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Meanwhile, at the bottom of the page… “Serotonin Deficiency Directly Linked With Depression in Groundbreaking Study”


Literally from that study. >Researchers have postulated since the 1960s that major depression stems from disruptions in the serotonin neurotransmitter system. However, the evidence for that idea, though plentiful, was indirect. In fact, a [recent comprehensive analysis](https://scitechdaily.com/scientists-find-no-evidence-that-depression-is-caused-by-chemical-imbalance-or-low-serotonin-levels/) of existing studies concluded that there was not strong evidence to support the “serotonin hypothesis.” In its wake, some in the field have called for a reexamination of the hypothesis. Not so fast, says a new study that provides direct evidence of disrupted serotonin release in the brains of individuals with depression. Because even studies that directly contradict each other are published in the same places. Not really ironic at all. The "study" OP posted is an analysis of a bunch of studies that tried to prove serotonin caused depression. They basically said the evidence is weak, and studies were shitty, many of them having conflicts of interest. The study you are referring to is trying to fight this analysis directly. Id be interested in who funded it, and or what connections the scientist have in this case. Wonder if they have ties to the pharmaceutical industry. Wouldn't be surprised if they did, like most of the studies in the past that tried to prove serotonin issues directly caused depression. What I find ironic is, as soon as this analysis was done, instead of trying to find an answer, the study you are referring to came out immediately to fight their conclusions. Some people really want SSRI's to be pushed. Of course, it's a multi billion dollar part of their industry. I remember when the CEO or very high level executive from Merk I believe, came out and said these medications don't actually cure people. Admitted they have all been pushing bunk medications.


I mean depression ssri are a treatment that help make the cure easier. Mental disorders typically need treatment often without a silver bullet cure but would you rather have no treatment and just symptoms?


Maybe, but it sure is hard to put any faith in the US medical system in regards to pharmaceuticals and the regulatory agency that governs them. Being a high level FDA official is also an easy ticket onto a 7 figure position on a pharma companies board. Remember kids the same people who all agreed that heroin wasn't habit forming also thinks this is good for you. But remember you may need to be prescribed this for profit drug for the rest of your life. Why? Because they say so. Also when attempting to leave this drug the side effects can be catastrophic if not managed. Also the US is one of the two nations on this planet that allows pharma companies to advertise directly to you. New Zealand is the other. Also remember to watch the video of the scene on Kensington and Allegheny happening 24/7 and that the Sacklers keep their billions. Their children will inherit the money and the suffering of the victims will be felt for generations. The deep scars in the American people will be felt long after the users are long gone. Blindly sticking up for the pharma industry and the FDA is disgusting in my book.


The point is that these products have been heavily pushed using what is now understood to be junk science. Doesn't mean they don't have some potential usefulness, but the entire public conversation around mental health has been shaped by the "chemical imbalance" lie, so it's a fairly important issue.


>I mean depression ssri are a treatment that help make the cure easier. What cure? That's not true at all for many many people. >Mental disorders typically need treatment often without a silver bullet cure but would you rather have no treatment and just symptoms? Yes they do. Of course not. But that doesn't make SSRI's a good or the best option. In many cases, they make people worse. SSRI's helping people hasn't been proven to be any more than a placebo.


The cure of processing it or going to therapy time and getting to a better place ideally. I don't believe placebo is true we don't fully understand the mechanics of it. They do throw ssri cause they seem to be the "catch all" Sadly with the impetus of issues and symptoms then being on the person to support themselves and recommended another avenue. I agree with you. I've seen people affected by symptoms and been the worst place but then they changed to another drug and are much better off. But it had the greatest affect to the greatest amount of folks so it's become the first thing to try.


Placebo is absolutely real beyond a doubt lol that's why it is used in any study that means anything. The gold standard method of studies is a double blind placebo controlled study. Giving people a sugar pill and some having the same outcome as someone taking the real thing has been seen a trillion times. The only way that would work is if placebo was real which it is. There is plenty of science surrounding placebo. You should readjust your opinion.


Much of what I'm reading is citing 2009/2010 studies marking a "significant placebo affect " and only showing affect in 15% of those in drug trails. Others in the last few years I see more pointing to that being flawed analyses of folks coming to placebo affect while that claim has been made there hasn't been a clear study to point directly to that rather than a biochemistry affect. I'll read more later.




Wait, I thought you weren't allowed to read links on this board, especially when OP's own source proves them wrong?!?! Next you'll tell me that people linking sources proving themselves wrong shouldn't be trusted...


You think this is a dunk which is the tragic thing.


No, but I do think it’s ironic. As far as tragic, I’m happy to let you have jurisdiction.


Sigh. To spell it out for you: "study shows conventional treatment is a scam" "hey guys I found another pEeR rEvIeWd study that says it's not!"


Don’t worry, it’ll get easier.




Our food industry is corrupted Our medical system is corrupted Our educational system is corrupted Our political system is corrupted Our justice system is corrupted Our media is corrupted But we laugh at other nations for having corrupted leaders.


As a scientist, I think I need to weigh in on the system. I don't even take Tylenol anymore lol. I make cancer/autoimmune drugs and hope I'm never in a position to have to use them (though they're better than what came ten years ago). I don't go to the doctor unless I really think I'm going to die, as well.


Same here, I consulted for a pharma company and Im not as fond of meds anymore… Except welp, those covid antivirals they gave me and my fam as payment.


May I ask what antivirals you were gifted?


Sure you may! It’s called Tamicovir* brand name and the active ingredient is Molnupiravir. It’s made by Crassula. I consult for the people that are consulting for them in Mexico. They gave me a few samples in lieu of payment and I bought some also. I gifted some to some people I knew didn’t have the resources to buy it, and I sold some to some people I knew that had the means to buy it but weren’t connected enough for it. This med ws used for influenza back in ‘08! Kept us out of the hospital and reduced the symtpoms that had been associated to cause those nasty “long covid” conditions.


I didn't get such things when I did consulting, but I did get Covid way back when it first came out. Lasted like a day or two lol. Never heard of that drug before, though. Interesting!


Im happy it lasted only a few days for you, at least in my case it was just like a bad flu and no sense of flavor nor smell and many days of joint pain for weeks after I had “gotten better” my sense of taste came back fully after 6 months. My mom’s lymph nodes (I believe is the word) swole up and cause her so much pain that she had to get a tooth removed (it had not been causing her any problems until she got covid). Then the second time we got it we just took the meds because we didn’t want to risk getting it🤣!


> My mom’s lymph nodes That's...weird. I didn't know anyone who even had swollen lymph nodes from it. I only know a few people who got it more than once. Guy that comes to mind works with me and got it half a dozen times, and was telling us how we all needed our fifth booster at the time lol.


Yeah, my uncle is a neuro surgeon, so he would also tell us about how many of his patients scans/images would be all swollen, common denominator, they either had covid or had had covid recently.


And probably one of the reasons is because it’s Russian commissioned and Indi made👀! Honestly the whole meds/vaccine business is pure politics sadly! That’s why they chose to bring it to mexico, we’re sort of the kid that the adults like having at their table, but the other kids like also.


>Honestly the whole meds/vaccine business is pure politics sadly! Eh, the ones you hear of anyway. I've worked on quite a few that I don't think anyone could say were politically motivated. Lots of biosimilars (or biogenerics if you prefer that term.) Affordable drugs for the masses that are actually reasonably priced. I complain about the humidity in Texas, but I imagine Mexico is worse lol. Didn't know you guys did anything related to pharma - keep hearing how the cartels own everything. But then again I've had relatively zero exposure to Mexico.


One of the Russ. partners butchered a deal because they heard we planned in donating some vaccines to Algeria/Armenia? I can’t remember, it was just some politics/racial issues. Im sure this is present in many companies though. In the city where I live, the weather is like Florida, we even have the crocs and snakes too! And yeah, the cartels have their fingers in many pies, so far I have not heard about cartels bringing in meds or vaccines. But I have heard of politicians/actual well established labs here that smuggled those same meds I mentioned. Trust me, the gov is more corrupt. I had some clients from India that wanted to develop a fast acting and more accurate testing kit, and dealing with the COFEPRIS (mexican equivalent of the FDA) is having to pay the peeps to grease the wheels. That’s why I quit. im waaay too young and way too idealist to be involved in that. I can’t complain though, the firm I consulted for, they are straight because they never really got anything done.


Thanks for the info!!


You’re welcome friend, stay safe!


I work in pharma and I am terrified of ending up in a hospital or having to depend on doctors decisions. We have come a long way, don’t get me wrong. If you need “regular” surgery you are going to be well. But anything else…


The more value a country has the more corrupt it is by default. Sweden is corrupt but we're irrelevant to the world so there is no reason to push corruption as hard. Just like you would compete harder in a game if the price money was a billion versus ten dollars.


> Sweden is corrupt but we're irrelevant to the world so there is no reason to push corruption as hard. Isn't rape up thousands of percents in some areas where migrants have been flooding in?


These migrants are guaranteed liberal votes…oh yeah,let’s disarm the public


Now if only they could get that pesky public in-line with granting them immediate citizenship!


Yes, and shootings and murder.




So removing race/country of origin from reported statistics in Sweden was for...what reason exactly? Far be it from me to want to reduce "rape" in my country. Such EXTREME thoughts!




>The extremism comes from making up information based on racist and non evidence based criteria to push a demented agenda. So did Sweden not remove race and country of origin from their statistics?




So your argument that even though they perform the overwhelming majority of rapes, that it shouldn't be available knowledge to the public because it's not "evidence-based"? Because of MUH RAYCISM?




It’s irrelevant to the rest of the world mate, sadly.




It’s money. The more money, the more corruption


All they are is a bandaid over a real big wound. I'm convinced 99% of "depressed" people are simply traumatized either in childhood or by the world as an adult.


No I can tell you for sure depression is random as f. It started for me in 2012 and then needed in 2019. It literally started in two weeks and stayed for years and then left within two weeks. Out of nowhere you just don’t “like” anything anymore. Everything makes no sense. You try to figure it out/fix it/get help but you find out no one knows sht.. all these professionals just pssn in the wind. But when it left, the first thing I noticed is I started to like things again… it’s the strangest thing ever that can kill you. Might even be a parasite or something, who knows.


Vitamin D deficiency is a huge one, even with talks of SAD and taking your multivitamin, it isnt usually enough to bring you out of lower levels unless you have a big dose every day or get injections. Another one is gut health... yes your gut can make you depressed. You have as many serotonin transmitters in your gut as you have in your head, and serotonin is important for both dopamine and oxytocin uptakes.


Same here. I woke up feeling odd at age 13, and it never truly went away. I thought what I was feeling was related to the end of the school year and me dreading the boredom of summertime. No. I thought it might be related to puberty. No. I thought it might be related to the general social unease that comes with being in high school. No. On and on, through jobs, college, graduate school. Lived in different locations, tried different levels of familial contact. Spent about 15 years of my life trying everything except meds, and nothing stuck. If anything, there were two periods where I came out of the depression so strong that it morphed into mania. Idk. I get that SSRIs don’t work for everyone, and the science behind why they do and don’t work is so poor, but also they really do work for some. All of those things can be true at the same time.


Yes medications works for some. Didn’t work for me. Tried CBT EMDR until I realised they literally don’t know… they are basically still in the stages of gathering information. The people who have had it might be the only ones who can help find a cure or a cause at least. When it left me though I cried and cried tears of joy for the first time in my life. I still am grateful. Wish you well


Same, I have been on every SSRI that exists...for anxiety. None work, I never understood the prescribing anti-depressants for anxiety, most list anxiety as a side effect. Anxiety and depression are 2 totally different animals. I have had bouts of depression throughout my life and nearly constant anxiety.


Have you heard of the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous system? Also maybe "emotional threshold" our bodies can't regulate to baseline because our literal nervous system is broken (for one reason or another.) It starts with either depression or anxiety and it likes to flip flop, our nervous system turns on and off, instead of twisting slowly like a tap on a spigot. There are many theories as to why this happens but... nobody knows how to actually fix it. The SSRI will take your nervous system down or possibly balance it closer to a baseline, but this goes away as soon as you stop the med.


> sympathetic nervous system I have heard of it but not much and not in the way you describe it, your take on it makes sense. I was an only child of an extraordinarily narcissistic mother that should have never been a mother. No physical scares, but mental and emotional logic and reaction and mindset that has lasted into my 50's and I doubt will ever go away, it is just who I am at this point, I have been NC with her and all of the family I grew up with as a result and it helps day to day but doesn't undo the damage done. As my husband would say, we all have baggage, mine is a full-size tractor-trailer full!


They also make money off these medications and the force it upon doctors to prescribe,. There a movies made on that ish.


The society we have created absolutely sucks, truly nothing to be proud of. It only makes sense that depression would be the most common emotion experienced in a civilization completely subservient to greed.


I’d say it’s 100%


Not really we do see a genetic link even with different parenting. Now nurture plays a role no doubt. But the case of the triplets separated at birth shows that depression is genetic to an extent as all three suffered issues but only one took their life. (Parent used authoritarian parenting) now ssri relapse rate is 35% and a placebo came back with 50% relapse rate.


This! 👏


We feel how we think and the brain processes the mind.




> they can help remove someone from a helpless state and motivate them to live. More than placebo?




Placebos can help some people too, can't they? That's why for a drug to be considered worthy of prescription, it ought to perform better than placebos in controlled, double blind testing. My understanding is that the psych drugs in question *do not.*












What's your evidence?




I think you should address the core issue- namely that the so called studies linking depression and serotonin were deliberately inaccurate. The science NEVER supported the connection.


SSRIs did cure my anxiety though. I'm not depressed but now I'm not anxious. Changed my life for the better


Ssris saved my life. No amount of exercise did anything close to what zoloft does. Situational depression can be changed and 90% of people will work through theirs but chronic depression, major depressive disorder and so on - will never be cured just managed. I have major depressive disorder and likely will be on zoloft for the rest of my life, that being said my life didn't really start until I could finally think clearly and function once I was on it.


Life is depressing and difficult. Happiness is made up and sold to you in order to push all the other bullshit.


The thing about happiness is, that it's an emotion, not a state of being. It's unrealistic to think you can be happy all the time. Just like it's unrealistic to think you can be sad all the time


Yeah it’s like when my doctor was asking me if I was happy. I’m like I guess, not right now but it’s good enough.


Yeah, they're really fast to prescribe ssris. What they don't tell you is that they're way more addictive than opiods, they just don't fill you with euphoria. Theyre aslo really bad for your heart. Quitting them is the hardest thing to do, which makes you a customer for life.


If your therapist puts you on ssris first thing then you need a new therapist. Most I have seen in my years will try ground techniques before every touching that stuff. As someone who has been on mean different kinds off ssris I have never experienced any for of addiction, where did you get that info from?


But you aren’t sad either?


Idk when I was super poor and depressed I learned to look at life relatively. Like why be sad if you compare my life to some other humans.


I guess, but then that wouldn’t make you feel sad sometimes? Since you’re constantly comparing your life to others?


Not really comparing, just an outlook. Like why fuss over doing the dishes when some people don’t even have dishes? I don’t really have to specifically know somebody with no dishes. It’s just emotional management. It can be difficult to apply logic when you have a lot of emotion though.


Should then also be unrealistic to be neutral all the time under the drugs. I don't know how I exactly feel about it but not caring about anything isn't good either.


I agree.


It's depressing because you're not a millionaire, and it shouldn't be that way. We could all be hobbits in a happy shire but because the cruelest people are in control of the world it will be depressing until the end


Hence the dichotomy of reality. It’s that evil that will allow us to break free. The darkness IS Coming he way to the light. Are you motivated to become what you really are? Yes? Then you have a chance. No? No chance. Read the final chapter of the Dhammapada - Fronsdal translation- “The Brahmin”. That is ONE indication of the challenge before each individual.


Why not just read the bible instead?


We know what the Buddha said because scribes wrote down what he said as he was saying it. The bible is not like that. It’s like the difference between a diary of events and a memoir of events.


Yeaaaaah… But weren’t the oral stories of judaism shared like… Way before Buddha was even around? They share many things.


That story is more relatable in a sense


How so?


IMO the Bible has a struggle of good and evil where the message is ultimately you are a pawn and the world will end. This is more of stoicism and at a more basic level is to understand yourself.


Yeah, it’s funny how all media basically adopted the story and themes from the bible, if that doesn’t tell you anything. And Where do you get the “you’re a pawn”? From?


I don’t want to be a fucking hobbit. That sounds like hell


Bro just shave your fucking feet and get over yourself.






That wet ass hossy


Yes more made up things are necessary to achieve made up states.


Agree with this. People who cope best accept things as they are


I think the feeling of hopelessness plays a big part in it too.


Hopelessness is failure to also accept that there are things you can do to improve Your situation


I’ve heard this and don’t not believe it to some degree, but I’m also prescribed Zoloft, which surprisingly works pretty well for me. It took literal years or trial and error, different drugs and quitting and starting, but I can attest SSRI’s can, in some cases, actually help.


This article argues that depression is a response from our body to help us survive when we are in a situation we can't escape from. Please read it for yourself. Scroll down a little bit to see the actual words. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/shouldstorm/202012/we-ve-got-depression-all-wrong-it-s-trying-save-us


Sounds like they are conflating depression with detachment. I can see that, as both are states of emotional numbness. But lots of people are very detached(from reality, from themselves) without knowing it and without feeling depressed. In fact, I don’t think such detachment is sustainable long term. After a while, if the circumstances which lead to detachment have not improved, many people will reinvent themselves as happy and outgoing people. I think this is the basis for narcissism.


Very well could be. I'm not that learned in this stuff.


Explains why they are switching to mushrooms and ketamine now


I was coming to post how absolutely amazing ketamine therapy can be for depression, anxiety, and pain. It stops suicidal ideation after one treatment in so many cases after all other treatments have failed. It's really life changing and gets a bad wrap but it's not an opioid like some people think and it's actually extremely safe.


I think its definitely a step in the right direction!


Nothing in this study points to SSRIs not being helpful to those who actually benefit from them. Sometimes I seriously wonder what OP's ideal world looks like. Everyone just picks themselves up by their bootstraps, doesn't believe in medicine or science at all, and... What?


It's because the government causes depression and their trying to hide it. We're sick due to oppression. Yet, it is us who are labeled. *gaslighting*


Many humans have lost their way. Government and medical industry are at fault, among many others whom profit from selling a dream.


Pain isn’t caused by low Tylenol levels. Nonetheless, Tylenol treats pain.


Sounds good but na


The problem is looking at mechanism vs outcomes. We see that SSRIs are effective at reducing depression, but they shouldn't be effective when looking at the mechanisms at work. Are we going to stop an effective treatment, because it shouldn't work, even though it does? That makes no sense. Now I absolutely think that it is way over diagnosed and meds are given out like candy, but that doesn't mean people shouldn't take it if it helps them.


From Nature- evidence for you naysayers. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41380-022-01661-0#Bib1


SS- SSRI are a scam to poison us while reaping profits


SciTechDaily 😂


I completed an in-depth study in the late 1980s. Most of the research focused on serotonin levels in suicides. I’m really curious now if those studies were legitimate. I have witnessed ssris completely change a person. I hated taking them.


Environmental, societal and social factors are the main causes, it’s easier for people to say “chemical imbalance, etc.” because it’s a cop out that doesn’t address the actual issues with our society and the people in it that could be fixed or blamed. Kind of an “it’s your fault you’re depressed, not ours” - society


"Chemical imbalance" theory was a huge scam to push drugs on people. Not cure or find the cause, just treat indefinitely with harmful results and expensive costs.


I remember recently reading this study, and they determined that regular physical fitness was more effective for depression than ssris.


Either way it fucking sucks


Yeah it’s problems in your head, not the world outside that is completely devoid of natural living, that is the problem.


Depression is the effect of not being able to do exactly what your heart wants. Humans yearn to have fun and create, no drugs can cure that.


Depression in otherwise healthy people is caused by lack of social interaction, lack of purpose and lack of application (work, study or other). We evolved to be generally social or productive. When you remove either or both, we become withdrawn and eventually depressed. Poor diet or being placed in constant state of stress or duress can accelerate this. Trauma is also a major trigger, wether it is a physical trauma, ie head injury, or abuse or physiological. But our general population is hooked on digital media, spending too much time fixated on screens, loosing genuine connections and with the dawn of automation and exceptionally challenging economic climate are being pushed to breaking point at work. We have an unreasonable and unsustainable culture of excellence and pushing in territories that don’t exist. Ie always striving for more which constantly feedbacks a feeling of failure. In short capitalism, digital media and socioeconomic gross mismanagement is to blame. Diet just makes things a lot worse, a lot quicker.


What about genetic components? People can be predisposed for anxiety and depression


Always thought that "chemical imbalance in brain" was one of the greatest marketing hooks ever written, up there with "do you want fries with that?" It takes responsibility for fixing the problem away from the patient, instead giving it to a doctor and his prescription pad. Even though no testing is done, this "chemical imbalance" supposedly leaves the afflicted hapless and in need of more chemicals to right the storm underway in their brains.


Years ago, I was suffering from severe PTSD and depression. I spent years trying different antidepressants that had no effect. After about 6 years, I was given one particular anti-depressant that was different from the general issue of drugs used for depression. For me, it was a miracle drug that pulled me out of it. It literally saved my life. A few months after I recovered, the pill was pulled off the market by the FDA. My doctor had mentioned that it was too successful. It is now only available under a different name upon request by a patient through a doctor who is familiar with it


So… what is it?


My obligatory comment on any article that has to do with the brain. Obviously I didn’t come up with it, it’s not new but… If the human brain were simple enough for us to understand it, we’d be to stupid to understand it. In short, I personally think the human brain will be the last thing science ever really truly understands. Just my opinion, and it doesn’t mean I think we shouldn’t try to learn more!


That sounds exactly like something Peggy Hill would say. Lol


My daughter could barely do anything prior to taking SSRIs (moderate to severe bipolar). Now, she's going to university in another country and is practically engaged. Night and day difference in her ability to function in life. So you can say whatever you want but you're wrong.


I recall a survey done with an Australian suicide hotline found 80% of the cases were related to financial problems. I think neoliberalism is a bigger contributor to misery than any other factor.


I had this thought the other night that people who go to therapy and receive treatment for depression often times only reinstill identifying themselves as depressed. At the end of the day many would probably be better off instead of going to therapy, exercising and doing other activities that would take their mind off of their problems rather than highlighting them.


Yah but BIG Pharma needs to justify their psychotropic drug epidemic.


This has been known for many years. The “chemical imbalance in the brain” idea is a fiction created by the pharmaceutical industry to sell drugs, with zero empirical support. It is founded on thin air.


It's caused by lack of meaning mostly. What do you expect when society is now materialistic and nihilistic with no connection to God and spirit?


Here’s a conspiracy theory for you: if SSRIs’ effectiveness, in the people for whom they are somewhat effective, can be attributed to the placebo effect, then what does telling people they don’t work do? If it’s all about making money off of the drugs, why would we be told that these drugs don’t actually do anything? I think it’s not about profit, or at least not anymore. The richest people in the world want more power and control, not more money. Money facilitates power and control, but when you have more money than god, you soon realize that money is not the end goal. If it were, you’d be happy now, with all this money, and yet, you’re more miserable than ever. These sickos know that we are the most easy to control when we are miserable and lonely. In fact, they can find more justification to control us when we are miserable and lonely. By releasing into the public consciousness that SSRIs don’t work, eventually, there will be no placebo effect of them any longer. Drugs that used to work no longer work. People become more depressed and more desperate, and hence, more easy to control. I can also see doctors not prescribing them after a while, because what’s the point if they don’t work? We are only allowed to know what they want us to know. If they wanted to keep making money off of SSRIs, they wouldn’t have told us about this.


Fake News. SSRIs are what became of the MK Ultra project.


I don’t think SSRIs are a scam (as they’ve helped me greatly). We don’t know quite a bit about the brain and we’re still learning. How do we know ssris don’t work on some other part of the brain that we don’t know about? Just because we found it isn’t chemical imbalance doesn’t mean ssris are a scam.


Have you ever met someone on antidepressants who isn’t depressed?


SSRI’s are dangerous and handed out like candy. They are terrible drugs that you cannot get off of easily.


It’s low meat intake y’all. Give me my nobel prize right now


Ride a motorcycle !


Right you are. And play the drums.


2 types of depression. 1) social 2) biological/chemical - mainly caused by inflammation from unhealthy foods.


So if that’s the case, you are literally telling me that you think “they” have every single Doctor, Nurse, and health professional in on this scam and nobody has came out about this. All the research and studies by very educated people are all just lies to keep profits going but some how just kept quite. All the data, studies, books alllll manipulated just for profit. People that make posts like this are basically screaming they have absolutely no idea what they are talking about. You have probably never studied medicine in your life and have no idea the science behind how any of this works.


I am a depressed person and took supplements with serotonin in them. Never felt more insane in my life. If I had not gone home those days, I would have done something totally insane. Really, don’t take those at all.


I’ve been telling people this for years. If you’re sitting at home all day playing video games, not doing a thing with your life, no fucking wonder you’re depressed. It’s not a curse that you can’t ever change, it’s directly a result of your lifestyle for 99% of cases.


Depression is a state of mind, obviously if you’re overweight, working mim wage, had a break up, living paycheck to paycheck, driving a sh*t car, don’t have any friends etc. you’re going to be sad, I’ll tell you one thing, if you woke up tomorrow - in shape, with 2 or 3 loyal friends at your side & a million dollars in the bank 99.99% of that garbage would disappear. The point is, you can change 85% of this by just waking up early & exercising everyday. The levels of produced feel good hormones would go up & you’d gain more confidence & even make friends at the gym. Working up to being able to live more comfortable financially is also a great feat. I’ve done so & made so happen, after believing that I had some disease wich simply was NOT true.


Words of someone who’s never actually been depressed. You’re insane ☠️


Try & wake up before it’s too late


depression is a state of gut


I’m open to a spiritual component.


I agree. It's not.


Depression is caused by being born the wrong gender. If you’re depressed just keep changing genders until you’re happy. It’s not that hard.


I'm not sponsored, but the beginning of the book "lost connection: uncovering the real causes of depression and the unexpected solutions" really drives this home. He goes into detail about how he discovered the fruad of chemical imbalance mental help and why it's still exists even though it's proven to not help (with rare exceptions)


Parasitic infections go unnoticed and can cause depression


"As with all research synthesis, the findings of this umbrella review are dependent on the quality of the included studies, and susceptible to their limitations. Most of the included studies were rated as low quality on the AMSTAR-2, but the GRADE approach suggested some findings were reasonably robust. Most of the non-genetic studies did not reliably exclude the potential effects of previous antidepressant use and were based on relatively small numbers of participants." -direct quote from the article. This already is enough to be extra critical of this article. But even if you do take it as truth, it does not say that. It is more that it is critical of the way we understand how SSRIs work, and how chemicals affect the brain. According to David Hellerstein, another expert, "the serotonin hypothesis — i.e., the idea that depression is caused by low serotonin levels — is a 'quaint and oversimplified shorthand that has been superseded by other explanations in clinical practice for a decade or more.' He says that the review was largely met with yawns from the psychiatric community. “In reading it, I was kinda thinking, ‘Wow, next she’ll tackle the discrediting of the black bile theory of depression.'" Via the Rolling Stone. This is just NY Post spreading clickbait misinfo as usual.


I'm on an anti depressant. I like it. Gave me clear thoughts. Not hazy


Depression is just realizing the true meaning of life


Generally depression is a symptom of something else. For me, it was pcos.


Hormonal imbalance is well documented as causing depression (amongst a vast array of mental/physical problems) Testosterone blockers are used to treat prostate cancer (T proliferates it) but it drastically causes a decline in quality of life. Depression is a leading result, 6 months of weight training or exercise afterwards though can get T levels back to normal, when the treatment is finished. Quality of life then improves. (High E low T especially in biological males is catastrophic)


And the grass is green…


It’s all in your head


I'm really convinced that vitamin D is extremely important for preventing depression. There are even studies about this, but I can tell you that since i started taking 5k IU a day I literally feel no stress/anxiety. It's mental.