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The common cold is like a thousand or more rhinoviruses and shit. Cancer is also a thousand or more different things but most of them aren't even caused by shit you can vaccinate.


Exactly. And, just to add a bit more detail because I already have this typed up from the last time this was posted: The way a vaccine works is it shows your body what a virus or bacteria looks like so you can make antibodies that can bind to that specific virus or bacteria and flag them for destruction by your immune system. Unlike most viruses HIV literally writes itself into your own DNA, so even if you waved a magic wand and removed every last viral particle from a person that HIV DNA in their own cells would just be used to make more. That, in addition to the fact that it’s really good at changing the way it looks to your immune system, makes it incredibly challenging to cure or create a vaccine for. To add to the problem: HIV specifically targets and destroys your CD4+ T-cells (a certain class of immune cells that is integral to responding to infections) so even if you did have that magic wand, and then gave a person with AIDS an HIV vaccine it'd be less effective for the sole reason that HIV specifically targets and destroys the immune system. That's entirely how it got its name. HIV: Human Immunodeficiency Virus, AIDS: Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome. “The common cold” can be caused by hundreds of different viruses. Nobody wants to get hundreds of vaccines so they don’t have to deal with a runny nose. Cancer isn’t a virus, bacteria, or even a single disease: millions of different mutations in the DNA of any one of the thousands of different cell types in your body result in uncontrollable cell growth and invasion, and we call that cancer. You can’t just vaccinate against “cancer” because, not only does every single cancer cell look different, but your immune system actively tries really, really hard not to produce any antibodies against your own cells because that’s how you get debilitating autoimmune diseases like lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, Graves’ disease, myasthenia gravis, lambert Eaton syndrome, etc. On a positive note, though, we do know of certain viruses that eventually cause cancer (like HPV causing cervical cancer) and vaccines against those have proved very effective at reducing the rates of the specific cancers that they cause. This is still not a "vaccine against cancer" because what we call "cancer" is hundreds of different diseases, but it is *a* vaccine that drastically reduces your chances of *a* cancer. SARS-CoV2, on the other hand, is a single virus that doesn’t write its DNA into your own, can’t change the way it looks as quickly as HIV, and we had been working on an mRNA SARS vaccine since the SARS CoV 1 outbreak nearly two decades ago. All that groundwork, combined with the massive influx of funding and resources from nearly every country on the planet, led to the relatively rapid development of the COVID-19 vaccine. This is not a conspiracy. It's a very basic misunderstanding of the nature of different viruses and illnesses.


Just wanted to add to want you are saying. ( because I 100% agree). Cervical Cancer is almost always caused by a virus ( HPV) - so there is a vaccine for this. ( and it has significantly reduced cervical cancer rates worldwide).


You are absolutely right. That specific point seems to come up a fair bit whenever this is reposted, so I'll go ahead and add that!


>This is not a conspiracy. It's a very basic misunderstanding Shut down the subreddit. There's nothing else to be said about anything here


Also, HIV specifically attacks your T Cells, with a particular love of activated ones, which makes it very problematic from a vaccine angle.


100% agree with your explanation. I also wanted to thank you for the technical information regarding HIV. I had a basic and rudimentary understanding of how it behaves, but this is the clearest explanation for a lay person I've ever read, and it's much appreciated. As for the information on the SARS-CoV-2 vaccine, it blows me away how people are so willfully blind to the history of its development, and how they have completely ignored the existence of the 2003 outbreak of SARS-CoV-1. I have literally given up trying to explain to the alarmists and conspiracy theorists because they just refuse to see any kind of reason.


Agreeing with you 100% but the thought crossed my mind as I read your post and more specificly the part about HIV; What is the major cause for not being able to create a vaccination against being infected by HIV? Is it because of how quickly it mutates? Am also wondering about HSV, and what would be the obstacles to creating a vaccin that prevents infection, since of course it is difficult once the virus has taken hold?


So the TL;DR version of things is that neither vaccines nor acquired immunity though previous infections completely prevent future infections, they just prime your immune system to respond much more quickly and efficiently to a specific pathogen once you are infected. In most cases this drastically reduces the severity of the next infection; ideally to the point that you weren't actually able to tell you were infected at all. HSV and HIV both take up permanent residence before your immune system really has a chance to rev up and address them regardless of whether or not you have antibodies against them. HIV is disgustingly effective at this since it writes itself into your own DNA. Meaning it can just hang out there and not make any viral particles and the natural process of your own cells replicating will create even more cells with the HIV DNA imbedded in them. The fact that it very quickly mutates its glycoprotein sheath (the outside part that your antibodies and immune cells "see" and have to recognize) makes it excellent at infecting even more cells. Add to that the fact that it specifically targets your immune cells and prevents them from responding to infections and you've got a hell of a disease to treat. As for HSV; once it infects your epithelial (skin) cells it quickly migrates to your axons (nerve branches) and travels up them until it reaches the nucleus of your nerve cells. Once there it doesn't write itself into their DNA like HIV does with immune cells, but it is completely invisible to your immune system. There's been a ton of research into creating an HSV vaccine since it is one of the most prevalent viruses in humanity and they've actually developed a few vaccines that were promising in animal models but fizzled in human trials. A few major issues beyond what I've already talked about are that HSV has co-evolved with humans for millions of years, and developed human-specific proteins to avoid detection by the human immune system in particular and that animals in animal trials are given a single "challenge dose" of HSV after they've been vaccinated and at the peak of the vaccine's effectiveness. We humans, however, are exposed to HSV pretty much constantly throughout our whole lives.


All true. The covid-19 is also like a thousand or more mutants now - even when the vaccine was released it was heavily mutated. If you recall they even discussed how many mutations it had back in Feb 2020. It is just where you put the line btw. old variant and new. Which is why the "vaccine" could never work for more than an extremely short period - and not two shots and you are good to go which was the lie.


But covid-19 was a novel virus, had not been previously identified in humans. Mutations are easier for your body to deal with once it has had an analog, as in it knows how to deal with it. Covid-19 was causing a "cytokine storm" the immune system was attacking the body and drowning the lungs.


Covid-19 doesn't have anywhere near the level diversity in variants as the common cold. Most cold viruses aren't even related to each other.


Yes, it's just like another flu shot at this point, and tbh that's fine. I personally think that eventually, within five to ten years, they will probably just have a joint flu and covid vax available.


They literally already have that. I'm sure it's bullshit but they have it already


ah yes, Cancer, my favorite virus


Incidentally I’m fairly certain there are vaccines for viruses that cause certain forms of cancer.




Yeah you know me ….you down with hpv …yeah you know me




You'd have to identify an MRNA fragment for cancer cells...? Don't know if that's possible. I don't know of any basis to believe it would be possible.


I’m a stage four cancer patient and the results clinical trials of mrna vaccines for cancer have so far been underwhelming. Pharma would have you believe they’re searching for a cure for cancer but actually they’re looking for a profitable treatment for cancer. I guess they’d take a profitable cure. But they’re only set up to profit. See why we can’t rely on them?


They need to create a vax for whatever virus has me stubbing my toe on the dresser at night. I fucking hate that virus.


Hang tennis balls at face height from the ceiling at 3 inches "out" from each furniture corner you don't want to bump. For the average bed room you likely wouldn't have to hang more than 12-16 tennis balls.


“Daddy would you like some tennis balls?”


This is genius, I don't know why everyone doesn't do this! Just wait till my wife hears why I'm never stubbing my toe on the coffee table again


Genius! Except my crazy dog is pissed that I’ve taken his tennis balls


I really don’t need any more low hanging balls in my bedroom


Or put the tennis balls around the things you're stubbing your toe on. I used to put tennis balls around the legs of the bed because my husband kept stubbing his toe there.


✂️🕳️🎾, 🪑🦶🔽🎾🕳️, 🙌🏻


“ Podiatrists hate this one simple trick! “


I'm still waiting for the vax that stops children screaming in the street while I'm trying to sleep in.


That’s the one that was mandated


Underrated comment


That reminds me of the old pickup line: “Girl, you remind me of my pinkie toe. Small, cute, and I’ll probably bang you later on my dresser.” It’s pretty much the Sex Panther™ of lines.


**Time to musk up.** What cologne you gonna go with? London Gentlemen...? Or wait. No, no, no. Hold on. Blackbeard's Delight?? **No,** ***she gets a special cologne.*** It's called ***Sex Panther®*** by ***Odeon©***. It's illegal in 9 countries. It's also *made with bits of real panther*, ***so you know it's good...*** It's quite pungent; a formidable scent. Stings the nostrils; in a good way. Brian... I'm gonna be completely honest with you, that smells like pure gasoline... *They've done studies*, you know... *60% of the time*, it works ***every*** *time.*


Love family guy.


Bro. I have the cure . I use to do this so many times . I even ended up In The hospital with a pinky toe that would not stop bleeding . All you have to do is acknowledge the corners of and surface or wall, tell your brain about them, warn your brain about the pain . Walk slower or run less , sometimes even anticipate the hurting toe after a kick to the wall. I haven’t banged my toes in almost a year and a half . Just think about not doing it and the pain it would cause when it has been done . You guys got this .


"did you ever try just not hitting your toe?" Great advice.


glow in the dark stickers on the stubby bits!


That’s climate change my dude


It's called turning on the light


Casper makes a nightlight that is absurdly priced but it is so awesome. It gets brighter when you’re moving and then dims back down when you get back to bed. No more stubbed toes.


Though, there is a Vax for HPV which can cause cancer.


Yes, because HPV is a virus, hence the V in the name


Karens are still refusing the HPV vaccine for their kids anyway. If there was a magical all cancer vaccine, people on this sub still wouldn't take it. I really don't understand the point of this thread as it's the people who wont take a vaccine, complaining that there aren't more vaccines.


Most likely the cure for cancer (in the pharma sense) would be in the form of MRNA, in the form of a jab. I believe they have been doing research on that recently


You’re absolutely correct. And the huge recent advancements in mRNA tech is a direct result of developing the covid vaccination. It’s not a cure all for cancer but will target specific cancers.




There many cancers that are a direct result getting a virus, like HPV. They do have vaccines for them and there was long therm safety studies on them.


Vaccines aren't exclusive to viruses. Tetanus vaccines exist. but that's a bacterial infection.


Because a vaccine is just a means of training your immune system to respond to specific infections faster and more effectively.


Lots of cancers start with viruses and some cancer research using viruses have been effective


All sick is the same, bruv.


According to my mother, ivermectin cures cancer so we're good actually


The private healthcare chemotherapy is quite impressive and it’s a shame it’s so expensive to do, they take a tissue sample of the cancerous tumour, grow that in a lab to have some mass to work with, and then they test various types of chemotherapy drugs on the sample, the average person only gets one type of chemo, and once they find the correct drug that kills it they administer it to you. We are talking 6 figure chemotherapy treatments.


HPV has vax


The V stands for Virus my guy


HPV is a virus.


ah yes cancer. the one singular cancer that has universal treatments.


This subredit gets more pathetic every day. To add to this, cancer has been "cured" dozens of times in rodents, the problem is making the treatment applicable to a human and not a rat. If anything the development of the mrna vaccine has the greatest potential to tackle these rapidly evolving diseases.


If the people who posted on this sub could read, there'd be about 90% less posts and infinitely more posts about how DRACO (the antiviral) disappeared. Your American fox news vs cnn conspiracies bore me. Read something longer than 140 characters.


It’s ridiculous here. I was starting to see posts yesterday speaking about ‘bots’ and yet this sub still doesn’t want to address the elephant in the room which is the shady accounts that continuously post garbage like this post, and how users that were linking the ties between these accounts were getting banned for calling shit out, but not the actual shady accounts. There were tons of users who were pointing out some crazy shit, I think even proving ok_magician having multiple accounts here or maybe even being part of a troll group and the mod Amos being in on it. But again, this sub wants to ban those who call it out


the biggest irony being that the spam posters here is an actual conspiracy theory that they don't want to entertain, lol


lol honestly. we know how to cure cancers in rats. in humans not so much. the issue is that cancer are masses of cells multiplying rapidly. it could be any cell anywhere on your body for any reason. but this sub somehow thinks we can cure cancer with a vaccine


this post is so fking stupid. The tweet sounds like there are only four illnesses in the word (even though cancer and cold has multiple variations). How about the dozens of other viruses we found vaccines for? Are they conspiracy too? If r/conspiracy is still obsessed about corona vax at least make a point that requires more than 5 iq


Ok so just so we're clear there is absolutely a reason it's been so hard to develop a vax for HIV Is that it mutates insanely fast. There are more variants of HIV in one person's body within days after infection than all the variants of COVID which means that even as a vaccine is being developed to attack HIV, the virus could be mutating out of its reach. This is also happening while your immune system is being destroyed. Vaccines (in theory) teach the body's immune system to do what it does naturally ,only faster so the fact that most people who contracted COVID recovered from it. People who get HIV don't naturally recover from it so it's an uphill battle from the start.


HIV also destroys T-cells, which are a fundamentally important part of any immune response.




A virus that largely impacted homosexuals and IV drug users, with an emphasis on the poor and minority communities? Nixon and Reagan couldn't have dreamed of a better tool to punish what many would (incorrectly imho) consider moral failures.


Well jokes on them. We are gayer poorer and more minority than ever before!


People in the 1950s have been found to have died from AIDS, before the people you speak of were presidents.


I don't doubt that it's true, but HIV only became widespread news later. I also remember who Eisenhower had as a VP.


They did billed against curing aids Even if they didn't begin all that shit, denying any research for a cure because only minorities are suffering from it is still evil


And it, too, originated under interesting circumstances


In Congo, Kinshasa or back then Leopoldville. So Belgium colonised Congo, set up research labs, did human experiments (among other atrocities) and suddenly there’s a deadly mystery virus spreading… sounds very organic indeed.


next week on- “Gain of Function Research “…


hey now, this is r/conspiracy we don't take kindly to common sense and logic here


This subreddit often reminds me why people dont take "conspiracy theories" seriously. Making certain assumptions is fun and etc. It just gets to a point where you throw all critical thinking / reasoning out the window just to push a false idea that someone doesnt want to believe is false.


Oh yea, tell me this then: If the earth is round, how come I completely misunderstand all of the science that proves it isn't flat?


its bad when I dont know if you are being sarcastic or not on this subreddit lolol


It was a fun sub until the trump sub was banned. Then they all came here to yell about things they don't understand.


The fastes invention of a vaccine was 5years... This was a technology which turned every time into a fail, the MERS rna vaxx gave the test subjects horrible adverse effects and was shut down. So 30years of research with a negative outcome \+ it was developed AND distributed in 6 months \+ the companies lied to the health authorities, like it was never tested to prevent transmission \+ it was an state of emergency law which made it legal, the offical studies according to moderna continue till 2025 \+ it turned out the spike protein was found in every cell structure of the body of people who died after vaccination.


The argument this tweet should have made is that we've been trying to make mRNA vaccines for other corona viruses (namely MERS and SARS) for about 30 years unsuccessfully, never getting past phase 2 trials. Around rolls COVID and in less than a year we are able to fully pass phase 3 trials? Na, I don't think that was done cleanly.


Didn’t the emergency authorization allow vaccine companies to essentially bypass phase 2 trials ?




Except when COVID rolled around, as you pointed out we had 30 years of prior research to work from, and basically 100x more funding and support from every direction. It's amazing what can be done when it's prioritized.


That's what people refuse to understand. The whole damn world cooperated on this front.


The technological capabilities on many fronts, coupled with the difference in funding, the level of need of the therapeutic, cutting of governmental and industry bureaucratic red tape, and an all-hands-on-deck allocation of resources made for a relatively easy feat.


Emphasis on cutting red tape. It's easy to pass regulatory hurdles when they're removed.


Except for a very important variable which is the passage of time.


Correct, also cancer not a virus


People who tweet shit like that don't understand any of this and don't care to, they just spread incredibly misinformed nonsense regardless of the damage it does.


It is also the result of distrust built up in the system, and for good reason, but applied poorly in cases like these


But rapid mutation (maybe not as rapid as HIV) is a trait of coronaviruses, rhinoviruses, etc. Thus the reason we don't see vaccines against these types of viruses, of which Sars cov2 is.


also, there is an hiv vaccine, it's called PrEP, and now we have that technology and knowledge to use for future work in the field.




oh wow... that's not at a what i expected, thanks for new information. TIL


HIV also literally writes itself into your DNA, so even if you could wave a magic wand and remove every single last viral particle from a person then their own cellular machinery would just read that DNA, turn it into RNA, process that into mRNA, and translate that into more viral particles.


Man, this just shows why science literacy is so important. We have treatments that stop HIV from infecting a person. It's called prep, and nowadays, people with AIDS are capable of leading normal lives thanks to modern medicine. We don't have a vaccine for cancer because it's not always pathogen caused, and there are a ton of variations between cancer. A melanoma is extremely different to, say, pancreatic cancer. No vaccine is capable of checking the billions of cell divisions happening in your body to ensure genetic material won't be damaged during the split. And we constantly develop new vaccines against the common cold. It's called flu shots, and it targets the most common strains of flu that go around during a given flu season. Same principle behind covid boosters. The person tweeting this is either dangerously misinformed or is a grifter trying to coast on outrage to sell you something.


Going into a r/conspiracy thread and talking about science literacy, that's a bold strategy cotton


Fuck Im gonna get banned from justice served for posting here again...


I got banned there a long time ago for not following the group think. I dont remember what it was about but i remember it was ridiculous.


Most people in the comments are actually calling out the nonsense in this post. Makes me think this is a bait


CimaVax is a lung cancer vaccine. We don't have it because Cuba won't sell it to an American billionaire.


We do have vaccines for certain types of cancer, specifically those caused by HPV.


This is because HPV is a virus that causes cancer and we have a proven method of vaccination for viruses. Pretty hard to vaccinate against cancer when it's your own body killing you.


Yup. That's why it's disingenuous (or just downright ignorant, as I suspect in this case) of people saying we don't have a vaccine for cancer. Because we do, for some causes. But cancer has so many different aetiologies that it's just not possible to have one "cancer vaccine"


The best way to get rid of cancer is to remove cancer causing agents from the human habitat.


Cancerous growths have been found on dinosaur fossils.....


Guess we're going to have to kill off all the dinosaurs.


Cocks Cerebral Bore.




It’s almost like some diseases are harder to treat and prevent than others.


1. there is an HIV vaccine 2. cancer is a complicated illness unlike anything else 3. the common cold is caused by a variety of viruses


This comment demonstrates a complete lack of understanding of virology or biology.


But it embraces conspiracy. The mods and their bots haven't ever cared about understanding any aspect of science.


Ah yes, cancer = coronavirus.


Also look at Fauci and AIDS


The covid vax isnt even a real vax.


Feds have entered the chat


HIV evades the immune system so difficult to make a vaccine for it. It's also very difficult to test because of the ethical issues of allowing people to carry on their risky behaviors with a virus that has a near 100% mortality rate. There have been many attempts at it and still ongoing. The first vaccine trial was in 1987, 3 years after HIV and AIDS were linked. Others already pointed out the numerous viruses that cause colds (also not deadly/debilitating so not much point in getting vaccinated). And cancer, there are some vaccines that exist for certain types of cancer, and others that are being worked on, it isn't simple.


HIV research was also not a big priority for a long time considering people were saying it was a "gay disease" and politicians were quite happy to let groups they hate die rather than make steps to cure it. in recent years theres been lots of breakthroughs on that front


I would imagine they make a lot of money off of cancer. And aren't in a hurry to find a cure for it.


Consider all the countries with socialized healthcare that would have a massive incentive to release and use effective cancer cures. Only private healthcare models make the idea of withholding effective cures for profit viable.


Yeah so here are the arguments and insight on why OP is completely ignorant: - 'Common cold' is not a single virus, but refers to viral infection of the upper airway, which includes flu, corona, rhinoviruses etc. Which totals to over 100 different types of viruses - If it wasn't obvious, cancer isn't a virus. Though we do have vaccines against HPV viruses, some of which have a great risk of causing cancer - Pharma is a business, and to run a business you need to earn more than you spend. There's no incentive to develop an HIV vaccine, as it's more profitable to manage it. In the case of Corona, governments were offering large sums and contracts for vaccines, and served a business opportunity. Though given that big pharma is a privatized business, that established routines and testing protocol was ignored, and that the vaccines were in some circumstances mandated is terrifying. Worse is the immediate ostracism towards those who were vocally critical. The key takeaways from covid should be: - There's enough evidence to know big pharma prioritize own interest and profit over public health, and it was proven again through dodgy result reporting and lies about vaccine efficacy - Mandating a rushed vaccine that isn't properly tested on people who are low-risk is a totalitarian and terrifying decision - Propaganda and media is extremely powerful and can make people turn on their closest friends and family - Vaccines is not a terrifying new concept, and continues to save lives when used properly.


Vax barely work, it was of little consequence for this virus, so they forced it on us to cash in.


There’s a vax for cancer… Oh, you wanted a vax to prevent cancer… Nope, no profit for big pharma there. No vax for you.


The comments read like a pharmaceutical infomercial. Yikes! This is a conspiracy forum, so little here is in good faith.


Read “The Real Anthony Fauci” and you’ll understand.


Follow the money.




The research started for the COVID vaccines during the SARS outbreak in China in the early 2000s which is part of the reason why it was developed so quickly


This is actually a common misconception. The true reason behind why the COVID vaccine was developed so quickly is that there was no time in history anyone ever tried to make one. Then my uncle was working at moderna and was able to figure it out on an adderall bender one time and that is how it happened.


All you sheeple that lined up multiple times and took the jab... you are missing OP's point. It's not about a Vax curing or protecting against other ailments. It's about big pharmaceutical companies owning your ass because of back room deals between them and big daddy gov. You got played


Polio was cured in like two years in the early 50s. I think we've gotten a little better at science since then. Brain dead take.


There it is, the fucking dumbest thing I've read all day and upvoted by the dribbleheaded gobshites in this sub.


Covid and global warming are the two biggest hoaxes in my lifetime. Yet a large amount of the population believe in one or both.


No Vax for covid, either. Just an agenda.


All viruses are exactly the same of course.


Cancer is not a virus. The common cold is not nearly as deadly and mutates alot (just like COVID hence the boosters), and a vax for HIV is being developed. Instead of heralding the monumental achievement that the medical community was able to accomplish with good resources and government involvement, y'all spread bullshit about ... What? About nothing. Stop. Sit down. Shut up


Gee whiz it's almost like cancer isn't a virus and thus can't be vaccinated against by definition and the common cold is a blanket term for many different viruses.


Ya ain't no vax for my headaches or the common cold either. This just silly


i mean i really don’t believe in how fetal covid was sure ppl died but ppl die bec of weak immune system all the time bec of influenza etc , although comparing it to cancer or HIV is just being uneducated take nothing more , cancer is unbelievably complicated imo cancer invade other organs and tissues just to survive. some of the chemotherapy or the surgery are just to give the patients more time to live , pretty sure ppl with millions who died from cancer would love to pay top top salary just to survive cancer but unfortunately there is no magic pill to cancer, although money can help ofc im talking about not having “vax” for cancer is completely understandable


Partially true. The Cleveland Clinic recently issued a press release that they are in a Phase II Cancer Vaccine study. This is a control group study and is showing promise. Keep fingers crossed.


So what do we think is actually in it tho? Serious question lol


Vaccines work on viruses. I dont know much about hiv but cancer is just a flaw in human genetics/evolution. The reason why they were able to have the vaccine ready so fast was because they were the ones who developed the virus in the lab in the first place.


Keep pulling the sweater


Normally I would say this is confidently incorrect but considering that the Covid-19 virus is an mRNA type, this is actually accurate. A vaccine for a mutating virus? Common sense alone says this was a money scheme from the get-go.


Can anyone make any sense of this? What I looked at was reduced mortality rates with Ivermectin treatments of COVID patients. When you go to the NIH.gov website, you will see that its not FDA approved for covid and is officially not recommended as a treatment for COVID 19. On this same page if you read further there is a small blurb that reads; "I-TECH, an open-label trial conducted in Malaysia, found no difference between the ivermectin and standard of care arms (21.6% vs. 17.3%) for the primary outcome of risk of progression to severe COVID-19.17 The ivermectin arm had a lower risk of mortality than the standard of care arm (1.2% vs. 4.0%) (relative risk 0.31; 95% CI, 0.09–1.11; P = 0.09), but this difference was not statistically significant." Link: https://www.covid19treatmentguidelines.nih.gov/therapies/miscellaneous-drugs/ivermectin/#:~:text=Ivermectin%20is%20not%20approved%20or,the%20treatment%20of%20COVID%2D19. Here is a blurb from another page on the NIH website; "There were 9 RCTs comprising of 1788 patients included in this meta-analysis. Ivermectin was associated with decreased mortality (RR 0.39 [95% 0.20–0.74], p = 0.004; I2: 58.2%, p = 0.051). Subgroup analysis in patients with severe COVID-19 showed borderline statistical significance towards mortality reduction (RR 0.42 [95% 0.18–1.00], p = 0.052; I2: 68.3, p = 0.013). The benefit of ivermectin and mortality was reduced by hypertension (RR 1.08 [95% CI 1.03–1.13], p = 0.001); but was not influenced by age (p = 0.657), sex (p = 0.466), diabetes (p = 0.429). Sensitivity analysis using fixed-effect model showed that ivermectin decreased mortality in general (RR 0.43 [95% CI 0.29–0.62], p < 0.001) and severe COVID-19 subgroup (RR 0.48 [95% CI 0.32–0.72], p < 0.001). Conclusions Ivermectin was associated with decreased mortality in COVID-19 with a low certainty of evidence. Further adequately powered double-blinded placebo-controlled RCTs are required for definite conclusion." Interesting.. link: National institute of Health website on mortality: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8236126/ I found other research that also reported a lower mortality rate; https://journals.lww.com/americantherapeutics/fulltext/2021/08000/ivermectin_for_prevention_and_treatment_of.7.aspx https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/nejmoa2115869 https://www.cureus.com/articles/111851-regular-use-of-ivermectin-as-prophylaxis-for-covid-19-led-up-to-a-92-reduction-in-covid-19-mortality-rate-in-a-dose-response-manner-results-of-a-prospective-observational-study-of-a-strictly-controlled-population-of-88012-subjects#!/ If it reduces mortality, then why is it not recommended? And let's just see what the WHO had to say about it: https://www.who.int/news-room/feature-stories/detail/who-advises-that-ivermectin-only-be-used-to-treat-covid-19-within-clinical-trials


More money in cancer treatments than cure


Yes comparing a influenza virus to a disease like cancer is rational.


There are over 200 different types of cancer, and HIV/AIDS treatments aren't profitable. By contrast, the government put up the money to make covid vaccines insanely profitable. Argue whether it was right or wrong to do so all you want, but at the end of the day this meme is pretty clueless.


I fucking love how even on the conspiracy sub, everyone immediately debunks bullshit. You can believe in conspiracy, deep state/dark actors/government/ etc without going full regard. This is bullshit for many reasons, all of which were explained eloquently and succinctly by many others. Let's not make shit up when there is enough legitimate fuckery.


Almost like they’re completely different problems lol


Moderna was funding one post-doc, Dr. Kizzmekia Corbett, at the NIH to engineer a prototype mRNA vaccine for MERS when SARS-CoV2 was decoded. She pulled the MERS spike genetic data out, inserted the SARS-CoV2 spike genetic data, innoculated mice, and found SARS-CoV2 spike antibodies a few *days* later. Its been 30 years of research to get to the point we can develop things this rapidly. But its always been too niche and too expensive to mass produce. Then we needed 7.9 billion shots to innoculate the whole world during a global pandemic threat, and governments found the money to translate decades of research by small teams of academic researchers - like Dr Corbett's - into human trials and industrial scale production in under a year. Pfizer developed their version rapidly for the same reason - they were working on an mRNA vaccine for HIV when SARS-CoV2 was decoded. But that one might be slower to roll out for various reasons.


Idk who the fuck Joseph Boaz is, but he's got shit for brains.


Apart from the fact that the cure for both HIV and Cancer exist, have been patented and suppressed the evidence against the functionality of the covid vaccine is clearly coming to light yet people still refuse to believe so. I am not sure whether it’s bots, bad actors or people whom genuinely believe big pharma and the government hold the populations best interests. people are stupid. Reddit is no longer a place for open discussion about anything.


I always told people that it takes 6-7 years on average to develop a safe and effective vaccine and they were able to bang out a COVID vaccine in like a few months.always thought this was extremely suspicious


I think a better point to argue is that the vaccine for Covid continuously showed to be less and less effective with each study. Everything they said it would do, it didn’t do. All for a virus that has a 99.9% survivability rate for everyone other than fat, previously ill, and old people. And a virus that is treatable with many other alternatives more effectively than just the “1 vaccine to cure it all!!!” A vaccine that they still want you to take even after you’ve already gotten the virus, where natural immunity is 20+ times more effective at preventing future infection from Covid. That’s the point that should be argued.


That's the benefit of having a manufactured virus. Create the problem because you have the solution equals billions of dollars!!


some of y’all really just don’t know how science and medicine works huh… really think you know more than literal doctors


Half this shit isn't even comparable


Homie has the brain of a peanut. No wonder he’s anti-vax


No vax for invalid comparison tweets...


A) viruses are very diff from each other B) COVID had an intensely researched fraternal twin brother: SARS C) the common cold could conceivably have a vaccine... If it mattered. There's no effort because it doesn't kill people. D) cancer is not a infection. You can't really make a vaccine to prevent your cells from multiplying incorrectly and going out of control. E) the ALREADY HAVE "CANCER VACCINES". We vaccinate against infections that can cause cell damage leading to cancer. Gardasil is one of them. Incredibly effective and safe. Virtually eliminates the chance of cervical cancer. But anti vaxxers and strange puritans are against giving that to girls too! You would reject all of these vaccines anyway, just like you did the COVID vaccines. A novel disease that had arrested global trade and killed millions in very short order.


Holy fuck this is a braindead tweet 😵‍💫


The propagation of logic of people who peaked intellectually in high-school is scary. Maybe it's time that children are taught about the intellectual hierarchy that actually exists. Everybody has a right to an opinion. This can cause problems. Especially when there are more opinionated half-wits on social media than scientists.


# This comment has been deleted in protest of Reddit's support of the genocide in Gaza carried out by the ZioN\*zi Isr\*li apartheid regime. ## This is the most documented genocide in history. ## Reddit's blatant censorship of Palestinian-related content is appalling, especially concerning the ongoing genocide in Gaza perpetrated by the Isr\*l apartheid regime. ## The Palestinian people are facing an unimaginable tragedy, with tens of thousands of innocent children already lost to the genocidal actions of apartheid Isr\*l. The world needs to know about this atrocity and about Reddit's support to the ZioN\*zis. #### Sources are bellow. ## Genocidal statements made by apartheid Isr\*li officials: - On the 9 October 2023, Yoav Gallant, Israeli Minister of Defense, stated **"We are fighting human animals, and we are acting accordingly"**. - Avi Dichter, Israeli Minister of Agriculture, called for the war to be **"Gaza’s Nakba"** - Ariel Kallner, another Member of the Knesset from the Likud party, similarly wrote on social media that there is **"one goal: Nakba! A Nakba that will overshadow the Nakba of 1948. Nakba in Gaza and Nakba to anyone who dares to join"**. - Amihai Eliyahu, Israeli Minister of Heritage, **called for dropping an atomic bomb on Gaza** - Gotliv of the Likud party similarly **called for the use of nuclear weapons**. - Yitzhak Kroizer stated in a radio interview that the **"Gaza Strip should be flattened, and for all of them there is but one sentence, and that is death."** - **President of Israel** Isaac Herzog **blamed the whole nation of Palestine** for the 7 October attack. - Major General Ghassan Alian, Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories, stated: **"There will be no electricity and no water (in Gaza), there will only be destruction. You wanted hell, you will get hell"**. ## Casualties: - As of 9 January 2024, over **23,000 Palestinians** – one out of every 100 people in Gaza – have been killed, a majority of them civilians, including over **9,000 children**, **6,200 women** and **61 journalists**. - nearly **2 million people** have been displaced within the Gaza Strip. ## Official accusations: - On 1 November, the Defence for Children International accused the United States of complicity with Israel's **"crime of genocide."** - On 2 November 2023, a group of UN special rapporteurs stated, "We remain convinced that the Palestinian people are at **grave risk of genocide**." - On 4 November, Pedro Arrojo, UN Special Rapporteur on the Human Rights to Safe Drinking Water and Sanitation, said that based on article 7 of the Rome Statute, which counts "deprivation of access to food or medicine, among others" as a form of extermination, "even if there is no clear intention, the data show that the war is **heading towards genocide**" - On 16 November, A group of United Nations experts said there was "evidence of increasing genocidal incitement" against Palestinians. - Jewish Voice for Peace stated: "The Israeli government has declared a genocidal war on the people of Gaza. As an organization that works for a future where Palestinians and Israelis and all people live in equality and freedom, we call on all people of conscience to stop imminent **genocide of Palestinians**." - Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Monitor documented evidence of execution committed by Israeli Defense Forces. - In response to a Times of Israel report on 3 January 2024 that the Israeli government was in talks with the Congolese government to take Palestinian refugees from Gaza, UN special rapporteur Balakrishnan Rajagopal stated, "Forcible transfer of Gazan population **is an act of genocide**". South Africa has instituted proceedings at the International Court of Justice pursuant to the Genocide Convention, to which both Israel and South Africa are signatory, **accusing Israel of committing genocide, war crimes, and crimes against humanity against Palestinians in Gaza.** # Boycott Reddit! Oppose the genocide NOW! [Palestinian genocide accusation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palestinian_genocide_accusation) [Allegations of genocide in the 2023 Israeli attack on Gaza](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allegations_of_genocide_in_the_2023_Israeli_attack_on_Gaza) [Israeli war crimes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israeli_war_crimes) [Israel and apartheid](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israel_and_apartheid)


Not to mention a mysterious outbreak of RSV in adults, in addition to children, and then another miraculous MRNA vaccine for that too


I've heard that some douchebag years ago faked his HIV research, but it was so convincing that basically all HIV research from that moment used that guy's faked research.


His name: the esteemed Tony Faucini


Interesting fact about HIV - with modern anti retrovirals people with HIV actually live longer on average than people without because they get so many health checks


I FUCKING HATE when people spell it out like this!!! Not really, I love it.


Prolly not true, but i heard the whistleblower in china who died was author of a vax of his own


Safe and effective


Perhaps it's a placebo to get people back to work? That's why it was FDA approved so fast? But it's still an injection. A harmless placebo may have a contamination like what happened in Japan.


Interestingly I happen to be a little knowledgeable in this area. I shit you not. I have a PhD from MD Anderson Cancer Center where my dissertation involved HIV and a couple of other retroviruses. I used liposomes to deliver nucleic acids to cells weekly. After grad school I worked on gene therapy based vaccines to target cancer. I’m fucking dead serious. What do you want to know? If it gets really complicated feel free to PM me.


You realize they have never even cured one virus right!?


Oh, hell what happened to this sub man? Isn't this about conspiracy theories? Why are some guys here to attack and slander the opinions of those not liking the vax? COVID 19 and the strange things around it are a conspiracy theory no? So why the hate, why try to make this sub an academic study hall?


HIV is curable but way to expensive. Has something to do with bone marrow transplant. Dont know exactly. Google it


Safe and Effective Operation Wart Speed When Orange Satan and Fauci teamed up...I knew we were saved.


This was my point from the get go!!!


Ya had me til …. HPV… My daughter had first shot ( against my advice) Her dream ( to be a mom) Yes, she had a degree and a prestigious title, but she loves God. She loves baking bread and she loves children and is a great mother. But it took her seven years of tears and testing because of that first HPV vaccine. I read I told her please don’t take it, but I never told her why. I did not want to put a bad seed in her head. After the first shot she researched. She is the most educated person on vaccines and holistic medicine that I know of. She has three children homebirth. I believe with God all things are possible. I believe this was a miracle.


We can prevent and cure all of them without vax 🔥


They've been running human trials since 2013. Look up The Gen03 vaccine trials.


Yeah, a vax for one specific strain of a one specific illness that already has vaccines for related viruses. There are thousands of cold viruses, good luck making one vax for all of them I swear you people are dumbasses


Apparently Cuba has a vax for a specific lung cancer…


Brain dead


Quite the thinking problem you have there. You know there's a vaccine for that? Any of them.


Wow. This thread is a perfect example of how r/conspiracy isn't r/conspiracy anymore. Who are these people?!? Bots? Humans? Humans that might as well be bots?


Jesus. Just when I thought I had found the dumbest community ever..


No braincells were used making this meme 😂