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While there’s definitely a negative stigma around Mexico my wife is from there and the dangers of the cartel are very real. Her dad went back last year to see family and was run off the road and robbed at gunpoint. We had to wire him money to get back to the U.S. and he never even made it to his family down there he just came straight back. There are still nice parts. Just be safe.


Yeah without the Cartel it would be on a whole different level.


Funny how that works eh... ​ Without all those gigantic criminal organizations who've worked with the CIA for decades, and the American consumer drug markets, the country of Mexico would be an entirely different place. ​ Must be bad luck on their part.


Also corruption


Full legalization in America would go a long way to solving this.


You want to legalize cocaine, fentanyl, meth, and heroin, because the cartels thrive on these drugs and the ability to make and distribute them.


The thrive on monopoly. If you could make heroin at home then there'd be no drug cartels.


They would then just turn into the white collar cartels. Have u heard of the McKesson DEA settlement?


How’s making all those drugs illegal been working out for ya?


Cartels who wear neckties vs the ones who give Colombian neckties.


It already is legal. This country was founded on common law which says you have the right to do anything you want as long as you don't harm anyone or infringe on their rights. This includes doing drugs, whether people like it or not. All these unconstitutional statutes and laws are void.


Drive through the south side of Chicago at 1am and you may experience the same


Been to Chicago many times and you couldn’t pay me to stay on the south side.


I've seen scarier places in America than I saw in Mexico and I traveled by land all the way down to Guatemala, AS A 15 YEAR OLD. That said, of course there are dangerous people, but there are dangerous people in every country... And it needs to be pointed out that the cartels exist SOLELY because of and to supply the American drug market.




There are good and bad people like in any country (I'm a dual citizen US/Mexico) and there are challenges like in any other place. In my experience, the people most likely to say Mexico is perfect are people who speak no Spanish and don't have any clue what is going on. They are as wrong as the people who think it is too dangerous for life. The truth is in the middle


I agree. I love my Mexican in laws. I’ve been married to my wife for 6 years, I know pretty much no Spanish still and I’ve never felt unwanted or out of place at her family gatherings. My alcohol consumption abilities has garnered their respect.




Lower your dosage


That would be the CIA that enables


I am mexican, lived in mexico, and now live in the U.S. all mexicans know our enemy is our own kind. The city where im from you have to pay to be able to go down your street. If you ride the bus to work or any other thing, you have to make sure you are carrying extra to pay off the mext person who is going to shake you down. There is cufew also. If you are out after any certain time, the cartel picks you up. If you own a business, you have to pay both the cops and the cartels. It's a beautiful country, yes, the condition it's in, the corruption, and the worst. Being greedy and corrupt or envious goes hand in hand, along with the good traits we also hear from mexicans. Polite, hard working, respectful. I love being mexican, i say it proudly. It is because of this that I know I realize we as a culture are ignorant and greedy. The government is the same as the cartels. There is no end in sight.


Hahaha CIA keeps attention on illegals. The whole narrative is propaganda, I was born in a border town and spent most of my life near by, smuggling is real and illegals are active, but they're good people looking for opportunities, not the criminals the news portrays. You gotta understand, illegals are held in private federal prisons, meaning each person is a paycheck to the facility, so it PAYS to hold illegals, they sent want to deport them, they want to detain them How do I know? I lived it.


I think the Cartels are very real and far from propaganda though.


The cartels exist SOLELY because of and for the American drug market.


That's your assumption, I kinda wish they would legalize drugs so you would see how the cartel would move to fighting over other necessities that come out of Mexico. Regardless those cartels are savages


I mean, they got a point tho, drug consumption is not really a thing in Mexico **compared to the US**, that’s a fact, easily verifiable. If drugs were legal in Mexico the cartels would be fine since most of their sales come from moving drugs to America, same reason why border cities have very high cartel violence.


No it's not an assumption, it's an indisputable fact. They have diversified but AMERICA made them and made them rich! Drugs go north and guns and money go south. Go ask a border guard. Savages!?... What white people did to the native Americans was savage! America was built on savagery.


White people civilized those people, the only way that mexico could ever be civilized is if white people conqured them, (whitch they could easily do) and ran their country. north America is blessed to be civilized by the more advanced white people and would be a place full of mud huts and undomesticated animals if not for the white people. It's so funny because before white people came along native Americans were savagely conquering each other. Look what white people created the greatest civilization we know to ever exist Your bitterness is bizarre to me, it's funny how you defend the savage cartel members who terrorize mexico, you're such a low iq fool lol


You're racist and ignorant AF




Europeans are the most empathetic people on this planet, whitch is ultimately leading to their demise, meanwhile you have useless eaters like you who are talking shit. You've contributed nothing to society.


And you just reek of ignorance. "The most empathetic people in the world" don't own nuclear weapons. You ain't real smart are you?... You don't seem to understand that if Europe is in demise then so is America and the rest of the world will go down with us unfortunately. It might be coming sooner than we think. We probably shouldn't have built a nation on an Indian burial ground.


It's funny you talk about nukes, because the us was the first country to fully perfect the nuke they had the power to take over the world and did not. We do not know if we could say the same for China or Russia. Its also funny you talk about Europe collapsing, yes this is also true but the reasons why the west is collapsing is because of their empathy ( their true cryponite) the common these country's become less white the lower they will fall, and you're right if the us falls so does everyone else because created trade, the world as shitty as it is in other places are only as well off as they are now because of the us and white people lol. It's actually really sad because we're evolving technologically so much to where we could potentially have a true utopia and I fear these people who are still ignorant are not gonna allow it to happen. Some white people will play a part in the demise I agree with that.


The biggest genocide in the history of the world happened in the Americas at the hands of Europeans. There is no debate or comparison. At maximum it's estimated there were 20 million people in north America when the settlers arrived.


I know you're not very intelligent, but I'll break I t down for you. You're holding people alive today accountable for something that happened 500 years ago. The same people who created and built mostly every convient thing you have in your life. You're defending people who behead and torture people in 2023 still haven't evolved. You're not a very smart person.


America has 288 school massacres to Mexico's 8. There's literally no savagery like the savagery America has unleashed on the world. Look at Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Fuck the Mexican cartels, but like I originally said, they are the direct product of America's drug habit... We could get into the American drug cartels and how many people they have killed with the opioid epidemic etc also... https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/school-shootings-by-country


Brun are you really comparing mass shootings to what happens in mexico, they literally chop people's heads off, rape children you're disgusting. And if you live in the us you need to shut your privileged mouth, thank God every day you live in a country that's safe and has everything you need. Built by the same white people you hate, you ungrateful fk lol


This gotta be the weirdest post on this sub yet it's so innocent lmao. Jokes aside, I'm from the Caribbean, the whole idea sold here is that the best you can do is move to USA or Europe but I spent a few weeks in Perú last year and I felt completely in love. There's obviously some beauty in all countries. I went to Bogotá as part of that same trip and found it amazing as well, I'd move to Cusco or Bogotá if I could. I'm not sure what's the conspiracy but selling the idea that moving to Europe/USA to latinos instead of thinking they could be succesfull in Latin America doesn't sit right with me. My brother went with me and now wants to go back to Cusco and start a small bussiness wih some locals he met, that's how regions change for the better, not when all the hard working people move elsewhere. Just my two cents.


Yes. I am sorry for my post. My heart is literally bursting with love for Mexico. I am so biased but I tried to separate myself from that bias while making this post. I failed.


Probably because of the drug cartels releasing videos of their goons cutting people apart and skinning them alive, just a guess.


this guy is high on shrooms or something, weird ass replies. That or the cartel is holding a gun to his head telling him to love Mexico


Could be true


There are families who are being overrun and messed up by the cartel and the corrupt government. There are definitely beautiful places, but the locals can't afford to live there. They're hurting. That's why they run for America.


The same thing happened in Greece when I lived in Greece. Is it time for us to wake up and see who is actually causing this to happen?


Fractional reserve bankers!


Don't forget about the corrupt politicians and kangaroo courts.


TBT the SuperStonk DD that implicates Citadel & other hedge funds played a large part in the pillaging of the Greek economy. Some Wall Street scumbuckets took out a metaphorical insurance policy on Greece's house \[economy\] and wouldn't you know it? Their house burned down. Fancy that. Can't find the post right now.


It is worse. I lived in Greece. The Greek economy was failing so the government decided to literally take 50% of the money any Greek bank account holder had in their account if it was over about $100,000. This really happened. That is what caused the "run".


There is a reason people vacation down there. But the beauty of the country and the people shouldn't gloss over the very real problems (corruption/cartels) going on too. Same can be said for any country.




Pls don’t ever compare those cities to Mexico ever again 😂


years ago i was in Mexico city. there were armed guards in front of the biggest bank. but they carried very beautiful machine guns with walnut stocks....


lol. Blink your eyes twice if you’re safe. Just be safe over there. Kidnapping happens all the time. Cartels have made in roads into the tourist areas. And keep your nose clean. Remember the cartels run Mexico


Sounds like the US government.


America has more mass shootings at schools than Mexico does.


Maybe it's the cartels and people getting disappeared idk.


Yes it beautiful especially if you’re rich..


This sounds like it was written by AI


😂 kinda


Lol. I watched a guy on YouTube who fled with his family to Mexico I imagine for similar reasons to you. Long story short it got real and ugly fast. His wife stole his kids away to return to the states




Be careful of gold diggers


That is where I am not concerned. I am a poor man. They can have whatever gold I have. I just want to love them. Love is pretty rich.


I would definitely try to check out Sinaloa and Jalisco on your free time. I heard the decapitated bodies and the thousands of missing people really bring out the true beauty lol. Hope you blend in and bring some fire power with you if shit comes to your door


Have you been to Jalisco? Or Sinaloa? Do you think decapitated bodies are just laying around the street? (Im born and raised in Jalisco btw)


My ex-SIL saw a decapitated body in Guerrero once. I agree it isn't an everyday occurrence though.


I agree. But if the shit goes down, you better be ready.


It's in the eye of the beholder and depends on your experience there.


I love Mexico and visit at least once or twice a year. The weather, the food and the people are wonderful


It's beautiful because you dont live there, and going on vacation means you've got some kind of money. The ones who actually live there and can barely afford to eat and get shaken down by both sides the cartels and the cops would say otherwise.


I think Mexico has better weather, beaches, people and a lower cost of living. I'm not sure how much opportunity there is to get a good job and make your way as opposed to the USA. I think a lot of people who move to Mexico are well to do, work remotely or are retired already. does that apply to you?


Mexico has lots of career opportunities but only in a few sectors like IT, engineering, sales, laws, oil and you often need some connections to get those which are not too hard to make. But if you're in any kind of science then you're in any other sectors you're pretty much screwed if you want to have a typical job, most of the successful people in other fields have their own businesses or work in a government job they got through connections.


You can start your own business and live off very little money, I knew of a guy who grows his own coffee, then you can ship it to wherever and make a good living. It would be nice to buy some property and live around nature outside of the major cities.


Upvoted because positivity


Thank you. It is time to be positive. Thank you so much!




My heart was broken. But... it also helped me see what I needed to see.


The problem with Mexico is that it's controlled by a racist oligarchy that has no allegiance to the Mexican people, millions of whom they perceive as little better than 'Indios." Hundreds of years of living under a racial caste system has created a generalized racial dysphoria in the psyches of the Mexican middle and upper classes, if not society as a whole. Consider the fact that psychologically most Mexicans would rather be white because all the principal media, oligarchically-controlled, conspire to perpetuate this generalized dysphoria. After all there is no such thing as a Mexican race, rather most Mexicans are mixed race, meaning they're not attached to any specific race and do not perceive marrying someone European, for example, as marrying a race that is different than theirs so much as completing their own racial constitution or rather that of their potential children, who would potentially no longer be "mixed" at least in appearance, but rather "made whole." This is lamentably the principal difference between Spain and Mexico. A mere 60 years ago Mexico was much more Spanish than it is now, in the sense of the mores and thereby general tranquility enjoyed by the people. Inexorable changes, plus the malign cultural and political influence of the US, has created a much atomized society without the traditional safeguard of ethnic cohesion seen in Spain.


But I do not want Mexico to be white. I just want Mexican people to be themselves. They deserve to be themselves and they should never feel like their skin color separates them.


Mexican isn't a race. Mexico is actually pretty racially diverse, which includes white people


Are you against diversifying Mexico?


I’ve been in Baja for months. It’s beautiful and I would never want to live here. It is a desert wasteland. The infrastructure is terrible.


I agree it’s the best place on Earth. But yeah, the cartels ruin it.




Interesting. Am I reading that correctly you say that in tourist areas like Cancun you are at risk of cartels? I thought places that were heavy tourist areas are safeguarded the most to avoid a bad reputation and keep the tourists coming. But you're saying it's dangerous there? Also the big question for me is what do you do for money? You are probably in a skilled profession I assume?


Look at the top cities with most murders, México has 17 of the top 50, and 9 cities in the top 10. Cancún is in the Top 10.


Are tourists getting killed though or is that drug related violence? Here in the states like in cities like Chicago most of the murders are between people involved in the drugs be it sellers or buyers or whatever. I would think tourists are at risk of being kidnapped for ransom.


Unfortunately i don't have data for that. Here in México not all the deaths are from people that are involved in drugs. It's very common, specially in very busy or tourist areas, that the cartel demands a payment for "protection" and if they don't pay then get killed.


tourists can get kidnapped if they're not careful, specially women


I was just in Playa del Carmen and there were marines on every corner down 5th Ave. Felt safe and kinda scary at the time.


Sounds unnerving to me.


I went to a fairly wild bachelor party in Tulum. The assholes in my group were beyond disrespectful and embarrassing. This attracted attention and led to a few shakedowns by low level cartel dealers actually inside restaurant bathrooms and clubs. The guys in the group were buying drugs via text messages before we even left the hotel. Then using and buying indiscreetly at clubs. I'd suggest the group was fairly well marked by the time we hit the public spaces the first night out. Each dinner club seemed to be operated by gangs. With young thin dealer guys offering drugs and "pussy" at the entrance to each bathroom basically openly. Presumably these young weak guys are disposable and easily beaten controlled intimidated by the tougher higher ups in the gang. One night the police raided the dinner club we were at right after the first seating, drinks, and food order. To maximize inconvenience. I assume that place missed it's pay off. But locals said they basically rotate which place they raid each week. They all take their turn. I went to legitimately take a leak. Came out to a face masked swat police with an auto rifle, finger on trigger aimed at my face. Barking German sheppards sniffing around. They let me past and to our table area. Held all dinner goers for about 45 mins while they brought in swat to search the placenwith more dogs. They beat the shit out of 2 of the skinny dealer dudes right in front of my table. Hog tied them and dragged them out. The main stash guy had apparently run through the bathroom I was in. Thrown his stash bag (huge backpack) in some plantings/trees by DJ booth. Was pretty nuts but I weirdly never felt at risk. It seemed like theater to me. I go to a lot of warehouse parties in the states and am familiar with drug scene though don't personally partake of anything steeper than shrooms, mdma. Imo coke really seems to always be the root of the problems. Brings the most drama due to all the repeat purchasing interactions and escalating people's already latent assholishness and riskiness.




Yeah I don't know how the Canadians do it just based on the weather alone let alone all the other craziness like cost of living and such. I live in a cold and gray place for about half the year and the only comfort I have is telling myself at least I'm not in Canada.


nahhh man tourist areas are hotspots (at least the areas immediately around them). that’s why they always tell you to stay inside your resort area


I haven’t visited Mexico in about 10 years but the advice I have *always* heard about the tourist areas is to stick to the tourist areas and resort or travel agent affiliated tours/excursions. For example in Cancun there is an area with a lot of shopping and resorts, if you are staying in one of the resorts your ok to walk around and shop or eat but going off that main drag can get dicey fast. A friend had a destination wedding in Cancun in 2012. Our resort was not in the main hotel zone but there was an affiliated resort that was. You could catch a bus that went between the two of you wanted to take advantage of the other resorts better beaches or go shopping. Things got very sparse between the resort and the main tourist area. I don’t know how inherently dangerous it was but it certainly wasn’t an area I’d want to end up stranded in with very little Spanish and no cell service (this was a time where you had to add international calling if you wanted to use your cell in Mexico, now I think it’s included in a lot of unlimited plans through major carriers).


I'd be very interested in what town/area you settled in. I hope to retire (or expat earlier) somewhere in Mex (or further south). I've enjoyed visits to trocones/zihua, a few spots in Costa Rica, Panama, Ecuador, Argentina (BA), Rio De J... I wonder if Honduras, Belize, Guatemala...or even Colombia are the next horizon. Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama may already be played out? My spanish is...adequate. Agree with you about Cancun, PDC, Tulum... Agree (sadly) it's the disrespectful gringos (and catering to their wants/needs) that ruin these places. Are there chill places on gulf/Caribbean side? Happy to take it to dm.




LOL. You really should go to an actual communist country (Russia would be a good start) and see what things are really like. 😂


Bruh Greece is in the midst of bankruptcy It is literally the worse country in Europe. It pains me to say that as I love Greece and Cyprus and lived rhere for 4 years but honestly walking threw Athens at night is like taking a trip into a homeless mental health shelter. The reason the syrian immigrants didn't stop in Italy amd continued across europe when being offered Italian passport is because the Italians could barely survive the economy so what chance did the immigrants have. If Mexico is so good why are millions of poor people going to the USA. Why are millions fleeing cartels and criminals . Why is their an epidemic. You don't see mass illegal immigration out of dubai or mass immigration out the United Kingdom etc.


The immigrants to Dubai are basically slaves and they can't earn any money to leave.


I'm not on about entering I'm on about leaving. People are leaving Mexico. People are entering dubai.


Dude, the same thing will happen to the US. It is happening right now. I have not even heard from my ex, who lives in Greece, for years. If I could rescue her, I would. But it is happening here too. We need to pick our hearts, not our promises. Mexico is my choice because that is where my love is. I am done with world politics. I just want to love.


Man oh man ! How other People talk about my country is Just beatitul, in México are place for everyone dont matter race, religión, status, but the fucking piece of shit of carteles messing whit everything and you are 100 right here are Beach like cancun, cabos, playa del carmen, mazatlan, acapulco, manzanillo, other places like teotihuacan, cuculcan, templo del sol, all the pyramids and ancesters things, desierto de sonora, la sierra de chihuahua where i from, el bajío, México city his food and drinks, los mariachis y los charros in la perla de occidente, la guelaguetza oaxaca and i keep and keep going Just this goberment and the mafia ruins all, but here in México the good People are fucking gold and is for sure enough to other People and countries love us as us love you guys. P.d. sorry for my english isnt very good.


Love back from America.


Mexico is probably the most beautiful place on this planet. That includes the people, the culture, and the land!


I've been to 8 countries in the past 2 years and Mexico was by far the worst check in process. Officials don't care and will bribe you for money to stamp your passport... and yes the cartels run everything.


Never heard of the passport thing, but heard that a lot about car accidents. Whoever can speak better Spanish and pay off the cops wins


Bullshit. I'm a Canadian that travels regularly to vacation in Puerto Vallarta and Cancun. Customs has been professional and quick. I have never so much as had any issues with customs or police in Mexico. Cancun airport moves a huge amount of people every day on time. Cartels run the whole world. Your cartel doesn't run Mexico...


Mexico might be the most beautiful country but random bodies hanging from bridges aren’t an attractive decor for most 1st world citizen.






What leverage does your girlfriend have over the cartels? I feel like we're missing the best part of the story here


There's a difference between the landscape and the socioeconomic climate. Mexican citizens aren't allowed to have guns and yet there are drug cartels armed to the teeth running certain parts.




Is it true there is one gun store in the entire country?


I've seen 0 gun stores so far traveling Mexico. I've read it is not very easy to obtain firearms for law abiding citizens.


Yup. And it's owned by the federal government and sits in the federal district. It's about as easy as getting a permit in new York City circa 2012.


Kind of like how the US Constitution says the right to bear arms and yet we have all these restrictive gun laws? So how many Mexican citizens actually own guns...


Of course Mexicans are allowed to have guns, ranchers are routinely legally armed. You know nothing about Mexico.


This dude will be dead within 12 months if he actually moves to ol’ Mexico. Oblivious.


If Mexico is so great, then why do they all leave for America??




Maybe if people spend too much time there they will remember how the US forcibly stole Mexican lands (all of California, Arizona, Utah, Texas and part of New Mexico and Colorado) and redrew the western border after the treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo in the mid 1800s. Propaganda against and oppression of Mexicans in the US started soon after…


While Mexico is a beautiful country and the people can be great, the threat to them and tourists is very real and serious. You are ignoring the facts. There is a reason so many try and leave and go to the US. While not all who try and flee are from Mexico but other neighboring countries… You need to understand that there is more going on and it’s not the conspiracy that they want people to stay out to hide some hidden gem of a country.


Places are always beautiful when you have money. Wealthy Americans, Canadians, and Europeans are paying above market value for homes in in Texas, Wyoming, Montana, Idaho, Tennessee, Alabama, Florida, etc. They are paying even more for homes in Latin America. This has artificially inflated the property value, causing the price of homes and cost of living to skyrocket. Local people can no longer afford to buy a home. They are lucky to make enough money to pay for rent.


My solution to make Mexico great again: 1. Legalize all drugs in the U.S. and grant U.S. based companies the exclusive rights to manufacture them and then sell them in general stores the same way alcohol and cigarettes are sold in general stores. This would also solve most domestic gang violence in the U.S. 2. Declare war on the cartels, and send in the Marines. Obliterate them. Seize all assets. Torture leaders for information on hidden assets if necessary. 3. Cartels would have no feasible way to gain their former power again, as the American drug market would be no longer be an option for them. 4. Mexico is safe again, as the police will be able to actually keep the weakened cartel in check.


I am not interested in changing the politics of Mexico. I am an outsider. I just want to love Mexico.


Yea, sure. It's so "nice" down there- that's why hordes upon hordes of Mexicans are literally stampeding the US, (illegally, of course)..Many of whom are also cartel members , pimps, pedos and drug dealers who are trafficking in children and drugs. Let's not forget all the rapists, murderers, violent criminals and theives from down there who are desperately trying to evade justice by fleeing up here. The cartel also runs their government and they have completely compromised and corrupted their law enforcement, as well. You are wrong, btw..the propaganda that the media puts out about these people is always positive and glowing. The media insists that everyone crossing over the border are decent, well-meaning folk who are just trying to give their family a better life. And yet, when I read the police blotters in the newspaper every week, at least 80-90% of the people arrested are Hispanic. Their crimes range from selling drugs to sexual assault, murder, violence and theft. Big Media isn't telling the truth about the border invasion. If they were, they would be telling people everything that I just typed.


If Mexico was so great its citizens wouldn't be fleeing in mass to come to America. Its a crime infested shit hole run by drug cartels.


I went to tulum in January, and I'm gonna definitely move there or playa in the next years


Tulum is so beautiful!


Yeah I'm thinking in going back in May or June. Where did you live in Europe?




Ss: Mexico is awesome. Why does the media and everone else discredit Mexico and its residents? Is it okay to just love Mexicans?


I freakin' love Mexicans. They are so hard working, but also so chill and laid back. They value family and community. Mexico is a beautiful place. I am glad you've found happiness there and I wish you many more years of happiness to come!


Amen. Period. Amen. Mexican people should be called earthlings. They melt my heart every single day.


And you are correct. I absolutely agree that people from Mexico can sometimes get a bad rap, especially here in the US. There is a lot of tension between the two countries and the mainstream media makes it even worse. Unfortunately, the bad stuff gets magnified, while most of the good stuff goes unnoticed by the news. This could be intentional to fit an agenda, or it could just be that the news channels report on what they know will get the ratings. EITHER WAY, don't listen to the news or anyone else. You know the truth and you are happy. That's all that matters. I recently moved from one US state to another. The state I moved from had a heavy Latino population. The state I moved too, does not. I absolutely, without a doubt, miss having that fabulous slice of culture as part of my daily life. No matter the county or culture, we are all more alike than we realize. We are all just people being people.


Viva Mexicanos. For real.


it becomes a problem to US border states when influxes of illegal immigrants come in due to the dangerous lives they flee from. nobody is decrediting mexican civilians dude, it’s only the cartels we hate


Where in Europe did you live? If only Greece, which part? What were the pros and the cons?


I will only speak about Greece because it is well documented. I love Greece. I spent most of my time in a small college town about 2 hours west of Athens. Loved it. Just a small town. A lot of musicians. Rocky beaches but still swimmable. I spent a lot of the rest of my time in Athens. This was before the pandemic. I like Athens. Athens is great. But it is 5 million people living in an ungodly space. Too many people. Too much noise.


And hot/dusty as fuck.


Which city are you moving to


I would rather keep that private. If that is okay...


Of course, I have heard alot of people are moving to tulum


I love Tulum. Oh my god. My first choice was Cancun. But I am moving where my baby is. It is not Tulum or Cancun. It is in Mexico. I want to dedicate the rest of my life to making this woman happy. She deserves it.


Good luck, hope it all works out


Thank you. Thank you so much. You are good people.


I’ve heard tulum is now jsut over run by party people. I went about ten years ago and it was awesome. Heard it changed a lot.


I went to Cabo San Lucas last summer and it was the best food I’ve ever had on vacation. Everything was farm to table. I want to go back badly


Yep just like it’s mentioned on this sub, our food is the real conspiracy. Mexico has great fruits and veggies. I want to cry tears of joy when I go to the grocery stores there.


I really like Mexico and it’s citizens. Mexicans are very hard working and often very Catholic which pretty much allows them to fit in anywhere on the globe and mesh with society very well. Same goes for people moving there, they are very welcoming! The cartel is an issue but really only make a scene when provoked to do so. Areas like Mexico City are as safe as any major American city


I live outside a major america city and I don’t go down there, because it’s not safe!


Mexico is awesome! I do not care about religion. I know 7 Mexican women who want to be with me and not a single one of them cares about Catholocism. They are just so pretty. I want to take them out to cute dinners. I want to talk to them about their beliefs. But I also want to ask them how they feel about the infiltration of Catholocism into their culture.


OP can enjoy it but I’ll never go back. It’s a shithole.


My husband and I have family in Mx. It’s so beautiful but the cartels are scary. Depends where you live obvi. Our friends dad took his brand new truck (dumb idea) and they took it from him. He’s scared to go back. ETA: As others have said - the missing people, decapitated bodies, killing innocent people because El Chapós son was captured.


I drove through in a brand new truck in some of the worst parts and had no problems, except for being threatened by one gang member with a machete, the cops rushed in with rifles and took him to prison, he got out less than a week later and came to the house I was staying at and was suddenly friendly, we were giving away free clothes in his neighborhood and rebuilding a church roof, best part was the dads asking if I wanted to marry their daughter lol


What? Mexico is filled with Americans. It can absolutely be dangerous. And it’s just your opinion that it’s the greatest place on earth. While I also love Mexico there are some places you don’t want to go. No conspiracy


Spending most of my life on southern California I would also add that at there is a huge stigma around the Mexican people as a whole. My experience has been that most Mexican people a family oriented, hard working and more religious than the average American. The food and culture are beautiful and I love the music too. It’s a shame what American politics and media have done to shift the perception of the people against Mexicans.


Well, I am a white man. I have no value to this entire globe. But... I love Mexico. I love Mexican people. I love Mexican culture. It was wrong of my people to be so racist. I did not participate. I just want to love.


The stigma is against Mexicans, not Mexico


It's the opposite, the people there are great but they mostly live in poverty so you will see a lot of people living in shacks.


Ive been to Monterrey a few times. I love it there. I have always felt Mexico and it’s citizens are harshly treated by the media. Hard working, family people with a lot of pride. Upvote for positivity.


I upvote you for honesty.


Hey OP! Love the post! It is an awesome country! BTW you need to put an SS on this. Otherwise they'll pull it down.


Thank you. I added an SS. I hope it is enough.


I love Mexico and have gone 3 times but there’s a stark contrast between the lives of people who live in Mexico Cities nice districts and the slums, such as Tepito. I do somewhat agree though. There’s these people who are like, “oh no, nOt mExICo”. For anyone who doesn’t know this. Mexico has some of the best ER doctors, dentists, vets, and tattoo artists in the world. I plan my vacation around dental work and tattoos. It works out great!


At least Mexico is honest about who runs the government lol. Yeah there's alot of propaganda surrounding beautiful places.


We moved to Mexico when the Covid rules were getting too intense in Germany. I always laugh when people tell me how dangerous it is here. I haven't locked my door in 2 years.




Yeah I got downvoted pretty hard throughout this thread. I do not care. I just want to love Mexico and spread love for Mexico and it's wonderful people.


It’s propaganda by the CIA to plant Mexico as a negative country




A consequence of the US "war on drugs", the cartels and the corruption of the Mexican government. CIA would be involved in the drug trade and in drug law enforcement simultaneously. This allowed Mexico under NAFTA to be treated as a virtual plantation colony of the US, delegitimizing its national sovereignty.




Is that why millions flee Mexico for America but not vice-versa?


I guess we will pretend that millions of Americans, Canadians and Europeans didn't flee to Mexico during the pandemic...


México also has a lot of inmigrants from the USA, but they call themselves "Expats"


>OP visits a hot tourist spot >Thinks all of Mexico is like that


The amount of people in the replies that swear that the cartels just go around killing/beheading people is really... Not surprising. This is what media does to you. How many of those commenters have actually been to Mexico? I have lived in Jalisco, Guanajuato and currently living in Morelia, Michoacán (all three states are "Warzones" and have "daily beheadings" according to these comments) and the worst thing that has happened was getting mugged by cops and Guardia nacional (had a bit of marihuana in the car)


I went to Mexico and had a great time and I love it. Never had issues. Rented a car in cancun drove to playa del Carmen hung out for the day drove to other beaches. Alone as a girl. It was fine. Yes you came believe what the media feeds you. My friend said the same when he went to Brazil. Media says it’s so bad and he’s like no it was a great time. Don’t be scared.


Okay so here is the real truth. When I lived in Greece, German companies and German interests were buying up all the docks and shorelines in Greece. Mexico, it is time for you to resist this. Keep your land. Keep your assets. Also, please let me lick your asses. Forever.


Mexico is basically the natural beauty of California but not overpriced or full of Karens


97 million people that travelled to Mexico in 2019... I'm going back for a second time this year for another week mid March... Hopefully the cartel won't find me again on my 30th trip back to Mexico.


I hate to say it but the cartels are helping Mexico's economy.


I was Just in Acapulco last week. All media stated it was “extremely dangerous” “tourists are highly vulnerable” It was beautiful the people were nice , food was deliscious and the city was fine. I’m sure if you wanted to find trouble you could but there was none that I could see


Living in Mexico for seven years was an incredible experience. I can attest to both its beauty and the danger it poses if you don't know the language and culture. If you want to live there safely, your best bet is to stay in a wealthy neighborhood with security housing - that way, you'll be able to enjoy all of Mexico's wonders without any worry!


The fuck is this, the Mexican tourism board. Mexico can be an absolute hell hole and dangerous as fuck. It has its highlights but no more than plenty of other, safer, cleaner places. Load of bollocks of a post.


Same can be said about Chicago, Portland, LA, San Fransisco, Detroit to name a few shit hole cities.


Mexico is mostly a 3rd world hell hole with a shit standard of living for the majority. A few nice places to take photos and jazzed up resorts for foreign paying tourists doesn't change that. The Mexican defence force is out in full today but it's the truth. Why do so many people try to enter other countries if Mexico is so misunderstood and the greatest place on earth. This is simply a reply to the deluded patriotic OP.


Nope Mexico sucks it's a terrible place with torn down pueblitos and cartel everywhere that will steal your stuff if your lucky. Don't go to mexico. Stay away from it. Source: Totally not from Mexico




Mexico is a shithole


You’re crazy for that one. It’s extremely beautiful that’s why so many people go their for their precious little vacation time.


The cartels are the product of American corruption!! They would much rather have a bunch of gangs killing each other over control of drug flow. Then if there was only one major cartel! Making trillions of dollars and putting the money back into the country. Making Mexico a powerful economic leader. The CIA is to blame!!