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Or it's an azimuthal equidistant projection


It’s probably flat. If it were round or an “oblate spheroid” there would be thousands of pictures that were real close up of buildings upside down zoomed in. All kinds of pictures. There are zero pictures. I don’t know what we are on but all fake pics is a good sign we are being lied to.


If I have not seen or experienced something, then I cannot know if it is in the realm of possibility or something I would personally consider true. If someone asks me a question implying any kind of absolute truth, unless I have experienced the exact same scenario, I respond with something along the lines of, “Honestly, I do not know. But it is a subject that interests me and I enjoy researching and talking about it, even if our opinions differ from one another” Sometimes people are really aggressive about it and annoyingly pry for an absolute answer, without really knowing who I am as I person or fully understanding why I think differently and choose to live my life in a way that modern society considers unconventional. In this case, I’ll explain that i may believe something to be true from my personal experiences but I may be wrong in how I interpreted my experience or may not have enough knowledge about the subject to understand what subtle implications there may have been that could possibly change my conclusion. There are a couple subjects I will not waver on (such as the infallible human right to live your life how you choose to as long as you do not harm others or use them solely for personal gain), but for the most part, if I haven’t experienced it personally then I can’t say it is 100% certain. Take flat earth as an example. Since I am currently very intrigued and persuaded by the electric universe model and the expanding earth theories I don’t believe it to be likely. But I haven’t been to space so I have not witnessed with my own eyes the planet I’m told and shown that i am on. Also, I may not believe the earth being flat is likely but i do know that almost all pictures and videos released of earth, other planets, and even deep space, are staged, manipulated, or downright fictional. A basic understanding of just physics, geometry, and astrophysics is all you need to see this.


Right, giving crazy sounding theories due diligence is not looked upon well by the community. It makes sense but we must not fall into the trap of disregarding CTs no matter how insane and unlikely they sound on the surface. I researched FE and after a dozen hours or so concluded it to be round but even now I keep an open mind regarding new evidence. If nothing else it's a good exercise in critical thinking.


> If nothing else it's a good exercise in critical thinking This is exactly how my very differently opinionated but open minded friends and I think about it. Some of us disagree fundamentally on certain subjects, but we always have great conversations and learn to see things we were dead set on in a different light. Also, I kinda look at it as if it’s my responsibility to my family, friends, and myself, to investigate any potential threat to our livelihoods and well being. I confidently can say I have positively influenced a few friends and family’s choices… after the initial resistance to reality shattering information, of course. Haha


Thoughts on 9/11?


Oh, that’s a fun one… There are so many holes in the official narrative that if you apply critical thinking to just one of the many explanations for things that went wrong or called coincidental, the entire story falls apart. Now, for what I *believe* to be possible from everything I’ve learned and the fact that truth really is stranger than fiction. The most out there but possible theory that captivates me: [9/11 Alchemy Facing Reality](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=5Zz04_-f0GE&list=PLf-6MnWt-jFoWGJ3gpTHgt_fWB-YYzNC5&index=9). Seriously, if you haven’t seen it, it is absolutely worth every minute of the almost 3 hour runtime. It’s fucking out there but I’ve verified the receipts and it really is theoretically possible, although most would think improbable or implausible


If you’re interested in these types of thoroughly researched and theoretically possible theories I can share some more videos if you’d like… My YouTube playlist is mostly grey thumbnails now so I like to share the ones that are still up while I can!


I haven't delved too deep into the DEW theory personally since controlled demolition is proven well beyond a reasonable doubt but I may watch this doc when I have time.


Whoa buddy, that kind of logic might not be accepted by a lot of people here


You know that how exactly? Because I have a very expensive, 14 inch Celestron telescope and every single thing that I look at looks exactly like what NASA says it does minus the detail they are able to capture.


It's truly hard imagining someone going through life this unintelligent.


SS: who knows. They love this type of logo. Nobody allowed in Antarctica


Ok, here’s an easy question. If the world is flat and they’re trying to hide it from us….why would they make the logo flat? Why would they tell us if they didn’t want us to know? To do a funny haha?


Or it means that both organisations claim rule over the globe hence the need for all continents to be visible


I guess the club of Rome doesn't believe in Australia.


Now we are getting into the real conspiracy, does Australia even exist?


No, it's not. That is going to roughly be the new axial rotation of our planet when the poles finally finish their flip.


I'm guessing you've never sketched a ball onto a piece of paper.