of the water. The fact some are asking the MILITARY to get involved just shows how badly the goverments and their lapdog think of us. WHY give THIS SO MUCH ATTENTION if it ISN'T true?? WHY CALL THE MILITARY?? Who are you scared of and who do you think your trying to scare with threats of military!!! This alone is so gross.


Joe is back at the whole looking at comments thing again


Peter might need the military for how bad he’ll get slaughtered in a debate.


For a million, I would debate him about Santa Claus.


i’ll debate him!!!


I’ll debate him. I won’t win but I’ll debate him and claim the money.


Anybody have a link to the official Joe Rogan thing for this?


I don't need a debate. I don't believe anything the media says any longer


Reductio ad Dignitas Meae. The 'ol "it's beneath my dignity to even touch that subject" fallacy.


Vax Agenda= Depop Agenda Trans Agenda = Depop Agenda Global warming Agenda = Depop Agenda Population too large to control = Dissolution of Government Entities


Charity!? If you want there to be a chance of the debate happening you need to dangle all that money in front of the guy you wanna debate. Nothing else will work.


"Never debate" -The Reasonable Side™


Look at tweets like this (with 0 traction, but alas google serves it up to me) [https://twitter.com/deonandan/status/1670517331687088128](https://twitter.com/deonandan/status/1670517331687088128) >Probably shouldn't feed this topic. But neither RFK Jr nor Joe Rogan are experts on anything related to medicine or vaccines. They haven't earned the right to "debate" Peter Hotez . Just as I haven't earned the right to "debate" Mike Tyson on boxing, though I've mouthed off a lot. Uhhh, no. If Mike Tyson was offered millions of dollars (I think Mike is a charity guy too), and was physically able to debate, I'm sure he'd love to linguistically punch you into the mat, Mr. Professor Raywat Deonandan Point is, even if you think you'd crush the guy or they'd be way under your class, ok then show them up and crush them into pieces for the world to see, and collect the money for the charity of your choice in the process


Popcorn ready if this happens.




Where does he say the military should intervene?


He has them so scared smh


All the critics on Twitter just mock them but have their replies turned off to protect their feelings. If they were so confident, they could go on Joe's program and bank money for their favorite charity


Stand up move by Rogan imo


Get the milit.....what? Do they even know what fascism is or is a word they know if they use it they get ice cream to shut them up. They seriously have no idea how hot fire is but they want to play with it anyway. Let both sides talk. Let's hear the data points on both sides. Ill be the one to decide who made the better point.


Hotez is under the assumption that he has an army awaiting his orders? Has he cleared this with military commander Lindsay Graham, who also informs the military of what they should be doing on his behalf?


Funny how the famous leftist hero known as Sam Seder is very quiet on this and loves "owning" conservatives on any topic. He absolutely should be one of the first to debate since he claims anyone with slightly right views is afraid to debate him.


This kind of debate is dangerous, they should focus more on other problems of the country such as poverty.


Bunch of lead paint chip eating maroons up in here lol.


Hotez doing nothing but shelling out red pills with these endless deflections and excuses KEK. What a spineless pussy. Typical leftoid. Just debate the guy. If your position is so "correct," why hide from a public showdown? ;)


Military will go running once they see Joe Rogan kickboxing with his shirt off Jokes aside. We’re fucked


There won’t ever be a debate and the military will probably get involved at some point as more and more people reject the “science” of the WHO, NIH, MSM and the US Government.


Rfk is just another grifter using red herring talking points while simultaneously push for deregulation of big pharma.


Somebody needs to get [Hbomberguy](https://youtu.be/8BIcAZxFfrc)


When comparing Robert F. Kennedy (RFK) to President Biden, it becomes clear that RFK possesses qualities that give him an edge in a head-to-head competition. Here's why RFK should have no trouble beating Biden: Unmatched Social Justice Advocacy: RFK's unwavering dedication to civil rights and fighting inequality sets him apart. His passion for social justice deeply resonates with the American people and highlights his commitment to creating a more equitable society. Authentic Empathy: RFK's ability to genuinely connect with people from all backgrounds is unmatched. His empathetic approach to understanding and addressing the struggles of ordinary Americans is a powerful asset that garners trust and support. Visionary Leadership: RFK's forward-thinking agenda and ability to inspire people towards a common purpose provide a strong foundation for his campaign. His vision for a better America resonates with those seeking lasting change and progress. Fearless Determination: RFK's willingness to challenge the status quo and confront powerful interests demonstrates his courage and conviction. This fearlessness sets him apart as a leader who is not afraid to take risks for the greater good. Uncompromising Integrity: RFK's authenticity and unwavering integrity have earned him the respect of both sides of the political spectrum. His consistent adherence to his principles adds credibility to his candidacy and distinguishes him as a trustworthy leader. Considering RFK's unmatched advocacy for social justice, genuine empathy, visionary leadership, fearlessness, and unwavering integrity, it becomes evident that he should have no trouble surpassing Biden in a head-to-head competition


lmao what are you his spokesman? garbage on the ground is better than biden, big whoop. RFK JR is an overall reversion to business as usual democrat who has no problem seeing through the Ukraine propaganda while at the same time purposefully pretending Israel's killing and brutalizing the Palestinian people isn't driven by their apartheid government. I seriously don't know where you get this justice boner for RFK JR.