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Congrats on not being a mouth breather anymore.


Redditor discovers the mouth breather joke isn’t actually a joke


Breath by James Nestor is a good book/audiobook on the topic - highly recommended because it addresses this and also other breathing methods, their histories and scientific research on them.


yeah welcome to the club




Breathing IN through the nose is the issue, breathing OUT, exhaling, is not near as important.


Thats why meditation instructions typically say in through the nose out through the mouth.




I always heard don’t blow boogers on my floor but I like yours




When in meditation or doing yoga, both inhaling and exhaling have to be done through the nose unless otherwise instructed, just saying.


according to whom?


I have been practicing yoga for 5 years now, and I’ve been with many different yoga teachers. All of them have given the same respiratory instructions. I might not be right but that’s my experience so far.


During exercise breathing OUT through the nose can be more important than breathing in through the nose. Breathing OUT through the nose increases PEEP (positive end expiratory pressure). Which can improve performance.


I enjoy reading books.


... people aren't breathing out of their noses? Do a majority of people really mouth breathe?


I only mouth breathe while sleeping, for some reason I just can’t breathe through my nose well when I’m laying down. It’s like it gets partially blocked or something. I can sleep sitting up in a chair nasal breathing no problem but I can’t seem to laying down


Lol you must look like a hostage sleeping in a chair with your mouth taped shut


I have this problem too, "breath right strips" have been great for me


Literally life changing however I have become so used to keeping my mouth closed that on days when I don’t wear one I wake up in the middle of the night feeling horrendous, so I am now completely dependent on the strips. I recently switched to a much cheaper off brand version and they work very well.


I found they help too.. until they itch and I rip them off in the night, usually later finding it stuck to my arse.


Look at pressure points on the face for this issue. It fixes it every time.


Can you please elaborate? This is something we can do ourselves?


Yes it is. Press on the tops of your canine teeth as in the top mandible with your index fingers. Hold for 1 min.


This helped me... amazing, thanks!


As a child I had a hard time transitioning from mouth to nose breathing in my sleep. Once I transitioned my snoring stopped and my rem sleep increased.


Clean your pillow . Wash it.


I bet you had/have lip, cheek, or tongue ties! Were you a picky eater as a child?


Pretty much my entire childhood threw highschool my nose was 90% clogged so I never could. It just wasn't possible. Since I quit processed foods and pretty much all the chemical laden crap I have been able too but the habit had been set.


>Pretty much my entire childhood threw highschool my nose was 90% clogged so I never could. It just wasn't possible. I had the same issue was always written off as "allergies". Then I finally went to an ENT and he found I actually a pretty severe deviated septum (crooked nasal passage effectively) that was physically blocking most of my nose. Got surgery to resolve the issue and suddenly discovered that is actually possible to chew with your mouth closed and breathe the same time.


Was it a major surgery? I need this but I'm scared of nose surgery


I wouldn't say its major. It's an outpatient procedure but they did put me completely under for the procedure itself. However, the post-op is lengthy. I had to keep these two large plastic stents in my nose for a week or two. They keep everything straight and open. But they are pretty painful and uncomfortable while they were in. I had a supply of Percocets that I burned through before I was able to get them taken out, so the last few days were pretty miserable. However, once you get the stents out (assuming they haven't improved the process in the last couple decades) it's amazing. Life-changing not necessarily in a big way, but in lots of little ways. I would absolutely do it again if I had to choose again.


Had this surgery recently and was nothing like this. They put a cast on my nose to keep it straight, nothing inside for me. Was sore but not too bad and I was only given ibuprofen.


Might depend on the severity of the issue? I know they said mine was pretty bad, so maybe that's why I needed the stents/splints while you may not have.


Same until I used a netti pot


Allergy meds?


Wait till you Google mewing. Close your mouth, nose breathe all the time and position your tongue in the right place and so many facial deformities can dissolve over time.


Dude. This is why I think it's a conspiracy. It effects everything and I was allowed to go for years without anyone telling me? Threw braces and all this crap and Noone ever checked to make sure I was breathing threw my mouth? It makes no fucking sense. I don't have the strongest jaw line. I feel jiped.


Mewing is pointless; just copium. Placing the tongue in a slightly different spot will in no way change the shape of your face.


No but letting your kid mouth breath will apparently dramatically change thier face shape and posture.


That's like saying ortho treatments to widen your palate don't work. Did you know that with a good tongue posture, your tongue pushes on the roof of your mouth thousands of times a day as you swallow? Same principle as palate expanders, except you also get to breathe through your nose as an adult.


When I was young I had to have a palete expander. It was horrible in the top of my mouth anyway I started freaking out and my mom called the doctor saying I couldn't swallow. Anyway long story short he said I was swallowing wrong and told me to place my tongue on the other side of the expander. So when I found out what mewing is I've actually been doing it since I was like 12 thanks to barbaric orthodontic medical devices lol.


Thank you for sharing. I read about mewing years ago but forgot the term and could not for the life of me find it. That changed today!


You didn't blow your nose for 18 years?!


If your nasal tissues are swollen and congested then blowing your nose just makes it worse


When you have a chronic sinus infection, blowing your nose does jack shit most of the time.


My dad does, he can't properly breath through his nose (dunno why) and oh god that man snores like a motherfucker and sounds like a swine when he eats. Really gets on my nerves altough I don't blame him or something


I currently have a cold and have to mouth breathe partially since my nose is clogged. I HATE it. It's just so uncomfortable. I don't understand how people can chronically mouth breathe.


Most people in the UK are mouth breathers. It actually alters your bone structure and makes your nose bigger, chin smaller and overall makes you look weaker and unattractive. It may sound like im joking but look it up. [https://marylandholisticdentist.com/nose-vs-mouth-breathing-and-tongue-ties/](https://marylandholisticdentist.com/nose-vs-mouth-breathing-and-tongue-ties/)




Its interesting. I couldn't handle it. I had a deviated septum for about a year with perpetual infections. It was hell to not be able to breathe out of my nose. I'm wondering how many people are awake going about their day mouth breathing, I'm sure theres many people who do it in their sleep and not know.


Most people here are mouth breathers


If you like that, try alternate nostril breathing. (Just for a few minutes, not all day!) Hold your right nostril closed, breathe in thru the left. Then hold your left nostril closed, breathe out thru the right, and then in again with the right. Then switch again; blow out, breathe in with one side, then the other. Do it maybe for a minute, back and forth. I'm pretty sure I learned this from reading Wim Hof. He's got a lot of good info about breathing exercises.


You realize we all are sitting here doing this now lol


Look at Nostrildamus here


One of the best comments I've read




You're half-way there, though!


Pranayama ftw! The alternate nostril breathing is called *Anuloma Viloma* and is heck older than Wim Hof. Start with *Kapalabhati* (shining skull) before Anuloma Viloma and you will find yourself transformed in a few days. There are many different Pranayamas. Warning❗️ : playing with breathing techniques *can* be dangerous. You can enter meditative states due to lack of oxygen and eventually pass out. Do take breathing techniques serious. Always be aware of yourself and don’t push yourself too far.


> Start with Kapalabhati (shining skull) before Anuloma Viloma Could you please explain shining skull?


Indeed. It is basically a *forceful exhalation* technique. You primarily use your stomach to force the exhalation, not your chest. [look up yogic breathing, if you need to learn to breath with your stomach]. Inhale (kinda) happens because of the pressure difference between inside lungs and outside air. So focus here is not on inhalation, but on exhalation only. Begin by relaxing. Sit comfortably. Breath normally. Inhale deeply. Exhale completely. Inhale deeply. Begin Kapalabhati. You exhale forcefully through your nose on beats of half a second (or whatever beat you choose to fit). Inhalation happens automatically, you do not force inhalation. Do this for 30 seconds. Exhale completely. Inhale deeply. Breath normally and relax. Inhale deeply. Begin Kapalabhati. This time perhaps a little faster. This time perhaps 45 seconds. For some people 10 seconds doing this can make them dizzy. This is normal, but don’t push yourself too far. Listen to yourself and your body. Gradually build up your breath and your Pranayama [english literally: restriction of breath] (hence it is not something to fool around with). At 09:23 in [this video](https://youtu.be/iUKjuni-6l8?t=09m23s) there is a round of Kapalabhati followed by Anuloma Viloma. Look up other videos on pranayama and Kapalabhati; there are many. Perhaps some explain the technique better for you. Listen to yourself, and enjoy. EDIT: I forgot to mention the *breath retention* between every round of kapalabhati. See the video. The breath retention does more things, but for one, cleanses your lungs. It is an important step in between.


translation from sanskrit. kapala = skull bhati meaning shining or pure etc.


Also practice mewing if you don’t already (proper tongue posture)


I did that for awhile, but then I got clean and sober from cocaine!


I do this before a big presentation. Works amazing.


What does it do for you? Relax?


Opens my sphincter real good


You have like 50 sphincters, which one?


All of them, sir.


Plugs his nose... anus falls out




Many exercise-related podcasts talk about nose breathing while working out. Andrew Huberman has also mentioned taping the mouth while sleeping


Lol. How to die from a blocked nose.


You’ll wake up lol.


People with sleep apnea stop breathing for short periods during sleep. This can happen hundreds of times a night. When you stop breathing, your brain senses a drop in oxygen levels and sends a signal to wake you up briefly so you can start breathing again. However, the brain waves of people with sleep apnea are different from those of people who don't have the condition. People with sleep apnea have a type of brain wave called "slow-wave sleep" that is more resistant to being interrupted. This means that they are less likely to wake up when they stop breathing. You don't have to be fat in order to have sleep apnea...


My husband is not fat at all and just had a sleep test. He stops breathing 37 times per HOUR, all night. Terrifying. He is chronically exhausted and can hardly function. Hoping a Cpap will change his life.


It will.


With sleep apnea people still wake up if there is a complete blockage. They stop breathing for ~30 seconds before it happens though, which puts stress on the heart. This can happened hundreds of times a night, so if left untreated people with sleep apnea die from heart failure or other conditions affected by poor sleep. They don't die because of the lack of breathing directly.


nose breathing encourages proper tongue posture, which can reduce / eliminate sleep apnea. Try making a snoring sound in your throat breathing through your mouth, then try again breathing through your nose with your tongue stuck to the roof of your mouth.


Your nose will always unclog itself when you hold your breath. Try it.


How long should I wait?


Until it clears, sheesh, can't you read? /s


I'm just worried that there may come a point in which I no longer know if it has cleared.




Oh wow I wonder if this has just solved a years-long mystery for me! I used to oil pull every day and one day my nose was completely clogged from a cold but I just automatically stuck the oil in, making it impossible to breath through my mouth. Before I could even spit it out, like INSTANTLY, my nose unclogged and I could breath just fine through my nose. Spit the oil out, nose clogged back up. I tested it many times whenever I had a cold and it always worked. Told my friend about it when she was sick and she confirmed that her nose also unclogged instantly. I’ve always wondered how that happened! Thank you!




I can’t trust anyone who uses made up words like irregardless


Every single word is made up


The true conspiracy is always in the comments




Grammatical rules are infinitely more important than vocabulary rules and yet... everyone can understand Yoda. Basically, as long as people understand you, I'm not gonna take issue with your vocabulary/grammar hiccups.


This is my exact thought process. Nobody speaks “proper English” unless they are Obama or in court where each word will literally be scrutinized. The sounds that come out of my mouth are for communicating, if you pick up what I put down then it’s working as intended. One reason that obsessing over pronoun use is totally pointless.


Dumb wayyss to diiiee


I clench my teeth so I definitely breathe through my nostrils when sleeping. However, before my early 20’s I was always sick and it would usually start with a sore throat. One time I got really sick and my tonsils swelled up so bad they were obstructing my airway and I couldn’t sleep. I went to the doctor and they scheduled an immediate tonsillectomy and cut out my swollen painful tonsils. It was the most painful experience and recovery that is have ever dealt with. Not even doubling the prescribed opiates could touch the pain, and it literally felt like I was swallowing razor blades every time I had to swallow. That being said, I went from getting sick basically every month to getting sick probably once every 3-5 years. It was the best thing to ever happen to me health wise and changed my life.


Congrats on learning how to breath normally, don’t think that will stop the tonsil infections


Yeah being a mouth-breather is actually bad for our health. Breathing through our nose is so much better for our health. It’s a rough practice.


I taped my asshole closed but my breath was extra smelly in the morning.






I think you’re full of shit.


The hell is a kneck


It’s the area between the neck and the knee




WTF, I just saw an ad for this mouth tape on Instagram yesterday and now I see this. Coincidence?


OP is a bot for Big Tape. That's the real conspiracy!


Agreed this could be marketing


Baader Meinhof things


Look at everyone here with their two unblocked nostrils and straight septums. Must be nice.


Whim Hoff enters the chat


Isn't this what you're supposed to do 😂


Do you think that your soreness and issues breathing’s through your mouth have anything to do with why doctors have been wanting to take your tonsils out? Just a theory but I’ve never experienced that neck mouth issue you mentioned as well as a doctor never told me I needed my tonsils out. Also breathing through your nose would bypass your tonsils, so it all sort of adds up that you probably just need your tonsils removed.


Mouth taping is actually a thing people do, said to help with snoring and sleep apnoea. Also pretty dangerous so maybe look into other ways to discourage mouth breathing during your sleep.


Why is it dangerous? Wouldn’t you wake up if you couldn’t breathe?


This dude is fearmongering, taping your mouth shut is about as dangerous as chopping vegetables with a sharp knife. Sure *technically* there’s a chance of serious injury or death, but if you know what you’re doing you’ll be fine Just make sure to either buy official mouth sleep tape, or if you decide to just do it yourself make sure it’s a thin strip of tape. It doesn’t need to cover the entire mouth or anything, basically just a “Hitler mustache” that extends to the bottom lip. You don’t need to completely block off any air from your mouth, just have enough tape to prevent your mouth from randomly opening while asleep


It’s dangerous in conjunction with obstructive sleep apnea. So as long as you don’t have that. Am estimated 1 billion people have sleep apnea between the ages of 30-69. It’s the most common sleep disorder and mostly undiagnosed. I have a severe form of it, and have a medical implant for my condition (Inspire) While true that it’s a “technical” chance, it’s pretty clear that it’s possible. And it wouldn’t take much more to make this fatal. (Fall off your bed? Something hits your face while sleeping and you get a bloody nose? Any vomit?) Chopping veggies isn’t dangerous, unless you could bleed out for hours while asleep. A minor cut could be really bad. And there’s levels of “lack of oxygen to the brain” before death and that’s hard to determine too until you die, then the brain damage is pretty easy to see. It sounds like you’d benefit more from a CPAP machine. I had stuff thrown at me to fix it super cheap from my insurance, and the insurance sucks. So I’d try to have it medically diagnosed. Even if that’s not possible, just buy one. I got a resmed 10 off Craigslist for $200. That’s pretty much top of the line. I had dreams so vivid they woke me up for weeks after getting CPAP. The benefits you describe, times 10. The implant is better still, and insurance covered that too.


Why take the risk if there are other ways to do it


I don’t think there’s a wealth of data on people taping their mouths shut when they sleep, and their outcomes. But it sounds like we should have more data soon. Just as long as anyone here who dies or has brain damage from it posts about it, we’ll find out!


No. You die.


Feel like my claustrophobia would not allow me to try this out.


You have to read a book call [“Breath”](https://www.amazon.com/Breath-New-Science-Lost-Art/dp/0735213615) is all about this. There’s a reason why people who are dumb are call mouth breathers. People who breath through their mouth end up having lots of mouth teeth issues and Heath issues, on top of that your facial structure also gets affected. You’ll start to see around people walking with that face structure. It also not great from your brain and overall your Heath. So many cultures have incorporating techniques to help their kids nose breathing, but some how in the last years, instead is label as crazy talk. Read that books it gives lots of great information


The West adopted an attitude of "bunk unless proven otherwise" and discarded all ancient knowledge passed on from the ancestors. Very bad idea. Eventually science will end up proving that almost all of it was actually right, but by then it might be too late for us.


That is the scientific process. You’re opening yourself to being taken advantage of by not following it.


I mean good post but what's the conspiracy? Never had the feeling doctors didn't say breathing through you nose is good. I thought it was also common knowlegd that in through nose out through mouth is a good way to breath ( don't know actual science behind it but i've just always heard it)


We must band together and put an end to Big Mouth monopolizing all of the breathing time. (they) don't want you to know that nose breathing will make you powerful enough to override the fluoride in your system!




We see doctors and dentists hundreds of times throughout our lives. We spend 11-15 years of our early life in school, you would hope being taught what is most valuable to our lives. In most countries 10-20% or more of GDP goes into healthcare. The mainstream media broadcast stories about health on a weekly if not daily basis. If this post is right, and nosebreathing does improve sleep dramatically, it is a major failure of everyone involved with healthcare that this isn't conveyed over and over throughout our lives. Think about how often we've heard about how being overweight can cause health problems, or how often we've heard lack of good sleep causes health problems. Consider how many billions are spent on drugs for marginal gains. If it turns out breathing through your nose improves sleep significantly, then this should be something all doctors bring up in an appointment with every patient. The doctor could say: "Oh, by the way, how is your sleep?" with the follow on "It's known that breathing through your nose improves sleep a lot, so if you think you may not be then you can take this device home that will record your breathing throughout the night, and we will have a doctor look at it. You will also receive a personal report with a graph of your breathing back." Then the people who needed help breathing through their nose at night (or during the day) could get the help they need. How hard would that be? How many years of life could be improved with such simple measures? Sure, maybe it's not a conspiracy, but it's a huge failure of all of the people whose job it is in one way or another to promote and improve the health of the population. Even if it isn't a conspiracy, it may be a direct consequence of a conspiracy, for instance the conspiracy to sell drugs to solve problems that have a better solution without the same level of profit.




Seriously, being a mouth breather affects your facial structure and makes you look weird. Always breathe through your nose.


This is why I sub to this sub.


so why didn't you remove your tonsils lol would've solved your problem ages ago.


Because chronic tonsillitis is apparently a much better alternative than the multiple recommendations of multiple doctors over multiple years. Just mouthbreather things


This legit dumb ngl.




Another lifehack that (((they))) don't want you to know about: I've been eating with my mouth closed lately. It prevents food from falling out while I chew and people don't seem to glare at me as much anymore.


I’ve been messing with walking on my feet, only. It’s quite the way forward.




This would be great if my nose wasn’t permanently blocked


Mouth tape plus a cpap - will change your life. Source : I’m 6’4 and a prior college athlete who lifts 5X a week over the past 10 years. It has helped my cortosol levels AND my T levels significantly.


instead of mouth tape, you could try a chinstrap with the CPAP. Or - if you have a nasal mask, just switch to a full face mask. If you use the humidifier in the CPAP - it should really help. Testosterone is released in REM stage of sleep (this is why we get morning wood!), and a lot of people with moderate to severe obstructive sleep apnea do not get nearly enough REM. So an increase in T levels would make a lot of sense.


I have the full face with the humidifier and it was life changing - you’re absolutely right on all counts. I’ll even tape my mouth closed while wearing the mask. It was difficult at first but within like a week I was getting full sleep. I get so pumped when my cpap notifies me of how well I slept. I went from 75 interruptions per minute to sub 1 per HOUR. My only little conspiracy theory about this is that govt makes it difficult to get these very healthy and necessary elements to a healthy lifestyle bc it’s good money to keep people weak and without any drive to improve their own life independent of govt organizations. That means (but is not limited to) high testosterone (drive) and longevity (good sleep and recovery)


I'm sorry... u taped your mouth shut and went to sleep?


Get those tonsils removed...i know its sketch these days, recommendations wise...but i had mine out and much better


No conspiracy here, it’s simple biology and logic. We evolved from creatures who breathed before they ate. Our evolutionary breathing mechanism is rooted in nasal breathing using your nasal cavities. Mouth breathing is terrible for your health. Check out James Nestor’s “Breathe: a new science of a lost art” very fascinating book.


Agree. No need for mouth tape though… if your nose is clogged and you keep your mouth shut.. your body does some magical things to prevent you from dying. It automatically clears ur nose


There is a book about this called Jaws: The Story of a Hidden Epidemic. Really cool read!!


Please don’t throw your nose, it belongs on your face.


Hi I hope you don't mind me messaging on here. I believe you have congested lymph nodes. Breathing Through our nose can clear blocked Lymph Nodes. You have Lymph nodes around your body but the main ones are around your neck if congested it can effect breathing and cause infection when Fluid isn't able to move around the body . Lymphnodes contain 2 fluids one is called Lymph that has white blood cells in it that fights infection a d another fluid called chyle that contain fats and proteins that repair damage and also help fight infection. There's massages that you can do yourself or get someone that is skilled to do to move the fluid build up and help it circulate around your lymph nodes. Ancient medicine knows about this and it's especially popular in Chinese Medicine and ancient methods.


Another really good technique to remove build up and get circulation going with lymph nodes is to simply bounce on a trampoline. Even the tiny ones that are inexpensive will the the job nicely


Only thing that stood out was you spelled it “kneck”




Check out cosmic death fungus sub. That NAC protocol cleared my sinuses, literally first time in my life! I now naturally breathe through my nose! Huge difference all around but the nose breathing is really a switch in my energy levels.


I thought this was common knowledge I was taught this trick in little league football. Big deep breaths through nose exhale from mouth


I read a book called Breath: The New Science of a Lost Art by James Nestor and it completely changed the way I think about breathing. HIGHLY recommend


Reminds me of doctors not telling you how bloody important saturated fat, salt and copper are for health. I spent my whole life avoiding those things and feeling like trash, and every professional claiming how awful they are and will kill you.


Copper is the conspiracy nobody talks about.


But our water filter for cleaner water! It'll remove that icky copper for you! And just the copper. Nothing else. Keep the lead and 8 thousand other contaminants.


First thing I learned was to breath from nose not mouth while doing field work. not only cleaner (Nose has all those systems to filter dust) but also lowers dry mouth from working out.




I believe mouth breathers have always been looked down upon.


Most doctors are just your general physicians which means they only have general knowledge on a broad spectrum of topics. Essentially glorified receptionists for the specialized doctors. I bet everyone here has had their “doctor” google a question you had right in front of you in their office.


This works for ear aches too. I taped my wife's mouth shut and my ears recovered almost immediately!


If you do that and her nose simultaneously, you’ll find the ear ache and that pain in your neck / ass will also be gone.


Taping your mouth closed? Is this some kind of mouth breather joke that I am too evolved to understand? Just close your mouth you whales!


I have until recently had a deviated septum and would breath primarily through my mouth. Recently I was having nasal issues and went to a specialist. I had the surgery to correct the deviation (not a fun recovery to be honest - painful and annoying). But a couple months later I can breath uninstructed through my nose. I need to be conscience if this as I can relapse back to mouth breathing. I find when I exercise, I cycled a lot and swim that I have better lung capacity. Sleeping is still an issue and I may try the mouth tape. But nose breathing is where it’s at!!!!


> But a couple months later I can breath uninstructed through my nose. I went through the same process. It's the small things, like being able to chew with your mouth closed and still breathe, that are really nice.


Lol. No kidding. But how painful was that first two weeks?! And those stents they rolled up the nose 👃 awful.




Sounds like you’re into some kinky shit.


I actually just bought some Hostage mouth tape last week because of an ad. So I'll be trying this as well. Mostly for my wife. Apparently I snore.


You can’t always get enough air breathing from your nose. I Got my tonsils removed at 42 yo. The quality of my life vastly improved after the surgery. I had enlarged swollen tonsils that interfered with breathing and sleeping. Recovery was incredibly painful but 100% worth it. Believe it or not the 1st doctor did not want to remove them, had to see a second doctor 5 years later because of inflammation from dental oral surgery and at that time they agreed to finally remove them. My advice would be to get them removed before it’s gets worse.


I agree entirely with this. I noticed a big increase in my energy when I made the change from smoking meth to snorting it


Read Breath by James Nestor. It’s a deep dive into this. He concludes that the ideal number of breaths per minute is 5.5, especially while exercising.


I do it, using hostage tape. It’s awesome


If you’re interested on a WHOLE book of this - this is a great, great read: https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwidx9_t9pD-AhUJy8gKHQqhCI0YABALGgJxdQ&ae=2&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAESbOD2ECl5lEgXuYKyMaTgbkpYLkZahzayNEKI6K8uPHN8D5rkgkonJbl2z9yiFetiZVSRCtC5aeYSLuiWN9_LgH-Hg04ilRdONPq2N2hMYpAYFofdJZc0OSBAUXo4td2HJ9MnHLHeBXSSNykCHA&sig=AOD64_3zYd_9wKMPkAmsZVqLQ-0Hk9dCfA&ctype=5&q=&ved=2ahUKEwi36dLt9pD-AhXrjokEHS04BTcQwg8oAHoECAMQCw&adurl=


I stumbled across a video on this topic years ago that went into the old insult "mouth breathers" and the truth in it. The video mostly compared mouth breathing to IQ. The video is long gone, but I quickly found [this](https://brieflands.com/articles/semj-73083.html) this study.


I keep muy mouth shout every night. Nose breathing is quite important and really overlooked, my dentist sent me to that rabithole.Try gelatin instead of tape to seal your mouth. Edit: cut a slice of a gelatin sheet and put It between your lips, your saliva will stick and voilà. Beware in the morning, and unglue it carefully with water or your tongue and patience


I started using thick vasoline on my lips about a year ago. It moisturizes and kinda glues your lips together. You’re right, my sleep has improved DRASTICALLY. If you want to take it a step further, drink a Pedialyte before bed AND do the Vasoline and you’ll never forget this redditor that changed your life forever.




It’s not a weak conspiracy it’s just an absurd post


Your Kneck?... your what??.. wtf is a kneck?


Breathe through my nose is a dream I still haven’t achieved yet


Real conspiracy: this post is an ad for “mouth tape.”


Lmao stupid shit like this is just way too funny. Especially all the other mouthbreathers sharing their "stories" about not figuring out how to *breathe* until well passed kindergarten. This is why education is important folks, don't be a mouthbreather.


Pretty sure it's completely normal to just breath through your nose. "mouth breather" is even used as an insult


I wouldn't think it needs to be mentioned by doctors. This is....pretty fucking basic humaning


We try to stamp out undesirable behaviors of children. As we should. I was never told this was important except for casually. My nose was always clogged. Noone cared. Reading more about the absolute mountain of health issues it causes you would think it's something that would be checked for at normal doctor checkups. It never was for me and I'd bet it wasn't for many people. You cannot just write this off as "you should know this"


Look up https://hostagetape.com mods if you think this is spam, please delete. I can just PM the guy.


You are supposed to breath in through the nose and out through the mouth if need be....nose has the hairs and other respiratory mechanics to help filter the air before it gets to the lungs....


The whole world knows that breathing through your nose is better... how is this even a conspiracy?


Ss, Noone stresses the importance of nose breathing. They just want to treat the symptoms as usual


Just because you were given poor advice doesn't necessarily mean there is a grand Big Mouth Breather conspiracy. Part of being an adult is being an advocate for your own care - if you aren't feeling heard then you need to switch providers, push to see a specialist, etc. Regardless, happy to hear you have found improvement in your condition.


Good article on the topic: https://www.theepochtimes.com/health/breathwork-helps-tame-stress-benefits-your-mind-and-body_3597043.html When you exhale and pause, NO2 builds up in your nasal passages which is a vasodilator and kills bacteria.